Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 30 Oct 1909, p. 12

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haan wa » Who Guarantees Your Swit? {7 i2 nok so much the wording of a guarahee, as it is the responsibility of the firm making the guarantee, that counts. The guarantee that goes with a Suit or Overcoat, is much like a note to be discounted The Bank is not as much interested in the maker of a note, as in the endorser. The maker of a note may be all right, and he may the note when due, but the Bank makes ent a certainty by discounting only those notes endorsed by parties who are fimancially responsible. : Fit-Reform; Garments are sold with "a promise to pay" back the money if satisfaction be not given. This is. the guarantee given with every Fit-Reform Suit and Overcoat by every FitReform agent. And the Fit-Reform Company endorses this guarantee to you, ? the buyer. The Fit-Reform name and the Fit-Reform fame have 'a recognized financial commercial value. : This Fit-Reform policy of money back for any legitimate reason, is constantly making friends Gips For BY UNCLE JOSH. i A recent' discussion about sheep be- fore the British National Sheep So- ciety, brought out some very strong pints in favor of keeping s on the farm. While conditions hero are Iso jar as evailing in Canade, cepecially in pu Canada, that makes sheep raising any more risky than im the old land, where they have been the: ; of the farmer for many a year, It ix pointed out that * the shop not only returns to the soil | eighty per cent. or mote of the fer. tility 'contained © in the footl he's con- samee, but he consumes eldsses of foods that other animals neglect; he is a browser, and in. the newer dis- triets vf "the world helps io eradicate various shrubs that are a nuisance ane obnogious in tho pastures. On the cultivated farms he becomes a wend exterminator and conservator, suing and turning © into wool and mptton sexguty-five per.cente ol, the weeds in most agricultural districts, | tions upon the farm, as well ax con- | sorving its fertility --~Exchange. { | "nthe North-West {the bulk of the field grain is produced, the averages of quality are uniformly con- | { thus laying dlaim lo being one of the | | moat: vhelpiul, if not the most helptul | | domestic animal, in improving condi: { providees where i THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG. SA not the' same as in Great Britain, yet |. ° sheep, husbandry is concern. | «} there is "nothing in the conditions { { 1 thigh. Compared with last yoar, spring | wheat in Manitoba is 87 to 5l cent. of a standard; oats, 36 to and barley 85 to 68. In Saskatche | per 3,1 wan, wheat ie 93 to 61; oais, 94 te} {67, and barley, 91 to 58. In Alberts, | spring wheat is 89 to 77; oats, 90 to] [81, and barley, 84 fo 80. These high ! qualities applied to a total output of | [350,000,000 bushels at the highest market prices realized in a quattor of | Irv century, are an indication of the | {country's fortune, reaped irom the ltoil of the praitics this year. In all | Te § poi ucing machine that is perfect is the one that Edison invented and the one tha It is the one with the Bi oN sthooth and perfect sapphire Fag To i ; . nt, that doesn't require J changing with each record ge and. hat doen scratch : e our word for (it, Compare the Edison Phonograph with all other instruments side by side, on ithe same music, if possible, and then you will know better. than we can tell you. Edison Phonographs are sold everywhere in Canada at the same price. $16.30 to $102 50. Standard Records, gc. Amberol Records (twice as long), osc. - Grand Opera Record There are Edison dealers everswhere the nearest and hear the Edison Plhionograph boiir Edison Standard and Amberol Ree Get complete catalogs from your dealer or from us, NATIONAL PHONOGRAPH COMPANY 100 Lakeside Ave Orange, N. J U.S. A, | the provinces as well aw in the North: | West, the records of grain crops are | satisfactory. for these highclass, hand tailored garments. Enormous fur.collarg,are now placed on handsome coats and viraps. A collar oi skunk fur is shown héra on a theatre coat of blue This guarantee, backed by the responsible housé; is bound to create confidence in the garments and their makers. : Fit-Reform Fall Suits and Overcoats--the handsomest styles and. patterns ever shown in Canada--await your inspection. 84 Let us show you these exclusive creations. a 'CRAWFORD & WALSH Sole Agents for Kisgston & VEER 2 EE Better biscuits than Chris- tie's. money cannot buy. | pedligroxd | now. - Prices of such stock are low and tat the same time there is ovepy. indi | cation of continuctl | market for those of | these eatile which aro intended for the isweel) clover has been, grown will serva i i [one 'hwitdded pomids of, soil - frote the enough of the latter for -- jim sqouring a Never, save the | was. there a better herds Breeders' (Gazette, tinie for founding of beef cattle than firmness. in the the progeny 'of block. Joseph Wing, writing. m (he Breed crs' Gagette, says that soil in which for the purpose of inoculating thio secd of. alfalin. Since sweet clover Tis grown on the roadside almost everywhere in Ontario, dure should be no difficulty sufficient supply of sail with' whith (0 inoculate alfala sed. All that is required is to take, sas. ground where sweet clover is growing and mix it with twenty pounds of alfalfa seed to sceure inoeulation of an acre 'oi land. ---- . The Mark Lane Express. describes the work done by what is called the Ivel agricultural motor in plowing. This motor cap be used for operatiig many. kinds of farm machinery, as well as for stationary. work, bat it is par ticularly valuable in the work-of plow: ing. JU Will haul a three-furrow plow, oven in wet ground, at three and a troadecloth. The sleeve embroidery on this cqat, a combination of jet and irideséent blue beads, sewed on sa effect. Theatre'Wraps'arc fuller' tha vsually built with some suggestio cose, Se libe weight; Catlets, 15 yor db lamb, 0 by hogs, Sie. por ddbi; turkeys, 18 1b. chickens, 18¢. per'lb.; toe. per Jo." a) oy - Vegptablds--Carvete, She. "a bushel; turnips, Beis a" Hay: Feabbage, - Hc. n dozer; oniops, Toe. © a bushel; radishes; «Boda fhaneh; slettuee, "ie potatoes, 63c. bag. ir per mutton, Su. . Gimtin-Datys 40; Jocol wiisat, ie. buekwhea ty We pa barey & 36a virviy Be; polis, 0c veo, old, The. Flour and Feed=-Flonr, bakers) $3 we 85.40; farmexs,: $3.00 -83.10; Huu. garian patent, ¥1L10 to ¥5.30; ented], and rolled oats, $2.40 to $3.50; torn meal, 82 to $2!10; bran, $256 a. tow; shorts, 826 to $271 a ton; "straw, 310 to R12; 'hay, lobse, $14; pressed, S14. Eggs,' now lnid, -30e. doz: © butter, creamery, 30c. hl; farmers' butter, in prints, 27c.; packed, 23c.; rolls, 25¢.; toh, 23a : Wool---Washed, Ne. lb; sheep skins, fresh, 80c. to 81; tallow, . rendered, ie ; deakins, $1. ved] skins' 15¢. 1b; hirke, No.- 1, 12¢:;< hides, No. 2, Jc. pot 1b; horse hides, ¥3 each. ° nit cirease; live | s wt ---- Unhaphy - Marriage the : Lot. of "Many i tid, gives. ("righ and strilting n those worn last season and. are ny of 'ajloose sleeve Famous" Men. * "No sun swarmed my: rooftree; the parriage was a blunder; she nine: years, my senior." first. marriage, vin, 1849, witl Mary El leny "Nicholls, swidow of; Liew nant Nigholls and daughter "of Thomas Loye Peacock, writds' an English "pa. per. "But on 'one occasion he hroke the silence cottcerning" that 'uohaphy wpisode in his life' with the foregaiu pathefic words." Tt7is seme satigfoe: Lion 16-know that when the first Mrs, Meredith. died, © in 1860, this = aréat writer enjoyed sole twenty. years ol much happier domestic life: with Miss Vulliany," u. ladys df Erench * descent, whom he Hed in dad. Several © other meg | of "gedive con- temporary with' George Maredith had redson to regret the mitrimotris! yoke. John. Ruskin, fo, instances. af- tar falling in Jowe as a boy i Fo beautiful French girl whom he wonsd married in 18647 and who 4 » - was | Seldom: did | ther last of. the great: Victorian novel- | ists, George Meredith, refer. to Ins | o L The tasty and delicious OXO, so rupidly Mourishing, so stimuldting and invigorating g, 1s nade duly from the choicest beef the world can produce. This isthe secret of its exquisite flavour and its beef. prime | ~~ The 0X0 Cattle finest British cattle farms agyw They cover an acreage. rreat difference from all other forms of fluid he goodness of OXO is the goodness of b Ble. oo ¥ 1 : Farms arc far and away the re in the world. equal toa belt of land over a mile wide stretching from Halifax to Vancouver. These farms carry. over a quarter of a niillion of the finest cattle, which live in the sunshine and fresh-airevery minute of their lives. No wonder the dreaded tuberculosis, the ban of cattle life in other coufftries, is 'practically unknown on the OXO farms. OXO cattle are as lrealthy 'as perpetual sunshine and fresh air can make then. ORD has a wonderful effect on the vital energies. Without putting any strain on the digestion OXO gives . real nourishment ta the system, repairing bodily waste and stimulating the mental faculties. : OXO is good for everybody. Children love OXO. It makes them healthy and strong... For delicate children and ifwalids' there is nothing so rapidly nourishing as OXO and hot milk, Asa "night-cap" there is nothing to equal OXO. Take it just at bedtime, In the kitchen OXO saves more than its cost every day. "It is so handy for strengthening soups, making sauces, and turning "left-overs™ into tempting 'and delicious dishes. half to four miles' por hour, and make | " Sith PONE, FONERIGEE, drgmas and furrows with an average depth of six | Peck's 'Corn Salve. ute worship," receiving" fothing "in inches. In medium - soil it will plow |. Arlittle romedy that ' every: sufferer repls but chilly indifferchce and liye. six. acres-iti nine' hours, (at A.cost, in. | from corns should get to-day.' In a few | ridicule, married "at the aged of cluding wear and tear, of about 26.50 {days every offending corn will hese, | twenty-nine a lady of * rent adeauty, g tear, {In big boxes, 5c. at" J. B. McLeod's | Euphemia C. Gray. of a family "Whe | drug: store, - corner «King and 'Brock | nfimate with the Ruskins, The mar streets, (Wade's old stand) and corner | 188%. we are told, was atrangéd by Princess avd Montreal' streets, the parents of | the couple. wha a | somewhat hurried act. and breught All gentlemen cannot afford to wear | © happiness to either. Ruskin was | costly clothes. immersed in his studies and projects. | Silk andonlito, are while his wife was dévoted to. society, ! when paid for: and six years after the marriage she | left him, obtained a nullification un "EXPECTED '10° DIE" Ax Lids . sub-soil to loosen it, and the land will der Scotel law dnd ultimately bacauie the wife of Joha Everett Millais. a i a i Biliousness, Dizziness, Vertigo and rv out much earlier in "spring and| re eek i 3 ' will make a much better soedbed than V) Pain in"the Back. Then there was George Frederick Watts the famons Royal academician, could otherwise be obtained. Owes His Life To The Curative Powers Of who, when he was forty: years of ag, Dr. Hamilton's Pills Every ounce of raw mate- rial entering into our bakes must be proved good enough to sustain or better Christie reputation. That's why particular housewives in every corner of the Dominion of Canada accept the name "Christie" as an absolute guarantee of biscuit purity, quality and lasting good- ness. Our latest line of sweet biscuits Christie Zoo Biscuits will delight and instruct the children. The Zoo line embraces every letter from A to Z, making it an J-3aw mans wad oF baile iy sliould die alphabet for the young folks. {On cach biscuit SI5et What should bo the gross reve: special and delicate machinery embosses the figure duo > of an animal every child wants to know something | | Late in theafall; savs William Ren- nie, in Successiul Fanning, any ma- nure that is on hand should be spread on the land and then the soil ribbed lacross with an double meuld board iplow. The. oficct of this ribbing is to put all tho surface soil, - as well as | manure, in the éentre of the narrow ridges, This again prevents the ma: | ure and the soluble fertility from JX | leaching away during the winter. Not only this, but the frost is let into the both - all Canadian Offices: 21.27 Lombard St. Toranto. 41 Common St, Montreal. hundred laying. hens are not tob | Produce and Prices. Kingston, Oct. 30.--Prices were quot. led to the Whig as follows: Fish--Salmou trout, 124c. lb. 'skin- {ned digby herring, 20e. 1b.; whitefish, [124c. Ih; jiike, 106. Ib. Chinook sak {mon, 30. lb; kippered herring, Yar- {mouth bloaters, 40c. doz; perch, Oe. doz.; frogs' logs, 40¢. 1b: Atlantic sal i Furniture See Our Hall Furniture Hall Seats $3 50. Mirrér to match, 24.50 ; Mission Hall Seat, in Oak E. BE. Finish, for $5 to $15; Umbrella Stands, for $1.95 to £4.80: Hall Rack, for $4.50 to $35; Quarter Ouk Polished Book Shelves, 21.23 to $6.50. The genuine Sectional Bookcases,» best made. Bookcage, with glass door, for $3.30 to $35. ROBT. J. REID, 280 Princess v Talephons : at h t married Miss. Ellen Terry, who wae not then out of her teens. (As might have been anticipated, the union of two such artists, oply one of whom wys permitied to pultShe hig art. no Ges wip NY y tempting disaster, dnd afte a short i : 5 time the narriage was dissolyed. Sub 4 sold : grocers drug, i tores. sequently Watts warried i Scotch 0X0 n by gists and general res lady, with shora The lived for var | gC i wd . TE ie in great happiness, { . TTT, " a - : many, and they should producc.a groms| Lack of re aid [overwork were Tragic in the extréme wast bhyomar 1° Z hl Lat ? ple - . . . RB} | enrly revenue R300. he ses iat combined to almost | riger of le to' Jane ih, whos " about. Christie Zoo biscuits will entertain and wr Fv should lay 5001 kill Samuel S. Stephens, Jr., one. of Pa Rigid ia Tn ir : n enlighten the children. These delic- : { doven' eggs in the Joan Fifty dash Ue est, Knowiiaid wigs fnflventid Ying. but the 2d oralir Was ob WE REPAIR WEAK MEN : TH A? IR | og could ired to produce 300{citizens in stock." In his con- | gagod to a Miss Martin i way he . , : ious dainties are a wholesome and a {eqs walld he, Eqn From the chick: | vincidg letter Mr.#Stcphen says : to his vow, THe no eo of | tove a th nutritious food as well--* The purest Rens 50 of < the beet pallots would be "Alyear ago ® returned home after | cdupled with hits bind tert par and © TE 7] f all £ on» B® kept to replace 30 hens each fall, anda long trip, compkidly wom oii, ritability of. the Ismolis h darian hd of all pure oods. B -0 hons would be killed off each year. |fvas So badly aficcted by ehronic bil | to much unhappingss bot for ini X The flock would, therefore, consist © of | lousness, , so much overeome by con- self and his wire. Who confess that Sold by all Grocers 50 pullets and 50 year olds. The form- | stant headaches, , dizziness, that I de- | the years.weare to hit the "Liotness ¢ er would be the' winter layers, and Evaited ng gettiie well. 1 was | of death, ' * f O11 from the latter would bo taken eggs {always ti and languid, 'had no | - = CHRISTIE, BROWN .& CO, LIMITED, TORONTO SM. (or hatching in the spring. The year- fencegy and epirit, toe Th difficult io | The Chancellor From Wales." > vi us Ba wis J |v receipts would be made up ap jsletp for more: than five hours. My! "The business aan of the Cabinet," x : proximately ot the following items : joppetite - was so fickle that I ate next: | Mr. Lioyd-Georgr, has body having 750 dozen cggs at 0c. a on, $150. | to nothing and in consequence lost| the tusshe of his life latel ith hie 30. one-year-old hens at 50c., $25.0 | weight and strength. was pale and | Finance Rill; but he slways Yiaie bes 2% breeding cocherels at 81, $25. had dark rings under my eves that | a hard fixhtin {995 fat chickens at 30¢. each, $112. } made me look like a shadow. Born of a family of Welsh farmers, { Total, 3312. - "It was a blessing that I used Dr. David Liuyd-George ind his. sister Counting the "chickens beidre they | Hamilion's Pills. Tn obe week 1 felt | were in infancy lat intheriess. TheyAl are hatched ¥ No this is counting the |like a now man. The feeling of | were brought up by an nnele who was money aiter it is earned. --Furining weight and napsea jv any stomach dis- only a village shoemgker. but had : appara iy ape Ton) rer, | SDI "neh te ell Cf Ln JATD color grew botier; and: best of all I be : RE rd i DE gan to 'chjoy my meals. The dizziness David tor his preliminary examina ; : » 1 tion, which -enablad him to' become a languor and feeling of depression pass | rice: at twpnty-one ' ec away andy I fast regained my old: j- Young Llovd-Georz: carly showed : g : time vigor and. spieits. To-day 1 EO i aad du Mi : Spi Jeday 1 ami gh stuff that is in him, aod dn bis case submitted to us receives the personal well-~thanks to Ii. Hamilton's Pills." | struggling + days he. as - responsible ; wn elronicity The regular.use @& Dr. Hamillow's | fo ze Tren . entt of the villagers Ate thet pruseribed Pills keeps the system clear, healthy, } j a arial I can old Somponnded s un ate fg and thereby a at all vauier 2 oe Fg oi By as i ) Vi ¢ io ke. most iiss ho mow, 30¢. Ib.; salt eodiish, Tei to Iie] sickness. One pill when 'reliving will} he had requested. Legal proceedings sige and cure sone. Ve Baws LEAL] patie 1h. halibut, 20c. 1b; fresh haddock, make you feel like new. For health, kiollowed. but, eventually. Lord Chief No Pay. We Treat all Diseases of Men ang Women. 10c. Ih. bollheads, 12ic. th; red her-{strength; comioet Sand "goo "spirits | Justice Coleridge foand thet the vil- NSULTATION FREE = vie, We. box; mackerel, 13¢. lb.; lake !thepe is no medicine «like Dr. Hamil- {lagers had acter within their rights, . Write for » Question List for Home Treatment. herring. Se. Ib: Ginnan haddie, ide. to tons! Pills. Beware of substitutes and Because ¢f his pro-Boer prineiples, : ; a8 23c. 1b. fresh lobsters, 23c. 1b; sew don't let any idedlée palm off | some Mr. Lloyd-Georce was one of the most : ] 124c. 1b; pickerel, 12%e Ib. jother pill on which he tan make more | unpopular tien ins Englgnd duting the 2 13c a money, 25¢: per box, or hive boxes jar: TCC201 War, I WHC IS went to Bare : 4 hs $1, by wail Pom The: Catarrhozone | mingharni «to uddresat a meeting he w < 12c,.by car company, Kinston: Ont. : marrowly - escaped Iynching to de, cavcise, 6c pork

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