Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 30 Oct 1909, p. 10

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Are an added charm to the pleasure of attending the opera. Their de it the che htful deliciousness keeps one in rare good humor, so ver dialogue and catchy songs are heartily apprecit ated and the parts that drag, if any, are readily overlooked. When vou buy Moir's Chocolates, note the fineness and smooth- ness of the pure, rich chocolate coating and the rare delicacy of the widely varied centers. th: Taste them once and you'll always specify Moir's. MOIRS, Limited Havzeax, N.S. JHE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, 2 NEWS OF A NEIGHBORS | WHAT WHIG G CORRESPOND | ENTS TELL US. | . SE aa The Tidings From Various Points in Eastern Ontario--What | People Are Doing And What | They Are Saying. At Brewer's Mills. Mills, (ct. 27.--Recent MeCarey and sister and the Misses _Seelev's Bay, at J. Rochefart's land Mrs. Cochrane, Sunbury Thanksgiving Pay with Mrs {Fisher Charles Milne, { Messrs, Fodey, Lansdowne, at R. RK. 'Madden visited at G F.. Murray spent Sunday Hearn's, Cushendall Buried At Wallnut Grove. Wallnut tet. 27.--~The re of Emery Sharp were { brought a. howe from Walhalla, IND. October 15th. The funeral was held from his father's residence to the Union charch, where a large con ourse of friends the last tribute to one and highly Buck ix on the spent Thanksgiving with his parents, Me. and Mrs. Wilson Buck John Pelow was at Phompson's on Sun Brewer vist ors f tdoveeville, lisrney. My Ww Mil- Ww at tirove, mains the lat on and all. Aazl Arthur Buck respectéd by sick list b Lillie, | Fish | relatives paid | | who was loved | SATURDAY, OCTOBER i { | i | spent { Ashtabula, | : | i | | i | White Lake Locals. White Lake, Oct. 2%. --Farmers & are The flour that excels 1 in strength, flavor and nutriment The Purity Brand guarantees " More bread-and better bread" or your money back. Western Canada Flour Mills Co Limited Mills at Winnipeg, Goderich, Brandon doing their fall ploughing. Messrs 1 Love and E. Barker were vicinity week with their threshing machine Miss ' Johnston of Sharbot. Lake, !SQunday at her home here. strong, collector, was through | vicinity this Miss Goldie {born has returned few days { Harald Johnston, sore @m. is recovering. Gray spent last week at J) in last steam Arm this weela San home at Bellrock confined with a Miss Nora A. Cox's at her Budget From Bath. Baih, Oct Miss Ethel Topliff, Bancroft, spent Thanksgiving with parents, here, Mr. and Mrs Wil liam E. Toplifi. ' William _ Tuchett, R H. Hutchincon and John Stevenson, all of Queen's University, Kingston, j spent Thanksgiving with friends here \ number of.our voung people took in the Sandhurst night last Mi Rinbston, visited Phanksg ving 28 of her concert, Ashley at OG day hause on and wife, A. Wartman « Mrs. Clarke has | formerly Rev attend the Anglican 1 of on into the pied by Mp: P. R. Dare i Me Tear left, on Monday, to re-opening of the Enterprise church moved occu Perth Road Personals. Perth Oct. 26. Most' of farmers about here digging potitoes, which are yielding a Mrs Wiliam Shales time past, recovering nicely. { Ramuel Bruce daughter, Lenora, travelling in western provinces, the their Road, are good for drop ill some 1s and the have returned to William Guthrie's 0O000OC > O00 D0 OO CF Hall & Parlor Heaters When you require a Base-Burne) OOF , examine THE "ARTGARLAND™ & ART AMHERST" Acknowledged the best Stoves made. Sold Only at TO OO OOO0O+ 77 PRINCESS ST. & ES Yi JS § SS ------ Hundreds of dainty dishes can be ide } with SHREDDED + The only cereal food made in Biscuit form. Deliciously nourishing and satisfying. Try it for breakfast with milk or cream and salt to taste. ee sees cet eens tn es of +4 OOCC000 ny = Jonnston, of Lansdowne, is her 'mother. Mrs. Jobn Ray George Chown, of Kingston a few days Just week at William I'he following spent Thanks {giving with their parents here : John Shales, Miss. Myrtle Raymond, Mise { Lillian Guthrie, the Misses Rena { Mina Campbell, of Sydenham [Nehool: Walter Shales, of Ques { versity, William Wallace, Jusiness College, F Mrs visiting mond spent Funis ane High ns Uni of Frontenac Kingston | Waits From Wilbur [- Wilbur, Oct Mi returned to_- Queen's 2: Somerville has College > after here. =. .Juck to Toronto on business Brockville, "They ar m Fhe Wadnesday the grade here be helped up by the Miss: Nettie McDonald her aunt's, Mrs RB Ww Alcorn and his daughter, Flossie, from the west, are | visiting his mother and brothers here ! H. (.. Buffan. teaching at Lavant | home Phanksgiving. Miss { ® aniphei] oR Aleorn's, at Lavant Joyd, Lavant, R. Alcorn [ade a flving trip to Mississippi and attended a box Mrs. J. 'Rol {low and daughter, are visiting | friends Mississippi. Miss J. Rich her home here spending the summer 'won has gone i A. Donaldson at W. Donaldson's the hunting | going hroke and freight and son, ae here tor SeAS express north on down on near hall . to engine at visiting | Rodgers. hers . was for ch and social Cassin, at | ardson 1x at A Maberly Coon Chase. Mabirty, Oct. 27.--Fhe fever patient {all remain about the same Mr Mrs. Henry Moore have returned from | Winnipeg and purchased = William } Hughes" property, in the village John Manders received' the sad the death of her brother-in-law, Meknight. She left funeral on Tuesday Two loeal 'had an exciting hunt one {ing last week + bard run many falls fences, rocks, stones. two three igteresting | dog was 'discovered that the {the was Wesley Wal iroth's that {of Ma to even and and coon After over and fights, it supposed coon colt (Reuben), ASEPTO makes clot any s while them. Sterilizes ever) ~lis perfectly oedoricss. ding and various fabrics, dishes, one tablespoontul of ASEPTO to After the wash, pour the wish- and sink and drain pipes will be Invaluable in cases of infec ASE PTO kills all disea present in the bedding and dishes used k-room. ASEPTO costs bu package -- but when i washing comy ASEPTO would be dirt checp at double the price. ASEPTO bas been analyzed by eminent physicians and found to be all we claim for it. than ap can make BE comes io « act aq waslsng clot} be pots aud a bucket of wate water into the completely d tious dis germs pans, u sinfeg CRSES, as in the sic it § cts, a compared with drdinary wunds The Asepto Mig ohn, N.B SEPT SoAP POWDER Co, St. treating John spent corn field and 1 feed of coon stalks Ipufiy and Miss Sadie Daffy Fhanksgiving at Kingston. Mrs Thomas Buchanan and jamily at D | Buchanan's: Miss Cora Buchdnan = speading a few davs in Perth i i Seott © spent Uhanksgiving with her shen Mrs 4. Palmer. "Miss Craig go i« at' the rectory Holleford Matters. Aleferd, Oct. 26. --Farmers dizwing their potatoes. which Jabra crap. Rally Day was {served by the Sabbnih school | here Sunday The choir of the Me thodist held a Thanksgiving Concert evening Miss Alma Walker William Modeof. of i | cton model. school. spent ing day at their homes Misses FE. Martin and = Walker schoo! teachers, of Burridge Clarendon H B. Page the general hospital improving. . Mr. Vankough net hes moved to this neighborhood Mrs. D J. Walker i= visiting her Aan Mrs. (C. MeKright, Godirey Mr. and Mrs, (into the free to was i po on hurch last oad 1 Tie who wa taken to last week, is hter, y Visitors Mabel | spent | after spending a | ook bl A. L. evening | and | Mrs. ! ews attend the | sports ! had got | »| Gray Hair to its Natural A. Thomp- lJAS. this | THIS BOY WAS SAVED FROM JAIL BY OPERATION Christopher Halin, twelve years oli, bas been converted from ** of the worst boys in the city" one of the best by means of surgery. For nearly a year he has been regarded as a terror, and after a mumber of offences finally landed at the House of Detention, one to | iam F. Baker, of Philadelphia intervened, found the boy was suffer- ing from a fractured skull and abscess of the brain, the result of an accident, and operated on him. Now Christopher is home again, normal, sensible and as geod as g old nr -------------- A EEE YP ee meme et, an D. Walker' :x Mr. Curran and davs at Miss at Mrs, Alnort Mrs 17] Kilbsorr hings chilaren at AL Uelling's | ton. My Smith's Mis Redmon hi at s home dau hter, | and { Mrs. Genge, at land Mrs. Pitcher Ne tti pond, at Jaumus Ife Ha 0 has {ston t rt ' or a tnx gon. in Lavaut visiting friends in Clow James Walker's Jottings Fernleigh fl EL will be 16 one ty < thy ( ht seriots he corn at thor be Sharbot Lake Nev Sharbol 1 { Derne"s was largely Godkin, who has fall, will Martin, oil avai f cattle on Mrs, wd here Robin ai ] an ome an TH the si ng tn Ah the sad intelligence react leath Mh wil! Raion For thir Mrs. Robin®on have spent months at Sharren bake, cerest sympathy felt his 1 am all ston who io ingon by |}. Milligar ill, improy pending .a prog cv Miss hp< vh the viuler th Reilly for the makes h is Mr. and sement of in Perth Vibert holidays Culbert, Howard Cornel College, Bellex close hutehey Cave, factory Fernleis trips the = gular 10 9 (72. 7ezse, I. 7 hral Gover met Whi r a on Pctind- 100d, A CHEF Qaprsiton Wh GOVERNMENT AND UNIONIST WHIPS s of a party whip English But th ov become doubly so the House of Commons, and dur- | -eriticised financial pill, Sir Alex- | ing the i tes on that mu ged L | ander Akland-Hopod are. perhaps, two of the husiest ng about largest responsi- parliament | while such | the | measn et are before so members in Parliamen the bilities 4 & where he was threatened with being sent to a reformatory. Dr. Will- | { A. | ch Widnes-| had | 'That despondency in wemen is a mental condition often traceable to some distinctly female ill! Women who fre well do not have the blues, neither are they irritable and restless. Derangement. of the female organism breeds all kinds of miserable feelings such as back- ache, headache, and bearing-down feelings. Try Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound. There is no doubt that it has made many remarkable cures of female ills after all other means had failed. There is hardly a day that some woman does not write'us that 'this simple old medicine, made only of roots and herbs; has cured her of a severe" illness after several doctors had done their best and failed. Here are two such letters --read them -- they are genuine and reliable. Belleville, Ont. -- "I was so weak andiworn out. from a female weakness that I con¢luded to try Lydia E. Pinkham's Vege- 'table Compound. 1 took several bottles of it, and I gained strength so rapidly that it seemed to make a new woman of me. I can do as good a day's work as 1 ever did. 1 sincerely bless the day that I made up my mind to take your medicine for fe- male weakness, and I am exceedingly grateful to you for your kind letters, as I certainly profited by them. 1 give you per- mission to publish this any time you wish," -- Mrs, Albert Wickett, Belleville, Ontario, Canada. Rockland, Me. -- "1 was troubled "Yorl: a long time with paths in my back and side and was miserable in every way. 1 had doctored until I was discouraged and thought I would never get well, 1 read a testimonial about Lydia E. Pinkham's Vege- table Compound and thought I would try it. " After taking three bottles I never was so well in my life. 1 am recommending Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound to «il my friends." -- Mrs. Will Young, 6 Columbia Avenue, Rockland, Me. : 1 "or 30 years Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable C Paro. has been the standard remedy for female ills. No sick woman does justice to herself who will not try this famous medicine. Made exclusively from roots and herbs, and has thousands of cures to its it, Mrs. Pinkham invites all sick women ; to write her for advice. She has guided thousands to health free of charge. - Address Mrs, Pinkham, Lynn, Mass. . 2 5 HEN a child cries or frets, you instantly dssume EN . that itis ill. ' The majority of that fretting and crying is not caused by illness, but rather from misfitting, irritating g underwear. A child's skin is exceedingly tender, For that very reason it is ab- solutely essential that its Undefwear be made only of the softest and finest yarns. you know. "Rubens" (pat.} Vests for Infants are made of the highest grade materials, skill- fully and carefully knitted. The soft, smooth texte, the perfect, snug, comfortable fit, the warmth and the everlasting wearing qualities make ** Rubens" (pat. ) Vests Made in cotton, part 'wool, all wool and silk. The illustration covers the description. the ideal infant's underwear. There are no buttons to irritate. Tell your dealer to show you "Rubens" (pat.) Vests for infants. - If you prefer any other style, we make them 4 THE WATSON MANUFACTURING CO, LTD. PARIS, OXT « Thi nunits hogy Lho (at ol mpson ronto, y waree Jones, who | 858 aii i ent death ¢ \ who of this place. a fow Miss i= much bette {e I mit} n Ww a led } lent { family tend t week t 1 Parson spent outh, whers vill spend the fda it D. Geodkin a week Mrs. I. Rewn ) Wes IP. Mr Jones is at D. God- Pappa and May God- Plet na Michal veeks {ton has itoba tov and da a visiting her sister. | Godki t J. Derne's Kellar i= at Mrs. W } 1 | spending tH. Deyo returned MalloPytown Tidings. Mallorviown, Oct Bros unloading a MH. --Forrester car. of oo are busy i traveller, (eibeon, was and will ted ins fathey ~ Tess Daniel 24 Pig Friday vorth Hay's fin compl 1 i rer, ston in Ss OF Lo 1 ist ry Aviry 1s ving from és er ol . home t 1 he upied by i. 3. al ors \ s ago. Le Ww hit Never Fails to Restore Ee parents | take Treve his Color and Beauty. No matter how long ithas been gray or faded. Promotes a luxuriant growth | of healthy hair. Stops its falling out, | and positively removes n- { drufl. Keeps hair soft and glossy. Re- {use all substitutes. 2% times as much n $1.00 as 50c. size. Ys Not a Dye. i1 ans Spe. Bottles, a druggists 3 pec. Cony Newark i Hayy's llarfina Soap. } bd, rough and ¢ | ease Keeps sk n | Sema 2c for frea book + B. The C are oli t Mc he Skin 31. eod. Pos IFOUR-9 [od 1d 18! BAKE 100 - = - Bake Days v| what's more dis- » heastcning than an unevenl heat: ed oven? prepare the rt and the pies willy great care--and then the oven burns or only half' cooks them--notso with the "Imperial Oxford" The small' illostration above shows a dividing" strip along top of oven extending _ down side and a'long bottom, follow » the little arrows and you will see that the fire hesit must travel equal- ly over every piart of the oven--this guarantees an. even baking heat. Any Gurn.y-Oxford dealer can show 'jou features that have made. this range the best by actual test. Don't fail | to see this range GREAT before bu ying. = MPERIAL THEORD RANGE . 'Simmons Bros, Xo hope 194. 211-213 \ Princess St, ""The Yellow Store, - Kingsion . od Pt /

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