SATURDAY, OCTOBER 30, - 1900. Lo clock, aul between that hour and midnight the cake can be turned once When the clock <tfikes twelve 'the has band of her who i= to be married {inst will enter 'the kitchen and approaching et ay A Case of Dreadful Sufiering Whi Ee Sau Had Continued For Mont be spoken, hence the name "dumt An Account of a Remariabl Recovery Given By Ar. Atm In rake, = xvii Sehl f Lainie 5 It requires a person of courage te visit a gravevard at midnight. But i anyone cares © to tread among the graves "at the witehing hour of night when church-yards vawn," he may- note the word--see all' the ghosts scampering from stone to stone, each trying to find hx individual grave Ww order to be at home on the succeeding All Saints' day, Bat when good-pight i< said below stairs the might's fun is not ended hy any means, for many of the rites o my lady's chamber are quite as attrac tive as those in which the sterner se were permitted to take part earlier iv the evening. Fach gil upon arriving in her boudoir should pluck two rose jwith long stems, naming one for her {soli and the other fo: her lover. Sh must then retire to her sleeping-roon without speaking to wnyons and kneel ing beside her bed repeat the following lines, gazing, meanwhile, intently a Jet loger's rose ; | { | "Twine, twine and intertwine ; let my love be wholly thine 7220 Tallow er? re Ii his heart be deep und true 1 g 10 © MR. AND MRS, ALFRED WQOD, Deeper grow his rose's hug il " ER ; ot: 3 oi 8 RQ . Fi fee on ine and Mr. Alfred Wood, who has a private school at 2% Frederick street, Tang "The auld guidwife's weel horded nit 3 ? vias \ or th 4 ; : Lic 'blush more jutense: ceston, Tasmania (Australia), has been a teacher for &7 years und Flos Bog Joan Qpvited in ; ? : Bo Ze nd | The last rite of all {or/ the Maid of Educational Department of Tasmania. He Witten, concerning his wite's Are then that night decided : i Hallowe'en, and to many this has y as follows: "Some kindle couthie side by side ¥ 3 ¥ j proved the most satisfactory and con "My wife was suffering for months from gastroenteritis, and was given An' burn the gither trimly : a: Te ' { y : ! vincing test of all, is that with the up by her medical attendant. . ~ Some start awa wi saucy pride 8 5 Ean B 2 oe of water. The identity of the "By good fortune I was induced to try Peruna in her case, and I can truth: An' hump ol OW . Ta chimley 3 : 3 : Eo maid's lover cannpt long remagh i fully state that from the first dose her dreadful suffering ceased; and after ye al ng B - : BR ) . B ! doubt with this test carefully and well taking five bottles she is permanently cured.' , To be of Irish or Scotch extraction Re ; ¢ 4 3 i [RL | téxecuted, A glass of water containing J ~ is to fecl the keen delight in all Cel -- is 3 X ? TEN ¢ \ 3 a small sliver of wood is placed on a OW does Peruna niske such extra-| As a remedy for stomach and tic customs and adds certain zest to little stand at the bedside. In the ordinary cures as above recited ? | disease, the fame of Peruna is nudou bis the spells: sud | lantutions of amt {night she will dream of falling from a By simply aronsing the forces of edly destined to become greater than ruly Celtic 8 « 8 aside {bridge into a river; but scarcely will Nature to throw off the diseased action. | that of any other medicine in the world, the 31st of October as the night oi ithe touch the water when her future 3 d A great many cases like that above doom, when ill or sonsy fortune lurks { husband, whos. face she can plainly Peruna contains no magic and does | Tes in kale root or candle light. Unques- see, will leap after her and rescue her. mot operate in any mysterious way, but | Jerre - have found Peruna of untold ticaably All Hallow" ven, or Hallo This done én any of us fail 10 he it does help Nature to combat disease, | Jara th othr bop semedot a | ween, is a relic of pagan times, dating | lieve in the Little God of Love? and thus many tiries comes to the res-| "Pe-ru-na For Indigestion. back to the days when the Druids were { ol hail then to Hallowe dn 6ue of the patient in some fmpgriant) Myr. Donald Robb, s 16 Wrights crisis. Aye, Halifax, Nova Seotia, member accustomed to kindle sacred fires on NOV! pr Is at th ; : a e in the course ta the ve of November Ist tha ey : Hand That Wives Tears Away. There is always a tim 4 rd Independent Orde of Forresters,write#s, might ward off evil spirits as, in the 5R " Christian Standard. of any disease when a little help goes ai ~ (oro | CC 1 Boston bi opular imagipation ot Shoe and i 3 ; - I praise the sermon good and grand, great way. ¥ uss ater times, this has always been con | x , 'hee y y . i have eaten so ing : 3 pec the song that sours above i Justas the scales are beginning to de- | aye SALON &¢ mething that did not agree idere the high val s f : : Prue, earnest prayer all o'er the lan with my stomach, as a terrible case of sit ore L t J Spe) L season - Eo 3 3 ¥, That seems to come from hearts » seend, when one ounce more would de indigestion followed. witches, Iares anc Lhe immaterial % love ; i eins Yi at inte i Humanity to wander : : : : a And you it : termine the fate of the patient, a little | «Peruns was recommended to me: yet to me, far more than all = | ' i ; 7 As life ebbs out its little day, litt will turn the scalés in favor of the |and after using three bottles I was abroad. Supernatural influences pre " x 3 3 Po & Is the love that lifts up those who fall, patient. | entirely cured. t Yail aid divination by re . oroor : g : ' i: The hand that @iges the. tewrs away Peruna is a handy medicine to have |. "I therefore recommend Peruna toany of ws 1s at its highes J § jin lowly hut and hovel poor, in the household. one suffering with stomach trouble," then. 5 PR | In darkened places o'er the earth' i wb " : In some parts oi 'England and Ire: | £15k : 4 ; ; e RE | where joy ne'er emters at the door, It helps many diseasts by fmparting a Mr. Chas, Brown, Rogersville, Tent, land they still call it "Nuterdck | Eh : 1 | No sunshine and no gladsome mirth ; matural vigor to the whole system, writes 2 ae frag t | 3 : 5 3 3 Where life is spent in toil and big As atonic or catarrh remedy, its repu- | "A friend advised me to take Peruna Night, and many pastimes are in- | 3 3 y 2 Br a By sickness worn too tired to pray-- bi J 1 dulged in by gossoons and colleens, | 4 : : jo 3 More welcome these than sun or rain, tation is well established a 1! over the for indigestion and it cured ne fn - wheveby their- fates are decided. In eho } 5 os . : g ] The' hand: that wipes the tears gxay. abort time" . games played that night nuts are : > : Cg iy {1 love to her the sermon grand brought into play 'and by these little ES £5 2 : " The song, the prayer--i praise them hi > {i a all ; tokens many a match is deciddd then ES J ; ; Aye ar zpore theloving Sand and there. For instance--desiring to fi ag Ra. | 'That lifts up those who faint and full g ascertain if one's sweetheart is faith {And when at ast life's day is spent, ful, let each one place a nut upon the Up there beyond the' gates of day ) : ¢ ; 1 0 ore \ onten grate, naming i jor lower. Ii ih | | ENO [rook cron bane eontent nut jumps or ctacks the maiden or | : = ! | wiped = swain is proved false, but if it blan : and burns merrily he or she loves. li nits. named for a boy and a burn together they will be married This bit of verse may be recited when this game js in progress A Very Popular Appointment. Ottawa Journal. Upon the elevation of. Hon. R. F¥ Sgtherland to a high court judgeshi A N i) - ' . the Dominion government is to be : RB Children 8 Dresses congratulated From the material to! R 8 These glowing nuts are emblems true ; i be found in the government following | 5 i % A mother never bestowed more care Of what in human life we view l gi : 2 N 3 ? by no belter selection could have bh | 3 : i7 ¥ ats ad t 'The 'ill-matched couplé fret aud fame yt vss ) AA made. Mr. Sutherland occupied the | 0 J and attention to details, in making And thus in strife themselves consume 2 . . ; : irs \ } ; ye nts irle his +41 Or from 'each other mildly start : ' Le a post of speaker of the Houte of Com 2 garments for girls, than will be And with a noise forever part 3 g ARH 5 A) mons in. such-. manner ar to enhanc found in * Duchess" Brand Children's Bue hoe, the happy. happy on re g : Al oY A | the traditional dignity of the office. It | Dresses nuine e ere, 5 \ 3 s 'tnd : * h 7 re . . i With natural fondness while they | : 474 Set bE 2 Serta this he will adorn he ; They are dainty and stylish--beau Still to each other Kindlv 'turn 3 ; - : " bench with similar gracionsnes He | . ifullv ire) at--<in 1 And as the vital sparks decay i ; is a gentleman of 2 legal attain: | y ) tifully made throughout--in Tweed, T pr ently sink away an ¥ BR BS orm ate ome Lior Gores fanthaeio ee Bierce ordeal heing past | ETE OI FR0 [Loe - ment and enjovs thie estentially indi SER, Serge, Cashmere and other fine fabrics. 'Their mingled ashes rest at last. i SH 2220 : fine vad cial temper. He should be able to 3 ; ~--and they cost no more than the A custom still prevalent in Sco ) ; achieve distinetibn on the bench. and San E bare materials would cost in any land: is 'pulling kale stalks." Couples | (4) during the evening will be identical jof vabbau pret Lioctive x | not ito break the peel- | many who enjoved the privilege of ac 2 reliable store. Every garment journey to the fields hand in hand, | with those of the future life partners. fadd a spice i pared off intact. it | quaintance with him during his pas J p guar wteed by maker and dealer sblindfolded; each person must pull the | I'hree-- Dishes,"" br ¢ 3 = fhoard whi 1 ist the propery choy tossed over the left shoulder | lamentary dave and a host of - ather 3 2 ya stalk that first comes to hand Fhe ! snother Scotaish observation stil in'gtany course t cii-secker chants friends will wish him guccess and pro bi yours filture partner is bound to be stout or : 11 he does slender, short or tall, according 10 | gre filled, respectively, with clean and : | os . a . : : ing ' i handle thew write 11 A . is Yok arte os BOVE vit vb for g { over's name to flourish on the plain the size ol the ip seleetod. Fhe | dirty a; wt} di is deft empty. © 2 JF RR (|) ting nbroken pafinge oer my hood ---------------- ' iy Crs tada foNTREAL quantity of earth or turf clinging 10 | They arrange \ OW l rong } tu } 1 {pon the floor my, lover's name t Saf . ; INL) h MONTREAL | ) y a » " afety the roots of 'the stalk decides the size | placed upon the he . Each palpita- | © 1 \ 1 ¥ ead ety For Children. : of the dowry, or fortune, while the {iho lover, blinc advances: hi jean os. Pi : paring. then, obedience to Mothers should never give their lit taste of the pith determines. the tem- |, and tremblingly dips his hand 8. nn ta | di tae air it per of the mate selected. Finally, the !; tha nto a bowl. If it 3 n the clean | general A wh, then, ), sheave he | know to be absolutely safe and harm- He ) Sif 1 t l he 6-0 i sicines stalks are placed in a: row over ' the | qier he will 'surely wed the maiden ! ¢ « 1 « | | «ome obliging | less. The so-called soothing medicines door, apd it is believed that the ! ; ice: if in the fo a widow lg len ir tmson beets nd {ir { tesicriate various inatri- | contain opiates. that stupify the child Christian names of all those who en- | will fall to his lot: but if | fate, he [ma ied app edd pom nl \ | ibilitice are stuck on the | Without curing its ailments. An over = irik ww the er ) | s Plossed: util i 3h mam ys | p one remaining there the dose of these medicines may kill the B will be his late for ever. more course, o i \ fi EE the success] and constant | °hild. Baby's Own Tablets is (he only ess will be histate \ n( gs Fai Subloy Publish My Letter | There are hundreds « 1 nat : e parta « 1 COL Sa over ounting of apple seeds child's medicine that gives the mother equally primitive, still indu wo nght there are so mal | ( 1a) den named" is another the guarantee of a ' government aba- the World Over kn cl Scotland 1 Jrelat hj gnmes that can ol e indulged in at favorite diversion 'One 1 Jove; two | lyst that it contains no poisonous ngland, otland « i I love; elf fo much home sen sk vour favor in the Highlands. Two oi 'thesa | that the pumpkin 1 | | { i : SLL ANT are thi pen round. cand round |sperity inh his new and honorable call n or to-shiow you i FFER YOU : £ the Huliowe wh As o i tradition] love; thre love 1 say." chants the opiate or harmful drug. The Tablets More of Bet- The Words of Harold P. Bushy, [ULV cl i dvic way to this sido of [is ® to, wm ese' must not 'bef person who thus seeks her fate, "Four [Ure constipation, indigestion, wind g he ps € Was . Permanently Cured the w wer are, modifications of these Lieree 1 1h run Sh Wb habe lo with all my heart and five | calie, siarelioed, destroy ha break | 4 A ter Toilet [issue : is ol : ! i Ne cows . > y oas of Chronic Lumbago by "Ner- j{allowcien i grneendly obs ris in the; to 1s ily i ea ast awl 5 she loves; fight of Pi og all -- brie rage " for the S aue i : "nited States s the New Fag: | RI magee in her ma sh ves; io Bie comes: te lb) 5 : : : : on ct Ho a pry BE to he i her Boudoir at twelve There, [he tarries; doves he courts TL at 23 conts a box from The Dr. | Moncy than any other make on the market. 2 "Thiee years ago 1 discovered hat a : Purit - wha lay WoL i ) n hand ¢ peeps Ov "a dol artic Tithe chart Williams Medicine" Ca. | Brovkeill. . Te ul ee hese Store by the omens of the wight when {her shoulder t | continues a supposed: to OM: Made in Every Known Form and Variety and | as we He -(tar as ahve se fF - : on : ; words open the sincere, straightion itches stall abroad, gnomes gamboi | her eflected | ass, or i ave low than twelve seeds P-- Every Sheet Guarantecd Che y s od letter of H P dushy, a well and Tn K ° lanterns flit hither gs En Lid Mn iM £0, he Another charming diversion is to go No Money In Strikes. y € emically P ure. war jotte + mushy, @ € t { } » : . ther o'er hill and dale and thro { appae-! mtest J ean n » garden and walk about, sow TT7i8 estimated by the Halifax 1 4 . known man in the plumbing and tin Shithes 9 hilt | arly ther tvpe of | leaping ga r all 'be gone throug ng hemp eed, the while chanting : | Herald that already a million and a nsist on Having Eddy's. smithing business in Portland American | Wit ws near to the wi ¢ how 'Hemp seed, 1 sow thee; hemp seed, 1 hali has been lost as a consequence of - : "One atiack came. after another, in latter vend je preparations for | hel t I sow : hemp seed, 1 sow thee, and | the Cape Breton eon! strike, The | . : ; and lumbago got to he a chronic Hallowe'en have been far 'more elabo I In él whhing of apph ple him at is v true love come ! men have lost 8A37 000 in wages. The Always Everywhere mn Canada, Ask for Eddy' Matches. thing with me. I could see realy got i te that in v davs: of our 'grand me en . oat in a jaiter n ned on f Then, by (labor organization he. lost $250,000 § ' We a day's work hefore that knifine, cruel fathers. Nowids the pacloriand dir bt whos 2 ro loner 4 i Hooking over her leit shoulder, she will ! paid out for the relief of the - suffer g a pain would atiack my back. 1 used a SNE-TOOIS Al erally and tastefully | gather (a ud ith ir teeth they | b fature husband. jing. The Qrovinee has lost 873.500 | Ph i A. gallon. of linimeats; not [00 Lo an « on other, autumn | 1 to ent t sm of the apple | a dumb cake is desired for a charm jin royalties" The public will lose § 2 sr TTT LETTER x of them scemed pene- oto lowers and vegetables of | and od it Ting ng it from |the gi must meet in 'the kitchen bes | 00--the cost of soldiers to preserve SLEW HIS NEPHEW. rushed to her room and found Ritoheny. 3 irating enough to ged ato Gendon play an important part i he ) eto rv the perso {tween ten and eleven o'clock. Bae h | the peace. The business men and the | Sete "phew, there, As the young NO. the core of Pow pain w l the "color and: deeorn tive "eho 08 | ahon Mi lar apple is jg rl must place a handiul of wheat | transbortation . companies have Jost | The Unwritten Law to Figure, oan lesi¥ing the house Rickles shob 4311 read in The Montreal ie Cou we pumpkin is the vegetable | named. i He game © plaved | our upon a sheet of white papa and heavily, and the coal company © has Prominently him ness about Nerviline, and which hi we possibilities along nun 13e i Y {sprinkle iver with as mus h salt as lost profits on the sale of nearly Noundeville. W. \ > 3 : Rickles. at' po time -ha# exproisnd gat five bottles It ¥ "hess "Hines than other. and it is | Suhted Rf TO The wdles [she can hold between finger and thumb. 1 600,000 tons of coal. > murder tial. in" wi ich tho Corts.) Sarrow.. He maintains he wis bat de a wonderful modicine--1 could cel its wywhere to be seen. Soup 'plates | ar 1 jo and ca ontestant hey me of «the party must make ---- p---- tim' Yaw will fire . ~ a » own fending his home. soothing" pain-relieving action VETY [and platt we fashioned from then VO ha " } wit veh cmeful not to} You hardly realize that it is medic beoeun her: wi Joi : Rie) les - elope ---- time it was applied. When 1 t the thi tesque and weird | one fo 3 id snult hh p t = x Viens Onn Siekies, 1 nd : i ' 1 ' hen each girl must | cine, when taking Carter's Little Liver ; an ® | an { 1 ! é 5 Veins Yas Nib. . oo " \ diseasts under control with Nerviline, I ) : avtabl oy 4 ioll hb i "iat : ; ha ok vo Swedlth fariger, dM Barrie, the author, is said 16 ential to answer for the killing of he begging his" divageed wife to wed, where & 8 wh +h a thin, flat | Pills; they gre very small; no bad ei- built up my s trength and fortiled my {where a skilk Yer Ww «the knii perso m tha i the i rk ¢ initials upon it Mects; all troubles from torpid liver arc | nephew, Randolph Ritchea, at: Dalle him. again hlood by taking Forrozéne at medls Antumn leaves iy we fi blush i his {with ne pin i akes having | relievedfhy their use. Sickles, it alleged AFIS d hom | Ihe nt tte "hi aid eure » ancatly, | ¢k ros i . Iwan . allowed; arrive Ooms ow wt This treatment eurad me pormancn Iv, | their tinted g wa : ! on August th, after a shor: absepe} hoe days when you need friends. a Ih, he {brought into 1 pie 1 titcoratior by * t § : before her respective cake. [the busband and = wiie are sometimes | ani heard i ar-old ill fi ? lv linimént i SE I it 1: the 1 that + " ay { 151 wo before eleve w Z | an A year-old dangh age fiction generally gety thick. fe, my nmoms a are wher ) itn Ids the i Pa 3 wfore eleven two, tier, Matvie, sere a for help. H Bf than genuine truth. using, and try an up-io-date, penetra- lis, more delicate in tint « . th ting, pain-destroyer like Nervihne houg! y Please publish my letter the world a over. 1 want all to hear: of Neiwiline Don't be cajoled into recéivin thing Jrom wour dealer bit line." Large bottles, 25c.: five Rold evoxywhere, each must | When it comes to money matters {friendship is in