Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 23 Oct 1909, p. 7

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Beene he Daily YEAR 76-NO, '248, KINGSTON, ONTARIO, SATURDAY, OCTOBER HAVE A DUEL ws Mayor and Marshal Have! Lively Go "i OVER PROMBITION WHICH WAS WON IN AN oI [hull COUNTY. The Citizens Have Organized Law and Order League to Pre- vent Further Marshal Shot at the After He Was Attacked. a9 0., Oct, 23.---The mayor nursing a sealp wound an the town marshal in bed as the indirect result of a duel. The mayor claims he was shot by the marshal and the marshal claims hy the mayor and a friend followin the shooting. In cons sequence of tl trouble the citizens of Leetonia has organized a law and order leam th purpose of which is to ) further shooting the law Mavor © Conrad wound his head, ame from one of two Marshal Fdward marshal, then 0., where Ju Boyle, the charge of shooting I'he clash a direct hitterness engendered dry" of the county option law, Chi the attempt ago dynamite he and parsonage of thy of the dry movement, ' Jorg is counted" a Bayle ix fighting 2: raappoiniment of | Berg Salem, Leotonia is of | 18 he we act a and worl as J to prevent continue enforaxment lerg, despit in which he a fined } bu Jovi 'went 10 arres brother, suspend 21 te Aihie is sdaoking marshal' 14 sul th the is of In under Rose county brought months about ome urcl ch I one of under wel, 3 Max while ? el ry re 1 | pend shal L104 the ded iy COMING ° TO THE GRAND Day Matinee Night. I'rank Lehar's notable comic I'he Merry Widow," which New York for one solid year, which Joe Weber's big company playing a travesty, will receive its ini- tial performance in this city on Thanks dav, matinee and night, at the This travesty, which has proven to be the most suceessiul of the many productions which Joe Weber has presented to his New York audiences, has been developed in excecdingly Hight vein, and will sOrve to intrpduce a number of Metropoli tan favorites, prominent among them being, begides Mr. Joe Weber himself, Helen Redmond, Frank Mayne Charles Stine, Oscar - Ragland, Mare Harris, Marise Naughton, Hazel Tup per, and the prettiest inging an dancing chorus in America, which ha been carefully trained by Julian Mit chell. 4 I'he production has been referred more elaborate than the mented orchestry Thanksgiving opera, ran nn and on nving Grand. an as being ori ginal, and will be used. an aug Dainty Marguerite Clark. attraction at the Oct. 27th, will with a large fantasy entitled," "The This is anotherlorg: said to be very high. class have for the past three watching for a play suite Miss Clark as a "star." of "Happyland," littlg actress has been one gest drawing cards in New the past year she has pl on Broadwagy I'here are four The Wednesday, cuetite Clark, Grand he 01 Ma company Wishing mization The firm in a Ring Vvears d to Sines present the daint, big For ontinu "the ofl the York. wed SNCCLSS ously acts in DAILY MEMORANDA. Want a Hat, That - looks just I'll .go to C Carnival at gvening? Recital, Monday. Special See advt Soccer Mateh, Queen's vss Queen's, Monday. 14th Regt. Rifle Mat Runges, Monday. Mission Address, Brock Church, Monday, 8 p.m A.O.H. Euchre Party and their Hall, Monday, 8.15 p.m U'nion Methodist Thanksgiving Princess St. Church, 14,30 aan day. Special Sydenham fs evening The Merry Grand Opera p.m, Monday. Remember Sacred Music "Monday, B p.m. Bijou Theatre--Wild old Mine Gambler The He the 12th Juror." Illustrated S as Bankier, right anmipbell's this the + Roller No A Rink, Andrew » Sale t ight Campus hes Barriefic St Methodd Dance Mod Service Chur i Praise Thanksgiving St. Methodist bh Widow House, and 1 pV 1 Annu Andrew's the St Ct West Drama. * All arrived. See the Jllusion Globes Something novel Robertson Bros. sizes and shapes just and new and are beep Trouble--The | Mayor | aly | | | | 1 | | which have rest fairylike avis has It t ) wo mi gt Miss" TO REBUILD THE OTTAWA. the Thot I a a contr: | Steambe ne of thi o clos m Mi bul iron \ building ine fh hay ong shops pecial machingry for gasoline en- ine work, whi {to turn-out eng wa# beaten | | He | | | |W 1 But to | | under | 1RISH SENATOR IS DEAD. Passed A LATE SENA New York, McCarren died morning. Wis tives ered where 1 riven up few hos and a at the the op performod, IS NOT Likely H Oet, 1 his Madrid, aid to he hut chior him toree will {o take co More he Q sn general Sant LOC tain Gen O'CONNOR Jo i A Much Depenc With the clined Passed. 3) home I Ot hament 1 i Redmond wrrived hort to rk, rule Pp fog hy the " id the trim to pa Pas the Smid oll bud Lord tank dget If Hous it-mmeans will our Ol a necessit party i because fair { and cd hy a (that will f pie rtant factor "Just what with the onally 1 n that you Per pr we, rul Lends Distance n Spec nd ent Hotel Arrivals bower Clarke, she has been well fitted. bodt. Company. very d anothe vork dep to ¢ way Ue ary welined to g HOME RULE 0 hinge et conaral he make the have sufficient cumulative in Id the idierice in the in ich My about simple it be said "The was written order which would indicate oi ven Y biz tht to B. Rapley's Disappear- ance a Mystery. DRAGGING THE RIVER NEAR NAPANEE FOR HIS RE- MAINS. He Belongs to Belleville, and Was An Exemplary Young Man--A General Search is Being Made For the Missing Traveller. Napa Oct. 23.--~For the past three our days there has been noth- i talked of but the sudden disap- of B. F. Rapley, a com ily traveller in the employment i Brophy, Parsons 'and Rod It appears that Mi arrived in Napanee on the 8.11 Tuesday, from - Kingston, tered at the Campbell house, ass Ehed | to Later he down in the of the tel and wrote orders, that he had taken in and left them upon table writing-room [hp morning he did not appear breakiast, the room was was that he had but his valise as thought of supposed he had met some staved with him, but Wednesday passed and Thursday, trace him could be had. the ho- proprietor notified the wholesale Montreal, and Mr. Rodden, firm. arrived, midnight, After over the case, ided to Foronto of the et 1sand Island Steam-| ry - Dock company is busy winter. It has with the Thousand company for the re- steamer Ottawa, and a new private Toron steam Pa Sen oe act t it for ahogany finish, Mr. Verity, of r contract for a McKay, Pittsburg ling mail a contract a pa wrtment large number the next year's trade lately been provided 1 ' or ch will enable this firm rines promptly and of a ny put the market on at To-Day. Early Hour revi ' wi Sat ho- a room weption room the wnen the in next for and it occupied it Nothing opened found not there was w this, it was iviend and as and no of tol house in of that I hursday. th attorney on faets notify oing ded at in the strange B. F twenty-six Bellevilie, mother friends started Wi meral about well known in des with his number 41 his Bellevilte and but noth one: of the has ever a young man, years ol a where Yesterday down came from dragging rivel ing revealed most taken iS is that town, the mysterious place Ineiri to de ti m made that eription ket, and also the had hired a rig hit Wednesday. The man question of exemplary habits highly spoken of by his em- and friends in Belleville los account for his dis this al one Rapley tation went the had purchased a liverymen said no during Tuesday young how no answering of one ny or mn and is ployvers, are at a appearance, was TOR 29 I'. McCARREN Senator Patrick 1.053 o'clock this yesterday all hope wl the senator's rela mtimate friends gath spigal, Williamsburg ratio =nr appendicitis and wied: A his at to Was At The Randolph. B. PF. Rapley cial traveller, Napanee last 3 mn the Montreal commer wha disappeared from Tuesday aight, was the Randolph hotel, Kinoston Monday and part ae fellow wellors hefel v rth at daring Hi to FAVORABLE, 7 tre : what know him. e Can Bi Do So. Coaxed to W HOW TO MEET IT wlor Meli to persuade mmatel of the Meanwh be .appoi alalonia There Will Be Deficit Concession. wm, Oet Lloyd-Georgs chancellor of the exchequer, made his pFomised announcement; regarding the revised budge! estimates in the Hous of Commons terday. He timaterd the eoncessions made since the intro luction of the hill would result in decrease of £2,100,000 increase of £1,550,000, timate expected fram the death duties, the land tax and - ihe post office de partment. This would leave a deficit of £250,000. which it was proposed to mect by taking another £500,000 vi of sinking fund. 4 i Because hes madie Spanish it as ited cap MeCeSKion Fone Co will ( mn 0, resigned vy against the above ' ARRIVES MERICA. IN is on Lords' Budge --He Think . it on Action is -In- Will Be the UNEXPECTED VICTORY: In Balloting For Members Saxon Diet 23.--The social unexpecied for members carrivd and have five candi be suecessful in the on November 22nd. TH last Saxon * dict was composed of eiphty-iwo members. Therd was only ong sotal "democrat that body. The victory of the © social democrats may avtributed the goneral discon over new taxation recently and finance reform law. ot et for onnor Budding hopes Ireland are held out member of par and one of utenants, who to spend a raising Pyrlin, rats have tory in the hallotting the Saxon dict sats outright dates who final contd lems iverpool won an { vie enief lie Lusitani this Country lvish parliamentary stands he the 1 I'hey sixteen the situation tl may NOW 1 tion Flousi wds 1. #) Connor, thrown said My ele tion, expenditures will help Ire t is bound to be fdllow alancing of the parties the Irish votg im in p&rliament. House Lords is problematical been under the im- ould pass the bud- something different regard the outlook favorable to on on of ' in out by the UO Uonnor, 18 3 be tent imposed wo which the larg by election the DROVE THROUGH MADRID and Queen of Spain Well Received. Oct. 23. had not left the days, drove with through the streets, yesterday. He wa rdially saluted by the. citizens, on whom | jhe reappearance sovereign made a good impr heir carriage was entirely without A ive walking pace through tricts of the capital an King Were of will Madrid, Alfonso who for King budget palace several Queen Victoria i w at I \ up- sthe «on ol AS Enchantment. ma jest jes a n at tral cseort was th yr. A nstanece Britain, bis would Ont., al hi pro- up the wooden side- put Was and city by-laws 100. The appears that crisis, political A Kingston, I to improve will M ta- Gib dinner" you have sweets the at "Your not be Conkey's ble. Sold =yn's Red Ernest porter, was police conrt, theft from Thanksgiving complete unless high class Kingston only Drug Store own. expense, He on walk, and fined in (ross he Jaker, a colored Pullman in the days Bell, sentenced aronto in 'jail King to twe n al Captai vie am expense 2 Tor ontempl ston own bieveles sare MA street Ww Wil oronto Winship, 3. pr Donald, 3 Harri- repori in (iithson " to STOO te John ™ WHERE IS HE? 4 than A MEMORIAL THEATRE Will Be Reared to Shakespeare in London. London, Oct. 23. --The Shakespeare memorial commit has resolved to raise $2,500,000 with, for a na tional theatre, which, it is intended, shall be compléted on the ter-centen nary of Shakespeare's death, in 1916. The committee has issued an appeal Mor subscriptions. Got) Seven Years. Oct, 2B~Joseph Pelletier, a burglar, caught in the act of load: ing a waggon with goods plundered from a Montreal fancy store, was sen- tenced to seven years an the peniten. tial f Montreal, Women And Girls. Y.W. and take free educational Elementary and advanced Best teachers, Further infor- it rooms, 196 Johnson street, Join classes work. mation SEATED ON SHAKING THRONE min Will Abdicate Shertly--Brother of England's Queen. 7, It is probable tht King George will abdicate shortly and make for someone who will be able to the Greeks the right way. The king, who a brother of Queen Alex- andra, i his sixty-jourth year and has been the Hellenes since 1863. He a lad of eighteen when his father, the king of Denmark, ac- cepted his hehali the proicrred crown, and he 'has worn it ever since without scandal. The gilt has all worn off, however. There is little sym- pathy between thé coobheaded Dane and his extremely hot-headed subject: He went vepy unwillingly into. one war with Turkey twelve years ago, when "the Greeks got a very trouncing, apd it has become e ident what he Will go bavk to Belimiex with his chiidren and grandchildren rather he coerced into' uo hope war over Crete, The army wants and has forced the Kipg's sons tol resign their commissions. It is believed that the next development he King (ieorxe's abdication. WILD RIGE HARVEST INDIANS HAVE A CAST-IRON "MONOPOLY OF SALE. Market For the Crop Extends All Over the Continent--How the Crop is Gathered--Little of it Now Used For Food By In- dians. of Greece way sire is in king of was on Severo on 1 will MW-1t is that the Rice Lake the property of white man may not generally that applications are received for it from all parts of the continent Charles Gilchrist, who for many years was fisheries overseer for Rice: Lake and its tributaries, it = is learned, has secured this year about forty barrels of wild rice for seed and has "shipped this season seed to Georgia, Milwaukees Wis, Ilineis, Ne braska.. Ohia, Michigan and New York. "I'he Harwood, Ont. Oct. erally known probably from which by treaty gen wild rice crop, gots 1s name, the Lilian, and 1 gather it, It Kitowi, perhaps, 1S 10 1s 80 wild rice does Un the same and green Primitive not straw mature even- will 'be found and even blos. means are still used harvest it The Indians and force their way. in eanoes h the rice (beds, one paddles and bends the rice down with knocks it off in the Fis ripe seeds soms to SUAS throug the other sticks and noe. When some of may the rid the the a large harvest. O ca- 10 food gran to toss Indians = desire wild - rice the the seen old way of the keep they in get it in for the y parch it hull¥ and then air to separaie the from chafi. The Indians, sell amount of the erop which they be grain however Doing Belleville A Favor. Belleville Intelligencer: I'he milk commission could not have come to an better place to find out all about milk--or. any other temperance heverage--than Belleville, Perhaps by the time it gets through here \the commissioners may find out why the people of this eity are compelled to pay a quart more than 'the inhabitants of . neighboring place, Kingston, instance, | It mat- Yellevillians have er quite to understand a cent for 1% a ter nes been anle , Don't Forget. Womer will be of W on 1 he hurch first sky's, 182 October Homemade Hk s . Guild Nt Paul th Carnov- Johnsen "riday, 20th, from 3 to 6.30 o'clock candy tables, - Admig- Serie Mrs sireet, give held a at teas, wd sion, Overcoats. need d press- Valet, heavy: coats. -and get at phone 650. Yon will soon Have lean good shape us an My ir | Sm GIVEN IN THE BRIEFEST POS SIBLE FORM. Matters That Interest Everybody --Notes From All Over--Little| of Everything Easily = Read "and Remembered. Lawand Bros., wholesale dry goods merchants, of Montreal, have Iniled. Hubect Latham made a spectacular fight against a thiriy-mile" wind at Blackpool A. K. Maclean, M.P., of Lunenburg, may join the Nove Scotian cabinet attorney neral Mageoni says Atlantic system end of the year Charles Burke was drawn, into the machinery at the Belleville won works, on Friday and killed The slander suit of H.. 8, Clements, ex-M.P., aganst Dr. C. B. Oliver, Merlin, was settled at Chatham. Five persons were killed in a wreck on the Panhandle division of the Pennsylvania railway on Friday. The estimated cost. of reconstructing the burned portion of the liament buildings in Toronto is $2560,0¢ W. A. Mcintyre, city editor of St. Thomas Jounrnal, has been pointed landing waiter in the toms Preliminary arrangements were made at a largely aticnded meeting in To- ronio for provincial liberal conven- tion in June next. A syndicate proposing the estab Ithmont of a gambling casino in Paris and has made an offer td the govern- ment for cone It is declared that the czar's Visit to ltaly the result of a plan to form an alliance to oppose the Aus. tro-German combination. Foreigners, including Canadians, not allowed to hunt in the state Penpsyivania, being forbidden' by recent law to carry firearms. The Nicaraguan insurgents are gain- ing such strength that it is not be- lieved the Zelaga government can hold out longer than three weeks. For the curient year Montreal will get on the earnings of the company the sum of #25 59,171. In 1908 the sum the city reegived irom the street rail- way was $241 967. President. MeCrca states definitely that the Pennsylvania, with the Bw lington, Alton, St. Paul, and Pan- handle, will build a new union depot, {x at Chicago, costing $25,000,000, France cannot sell the Abbey Benedictines in Sarthe The government is willing to aceept £100,000 for the property on which the expatriated monks spent $2,000:- 0006, Hon. Robert F. Sutherland, speaker of the house of comdibns in the last parliament, has been appointed to the position left vacant by the appoint ment of Justice Anglin to the preme court. A curtailment of cotton goods pro- duced in the United States, amount- ing to the product of 224 hours oper- ation between November 1st, 1909, and August Ist, '1910.7 has been de cided upon ! Ralph H. Whitney, private secretary to as in his trans by. the will have operation of the ap- a cuss a is sions, 18 are of a of the department. su- S Boston, one: President Taft for forgery in New York. Miss Grace Maidhoff, for the same offence, "Battling" Nelson and gast are matched rounds on got three years "AL" Wol to fight forty-five Thanksgiving day for the a %12,000 purse. place before Los Angiles. S. Calvert, The fight will the Pacific Athletic Club. M.P. for West Mid- dlesex, and for some years chief lit- eral whip in the house¢ of commons, has been appointed to the pesition on the Transcontinental railway commis sion left vacant hy the death of bert. Reid. Herbert Prescott, Detroit, who acei- dentally ran down a fourteen-year-old boy with his automobile, causing in- | juries of which the hoy later died, has | disposed of his machine on aecount of | the mental torture he has endured | since the tragedy. Ro United 'States a hillion dollars a year, and on an average of thirteen days is lost to each of the population, and that minor ailments for which a doe tor is not called for cost probably $250,000,000 a vear, are statements of Prof. Jeremiah W. Jenk A strike of the 400,000 members of the New York Ladies Waist Makers Union, for higher wages and recogni- tion of the union, will probably begin on Monday. The waist makers get from ¥8 to $10 per nine hours a day. They ask for a ten per cent. increase and closed shops: Outside Firms Tendering. There's going to he keen competition buildings, outside eontractors going to submit tenders. Montreal firms pl as are figuring the | and specifications upon | ans | made with Liver "Oil, 50¢. Drug Store. drug wants. Prouse's corner + Princess Fresh Emulsion, finest Norway Cod bottle, Prouse's Sundays for Drug Store, Clergy. Leston R. Lewis, New York, ling the Sisters of Charity of |cinnati, for 400.000, on Je ave J. Kiera: = a Cin a P - 3 i & Oaxwind creamery butter, Ib., at Gilbert's, has been sent to prison for five years | His friend; { world's lightweight championship and | take | « That sickness costs the people of the! week, and work Jump, or the erection of Queen's new science are | A couple of hammer, the Open sixtean-pound hammer. and , u- | Varsity note they | KINGSTON RIFLE « CLUB. Will Hold Matches Afternoon. { The Kingston (Civilian) Rifle Asso ciation is holding its first annual rifle {match on Monday afternoon, come moncing ad two o'ddocks A van will {leave the King Edward theatre cor- juer at 1115 o'clock for the ranges. Tho entrance foe to tho matches has been fixed at fiity cents, which includes {wost of ammupition. The prizes for tho- open match consist of two silver I marksman's shield, to- gether with twenty-two cash prizes, |Special prizes of a silver cup and a { harksma s shield and cash are being (offered in an maidens' mateh," open to those members of the assotiation who have never won a prize at "any rifle maich. This match will be fired {at 400 yards range. The open match compititors will use the 200, 400 and 300 yards' distances, seven shots anda sighting shot at each range Only members of the Kinoston | Association cligible to shoot in {these matches who have had RET fmembership tickets countersigne 1 "and have not won money or other prizes tin any rifle match held outside the {county of Frontenac during the past {ten This done to handicap all the experts and Bisley wen and to give the newer shots a hetter chance, The Ross rifle only must bo used, and coaching fixing sights will. be pro- hibited. ! Owing on Monday Rifle | are VES. is } or i to the late date of organi zing the civilians' club the programme is necessarily Hmited, Next year the executive expect to have a membership of 130 and a one or two days' shoot will be put on with matches for all cluding the ladies. I'he Thanksgiving day shoot will probably finish the shootinry for this vear classes, PASSED AWAY SUDDENL on Saturday of Joseph. Murray. came very suddenly, on Sat morning, nt eight o'clock, to Joseph Murray, of 20 Rideau street, one of the best known pilots of the St. Lawrence river, and for many vears employed by the Montreal rans portation company C apt. Murray had not been in the best of health for some time, but was at work, and, on Friday, was around the boat usu al. He was all ready to take a vessel down the river, yesterday, but the trip was cancelled. He was 'well known and highly estecmed both in and out of marine circles. His many friends were shocked, when they learned of his sud- den death. Heart trouble the cause of death. Deceased was sixty-two years of and had been a mariner all his hie, going' on vessels belonging ta | the Montreal Transportation company when he was a lad. Por many years he 'was on grain vessels und tugs, for the company, and for some vears past he had acted as a pilot. and was look. od upon as one of the best inthe busi: yese,always careful and painstaking in his work. He ix survived by his wife, two sons, Joseph J., first mate on the steame: Key Port Sylvester, eygineer on Hon. Clifford Sifton's yacht, all summer, and "three daughters, two married, and Miss Pearl; at home The funeral will take place to St Mary's cathedral, at nine o'clock Tuesday morning. Flags were flying many of the vessels in the harbor to day out of respect to ine memory of the late Capt. Murray. QUEENS WAS THIRD THE INTERCOLLEGIATE ~ ATHLETIC MEET. Death Capt. Death urday Capt. as was age, on at hall mast or (IN | Gave McGill a Close Run Second Place-- Varsity Easy Winner--Mackinnon Queen's Broke Shot Put cord. Fox Ar' of Re Whig. 23. Special to the Toronto, Oct. At annual intercollegiate athletic: meet at Varsity oval vesterday the result were decisive cr the Vatuity tean over their two competitors, 'Queen' {und McGill | Six records broken, > In 0 vards dash Frank Halbans {Lou Sebert, both of Varsity, ran 'deags heat. Time, 17 seconds. In the 220 vards Halbans feet 'over Sebert' in the 22 1-5 seconds, reducing held Sebert by the thirteentl thi and were } | [two | time of record | conds. In the sixteen pound shot put cKinnon, of Queers, added |inches to the old record held by BD. W. Kay, of Varsity, who cond to McKinnon | On:ahe whole Varsity easly seeure the championship. 1 he points for th |team championship ywere scored follows : | Varsity--Pole {dash, 8; 220 In recor the won by two H the A was fn vault, 3; 100 vards vards dash, 5: sixteen sixteen-pound hammer one mile, 6; higl 1200 yards: hurdle 6; total "pound shot, ; bali mile, 4; disc 410 Yards, 8 8; 5: shroad jump, N; 5 4; MeGill--Pole hal mile. vault, I; I; high jump, I; one mile, .3; discus, 3: hurdle, 5; $40 yards, 1. 3: total, 24 Queen's--Pole vault, 6; sixteen-pound I; total: 18 Queen's men figured as Discus throwing, H. GG. Bertram third; sixteen-pound shot, H. McKin non, 39 feet 11: inches (new tocofd) final, H, Mc | Kinnon, distance 109 feet; pole vault D. C. Foster, 10 jeet 2 inches. In the team race Queen's eame third was first and McGill s cond 3:23:25. / 100 yards, ) 5; 220 varde 120 yard broad jump dD: sixtesn- shot, pon €, dis ous, follows Time, ! -- Campbell Bros'. For everything Jats To-Night. that's new in men' i te tour, WEATHER PROBABILITIES Toronto, Oat, Oct. 15. --O iwi Val and Upper: Si. Lawrence: (1 a eve Strong north and northwest winds eocl- and mostly slotdy today aud Sans ay. eine, Ladies' Handkerchiefs Guaranteed Pure Irish Linen," Hemstitched Edge, 20¢. QUALITY, AT 15¢ Ladies' Handkerchicfs Pure Linen and Hemstitch- ed, 15¢c. QUALITY, AT 10c. Elastic Belts Good Elastic Web, studded with nail heads im colors, Green, Navy, also Black, 50c. QUALITY, AT 25c. Men's Socks Made of fine Cashmere Wool Black only. VERY SPECIAL AT 25¢. Table Nzpkins for Thanksgiving at Half Price. Manufacturers seconds, very slightly damaged, $4 and $5 qualities, at $2.40 per dozen. I BORN. Napanee Mrs. W At and daughter VANALSTYNE =» to Mr, a son on Oct, 17 Grange Napanee, Mrs, on Walter, Oct: and Vanal- BRIGHT 22nd Alfred --In Ingersoll, 1909, Bright Ont Rev, Hdughter. on Oct th and Mrs, ee MARRIED. ~-RIMMERLY.~At 20th, . Frank Harvey himmerly, l HARVEY Oct Ruth Napanee, on and Lena both of Tyendinaga, DIED Ernesttown Withers, ag on Oct. seventy- WITHERS 14 Daniel VOars DONNELLY. --AY on Oct. 21st, residence, Mrs ed Murray River, P.EIL, 1909, at her daughter's A. J. MacNeil, Jane Donnelly, widow of the late David Donpelly, aged seventy-set years, late of: Wolfe Island. Funeral notice later At ay, rs 23rd, aged on Mur ¥ 20 Mr RRAY ih Kingston, 1009, Capt J oweph sixty-two years meral from his late residence, Rideau 8t., on Monday morning. 9 o'clock, to St. Mary's Cathedral where a solemn requiem mass will ha celebrated." Friends and int ances respectfully invited to attend: ROBERT J. REID, The leading Undertaker. "Phone, 577. 227 Princess strest. Our Coffee Has that delicious fragrant aromas, apd with its lovely, golden brown color, it fairly makes 'your mouth water before drinking and your lips smack after... Ask for: Our Java Mocha Blend PRIC ®, uaranteed "Rure 40 CENTS. Jas, Redden & Co. IMPORTERS OF FINE GROCERIES; "TAKE NOTICE." If you want any heating stoves, I have thers in all sorts and. siees: Prices ressonfble, at'TURK'S, Phese, 708: We are always glad te give estimates m carpet cleaning and laying. Hi. Milne, Bagot "stre Th "2, vt 1 he WW pe

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