------ - A Few Extra Specials Friday & Saturday White Spreads We have a few White Counterpane Spreads left. These come in a great many different designs, all of which make very pretty effects. These have been selling well at $1 and $1.25 Shouldn't they sell much better, at 89¢. Come in and see them. Ladies' Hose Supporters We have a grand showing Ladies' Hose Supporters, with the'telebrated C. M.C Clasp. Nearly every oné knows of thé popularity of this clasp as it will not tear the stocking. These have been selling for 50c. a pair, but we are offering them at 3c, « pair, Fair and Square Dress Shields We have 125 pairs of fair and square dress shields in white only. Thesé have besn selling at 20c. a pair. DON'T you think they're worth looking after at 2 pair for Sec. White Siflc Waits We wish to announce that since advertising our Silk Waists last week, we have sold a large number. But we still 'have a few left, $5, $5.50 and $6 Walsts are selling for $2.50. This will mean a big saving for you, Crumley Bros. 0 Yds. Dress Bindings 500 yards of Dress Bindings worth from 5¢. te 10c. a yard and selling at 2c. per yard is something that should interest every woman. Theye are odd lines that . we want to clear out. They con- sist of braid velvet corduroy and leather. on - THE FAI Special Sale of of Glass, Saturday. Oct. 23rd. Sessdtsassssssss STeawwees THELESS BSS SSR ¢ ¢ ¢ ¢ The Contents of 34 Barrels of Imported Glass to Select From. SATURDAY NIGHT we place on sale about 200 Cushion and a lot of Linen D'Oyles. 50c. CUSHION TOPS, AT 23c, 25¢, CUSHION TOPS, WE CLEAR 'AT 13c. FRINGED LINEN D'OYLES, 9c. AND l4c. Ask: to see qur new lines of cheap SILVERWARE. Top Mcintosh Firos., Manager, PERCY JES SE. INCORPORATED 1855 The Bank of Toronto INVITES PERSONAL AND BUSINESS ACCOUNTS, is pleased to place at the disposal of its customers the ties gained during more than .half-a-century of growth and successful banking service in Canada. IN THE SAVINGS DEPARTMENT accounts may be open- ed for small or large sums at any time, and interest is added to all balances twice-a-year. and facili- contizuous Careful*attention is givento all Business Accounts mnd oun experience and ample funds ensure the full satisfactory e to our customers that has distinguished our service in the past. lo. 4 PAID UP CAPITAL ... REST. AND RESERVED FUNDS IEPOSITS ......... .... ASSETS ------ SEVENTY (70) BRANCHES IN CANADA. Kingston Branch--107 Princess St. GEO. B. McKAY, Manager. | 0000000008000000000000 OOOO OOOH Sy | 8 | Hall & Parlor Heaters When you require a Base -Burner, examine THE "ARTGARLAND" & ART "AMHERST" Acknowledged the b.st Stoves made. Sold Only at GO-000000000 77 PRINORSS aT. 0-0 OOOO DOO0O0000000 ELLIOTT BROE&,, LO OOO QBOOOOO0 SOHO 0O0 000000000000 OO0000N00 DOBBS DODD DBEOOLEONOO0 ¢ & - + BVT VVLVVVROTBVBTTITGODS TUT VVBTVLVTVALLLVTVLLTREN "fedy to-day. : & 2. DAILY BRITISH WHIG, SATURDA DELAY ACTION AGAIN ONTHELIQUORREDUCTION »" -- Mcre Petitions to Be Considered-- Liquor Men Clajm That Reduc- tion Would Not Cause Less Driunkennes.. The liquor license rediigtion question was again consi wv the civie finance committge, on Friday evening, and once more it was given a two weeks' 'hoist, as three more titions regiurding the matter have 10 be, given cansideration, and have first to go be- fore the city council. : The "cigar manufacturers here are pe- titioning against tion, on the froved, thee it ad Mtheir local hod i Ey 'deal very "with ea hotel: "The. liquor in in, are alsy' prepaging a petition against rediction Por licenses, on the ground that reduction will net lessen drunkénness.. Another petition has been fuceived from a large number of citizens' asking that _ the general question" of leerise reduction be refer red to a vote of the people in Jamu- ary, as opposed to .the Social Moral Reborn League's petition for a vote on the question of reducing the licnses to one for every thousand population. The 'committee heard a deputation from tlie liquor interests, and the chief spokesman mude oe an impression upon its members. He held that a re- duction of drinking places would not lesgen drunkenness, ahd iostanced the fact that since the cutting off of three liconsns thee vears ago, the police court statistics showed much more street drunkenness than formerly. Mentbors of the Botial and Moral Re- form meet this argument by saying that ii the proper hotels were dépriyed of liquor selling privileges there would be less drunkenfess: If they could name the places that should lose their licenses, then they détlare there would be less work for the police to do. An -aldermian, states that the Sodial and Moral Reform leaders recognize the diflionlt pofition the council is in. Politics has a great déal to do with the issue, for if 'the people voted to re duce the licensés by eight, it would be hotel men, wht were liberals, on whose necks the axe would fall, and not upon thoee whase plicés should be wiped out. The opidion is resstd by those who know, that a ba #08 ndiim will, no doubt, be submitted to the people in January, but it will be on this simple yuestion : 'Are you in favor of a re duction 'of liguor Henses *™" Hr bs ----_------ NARROWLY ESCAPED. . An Attenipt Made to House. Chatham, Ont., Oct. 23.--Jonn Rum- ble, his son and daughter, who live orf a farm near Harwich, some three niles up the river, from here. had a DAITOW (sdapo from death, this morning, when an attempt was made to blow dp "heir house with dynamite or some other explodive. One corner was completely wrecked. Thre is no clue or suspicion as to, the author of the dastardly -affaiz, 'but the attorney is investigating. Blow Up crown It Penetrates Deeply. Any deep-seated pean, or bruise of muscle or cured quickest by the use of Smith's White Liniment. It penetrates deep- ly into the muscles and tissues and banishcs pain or inflammation. If yon have backache, muscular rheu- mutism, lumbago, ete., 'try this rem- Large Bottles 25¢.,. 'at i. B. McLeod's, successor to Henry Wade, corner Ring and Brock streets, and orner Princess- and Montreal streets. any strain tendon will be Killing Their Own. Melilla, Oct. 23. --Prisoners captured by. Gen. Matina's forded, report that tlie Moots are killing their own wound- ed 10 prevent them falling into the hands of the Spanish. The losses to the aviv of tribesmen have already fused: the 4,000 mark-in killed alone. n. spite of constant répulses the Moors firmly mditfdin their strong hold 'in ithe hills about Melilla. SS A New HEY Por Thanksgiving. Drop in to-night. We have ever new style. THe best $2 bats in King ston ate Bere, bit 'we: hdve butter ones, $2.30, $1. Campbell Bros.' the style centre for: mén's hats. ; The Danigh cabinet retigued collec: tively, this aiternoon. The éubinet has only been in power a few monihs. "The finest chocolates in town," Qualit ad Premiere, from. Boston, a bp iv oly. at Best" » COURT OF REVISION. NOTICE is EBY GIVEN "THAT the ote gaint FLL for hearing pe the. ' t for . Mars of the ity ~for 'the ; 3p the Chamoer, City Bogen ad as ie, Come and. Ontario Wands, Nov. Sth, | 1909, 30 ham AY, 2.30 Pomd St. Lawrence and Catataqui Wards, on MONDAY, Nov. 8th, 1909, at 2.80 a . Frontenac Ward, on TUESDAY, Nov. 9th, 1909, at: 2.30" pam, 2} Ridean Ward, on WEDNESDAY, 10th, 1909, at 2.30 p.m. Vietoria Ward, om THU RSDAY, 11th, 1909, : Nov. W. W. SANDS, City Clerk. Kidgston, 1909 CHANGE OF BUSINESS purchased the GROCERY BUSINESS Of M. CORKEY | Corner Montreal' and John. strests, J will open NOV, 1ST, with a complete ling of new goods. All Mr. Corkey's ola customers. as well as new omes, will re ceive Coutthdus ald prompt attention J. R, B. GAGE. SCHOOL SUPPLIES rEXDERS WiLL BE RECEIVED By | the unders fH oT pam, FRIDAY, © { Rav. ent Pu { Ph te tute. |Snitied wt ot Ton mi JOHN MACDONALD, Sec.-Treas. Oct. - 16th, Having Nev. | i ir oevonea ss 9089. Amusements. | MONDAY, OCT. 25TH. THANKSGIVING DAY. Matinee at 2.30. Fveming at 8.135. JOE WEBER' 5. Bs A Co. The Merry Widow!' AND THE HY ar By a ment with Henry W. Sasage. yA Arh. Orchestra, Cotas ot ot 55. Be avinen: 5 Pain, 25¢., 30¢-, 3c. $1, $1.50. Seats now on sale . WEDNESDAY, OCT. 27th. MARGUERITE CLARK in a - Fanthstic, Comedy: Eatitled "The Wishing Ring" VIS, wa Rew BA tion ng nine iss Cla rk was last seen in Kingston as o-Star with DeWoll Pape in "Happy- Jando" Prices, 50¢ Seats now on sale. ORPHEUM THEATRE R. McLAUGHLIN, Mgr. 25¢., :, 6c. $1, $1.50, Pauline Fielding & Co. In "The Rose Of Virginia.': The De Vans Sensational BquilibHsts © with Comedy Ladder, Boyd & Moran Eccentric Comedians. Moving Pictures Matinee daily, ept Monday and | Thursday, at 4. 15 p.m. ; Saturday, at 3. Prices Oc, and 10c, Evenings, at 7.45 and 9. Prices, and 15c¢. at Box Office. 042, Sydenham Street: Methodist Church Thanksgiving Praise Service, 'Phone, Special SUNDAY EVENING, OCTOBER 24th C.J. 1. Bates, M.A. by Mr. Murroy Mrooks, treal, The Choir will sing. "0 Lord, How Manifold Works,""" Barnby "Ye Shall Dwell in The Land," er. 'Blessed Doorak. Sbdlo and' Quartette, Jordong : Selo, Mr. W. Eva, Quartette, Mrs- Mooney, Miss Laidley, Messrs Armstrong and Harvey Angrove. Rev. Solo, will preach of Mone Are Thy Stain- of Jesu, , Fount Mercy," "The Penitent," Or~anist and Choirmaster, Smal Good Congregational Sthitng. Royal Welsh Ladies' Choir Which appeared before their. Imperial Majesties, 'The King apd Queen," wi give Recital on MONDAY, NOV. 1st fis Syccaham Strest Methodist Church, The Ladies - will Welsh National Costume, Admission, 50¢. Tickets at Uglow's and from the choir. See reader elsewherp, Remember THE ANNUAL RECITAL OF SACRED MUSIC, ST. ANDREW'S CHURCH, MONDAY EVENING, 8 QO'clock. pt MARLEY R. 00 ---- QUEENS Vs. MoiLL ; Sat. Oct, 30th. At 2.30 P.M. Adudeston, 38%, 35c.. Soc. Plans for Reserved Seats at Uglow's till: SATURDAY, 12 noon. Association Football Queens Vs. McGill Prof. Jas. Appear in SHERRIS "SING, ALL 5 Nf on 10¢. | You can reserve your seat in advance | . members | [CONDENSED ADVERTISING irst. tnsertion 1c. a Tou: Each eon- GENERAL ERY, Whidmaon, 26: i Se RAPE 3 RB. J. Carson A GOOD GENERAL: ferences required, (Rev.) * Macgillivray. SERVANT = Anply Ad Fr CANVASSERS AND SOLICITORS, travel. References reg pm. E. A. Hemphill, TO . Call seven Hotel Iroquois GIRLS TO OPERATE Sunes, steady work, ply Kingston Hosiery R g street West, POWER MA- good wages. Co., lad. ' IMMEDIATELY, A GOOD capa girl, for general housework. washing. Apply in evening to N+ Mrs: Melkie, 40 Clergy street. : LADY. SEWERS :--MAKE. SANITARY, belts at home; materials furnished'; $12.00 per hundred. Particulars stamped envelope. Dept 491, Empire Mig. Co., Chicago. AN INTELLIGENT PERSON MAY earn $100 monthly corresponding for ROWSPADeTs. No canvassing. send for ars. Press Syndicate, 3,969 Pr N.X. [L ADY SEWERS (~MAKE: belts at home ; hundred. Dept. SANITARY materials furnished ; Particwars 695, 'Faapsre | $12.00 per | stamped envelope. | Mig. Co., Chicago, LEARN THE BARBER TRAPE, NEW system," constant practice, careful 'in- few watks complete course, Gradua earn iwelve to dollars Le Write for crtalogue. ~ Moler 221 Queen St, East, Toronto. "Fon INsurx "I -COXa , also return to : a or _offige, £ 3 FINANCE AND TRSUR ANCE. EE HE fo rg n's square, fade" CG | FIRE, LIVE, ACCIDENT AND: HEALTH. Liber Wodera al policies' and: first-class Hing Agent, 1359 'W lington on FOR THE a te rates in org. A. Roast Fire. ord of the deus LivEReooL, toypox ANp CLOBE Spay SS ate i sagilion io bave Cat pir which HOTELS AND RESTAURANTS. HUB i atu RESTAUR ANT open - night. o-Date servi at ular Prices Private dining TE trance on Ring next to Gibson's Prog tore. Prop. Haag, Con. DENTAL. DENTISTS, SPA} AND SPARKS, pred "Phone, Princess St,, Kingston. DR: ©. O: NASH, DENTIST: DR. J. Gibson, ass street. 'Phone, 7 b inant, 183 Princess DR. W. R. GLOVER, DENTIST, D.D.O 'Certificate, ofice ground floor, corner King and Johnson Sts. Sppouite' St George's Cathedral: *Pheue, GOOD TRUSTWORTHY MAN, MAR- ried, to work by the year i» and around saw-mill. Must' be good 'hand with horses and not afraid of work Good house' and firewood furnished. Apply, stating wages expected, Box 1109," Odessa. I WANTED-YOUNGe MEN automobile business by pare for positions repair men. ten weeks ; tion. TO LEARN wail 'and pre- as chaffeurs and We make 'you expert in Pay big: work pleasant ; mand for men great; reasonable : write for particulars and sample lesson. 'Empire Automobile Institute, Rochester, N.Y. COO00N000000000000000oDN WANTED--HELP, BOYS! BOYS! Christmas is coming. You will need extra pocket money. 0 start now to earn it. Bright and Honest boys between nine and fourteen can earn good © monéy after school and on Saturday. Apply to FRANK O'GORMAN, King St Stat- ¢ ioner. | 0000000000 OVO 0000V00 WANTED---GENERAL. | | SMALL, GROCERY OR MEAT BUS { fess, or will rent store suitable 1 | growing district, Apply to --~ Whig office. THE OPPORTUNITY TO FURNISH estimates on electric work. All kinds of work Prompuy, done. ¥. J, Birch, Electrician, 206 Wellington street. | WANTED-FARMS, BUSINESS AND income property. If you want to sell write us. American Investment As- sociation, Minneapolis, Minn. | { | | | | f BRILEMEN BRING THEIR cloth and bave it made up into up- to-daté euits. Price and workman- ship guarantéed to please. Pressing and repairing done on the shortest Totics, Jhumas, Galloway, 130 Brack next: Bibby"s Livery. 0 CONTRACTORS TENDERS WILL BE RECEIVED AT the Office of the "Registrar Queen's Uni- Yopity where plans and BY seen and at the O igned up to noon of Wednesday, Nov. 10th For the several trades works required | in the erection and completion of Chemistry Building for the Governors of | the Schoel of Mining and Queen's University. The lowest or any tender not sarily accepted. POWER & SON, Architects. AUCTION SALE OF FURNITURE 224 Johnson Street, Wednesday. Oct. 27th, 10 A.M. Black . Walnut Wilton, Velvet and other R Faney' Oak Tables, Rockers, Oak Dlaing Suite, Silk and Lace Curtains, Fine Oak Hall Rack, Stair Carpet, Extension" Spring Cot, ak Bedroom Suites, flair Mattresses, Springs, Pillows, Bedding, Linoleum. Crockery, Glass, TWmware. ALLEN, The O Residende, ice of the Parlor Suite Auctioneer 202. 243 Syden- Telephone, Ham street. LOWER Sat. O¢t. 30, at 10.36 a.m. Admission 15 Cts. CARNIVAL AT ROLLER RINK. THANKSGIVING NIGHT. Biggest and best event of the) season. 3 Sessions 3. A citizens' commitiee, in Ottawa, is 16 keép tib on the work of the coun CAMPUS, ON | i il and honed oi colitrol, | tmmily, or dteader, | | mother joe: Synopsis of Canadian North-West | Land Regulations. ANY h le head ol's or an "mais 3® ote 1% years old, Lay homestead of Tlabl Seshardnontn or Alberta. | cant must appear in person at the '|minion Lands Agency or Sub-Agency (or thé district. Entry by proxy may be made at any agency, on certain condi. tions, by father, mother, brother ~ or sister ot son. daughter, intending home. Lo assist you fo secure posi- | de- | 3] 3 3! 5] Seligations | al Agriculture, | J Duties --Six onthe' residence | sna cultivation of the land in each three years. A homesteader Jey | within nine piiles of his homest, solely ow: and occupied by ol é Sim or Sy bis factief tn Fartain Suistriets s bomesteader EEE and cotivate Bits .. hea CARPENTERS AND BUILDERS TUBS, A repairing. | cogpERING, DASH Solita: 102 Pine street. urns, Ranks. - XH. { | DROP A CARD.TO CHAS, KELLAR Carpenter and Builder, 2s Division " 8t., for reasonable prices on all kinds of. jobbing, all work dene promptly. OSTEOPATHY. ROBERT GARSINE ASHCROFT, 0.0. Bdn a Basie. Ashcroft, DO: radu ates. of Juteoputhy "Rirda¥ile, Mioncart 408 street, hone, 447, Office princes 9 to 12 _ 2tc 5 pm Outside trea* ments © hy appointments BUSINESS CHANCE, ANYONE, ANYWHERE, CAN START a mail order business at home. _ No canvassing. Pé your own boss. Send for frea bookigt. Tells how. Heacock, 2,969 Lockport, 2 N.Y. PERSONALS. 8} 120 we PEER hakd, Ris sti APPLY Ta J, -- -- URE MOULD, FOR LA FOR LAWN DRESSING ! Bryant oor. Tog. to a Aveiy X48x20 INCH BEVELLED MIRR © in oak frame and stand, suitable store, $12, at i HS Phos, 705, I MAN "hd Sr D. SE HO $135 cash. A hk DRIVER, Absor ET fon, GROGBRY--a. WELL re "XxX. X. ba care of r aoling. 98 EARL--LA ARGE STONE HOUSE, IN orate "All tely painted and stables and ri : rg house. P Pays 3 oe Apply cent, Gilbert, cur 3 RAGLAN "ROAD, §&" R Swelling, all ready to Hoye a an. OW price on eas; et foomed and hr let. Apply W, " Montreal street. @ Rorkings on, £ wre 'TO-LET, on STABLES TO RENT. Laturney, Cess street. APPLY TO JAS; Carriage-Maker, 390 Prine « DWELLINGS, FURNISHED AND - furnished, Stores, Storage for ro cCann' 8, Brock, Tory ture, etc. King street. HOUSE, GOOD REPAIR, AT 268 UNI- versity Avenue, all moders convenis ences, with gas. Apply R, 337 SF oRnson root tf , Noabite ONE FRONT AND ONE EAR ROOMI t 346 King street. -. Suitable for p33 Apply J. Py Forrest, Uents' Furnishers STORAGE, FOR BR 3UR RE, © N airy Shaoluveiy mo moth Trot. rn own kt rost"s City Stor 299 Queen ext 'Phone, 526b. _ & JARGE STONE BUILDING, ON ON tari street, known as Ontario Hotel, suitable for. boarding house. Apply to D. JN Millan, Cor. Ontario Princess Sts. A LARGE AND W . HEATED ROOM on street floor, ly Taenishivd situated near - Chas Bell, Real Estate Agent, 1954 Well- .. ington street. BOARD AND ROOMS, ONE: DOUBLE rooms; a also a Hab » Colbo: COMFORTABLE. FURNISHED ROOMS, .. with board. Well lighted and heated; « Also good table board. Apply a * University Ave. i tt AAR COMFORTABLE FURNISHED ROOMS, with board, also table boarders Modern conveniences. Apply 869 ° Al- fred street, near Prificess street. ND TWO SINGLE oe. board. Apply' 137 ARCHITECTS, ARCHITECT, * ARTHUR ELLIS, , S Asl University, 2 office. and = residencé, Ave. HENRY P. etc. Anchor "Square. 'Phoue, SMITH, A BCHITECT, | ¢ 32 0uMing, Market i ALL KINDS OF MILLINERY DONE BY a competefit milliner. Charges mod- 8t; orate, Ad Balaclava ARCHI. street. WM. NEWLANDS & SON, tects, etc. Office, 258 Bagot 'Phone, 608. MOLES, ete, remo BIRTHMARKS, permanent! scar. Twenty years' ie Dr. Elmer J. a Eye, Ear i Throat and Skin 'Blemish Specialist, 2568 Bagot street. POWER . & SON, ARCHITECTS, MER- chant's Bank Building, corner Brock | 'and Wellington streets. 'Phone, ang.' MARRIAGE LICENSES. Your FORTY NE TOLD (YOUR PAST and fhiture can be - revealed ; my horoscopes are wonderful deviners, try and see, send birthdate with 6c. in. stamps. Alfred Dumas, Box 67 3 Laurent, Jacques-Cartler Co. P. ue. . ISSUER, 42 Kingston, . Ont. Tels Residence, 38 Frontenac 8. KIRKPATRICK, Clarence St., phone, 568. street. C. PIANO TUNING. LEGAL. CUNNINGHAM & IMUDIB, BARRIS ore and Solicitors, Law Office, 79 St., Kingston. : Established 1866. J. LOWE, PIANO TUNER. unless work is satisfact ders promptly Sls work guaranteed. Leave orders D. J. Hay's, 126-128 Clarence St. tne, 115. NO CHARGE ctory. All Bs. Sl & 0, WOOD Coal ; E : the city. think we have the. best and Phone 135. most complete stock of gll kinds in { "We Guarantee neces- | Try us next time. r Fire. Insurance - Best Tariff Cop niture risks espeeia oN ost SW La T'S; Dwelling House and For 167 PRINCESS cee ST Something New Cal! in ahd Sés our correct ware. from Welch Margeston & Holiday. See our Up-to-Date range © Fall: and Winter. tine of English Shirt and Neoks Co.. London, Eng. for the f ¢ Sultings and Overcoats, A. C. WAGGONER, upon ; good standing Presa a of | eet nigaide. Bis! tive | $3, on no Tanta in each of six Le poe accra. a emu Er rom sage Le -- } EE te Pr stead required to vad Hight nnd stead in hh districts, Price $3.00 fa oleh of three yours, euinivey mle of le CW acred'and erect a house worth 0 Ww. WwW 00 . a of the o Mfotater of the nant h | pablication £ ) pio af he Fr ~