Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 20 Oct 1909, p. 7

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-- TRAVELLING. TUR ERTIES Thanksgiving Day Mundas, October 25th, rovind tickets will be issued wt SINGLE <1.AY Hs FARE, good going Octobe 2rd 25th and returning on or 7th Vickets sold to cer connection with the above od on trains 1 and 4 HL hee HUNTERS' EXCURSIONS Houid trip tickets at SINGLE FARE October 13th to 3lst to points in Tamagimi, Gnelwec, New Brupswick, Novia Scotia and Maine October 21st to 81st to Muskoka Lake Midland, © Jlakefield, Lindsay, Coboconk and other Hunter's resoris All tickets good to retura until Decewn- Lor 4th. e apply to J. P For full particulars, Corner © Johmson and HANLEY, Agent, Ontario streets, mo [TLL TL Aa IN CONNECTION WITH Canadian Paciti Railway UL LH Single Fare for r Thanksgiving | Saturday and Mon- | tiood Boing Friday day, Oct. 4 i returning un Hunters' Round trip tickets Ort 13th to Nov. Mattaw a to Porte Northern Railwa in Quebec, New veotia Oct. 21st to N Sudbury to 8. Sharbot Lake. and 29, 90d for il Wednesday, Oct. 27th a ~ LXcursion at SINGLE FARE Gth, to all stat ons Arthur, Temiskaming y stations and Dir amew ick and v 6th, 8S. Marie Lindse ay Branch to North Bay. All tickets good turp until Dec. 4th, 1909, Low Rates to Pacific Coast tickets on 15th at to stations Severn to re One way colonist sale daily . 156th to Oct. NCOU VICTORIA, SEATTLE, ORTLAND, OREG 1.05 ANGELES, SAN FRANCISC "AN DIEGO, Cf MEXICO OITY, Nex . Fell particulars at K. & I. and © it. Ticket offleq, Ontario oS I. CONWAY, Gen. Pass: Bs, 10 CAL: Agent, BAY OF QUINTE RAILWAY, Train leaves uniom station, Outaric sireet, 4 pn. daily (Sunday excepted) for Tweed, Sydenham, Napanee, Deser- onto, Nagnoetthurn and all points north, 1 sacure quick - despatch to Banuwock- turn, Maynooth, end points on Central Untario, route your shipments via Bay For furiper particu DICKSON, Agent, CRUISE of the "ARABIC" 10 the o Mediterranean HOLY LAND and EGYPT Pak « od C00 nd Up ar 2 Pays. [ach i necegsary oo "gsr nite A re Star JIE Dept Line, Toronto A Tiy hut Red Esa Is alwaya for o appreciated future by those y home--or the site for all h information ) Real 3 © and country ad at all pon our Dwelling b furnace tuated rick, 4 fenced in city y Cottage," F ¢ acres of 1, well choice Row oft 7 Full parti D. Br icks y Prop .Cays Brock St. pr cent. ne ZL WN Asphalt Roofing Gravel and Sand Surfaced P. Walsh, Barrack St, Kingston THE FRONTENAC LOANAND INVESTMENT SOCIETY ESTABLISHED, 1863. President--Sir Richard Cartwright Money issued on Uity and Farm perties. Municipal and County tures. Mortgages purchased. received and interest allowasd. 8 C. MeGill, Managing Director, 87 Clarence street; M. PP. KEY S Antiseptic Barber Shop i Dressing and Shaving parlor, e C hair Quick Service. Your pate o solicited. 33. KING STREET Next Door to Wade's Drug Store; " WAH LONG'S LAUNDRY REMOVED. 78 Clarence St, to 158 Pak ington Sti, betwesp Brock and Clarens From A morning gloss of Abbey's puts you er for the whole day. i {ors are roots pts op { McDonald Coyle's farm section. | day | friends | ald, his pareuts here. from McDongld's farm, .EVERYBODY Has . stoves to sell, but nobody cap give that value 'that we can. a We have all kinds, cheap for cash. We have all kinds of House Fur- nishings, from the lowest Yrades - to the most beautiful AXatique Furniture. Don't fail to come and see qur ? stock before yoi buy elsewhere. L.. Lesses, Princess and Chatham Sts) Kingston, Ont. THE EST | Cor. will move to Enterprice in a few days points | Nova | | Havelock to! ForWomen-LydiaE. Pink- | ham's Vegetable Compound | following | "Restorative tl | REMEDY! preat Belleville, Ont. --*1 was so weak | and worn out from a female weakness that I concluded to try Lydia E. Pink- ham's Vegetable Compound. I took several bottles of it, and 1 gained strength so rapidly that it seemed to make anew woman of me. Icando as good a day's work as I ever did. I singerely bless the day that I made up my mind to take vour medicine for female weakness, and Famexceedingly grateful to you for ! your kind letters, as 1 certainly profited | »y them, 1 give you permission to publish this any fime you wish. Mrs. ALBERT WICKETT, Belleville, Ontario, Canada | Womeneverywhereshould remember that there is no other remedy known to medicine that will cure female ' -ak- { ness and so successfully carry women | through the Change of Life as Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound, nade | from native roots and herbs, : For 30 years it has been curing women from the worst forms of female ills -- inflammation, ulceration, dis- placements, fibroid tumors, irregulari- | ties, periodi¢ pains, backache, and | : nervous prostration If you want special advice write | | foritto Mr<. Pinkham, Lynn, Mass, | tis free and alsvays helpful, TE eae ---------- A - * KINGSTON BUSINESS COLLEGE ITED) HEAD OF LU EEN STREET. 'Highe: t Education -at Lowest Cost" Twenty-Sixth year. Fall Term begins August 830th: Courses in Bookkeeping, Shorthand, Tele graphy, Civil Service and English. Our ga aduates get. the best posi- tions. ithin a short time over sixty secured positions with one | of the large Es railway corpora- tio in as | "Enter a time. Sali tor inforr a CALFE, Principal: Sed LAA 0 0 | vl "4 '| 4 3 3; Re] « | 3 write MET- or F. 1 1 { 4 i 1 1 Be 1 + 4 1 1 4 4 i Tell Some Sick One . It Is Free If It Faia. Will you do an act of Humanity, 1 Will you tell some sick friend of this, my \ remarkable offer? | Tell him or her, that you have learned ota medicine So certain that ite maker dare say to the af ck, 0 is absolutely and unconditionally h {ree if it fa And a no doubt, alréady know of Dr Shoop's Restorative and its popularity. Far 20 ypp pe it has been the standard ram ody for Stomach, Kidney aud Heart ailmenw || sverywhere in Auierica. Whea the * inside" or onto ing nerves of | these vital organs bein to fail, is t has quickly az. and streng | thened, and brought these nerves and organs {13 back to health again. | 1do notdose the Stomach, nor stimulate the Heart or Kidneys--for that is all wronz. Dr. Shoop's Restorative goes direct to the. | oatse of these aliments--the failing, faltering, | inside or controlling nerves. And herein lies the | keynote to my success. i! ! When these nerves are again made well and strong, then that ia the cartain end of all such-| Wekbes. tis a gress satisfaction that T am | ihe beoply phrscha able to say to the suffert rescription for full 30 days, w vr is fails to 0 boi you, the entire expense is | mine--0ot yours. i" it this remarkable offer? 1 also have a Rheumatic Remedy--and that | remedy is covered by the same identical "Ne help. no pay" protective plan. you would your home physician. My advice and | the book below are y withous cost. Parbaps a word or two from me will rlear | OP S0IN0 Serious dimen I have helped upon shousands by my privats vrescription a | ' personal adyice plan. My" best wflort is surely | worth your simple request. it 80 let me send you an order at oncs. Take message to some sick friend A postal will bring the opportunity 1 will have an honest and trustworthy drug. | fe to whom you can conveniently go for the x ¥ te j( Bot first, ask me e for the order, for all droge give the 0 day test f save ail delays. Rs v tomo: OW never comes. Address Dr. Shoop, Box 12, acine, Wis. Which Boek Shall I Sead You? i No. 1 On Dyspepsia No. 4 For Women No. 2 On the Heart No No. 3 On the Kidunevs No. § Ou Rheuma tisss. ol R ROOSTER BRAND | OF 10BACCO Chewing at forty-five ia a good tobacco: Why | and round, Smoking ents a Hts. Best laundry In the city: Goodn ealled for and delivared. ay af cents Andrew Maclean, Ontario street, NEWS OF NEIGHBORS family place have hastise | improving { Huron. | Babcock: { spellding ville, Sills', od, part in Sales bingham's {of | visit IT. Lee's {paid | faran {and K Kaley. Urevk eit: at I slight somewhat leave sudden Nirs | Perth, he stent « Dr. Shoop's | Westport, at { Maberly, | hing heen fapiid under the' leadership Then why should the sick take any | Lieut. G chance an any other medicine, whose {neh « maker dare not back it just as I do by " utting forth hire | ket Besides, yon are free $0 eonsnit me just as (dwelling ds | Wiss W Yitliam and 5 For Men Te yatatoes onl lore otatox 1 het jit THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, veDNESDAY, OCTOBER 20, 190 9. with a cont, is vey low. Nelson Uptugrove, ill with typhoid fever, ie much better. pow. His brother, Cor: welivs © Uptugrove, has he same disk ease, and was taken fo tho Kingston Goncral Hospital and to-day Mss. U tagrove is ill with typhoid. Miss Susi Robb, who has been for some time, has greatly impeted and hope is held out' for her complete secovery. Born to Mr. and Mrs. Geolge Ruthvan, a son. Fredirick Light and William Hoare have returned from the west. William Hogre leit on Friday for his old home in London, England. Wil liam Dixon had the misforiune to lose a tine horse. The apples are about qall * gatherxl. The crop was sme Samuel Yateman bas moved inte village for the winter. Earl Wiliams spent. Sunday at his home on Prospect Point. John Banks and family spent Sunday 'at North = Shove. aw Fer- riz and. family at George Ruthven's. Visitors: Mr. and Mrs. eargs Kirk: trick, of Battersea, at R. 1's donald Keith and Donald Baker, «of London, England, at Mise Jessie Gage's, Lakeview; Robert Duff, oi Rockwood hospital 'staff, Kingston, at Dak Ridge cottage, : Anglin's; Miss Gimblett, of King aotob, at Erwin Caird's; Miss Tye, of "Lyndhurst, at Sidney Caisd's. in- the church ete, The church was bemutifully = embellished with maple leaves gnd evergreens. Special music was rendered bv the choir, and also solos by the Misses Bayee and Saul.' Short" addresses, were given "by Rev. Mr. Danby snd the superintendent, M. Crser. - K. Babeogk bas started fall ploughing on the. farm lately pur- chased from Johnston. - E. Law- son, while bens wood, had the misfortune to -amputate his thumb, The many frends of Mrs. J. MeBride lure pleased to hear of "ber convales- jusmee. 8. Guess had the misfortune 2 VHAT WHIG CO CORRESPOND- ENTS TELL US. The Tidings From Various Points Vain Eastern Ontario--What People ' AreoDoing And What They Are Saying. ? At Allen? Wolfe Island. Allen, Wolle Tsland, Oct. I5:=Farme Ho 100 5 valuable horse one day last digging potatoes and other rh F. Johoston lost a fine cow which arc a good crop James WY having her leg broken. Among Ho has moved from Mrs. | cont visitors sto: G. W. Orser,' his farm in this 'the post office; A. Townsend, - Mrv. H. Bsford left on Satur- | §. Toplifi's, wha E. Lawson and for ut atertawn, N.Y. to visit family, at Mr. Melntosi's, Glenburnije; Mr. and Mrs. D. N. MoDon- RD. Wartman; at A. Ferguson's: A. of Watertown, N.Y., are visiting Hansen, at A. Orser's; Mrs. Ferguson H. Davis is moving and Sharpe, at S. Robhin's, Murvale Baker's farm to William Boyce and family, Mifvale, at A. at Lawrence. te Miles Orser spent Sunday rmetay. vising his parents; isses Heben News From McLean. Wartman and Belle Guess at home! McLean, Oct. 19. James, Wager and Mrs. W. Vance with lier parents. have moved to Parry Sound Astletines moved on J. Wager's At Pleasant Valley. ; Mrs. J. RKirkham and family Pleasant Valley, Oct. 19.--F. Eiler- moved in John Vanvolkenburg's hewk has had the masobry of the front Frank Thompsan + and family (of his residence repgired and a ce- ment foundation for verandah laid. Mabel Sills, who has been ill, i= Jackson brothers, of Harrowsmith, Viditors : Mrs. Rowe, Port did the work. T. A. Kerr also had Mich,, at her father's, Waldron eehent foundation for 'a verandah Mrs. W. Howard, Duluth, laid hy the same meg. Some of the a few weeks at Wiliam Raw- wen are very slow in getting their id and Mrs. EF. Brown, Wager ditching completed. Eilegheck and visited relatives in Mclean on E. Boyce have eta from = the Sunday. © Willard Cronk. at George west. Corn is a good erop. In some Brown, Miss 3. Rawler cases the western corn is ten feet high. Broaley, at G. Sills' on Buckwheat also is very 'good, Messrs. Richmond, at F. Vanvolk Thomas and William Bradford each Sunday { threshed over a thousand bushels. of orain © which is consideifl very good for this season. i. 'Ellerbeck also threshed a thousand bushels. Mrs Ml. Leslie visited friends here recently. Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Barr, Burridge, are at his father's. Mr. and Mrs. L.; Ruttan, Mr. and Mrs. B. Ruttan, Harrowsnith, were at Mrs Trish's out well. gThere 1s o 'Fecontly. Mr. and. Mrs George! amount of. fall ploughing being Hughes and baby, Gladys, Nr. and Son There sulc at ¥ 1 Mrs. BE. Hughes mad D. Youmans, at Sopher's, the Salaun Road. Petworth fast Sunday. A. Charbon- and horses sold new, of Wistport, paid a visit to also' been held gt C this place lasy Friday. also to Pet and M.A Puffer's worth and Harrowsmith. Mr. and Puller is retiring to Consecon i eu. Mcllroy, Sydenham, at Mrs Orser has moved to Gananoque. Hen Ellerbeck's rec ntly ry Graham has a position in Port Ay thur. He took .two Jersey cows there for Mr. Stephenson, of the Montreal bank. . Gregg Titus has his new barn nearly completed. Mus. Jewel is visit at J. Coleman's to James Henry Miss Runaway At €anniiton. Canuifton, Oct. 19.~The interior .oi the new school house being completed school opened on Monday with . Miss Raich in charge of the senior depart- ment while Miss Fvelyn korke, gre: duate of Albert college, looks after the juveniles. Miss Theresa Watts has received a diploma from the On tario Buginess College. Two exciting runaways Friday here. On while H. K. Boyce Farley's furniture, ed colts became lev s also C. and Miss H. Sunday; Mr geeurred on kenburgh s, Friday wotuing, was moving Mr. his span of spirit- frightened and ran away, upsetting some 'of , the goods jand injuring Mrs. Farley, who was on the waggon helping to load. On Friday 'eveming: Morley Phillips [drove in from ghe country and: tied his horse under the church shed. When be was ready to go. home he was minus his horse and bugev. The ani mal had pulled the staple out and instead of going directly home it ran to. Believille and crossed over to the Madoc road and returned home by amotner roach Although it had been {into two farmers' vards and around and out again there was very [little damage done to the rig Portland, Oct. 18.---Duck hunting is | William Ketcheson has sold his farm the order of the day. Lawyer Baker, in the fifth concession and has bought of Merrickville, is spending a few days | the Prentnall home next to the par in the village, the guest of T. K. 'sonage. W. C. Farley has moved in: Séovil, Miss Melissa Tofiey, of Drvlta, {to the home is spending a few days at her home [Hate John Q. Fairman. here. Mrs. A. Gallaghar has returned still coufinéd to the house. Albert home from a two-weeks' visit with | Stapldy dnd fanMly have moved friends in Toronto and Smith's Falls. |Frankfort. Amos Gorsyn will Geeuny Miss Gladys Creeggan, who has been |the house vacated by Mr. Stapley. Ti vursing Mr. Brown, of Delta, for the small boys of the village are picking past two months, returned: home on [potatoes at Corbyville. Mrs. Lorne Friday. Henry Howe, who is confined Reid and children, of Baneroit, to his bed with typhoid fever, ¢j¢ im- |visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. 1 A proving nicely, and hopes & enter. !Fainham. The young people of. the to Lavant yesterday: Mrs. Paul tained for his recovery. Mr. "and Mre, to visit her daughter. Mrs. Edward Hamilton, of Elgin. were tho Hopetown. ~~ Mr. and Mrs. guests of Mrs. C. Ripley on Sunday pent Tuesday of last week at last. Harry De Gez, who spent the Harvey Thomas returned, past four months at the Commercial week, to North Bay. W. J. Boyd hotel here, returned to his home in a short visit to Renfrew, on Fri- Seattle on Tuesday. Charles Morris day. last week, John Robertson suc: has gone to Rochester, where hé has cessfully trapped a bear, which had secured a position. Miss Estella Haw, been killing his sheep. * with her two cousins, Mamie and \ Jessie Haw, of Perth, spent Saturday and Sunday with the former's parents here. George Creeggan - has gone to Ottawa, where he has taken a posi- Ameliasburg Sales. Oct. 19. moved from the village He will be greatly miss superintendent the and took an activ church work. Apples are not Ameliasbury, ningham bas to Peterbore. alvin Cun as he was of Sunday school turning Very was a on averaged 325 have well Cun M: Budget From Portland ing Trapped A Bear. Lavant Station. Oct Miss Belln Rankin has returned from her home at Hopetown. - William Browning won a prize turkey at Basberry's 'shooting match. 'on Friday. Mr. and Mrs D. Crawford, Snow Road, were the guests Mr. Browning on Sunday. Mrs. J Robertson, Lavant South, paid iv S has gow { Rankin, I homas Thanksgiving League campaigners of this district jwill visit this league on Thursday Jtvening in the interests of the For- ward Movement." C. A. Campbelliord: ou business. les Kneds attack of rheumatism. concert. last Mrs. Char- Sangster Jottings. Sangster, Oct. 19. -\ few ithe folks took in the Westport fuir oun the VV tak 12th. Raffles are numerous around on. Mr. and Mrs. W. Kerfoot, of ere this fall. The remawms oi William Smith's Falls, came up in their auto | Fitager: ald, Fish Crook; "were placed in and Spent Sunday with Mrs. Kerfoot's Sacred Heart vault here on w'/parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. Gallather do. Vicitors: Mr. and Mrs. M. Cor. Messrs. J. Morris, = 8. Lockwood, and and sister, Katie, and Miss M. Dr. 0. W. Murphy. went to Westport FE. Burns. at. 8S. McAlister's. Canoe: 00 Sunday in > Mr.. Morris's speedy | Lake; Misses Minnie Young, Maggio launch. and Barrett, and J. D. Burns Cole. Lake,: at P. J Toronto Street Markets. Toronto, Oct. 19.--Wheat, new, $1.02 to $1.03; wheat, red, Rl to 81.02; wheat, goose, 9%c 98c.; oats, mew, per bush., 43¢.; bar- [toy bush., Stic to 6lo;rye, bush, BSe. to 70c. hay, timothy, ton, $16 to $20; hay, clover, ton, 38 to 31; straw, per ton,-¥15; seeds, Alsike, fancy, bush. 6.75 to 37: Alsike, No. 1, 36.50 - to 156.75; Alsike; No. 2, 8.73 'to 86; Al sike, No. 3, 85 to £5.25; red clover, hush., R7.50 to B%; timothy, 21.40 to £1.60; dressed hogs, 310.75 to $11.25 Miss M. Ropdan, Fish | Neoleetille, Oct. (19.--The - farmers | butter, dairy, 24e. - to 30¢s/ putter, in- John Sheehan's: James Bar are diggiog their pofatee: and some Hevior, 20c. to © 2c eggs, dozen, 2c. Coulter's, Uole Lake; N. have commenced fall 'ploughing. J. E. to 32c.; chickens, per Ib., 13¢. to Me; Williams. Ompab, at P. Egaw's; Mr. Anglin bas a Tot of med Working On ! ducks, per lb, 13c. to le; turkews, Tripp, Picton, and M. O'Connor, at 1 Lthe road laving owt a" wovernmeént pee Ib., 18¢. to 20e.; geese, per lo, Young's: John Daley, at T. Burne', ! grant. There was 4 gol attendance We: to lle; fowl, per Ib., 10c. to Burnid v; Miss A. O'Connor. at I. lal Shaday school on Sunday. The | 1c ; apples, per bbl, 81.25 to $2.50 | Barrett's: Peter Daley, home { superintendent, Daniel «Moore, pre- potatoes, load, bag, 60c. to T0c; seated every member. with a nice |eelery, dozen, 30c, to 35c.; onions, per badge, with Union Sunday school |ag, 81 to 21.10; cauliflower, per doe- printed ron it. Next Sunday, mission: en, 0c: to 31.25: cabbage, per dozen, ary services will be held. Rov Mr. |6Cc. to 73 beef," hindyuarters, $9.50 Hannah, of Sydenham, will proach. [to ¥10.50; beef, forequarters, $4.50 to Fergus Jardine, ill for time |¥6; beef, choice, carcase, $8 to $5.50); - beef, ~medium, 7 8 mut- ton, per owt. $8 to veal, prime, per cwt.,, $8 to $10.50; pur cwt., 89 to ¥10. white, new, to of Su Jessio : : Typhoid At Keelerville. O'Connor's: at at Crow Lake Tidings. (row Lake, 18. A 'utthng antl digg is the dav livery body reports a Mrs J. W. Knapp is better Anthony Wilts had «| sh mre 5A Boom to Stock-Raisers his bed yet. The people of wore shocked to hes of th To Know How to Cure Colic Dis- temper; Colds, Swellings, Etec. death of Mrs. Charles Coats, Friday last. Her remains were --Saves Thousands Each Year. ict potatoes corn of | good | eld some- | Mrs. vhat oma carcase, of lace a -------------- It Will Be Simple. What I have always wanted, daci- ing," he said after «he had consented 10 bo his, "is a little home of "my own. I have always had to live" in boarding houses; and it seems to mo that 10 have a cosy flat with you in it as my little Jo ukespee would be the nearest appromch to heaven that | could expect on this earth. What do vou thina gbout it, dearest ?"' 'Tt. would be just lovely," she ro plied, snugeling a little closer to ham. "But. the trouble is that I' could hardly afford io hire a maid for you, fust now. In a little while ghall have a raise of salary, and then it will be éasy. Do you think jou could got along at first without ah i > "Oh, yes, I'm sure there wouldn't be dny trouble at all. 1 can boil ogts ust splendidly." m laced in Olden cometery MY. apd James Mahon, visiting friends in returned V. Flaharty! and Sundav at her | Mr. and Myre "S| John Morris ve Saturday in Althorpe visited Mrs who i me Tones near It i®a matter of vital importance to was quite ilk: Wiliam [every farmer, horse-owner and stocks wears a smiles a wee girl this raiser to know _exactly what to de Mr. and Mrs. William Kennedy | when one of his animals is taken sud W. Knapp's. Charles Gordon. [denly sick. at. R. Revnolds' on Sunday The letter Misses Hattie and Pearl Me | which spent' Sunday at their home Jones me Wf of Frank F. we print below, gives tion of inestimablihg alue, his experience in curi diling stock during the past thirty-eight years: ! "Boveral years ago when my horses took 'colic 1 used to give them iullerton, informa- and tells of 1st Annis wre Godfrey's Rifle Club. ! Oct 19. Much interests | SAVED by a number of people in i: 1,000 Cayetine Pepper - in association which ha of to Yom \ BY bot. milk, but in a efforts he is | fow cases only" did it a NERVILINE it. help, and be Thomas Coulter loaded a cay of cattle | canse had wo this week jor the Montreal mar- {prope means at hand 1 lost several Richard Judge has his fine new | valuable animals. Some one told me nearh completed, Misses | of the sucdess Mr. Wendling, of Brocks are well {ville, Ont., had in his vac ing stables vooms. | with "*Nerviline,"; so [| laid in a sup to Vel ply. It wasn't very long heiere Ner- soason. Av-|viline saved the life of a valuable n Elk Lake| stallion oi mine, wnich was worth at from Cobalt. least 81,000... This horse was taken s to Water-{ with colic, and would have died, had few weeks Mrs. {it not been for Nerviline. IT have used To Parham, returned home { Nerviline for , reducing swellings, ior visiting . friends here Master {taking out distemper lumps. and eas- Shalt. soriously Mr. {ing a bad cough, and always found it M. J. Haney, Toronto, spent worked well, I ree 1 every : x ' orke vell. recommend every at Mrs. CC. H. Godirev's C.laho owns horses of ¢ MeRhnight gone to Uttersom to | Neryilige on hand. isit is seriously ill} My, Fullerton to Chaplean {known id the ( > R andation s We evilh horsensan Godfrey, taken he dow ritle wrge H. Campbell, due m the to make al 8 IY Lar es a, Seeking A Divorce. Reno, 'Nov, Oct. 20.--Mrs. Daniel | Frohman, more familiarly «nown by her stage name of Margaret Ilingtom, to-day filed suit for divares in the dis trict court of this city, alleging that hes husband has for the last two years | failed to vontribute to ber support. raig and Gregory their mew sewing Hill has, returned falls millinery vs home from Moon £5 here has Tos a se Howes, now eS tabli hed mn Anna the I exlie Cooper ona for hibald -- nd G May Call Gornwall Pastor. Ottawa, Oct. 20.--There isa strong | wrobability of a eall being extended to | Rev. Dr. Macgillivray, of Cornwall, to | become pastor of St. Paul's VPresby- {terian church. worg fter ft CAs n Mrs ill man cattle to keep Ossip Gabrilowitsch," 'the pianist, : i who recently married Miss Clara Cle mens, daughter of Mark Twain, was 'operated upon for appendicitis in New nme experienced and | York. He rallied well, and it was | practical proved bevond {thought that he would recover speed- «tion how. valuable Newviline real- lily. : hing Manuel, a tral. t's good for | testinal trouble, internally or externally. |iever, should or five for XI At all fundess. unforeseen he his brother, who McKnight res ume has one of { Stormont, is best and his | the returned ties on {ree an tor Kepler Ups And Downs tht suffering from an ia | Nerviline or beast. a per battle Tor nave Ropar IN. --Farmers in regs Sune ods within . ompli wh | nie recover ten dave Wh ations turned recently occupied by the Frank Corby is to are League are preparing for their annual The Epworth Callery is in is suffering from a severv lamb, T hope 1 | accompanied by some | de i Relief in Five Minutes Little, Diapepsin. There would not be a case of indi- westion here if readers who are sub- | 0 {ject to Stomach . trouble knew the tremendous anti-ferment and diges- gi Yirtus contained hh pepe This harmless prepara wi & heavy meal ee the slightest fuss or discomfort, and pelieves the sourest, ficid stomach in five minutes, besides overcoming all foul, Nauseous odors from the breath. Ask your pharmacist to show you the formula plainly printed on egch 50-cent case of Pape's Diapepsin, then 'paration like Diapepsin, which will al- - vou will readily understand why this, ways, either at' daytime or during promptly cures lImdigestion and re night, relieve your 'stomach misery moves such symptoms as Heartburn, jand digest your meals, is about as a feeling like a Jump of lead iu the [handy and valuable a Shing as you, stomach, Belching of Gas and Eructa- could have in the house tions of undigested food, water brash, Nausea, eadache, DBiliousness, ahd many o bad symptoms ; and, be: sides, you will not need laxatives to keep your Somash, liver and intes- your wsomach misery ything you sat is sure to follow five minutes after, and, besides, one case is sulient to cure a whole family of such trouble. Surely, a harmless, inexpensive pre- perfect digestion of an Sateen Waists, 50c. up Let the " Duchess' Tailors and Seamstresses make all your Waists, White Wear etc. It will save you many hours of hard work and save you money besides. Just to show vou ngw economical it will be. we mention ' Duchess" Biack Sateen Waists, in many) pleasing styles, from soc. wy Let us know if your dealer does not handle the complete *' Duchess' line. Every garment guaranteed both by makers and dealers. DUNLAP MANUFACTURING CO. Rubbers We are exclusive agents for the only Guaranteed Rubbers Made. Dainty mode, Kost No More. Another of Cowan's creation in chocolate-- a delicious combination of finest milk chocolate and fresh shelled walnuts. Truly delightful. In ¥ and ¥ pound cakes. THE COWAN CO. LIMITED, TORONTO. WHILE YOU waATT, is not {dle talk. The Goodyear Repair Outfit SHOE REPAIRING : I recently installed enables me to do work promptly and at less cost than ordinary shoe repairs. You wwa IR per cent. in getting your work done at 'The House Of Quality." LACE. Herod, | PHONE, 837. 286 PRINCESS Ewe treeeeedecereteesteces sesesestestsstsstesses | } 'THE DEMAND FOR OUR PIES is increasing every week." We have a good assort-' ment. Mince, Lemon, Orange, Pumpkin, Apple and Berry. Baked fresh every day. iE R. H. Toye, 302 King St. Phone 141° 3 evsesrisuviiiteotassinse SS eon my | RISE OF THE Wire and a == United EmpircLoyalists fron Works Sketch of Ameri- Office 'Baskets, Desk and Waste Spark n History aluable for Librar- Guards, Wire Mats and Wire Goods of yor and EY Aron. 3 fall Kinds manufactured at By VISCOUNT DE FRONSAC. Price, 50c¢. | Address British Whig, An Inie Partridge & Sons, Kine St West 'Phone; 380 Kingston. eid & Charles.

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