Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 20 Oct 1909, p. 6

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% PAGE SIX. ~~ THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 20, 009. eos ws woo THE SPORT fENEN a =r h BITTER-GONTEST, § { Shock the } Expert - , Tedford, Ind. --Miss Daisy Ta'bott, Toronto Theatre : a farmer's daughter near Bono, 'wrote |coss AND JENNINGS MAY il Spb 4 : IN THEB "RMON 3A BS EY Di 2. lier name and address on anegy, whic: L_AVE DEI KU i A Blaan} IN eed ] i was sent with others to a Wholesaler iS 34 ws ary called upon the police 10 pry ION OF SOUTHWARK, 'Fite latter shipped the egg to Decatur, . | vent. some yo x behing without Td. where, it was bought by Joseph | 1 They Are Not Given: More the usudl «yiipn du the 'Bye -elac tics r BH tain Lbheut! Palmer, who wrote fo Miss Talbott." Money--New Hockey Rink Forliront al hor hot the En at the Month--Tariff | ters were sxchanged ul resuite: ' 3 it + 'madam cahrai ste : : : Tau I an whic tea Trenton--Marsh = Second in B po 4 ; y Reform Against the Budget-- ce y in a ing. the hein wach i mil rie a ia is Good resulta foMow themsaof * Frid | Seattle Marathon A o ean tl: se them from Yous --Vacancy in One of .the Lon-| astives' in 21 cases of Stomach, Liver, | tana leads thee Interprovincial hows L don Constituencies 'Ridney and Skin Troubles rugt n 1 sith *hree wins and Oh Where there is Indigestion, Constipa- > etonl plair tion, Biliousness, Pain in the Back, Rash in i Uttawu, has deve lope ed a = telescope way: raid on sented the Bermorstsey of ' of | on the skin, the benefits of "Fn . LEOre. Ki and wil s out of the game (Gavety oh y one alt sleut Southwark (om th onthe cor tives" are quickly appreciafed ' " Pruit-a-tives ', fade from concen ot ik ) Varsity looks trated and intensified fruit juice, acts ore hike 4 Lg an champion téam ition on moi departs | evs This boo hdl cont a Tye ee . isn' eopag we it? i Vi directly on the digestive and eliminating | than anvilin ofonto has seen wines punt, and a5s to the tre OR 3 will : 2 It isn't necessary : it's expensive frath Lo OTHE p i enews, wm . us » tom mons, has nawis PAE OT © 1X time, is the best of tomics to purify and | i and Holmer have been match: | 1s w aitirkeniecl Rios it white 'heat: tinouzhout 'the contre, "14 § A and it .means doubling your work. stiturney makes At dealers soc. a box, 6 for $2.50, or | possibility t rubb my u Wilh! the i Titi Would ; . lard : sill you use Taylor's Borax Soap, for it > bare Just" sevonisen © vears Cttawa. Raturda th the Quee [play hockey with the capital ary out A" 1 he wl « D Prone: se throush the official binor x ; Mah the Cana as d. rE av wil Phils Oh Th the article is very much sgiled a vei: Johnuy To a A wilipsville ' o ¢ month, aid ax pots great? organs of the body, and at the same he of + 'Baldwi font! . } wered fon « : m 5 . will be ome of the mast Iaitelv' I enrich the blood and build vp th d to ru hfe ie race, in Mont gil) gd an as over, he mad This Flo lL Tol aay / he eral ith. Be real on Thouhes Te 15 8 bE hel oriiered IE tte RAY W lav. You don't have to boil clothes when 1a he 1 # i trial size 25c. -- or sent tpaid on n ham do * i a: asked > mor? twice and Jibiensi th , receipt of price by Fruit-a-tives Limited, | When = Mary oli Was in ONavn Lowe of \t the des : * he Dvdeet? "ai : : To wash colored muslins, lin: : Hho oirll attined as se lati Ul wT LL he Opposing dissolves and removes the dirt in a wa $ which he is coaching, he signed toliouug ~ m id about six tender {1100 TOL Br is : : ens or lawns, first make a strong r the coming 'season wre 3p apt tu bain shart Sos rea Ep ee | jiffy--yet it never harms the daintiest 'suds with Taylor's Borax Soap : <s . , 3 ; and Shot he 8 I he mie . hil IIL D.! 3 . : 3 eattle, Wash, they, 3t.) © was peglected--not voy th a § textures, nor shrinks woolens. and luke warm water. Wet Ol at pnralIen eT or dun Edens which make for modesty LA Big Loss Suffered = By > but one piece at a time. Unless + sevond.s at vo ge ey Hoskin, it leaves f 16 A Has > ce rd an iFrenchudalis hind the Et af th had the wildeun Ju log aly; : EER tn everything "do not run. the soap directly on C. I o itzgerald, fourtl Taw os : : able mill property, con } i X " : El A LY i ed oh B . d " LS whiter the article. Rub gently with the pO baseball ub, : ® torestit v jon | at £ b..s ang | « ese wo " = fan . 3 er | 1 3 s > : , nfs Viwhich is now playing in Unb PW Lies Sia wiel of Six . ji. Hive at ome Gclotk. on Sunday horn ; a ~ ol hands until perfectly clean. Put. in Your Tank over its first game on the Caribbean be. aud a girl of--well, whatever go | ind. The bulliings , wer: skeen - fi SE ; sweeter Wring out the clothes, and rinse. at Our Dock of sland he Hoosiers trimmed one of | oc ' av wot. when Vhen they were discovery. Ther was on : rister teams avound Hayanu tose the ~ i limb if nothing saved. All the valuable wa a : ; and clean- thoroughly in water of the same, { } alter Stagle: did the tinfg LO a he's f indiscretion t rvgis a broben and twisted mass, 3 a 4 5 . G a r a £ Cc 1g dit aul that the tubans Sy a = \ bridge and a. twenty-faot dam were & er t h an tempera ure as that previously » had a b ae Of It uedting nest 10 WHIG'S FASHION HINT hurnexi. Hho Jot best: no ire in ; used. Never boil colored Repairs to Auutomobiles ad cont | Hoskin, carsied Bane oa . you ever clothes. A very little Taylor's a pedest foronto vlegr: ods « BM awfu t BO insu ha 7 te ting on : re i he very. heavy ' nen. will BY dreamed Borax Soap added to boiled . * venrs 'as the atest sporting an WN ' ¥ w 1 ty sen ty Mrs Marine Engines promptly attended ij, Nites thos Uttawe. aves knew, Queen's | : 1 rate Stott. pat } ak 7. : starch will prevent it from Selby & Youlean, Ld. ; Be ae me ah oy B's fine arte baby how lastweek | : % possible. sticking, and makes the clothes Ontario St ors cour liduted in, atleg Res KE Susie ren? Try it and ing ignorance of the rules Sn the part 4 & were the f Mrs, Frank | iron: smoother and easier, rh ol the thciads, 1 hose higher emtics ¥ . td Stone over Sunday. The trustee i ¥ SRS see. soem to have fost respect for every Fo 3 sheared Miss © Anua Nolan wo teach | = JOHN TAYLCR & CO., Limited, TORONTO village schoo! for: the # th SOAS ON. Lenn, despatch say 1 Galvesiqn wegro pugil { up traflic on the Missis- | war TWO GIFTS To MISSIONS. { his ction. Bg steam- | . a b ' : : T ---------- ocked at several ports ow- | Et He Buffalo Business Men Make Large of labor with which to | Bar 1 Offerings. wad rivermen blame a 4 a atialo. N over Ketchell for | : CURE + =i: BF A -]| -- a lish: as a feather » Oct" 20. Inspired lok Headache and relieve all thetroubles tnck vd three he seven games of the NSN t dent to 1s state of the system, such as . for the Pittsbu Dizziness, Nanses, Deowsluens, Distress after 3s 3 iigbury eating. Pain in the Side, fo. While their most rates 3 remarkable success has be . i shown in curing SICK pate of box be mado Aeing seta & : ET Ewin wd YOULL 'be prods slice the light, Readache, yet Carter's Little Liver Pills ars Seliberat] ; -- RE Ey or Lets Fishy, 0 X . snowy-white bread made from uall luable in Constipation, curing and pre- 3 . A pa sl fib 3 a ] ne caleciia m:- } ) : 3M 1 " ik (hisAnRO7ibx complAlAt WLC they also : whmirers ua private hotel N re { 1 hy I URITY flour. \ # correct all diserders of thestomach stimulate the wtual cotnt there Wef@™436 voung wo Tom over + ow thi bu of desi R 15d Vite and rogliato Sis biwsls, Even if they only : 1 1 - 3 .N ny nen who wanted to, kiss him Saws By Ys ed corge Heber Joues, of Korea, declat- | V ne) | May cost more than some flours, but you'll find HEAD entol have a fine mew ink: THE THOR S56 une Janner at the Hermit Kingdom would by - : it more than worth the difference. the iY winte and one of the hi ¥ hit country withir hirty | -- 7 largest in Outa ov. F » Ive | : " More Bread and Bettet Bread" Ache they would beslmost pricaless to those who reas i Uy . o a / EL ore ead an ette rea suffer from this distressing complaint; bukfortu- ah a, » HY e PUECRSe HERDED WITH PIGS & E sms nisms > { nately their Anessa does notend bere and those t « noftr mld nd ow ren -------- I . . Who gnce try them will find these litle pills valu. tee Phe Ratiiens. Show No Paters to HAS 3 MILLION | Western: Canada Flour Mills Co. Ltd. @ble in so many ways that they will not be wil. Ra) : : 5 3 x S30 % . od Jing todo without them. But afterallsick bead ~~ ©'1 1'¢ "onelll deed Fhe work of tem Japanese Prisoners To (Sprend For Secuiilip Women's | : T Sec men LAY BN Mills at Winnipeg, Goderich, Brandon. C ng it down and the camstruction of vigoria, B.C. Oct, 20. Captures by Votes. | | > tshurg Hew vink will commince at once Russian wwiser Shidka, in an. at New © York Oct 20 Jgady I \ : Ontario railway is inter fy unt to make a sedling raid on the Cook, who arrived, on the. Celtic, se 8 fhe bane of #0 many lives thet here is where ese : A} building of the rink, and | § i 1s) seal rookeries thee Ja he 1s ready, ai need x yospend o we make our great bonst., Our pills cure it while i sperate with sxeursionists. The > ! \ > i ; others do not. ' : te £ # + ' panes al hanters o oo Crew Oo { n dedlars, all her gortuane, w v A hee : 8, Carter's Little Liver Pills are very small i Ink It be ited behind the CAOWR. E40 al sealing. Yhooner fos 1 for n She i oplace ' - 3 wery easy to take. One or two pills ake a dose. coe A Yo \ ' \ } . th i i y They sre strictly vegetable and do not gripe or 0. st S00 t Ve Maru, have retur A hil, ay : ki i ty : : nw | purge, but by their gentle action please all who . : id gr M1 Si 'having been 1 : co to iM ih ; : "4 Bie work Petre but miormation } GARTER MEDISDIE C0. NEW TORE, Aare of Yam TE mpress { 4 h 1 doubled os ' TON x oachers wi at Navin best fs satished tha pode win nS An eT EE ERLE EEE 4 ea Nox A Cold in One Day favs lemand, and in this event 1 : jsepirinnet. herp vi big Duel Fo os ON, SE Cures ( 0 ighs, Colds, Bronchitis, Asthma and all Lung Trouble. cived from caliog iz the pléasurs one Li Grdtn. eRSwrp clin ov not: fer. their. boats, < a3 hor [VIC may not vole, and f want to None just as ood. At allle ading drug stores, 20¢ and 50¢ bottles. gets i the knowledge that iis (00d is | money hecessary to add Jen aud Property had han fonfiscated, th a fat. Dars Sun bere ad . aad by the Scobell Drug ¢o., St. Catharines, Ont. For giving hin greatér strength and ! » their : puerel re 1 » raed, to, = apa with goss hid oh a : ot Son sale af Best's Drug Store, Because of this fact there 1s 1 > ; RQ wiopd: 100 close iclgned | The greatest pleasure Ww stant increase in the con QuakeF Dats; every time the strength o ¢ othe ining him What Good Will It Do ? mm aking qualities of Quaker Oats hay Spite ¢ defeat at the h }= i Nontred 3 ae : . : ES 'a 3 a : « the viddlewsmght champion of he | 3 h of eighteen : found guilty ' y or by experiments in fami it 1 N 13 ha he wil Nef ver defend or - thet wd sentence to five vears bean. fomid to be a [008 Without all hr tith: her he nll ever defend amie Sensible Cure for Indigestion | § : We have many styles of Cosy Slippers for Women. equal ' we la , appears that is "Little Digesters™ | Ses g WwW er have Red, Green, Brown and Black "and Fancy TE . 3 ariisle = Reht to work us 'a Lar fate, Say ' Sens ; he i I Plaids , fur tops, ete., § 81.00, 1.25, 1.50 to 2.00,= Other ut taxing. the digestive yrgal : Ely Hye Bon! ith ok ae pT RQ SOL A Ins - money 7 . 2 3 ¥ ¢ rey * €2 C v ° costs so litls miyone can, affo weights, oat 158 pom o |purchased a farm and marie | Probablv because the taking of food | ; i Jincs at lower prices. Slipper like illustration, $1,00 sts is a lecide ma a igre | OLIEY Wat was learns creatly '10 | causes such intense discomiert; many ; Specials. and 'it is so carefully prepare t la 1 he ichig rilist. also | thy pris i ins neeh wha ['dyspeptics think: that by abstaining ; 4 ; packed that t from this and that--practically starv- | ? 18. a clean. A Quaker Oats e ati milly: and far divisic O he pur vrosperous farms EE he! ing *themse hes +key can cure the : pail: y PERS is always a healthy family : angto ve that he wo top vet OY NW "rr i Tom wii trouble, . - fai 1 MEN'S HOUSE SLIP ---- ell ucker | ion than did Joh prisor $ ha Ly 1- takes Of course, where Indigestion is r,s . tions okiasaadit 3 Rlan , ry BingBinTe hick: te itn 0 serve the caused by sheet gluttony, cutting dows | ; . Like illustration in 'Black four, ~Air I yeas of sentence. | the food would ne doubt do. good." But | Sm ' and Brown Kid, $1.50, 2.00 N ; t 1 : oli i ' wn ' = the oniyv 1 Ww ring own ht MOET « ner syh in most cases Indigest t » v { bk . . Dyeing bl of making the Reavewcight1pathy and expected We will! by overeating, but by ra | § and 2.50. We also have many other. Styles in Plain, ithS ) hampion bite the dus t once he par | he: thee governor § shercise; and consequent lack of viffo: Opera avd E veratt patterns, $1.00, 1.25, 150 & 2,00, P ---- state nm ard im ie organs o tion. *artia wit oa Headache: And Neura'gia From "°° nt 3 Py was bs tarvation still further impairs the | made of fine Kid ; ' Men' 8 F ancy V elvet Slip Pp ers, Se Maypole Soup ia the Howschold Dye Colds sort of a man. Before ho married, for | bodily vigor, and makes the trouble { § Men's Fancy Plaid, high top with buckle. A soni. opera- ST mst +, he to Lhe of h rime worse. | . . ¥ Ha - g a J wed 1b i '2 1 § i : i Tet ¢ a . ' f » Koran Sefirian Silent ars LAXATIVE BROMO Quinine, the Sentence and his-steape. She mar-| ©: The dispefiic ceds Plenty of good: ine solid comforter, only $1. 0. 1d le: Cold and Grip reme i } i yeato any shade. No streaks. And world wid old and Grip re hi sing tha v ds ww ; wholesome food. I 1 t" 3 a CLRANLY, VATE SURK, | moves' oa I for full | ht "re 1c cant eat i, and | . ew oii name. {law mig] ts hand upon him. | DIGEST IT, TOO, if he takes'a "Little | yok : ] s being asked. should h ive | Digester" after each meal. "'Little | ole oa ap ask hould ! Dig % i 1 Mayp P y bees solested. The Sen tERCY ; Digesters" help the weakened stomach soc. for Colore--isc. for Bick. " " : vii h in -the hope 1 it would | to do property that which it cannot dé " L & Ga, Yoar creed and the other. man's, 4 3} veforrfation hon he | alone--digest and assimilate the sfeod 65 \ examined. may not bie worth ! | served voar he ) needed to ) beild up thesysten:. ars of exemy wt At your droggist's, or Ly mail from | Every man needs a pair of House Slippers S controversy n 1 he coms uty 4 " 33.2 > SE avi A mar worth in the commu the result it was hope Setire the Coleman Medicine Co., Toronto, loetermined by what he doc nol what by 5 Sp e years imprisonment: h heen at for 25¢ a box. Wallace & Parks he intends doing tan en. The xh SUCGESSORS TO 0: G. JOHNSON. for break iil make him FLORISTS Maysfullogips = sign work a specialty: 'Fhones, Conser- : . - ek . Revs. o BETTER TO-DAY THAN EVFR-- ; N + To Make Arrangement i hl 1 r vatories, 235 > Shep, 239. i e oi 1th v -- Jot. 2 i? JUST TRY 5 = . oR iy . ' t Y i , "IT 1S "PERFECT." | . Our ¢ORYSTAL Pe a ||| Never Falls to Restore Standard Granulated r, for ! preserving and table use, We have || Gray Hair to itsNatural | et yea. "aa ori" | Coron and. Beauty righ { . ANDREW A "treet; || 7 No matter how long ithas been gray orfaded. Promotes a luxuriant growth - --_--., . | of healthy hair. Stops its Pa is fallingout and positively remove file} SRN RHMASSAGGE 18 Tu at ie six: months ago. Biers nm CORTAGLONS | Srsee Keesha coer ir dh ae p= EE eonls fuse all substitutes, 2 times as much Jona Vel Yaurselt the: lume : ? ¥ : EE Ee an 1 has 'n $1.00 as S0c. size. Not a Dye. Zt { Pablicily Bile A are. py to-day. Improvement in proce and materials h hts made in King- End 5 + ihe fidest von baa : ¥ process alas he . | SA fir fre, Bat gm druggists ' 3 3 resulssd In greater crisi ar {ree are of t air, : - : - e------------r-- «fon at Angrove's Foundry. | g®RINIRIEL Con Newark Nod. Too las + ophit say ves or n deliclons qual They are superior to all. Prove it. y ON i spear 1 prices for large quantities. | Jays Hi Hartina Soap cures Pim as the may be, just for the sa = Ee a = Special prices B® and chary pars Ein | i i the maiorits . Make a test. Try them now First This. Season. Myers' Home- canes Keon in ne an t rapists. | a} Ly Pork Sansage and Blood Pudding, Send 2c for free book "The C St SATURDAY. Give us a call. H Me cod" oH PVERS', 60 Brock St, 'Phone, $70 Jas. B. L gox x Tie Hoe r. a. more BU Ne iA i A A hhh A

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