: A : BOE Baw ims alow oo ee od eer a 4 " FAGE FOUR. A-- === "ENRENEEN T ! THE WHIG, 76th YEAR RALLY BRITISH 806-310 King street, on, On 4 at $6 per year, Editions at 2.30 sad 4 o'clock p.m; LY BRITISH WHIG, 16 pages. | published in parts ou Monday and Thurs- day morning at $1 a year. Te wumited States, charge for postage bas to be "aided, making price of Daily $3 and of Weekly $1.50 per year, | Attached is ove of the Lest Job Priot- {ing Offices' in Cabada ; rapid, stylish, jand cheap work ; nine fmproved presses. The. British Whig Publishiog Co., Lid. EDW: J: B. PENSE, | Managing Director; #" TORONTO OFFICE. ¥ Suite 19 and 20, "Queen City C Let the Wind Howl bers, 32 Church St., Terounto, HE P Smallpeice, J. P., representative. As lond as it will outside the --- he If you let it get inde that's different. The len ap Dailey Whig. plication of WEATHER - STHIPS will preveat ii. They will keep the windows from THE NAIL IN FICTION. rattling and save their cost in . 3 : : fuel in a. week's time The Mail has been romancing. again. Price 14c. per foot and up. wml Scutties, at 30¢c. and good value 2 Fire When it deals with the public finances tell its figures, ang for all practical purposes it does not matter. Recently it announced, and with an air of seriousness, that $150,000 g day was being added to the debt of the dominion, and that the sum total had been swelled by $54,750,000 during the last year, THe fact is that the public debt between March 31st, 190K, and March 31st, 1909, had heen inercased by only 835,469 419.33, and that the interest, charges had been increased by 2625,000, not £1,500,000, as stated by the Mail. it is really original. No. ene can Shovels," Tc, 10c. and . i where it gots Pipe Enamel, 10e,, Quality guaranteed, money refunded or AT * CORBETT'S NIAENENEAA NO REST FOR TERRBLE Tigh . t WHIG. published a ee Se me ticularly noticeable in the cities, and among its life. This is not guarded as it should be, and frequent Young scandals a _eonsequence, The cure is the education National Purity Porugress urges, are | the and to thd ¥nd that mea and women may t exercise. themselves pontinually. and cirront evils, "The eou- selene be cultivatéd. Of that there is no doubt." Dean Vaughan says | it is tot natural for any one to live, | any more than Paul, with a consei- ence void of offence without stant disciplining of himself. ! Then there is the public - conscience. i It needs arousing. It may in time be trained so as to make the individual, especially the public man, repro- away. from «CAR a con- and THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, ; i WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 20, 1909, tp IN PERJURY 1S CHARGED... rc: com : Postoffice Safe Blown Open-- Valu. | + ---- ] : ables Secured. : AGAINST JOHN CLARK, OF | Cape Vincent, N.Y. Oct. 15 The ~, 'GANANOQUE. post office in this vil was entered A Prisoner Released Because He's carly this morning. 1 safe was blown open, a small amount of money aud some gold pieces, a. bank book be- Diseased--A Kingston . Shoe} longing to Misi Vereil, the deputy Story--a Gananoque, Couple {Po8tmistiess, "and = some valuable Come 'to Kingstor to Get Properly Married. Genanoque, Oct. 20.--An cveni of papers to My. Terril were taken," So far as could be ascertain ed the amount of "gaverpment money interest io-many local INonds took place in ton on Monday evening at' Sydenham Street Methodist par- in the safe did not excerd 210, and probably less. /Mrs. Terril. says that ; , when Miss Myrtle Kelsey, noha of Mre. William Kelsey, John Siroet, her loss was grenter than that of the ue, was united in government. marriage to William Taylor, son of outside 'door in the rear of the build ing and turning the key, which was lett in the lock. A bit stock and bit bate the evils of the day, but this will only be with the aid of soma! mighty stimulant. / EDITORIAL, NOTES. According the magistrate council will have to amend its laws if it docy not want - the streets to built upon, ' ; rid ire: evidence 'in- support an clection petition. is not much good. The. Peterboro = experience has established that fact most clearly, the | o be Purchased of The brewers and distillers of Britain are pledged to stand by the lords on the budget question. The new taxes moan a big slump in their business or revenue, * (C. A, Sykes. Mr. and Mrs. Taylor re | turned | camo before the | accaunt of his being Till Oil of Wintergreen Compound Made Hii 'Skin As Pure As Bver._ What is more, the additions to the debt were made noeessary by the Lady Cardigan says there is not a Grand Trunk Pacific railway, and but | for it there: would have heen #18" ecca- ion to borrow money--xetpt to a wonderful cure. for f iM 1 of; 4% wirdensome loans, He has good reason to | i according to his letter | Which had been contracted by ihe edn- 1909 | servative governments. suffered for yoars." he says, | <Pooule will have to denl with this ma, and now through using & : Af - : two he of your wonderful cure, my | terrible situation," says the Mail, with skin is pura as it ever was. : 1 face Was. 30 bad FCould. fiot sso | another painful gasp. It would be ou ! not sleep. could not rest at all good idea. On' September 3rd, 1909, the net debt was $320,698,464, or $3.- | 231,815 less than in March 31st, 1909, y terrible itch your wonderful medicine 1 on germ disease, and 8% | which shoivs that the . financial posi- country is heing very » right in the skin, blood | : not cure it. The only { lon ol : way is to treat the itch [much improved, the croaking of the the itch D. D. D: Prescrip- | Mail to penetrates the pores of the skin, the which cause' the bess instant relief from the A CALL TO MR. KING. awful itch, and permanéutly oures | An effort is being made to secure the p For tree sample hate ol > p- D- | attendance of 'the Hon. Mr. King at rescription write to the D. { : s lal tory Department, K. W., 23 an early meeting of the new Canadian Je Toronto. | € lub, and under the most favourable For sale by all druggists auspices. It is hoped he will aceept FE ------ there are many in Kingston who {will like to hear him speak on any HOUSECLEANING SEASON Y jouient, Mr. King is a « young n are beginning to think of | who Las simply compelled housecleaning Start right by sending your lace or damask cure ns here to be dyed or cleaned, R. PARKER & CO.. Dyers and Cleanérs. 8t., Kington, Ont: [73a &N Wood's Thesphoding 2 The Great Englis femedy now Tones and inv: tes the who Kath nero ysterh. makes new Blood in old Veins, Cures Nerv yes Debility, Mental and Brain Worry, Des rendency, Sexual Weakness, Emissions, Sper atorphaa, and Effects of 4b or rs6es Srioo £1 per box, six for $5. One will please; ai vill cure. Sold by BM ruggis! or mail lain pig. on rece [44 of I 08, ew pamp. atled fre', The Medicine Co. "armerin Wirdsort Toronto, Mr Ont., James Lulloch, of Iron Bridge, ongiders the D. D. D. Preserip- tion of oil of wintergreen, thymol, Po slyeorine, + Kin trogbles think a too of March 27 1 have "with ed 1 lire some will the is the contrary notwithstanding. | -------------- hs germs eczema, gives >t man the recoy- True, he is a grandson of a very eminent man, [the late William elyoh" Mackenzie, i whose memory is revered, but he did not get office or promotion oh {the ground of relationship with any | one, nition that he has received. any 69 Princess Whea the departmont of labour wis organized, some years ago, Hen. Mr. Mulock looked arouad for a deputy who had. the qualifications for the of- Mr. King: was r&commended,. He had, by chaude, . devoted himseli*io a special political economy, and only needed the. experience in or- hee 'study of der to show what was in him The. record of succerding years prov- ad the wisdom of Mr. Nulock's Mr. Ring made He became peacemaker when the interests of cap: ital and' labour clashed. "It. was al- most a certainty that when he became an arbitrator the strike. would he ended. And sudh was bis success that tde ap- ESS ND MANTLE WANG experienced Dress and Mantle Maker. Fit and workmanship guaranteed: 71 Pine Street. pointment. work. good in his A power ap a | when it was decided that labour departinent should have Hoot 4 ed odo d ddd b debe | head he was the elect of % 3 | ont and people + Clearing Sale of Wall Paper |" Wearts Oct: 14t, last chance 4 | he did not have his critic buy Border by the roll. | did FRASER'S, 78 William St, + Tr Leh Added SPIO SOS a separate the govern: would be amazing, if , and if th v | give evidence of course, to & not occasionally of Jo- gram, within a few days, has broken out Mr. King has asked for the particulars of these who risked their $ | thein displeasure. The Winnipeg Te Ciolantly because BIBEY'S CAB STAND) Phone 201. DAY or NIGHT lives to save 'their fellow men in a mine at Extension, B.C. His { desire was to recommend them for the | King Edward medal, and the Telegram { takes exception. It says the' minister { to get a little cheap adver [rising by "hanging a political placard {over dead men's graves." [very {18 trying It i¥¥not a sensible 'femark, and the mean: ing of it cannot be imagined. Bat it | shows the animus that inspired the {attack. *Some one has his knife ready {for 'a body blow without eause or ex- | cuse ------------ A DEMAND FOR PURITY There is a great movement in {United the a stimulation in the meeting this Bifrfington, IowaT of the Na- Purity The. purpose thus suceinetly set' forth : belp all federal {through wider opportunities for fel- ilowship, lmvesugation © and research {and exchange of thought in 'most e {ficiently jmovement, | tional States; and it ik receiving | decided week in tional Congress | WAKE UP! | STOP DREAMING § \." ABOUT THAT COAL ORDER Stop thinking act ! } Wis - i societies {- advancing 'the great purity through the union in na- co-operation of all tRose forces over it and-- e a large $Gpply of of coal--best ' to be can quickly fil] av ously to the striving life of the {cial relations, S$ Promote purity and } in a individual and in 'so- 1 through preventive, edu- 'rices now arel(low { > x eT mR io) \ {rational reformatory, re scue, law ens . ; . { P They'll soon e higher torcement CRAWFORD, | | "Phone, 9, Fool of Queen St and legislative measures The convention will he timely and of great benefit' if it can effect : any 'prac: tical results There is 1 only {unity in. private and public Nia and | removed or be extirpated By a Steady ad persistent effort. ry ¥ hie eriod of may fila l grace vou may i end in Shue.) settlement e oeial Impurity <a condition 'inGidaut to very lax morgls. It is par- tu: in America that are sincerely and seri | in | So. much im- | tractor. lie in her volume of reminiscences. She kopt a diary, 'bul it should be called a Doomsday book. It is seitling the social triumphs -of some people. The Poston Herald has it that the Canadian nevy scheme is designed to subsidize the maritime provineos, whose shipbuilding business has fallen away. More silly talk--from an un- friendly sour. The Hebrew birthrate in Quebec ex- ceeds that of any other race, including the Freach: If this continues the na- tional complexion of Quebec will be greatly changed, and the Bourassa cons tingent: will have to sing a new song. Would local = option cacry in he vity ? That the question ofa some people are - considering.. Pulllic senvimont has certainly. changed very largely since it was sampled on this subject twenty: years ago. is Alfonso occupics: the place of king without a king's power or flucnce. ' Rumour has it (hat he may lose hi= 'advisers, and he probably ré- of a in- grets that he did not lose some them before the Ferrer {ragedy. If the Don Juan of Austria, the S. training ship at Detroit, is lo be fitted out with the latest armament the Rush-Dagot treaty will be viola- tel, and the hoat has passed through the Canadian canals with the wade standing that it would Le observed. Battersea Briefs. Battersea, Oct. 19.--The most exten- sive building operations in the history of our granite village are progressing at tho present time, and 'as a result Main stréet north will soon have tho appearance of a city residential ave nue. Beginning. at the corner on tha old Fefguson property, lately pur chased by W, hnapp, the owner han torn down tho old barracks that stood. 50 long and housed so many, and in its place has erected a tidy two-stordy frame house, which certainly adds niuch to the beauty of that corner. On the second lot below, lately purchased by A. Ennis, another retired farmer, the owner has reared a three-storey brick residence, wnich for model of construction and. dignity of appear- ance, would. do credit in « much larg- ar. burg, On the lot immediately op- posite, lately purchased by Joseph Du- cette, builder and contractor, the ldt- ter hay constructed a' beautiful and imposing three-storey frame house. of modern design, and finish, which, like ite rival across the street, would lo8k well in any town. So much for the north end. Then at the extreme south end, and just at the entrance to the village, L. VanLuven has enlarged his fine summer hotel, by putting on dn- other storey on the left wing, which not only improves its uppearance, but affords so much more room and con: venience to the home. Who will be the next now 16 catch the spirit of im- provement sand begin to improve thei: lot. Rumor has it that another farm- et who is soon to retire, intends pur chasing' and building on another va. cant lot. Also that one of our busi- ness men is about to sell out and build on another street. May they keop right at it. ------ ] How Children Kicked. lin olden days when Cod Liver Oil was administered in its crude form. ' No one could bland them, for it was sim- ply nauseating. | Modern methods have devised o way whereby all the medicinal elements of Cod Liver Oil without the oil or |grease, are combined with Tonic Irom, {thas giving to the world two -world- famed tonics in a modt delicious and palatable form. It is unequaled to overcome pulmonary troubles and build wp 'weak and. aged persons. Geo. W. Mahood, Druggist, Kingston, Ontario. | Sutherland For Middlesex. Ottawa, Oét. 20--Tt was stated by one authority that County Judge Me- Beth, Middlesex, i= to go to the high court bench and that Hon. R. F. Sutherland, Windsor, ex-speaker of 'he house of commons, will take thie vacancy created The Agonies Oi Hades. Aren't Subposed to he worse than a bad corn. or years the standard remedy has beén Putnam's Corn Fx- It painlessly removes the: The burgiars made. ap entrance by boring a picee out of a panel of an Mrs. Juli A. Pmberley, Brock street. The éeromony 'wa ormed by Rev. [ahd two chistle belonging to William ¥ 8 pet By Ree, Ross, the foreman in. Ped' hoat fac- tory, were loft in the post office. . On going to the boat shop this morning Mr. Ross fonnd a side door broken in and the tools missing. The x mail agent, Mr. Woodward, and his afflicted with wife, live in the rooms over the post serious discase was discharged to al. (Office. Mr. Woodward. was wwakencd low him to go for treatment to Hotel {PY 2 noise in the office, ahd getting Dieu, Kingstot ~~ Jout of bed started te light a: lamp, Janes. . Sr., on ajcharge of | Put before he succeeded the oxplosion 0 . ) Iv- conduct. | of: the safe came. Just thon he show- : 'jad a light and then came a. pistol shot from outside, undoubtedly 4 warning signal. Mt L When Mr. Woodward dressed himself and got oitt "he robbers ware gotic. Had he been armed he oould have fired down through a stove pipe hole in the floor above in time, it may be, to howe prevented the, blowing open of the sale. There was about. 8500 worlh of stamps in the safe whieh were un- touchcch, nor wore tho money drawers at. the stamp and order windows djs tured. : 8 Barring the breaking of glass aud damage of the ceiling of the office and the general confusion of the room, qodasioned, by the debuis, but littl damage was done beyond the ruin of the safe. It is believed the work was by the same gang that catered ¢ the Antwerp post office a few days ago: Thete is no clus to the bundars, al: though Deputy Sheriff Geymard began an investigation as sdon as possibls after' the octurrence. The safe ox- > on Tuesday af- ofan, on Toh © In the police court, yesterday, WWil- liam Pegor, charged with vagrancy, 4 r charge of stealing preserves, | pickles, ete., from Leek Jsland, was rearrested yesterday on a charge of perjury, he haviog 'sworn a! his trial to the purchasing of the goods from pn man near Alexandrip Bay. The cast will havapits preliminary hearing at an early date. The Young People's Llub, of Christ church, have organized an orchestra and chorus club and have seoured the scarvices of W.. J. Jackson, as * con- ductor 'and organized last (ening for tho scason. The Citizens - hand: have issued in- vitations for' a grand assembly in Turner's hall, Thanksgiving night. A rather amusing shoe story is po ing the rounds of the town. An cme ployee id a local factory, whose home i» in Kingston, took his Sunday shoos to the shoemaker io have them hall- soled, want 'ajter thom, paid for the work, and: took them to his boarding i house, wore them homo to Kingston | Plosion was heard by several residents oh Saturday and back here on Mon. | 1087 the post offices; but nono of them dv morning. Through the day * he paid: any particular attention to the was waited on by a mdn with gn. | Matier, being awakened from a soutid other pair of shovs, who claimed that | SP and not dreaming of a robbery. the ones he had were not his. Tho " Weak Kidneys Kil Quickly. Kingston 'men recognized his 'shoes and quite willingly exchangtd, he being con- Have You Irritable, Depressed ? Does Your Back Ache ? siderably - in. by the 'exchange. Are You Nervoys Fears? The Macdonald Cadets held their first public 'parade 'od the streots of Any Illness Of the Kidneys Means a Sick Body All Over. Note the town last .cvening, turnihg out some' axty strong, with Liit.-Col. D. E. Jackson in charge, and offierved by Capt. Kaeo, 'and Lieuts. Abrams and Chadwick. They made quite a good Mhpntante and 'are a' aroditable look: The Symptoms. ing lot s vv 9 Gananoque dodge, No. 114, 1.0.0F Ars yd eak } have completed 'ax als 20-go to'l Full of aches, pains ? Serdey's "Bay, November 2nd, where Have you bad headaches ? net ladge of the order will be insti: es your back drag ? Are your loins patatal ? avA you rheumatic pains ? your ankles weak, swelled ? Any puffiness under your eyes ? H you have any of the above symp- tasted be. Grand; Master: Derbyshire, of toms, give 'your overworked kidneys Brockville, . Miss Essie" De "Long." King 'street, help at once. They are diseased, But can be restored by Dr. Hamilton's left. for. Rellotille, to-day, to repress Pills. Thousands of nien and women tho local branch of the W.C.T.1 at the provintial convention of = the ufiion 'in that city this week. John Murekie, 'town assessor, © who lost" his left. arm several' months ago, and who bas heen in Now. York City [so Dr. Hamilton's Pills every- day for tho past month, having an artifi- |thodsands have added. years to their cial .arm fitted - for him, has returned | life by this best of oll kidney medi: homie. cings, Mrs. W. U, Rossiter} wife of 3 - wellknown "merchant in Kensington, writes as follows: LP . : "4 "Ton years age my kidney trouble : stirted. T suffered dreafdl pains in . ee my Shine Land paund my waist, my ack. feeling aa if hot irons were run- Will They Do It? ning through: 1 corldn't sleep, Rad hoy Hamilton Herald, appetite, was pale, thin and verv ¥. will naw: be in order for the-| (Lo uc" Grial headaches, and despon- clengymen. of Sir Fredericks constitu dency. added to my burden. Not until oney, who. attacked him so bitterly | 1 ad ead. Dr. Hamilton's Pills did 1 daring - the election campaign last get. any relief. They proved capital year, to présont him "with an address | gpg helped mo _ immediately. Hight of apology, regret, "retraction and boxes -made me well and now I do my renewod - confidence ; own housework, feel and look the pic ft ture of health ?" His Death Saved Women Your: complete restoration to health New York World. : . 18 certain with Dr. Hamilton's Pills of The death is noted of a olubman of Mandrake 'and Butternut, refuse sub- foreign parentage whose claim. to dis- stitutes, 25¢. per box, or five boxes for tinélion appears to have been based [$1 at all, dealers or the Catarrhozone ob the fact .that he "had had three company, Kingston, Ont. ' American wives." His doccdse at il untimely age of forty:threo leaves it | DRUGGISTS MUST BE CHARY. a matter of speculaiion merely what z They Sell All Kinds of Hair Pre his record might have been had his life heen prolonged. parations, and. Fear to Dis- crimina'te. = § Needs Of Spain. Druggrists sell all kivids of hair prep- Toronto -Star, x arations, and as a rule they are wise- Spain is a country' of magnifion! Te [ly thary of giving preference to any sources, and a revival will be wit particular one; bit may of them have nessed ther when the real revolution | one out plainly for Newhro's Hetpi- takes place; when it is recognized that cide; the new t{rdatmeént that abso; inflitutions are the servants and not lately kills the dahdraffi germ. MH. the masters of the people, and when | Swapnéll & Son, Champaign, IIL, say: the taxes of the people arc spent in'}'One customer of oirs whe did not popular' education jd the develop [have a. hair ontop of his head: when ment of industry. M-Dbegan. to use Heérpicide, now has a fair start towards a good head of hair. * We believeHerpidide to be by far the best preparation of its kind on the market." Hundreds of similar tes- timonials from everywhere, Sold by leading druggists. Send 100. in stamps for sample to The Her- picide Co., Detroit, Mich.: One dollar bottles guaranteed, Geo.'W. Mahood, special agent. Ideals And Actions. New York Mail. Harriman. is dead, hut somewhere adather Harriman is preparing. We shall have Harrimans and Rockefellers as long as conditions of life tend to make men cenive their desires. on money. power. Hut wo have man aud women with other wishes, too, and because of them the nation's higher ideals do not die, and if at its heart reflains sound amd Sweet, and sill the poor ave greater and wiser than the rich. Not Airaid To Speak Out. Montreal Gazette. The divisional court at Toronto has decided to hear an appeal which may determine the constitutionality of, the Ontario law foebidding the courts to deal with certain eases arising under the. hydro-electric power scheme. One jiudze has hold that the action of the 1Bslatare in passing an act saying hat the litigation in yurstion should Jb is & simple remedy--ea home treat- bo forever stayed was all eficetive [| niefit No one need know you're tak and tha! there as nothing to bo done i ine utarium expense--only but to acwpt jt. Still thera will = be Can Be Oiven Seerbtly. interest in the new step, if it 15 taken. ORRINE COSTS ONLY $1 A BOX. Magna Charta should not he knocked Write Gua tee 3 Bo oklet out in the first rounds " matled in plain sealed envelope) to : a S----G-------- © + Glinive CO., 967 C IHINE Biildisg, Belgian capitalists are about ashingion Be IN in by tablish a big, textile industry an Can- lading drugs : . ----S pect 11 Agent : N ED. There is no such thing in "moderation" wad "with jad ment." No man with § nt ever drinks at all. Dritk will not drown Four conscience or your memory, but it will wdd to your woes with -each successive debauch. ~commence taking ORRINE to-day. as drinking to os worst corn in 24 hours ; try it, at Prouse's Drug Store. Phone 82, G. W. MAHOULD, Cor, Bagot and Prompt delivery of your drig wants Pringess Sts. Suit Affinity. We've a just right Suit The Professional Man, the Business Man. the Each can find his 'Suit Affinity' here. Our Suits are made frons to us from the shops of the We offer the conservative he so much desired, while the style and natty style kinks their Suit Affinities, $10, $12 See Our Suits and then, preciate how m#eh Suit good Our display of Winter Ov The Military See our new Military Cut Qveréoats ? They are'great favorites 'and wery smart. $10,'812, $15 and $18. % See. TheChambkerlain No exclusive tailor can urn out better QOivercoats than we show in the Cham- berlain, Fine Blaplk, ; Greys and meat patterned Cheviots, | $12, $15, $18 ana $20. New Gloves; $1, 1.25, 1.50 New Shirts A beauty, for $1. Other lines, $1.28, $1.50. TABATA C LAA E AT HLT TVLLTTLVVLE SO The H. D. Bibby | Kingston's One-Price Clothing House. BBTV BRVVVRTRLLVLBILS Jha TAB VRVLLREGVLRS VERE * _ High.o i 50c., 75c. INI HIRI Ladies' Overgaiter Black, Brown, Blue, Tan or London Smoke, x walk of life. oung - Man. well chosen Fabrics and they come Country's Best Tailors. man the comfort amd the gentility smart Young Dresser gets all the he demands in a Suit. Both find , $15, $18, $20. and only then. will vot ness these prices stand-fe for any Man from aay fully ap. rE Overcoats ercoats is worth: coming milés to The Auto Our new Auto Coats are a combination of Overcoat Storm Coat and Rain Coat. They are 'very popular, $10, $12, $15, $18 and $20. gmt oie The Castle The 'swellest coat. of the season. . The-dady of them all. This Coat is a batideoiné, stylish garment that 'fully mets all weather conditions, A very swell double style, full length. Fa are Noi)iby Scotch Effacts, beatiti- fully - tailored * throughout, 815. 8:8. $20, $22 New Hats The Swellest Fats of the | season, $2. No higher. Underwear galore, 50, | 8c. $1 and up. - ' b CO. \ ' G ° r Low Cut. and $1.00. THE SAWYER SHOE STORE See Our Window Display. ' A Dining Room Furnished Complete The latest for Fall, 1909. Pick them out. A large line of lcather-seated Dining Chairs, Buffets, Sideboards and China Closets. Lan We expect. to-day a lot of those $6.50 Leather Uphol- stered Rockers. Oply $6.50. Book ahead from sim ber limited: Worth $10 for $6.50 while they last. ~/ JAMES REID, the Leading Undertaker. Phone 147.