Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 8 Oct 1909, p. 7

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---- TRAVELLING, - GRAND TRUNK 2¥srew BR LL HUNT ERS' EXCURSIONS i i tr tick «IT SEEMED LIKE OWING MONEY AWAY. Until | Tried Gin Pills." Mr. P heartened with his Kidnays, i sp money on doctors without r "had made up his mind he cured, - Then, he chanced to re wonderful cures by Gin | GLE FARE Rte Maine. SIN u tober 18 #lst to in Fit New. Brusswick, Novia points gimi, and wer i Br Y.nkes, t 81st to Muskoka Laketield Iaindsay er Hunter's reserts goed to return until Deeem i PACIFIC CARY tickets on sale daily, 16th, at following $45.10 $47.05 apply to J. Corner Johnson i \ could not be otonk and All tickets ber 4th Law HATES One winy " h rates. Spokane, Vancouver, Vietoria, B. eattie, Wash Portland, Oreg. Francisco, Cal. el Cal, Cal City, Mex. | particulars, , Agent, sheets. ut the v edly, and The pills did him so immediately bon And these him feel like anot But let Mr. Fitzgerald story of a really remarkable Asylum, 18th; 1 have much pleasurein stating that the sample, -which you sent me, led mc tobuy two boxes of Gin Pills from a local drug- gist, They are the best remedy for Uric Acid Trofible that 1 have ever tried. 1 must sav that before using Gin Pills, 1 had undergone a long and expensive course of treatment by eminent Special ists of Chicago. They did me no good-- i ned like throwing money away. 11 keep a box of Gin Pills on hand and take ome occasionally, 1 am pleased to recommend them and bear tesgggmony to their efficacy. colonist to Oct. Wash. B.C Cc Provincial Orillia Pr ' and Ontario IN CONNSOTION WITH - Canadian Pacitic Railway Hunters' "Excursion tickets at SINGLE FARM te Nov, 6th, te all stat ons. to Port Arthur, Temiskaming Railway stations and points New Brusswick and Nova Round trip Oe 18th Mattawa orthern in Quebec, Seotia Oct After reading such a letter at this, you simply can't doubt the value of Gin Pills in cases of Kidrey-and Bladder Trouble If you are a sufferer, write the National Drug & Chemica¥Co,. Dept B. Toronto, for a free--sample of Gin Pills and try them at our expense, After you have seen for yourself just what Gin Pills will dist 10 Nov to " 6th, to stations Marie. Havelock to Lindsay Branch. Bevern All tickets good to re- 4th, 1909, Bay Dec Nurth un until New | And pulled it up, or chopped it down, P. FITZGERALD,' THE DAILY BRITISH, WHI a, -- STUNNING WINTER COAT. FRIDAY, OCTOBER 8, 1909. Poetical 8 Selections. » AAA A AAA AANA . A New Terrors. Washington Star Grandma seems UnNncOmMmMOR Nervous, As she looks the family o'er'; Now and then says, "Saints preserve us! "Twa'n't like this in days of yore. Now and then some one, by rocking Boats, left mournful tales to tell; Or a mn whose fate was shocking Swam not wisely, but too well. 'But to-day I'm apprehensive OI disasters worse, ween We are taking trips extensive On the wings of gasoline ; And they'll merely call me silly When my voicg is. heard afar ; Do not, rock the airship, Willie !" 'John, stop racing with that star Unseemly Fight. York Tribune. O shade of Franklin and of Kane, Of Hudson=and of Baffin, you can now look down on us, You must be grieved or "laughin"' To see the odious fight between A Cook and Captain Peary; An odorous row, a pole«at fight, That makes us all quite sick and weary "t's sure that Wrangle Land they've found, And, maybe, found the pole, i And put in "Symme's Hole,' | If this be true, no proof remains Amid the ice and snow ; But only word of "Truthful I'he honest Esquimau, James," Suppose. Chicago News Suppose to you a fortune came Your troubles bringing to an end ; How would you juggle with the!same If it should suddenlv descend { And with your present holdings blend, As | much hope sometime it may ? de, buy the full size box at your dealer's, and remember that Gin Pills are sold with a positive guarantee of a cure or money refunded. Low Rates to Pacific Coast One way colonist Sept, 15th to Oct rates : SPOKANE, WASH. VANCOUVER, B.C, VICTORIA, B.C. SEATTLE, WASH, PORTLASNT, OREG 1.08 ANGELMS, CAL: SAN FRANCISUO, CAL. AN DIEGO, CAL.' | - tickets on sale 15th at daily following TR $45.10 ORE] NE | HRT 1947.00) (ERT SN Full particulars at K. & P r 0 Ub Dior inc il | It. Ticket~aflise. O rio street L F. CONW Gen. Pass. Agent CURE D OR MONEY RF - ¥ FUNDED. , Sg uniformly successful RINE been in restoring of the 'Drink Habit" useful : citizens, and confidence in its weé want to empl ORRINE is sold guarantee--cure effec refunded Remember is in each bok Be Given Secretly. COSTS ONLY $1 A tuarantee in Fach Box. free' Write for "OR ING Booklet (mailed in' plain gi effvelope) to ORRINE CU wR C RINE Banding Washington D( ny INE druggists everywhere. Bpeci U Agent | cee and C EFFI has OR- the vietims into sober and 80 'strong is our ative powers that ze the fact: that ler this positive ted or money the guarantee BAY OF QUINTE RAILWAY. Train, leaves union station, Ontaric ptreet, 4 pun. daily (Sunday excepted for Tweed, Sydenham, Napunee, Leser outo, Bannockburn avd all poiuts north lu secure quick despatch 10 Bannock: pid Muyuy and points on Uentral ra roite your smipnients via Bay | of Quinte Railway. For further particu ars, apply HK. Wi DIOKBON, Agent 8. to the I'hone, No. A IG ORIENT @ leaves New York, Janaary Madeira, Spain, Mediterranean, ' ANGAIRents under our manage Kverything included for 78 days, } at RAOO nnd un. White Star Line, Toronto Can ORRINE ROX. - nell CRUISE in leading & Princess Sts. ABSOLUTE SECURITY. Genuine Carter's A rents A House In-Deed \ Little Liver Pills. Dyrn™ Must Bear Signature of Ses Fac-Simile Wi pper Below, fs the house you'll get if you buy or rent | inthe Real well from us. We are Estate busi ness and buy, or exchange all kinds of town and country properties.. We have of and beiiave"that a plenty desirable dwellings on ou books vou can select house-hunting You will find us straight forward people | with: ' are Very sa, * and as easy to taki, sugar. FOR HEADACHE, FOR DIZZINESS. FOR BILIQUSNESS, FOR TORPID LIVER. FoR TIPATIOHN, FOR SALLOW SKid. FOR THE CLMPLEXION J GREINUNNES MUST HAVE rues, Purely Vegetable. pe "ww bargain here if you to deal Doubl city e¢ Stone 10 rooms each, down in modern. double house, new, west end | city, modern sin 9 rooms, mod ern single store, good situation. D. A. Cays [5 QUEER SICK HEADACHE. ataCricey Y Tl oF No] > Sl GILL Ya VERY \™ GUARANTEED Hoodoo fof fefuforielobeftmebtetet . COAL! The kind you are looking for is the kind we sell. SCRANTON Coal antes 183. Booth & Co. | | STi] soferfoatan that ntast fot ww} staal ie good coal and prompt delivery. Uar- one, v Taolalon? * Io NONE BETTER MADE FOOT WEST STREET. toffee hoffe fecfuffueffededefieiel 3 THE FRONTENAC LOANAND INVESTMENT SOCIETY ESTABLISHED, 1863. Asphalt Roofing | Gravel and Sand Surfaced PP. Walsh, Barrack St. Kingston | President--Sir Richard Cartwright | Money issued on City and Farm Pro | pertles. Municipal and County Del | tures. Mortgages purchased. | received and interest allowed 13. C. McGill, Managing Director, 1 87 Olarence street; "M. P, KEYS Antiseptic Barber Shop Hair Dressing - Phree Chair onage | | 336 KING STREET Next Door to Wade' | | 3 } and Shaving | Quick Service. Your pat- solicited. Ah RADARS RATAOETRDT LTR AN KINGSTON BUSINESS COLLEGE (LIMITED) HEAD OF QUEEN STREET. 1 . »" 'Highest Education at Lowest Cost" 3 [|| | y hi «Furniture Sales given apecial at- | year. Fall Term tention, County Sales of Farms, 80th: { ourses Stock, ete., have been nly specialty Bookkeeping, Shorthand Tele- for long wears. If farmers want phy, ¥ Rarvice and English. the high dollar, get my services. aduates ge @ best posi- TRE © ET = Within a short time over MARKEY SQUARE. secured positions with one fe larg railway corpora- < Canada. time. Call ion H. Drug Store: Twentv-Sixth August hegins sixty 0 ost - par Co in" Ca "5 | WAH LONG LAUNDRY REMOVED CC inlOP MET- g | From 73 Olarence St., to 1585, Weil | ington ft, "batweer Brock and Olareae | Bta. Best laundry in the city. salled for and delivered. or 1 F. ALF Pre cipal N W. MAHO(D, Cor. Bagot and | | Yours, in her matrimonial prime, ben Deposita parlor, | Good | | How would you use the money, friend, | Had you a million for a day ? | Would you all fellowship disclaim | With povertv. and ne'er extend | A hand t6 one whose purse was lame-- | His broken fortune help to mend ? Or would you graciously unbend And nobler attributes display ? How would you all the money spend Had you a mill on for a day ? {Oh would it be vour loftv aim |, From humble doors the wolf to send {To cheer the loser in the game, { The weakline and the lorn defend { And on their lesser wants attend ? Or would you turn and talk away ? What would you keep or give or lend | Had you a million for a day? My Lady Moon. | Cecil Cavendish in St. Nicholas whee oy JOEL FEDER. So slowly down the western sky | You sail, my Lady Moon, { The fleecy clouds that after fly Will surely hide you soon. I'd like to sail the skies with you, { And race the clouds along the hius, Please take me in your gold canoe-- | My pretty Lady Moon. Of green velvet in a soft and t, by one of the most authorit The coat has the long lapels a line. skiamie far. trims the coat. The but «nd add further smartness and ch i of pointed fox. | coa i i {Around the world and home we'll float | pretty Lady Moon ! rather travel in vour boat | 'Than in a silk balloon. We'll Jook down on the rivers deep. I'he lonely roads, the huddled sheep, The woods whefe¥hirds are fast asleep-- tty / ' | My prett y Moon Or turn his sorrowed face away . "ro where the sunlight streams-- {Here all fhe world is green Rd oth gray dawn oF darkness deep Beneath the skies of June, As ever om the hours creep BES on, What wonders jar away From bud to bloom, Love's garde I You climb. above the mountains' crown For summer and its dreams. You view the busy, crowded town, The restless sea, the loneiy down - My pretty Lady Moon ! With low-bowed heads one might pray as and gay { ns weep | And so to-night when darkness falls | And through the dusk an old song calls With breath 'of roses from the walls, While yet the starlight gleams-- Before the shadows gather black Above the starless, lonesome track That lies beyond, I give you back To summer and its dreams. lon let me sail the skies with you | When you're "The Harvest Moon !" | We'll choose a night when clouds are few | And west' winds sings a tune; ' When orchards shine with apples bright {And reapers sing in waning light, And you Shine for fhetr dance all night-- | A Hard Worked Boy. yr re Vv Aay » ~ 3 | ¥ Drelly aly oan {By Carolyn Wells. Once there was a little boy, whose name +The Proper Age To Marry. | was Robert Reecé ; I.ondon Truth. | And every Friday afternoon he (From various points of view.) | speak a piece, No. lL So many poems thus he "What's the proper age to marry?" i soon he had a store : | Fasy AaB Dt, Ey ween. ¥ Of recitations in his head, and still kept (lirls should wed, nor longer tarry, learning 'more Soon as they've achieved eighteen: had to leirned that And now this is what happened : He was called upon, one week, And totally forgot the piece he was aboul to speak! : His brain he cudgelled. Not a word re: mained within his head ! { And so he spoke at random, and this is what he said: Spring is Nature's tite for mating-- Writ so plain, who reads may run, [Conie, then, Tads, don't Keep me walting== i Phyllis (born _in .'91.) 3 No. The proper age to marry' --eh | | Oune-thing is "very sure; That wedlock's bound to gang agley | Where brides are immature. ' 1. | "My Beautiful, My Beautiful, 'who stand est proudly by, was the schooner, Hesperus--the break- ing waves dasbed high! | Why is the Forum crowded? | means this stir in Rome ? Under a spreading chestnut tree' there is no place like home ! It No woman ever knew her mind. f Nor love's true eall discerned, | Until first youth she'd left. behind, And thirty years had turned What f'or summer is Dan Ilymen's time: Then, not before he's due, | When Freedom from her mountain height cried, "Twinkle, little star." | Shoot, if you must, this old gray i King Henry of Navarre ! Roll on, thou deep and dark. blue castled well ! crag of Drachenfels | My { name is Norval, on. the | Of scribes their various views w ho air," | Hills, ring out, wild bells ! { It doesn't need discussing. | Maud (aetat thirty-two.) head No age to the futile fussing 111. » "The proper wed ?"' Well, Despite Grampian If you're waking, call me early, to be or For she who'd make a fitting wife | not. to be, | And helpmeet to her fellow il | The curfew must not ring to-night ! Oh | Must needs have reached that time of ito woodman, spare that tree ! When years the judgment mellow. (Charge, Chester, charge! On Stanley | on! and let who will be clever! The boy stood on thé burning deck, but 1 go od. forever !* | tTis elocution was" superb, his voice and gestures fine ; His schoolmaees all applauded finished the last line. i see it doesn't matters thou~ht, "what words I sav long as I disclaim . with display as he The Organ Master. {1've reached that age--you've guessed! 1" mayhap-- > | | 1' wise, sedate and thrifty ; { |T won't say more, but verbum ssp | Yours, Mrs. Barkis<(fifty.) {Dv William D. 'Goold: { Within the gilded pipes sweet rumbered a si.ence slept s nsii the organ master, with caressing | hands-- | lentle as love's commands-- |The keyboard swept, waking each sleep- ing tone, . | And forth hey came ; softly at first, | There are souls like Then, bolder grown, | A mighty throng, They filled the sacred With wordless son And all the vast I A "1 lobert notes un- | So oratorical rp A Friend To Man. {There are hermit souls that live | drawn In the place of their self-content ; stars that dwell 1 t € with- apart In a fellowless firmam:at ; There are pioneer souls that blaze a path Where highways never ra Let me live in a house by i } place n By the pide of a dim space lies between the arches overhead | hat | An. And the worn pave where sleep the holy | And be a rriend of man dead {Let me live in a house by the side of a | { | | | Was sweet with music which the master | Toad +mind had dreamed. | Witere the race of men go by-- A {The men that are good the men that are bad, 8s good and as bad as IL in | Almost it seemed as though the informing A hen why should I sit seat, . Or hurl the cynic's ban? Let me live jn a house by the side ofthe | win I hat soltly breathed into the pipes must bri they scorner's he - {The echo of some angel melody, ! | For into bruised hearts it stole ! And, whispering "Peace !" 10," they were | | whole ; { | Bowéd forms were Nited when was heard | That heavenly music. Souls were stirred || see from my house by the side of To better, truer, nobler things Po road, -- And from the deeps of tear-dimmed eyes! Ry the side The beams of heavenly hope arise { The men that pre As from the forest pool there sprifgs { I'he clear reflection of a star ¥ {That hangs in 'evening skies { road And be a friend of man. of the highway of life, 3s on with the ardor of hope And the men that are faint with the strife, i z i ot away from their sniiles | Dream on ! and tell the world thy wond- | And'? tathed De away | rous dream, | Both parts of an infini 0 man of music and thy melodies LIet me live in a house by Shall cheer the camps that stretch along |" the road f life's stream And be 'a friend of man. hearts grow i that lies 1 know that are brook-gladdened Beyond the sunset gleam. ows ahead, '" { Statutes | And mountains of wearisame hei The Passing. { That the road stretches cn throug . in N | long afternoon. { Grantland Rice in Nashville Tennessean. | And passes away to the night To-day the red rose waves good-bye Yet , Where phantom shadows dim the sky | | And through the vales the south winds sigh ' And all the little streams And from his perch in bowered dell { As one who sounds a saddened knell I'he mocking bird has called fdrewell fo summer and its dreams. te plan. the of side [w here weary for the home! mead- joice, weep moan"; And with the strangers road Like a man "Let lives alone. that live Jin a house by the side of the road Nhere the me To-day the drooping flowers sway race of cu gO 1H pleasing sha nd fastens almost at Huge slanting pockets are se 5 aracter. 'ha le is this smart ative ot Parisian tailors. the waist t at the es over the hips. Dark ons are of green and black weod The muff is a mew model top They are good | weak Wise, | Theh why | seat, Or hurl the cynic's ban ? they are bad, are they are: strong, foolish ; so am I. should 1 sit they in the scorner's "Garments For Gentlemen IT-REFORM garments--in style, fit, quality, workmanship, are absolutely the best, regardless of price. : There is no merchant tailor in Canada today, who is able to reproduce Fit-Reform values at Fit-Reform prices -- nor equal Fit-Reform styles and tailoring at any price. : | - | Nowadays, when tailor wants fo praise his own' work, he says it is "just as good" as Fit-Reform. creations in novelty styles for, fall -- in superb Worsteds and Cheviots--$22. 81 | | The illustration shows two new | | | {| 1.#t me live in a house by the side of the road And be a friend of man: Old Hair Made Young. Dr. Dawson's Hair Restorer restores pray hair to its original color without dying it. This is the natural and pro- per method. It promotes : the life"of the hair where dying destroys it. In bottles 50c. each at J. B. McLéod's drug store, corner King and Brock streets, (Wade's old stand), and corn- er Princess and Montreal streets. RISE OF THE United EmpireLoyalists An Informing Sketch of Ameri can History, Valuable for Librar ies and Research. By VISCOUNT DE FRONSAC. Price, 50c. Address British Whig, Kingston, yook's great Uterine Touie, ani effectual Monthly ar special cuscs, Bok by ail dru rofasid on Rn Frcs yamphle de a: Ta a Mllenn is + 00 TORGK PRT wmeriu Windees THE WILLIAMSBURGH HOSPITAL BROOKLYN, NEW YORK Offers, in their two years' eourse of training a splendid opportunity to young women desiring to enter the nursing pro- tessiony * For particulars address - Super visor, at Hospital. Builders and Contractors Use Sashweights made in King: Angrove's ston at Foundry Special prices for large quantities rh } h the still I rejoice when the travellers re« | - i that Nor live in my House by the side of the i Saiton Root Compound CRAWFORD & WALSH Sole Agents for Kingston. ---- ° 2090 60000000000(™ < FALE SHOES MEN'S BOOTS Goodyear Welted medi- um. and Double Soled, 'Blutcher, Lace and But- ton. Tan Russia. Calf, Storm Calf, Gun Metal, Box Calf, Velour Calf, Velour Kid and Pat Colt. $3.50, 4.00, 450 & 5.00 "The Sawyer Shoe Store 1000006000008 000000060000000 oe BAR SOLDER } Carefully selected and fully Guaranteed. Write us. The Canada Metal Co., Ltd., Toronto, Can, PRPGELLLELEPEL COPEL - SATURDAY A Few New Things Just Arrived in Time For The Big Day at Abernethy'. Women's Leather Lined Blueher, $4.00. Women's Tans, $3.50 to 5.00. | Women's Evening Slip- pers, $2.00,2.50, 3.00 and 3.50. Girls' College Shoes, $3.00 to 4.00. Children's Button Boots, $1,75, 2.00 & 3.00. Boys' and Girls' Good School Boots, $1.50 & $2 Men's High Tan Blu- chers, $5.00 and 6.50. Men's Fall Tan Blu- .chers, $4.50, 5.00 to 6.00. Men's Football Boots, $3.00 and 3.50. Men's Gymnasium Shoes, 90c to $1.75. Boys' Heavy Tan Blu- chers, just like: Men's, $4.00 and 4.50. :

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