The real beauty of linen lies in its whiteness. y t ashing spotlessly lways rubbed twice a It must - So, naturally hare rd, and so Wears linen as well as other 1bbing and doubles 5 a hew way to wash ay that saves half t i er ' of the-garment. new way is the way of Taylor's Borax Soap. ther soap saves both labor and garments 1is wonderful soap--it'savea its own cost nies over, does Aogny t Here is the Taylor way: Place the whi te clothes iit warm, soapy water and let them soak over night. Then draw them out one by one and rub them lightly with Taylor's Borax Soap. When well soaped, roll them up and lay them in the bottom of the tub under water, Let them soak in t} tor half an hour. Then rub them gently iboard, rinse and wring t 1 out. Hang them on a rope clothes line, for wire may put iron rust 's on the clothes. Scalding is never necess th this soap, for it re- moves the dirt by itsel ax softens the water, so s rubbing. less soap is required, n 1s¢ 1 les je, only they should is way on the was t spo Colored clothes are 'washe not be left to soa » ever boiled, ( sour clothes will come e from any "soapy smell." The , the colored goods brighter and han ever before softens the water, but also softens--the em even whiter than ever Before. Also it it ests ys every germ and prevents white goods w the wo s softer Bor ax not only the pos (sib lity Don't be sati¢ sary tor ir ¢ y long expensive than yon ey ' e no more to buy than when you pay no more? w ith common soaps that make it necesr Such soaps are more This wonderful soap costs 1ary--so why not have the best Or der a bar today, b yo JOHAN TAYI( LIM ITED, TORONTO, CANADA. All the New Exclusive Features in Smart Shoes Are Here |. H. SUTHERLAND & BRE, The Home of Good Shoe Making. WER SR A RY BEDROOM FURNITURE THIS WEEK Ses Our Window Display. Bedroom furnished complete. Solid Polished Oak or Mahogany Dre ssers, Solid Polished Oak Chif- fioners, Solid Polished Oak Ladies' Dressing Tables, Solid Polished Bedroom Chairs and Rockers, Brass and Iron Beds, Hercules Springs and. Ostermoor Mattrasses Students' Tables and Bookcases JAMES REID 197 for the Phone : leading Undertaker. vetesesasersasestaseratasetacestanertateseet GRAPE FRUIT Also another car of those delicious California Valencia Oranges Mao 302 King St. R. H. Toye, 'Phone 141 EFFI VIFFIRI III IIIFIIIRIVIIIIIIINR Sawant eanntatany PIII IIICI ISSIR 5 e OOOD0C YO | with | S-- THE DAILY ERITISH wHiG. FRIDAY, OCTOBER 8, 1909. farious past urglarizing un- | sh country She lifted. her Lin ngly. "You w Why --eT----1N any one here vacant, he pire a ais {tuto lus pocket 'I. 1s mot vacant IR brows inquir- some one" At the Geils House. OOO ox ¥ Of (HOOO0O00 Jeng knecking = his and stuffing am here," said saiond bravely 'BY CLARISSA MACKIE. 0 J--fr---see," with an dir of eha- ©OCOOA ' ¢ " OO000 holisé 18 we i pro tected m glad of he said heartily ¥ 1m; his, tone was Pp érhaps your wished to see ushand," she sand Mm 4 Wiavermng valked slowly an to the all s deserted hin owner? were ot inhabit the s called mad abroi ud | voice, Ihe man started violently ag ny eves forsbok her face and dropped to | ground 1 tt woukl © many exeur- pleasure," he | mit ed "Is he aris and around z " : bene nn i Rosamond edged closer to the rsd from un- | and 'ran lightly down to the ho be v jaken toll of tl pz 22 "well call hi m--he > far ns in ' "she cried brea hlessly 1 she turned and sped swiftly toward wall that divided place from Hote. . Once there. her father wi | telephone to 'the village Jr assistance and a he burglary 'would be pr yents «d he thought sh chind her and she ward the wall. \ almost to suffocati sptember day \ loose stone. cry #s the stone o the ground. Now she he ality, as tl t and bent anxiously al "1 hope you hive not te Sad gravely have sprained mitted the girl with whit "Wha were you tring 0 8 ale the wall y prospect and his 0 steps the en laughed at house an donment CA om hillips was old »y Her family r the Octagon speedy abi whips fondness when ae aga --1 steps d prédicted i | 1 0s 1 cat $ Wee rself, distant her--f ; hart yourscli Nose hashand A red flush crept to her br * said the susy "Gr shall 1 carry wazza and get you s Where vi occupied t gasped in retum 1 nephe av 110 1 came, . walked on he place being d to find a Prise dosed her c¢yes weartly, brain sought s escape tion. She 'was such apalling aving placed herse aving piace er She might have ki young man was 1 opened her. eves with ne suddenness and looked straigh posi } | She e , sajored I smiled, thought i "1 wish you would away,' she said, petulantly "Of course, if you wish it--but you a haugh'v expression. on suffering May I not call for your The. stranger jumped to h yand--if vou will tell me his name pulled off his gray cap --" he stopped awkwardly eg your pardon," he stammered ny husband,' t around." | recklessly see, I've y go 3 + dropped 2 rustled out W! sand one while too gobd I oday and and window reading in the and You i joking _ sl Eu t,he place was" a Jc the | I tried to frighten you away by pre- tending>h Jad a husband. I live nexa door and my name is --so there. 3 z to "But | don't want to laugh" softly. "I think # was awfully brave of you, you know, when you believed Mme be a , desperado Now, Miss Lee, You must lét me help you home aghin , for that ankiz needs attention a Permit me as a neighbor and po rliaps faer on a friend" He stcoped and li'ted 'her in his strong arnts and carried her through quiet bypaths to a small gate in the wall, and thus up the rose-bord:red path nto {her father's care. Many times after that David Phil- lips strode up the rose-bordered pa th to see Rosamond kee, and the follow- * ling June 'when the roses were rioting +" the garden he claimed her as his own, and together they passed under the por- wl of the rejuvenated Octagon house, bof which Resamend became in fact the mistress reenn Ontario's Truancy Law. Toronto Star. - In tnt last issue of the Labor Gazette atgention is directed to the amendment he Ontario Truancy Act made at this year's session of the Legislature of Pot province. In Ontario, unlike Manitoba, every child between eight and fourteen years of age is required attend «hool for the full term during hich the school in the section or muni- ality in which he of she resides is in session, un Jess excused for certain 1 are defined. By the amendment ma wade last session no child under the age of fourteen may be em- ployed by any person during school hours. A penalty not exceeding $20 for es {0 reasons wh { section Where, ju i of tive $C Kool, required in husbandry, household duties, maintenance either peace the se rvices of a Jhild are necessary necessary sof t | [hid or i some person dependent De wuld, the justice or principal cate setting forth the rea relieve the child from at school for any period not g "six weeks during each pub- fing term? - An Old Play. | Strand Magazine. : | im Aree is alwé ays interesting i ntertaining, epigrammatic in con- Lrersation and delightfully ou spoken When Miss Constance Collier was | pla ving Roma in "The ternal City" | Mr. Hall Cai anxious to get a | powerful ertain scene she bore 1s taking with late Robert Taber, land the former himself was in a vein [of remint cence " 1 once saw,' saul | Mr. Caine, "a very striking bit of busi- The man picked up the woman I and threw her over his shonlder." * Miss Collier looked at him in conster nation or she would be rather jeavy person {to throw about Ho they their best, but their futil forts were interru pted by Tree. "That re minds me" said the actor-mymier. 'I saw la play in Italy once in which the hero | caught. hold of the he roine by the legs and banged her head on the floor." Splendid a magnificent iden!" in'er- polatéd the enthusiastic author. "What was the play?" * 'Punch and Judy,' replied Tree. ness, No wonder Vdiffienlt to any pole there. North Pole was so There wasn't the discover: ---------- ' AUSTRALIAN CRICKETERS WHO FLAYED it cannot be said that the hopes ,of May regarding the English this week, have Veen realized, triuvtnph in the test matches, like unity. were unluc peared Had not the } up with a win, Since they arrived in England, deteats matches team, atter a bad start, was a lesson in grit, not to win the last match of their tour, th 1y been curtailed for two days. owing to rain at Thirteen games have been won, entered upon was drawn. Alt hough on figures they have no the Australians, all things considered, were superior to that not be considered the equals of th» 1902 or 1899 team. the beginning of May, the C and the large proportion of fr the weather has rarely heen suminerl ike. AGAINST OXFORD. cricket season, concluded The Austral whose skilful adap tation and machine- e.result of which has already ap they would no doubt have wound ornstalks have suffered only four twefity-one of the - thirty-eight t such a good Yecord as the 1905 side. On the other hand. they caw. ly announced that the nd its occ upatio}l % Was effected without resistance. who m nifested his gre: at sati sfaction, Spanish troops occupied Mount Gurugn Morocco. The ascent The troops ' saluted the raising of mews &f the Spanish success ws cou namunicaged to King Alfonso, I thoughs you weré a burglar, and so } Rosamond Lee ay langh if you want he said : h offence is imposed for violation | however, in the opinion of a! or of the principal { cr in urgent or} or for the | did | «Look lor this--in every ~ It is what's inside the garment that makes or mars it. Start- ing with equal quality cloth one tailot will produce a garment worth twice as much. "You cannot see inside a voat-- and its hidden parts you must take on trust. If we world make a Sonik. ready Overcoat as some tailors. are content to make clothes we could save a buyer $5 to $10--but he would lose money and we would lose his good- will. ' Where you find the Semi-ready label you look at clothes that are personally inspected 'and approved--and we guarantee the lasting quality of both fabric and workmanship. The Semi-ready Overcoat, King Edward Style, $15, $20 and $25, ~~ "It's what you want when you want it." nN * ' > « 40 Semi-ready Tailoring "Better than Custom Tailoring" THE H. D. BIBBY CO. KINGSTON. If Christie's "Zephyr Cream" Sodas were judged on flavor alone-- EAVE aside, if. you like, all other points of superiority and judge Christie's «Zephyr Cream" Sodas on flavor alone. PE RRS g Zs i If vou have never tasted Christie's you may say that there never is much flavor to a soda biscuit. Just you try Christie's and see! The flavor of the pure, wholesome raw materials that go into Christie's "Zephyr Cream" Sodas is carried through to the finished product--and made lasting--by scientific methods of mixing, baking and packing. The Christie Flavor is Seligiil Test it. Christie, Brown & Company Said the Miller-- EAVER FLOUR is" blend of Ontario Fall Wheat" and Munitoba Spring Wheat Each supplies what the other lacks. It is as good for pastry as for bread--best for both. At your grocer's. Beaver Flour DEALERS-write us for prices on Feed, Coarse Grains and Cereals. The T. H. Taylor Co. Limited, Chatham, Ont. 87 -------------- WHILE YOU WAIT, is not idle wna SHOES mm wo SHOE REPAIRING I-55: £5 ol -do work promptly and at less cost than ordinary eave 15 per cent. in getting i work done at Tuality, A. E. H "PHONE, 837, "The House Of iis sinisiieisind Herod, shoe Lora. You. /