Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 8 Oct 1909, p. 3

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THE panLY BRITISH WHIG, FRIDAY, ocroRER 8, j900, y HE FA IRM SH REVEN estate SOME POINTERS ABOUT| RUGBY KICKING. | ( GRAND, X OPERKY HOUSE ) ---- Bn erm Zon kn |r em 1 pics| --SATORDAY OCT OTE |CONDENSED ADVERTISING Oddment Bargains moor. | sie im. RATES | TO DISPOSE OF 160 LOADS OF CLAY | BOATHOUSE, 20x20 | centage is Away Ahead « of ! CHARLES CHERRY : near Alfred and ee ois a cheap, McCann, 51 Brock | ! | 3 Wagner's. And the Original. Cast from The First insestion 1c. a word. Each con- ply H. W. Watts, 107 York street. treme 8 om 50c., 2-Piece Sets. On Sale. 1fe. © . | Maxine Eiliott "Lheatre, New York, in | secutive insertion thereafter hall cent {ro BUY A MODERN 6 OR 7 ROOMED SAYA ro. Apply 63° Charles » 75¢.. 13.Piece Berry Sets. Your Choice. 2% t Sued Fughy eaters are Sates. Une THEE BACHELOR | a word, Minimum charge for one ins house, a JEood jgcatity, Cash xe 3 ~ Sons. wo A il & ) 5 sure 8, G i i inse Me cr _ 3.0 256. Salad Dishes. 'While "They Yast 15¢. \ ila out ing i | Site ai pli bo) 8 CHARMING COMEDY IN 8 ACTS, sertion, 25¢.; three rtions; 50c; ¥ pply aX £]TWO GA RA G AF YOU © g pr ; i . office, one, hi not- miss a B AD uy CLYDE FITCH. Light as a feather | Six, $1; one mohth, $2. 10c. White Platters. We clear at 6c. (front of a falling ball than under it. | hn hs ane . pu { + T gain, at Turk's, 'Phone, 7 3 nd clean as a Quaker household. | - * 15c. Small Open Vegetables, for 8c. Arms, hands and body must form & * Prices, Matinee, 25¢., 83c., S0c., 75¢., $1 | THE OPPORTUNITY To FURNISH | ong SECOND-HAND 1 : c " perfect t#ap. for the' kicked ball, j children. 23 10 Sny reserygd seat I. HELP--WANTED. estimates ofi electric work. All kinds| grader, in good shape. Also se! $5.00, 40.Piece Tea Sets, reduced to $2.95. | around which hands and arms wrap Evening, Pes ie Toe," $1, $1.50. CT mm ---- of work promptly done. ¥. J. Birch, ho and colts. D. J. Hay, 1X 2 Large Boxes Note Paper (Ruled) and Envelopes, for 15c. {th prevent a rebound. 5 ei ; BOY TO LEARN THE PRINTING Electrician, 2v0 Wellington street. Clarence street. a i -- ---------- k0 2 Packets Envelopes, for 5c. The team that gets the jump wins/ TUESDAY, OCT, 12TH. 1 . Apriy Whig office. RUBE FAMILY WASHING. OR WASHING BY ROCERY--A WELL ESTA {Quick starting is the secret of success. . the ' K an lemen's gi i i {A WOOD TURNER, APPLY TO THE piece. Ladigs or Gent business, centrally *Joca We are selling all kinds of Lams. See them on show in our |fhe back field must start like light- GEO. M. COHAN'S | Gibbard Furniture Co. Limited, Nap- Te nd ae: 833 Queen [ ie Ly his Sint window, These are all fitted with Banner Burners (warranted), ard ning and together, and to get a fast anee, Zz. : y - a; St., near Division. v . wriliant Comedy Success, ---- - te ae are all Brass. Buy these and ensure safety in your home. start, the positions taken by sprinters i 3 . |A GENERAL SERVANT. NO WASH Ta enh. |MOTOR LAUNCH, 23 FT. 8 3 » In startin i not ofere 3 2 Aes | ROOMS, FURNISHED OR UNFUR- pi dat must be adopted: n starting do nc THE »") en sure ices required. Apply 275 Yiahod, for Yrs D bRcibIg. bY beam, canopy top, 6 HLP, 2 ] hold the hips too high er throws the 4g H | . Bt ara ES Wood engine. Good . condition. prefer home, p body too 'far forward. Every muscle oneymooners == -- Ee a aE Where lodgers are not generally kept. amore Apply Melvin Crothers, Gate .- must be under control. 3 {A Goon, YENERAL SERV ANT. NO Apply Box ""R. N. K,, care Whig . a The linemen must modify the posi- | With WILLIE Dy NLAY "and 50 Con-| asd leriy street" to Mrs. Henderson, ---- i AES > stituents 'hey all sing well to one; ~~ . nner meee s FT. N Manager, PERCY J ESSE. | tie n, owing 16 the closeness~of the op BT . ~ - » % {GEN TE {EN TO BRING THEIR BOATS.-HIGH 45, an LAUNCH {posing line, and must be ready to re Two SMART BOYS TO L THE Sloth 4nd have It made up into up bo \inder, -------- it forward pull or sudden advance. Prices, 253¢., 85¢., 50¢., T5e., 8 " Clothing. and Furnishing business to-date suits. Price and workman motor enstallé Therefore, the weight must be less | Seats on sale Saturday. The H. D. Bibby Co. ship guaranteed Lo please. Pressing » werefore . at bs A= em eben heist Sm and repairing done on the shortest ston, a Hg ~ Three upon the bands and more upon the : -- - {CASHIER AND TENOG RATER FOR notice. Thomas Galloway, 130 Brock $30 each ; two at $50 and feet, | | insurance office. dust be oxpurienced St., next Bibby's Livery. at $80, used one SOASOn. Boats Kicking is the spectacular of foot: | | ddress "I Wh'g office prices oward's ball and needs long practice. A classy | Bun he mr ttt eres LOST, near Cotton Mill. ' pur i r, Ol dr p kicker, is a valuable {AT oR E in kite ABOUT '16 OR 17.] - mnter, OF er, 18 4 £ ble | { o help in kite hen, one who ean sleep y y OWS ND ONE ED a fair performers into a star. . 'TO-DAY AND SATURDAY 5C. | ar A Inn. Reward for return to OC. Herm- n In punting the ball is kicked just be AT. ONCE Goon GEN ERAL SER iston, 112 Brock street. TWO FRONT ROOMS, ALL CONVENI- ant. Goo i } fore it touches the ground after being MOTOR BOAT DRAMA piy 159930 sakes, ao Washing, Ap __ ences, at 160 Ring St,, Cor. Unions dropped. Two styles are followed, the Or "The Winning Ba at and The Win- St. ' n -- 1 i 1h nd- r-end, which i ( At 1 Loven -------- House IN 2, pre TERRACE, Bod spiral anc we end-over-enc hig ning Gir hrillin » Over A a ---------------- ho S8eSS. soon. I \ . il eficcfive with the wind. Against and Motor-Boat R wing p mixed iENERAL SERVANT XO LAUN The man who does not ad ).. Por jon S00 pply on the } - premises. INCOEPORATED 1855. the wind only the spiral trave Bp Ja it SyLuphe iY AT apstaire. work oRelerencer yvertise because it sosts ---- slot and @ assau a he required. " to 12 rot S . cy pp ro Form' is necessary. Speed and __dis- BO a hy a ore Fequired. APNly to 1M Fagol stredt STABLES TO RENT. APPLY TO JAS: a y money, shou'd quit payin Tare er, 39 i Authorized Ca ital $10 000 000 tance come. with practice. In kicking girl's nerve. é wh EO i Yh q paying Latarney. ( arriage-Maker, 8590 Prine P ) > the spiral, step forward and to the "LATHE HANDS ON AUTOMOBILE rent for the same reason. \ Paid Up Capital 4.000 000 ie. Spal, i wg : . | MOZART' S DEATH MARCH | yore Apply, statine nationality, to ' ' - right with the right foot, follow Reo Me stor Car Co.. of Canada, Ltd THREE Fl RNISHED ROOMS, viTH- with the left, which is carried about rama of great heart-interest, St. Catharines, Ont. * out board. Apply to 16 St. AW y staged ¢ ed, i Mi > m---- Ave. Reserve Fund - 4,500,000 ad 10 the Tight: Drop the. ball i tantd and a | or ne rence Ave fs the right foo 1 forward 00 ose olf Gu 8 Mo 8 " BOY TO ASSIST IN MATLING I CE. ; RA SHE A the right foot is swung forward, t ymposer Wolf Gang Amhdens M nat aM al FINANCE AND NSURAN DWELLINGS, FURNISHED "AN turned down . ILLUSTRATED SONGS, day mornings and Saturday after furnished, Stores, Storage f . : Fu 3 1 we le is 0 d as the ball - , thi 4 FOR INSURANCE THAT INSURES, y ey r The leg must b ricid as the ball | Dv J. Douglas' Bankier noons. Apply Whig office. go to Godwin's Insurance. Emporium, re eps McCann's, Brock, Cori strikes the instep, in the same posi- | _ ET Market Square," hiugston + 1 erephione, INTELLIGENT PERSON MAY 424. , 'Lemphone ng | N « < he I e hands me, | : COTA (EY : i r-------- tion it is held in the hands. - 'Lime, | earn $100 monthly corresponding for oa 0 lsIX-ROOMED COTTAGE, IN - GOOD place and Toot must be just right. | newspapers¢ No canvassing. send fi FIRE LIF EAC CIDENT AND HEALTH. locality, gas for. lighting and. heats ' Watch the ball all the time. Too near, particulars. Press Syndicate, 3,969 i 4 LIT Aol NT ann HE tas fn ing, furnace, very comfortable. Ap- . eC Tv . era yolicies and moderate rates 2 a BI A BRANCH Tr gl pops into the air it should be met | ROBT. LIEMAN. Prop. | Tockport, N.Y. cr Ne | piv to 550 Barrie Street, | little above knee high. It must. be Our Programme. fof TO-DAY LEARN THE BARBER TRADE. NEW Agent, 159 Wellington street. . , ONE FRONT » AND ONE REAR ROOMY of this Bank has been open= met--hy--the foot--near the centre and | system, constant practice, careful in- at 846 King street. Centr ~ ot T ally Agents . the foot must «rive straight ahead for | Dr ma-- | struction, few weeks complete course, GEO. A. BATEMAN; AGENT FOR THE - Suitable for offices. Apply J. Pi ¢ d at = rie with a quick finish towards | Famous Historical N " "" "The Tower| tools free. Graduates earn twelve to Pacific Coast Fire ins. Uoy., members | Forrest, Gents' Furnjshery = Lis : > | 0 esle eighteen yr ) doll kl Writ of the board of underwriters. 107 P : St the left shoulder, to give the spiral | { { catalogue. oar ATper a Rimouski, Established 1876. rincess . twist. | Adopted from Alexander Dumas' fam-|"(-221 Queen St. Fast, Toronto York and Eeonomical Mutuals, 81 SMALL FURNISHED HOUSE, FOR . t f I ied stm | ous novel of the same title. This picture | T-- -- ii & . ng, v¥U. the winter, containing five rooms, In store i1ormeriy occupied | Va ie z "| has been secured at " t expense -- p-- modern improvements and gas for eid arcity's Probable Team. c ; for Se | . 299 - 5 . J : wn ome and sea it for 5c. do MARRIAGE LICENSES. 2 cooking. Apply 222 King street. by John McKay, Furiier. | Toronto Mail and Empire : Varsity's ail and Empire ; ; : LIVERPOOL, LONDON AND GLOBE back division will likely be: Dixon, BIG MUSICAL ACT-1E0 & €0. | S. KIRKPATRICK, ISSUER, 42] are doe. 21s a addition to |sT0 OR FURNITURE, OLEAN GEO. B. McKAY, fullback; Gal, righthalf; | Newton, | 85 TEWMEC UL " Clirence "St. Ron rn Ten | ae OLA aides have". for | STORAGE. FOR WORLD'S x vhe 56 hai li ¢ ; lesidence, & 2 dry airy rooms, abs Lsolutely moth. MANAGER centre-hali, and Lawson, left-hali. They ona Ob 3] > Loa AR P. oud phone, --_-- 38 Frontenac security the unlimited lability of ai proof, your own leck apd keys : have been playing the positions stead- | yrSio I i a ---- Be Se rT at vii Wh 4 Frost's Dity: Storage, 209 Queen Sty ilv all season, and that would seem to Illustrated Song--" SAILOR BOY." | rates. Yietare renewing old or giving 'Phone, 526 e thi ey Hl be played thers . i OSTEOPATHY. : new business get rates from Strange indicate hi Sh th Yolo oe Pf Ae 2 oe d FULL ORCHESTRA IN ATTENDANCE A -- rm & Strange, Agents. 'Phone, 325. certainly deserves his place. He is a We give you the best show and you! JARGE STONE' BUILDING, ON ON' ROBERT GARSIDE ASHCROFT, 0.0. ¢ tario street, known as Ontario Hotel, ¢ {fast runner, a sure catch and good | cannot better the best. nus Edna Earle Ashcroft, D.0., gradu | HOTELS AND RESTAURANTS. suitable, gr , boarding hous. Apply ===" | punter, and besides that has a useful Se | ates of the American School of : Osteopathy: Kirksville, Missouri, 405 EA Princess Sts. - habit of backing up the half line when SENIOR INTER- COLLEGIATE! > J ' > | HUB HOTEL RESTAURANT NOW A uf 4 ak Phen Princess street. Phone, 447. Ofhce open. Service A La Oarte, open day v have any long punts or throw | hours, 9 to 12 am. 2 to 5 p.m al Up-to-Dat \ 1 to handle. Newton has also been play . | Outside . trea' ments by appointments gobs iF "prices: Private dg oor FOR SALE OR TO LET. limg well, his tackling being especially > FOOTBALL 3 og 3 gntrince on King® street, next. to . . Y oy brilliant. Lawson's work during prac I Gihson's Drug Store. Haag, |98 FARL 'ST, INTERIOR ANDEX. PERSONALS. A terior, just vainted and decorated. {tice has been even better than last GREAT MATCH, { Prop Rent Tu Apply to ¥. Gilbert, {yvear. He has been mowing the second . | 194 Barrie street. : {team then down right and left every HAIR, MOLES, BIRTHMARKS, DENTAL, 1s very hard onShoes--sounds very familiar to all St og night in the practice games and will warts, ete, removed permanently' ee y : ) l 8 very lamuiar atl ¢ 00] Se Jac) nk oron 0 VS. U without scar. Twenty years' experi- SF SUAND SPARKS. DENTISTS, PROPERTY INVESTMENT, EX ; ' o s : play havoc with the Queen's men 1 } ence. Dr. Elmer J. Lake, Eye, Ear] Princess -St.. Kingston, 'Phon 44 Main street. large stone d v M en, Don't apologize, for the boy. It shows he's aclive ix in the match. Gall's runs lave Nose, Throat and Skin Blemish | 3 + Singston. any mantels in parlors. House suitable for : : 7 . er ¢ oO ni Queen's Athletic Grounds. Specialist, 258 Bagot street. . / roomers or "boarding house. and healthy, Bring him to us." We have Shoes for justin as E od as ever. Foulds will : agit garden, barns and drive-house. likely play quarter. He was with the 1 PRC Or NASH, DENTIST DR; M.| house, at 129 Redlan Rosd, * | Reco Ag as 'g . as heen J. . Gibson, assistan rincess cant. 1 to Mon~ 81 ch boys. | se nd team last year, and has been SATURDAY, Oct. th ARCHITECTS. { Sons Phone. 735. » houses Yaean rely : filling the position ever since the pra ten - -- i ! , [tices started. Bell will be at contre at 2.90 pm. ~ ARTHUR ELIS, ARCHITECT, pr. W. R. GLOVER. DENTIST, D.D.0 ur oes | scrimmage There was some doubt as 4ice and 'residence, 181 University | Certificate, office ground floor, corner BOARD AND ROOMS. ~ . |to whether he would be able to play PRICES--FEast Side, 23c.;' Bleachers, Ave. | King and Johnson Sts. opposite St. : this vear, owing to his examinations, George's Cathedral. 'Phone, 911. i 35c.; West Side and Grand Stand, 50¢. HENRY P SMITH, ARCHITECT, | erer------------------ oo : . ai ; Are built to stand just the kind of hard knoc K'but he has arranged the matter and | Reserved seat plan at Uglow's till FRI-|. etc, Anchor Building, Market ONE DOT BLE AND TWO wi the active healthy boy gives them iS certain' to be back in his old posi- | DAY, -at 6 p.m. | . Square. 'Phone, 845. CARPENTERS AND BUILDERS. Colborne a. 7 ' Hien To tl i we right "oF him will be i ----------------" | - Ritchie, and to the left Jones. King WAL NEWLANDS & PON. ARCHL| Goon RIN WASH TUBS, DASH|@OMFORTABLE FURNISHED ROOMS, ee | ton and Muir look gpod for the inside 'Phone. 608: © ng street Churns, Tanks, and repairing. J. H.. with board. Well lighted and heated: wing positions, as both have hoe ad -- nh ne Jollifle, 102 Pine street Also good table board. Apply = 81% 4 }: : : : peat m-- rep University Ave. ® ing well in practice. Kingston is a OWER J& Sox. AmemIT CTS, MER: | prop Ac ARD TO CHAS. W. KELLAR | fast follower up; and Muir is about { Shai Wellingtoa lding, a tock Carpenter and Builder, 255 Division 4 lthe best man for the job that could Lr Sh - . - ,_for reasonable prices on all kinds BUSINESS CHANCE. ® ha Next 2 - 5 Jobbing, all work done promptly. I ; ; | selected to them will come . - ion et---- LEGAL. » Hume and Lajoie, and on the outside QUEEN S "r YOUR SHING LING AND SMALL ANYONE. ANYWHERE, OAN START _ = will be Gace, and either Henderson or VS carpenter done before cold a mail order business at home. No jojefeferfeiofoiriunininteininiofefofaiuiole fori { Dixon ters and Solicitors, . Law Office, 79 y Ba post: ecard P, McLeod, for free booklet. Tels how. Heacock, CUNNINGHAM © & MUDIE, BARRI sathér ar save paving fancy prices, canvassing. Be your own boss. Send On the Lower Campus on | Clarence St., Kingston. 208 Alfred street. 2,969 Lockport, N.Y. : STUDENTS | Notes On Vyriods Sports. |= mm J A x ; 7 Johnson is a two to one. favorite in foe + date for - the Easten ague pres -- | Cooked, Smoked sand Seasoned Meats And take out a contract for your college term for the cleani deney of g n le ng: and press- | o- Mad dork 8 ing of your Suits, rae Tor and Odd I'rousers. We Hom de Pork Busege Jn . : Casings also invite you to Sevdal Boston runners have sent in © ! inspect our complete stock of High Class Shirts, ( ( 8 a : : Admission 13c. of Bricks 1 oS ves, "the French runner, nas qui | | MAKE IT A POINT TO CALL AT the Marathon ne ; i Saturday, Oct. oth Is LOOK Heep I VY | ( > 1 "MY WARDROBE" be Io WELLING: 3 | hua arrow i oficial cand 810 eum Saturday (GAGE & LEACH) Saturday £GMIEP our Loa rhe, : : ik HTan Imes tr er ollars ufls, Ties, etc their entries for the Hamilton Heralds __ | Hamburg Steak he v How about it? 15} you are not road race. & - a -- Cooked Ham A <. WAGGONE | Up-to-Date x despatch from Paris says Jeffries LUMBER and WW. Tan = 2 p28) tied up, try us next time. fight | $ 18 ) hide 2 Men's Man. will Johnson about April 10th 2 FRESH MEATS ee eslenptatenienlonies onl nl dnt saisalen eefee en en ttnite eel "Terry" Mctiovern is said to be a \ : ° . | Roast ig Sc... Ti . ye | NRL . * t : a -. eet en ssissasig in S hopele 8 mania and: will spend th Fire Insurance Stew aes wrssusbee = wDe., Be, T : "We Guarantee y WW if ' S Pemainder of his days in an asyium. - 1 ~~ PORK. : ® aaatiseeesetaed lsssswssssisssed Charles Carr, manager of the Indian vn § Skinned, ] ONS srs : en Every Load Hnrefeofelefodmfofefoioloafajfeiefo ioe : Br. Ra av 3 dH Lamb Chops . : . SELALABAMALLASRASEBSRA 611: Club, is on trinl-in that city, i have special facilivies jeg |... EVERYBODY Auto bile f Sal charged th Playing bali on Suntiey for arrying large lines. - Blows oe ve . meeim------ 11] | or 0 agner heads the Nationa Re 1 . Corned f and Cabbag flint RR S ague hitters, th an average 'of Tere SUre 3 S1-| le n egetables . : = Mas steves to sell, but nobody League Ji Ji ; Ww 0 ie r : A Ge ne ral Insurance busi ¥ sol SeRdtables. Wa or a Erm orner rocery ean give that value that we can.' McLaughlin-Buick 1908 Touring «3M, while Lobb, ol iletrait, 'eacs the | nag tr, ansacted. < { say. We have sl kinds, cheap for cash. Car, perfect condition, tires goog, American League, with an average ol ' | > ; We, have wil kinds of House Fur: one' brand new, & extra tubes 376. Th mas Mills, age edch,Duatchers Brick Buildings (shop and dwelling), bouse im- hy m owes grades top, glass front full | ee y= amn the bes Nts < » 1¢ ! y to the most beautiful Antique Mepte 2o Taree ion i | | Camnitz, the best Pittsburg Pirat 0 9 | THE PEOPLES' MEAT MARKET proved, at a bargain if bought NOW. Fueniture. sale, demonstration on request. pitcher, will he unable to play, Hot 79 Clarence Street "Phone, 378, Bagot and Far] Sa Pon't fail to come and ses our Fean and Adams will probably oppose . he et,A A steck befere you buy elsewhere. MOORE'S GARAGE lo ne another in the first game of the I -- a 19 167 PRINCESS Fe oe | LOAN WANTED. iL. Lesses, Kavanagh, of the Shamrock lacrosse | ans whet y he ocess of remodel -1 | 9 ST. : : €or. Princess aad opi Sta. CVSS IFIIFIISSIIIRIHv | um is oul of (ogame with a brok | ling 4 them, te SOUS C8 BOC) At once, a loan of $12,000 or 815. f ? or. fora ong. to \ ks ire ih " pe 5 Ths Hamilt ; DC mn {or : 't- | 000 for five years, best of security | -------- ous one y the Shamrocks in ¢ he ton ea for . Sat hg Naret rine i ef an -- --- ------ te | DRESS AND MANTLE MA MAKING = game with Wn real, Saturday urday will be itl back: Simp- | State interest required, ai i Ryan is stil working out with Otta- | son, centre halt urton, left half} a at Whig Office f : A homestender who has exbausted his | ) Eg. Le : er aps ¢ for Particulars. 2S homestead right and cannot obininé a For | 1C in Mrs. T. Smith, formerly of Toronto, [Xe and say : that he will play with Moore, Lig half. Awre v, faa " | poly Ig : ; « ® homestead righ (and cannot experienced Dress and Mantle, Maker. {the interme iates of that city: in the | Bramer, cilier ¢ 1g. scrgnmag T CEEed lilly stead in certain districts. Cel Fit and workmanship guaranteed. fuse | ih i : Ty Af as gran o a Rurues a i ard or Vickley. NOTICE: SVBoRais of. C ji 5 ith. Wem for adhe Whygvirngle reside xix mots We can supply youn with ewrictly - 3 Pine Street al OL Card am Ty : Se " Ba, OR | Grey. inside wings. | THE 10-MINUTE STREET CAR SER- P -Camacian No acres and erect a house worth $900.00. ) . . Pe act] ing ) hide ia A thletine, | Sice. not proving satistattory, will be Land Regulations. | W. W. CORY. _ w four nnt ni now ins, o i 1 ponia eles, | disco ec an and after } | " EE {fain Tacs of th Mon tect Herald i2)w rs "elosect rival for the bat. |0ct 11th and a 20-minute service sub: |, ANY person who is the sole head ula Deputy of the Minister of the "of thie e pices i Un : hank rald ris ; CA : acne. | stitute | family, or any male over 18 years old, --Unauthorized Publication of | IT IS " re Th her ath. Ahe ares | ine, or tim He hit-for (343, which is thirty mn SuSE LE ave Soiunstedd nur be advartioesins Wil wot" be 9a for. tober 25th urse ix abo e hit to 3, I 2 1h m Supt. K. P. & Elec. Ry. Co. (available Dominion land in nitoba, - Whele or ground, also Pure Vinegar Our LIS PERFECT. of miles it length aud les com ev] points below t r sla Y \ Re a Lys - | Saskatchewan or ' Alberta. Toe appli 9 . Standard Granulated Sugar, for |] vound the base of Mount Raval . Laicis's . » Wa pe 1 can Jnust appear in person at the Jo P all Millinery D C( YUPER ried 1 fo and table use. We have | The establishment of C yught | fords: : be were the or - OUR ROOSTER BRAND minion Lands Agency or Sub-Ageney for ears Ss . y { | 1 fthe district. En by pac may be | i r years, and price is United States and wnadian athleti erican League plave to get above OF TOBACCO | made a" any agency, on certain Conds KINGSTON & YARKER J | g % ak . + x tions, by father, mothér, son, daughter Deales In' Piire Foot: Griserion. | { "aN DREW MACLEAN, Cf} very. much close he termit gling 300 =r Bmoking and Chewing at forty-five | brother or sister of intending ho I think we have, without doubt, the Ph 76: 841-3 Pri st. | Ontario street: {of the athletes has already arouss we eal on SEX rome «| tents a pound, is &.good tobacco. Why steader. . largest and best assortment of 'Phone, < 'rincess | ot . PROMPT DE LIVERY, 4 ~-- ETON interest £ the afiairs | tween. the champion Detroit Tigers, ofd pay eighty-five- cents. Andrew Maclean Duties.--Six months" residence upon | ct -- of ni States Unign th meri foabi end i oo Ontario atreat; snd cultivation of the land in each of Shapes, Wings, Feather Mousts and Ostrich J . i {three years. A homesteader may live The First This Season, Myers' Home- ( ww of the Ottaw hal : \ or) cans, | : \ ile - nee y estea y unt ¢ i 1 ans, | t enclit « TT REPRE | within nw iles of his ho tead on a Hd PSPSPS SS { Made Pork Sausage.and Blood Fading dei sii ork } 3 "ee : t ¢ veteran plave py abl e Snow Avples. jfarm of at --. st. 80 acres grr owned | Feathers to be Seen in Kingston. ' + for SATURDAY. Give us a call, H. J. | . 4 . tt , : a xi v ton 3 : es : BOW Jas Jars and occujied by him or by his father, And our Tri Hats. well by the 5 Sal f Wal P J [MXERS, 60 Brock St.. 'Phone. 570. : : : nt writer, A , t table : y apy y arge) mother, son, daughter, brother or = sis] way they are selling they must be "very > Clearing 6 0 hn ew <> Soe ar Coe a pp fica i Pady, tor ttle and the ney 1 ded mat a. ¢ lay-lpaskets, J J. Urawiord ter. satisfactory. Call in early and see them. are reasonably sure of niltor i wall ave «af na ® ans. and the e-------- { In certain distefcts a homesteader in| | oo , Y E y 3 = x 3 + . » t di tor Starts Oct, 1st. last hance. to. 1g to heaven, you should take out game at the capit £ aturd trical px I me to r Andrew Kiss committed suicide i ajEoed st I a a rot Y price, P ar sall's buy, Border by the oh $i gh ainst going elsewhere. Torontc foe ere is one v | to their 'old friend. The benefit netted [the poles cells at Port Colborne by 133.00 pee acre, Duties--Must reside © TT & "Fru tye It 1 s to buy them used t hould be: abolished. . the ery ane about $6, 00 { nein + six months in each of six years from FRASER'S 78 William St. & 3 i ? "i 2 ; ; NYS : E "ant i } a is ng 2 sat 1 oy , | date' of 'homestead entry (including the . 228 Princess St. i) s 3 1's. Red €ross Drug Store. {of 'out with the veterans," becanse of : neckwear just arrived at Roney lyons required to wes™n homestead patent)! Note--Ostrich Feathers Cleaned and : and cujtivate fifty acres extra." Pototed; Our. Own Wark, . = its inconsistence; Managers are usual

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