a a : = mp _p--" TTT " _-- THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, MONDAY. OCTORER 4, 1909 Ef THE FAIR It Pays to Trade at Mclntos HOW A 1.7? h S The Soldiers Were Busy in Nigeria Had to Hide in the Bush to Avoid the Enemy. -- ste of tse Jardine, 76. 10 $3.0 Jack Frost will soon be around io nip the plants. It is early enough to De- { gin thinking about taking them in. JARDINIERS AT A BARGAIN CAN PROFITABLY BE BOUGHT NOW. These are highly glazed and beautifully blended, Real Bretley Ware fmported from the Kaglish Potteries, assorted designs and shapes. Our Wools and Yarns are guaranteed. ALL WOOLS are hand scoured and full weight, $1.60 How a British missionary made a hazardous journey in face of a tornade | to a scene of an attack on a British force, who were ambushed, is told in the details now to hand of the attack | on a British force in Nigeria. The | first news came to Minna, & place | on the line of the Baro Kano Railway, about 30 files from the scene of the oecurrence, stating that a British force had been cut up at Guasoro by the difficult and trucalent Guari people. This account, whigh was hurriedly written by the doctor, who was him- self wounded. merely stated that the officer in charge was missing, together with a European police officer and a sergeant,and that the writer was him- self wounded. The Rev. W. P. Low 2,3 and 4 ply, 50c. 1b. up to . y : : ; ' Mcintosh Bros. . og { among the Guaris. happened to be at Manager, PERCY JESSE. Minna when the ne roa in. Pe was hurrying down to the coast on hi: poy home, having only reached Minna | Phat day from his station at Kuta, from which pl the wounded docter vad sent his despateh. Mr. Low in stently volunteered to go to Kuta to render any wid possible tothe sur vivors, and also to his influence vith the people. This he did imme ately x Mr low spent 12 hours in Kuta, md. having assured himsell of the walty of the townspeople, resumed iis journey to th- coast. Picking uy \ construction train on the wey bac! he just caught his steamer, but early drowned in native «hen going down the Niger. the punitive force under Maj il liams, consisting of 150 men, with a | Maxim. on ite way to the scene of the ambush. The ill fated police party had started from Kuta only few honr: before it was attacked. In consisted f Lieut. Vanrenen, Capt. Stone, a loctor, a European sergeant, and 30 police." Accompanying the force was | the Chief of Gussoro. Its object was J to mareh to Gussoro, and there rein- | state the chief, wha, for his loyalty to { the British, had heen compelled to | Toave hig town. For two n.onths previously it was reported that the Guaris had been making poisoned ar { rows, #&nd had declared that they | would opptse the return of the chief | It was not thought that the people would attack, but as a measure of precaution, Maj. Williams" force nad been held in readiness Kuta, In cas» of trouble. | When the attack was made, how- ever, the Jelegraph line was down | Lieut Vanrenen nad only proceeded for a few miles when he was com- pletely overwhelmed by a force of | some 600 natives, who surrounded the party jn the thiek bush. A dead ly fire of poisoned arrows, at short range. was poured upon. the British, lieut: Vanrenen being at once killed, his body falling in the long grass. The doctor was also wounded by poisoned arrows, and 11 police were killed. Whatever formation was possible was attempted, but the heavy and well directed fire completely disorganized "he remainder of the police, who fled would buy. Capt Stone, with great gallantry, went The lawyer courts the maid supreme, V| back to try and recover his chief's He comes to plead .his case each | body, but was unsuccessful, the re- night -- | mains being subsequently found by The gas man, the punitive force apd buried on the ame, ret > " and E30 he she's in shiing ign. | 0" Thi surviving Enropouts par, by hiding in the bush ine order. ~ to avoid the enemy, who. pursuedsthem. The punitive expedition had some stiff | fighting, but they inflicted severe pun- |The butcher tries to win her heart, | ishment on the Guaris, and burnt i Pitts |" Declaring all his life's at stake, | their town There were no losses on : | The baker offers her. his dough, K | the British side. The Gusoro chicf 8 di N rth-West | And says she'll surely. take the cake. A ¥ Bh 8 3 . : hk a ne ynopsis of Canadian NO | was at first reported killed, buf he Land Regulations. ? | Tie doctor at Pains to | esested in making good his escape. «a | The teacher, too, has learn Ep---------- er i A Oh fore an oe Enchanted by her mystic spe The Western Way. Henry W. Lucy. the fameus Eng- may bomestead a quarter-sestion ol available Dominion land in Jasitona, | He pines for her 'tis plain to see, { lish journalist, familiarly known as The cobbler vows his love will last, | "Toby, M.P." under which name he Are what you will find in all lines of Men's Haber~ dashery and High Class Tailored Garments sold by us. We are Jooking for the men that prefer Some- class to their dress as we!l as quality and workmanship. A.C. WAGGONER, | SE1 188 Wellington Street. The Up-to-Date Men's Man | | Drifting back hdme from vacation, TT -- Busted and weary and sore. {As for the rest they were after-- 4 | Needing it worse than before. | Back froin a time that was bully, Back from the lake or the woods, B Feeling for Inbor no friendship, / use was a POETICAL SELECTIONS. "a Hardly on hand with the goods. Oh. it looks pleasant in prospect ! Nothing but resting and ease, Looking in flower studded meadows, Wading in joy to the knees, Sitting around in a hammock, Waving a hand painted fan Or in the sand on the b es Picking up frecklet and . Genuine Carter's Little Liver Pills. Must Boar Signature of Zoazl See Pac-Simile Wi pper Dalow, ' ' © » Nothing but rest on the programme That was the word in advance. Anything looking like labor Stood not a ghost of a chance. No heavy lifting ar moving Boxes as large as a shed, And about standing in water Never a sentence was said. at | Still, what's the use of complaining? If it was work it was fun, And. on the whole, we are sorry That it is over and done. But it would be so much better, Filling the bill pretty sleek, {If when vacation was over | We. could rest up for a week, Fond Lover's Ways. Chicago Record-Herald. : The tailor comes' to press his sutt, It seems for her he'd gladly die. The gambler plays to win her hand, A diamond straight way be too, feels Love's bright {'rhe grocer thinks thev'll make a pair, That she's a "peach' he'll not deny ; He much regrets they can't elope, For she's the apple of his eye. i CURE RICK HEADACHE. patiently, treat her well, ed to love, 11. The lumberman would pay her board, {So each in his peculiar style His homage to the loved one pays; They differ vastly, still they're all In strict accord with lover's ways. ---- To The Superior Man. out verdict nd novels ; who do. not per acre. it's pret wal," mm each acres and at a public that grovels, that are wholly Saskatchewan or Alberta. The apple cafit 'must appear in person. at the Do-| og ho 1 but she X : minion Lands Agency or sub-Ageucy 1 That. none can heal the-soul but 4 | writes deliciously humorous Parlia- he Sele amy by PrOEY May a mentary comment for Punch, and who C on a C . : " Yara. > hor ier son, daughter, | was recéntly refvarded with a Knight- Brother or mister of intending bome- | hood, tells some rich stories indeed stonder. ie? id ou | in his recently published volume of i vaion Of he pmenct reminiscences, "Sixty Years in the t years, A homestoader may live Wilderness." "He never had any con- withis nine miles of his homestead OBA |... 0, \News. i pection. with politics, except as a farm of at least 80 acres solely owned | "1 0 vii a sign of superior mind commentator, but for forty years he wad scoubied by Bim ot by hie_fauhgr, To pufsue, in & purposeful fashion, bas always had inside knowledge of ® , wom, da or 0 fre 1 Ps p No § vays hi inowledg fr. : . Tbe ent that is higher than culture re- |... .uihing transpiring or about to in certain districts a homesteader in| 7 i gdmirdtion and passion ; transpire in the Hous and he has good standing may pre-ompt a quarter: | pleyond - aud what the public ignores known everybody worth knowing He tion alongside his 'homestead. Price, | "on 00 Jie what the public defours, tas: in deli ful ie te 00 per acre. Duties--Must reside! . 9 0.70, (hings thyt are chased writes in delightful anecdotal style of months fn cach of six years from | ° of doors 8 all the famous men of his day. t ie of homenteud entry uncluliog, Leo In a civilized country like ours: He tells us a story of Lord Russell, - Ht €8 filly acres extra. a : ; of Killowen, who, while on his Cana- and cullival y So I plainly foretell what your A homesteader who has exhausted his will he dian tour, congratulated a waiter in right and cannot obtain a | p says Manitou on the healthiness of the v take a purchased home- | In regard to few sasmys a own : ? districts, Price $3.00 | O% SOT y wi. i Duties--Must reside six months | ag Jest I guess of three years, cultivate fifty | In arg you have views the waiter. erect a house worth $300.00 | RTS Jour own "When we built a schoo! house noth 3 : ) ; be as Po ¥. LORY. . In music you Pasture quite proudise ing-would do for some of the citizens uty of the Minister of the Interfor: | Officiously eager to know \ + ct e a demelery N. S Yinauthorized publication of this | And what others love scorning most bu they mu t re 1 te re ow advertisement will not be paid for. | Joudly. aid it out and 'walled it in, bal 'we a wad to shoot a man to start it RISE OF THE | { But United EmpireLoyalists 'An Informing Sketch of Ameri. | can History, Valuable for Librar- ies and Research. By VISCOUNT DE FRONSAC. . Price, 50c. | Address British Whig, Kingston. things economic and social you stand I a basis of negative vanity ; your constant abuse of your native land Doesn't prove that you manity. ou say that the highest are ever alone, Like the peaks and .the siars that are { lonely. 1 am glad that t your own Is not youriown, but yours only. Malta's New Governor. It is 32 years ago since Lieut-Gener- al Sir Léslie Rund the new ernor and Commander-in-Chief Malta, joined the 3 Artillery. Since then he has seen much active service, and proved himself every inch a suld er, one of his greatest ad ors being Lord Kitchener Leslie is a great stickler for the smallerd of soldiery, and 1i he those men whom peopl Cleistian natnes. he enj fal popularity. "There's no dbout him," they the "and although he sot the wrong we | that ne. command ter ness bett own love all hu- val yal he region you claim as Sir ails of ther Smiled And Was. Glad. |'There was once & Wafiywho smiled | Because the day was bright, ecause he slept x night, Because God gave him sight Io gaze upon his=ehiy! ; Because his little one Could leap and laugh and run, Becnuse the distant sun Smiled on the earth, he smiled. is A pretty wadding {ook place in St | John's church, Perth, on September | Rnd, when Rev, Father Hogan joined together Miss Mary FE MBdden, a popular voung lady, of Prummoned and David J. Flynn, foreman. of Peterboro "Pyery lady in Kingston knows Huyler's and McConkey's high candy are the money Sold in Kingston only at Gibsow s Red Crose Drug Store A pleasant event say construction ile smiled because the sky Was high above his head Because the rose was red Because the past was dead ! He never wondered why - hé Lord had blundered so i That all things have to go hk ) ) \ | "he wrong way here below je piace tt phe overarching sky Tuesday at the home of "he Rtafford, Ferguson alls, when daughter, Miss Julia, was united marriage to William : 1 l oh porous and well-to-do young this vicinity Money orders issued, letters register | stamps uptown post Prince and What He Thoaght. The old. gentleman was not accus tomed to having the mew railway in jg town Upor < tre ap- | proaching he whippe } ore and tried to s track front {of it. 'He hors sot { safely. but badly broken | When he red, he class best buy can ae cross in mas his " and | the He toiled and still yas glad 8 Because the air was free, Because he loved, and she That claimed his love and lie farmer of Shared all the bovs had ! Pe : ¢' tha grasses » the sweet wir Because that he coul And hammer, he was came waron was Quin ¥ Os bound Juinn, a found that he was not in: , neet y lad ed, a pleasure to sell postage at Prounse's Drug Store Because he lived he smiled office branch), cor: And did npt \look ahead With bitterness or dread Hut: nightly sought his bed As calmly a child And people called him For being always glad With much "things as he had: And shook, their heads--and smiled; Traveled 458,645 Miles. One of the last of the old oach drivers, H Grimater i at Helbeach, lincolnshire, at ti . age of 87. In'the course of his work | as coach driver, mail van driver and letter carrier he covered 438,545 miles. er S died sixty daugh- Row's Corner 1 mad le. on Friday, { seven years, He leaves , "two ters, POISONED ARROWS] who has ®r some years been working / Ll it - - Amusements. Queen's University WEDNESDAY, Oct. 6th AT 8 P.M. Conferring Honourary Degrees, dresses by members of the General Commission. | Ad- As sembly Tickets may be secured at the University Library. BlJC TO-DAY AND TUESDAY 50. THE CURSE OF DRINK 5 drin over and showing how overwhelming causing their of those . "MAGDA" ; or THE PROUD DUKE A Drama of great heart interest, and extraordinary beautiful, splendid scenery and costumes and powerful acting. ILLUSTRATED SONGS. J. produced obtains an voung men, the destruction strong power own ruin, they love. - Jy Douglas Bankier. Auction Sale F & . niture, Piano, Etc, TUESDAY, Oct. 5th At the mandant ture, etc. residence of Col. Taylor, Com- RH. M. College. household furni- Heintzman Grand Piano, Hall Drawing, Dining and bedroom Furnitur Rookcases, Sideboards, Arm and othe Ohairs, Extension and other Writing Desks, Couches, Washstands, Dressers, Brussels and Axminster Car- pets, Indian Rugs, Matting, Card Tables, Tea Tables, Lace and other Curtains, Pictures, Dinner, Desert, Tea and Break: | fast Sets, Odd China, Glass Wars Kitchen Utensils, Croquet Set Ham- | mock, and other artitles. The goods are | of the very best. It will pay you to at- tend this sale. 7 Sale at 10.30 a.m. Terms Cash, WM. MURRAY, Auctioneer. « ~~ LUMBER Fire Insurance i have special for carrying large lines. A General Insu ness transacted. Thomas Mills, 79 Clarence Street. Mrs. T. experienced Smith, formerly of Dress ang Mantle Fit and workmanship. guaranteed. 71 Pine Street. Toronto, Maker. SPECIAL CONVOCATION | ¥ l wirst insertion dc. | One of the most Powerful Dramas ever | ink Valuable Household Fur- Tables, | facilities DRESS AND MANTLE MAKING RATES - EE a word. Each con secutive insertion thereafter half cent a word, Minimum charge for one iu- sertion, 25c.; three insertions, 50c. six, $1; one month, $2. HELP--WANTED.- { i BOY TO LEARN THE PRINTING i trade. Apply Whig office. i ------------ {GIRL, FOR GENERAL Apply. to Mrs. L. -J. University Ave. 1 -- GOOD GENERAL SERVANT, | wages. References required. 202 Queen street. : HOUSEWORK. Williams, 150 GOOD Apply MARRIED MAN, FOR Must be good habits. Rankin, Collin's Bay. TEAMSTER. Apply to A. --- itn STEADY «© EMPLOY: union wages. Apply to Mowat Brockville, Ont. i ment, | & Jackson, AT ONCE, GIRL, ABOUT 16 OR M7, to help in kitchen, one who can sleep at home. Apply 61 Union St. West. A MACHINIST, ONE WHO HAS HAD some experience at general repair work. Apply Dominion t | {AT ONCE, GOOD RAL vant. Good wages. No washing. Ap ply 157 Sydenham [St., near Queen St. = pg $ GOOD ANT. Must have 'references. © No 'washing. Arps 191 John- AL SER ¢ ! in evening to Mrg. Phelan. son. street. CARTER TO /CART AY SOME ushes and earth, apply lo James lafurney, 370. Efincess St., Carriage Maker. A GENERAL SERVANT. MUST UNDER- stand cooking. No washing, good wages. Apply Mrs. Elmer Davis, | Sydenham street. MAID, FOR INERAL HOUS one who can sleep at hame preferred. | Apply between 6 and 780 pm. at 185 Brock street. SMART BOY TO ASSIST IN MAILING Department, on Monday and Thurs day mornings and Saturday after- noons.. Apply Whig office. i THREE SMART BOYS, ages of 17 and 18, stéady good~ wages. Apply | to ~ Hosiery Co., King street We AN INTELLIGENT PERSON earn $100 monthly corresponding for newspapers. No canvassing. Send' for particulars Press Syndicate, "3,969 Lockport, N.Y! . GOOD GENE washing. References in the evening to Barrie street. Kingston SERVANT. required, Miss Brown, NO Apply 84 RAL aT ONCE. A SMART YOUNG GIRE, about 15 or 16 years old, to assist | with housework. Apply tg Mrs. { Brooks,' 134 Earl street. LEARN THE BARBER TRADE, NEW | system, constant practice, careful in- | struction, few weeks complete course, i tools free. Graduates earn twelve to | eighteen dollars weekly. Write tor catalogue. Moler - Barber College, | 221 Queen St. East, Toronto. ance husi- -- CUNNINGHAM & MUDIE, ters and Solicitors, Law Office, Clarence St., Kingston. BARRIS. 79 MARRIAGE LICENSES. 8, KIRKPATRICK, Clarence St., phone, 568. street. ISSUER, 42 Kingston, Ont. Tele- Residence, 38 Frontenac OSTEOPATHY. ROBERT GARSIDE ASHCROFT, D.O., i Fdua - Barle -Asheroft, D.O., gradu. { another { len, We | BY FAITHFUL COMRADE. Act of Heroism Spoken of Commended Throughout Australia. Melbourne, Sept heroic a ated with stu of the Australian goldfields and 'Bendigo must "be story - and All - To tl of deeds miners Ballarat added 'Of a man 1 {ing his life for | his friend, the details of which have jus: been pub- lished. On Prday scent ter- Al married 28 years de- with : his Joséph s and Dan Darcy, a new shaft in Consolidated. anig, at Dram Bendigo, to, bore holes preparatory to blasting" operations ft was sunk below the 730-foot men had to bore the dynamite, gligh and then sfount to a lad they were Allan He ht adder. Ju a miner, o1 age scended, holes 1 a 10 1011. the fuse t , howengri as be reac {he plat he missed his and he bottom of, the .shait,.v vere ready to explode ¢ menton plat hear 1 miner cried In Joseph Davis, "1 t hesitation, rv the ag Ww regardless with a the bottom huddled mn ken. but sti What followed in the words of ho ous.' can hese be dese he Age respondent, whose 1 3 Jendis Mina 5 ne of the med#meore Xt burning pronoun ch che mm to WONDERFUL ESCPE BRAVE RESCUE OF MINER he long list | M payable semi-annually. ates of the American School Osteopathy Kirksville, Missouri, Princess street. 'Phone, 447. Oflice hours, 9 to 12 am. 2 to 5 p.m Outside trea*menta by appointments of 405 PERSONALS. Sv BIRTHMARKS, removed permanently Twenty years experi- ence. Dr. Elmer J, ¥ abe Eye, Ear Nose, Throat and Skin Blemigh Specialist, 258 Bagot street. HAIR, MOLES, 1 warts, ete., without scar. | CITY OF KINGSTON DEBENTURES: 1 { { | SEALED TENDERS by {on FRIDAY, October 8th, 1909, purchase of the whole or any portion of ithe following debentures, bearing irfer- est at the rate of 4 per cent per annum, will be received $33,400 Debentures issued to provide for the cost of Local Imprqgvement Works, payable by annual jnstalments within twenty years from 1st July, 1909 The highest or any tender not neces- sarily accepted. For further particulars, apply to : F, C. IRELAND, City Treasurer. the shaft, ar of where the were crouching. Davis en- d to drag Allen's legs up under so as to make sure of escaping the dislodged by the second hole, which exploded a moment or two later Lhe shift boss and Darcey, who had been in a terrible state of suspense at the iagined th nothing but certain could be fate of Meir two anions, and the signalyAwas given wing that serious acciden: had then descended to the ft, and were over- n alive ng from great SCIOUS. His Jeg the ankle, and and knocked "1 feel all to the plat him-to lad side of two me deavo thim, earth ¢ eath com a above bruised arked Jack up up the r, Mr an inspéc- - | adl | CONDENSED ADVERTISING | 17} WORK," MAY | he undersigned up to 8 o'clock p.m., | for the | SEWING, CHILDREN'S CLOTHING specialty. Apply to Miss Porter, Main street. A 43 ROOM AND BOARD, BY YOUNG MAN, All modern conveniences required. Address Box 410, Whig office. OPPORTUN 0 F Ah RT gi ly *. J. Birch, THE estimates of work pr omp done. ¥, Electrician, 206 wellington street. tet st GENTLEMEN BRING THEIR , cloth and have it made up into up- to-date suits. Price and workmau- ship guaranteed to please. Pressing apd repairing dome on the notice. Thomas Galloway, St., next Bibby's Livery. i gti. shortest 1380 Brock A SUM OF MONEY, ON BARRIE OR Union .Sts., between Brock and the University. Reward at this Office. , A RED LEATHER PURSE, CONTAIN ing sum of money, Saturday evening. Reward for return to, Whig office. LADIES' GOLD WATOH,WITH INIT als "M. M. C. 1." engraved on case, on Princess street, on Saturday. Re ward for its return to Whig oflice. JOLD LOCKET, INITIALLED "A. R.'® on one side, three lipks on other. last week. Reward for return to Whig office. Ls STRAYED. mete ty ONTO THE PREMISES OF B. "ROSE, Westbrooke, about Sept. 25th, two spring calves. Owner can 'have same by paying for advertisement and calling at above address, MONDAY MORNING, between Princess and Brock Sts, Finder may have same | by poplying to 219 Princess St. and i paying for this advertisement, an King St. | FINANCE AND INSURANCE. FOR INSURANCE THAT INSURES, go to Godwin's Insurance Emporium, Market Bquare, Kingston, Telephone, SQUARE Ba : , Furniture. App! PURE ICE, B load. J care of J TWO , IN VILLAGE OF ons Doin, fhet a well near - house. ah Ny Badour, care The 5 St., Kingston * near Cotton Mill. SOLID BRICK RESIDENCE, 41 Ale bert St., containing seven Joouis, bathiaad Ww. Oi (separate), hol wat- er. ing, san plum ood lawns. Also ree en t uses, on ™ 'Un sity Aves, good \ntorest" on Avon ment. As L to EE ay: will sell Heap Medley, 45 Albert: stveet. , TO-LET. - spb wt TWO FURNISHED ROOMS, WITH OR _ without board. Apply 227 Earl St. HOUSE 1) pr IN VAUGHN TERRACE, (NO. Possession soon. Apply ' on the THREE FURNISHED out board. Apply rence Ave. ROOMS, WITH. to 16 St. law- GEO. A. BATEMAN, AGENT FOR THE! Pacific Coast Fire las. Coy.. members ! of the board of underwriters. ! Rimouski, Fstablished York and Economical Clarence St., 1876. 1 Mutuals, Kingston. "Phone, LIVERPOOL, LONDON AND CLOBE | Fire Insurance Company. ~. Avaliable | assets '$61,187,215. In addition which the policyholders have security the unlimited liability of all { the stockholders. Farm and city! property insured at lowest possible | rates. Before renewing old or giving new business get rates from Strange & Strange, Agents. 'Phone, 825. t tor : HOTELS AND RESTAURANTS. NUB HOTEL RESTAURANT NOW| open. Service A La Carte, open day and 'night. Up-to-Date service, at! popular prices. Private dining room. | Entrance on Kine street. next to Gibson's Drug Store. Con. Haag, Prop. DENTAL. SPARKS AND SPARKS 990% Princess St., \ 846. bo ei D ( NASH. DENTIST: PR. MW i J. Gibson, assistant, 188 ' Princess | street. 'Phone, {| DR. | Certificate, office ground floor, corner { King and Johnson Sts. i ! George's Cathadral. 'Phone. 911 | A-- ARCHITECTS. ARCHITECT, 181 University ARTHUR office and Ave. ELL1S, residence, HENRY ete., Square. P. SMITH, Anchor Building, 'Phone, 845. ARCHITECT, Market WM. NEWLANDS & SON, ARCHI- * tects, etc. Office, 268 Bagot street. 'Phone, 608 POWER & SON, ARC chant's Bank Building, coruer and Wellington streets. "Phone, HITECTS, MER- Brock 212. CARPENTERS AND BUILDERS. DROP A CARD TO CHAS. W. KELLAR Carpenter and Builder, 255 Division St., for reasonable prices on all kinds of jobbing, all work done promptly. RR -- | Established 1868. | 4 | 1 'toa "We Guarantee Every Load 3896. | i Princess Bts. © DENTISTS, | FR Kingston. "Phone, | 735. | W. BR. GLOVER, DENJIST, D.D.O. | opposite 8t. | DWELLINGS, FURNISHED AND TUN- furnjshed, Stores, Storage for Furni- ture, ete. McCann's, Brock, Cory King street. ONE RRONT AND ONE REBAR ROOME at 848 King street. Centrally locate ed. Suitable for Apply J. Pa Forrest, Gents' A SMALL FURNISHED HGUSE, the wintr, containing five: rooms, modern improvemants . and ges for cooking. Apply 222 King street. v FOR * STORAGE, FOR FURNITURE, CLEAN d airy rooms, al jutely moth roof, our own lock aod . rost's ity Storage, 299 Queen St. Phone, 526b. & LARGE STONE BUILDING, ON ON= tario street, known as Ontario Hotel, < guitable for. boarding house. Apply to M Cor. Ontario i AME DWELLING, ON . YORK 8T | modern conveniences, £0 i garden and outbuildings, reasonable rental. Apply to 'I. Ji Boon, 159 Wellington street. - ¥ FOR SALE OR TO LET. = PROPERTY INVESTMENT, EXAMING 44 Main street. large stobe dwelling, mantels in parlors. House suitable for roomers or boarding house Large Also Roth garden, barns and drive-house. house, 'at 129 Raglan Road. houses vacant. Apply to 220 Mons treal street. 4 BOARD 'AND ROOMS. FIRST-CLASS ROOMS, WITH BOARD, in very desirable locality'. Apply Box * Whig office. > COMFORTABLE FURNFMHED ROOMS, with board. Well, lighted and heated: Also good table board. Apply S1é University Ave. BUSINESS CHANCE. ANYONE, ANYWHERE, CAN START a mail order business at home. No canvassing. Be your own boss, Send for free booklgt. Tells how. Heacock, 2,969 Lockport, i= ----" OAL ~~ WOOD We give careful attehtion ll orders. Try us. Swift's: Our Dwelling and Cost is small, IY ad Furniture Policies Written for 3-year period, hold you safe. Don't put off, SWIFT'S, ied Mr. Abraham. "No, I feel alright," Davis replted, "bgt T ose heiery out to Faglehawk to, se¢ my brothers he will he terribly flurriediif be hears that ve been in an accident" The inspector cordially shook 1 him, and congratulateck him plik, but Davis modestly "Oh, 'it's nothing. , It's only right that a fellow should do what he can for Jiis mates" am has recommended to of mines, that pit tment's est certificate of I 1 ented to Mr, wl "with oh hs replied: fan ry the - subject leading men Fall And Winter Importations. Prevost, Brock street, has received | hig tweeds, chevéots and vicunad| for. suitings; also a great variety of | overcoating fof his order department, His $13 saits and overcoats made "tol order surpad® auptiing he ever had vet, i PARKER'S DYE WORKS Men's ad women's clothing dyed and cleaned to look like "Phone and waggen will call, R. PARKER & CO. Dyérs and Cleaners. 69 Prificess St., Kingston, Ont: new. . A head-ca' colligion, near Banving, on the CN.R. resulted wn the death «f Fireman Woodcock and Prakeman Lockhart. Samuel Pollif was sentenced to twelve Yeats in penitentiary at And- over, N.B., for shooting James Orr. Spain will seid. 15,000 additionals troops to Mcroeen int an endeavor fo bring the war to n close,