Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 27 Sep 1909, p. 7

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. 2 y --- ---- Or Is Every (ood Meal Followed By Discomfort? So certain are we that 'Little Digesters" will cure Indigestion every time---for every person---for YOU--that we will give you your money back without a ward if they fail, You ¢an enjoy a good, of wholesome if you take a t Read how Mr. Thody. "For two years | suffered with Indi. gestion, and obtained no relief from anything I took, including several prescriptions from prominent physicians. Every meal was followed by acute pain until I feared to eat, consequently became run down for lack of mourish- ment. "'J.ittle Digesters" were recom siiénded to me by a friend and I tried them with remarkable results, two boxes completely curing me, It is three inonths since 1 took any, and I have not suffered a pain, no matter how heartily I eat. I would certainly recom- mend them & anybody g with Indigestion." | (0p q) po THODY, 141 Yorkville Ave., Toronto June 12, 1 "Little Digesters" can be ha from your druggist or by mail from Coleman Medicine Co., for 25 cents a box. 26 hearty meal food three times a day, | 1blet after each meal. "Little Digesters' cured TRAVELLING, LOW RATES TO PACIFIC COAST ius of tickets on sale daily, One way colonist 3 15th, at following 15th to Oct, Spokane, Wash \ ancouver, Victoria, cattle, and, Wash. Orega Francisco, . 1947. 05 eg Mexico, City, Mex '} HUDSON -FULTON CELEBRATION New York, N.Y., Sept: 25th, Oct. Round trip tickets will be issued to New York via Montreal, $15.45, good going Sept: 28rd to 30th, inclusive, good te return until Oct. 10th. 2nd. apply to J. P. Corner Johnson and For full particulars, HANLEY, Agent, Ontario streets. INGSTONS PEMBROKE] ' . RAILWAY: dN CONNECTION WITH' Canadian Pacitic Railway Low Rates to Pacific Coast colonist to Oct. One way Sept. 15th rates : SPOKANE, WASH, VANCOUVER, B.C, VICTORIA, B.C SEATTLE, WASH. PORTLAND, OREG. SAN FRANC I8C0 SA 14 CA tickets on sale daily. 15th at following | 13510 BLE 50 KINGSTON--OTTAWA 1201 p.mi, amive ive King- 3 a P. and C.P oflice, Ontario street CONW Ay, Gen, Pass: Agent. BAY OF QUINTE RAILWAY. Train leaves uniom station; Ontaric street, 4 p.m. daily (Sunday excepted) for Tweed, Sydenham, Napanee, Deser onto, Bannockburn and all pointa north. To secure quick despatch to Bannock burn, Maynooth, and points on Central Qstarlo, route your shipments via Bay of Quinte Railway. For further particu lars, ny A R. Wa DICKSON, Agent, Phone, No. 8B. Lake Ogtario & Fors of Quinte Steamboat Ce., Limited. STEAMER CASPIAN 1000 Islands -- Kingston-- Rochester. as for 1,000 Islands, Gananoque at 1I( Returning, steamer for Bay of Quinte t of Rochester, N I'R. ALETHA= lay's y and days. p.m. leaves Ports and daily'. except stpamer ltaves at ite ports. Aves Felebedeiedel COAL! The kind you > looking for Is the kind we sell SCRANTON Coal is good coal and we guar antes prompt delivery. Pp Qe 183, Booth & Co., FOOT WEST STREET. a eerie SE | int 1 eoteslanter * a oy 1 s Sonfocfortortonee] a phalt Roofing | Gravel and Sand Surfaced P. Walsh, Barrack St., Builders and Contractors Use Sashweights made in King ston at Angrove's Foundry Special prices for large quantities WAR LONG'S LAUNDRY REMOVED From 78 Clarence Bt, to 1585 Well ington St: betweer Brock and Olarene Sts. Best laundry in the cify. Good salled for and deliversd Kingston | CANOE | ANNOYED | BECAUSE G.T.R. FAST TRAIN WON'T STOP. 1 Another Seizure of Nets--Last Ser- | vice at Half Moon Bay--Metho- | dist Church Bible Class Com-| petition. Gananoque, and | Game Overseer, a8 {just made an important seizure of nets lat Landon's Bay. Thid following the seizure carly in the week, makes a | good weok's work toward the enforce- i ment of the law. | Thomas Boucher, while operating a | press in ome of the local factories, had | his foot quite severely injured Ly a i hetwy part of tho machine falling on it. 3 Christ "church celebrated its annual 'harvest thanksgiving, vestexday. Rew. anon Stary, of Si. George's cathe [Je Kingston, conducted both. morn- ving and %evening services. The new | Book of Common { duecch. The proceeds of the day are to [be donated to the hospitals of Ki | ston and Brockville. The final sorvico for the scason was {held at Half Moon Bay, last cvening, theginning at 5 p.m. {wore in attendance, although weathen was quite cool. fA the various camps among the this scetion will take place during the next few days and October will sco fow, if any, left. The opening session in { Bible class competition, comprising {Smith's Falls' ¢lass, Sydenham street class, Kingston; Grace church Gananoque, and Wall street Prockville, was held yesterday noon. Gananoque's class 125 strong for the occasion. 'Jerry' Dillard, the fast representa- tive from?' the stable of W. R. Acton, of this town, saceceded in landing first in the froedor-all at Ogdens last Wednesday, in three straight Sept. Guorg g- the is { the class, class, after- money burg, heats Considerable gdverse comment ing expressed against rumor that the GI.R.' will again Gananoque offi irom ig privileges of No. 1 fast cxproess, they did during last winter. In th new time table of tha G.T.R. company, this train is not ee | timed to stop at Gananoque Junction, {after th ith inst., but word Las | been received to the offect that it will be continued till Monday, when thers is the probability that a further or- { der from the head offies will arrange {ior the continuance of its accommodar tion. The local manufacturers merehants would 'be seriously tho discontinuance of No. 1. is be- the cut freely « and aficeted bv | The Cold Hand. { Cold feet {than poor -ciculation. A signs that vitality is lacking that serious conditions are apt follow. . Thin watery conditions of the | !cod should not be allowed to exist. i here no need of them. Iron Tonic Pills (laxative) are 'a 'sure cure for all {anaethic conditions. [hey are a great nerve strengthen- ard Flood maker. In boxes, 25¢., at J. B. McLeod's drug store, corner King and Erock streets (Wade's old stand) and corner Princess and Mon- treal streets. Money back if. not sar hands or indicat more are and to Glendower Notes. Sept. 25.--Farmers corn, which is a very William Webster has the rock for / the Lichard- Warner Switzer, ill with ty- fever," at Latchiord, is around Mrs Lasher Cronk and two daughters,' are visiting 'at San- Leemons. Mr. and Mrs. San- ford Leemon visited John Giles and Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Snider, Harrow- smith, Glendower, cutting their good crop. iob drawing son's. phoid ¢ gain bttle ford i ---------- Bell is in the Mary Burlington, Voi undergoing treatment for his which required a very serious Dr. E. M. Twitchdll, Kingston} performed Rov. E Fleteher mont, Frazew hospital, operation merly of peration Ever notice off a pay roll? for- the ol} casy it is to 1 INDIGESTION Dyspepsia Means Slow Starvation. Let Those Who Have Experiment- ed With Doubtful Remedies Turn To-Day to Dr. Hamilton's Pills. And Be Cured Quickly. the testimony of actual curos--iy words of those'who have the merit. of Dr. Hamilton's Pills, vou can satisfy yourself that indigestion and dyspepsia, are eurable "Four years ago. 1 got into a condi- tion of low health--suffered all pos- sible torture with acute indigestion, wind or the stomach and dizzy head- aches." The very smell | of food often { wav suflicient to make me violently ill. { Energy was- gradually. fading away, 1 no longer had any deeire for work or { for 'the pompany of other people and was in the depths of despair. Worse | martyvdom _ brain and URED body could not suffer, and live. | used so 14 YEARS many remcdies without | success © that I was in poor hopes started on Dr. of getting relief when 1 Hamilton's Pills. ' In a month I noticed a slight impr ment and kept right on using one pill every second night. In a month 1 an- other 'man, looked ruddy; strong; hearty, and 1 felt as if 1 had been made anew. Fote yoars have gone by ~ land. I still rely on Dr. Hamilton's Pills and aftribute to their power my | present condition of robust health. i (Signed) H. P. ECKFORD, Rodney, P.O Dr. Hamilton's ars havé been. the for dyspepsia, indi heartburn, Sonstipation, backache, "and al bladder © troubles all thorough Pills. por all dealers: or Rineston, Out By the proved was advised and lest which for ye remedy Be Fills, standard {gestion flatulence, adache, (k iidnaey, arid | Thesa diseases odd Dr. Hamilton's hox -or five for at Unlar chiens liver 3 are ou by he Praise was intro- A large number | The break up | Union | & turned out | are" -- THE SPORT REVIEW, | Interesting News Brom the Var- | . ious Sporting Fields. i The strain to Shrubb's leg is {severe that the great little {may never run again. Pittsburg ~ Firates coung on their batting to beat Detroit Tigers in the {world s baseball championship series. Trouble with the management is said {to have been responsible for Tenny's | rets rement from the New York Giants. : Several former members of Breoklyn Nationals are playing the Rochesta Pronches in the ern league. | London city council will likely ten- {der a recéption to "Mooney" Gibson, {the Pittsburg National league 'catch- er, on his return home to London in October, Chicago Briton the with Fast- Cubs are getting a feariul "panning" from the fans of their own town because they failed fo catch Pittshurg and allowed New York knock. them out &f the running. There some excitement in the Montreal rugby ranks at the present time on account of some of the diree- tors refusing to reinstate "Ernie" Russell. He is badly needed on * the hali-baxk line. Five runners have entered the forty- two-mile ran from Hamilton to To- ronto on October 28th. They are: Felix Powe, of the 1.C.A.C.; Frank { Murphy, of Toronto; Willie Walker, of {Toronto: Walter H. Willams, of Mon [treal; Thomas Crompton, of Hamil ton, The rugby union 'expelled from the is of Australia has union twelve of the plavers. of the team which visited Eng |Jand last season for agreeing to play under Northern Union rules {the professional team, which visited |e ngland at the same time. It is un derstood that they are receiving £100 each Ottawa Free Press: Nick Bawlf {coming to Ottawa the 27th of this month and will remain here per- {manently, having taken a position in the government. It is therefore to assume the famous Nichglds be szen in the colors of the foothall club after all, de spite ports of lis indisposition, from: Quebec. ; Fielder Jones, ex-manager of Chicago White Sox, picks Detrogt win the American league pennant race, He says: "I thing the race will dé pend on the series between Philadel- phia and' the White Sox at Philadel- phia Sept. 20th, 30th and Oct. lst. I figure tnat New York, Washington and Boston will take four out of twelve from Detroit, and that Pliladelphia will just about clean 'up its with Cleveland and St. Louis That will give it the edge' them, so if it beats. Chicago it will win out. But it Walsh, Smith and Scott right Philadelphia cannot win the series, | saw one despatch that Walsh was out of it. When he is ight the world can beat him, depend on, his condition." against i is safe will Ottawa the re which 'came the to series are in may no team it S50 WHIG'S FASHION HINT. PHOTO COPYRIGHT 4909 BY REUTLINGER EXCLUSIVE COPYRIGHT, NEW YORK HERALD OOX) Automobile cloth taffeta coat embroidered of gray in silk and Harlowe Happenings. 24. ~The Methodist festival proved a nice Harlow, st home cided suceess, a Sept. harve ler being real threshing. ing a rushing Arncy, Dead Mos Ww. sum izecd. The farmers busy W. Pipe's machine buaness: Misys (Cassie Creek, is at her sister's, Pipe's. Mrs. Jackson and children, Cobalt, are at her father's, G. Woods. Miss M. Bott has returned home a fow days' visit with friends Beaver Creek. Mise U. Parks Tuesday with her friend, Mes. T. Thompson. The picnic held by Paul's church was well attended, the day sum was reglized Ihompsen is home N.Y. F. Wood Mills at Flinton are 18 do from at spent M. St al- thougl was also. Miss from Wg agertown, Bott's. M this week. Mrs. Hie: kev, Marmora, her father's, 8 S_ Cuddy. R. Cuddy at S. Parks'. D Parks lost a spring celt the olhér day. W. Marshall is at J. Thompson's. nico 13 al ¢ is at Fair View, Sept. threshing potatoes Robert View Facts. 27.--The farmors } corn and ar a Bartley and Miss \ Spent last Sunday in Mis lohn Milling atteniled Miss Maggie Wilsoy, - of pent a week at Mrs. 8, Herbert = File has vented a Deseronto road Saturday at Mrs. Fair busy going crop Bar! aston. are good Jeanie Ki icion fair. Deseronto, MeNeill's farm Fertz = man %, on the spent the Roy | in | ts course that ety. b his second yea complete so} to} disagreeabic Af M., i ile A stirring romance chapter, Mrs. Ward reveals her deep- stirred enthusiasm for the Canadian land, she triumphantly hails as "the great new State being laid under your eyes, deep and strong, by men who know what it 1s they are doing--to see history begun by men who know what they are writing." which » LADIES' HOME JOURNAL Mr . Humphry Wards Great Canadian Novel Copyright, 1908. Haeseler, Philadelphia ve in which, in Begins in the October Delivered to any address on request to FRANK O'GORMAN : $352 King Street. CURTIS PUBLIS ISHING COMP ANY, _ Philadelphia every : (eghbura Notes. Washbubn, Sept. 28. ~The company's works [the last two weeks. The only Soap Powder !i Which, when dissolved lf in water, will not burn the hands brik were © Jos d The John Randall was unloading coal Washburn; much to the convenienwy and for steambarge | Barriefield, at of wt Think of the most delicate--the most delicious--the most unique delicacy you ever even hoped for, and you'll find it in this wonderful new creation; McCormick's Elite Fingers. The richest and most delightfully-flavored (banana) --the most artistio and fascinating design elegantly embossed). Nothing similar ever before produced. Served with Ice Cream or Fruit they afford a rare treat heretofore unhoped for, 28 For Washing Delicate Fabrics USE ASEPTO SOAP POWDER. Harmless fo_ everything except dirt. Cleans Better and Quicker than soap. Refreshens. Sterilizes. Makes clothes more healthful. sc. package. At your Grocer's. Manufactured by ' THE ASEPTO MANUFACTURING CO., St. Jonwn, N.' B. ASEPTO 'SOAP POWDER I The Seabrook brothers 'at her at John Henry's. . Re- Mr, ere Mr. Gillespie, of J. t. W. Patterson's; Frank Johnston, - Mr. Clark's; Miss Sharp, W. Shannon's; Mis€ Mamie Woods ' the farmers, ere threshing cent Histions. uncle's; W. Toner, Kingston; and Mrs. Samuel Woods, at Mrs. Toner' 8. -------------- The late E.G. Sills, Belleville, ts an estate : valued nt $140,000, ¥ OUR ROOSTER BRAND OF T0BACLO ~ a - EC TEE CE Es BITES oe ATES aR om

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