THE NATE ARITIAN WaT > . '6061 'Lu wamarass 'avasow Of High Class Dry Goods, Mantis, Milwery, $60 y 000 Worth Fi bs, y will be Yow WEDNESDAY, . SEPTEM Carpets, d AND CONTINUING FOR 10 DAYS. v The well known firm of Crumley Bros. need no introduction hére, as their reputation fot carrying the AS $20,000 MUST BE RAISED IN TWO WEEKS TIME, SALE EVER HELD IN KINGSTON. A Slashing of P'rices, such as has never been known in the history of Eastern Ontario! THIS 8TOCK ¥. } MUST BE SOLD, without any consideration very finest lines of goods obtainable; is known far and: wide as to original cost. THIS 1S THE MOST GIGANTIC ' YOU CANNOT AFFORD TO MISS IT. As both Cotton and Woollen Goods are steadily -advancing in price, it will pay you to lay: in & full supply of Summer and Winter Goods, daring this great sie. Over $7.000 worth of New Kall Dress Goods, Mantles, these New Godds' all 0 on sale as nothing will be reserved: 500 Children's Handkerchiefs Regular 5¢ each, SALE PRICE ONE CENT EACH. 50 Dozen Ladies' Kid Gloves Colors are browns and tans. 2 do me fasteners (reliable make) sold r at $1.25. SALE PRIC EE. 9c. pair, 500 Yards ( Glass Forlag. Rd inches wide, regular 12 and 1H¢c. yard SAL E PRICE . 9¢. yard 200 Yards F ancy 'Huck Towelling For hemstitching regular HOC vard SALE PRICE Be. Pillow Cotton 12 inch, regular 28e¢.; on Hale 1% 44 inch, regular 27c. on Sale 20e¢. 4€ inch, regular 3Cc., an Sale 21c, It will certainly pay yon to bugewour Pillow Cottons during this Great Sale. Extra Special Snap &c.-- bought before the advance in prices were reee Jelow, arc a few prices to give you some idea of how I Fine Black Silk ar<d Wool Crepe de Chene, : Regular 60c., Dress Goods Dept. Black Crepe de Chene, regular $1.00 per yard. SALE PRICE, 59¢. yd. Fancy Striped Black, regular $1.35 per yard, SALE PRICE 94c. yard regular $1.00. SALL PRICE, 490. Elack Striped Permo (silk finish), regular $1.35. SALE PRICE, 94c. yard. Black All-Wool Cheviot, striped (fall 54 inches), regular + $1.25 per yard. SALE PRICE . ......80¢, per yard. Black Venetian, broad (45 inches wide), regular "85¢. SALE PRICE G4dc. Black Lustres on Sale 48¢. Regular 86e., on, Sale 62¢c » 'Regular $1.00, on Sale 50¢. AEA » Regular $1.85, on Sale, 94c. Beautiful Tweed Dress Goods, regi lar 50¢. SALE PRICE ..21¢c. yard. worth regular from $3.00 to $10.00 each. 150 Ladies' Jackets--Short Lengths Colors are Grey, Fawn and Black, While they last. - SALE PRICE... ived, and passed into stock just two weeks before the store elased; ar your dollar-g goes during this Bargain Festival. ' + 100 Dozen Ladies' Black Hose Fast colors, regular 1b6c. and 20¢, pair. SALE PRICE ......9¢c: pair. 200 Pairs Ladies' Black Cotton Gloves Regular 15¢c. and 20c. pair. SALE PRICE 350 Yds Glass Towelling 20 inches wide, regular 9¢. and 106. yard. SALE PRICE"....6c. yard, All other lines of Towellings reduced in same proportion. 'Come here fox your towels. 1.000 Yds Fancy Striped Shaker Flannels Regular 15¢. yard. SALE PRICE Oc, yard, '84 Bleached Sheeting SALE PRICES " BCe., for 37s. : 35c., for 25c. ; 3Uéy; for 30e, 8- '4 UNBLEACH ED SHEETINGS AL Regular 25c., for 18c. Regular 35e¢., for 25e. Regular 30¢, for 2le. 1, 00 Table Linens UNBLEACHED -SALE PRICES {rom BLEACHED 300 Special 72 inches , wide SALE PRICE a ee grep mp Floor Oilcloths Regulay 25¢. and 30c. SALE PRICE R1c. a yard 25 Boxes Colored Tulle Worth regular 3b6c. yard. SALE PRICE 25 Boxes Flowers Ry ang ing in price from 25¢. to $2 a bunch SALE PRICE 15¢ Ladies' and Children's - Skirts, Waists, Fur Coats, Neck Pieces, ete, at SALE PRICES. ¢ NOTICE ----No Goods on Approval Coupons given at this sale, ALL SALES STRICTLY CASIL Date, and be on hand with the crow ds to secure your share of the Bargains. Herrin Bone Stripe-Costume Cloths All colors, regular 35¢. yard. SALE PRICE Venetian Broad Cloths, all shades, regular PRICE 44 inch heavy dank. Tweeds for Fail 'Suits, 'rogulargse. SALE PRICE a Jad. All Wool Striped § Satin 'Cloths, all "colors, regiiar "price "ok, * SALE PRICE .... : 48c. ward, 50 Pieces Tartan Plaids ni Shs hoe or Cite She RITE Untied Millinery 250 Hats left ranging in prices from 50c. to $2.50. SALE PRICE x : 15¢. each, Ladies Whithses: AT LESS THAN HALF PRICE. 27-inch Jp Taffeta Regular 50c. and 60c. SALE PRICE yard. All Reninants of SILKS and DRESS GOODS at HALE PRICE. ow Come to this greatest of all s: 22c, & Yard, -- =» Table Oilcloths 5-4 width, all colors, worth 25c. SALE PRICE ... 8-4 width, all colors, worth 35¢c. SALE PRICE ... onnbares 19¢. yard. 1. 22¢. yard, All PRINTS and SATEENS at All'TICKINGS at SALE PRICES. ~ SALE PRICES. "All CARPETS and RUGS to be cleared at SALE PRICES. 2ic a Yd. Trimmed Millinery . Only 25 Hats leit, all are latest 5 18le=, Aid be sold at LESS' THAN ONE HALF PRICE. 300 Yards Black Mousseline Silk Wor th regular $1.0 00 0 yard. SALE PRICE 59¢, yard. Black Taffeta Silk Regular 75c. yard SALE PRICE. : ALI COLORED SILKS reduced from 26 to 36 por 'cent. ;.40¢. yard. . 9 No Telephone orders accepted. No goods exchanged till MONDAY, October 4th.. No Coupons yodusined till after Sale ava No The greatest, the old Limestone City has ever Seen---Itementhor the Place and Sale Starts Wednesday Morning, Sept. 29th, at9 A. M. Crumley Bros. \ P.S.----Mail/Orders will receive prompt attention as long as the goods {i ° ; : wa FE ore, % oh 2) 132 & 13 PRINCESS STREET