Backache Cured Beauty Restored "When the liver betomes congested and sluggish, bilioys- ness, coated tongue, dull look in the eyes, and sallow - skin follow. "Backache, headache and a tired-out feel- ing' add to the sufferer's troubles. Warner's Safe Cure cures' Kidney, Bladder, Liver Troubles and TRE DAILY Ba (TISH WHYS, SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 25, 19 EE HARRIMAN STARTED HEIR . 'AT FOOT OF LADDER. Walter Eventually to Handle the Reins--Success is Predicted For i 17-Year-Old Boy Who Has His, Father's Traits, Walter Averill Harriman, the eldest son of the dead railway king, to-day, Rheumati. m. Mrs: KFmmsa Arnold, of Kersey, Col. writes that her liver was out of order, und this caused backache, headache and a tired-out feeling, and after trying many other remedies, without good' re- sults, took Warner's Safe Cure, Inside of two months she was a "well woman. "I hesitated a long time about using Warner's Safe Cure for liver trouble, from which 1 suffered. I did not really have much faith in it, as IT had tried so many other medicines without good re- sults, but I am pleased to state that it proved to he better than all the rest. In two months after I began using Warner's Safe Cure I was a well woman, no longer suffering with backache, headache and that run-down condition that make one feel so out of sorts and depressed." Mrs. Emma Arnold, Kersey, Col. ANALYSIS FREE. If you have any doubt as to the de- velopment of the disease in your system, send a sample of your urine, putting your name and address on package, to our Medical Department, and we will analyze it and send you a report, with advice and medical booklet, free. . When the kidneys are diseased the uric acid is not carried off, and this causes Rheumatism, Backache, Gout and Bright's Disease. Warner's Safe Cure drives out the uric acid and prevents and cures all orms of kidney disease. Warner's Safe Cure is made plants and medicinal roots, gathered at the proper season in var- the globe. Men skilled in botany and chemistry compound it. It taste agreeable to the most sensitive stomach. For sale bot MILE ARNOLD, uices of quarters to the £1.00 a EMMA from the fresh fou of is pleasant and here . Constipation, Bili ousr ess and Indigestion WARNER'S SAFE - PILLS. [iif]. yesetanle. sugar-coated. laxative, will cure Bilidusness, Torpid do not gripe or after-eflects. 25c. a Trial Bottle and Boxof Pills Free CURE will absolutely FR 5 OF CHARGE. postpaid CURE CO., and mention having genuineness of this offer is fully absolutely a perfect Liver and .Constipation, They box. Indigestion, leave any bad To convince every sufferer from disease of the kidneys, liver, blad- der and blood that WARNER'S bottle and a box Fi pills will be sent who will write WARNER'S SAFE liberal offer in the British Whig. The by the publisher. ¥ eure, a drial any one seen this guaranteed The name Stands for all that is best in REFINED SUGZR. All first class grocers keep it. Manufactured by The Canada Sucar Refining Co., Ltd MONTREAL, QUE. mired Gas Stoves! "Chicago Jewel" is The Key of Economy The latest improvements "on the 'Chicago Jewel" are the Flame Reflector and Valvelesss Oven Burn- er-Lighter. Two featured on the 'Chicago Jewel' which are not on! any other gas stove made,. Examine them before pur- chasing. They are . ac- knowledged the best man- ufactured, 77 PRINCESS Bit IOTT BROS oT. Rm EE Br Ar ras | | | : ~~ BEDDING OUR FORT. Iron and Brass Bedsteads in pretty designs ; Children's Iron Cots and Mattrasses. Get the best. The Oster-| moore and Marshall Sanitary Mattrasses, also the Hair and | Felt. The best none to good. Hercules Woven Wire Spribgs, w hich lasts alife time. : JAMES REID. The only up-to-date Ambulance for private work, lighted™ with electric lights 'and Marshall Sanitary Mattrass for personal services Phone 147. Rest astdadiddddiddd AS i FANCY CRAWFORD PEACHES § i CHEAP » Watermelons, 10c and Up. Bartlett Pears for preserving or table use ? --AT-- ! R.H. Toye, 302 King St. Phone 141 CPYVVIVIVIVYISYFeeveviee IIIS IISIIRE FTIR CLAMBARBEALBALAAAAAL 4 at seventeen years of age, finds him- self confronted with the "absolute ne- [etscity of preparing to master: the in- {tricacies of railroading in order that |a few vears hence he may step in {and scize the lig of management | that death téok from the well-trained hands of his father. Although the young man to whom will eventually fall the management of the billion dollar interests of his fath- jer well educated and knows some- | thing of railroading, be readily ad- mits that he is at present incapable of 'the management of thé gigantic system of roads his father built up and that he must first. learn the ridlroading business thorough'y before he attempts to direct them. | Realizing with characteristic ness of perception that his days of activity were drawing to a speedy close. and that it would be necgeeary | for his elder son to prepare to shoul-} er the burdens death would place on him, Mr. Harriman! some months ago | started 'the boy off on a career of railroading, sending him west first, to! ud the surveyors, and later to en! ter the shops, and thei to run a | | Ie comotive, Mr. Hariiman had plan | ind to have lis son work in each branch until he reached the top. is in fath- work of his Harriman the west when the ex's serious illness reached him, to gether with a huny call to the iped- side of his father. Mr. Harriman lov- ed Walter greatly and hoped to tive) {to see the day when the boy would be as great an organwer and rail- |road man as himself." He had hoped {that his ocean to ocean railraad route: would be carried -through and | improved by Walter and his plans for {n great system circling the entire na- |t'on be put in realization. Walter Hardman has many characteristics of his father. not boastful, he is thoughtful, tnlkaitve, and a good listener. {remarkably decisive, much as {father was. He makes up his quickly and acts accordingly. not revel - in the luxury Young was at news of the He iv not He in his mind He does that some DOINGS IN STAGELAND MARGARET ANGLIN OPENS IN NEW YORK. : Huntley to Again Play Ritty) Grey"--Pinero's Latest Play Not: Well Received By the London. Critics. Marguerite Sylva, opera, appeared in at the Manhattan week. Puccini's {Carl of the completed, tall formerly tour Opera of hight | performances House new opera, -based on Golden West," and will be "The alm sl produced this 15 Lew Fields has begun rehearsals « 'Old Dutch," in which musical play the is to appear 'later "in the scason Music by Victor Herbert Eugenie Blair is to break in on to Broadway at last She has a leading role in "For Better, for Worse," a new play by Cleveland Moffett Wonderful what a lot of receive large legacies. Millie de Leon, also known as "The Girkin Blue," has inherited $30,000 from her uncle Monday Margaret Anglin takes new play, "The Awakening of Helena wichie," to New York has had a preliminary of a week on the road, | "The Chocotate Soldier." which is Bernard Shaw's "Arms apd the Man" to music by Oscar Strauss, be gan an indefinite engagement in New rork Monday night J : 5 One"1 London critic calls "Arsene Lu pin," just produced the Ja farrago {of impossible and wk absurdity' Others declare it superior to either "Raffles" or "Sherlock Holmes." Charles Frohman has engaged Miss Gladys Hanson, who was le ading' woman wih E. H. Sothern last year: for the leading feminine role with Kyrle Bel lew in "The Builder of Bridges." : Raymond Hitchcock «is appearing Chicago in "The Man Who Owns way," a musrcal comedy by of actresses her \ set in Broad M Geo. SAVED FROM SUFFERING IN HIS OLD AGE. -- Qin Pills cured him. Annapolis, N.S, May 14, 1009. | Tam over SO years of age and have been suffering from Kidney and Bladder trouble for fiftegn years. { ook doctor's medicine but ght no help. \ I want to thank you for sending me the'sample box of Gin Pills, which helped me] I have taken six boxes of Gin Pills alto- gether but got relief before 1 had taken pear that amount. I had to get up some nights every fifteen minutes and had te use an instrument before I could urifate, Now, I can lie in bed four or five hours without getting up. I can say that Gin Pills have nearly cured me and shall always keep a box in the house. Thanking you for your timely help, 1 am your sincere friend and well-wisher, | W. H. PIERCE. And all as a result of sending for a free | sample box of Gin Pills, Do you suffer with your Kidneys or 'Bladder? Send to the National Drug & Chemical Co. of Canada Dept. B Toronto, and get a sample free by return mail. Regular size, at all stores, 50c. a box--or 6 for $2.50 1 } i , or | and last | I -------------------- SON IS MAKING. READY TO DON "RAILROAD MANTLE OF FA THER. ketn- | might think his fortune would lead him nto. He thinks no moze "of rid- ing in the ordinary passenger coach, or smoker, of a railroad, than the nardened commuter does. He is never obtrusive. His quietness and reserve gre illustrated in the fact that few of the conductors on the trains that he frequently used from Jersey 'City to Arden were aware of his identity. One day, in the hurry to get a train, he faded to secure ticket. He explained to the that he did not have handy and therefore could his fare. The ticket agent, he plammed, would have trusted him the ticket, as he was the son of Harriman. The conductor was prised, bowed defferentially, and that he, too, would trust him. that incident young Harivman became known to some of the conductors. oa conduct- any' not for Mr -cash | Pay | ex- | sur- | said | From | is 1s Young Harriman, in like other youths of lus age. He clear eyed, well browned by the and has 'a healthy appgarance. | weighs about -135 pound? ang is five {feet Seven inches tall. | Preferably, he wears blue serge. white ties and socks of intermingled shades. In summer he wears a Pa- nama hat that he keeps weir down over his forchead. He never displays much jewellery. A stickpin, the gift jof one of his relatives, ws .about all in the jewellefy line that he wears. Now that young Harriman face facé with the bustness affairs of father," he contemplates plunging into the science of railroading as soon the sorrow of his bersavement loses its intensity, He expects that in a few years he will fully conversant 'with the affairs and capable of filling smportant posts, appearance, sun He is to his as be a' revised - version by the same butding play- Cohan It Popularity" | wright. Charles Frohman announces that be- sides the fourteen new productions, he | getting under way for New York, he will present Miss Billie Burke and Miss Marie Dofo in new plays for the Winter "Dear Little Denmark," with words. music and = everything else, by Paul Ruberis, was produced a short uime ago in London. With Huntley Wright James - Blakely in the case: it manages to take. Frederic Thompson Springtime," the is of announces that new play by Booth larkington and Harry Leon Wilson, pand which Mabel Taliaferro (Nell), is {to star, will apen at the National The atre, Washington, oii Oc. 4, instead of Oct.. 18, the original opening date Pinero's latest play "Mid-channel™ has Inot been rapturously received "by the London critics. fhe Evening Stand ard says: *A conventional and unpleas ant play, with fine momen's ;*hackneyed an disagreeable, characters, with flashes of mispirati m; a brutal and un necessary ending fiercely effed ive" The Shuberts have engaged Ilsa Ryan last seen in the t Ihe Blue Mouse," to be | man © with Frank Daniels in luction of : London musical suc I'he Belle ( or Brittany," which is rehearsal and which will have New Y opening I'he German Lloyd Kurfuest," when it saile g wourg for New York last inaay, on board all that remained marta | Clyde Fitch. The playwright' betfig brought Tiong Tor burd it amd wilt Ibe interred in the family plot of th | quie t little cemetery in Hartford In. order to conflict the ings of Margaret Anglin and Edeson on. Monday, and J m Tyesday, William A Brady Joseph R. Grismer postponed performance of Thompson new play, "The Iutruder," until Wed nesday at the Bijou Theatre, New York Arthur Byron takes a leading part the play. Mme > of "WH prot cess, now 1 an ear ir "Gros ser "he | | body Ope 1 hn Drew and he first Mimi Aguglia, the Sicilian act- has safled for Italy. After an en gagement in Turin she will appear the Theatre Rejane, Paris, and during the autumn she will re-appear in Lon- don; following this erigagentent Mme Aguglia'is rapidly acquiring a good Eng- lish speech, and she will re-appear under Charles Frohman's management in Am- next season i a series of special in English. - I'he newest importations from England or various Charles Frohman companies Me the names of Mr. and Mrs. G P. Huntley who will resume their Am- erican tour in "Kitty Gre," Grahdm Browne, who is to be leading man "Israel" Percy and Robert Lorray, who come to America to join "The Dollar Princess," 'and Miss Beatrice Walde- grave, who is to be a member of Miss Mauode Adams company Madame Nazimova's coming 'seasog which have been defi nitely announced by .the Shuberts- 1 ¢lude the presentation of one or more res, at at m plans for the j new plays and an engagement in New York. The first new play will be "The Passion Flower." his Nazi- mova's road toup~fs lmited, for early in the new year she goes to New York as the opening attraction for the beauti ful new Shubert theatre on Thirty ninth stret. Out of a hundred new plays submitted, Nazimova has found two which: have: so impressed Wer that one has been selected for her road tour amd season - - v OF_10BACCO dmoking and Chewing at fortysfive : ets a pound, 1s a good tobacco; Why ! 'ay eighty-five cénts. Andrew Maclean, Ontario, streets OUR ROOSTER BRAND: the other will be given a production within a short time. Both are by new While Madame Nazmova s temporarily laid aside Ibsen she has no means given up his plays. I as among the possibilities that farer coming she will appear in winch W nnder niraet ta wr hat i thors y si 1 he vear play Eungene ¢ for Robert Bucl hana's | COMING TO THE GRAND. "A Knight For a Day" 'Will Tuesday's Feature. Local playgoors have a treat store for them in "A Knight For Day," the now successful musical medy from the pens of Messrs. Smith and Hubbell, the clever authors. of * Be mn A Co- "Fantana' and "Mexicana," at the Grand on Tuesday, September 28th. 'A Knight For A Day" has proved it- sell a musical comedy of extraordin- avy merit. The epeaiing scone of the play is laid in Evanston, Ill, aad shows the campus: of the North-west- exh University in tho while in the distance can be seen the A- Scene from "A Knight For A Day the Grand, 'on Tuesday, Sept. 28th k I J, Lhe second act (takes place in the lsland of Corsica, T'here is a good, intelligible plot run- ning throughout the play, interspersed with good, wholesome comedy. There ave filty people employed in the pro- duction. ollege buildings. \ DeWoli Hopper Coaing. In the new song comedy, "A Matinee Idol," in which DeWolf Hopper -will appear on Thursday, September 30th, at the Grand, the distinguished come han plays the part of an unlucky act- or of talent and there is said to be more fun and good music in the play that in "anything ° that actor has appeared in in years. Silvio ful music that has placed him among the: foremost of American composers, and the book by Armand and Bernard is not only a play itseli, but one that has boon highly praised for its wit and good English. There is more Catarrh in this of the country than all other {put together, and until the last few years | was supposed to be incurable. For a igreat many years doctors pronounced it {a local disease and prescribed local remedies, and by constantly failing to ture with local treatment, pronounced it incurable. Science has proven catarrh to be a constitutional disease and therefors |. requires constitutional treatment. Eis Catarrh Cure, mianufactured - by" F. J. Cheney & Co., Toledo, Ohio; is 'the only constitutional cure on" market. It is taken 'internally .in doses from 10 drdpa to a teaspoonful. It acts directly on blood and mucous surfaces of thesystem They offer one hundred dollars System any case it fails to cure. Send for circulars and testimonials 3 CHENEY & section iseases & -€0., Deu gists, 71 Take Hall's Fon Hon, amily Pills for constip n= foreground, ! 1 the popular | Hein has contributed some of the tunc- | 1 Will Mail FREE To Anyone Suf- fering From Rheumatism, Gout, Lumoago, Sciatica (Who Will "Enclose This Advertisement) ty My remedy has actually cured men and women seventy and cighly years of agessome were so decrepit that they could not oven devss themsclves. Tao introduce this great remedy I intend to give «fifty thousand 30 cent boxes v : € away, and every is courteously Jinwited wo No and if afterwards more is "wanted I will furnish: it to sufferers at low I found this remedy by a iortunate chance while an in alld from rheumatism and since jt cured me, it has been a blessing to thousands of other persons. Don't be sceptical, remember the first 30 cent box is absolute ly free. This ix an internal remedy which goes after the cause of the trou- ble. and when the cause of rheumatism is removed, have no fear of deformi- Rhewnhtism in time will affect thé heart, so 'do not trifle with this JOON A. SNITH, 393 § ering reader of Uris paper write for one, money is asked for this 530 ent box, neither now nor lates, a ost. face, mercikns affliction. Bldg., Windsor, Ont. Address onclosing this advt., Laing rahi Gowns Ae. to $7.50 In fine cotton, nainsook and bar check muslins--with long, sleeves--button front high or low necks with lace em- and made large in short or 34 or slip-over by or rimmed broidery -- every particular. Ask your dealer for ** Duchess" Night. Gowns if you want daintiness, comfort and wear, Every garment guaranteed. Write ws if you can't obtain " Duchess' White Goods, Waists etc. in your city. DUNLAP MANUFACTURING CO., Montreal. ' 7 Always Ready For Use : With Ordinary Care will ant a Lifgtime 3 The Carbo Magnetic' Razor is sow" pied i world Sigh, auton [r---- LL advantage. at wag For Sale wherever cutlery is sold. about our and our you may test of these razors for 30 days without obligation to purchase. Firm of A. L. SILBERSTEIN, 41 Common St., Montreal Sold in Kingston by W. A. Mitchell and McKelvey and Birch. tual + P| fe hesah Labor is Halved. ASEPTO is the right sort of a wash-day helper. Use it with hot water or with cold. A tablespoonful to a bucket of water is platy. Leave the clothes in this preparation for feo hours-- and attend to other household duties. After the time is up, you will be amazed to she how rapedly rst the dirt diseppears--and without the use of the destructive wash. board. ASEPTO cleans better than soap--is a harmless, odorless, antiseptic soap powder. Costs but 5c. a package, at al discerning grocers. Chocolates! ! FRESH ARRIVAL GANONG'S CHOCOLATES 1 1b. Fancy Boxes, 50 cents. 2% " In Balk put up to suit anyone, 50c per Ib, A.d.REES, 166 Princess St ' Phone 08. a 1.» . ." | &