Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 24 Sep 1909, p. 8

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'| PAGE PICHT. aa ) v | "On and after OCT OBER Tat We Will Be F ound at -Headquar © a Our Main ters Brock St. Consolidating ) \ a our business assures our patrons the best possible service and satisfaction. ~ John McKay. FOR THE BRIDE Gifts of Silver are always much appreciated. : Cream and Sugar Sets, Toast Racks, Tea Caddies, Satice and Gravy Boats, Relish Dishes, Bon-Bon Dishes, Candelabra and Candle Sticks: In addition to many little odd things inexpensive and not to be found elsewhere. This is the time of the year the Sports- man delights -in Setting in the Country with Dog and Gun. For your needs we can | furnish you with evervt except Dog, and for a good days sport with sure shots try 1 box W, al. C. ARROW SHEETS --&heets from 50c Box up. Guarantesd. Kingston. Ry usta Dus ~~ ll * Rly HAS BEEN IDENTIFIED. Man Found Dying Was From House of Industry. On Friday morning, Samuel Greer, superintendent of the House of Indus. trv. went to James Reid's undertak- ing rooms, of the unknown man, who was found ing, and who died in the general Hos- mate of the House of Industry | some monthd. On Wednesday morning the man ran sway tom the institu' tion, got over the went down through the quarry. was missed a few moments after could not be found. 5. on alee a Widaon | WM. MURRAY, Auctioneer Furniture Sales given special at- in Westbrook, was about tention, County Sales of Farms, Stock, etc., have been my specialty | for long years. II farmers want the high dollar, get my services. MARKET SQUARE. not troublesome in any degree, wife is now hospital. Mr. Greer Couper, and he will investigate i ------------ I er bcr | case; to sea if the dead man had The ahtor of the Torento News fs io bo haled to.court for contempt in publishing prejudicial matter in a caso hofore the court. his remains. In case there an the city's expense, ter none, W. A. Mitchell's Hardware and identified the remains | at Rideau station, on Thursday morn: | pital soon after admission, as those of Robert Stoddart, who had been an in- for back fence and He and Mr. Greer said the. man used to live filty-five years old, and slightly demented, but His an inmate of Rockwood notified Mayor the any relatives or friends who will look a man will be buried at the IN 'CHURCH PARLOR. t | A Marriage Occurred on Thursday ] Evening. ! On Thursday evening, at eight o'clock a very pretty wedding was solemnized in the parlor of the First Congregational church, when Miss He- | len: Maud Dane, eldest daughter of Mr. | and Mrs. Frederick Dine, Johnston | street, became thy biede of_ George Beale, Rideau street, late of Eng- land. The ceremony was performed by the Rev. Douglas Laing, pastor of the First Baptist church, in the pres sence of the relatives and persopal friends of the bride and i Fhe ehurel parlor was beautifully decorat- ed wi the bridal couple stahding under ny arch of flowers during the ceremony. The bride looked « arming in becoming princess weddmg dress of, old rose silk, trimmed with lase. She.| carried a shower bouquet of carna- | tions and Biy-of-theva Yi nd ute the groom's gift, a d brooch, se th mathyis. and pearls. Miss Ruby | Dine, wster of the, bride, was brides | maid, her gift from the groom - Being |a gold: necklace, and to the flower {girl Miss Nellie Beale, niece of the {groom, 'a pearl ring. {" After the. ceremony the guests {down to a tempting spread. |gratulations were showered upon bride. and groom. lhe bride's tra- | velling dress was' of green broad cloth, tailor made, with hat to match: | Mr. and Mrs. Beale lit at, "anil night for Montreal apd points east! | where they will spend their honey- kmoon, before returning to the city to {take up residence. : 4 | Many heautiful presents were receiv- led. by the bride which testified to the sat Con- | the | esteem in which she gas held by a { host of" friends. t WAS coMME TTED FOR TRIAL Was Charged" With "Theit ' Carbureter. Considerable time was taken up, in police court, this mormag, in the hear ing. of a case in which the owner of a motor boat, was accused of slcaling a carburoter. Robert Bilson was accused of tho theft by Alexander Potter, Pot- wr has a beat house ncar the cotton mill, ancl the theft. was alleged to have heey committed on Ootober 3rd, 1908. He had a.scarch warrant taken ont, find the @wburoler be found on Bilson's boat he claim$ is his pro- porty, and idenlifid - it by marks shown wpon it. .+ The accused was called, and to Mf. McIntyre, said that the carbu- of a LHP EEL PEARL P 0 E Sweaters. «+ We show all the best : models in Sweaters, and | with the Sweater Coat easily in the lead as 'a: favorite. : om - re AS th a hn All worsted yarn, fall § fashioned, - extra heavy knit, pearl buttons. Sdnije: of the styles have con- trasting eolurs around the cellar and down the front. | $3, 3.60, 4.00, 4.50. t Livingston's. FEFEEFE PEER PRE HE ee IEEE FEEFEREA I ELES 3 - wards stated retor produced if court, hie had hu {in a. Vinomt, in Sepeeniet, 1908. | He bought it from a man; but did not know his name. He had had trouble' with his engine and this man volun- | thored to get him one. Witness' son | was with him and they bought ohe, | paying 38.50. This carbureicr was not | satisfactory and alien. using it lor {about two weeks, it was taken off. | Later he left it at a local ir shop, {and afterwards used it kom Lime to | time: The marks on the carbureter | webe om it, when he made the pur: | chase. Withéss denicrd positively that ho had stolen the carbureter. The {man told him he would always know I his carburetor, as there were soffie special marks on it. Witness after that he hought two carbureters from (he man. William Bilson, son of the accused, [also told of the purchase of the ear burcter. . The magistrate committed the ac- cuted jor trial. He was allowed out {on his own bail. 1 | The fAmest quality of genuine im | ported French Olive Oil for medicinal {or table use, sold at Prouse's | store, corrier Princess and Clergy. | "Pinol," for cought and colds, . is | sold at Proose's. drug store {up-town { post. office branch.) See our bovs' suits at $3; ages 6 to 12, Roney & Co. iy THT DATTY RRTTISR WRTA FRIDAY, SEPYEMBER 24.1900. TORK TA HS ME, WALKS TO H( AL. : oh Peculiar Accident to Arthur Hazel wood at A. F. Rutter"s Farm on Kingston Road. ] which ho was standing, broke. He [oll to ho, ground, a ance of about fiftoen foot. In some way, over, stick, a Idot long, and 1 stack ia his neck. When he hospital. With the stick still in' the car I t to. the Soneral, body he walked into the institution, and alter ho had told his story, was] rh hustled to the operating room. How the man was able to walk" out for his recovery. « Hazelwood is thirty-seven yvedrs of age and is mar- ried. INCIDENTS OF THE DAY. Newsy Paragraphs Picked Up By Reporters On Their Rounds. We never lower quality in erder to lower price, Roney & (Co. William Swaine, piano tuner. Orders received at MeAuley's. 'Phone 778. Parham fair opened to-day. A num- Ler of Kingstonians went to the fair. In Guelph the average annual water rate for each consumer is $8.96; an Kingston, $9.06. = Kingsbury's 'window, Wellington sires, should ihtetest everyone troub- led with dani-uff, H. Cunningham, piane tuner Chickering"s. leave orders at Auley's Book Store. 'The young men of Barriefield are arrang'ng to hold an "At Home" and dance in the town hall. People troubled with dendrufi would do well to inspect Kingsbury's win dow. . The last of the far laborers' excur- storis to the west via the C.P.R., was held to-day, but only a small num- ber "leit from Kingston. In the police court, this morning, a drunk was given the option of paying a fine, or placing himself on the "pro- hibited list."" Ile went on the list. Quite a fight occurred in an uptown hotel, on Thursday evening, and one from Me- lu of the contestapts was put out of business for a couple of hours from a blow en the. head, Special * ains in extra long hi cors:ts, 88c., $1 and up. New Yor Dréss Relorm. In the polico eourt, to-day, a mem- ber of the "prohibited list," on a re mand of a week, refused to tell where ht had been setved = with the liquor, and 'was fined $20 and costs. No kedp in Sock ovee ity kinds of corsets chodse from, as well as those made to grder ferns, plants and cut flowers, | cia : figure. Ni or] a. he Parbin fair attracted a large her crowd of 'Kingstonians from the city to-day. The Kiugsion and Pembroke teain leaving the aly at eight o'clock, cattied quite a number, anxious to have a day's fun at the lair. TO PLAY FOR PURSE. . RHA The : Victoria Jumiors Islanders. § The Junior Victorias snd Wolfe Ts- Maoders are scheduled to play oa game at the Wolfe Island fair, for a purse of filly dollars, The two teams have played thrée games, one here and two oi - the Island, the Vics winning two out of theese, The games at the fair should draw un large crowd, as the city fans are sure that the little Vics ean win. They will be re-enforced by Wolsh on first, and Leo Williams at right field in their next game. to Megt Entrigs For Race. So far tn tries have been re- ctived by J. J. son for the five mide race at the Athletic Grounds on Satarday altermoon, The list includes Cole, Desexontv;, Stinson, R.CH.A. Fdgar, Adams, Woodrow, Ewart, and igaw; city; - Daclington, Marlbank; Nicholson, Portsmoutl; -and Brien, Ganasioque. Mofo entries are expectod and be handed in at Y.M.C.A. beforé Saturday 'morning, so that the list edn be made tut and positions al- loted. f Was Badly Hurt. Robert Tilson, eatcher-for the Young Jtishmen, suffered a severe injury to the heel of his left foot in the locemo- tive works, on Thursday, by having a form fall 'on it. He wads limping to- day, but hopes to be able to play. on Saturda Leo Millan, the crack centre fielder, of the same team, is aiffering from a se- verely sprained ck, but will be. in the game. ~ : Baseball On Thursday. National League--New York, 5-12; St. louis, 0-3. Brooklyn, 4-1; Chi cago, 1-4, ¥ : : : American League--Detroit, 8; Wash: ington, 1. Cliveland, 7; Boston, 3. Philadelphia, - 6; St. Louis, 2. New York, 4-7; Chicago, 2-1. | Eastern Lebgue--Rochester, 12;' Bal" timore, 5. Montreal, 9-2; Newark, 0-0. Buffalo, 1-1; Jersey City, 0-0. peepee Buried This Morning. The funeral of the lite James Meagher took place this morning. A solemn requiem. mass was ofies up for. repose_of his soul by Father L. McDonald. The remains were placed in the vault at St. Mary's cemetery. 1,000 Islands-Rochester. Steamer Caspian leaves for Thou- sand 1iand'} Points Suudays; st. 020 am, Quinte por Rochester, yO J. P. Hanley, agent. ! One Thousand Baskets Grapes. «For Raturday we will have 1,000 big baskets ved, witite and blue grapes, Your choice foi 25¢c. at Carnovsky's, {down this morning. against the C.L.C. LA. ssignment of over-ripe fruit. » Rev. |. wane Li ww Bails. waded 0 ¥ "The schooner Ford River ran into a way to Charlotte, londed with feld- spar, and was stripped of part of ner canvas and. was compe! to return to Kingston. She had on a cargo of feldspar for Charlotte, which she load: ed at Richardson's wharf. The .acei- dent is' most unfortunate ope ford apt. C. Daryeau, as he will have to send out of town to secure new sas, ty: he allie to secure the sails off the 4 Cleveland a short time hear | al a short he The steamer Edmonton on her way from Fort William with gra for rdson's elevator. = The steamer Iroquois cleared for {he upper Ighes, : ite schooner Briton passed on her way to. Oswego. The steamer Aletha made her regu- 1dr trip from bay ris to-day. The steamer Dundurn is due Saturday down from Hamilton to Mon- I. The schooner St. Louis arrived Gananoque from: Sodus with coal. The steamer Usty of Ottawa passed 'he - steamer Sowards left the gov- ernment dry dock to-day. Les steamer Stranger, owner by Capt. George Hammond, makes its last trip to Gananeque, on Saturday, and will return to go into quarters till next spring. : The = steamer Ramona will complete its Thousand Island season on Sun- day, and return here on Monday to he laid up. * > The steamer New Island Wanderer will run the Thousand', Island mail route until November Ist. In the meantime the steamer America will continue on the Cape Vincent route.' An "eighty-fivefoot steamer is kkely to be built here during the winter for o Smith's Falls company. The steamer Acadian passed up this morning. The steamer Donnelly arrived' , from Neweastle with the schooner (atic Eccles, which ran aground, and which will go on the dry dock. The steamer Rapids Queen suffered a break down in her machinery, on Tuueslay afternoon, and ran aground. The, Calvin company was telegraphed for aid. The steamer Chieftain, with a full wrecking equipment, was sent to the scene. SHE IS REHEARSING. Miss Eva' Mylott, to Give Concert Here. Mijs# Eva Mylott, who made a host of fricnds and won the admiration of the most critical musicians by her beautiful voico and faultless singing on her previous visit ta Kingston, will be given. an enthusiastic reception when returne on October 14th, fo give a concert in the Grand Opera. House, un- der the highest musical and social pa- tronage. This concert will be onc of a tour of Canada daring the months of October and November ubxt, and she will be assisted by De. Fioderic Nicolai, cellist, and Miss Mary the Californian pianiste, which will make this concert ome of the most important ovonts' of - the season. Previous to her visit to Ame- riea, Miss Mylotl's services wore munch cought after in English society, and she appeared before their royal high- nesses, the Prince 'and Princess of Wales, who graciously accorded Ther thir patronage at her grand concort in. Bechotain Hall. Miss Mylott ap- po many times at the homes of the Duchess of Westminster, Duchess of Portland, Lady Brassey, the Marchioness of = Bute, Lady do Grey, Lady Clarke, Lord Strathoons and Mount Royal, Gte., on every oefasion, charming evéryona with he» wonderful voice, artistic temperamont and de- lightful 'personality. A Girl's Dive For Life. "A Girl's Jive for Lif¢' is the fea- ture of a particularly powerful drama now on at the Bijou. The title = is "The . Villainy "of Man," or "The Drummer And® the Country Girl." The play beging with a rivalry het®een n manly schoolmaster and an unserupu- lous commercial traveller from the city. "The drummer plans 1o \ deceive the girl by a false marriage and they elope together." Learning of ; the scheme the schoolmaster follows and aftr a spirited chase eflects the girl's reseue. The drummer pursues the pair in an automobile and in" the battle that follows the hero is knoek- od senseless. The drum: er takes the young man out an a bout apd tum- bles him into the deep water. = Just as the sheriff with a posse appears the girl breaks from her captor, leaps from the high - bridge, #nd swims the villainy of man. The drummer ia properly punished and the teacher and his lady-love are happy ever al terwards. "The play is a fine one. There is also an excellent comedy, "A Case of Tomatoes," showing what a pair of boys can do with. a Sols J. . Bankier wings. Was Further Adjourned. In the police court, this morning, the long-standing case, in which a Princess street property owner is charged with neglecting to keep his cellar in a sanitary condition, was again on the docket. City Engineer Craig recommended some a and the accused promised to have these carried out. On this account, thecase was further cnlarged for a week. "I'm getting tired coming down here. over this case," said the accused. "1 don't want to have this cellar out of or der." The magistrate told him that if the cellar was in proper shape in a week, it would not be necessary for him to attend court. Remanded Another Week. An adjournment for. another week was 'made, in police court, toddy, in the case of James McManus, who was placed. under arvest, charged with as- ssulting George Snowdey. Both men were employed at the ' i works. Smpowden is still in t) oral hospital, and when the trate called the ease, Crown ! Whiting asked that McManus manded another week, stating {| had Been informed by a medical than that Snowden was not yet out of danger. The magistrate thereupon re- manded the accused for a week, heavy sjuall, yesterday, while on her} and this will cause quite u delay. Hel § well, wich was wrecked] ' at} g ashore with the insemsible victim - of |' . 3 % x ; Pt a oe a _ We have just received and will have rea- dy for Tormorrow's selling the following very special bargain : <5, Full wide width, deep FoR, flounce of Lr TAM SECT three knife-pleated EL frills 'and finis at § - bottom with full rue. These skirts are excellent value at $1.25 or more. Yours To-Morrow 75¢, 110 Paics White Flanpelett © Blankets With Blue or Pink Borders. Yours To-Morrow 75c Pair ------ 1200 White Huckaback Linen Towels A fine serviceable towel, 37 inches long by 20 inches wide, with hemmed ends and red border. This Towel is excellent value at $2 40 a dozen, . . Yours To=-Morrow while the lot lasts 88c a half dozen, or 15¢ Each. po ~~ § For Children Wool Cashmere Stockings, ribbed or plain, all sizes, from 5 ich up to 9} inch, at prices that will prove a saving, 6 dif- ferent makes to select from. § For Women Fall weights in Cashmere Stockings. A great variety of makes. 205¢, 33¢, 39¢, 45¢, 50c up. Both plain and ribbed and in all weights. : For Men Men's Cashmere Sox, 20c, 35¢, 49¢c, Men's Wool Sox, 15¢, 20¢, 25¢. ; Men's Fall Weight in @otton Sox, 12%c, 15¢, 20c. ; BORCEOR0 Fall and Winter Tans For Ladies, Gentlemen, Boys, . Girls and Children. We Have Them. New Styles, New Shades and at all prices, From the Cheapest to the Best. : Slater Shoes for Men at $4-and $5° » Empress Shoes for Ladies $2.50 to | ; » ---- i ------------ THE LOCKETT SHOE STORE}

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