Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 22 Sep 1909, p. 4

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| THR WHIG. 76th YRAR AV. aluable Faint THE SHERWIN - WILLIAMS ALUMINUM PAINT is a valuable paint for house= hold uses. It is far superior to It has velvety lustre ; doesn't discolor; other similar paints. Ywon't blister, scale or crack,® and withstands extremes of cold and heat. It has no nauseating vdor. 3 For all kinds of decorative work. Keep a can in the house to retouch' anything that needs brightening. Very economical. soLo -- AGENCY ~ Corbett's dried iid EVERYBODY Huan can give Wa hive We iMve * nishings, from the lowest to the most beautiful ' Furniture, we Don't fail * stock before L. Lesses, Sis, stoves to sell; but nobody that value that we can. all kinds, cheap for cash. all kinds of House Fur- grades Antique to come and see our you buy elsewhere. Princess. and Chatham Kingston, Ont, COBALTS ON MARGIN We require a deposit as follows : Stock Selling: Deposit Required. 20¢," to 60ec. 15c. per share From 60c. to 80c 208, per share From 80c. to $l. 25c. per share Over One Dollar, | Per Cent. of the Market Price. We also handle 30, 60, 90 day tracts. Write, 'phone or wire us your orders, cash or 'on margin. Patriarche & Co, STOUK DEALERS, : Standard Stock Exchange Building, TORONTO, CANADA. Agents Wanted, From con- ~ clive RURAL IR rR Ohh SS_STAR BUILDING. he 18 KING ST. W. A IN (rand Union Hotel Ope. Grand Central Station, New York City Rooms, $1.00 a Day AND UPWARD Baggege to and from Station frees. Send 20 stamp for N.¥. Olty Guide Book and Mas WM. MURRAY, Auctioneer | Furniture Sales en special at- | giv Sul Favs, wles of yeeh my specialty long years. If farmers want e high dollar, get my services. MAREET' SQUARE. - i standard remedy for Gleet; \ Gonorrhea and Runnings IN 48 HOURS. Cures Kid- ney and Bladder Troublos. { BIBBY'S CAB STAND Phone 20l. DAY or NIGHT camp clin PROCRASTINATION Is the thief of time. [IME . GOOD INTENTION Is the thief of determination. DON'T PROCRASTINATE LOSE NO TIME DETERMINE NOW Just how much will 'meed this ben vou COAL winger: soning Phone Us Your Order. CRAWFORD, ~~pliSne, 9, Foot of Queen Sy. Ling Offices of any stenographer erica 8 DAILY BRITISH WiC, published at 306-310 King street, Kingston, Ontario, at $6 per year. Editions at 2.30 and 4 {o'clock {i WE | published in parts on Monday and {day morning at $1 a year. ag united States, charge, for postage | gdded, making price of Daily $3 and of | Weekly $1.50%per year. : Attached is one of the best Job Print- in Canada ; rapid, stylish, and cheap work ; nine improved presses. EDW;: J. B. PENSE, Managing Directofy TORONTO OFFICE. Suite 19 and A City bers, 32 Church St: Toronto, Smallpeice, J. P., representative. Daily Wibig. AN UNSEEMLY WRANGLE. ~ What a scandal attaches to the re ception of the Azetic explorers! Here Cham- H. {are two men who have imperilled their livis in a great eause, and the people whose homage they desire are divided {heir attentions. Both could have and by the same ad- lauded for in been honoured, mirers. They - have their secvices in the past, and devated high' in the public estimation. They could have again rweived the public } then submitted their proofs to a committee or sO would have them and given credit due. As it is, there unscemly wrangle, and been favour an of discovery ciety, whose members passed upon where credit iw has been ona ite effects arc evident in the jealousics and partizanships of their respective followers. The man who is the most 'modest under the trying circumstances is P=. Cook. He perhaps it 1s hecause he hos least: To is saying least, and BAY. sy J DEFECT 'IN PUBLIC SERVICE. Fhe city has some goolk men in its suploy--~it is a yueshon if the street staff | they | oecasionally. ever been better--and yet to he marking time Who is at fault? Not but their employer. Hi that. they are supphed with has are seen the men, shiould see materials with which te the necessary work. Therein Wes the sucees of the knows his business. yesterday, who is contractor who i," a man accustomed © to handle large numbers of men, and handle them advantage |ou lv, "if I had forty men in my ser and kept them idle while 1 said {vice ran {about in search of supplies, trying tc save a dollar here and a dollar there, 1 economy is necessary, and everything would not be making any money. Nn ston, but there paying, more wages than one can save goet The helc counts a time of close competi- is no évonomy in | while the dickering is obvious. lumber The city's men, back supplies. the defect of the public service m lesson willing to work, are on." hindered for the lack . ol Who iy to blame ? And and ie not | subject to correction ? STENOGRAPHY--AS AN ART. ier New York mandiacturer who expresses surprise because 8 a the fone hers im a stenographie institution see- The | Herald added to his worry by. saying | that translate another's notes," could not read tho notes of his retary, who had been taken ill. "ho stenographer can accurately and for | the reason, that cach writer improves {he system in his own way, and "stamps it with his own individual iy." but there are men and women who can road each other's notes, and do firms whose mom to they | 1 { | are { . 2 b { bers find it necessary {help in it easily: There al tames large contracts, and { . . : "rea | transcribe or write with facility. This service to be efficient, however, and lo | implies long study | practice | gether, and jt can be rarely seeured. | The man who wants to be independent is advised to use the dictaphone whose record will give off in exact detail the words that are | registerad by it 'He will 'need, howener, a typowrite who can after hearing the record, dress upythe matter and make it. pre wntable. The successful stenographer, or the one who commande the highest reward, is not the one who can wrib only what he has bom told and read it, bt the one and, in correspondence, clothes itl who catches an idea in the langhage that reflects credit upon the mon who Baye to sign it. ROW OVER A LOAN. o New York Herald devotes near pege shirt to the glorification of "An, sleeve diplomats," wh are alleged to have: outwitted all otl- ers in the negotiation of the Chine loan. Incidentally: the German agent are lutided because they broke int the game and opened the way for th Americans. The British market the one to which the world looks for loans on advantageous terms. There {is no limit to Jobn Bull's resources, to his treasury, no bottom de- i { no mand yo great for his plethorio purse, oy x The long story about this loan, "as it appears in the Herald, is not as p.m. EKLY BRITISH WHIG, 18 bi : i | the loan was increased, in order that to be | pate. France, Germany and England came forward with the money. But just as the loan way being closed = Uncle Sam claimed a share if it on behalf of American bankers. The amount of United States' capital might parties This, it was thought, settled the business,» but now, at the last for diplomatic purposes. She has wants part of the man. She wants it, 'mot for investment purposes," but for diplomatic purposes. She has to go abroad. to raise every cent ok money that she requires herself bhe- yond what is raised by taxation, yet she insists that she be given a chance to loan money unto China. China is finding herself in very . hot water. Every great nation fears that every other one that participates wm this little $30,000,000 loan has some ulterior purpose, and it begins to look as"if this fear 1s, well founded SULTAN SHOWS CRUELTY. Is Practicing Various Forms of Loudon, ~ Sept. 21. Having gained the whip head of the rebels, Mulai Hafid, sultgn of Moraeeo, is taking a savage revenge, Not content | with torturing men by having their hangs and feet out off (the bleeding stumps then being plunged imo boiling piteh); he ministered to his hu for blood by ordering the teeth oi all the captured women to Wii. But he is reserving j most ingoni- ous tortures for Bu Hamera or E Roghi, the preténder. Bu Hamara confined! in a- cage, which is placed jn- side the tent he ysed while wander ing about the eoumtry, and publie' ox- hibition is made of the prisoner daily: The sultan -thinke Bu Hamara has large sums of money deposited in for- | is 'wrote Mr. Gowing about it, THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG. WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 22, 1900. ------ wee FOUND THE BOAT. Li 'the Men Were Drowned From It.. »: # : Oswego, st. 21.--~Rudaol Gow- ing, of Sacket's Harbor, N.X., found shout the last of July a sailing yacht m Cali Island and towed it to the Harbor, Nothing was heard of its ownership 'until last week when * Mis. E. B. Vedder, 43 East 76th St., NY, having hedid through a friend who had spent his ' vacation at Sackets. Mrs. Ved- der, a sister of Oswald Boultbee, ve- lated the drowning of her brother and x. ing a storm. She hoped the bodies might be found along the south shore. She concluded : "We should never have heard of the lost boat "if my hushand had not asked his friend, Mr. Cassabeen, how he spent his vaca- tion." She said Arthur Boultbee, To- John Kennedy, off Jordan, Ont., dur-{" Exactly 'what id sought by Russia eign banks, and considas the cash whose boundaries adjoin those . of would be much better jn his own cof- China for hundreds of miles, remain | fers. So his 'majesty's servants have to be seen, but it is certain that as swarely questioned * the prisoner, but she will have to borrow money sn or | the datter declines to do business with der to lend money to China, she has'gnybody. but the "altar, to whom he at heart other intirests. than tha is willing to hands over any lreasure which comes from principal." [he may. possess if his parsonal safety twentv-footer was almost torr® loose, rudder gone, water line: ronto, would communicate with him. Mr. Gowing describes the boat as a over. all. destroyed, * deck | planks spars broken and drag- ging after her, by some rigging, and Painted white with blue Her decks had been cov. Her rigging Politics interfered with the British that too loan because the powers feared British © anfluence might become great in China ; Germans from politics prevented the carrying out' their plans; into the vice and assistance; politics, with the politics brought France discussion with its 'offers of ad- president himself as the appellant for recogmtion, made American Russia butt in, at the last moment, with more than its share of embar- rassment. Uncle San may be himseli upon his superior bearing at th loan is settled he may be oc- The a very critical time, but before Chinego cupying the uspal back seat. man who is at thet storm centre Chang Chin Tung, the grand coun- cillor of China, and one must sincere- man. EDITORIAL NOTES. In New York city some of the alder- "rubber Would the designation «fit any of » aldermen in Kingston ? the field Mont Why not ? The people have a men ave called stamps." the Two liberals in in calm ! fight to choose between two represon- two tatives of the same party when of 'different parties are nol available. Funny things do sometimes occur in the press. Here's the Loudon Free Presw crediting the political heresies of Mr. Willison to Hon. Mr. King. The minister of labour has good reason to object. Tait wants national bank. He says a hundred millions are President a sarong enough to stand any ran, and tho cannoy break into and plunder or rob. Great thing for the country. average financial gillie The sooner the council appoints a bublic health officer the better. And ho ought to be one who will take a pride in hiv work. When typhoid fever appears,--as it has in the west and-- the cause of it should be defined and removed. > Tho "Indian" list ix supposed to be is it? it Does it keep him a great thing, but Doce make a man sober ? irom his tipple? And when afraid oi prosceution, he clears out and loaves hig family in want, does the license de partment offer any help ? of The doc: Nearly every day one reads death from "heart failuse."' tors should scorn io use the term. The from but not always hearts disease. Thare is a predisposing case of death, cause, abd the doctor® should specify it. S-- The Rowbory spiech in Glasgow was a great one. But it has not converted the people to the Rosehwry. idea, Now taxes (for warships and munitions of war), are necessary. (Which can stand thei Dest people 2 Such ia the issue in a shall the bread or land of tis nut - BC ARAN the people, and lhe most likely represon- tative of the Yeas He some physical Governor Johnson, a man of democratio party, 1% was operated upons . fo wonble and did not rally. The people will have ogeasion to lament the end of his usclul life. p----------------. THERE'LL BE AN INCREASE In the Attendance at Queen's All Faculties. Queen's University opens next Wed nosday. The outlook for the largest attendance in the history oi the tini vepsity is 'promising. The science class, especially, will have a big m crease, and will be cramped. for = ac commodation, until the two new build- ings are ready a year hence. An in- crease is expected in every faculty, in- cluding theology, for which a large number of students are preparing. The supplemental examinations, now in progress, will finish next Monday, posted the following aftermoon. The trustees will meet on October 5th and will then meet the commis- sioners appointed by the Presbyterian in | clear and- intelligible as the brief edi that appears in the Woman's ths' | paragraph tne political sagnificance of | torial | National Darly, because. .in one | the deal is fairly' explained Our con- I'temporary--this' new aspirant for jour- | nalistic favour, remarks { with China, some months ago, 1 3 borrow announ- 3 } O00, 0060 which to finance the Hankowg { Szechuan railroad. Bankers pire to general assembly to consider the fu- { ture relations of the church with" the | university. The ouly place you can gel a cadte loupe sundae at (Gibson's Red Cross soda fountain. ° A good way to avoid being hed is to © have no promptly. |" To a sensible persoh an overdose of i | dun- creditors or 'pay Iy praise "is pausegling, gene rosity look. alluring; and politics mad congratulating | ly pity the sorrows of the poor old = heart is suro to fail, and does in every | is guaranteed by sentatives, : |" Mulai Hafid refuses to look at ithe | matter in that light. He has got Bu | Hamara and does pot intend to let (him go. But "lie wants the money, and thinks he may provail upon his I prisoner to 'give it 'up. To that end he is havine a devilish contrivance 'made, Tt takes the rough form of a | shirt, hut is meade of wood, and is studded insider with, sharp-pointed nails, so that no matter how slight a $movement, Ju Hamat may make some 'points will bo perpetually sticking in- {to him, while lying down will be,im- | possible the foreigh repre: ty AA Ag AR AAA ARRAS ~ HOBIHSISIIIGIIIIIOIINICR | : 1% 400 MOORS SLAIN. | #6 A * hy fe Madrid, latest. despatches from Melilla state that more than 400 Moors were killed in Tuesday's battle, in- cluding some of the prin- cipal chiefs; The celebrated chief," Migian, was capbur- ed. The fighting was con- tinued yesterday. 22.--The Sept. WEZFEFEFFF REE @ ll WHIG'S FASHION HINT. v PHOTO COPYRIGHT 1909 BY REUTLINGER EXCLUSIVE COPYRIGHT. NEW YORK HERALD ON Afternoon gown of green liberty satin with lace yoke. | Long Better Than Wagner ? The death of . Herman Long; the greatest shortstop of his day, has ect the, old-timers to comparing him with Hans Wagner, the present leader in that position, 'and most of them .de- clare that: Long was a betta player than Wagner is. Five times Long played on pennant wining teams for Boston. He for years the idol of the biz hub town. Like the Chicago stonewall inficld of yeat the inner garden was one of the most famous of inside quartettes. There was Nash and later the lees "Jimmy Collins, greatest ol all third basomen, at the far corner. At short . Long. held At second "Bobbin" Lows made his wonderful re- putation, and at first there was Fred Toomey» Long had the natural ability. He playdd his game as a Lajoie, without ever stopping to think, why he did what he accomplished. Drink ill-health robhed the came of one of its' greatest char- actors, was Boston | other pees sway: and finally Trespassers on time are even worse | than premises' trespassers. Hay's HAIR TO THE COLOR AND v VIGOR OF YOUTH, 'ou can Hook young if your hairis gray, faded, dull and bleless, Flay's Hi Health wil bring back the natural color, j i you ing out. were ¥ Stops, Maken the hair bright, silky and full of life and nl a dye--won't color or soil your 4 $1 AND 50c. BOTTLES, AT DRUGGISTS. s Soap cures Eczema, red, rough and chapped hands, and all skin diseases. Keeps skin fine and soft, 25¢. druggists. Send 2c. for tree books. "The Carg of the Skin,» The Care of the Hair." x Phile Spec. Cou Newadi, N. J Jas. B. Mcl.eod ered with canvass painted yellow. Blue serge coat, much discolored, found in the boat. Nothing in pockets, also can of beef found in cockpit. It thought it is the Boultbee craft, Gowing. 18 by ONTARIO FALL FAIRS. Alexandria sw. cose ow Haliburton Kemptville Kingston Lansdown L "Sept. 28, 24. Oot, 1-2 Parham . Roblin's Mills Renfrew Spencerville . Shannenville Tweed Wolfe I sland ... 'The Next Unionist Cabinet. National Review. 1 Unionists occasionally speculate wi | on the probable personnel of the next cabinet. The debacle was largely du | to the general exasperation caused by the late Unionist government, which during its last two years of offi gave Tan' impression of wacillation, in eptitude and want of personality. it were beleved that the result ejecting Mr. Asquith and his leagues wohld be the restoration | the old gang to the old places the! verdict of the polls would be advers ly affected. It seems unthinkable th. § Mr. Balfour should be content to suf+ vound himself with his former = co leagues. The reduction of sthe amo ) phouse cabinets of recent years to more rational figure, say twelve; . tia inclusion of a nucleus of ex-ministers and the addition of statesmen of tig calibro of Lord Milner, Lord Curzow and Bonar Law, 'together with two or three unionists in the house of. com! mons, plus a peer or two who coud easily be named, would provide Mr. co | 1 | istrations of modern times. But the old gang are more tenacious than any limpets, that they honestly believ that y country exists chiefly for th! purpa® of providing them with ecab- inet offices, that Mr. Ballour prefer the familiar, and that during the tw or three days of cabinet-making the incoming prime minister is all-powe.4 ful.. At such moments public opinio is impotent, and the role of the man in the street will be confined to read ing in his daily naper that certai offices have been alloted to certai noblemen and géntlemen. Starvation Treatment a Failure | The Sensible Cure for Indigestion is "Little Digesters' a Probably because the taking of food :anses such intense discomfort, many lyspeptics .think that by abstaining rom this and that--practically starv- ng themselves --they can cure the rouble. Of course, where Indigestion is caused by sheer gluttony, cutting the food would no doubt do good. But in most cases Indigestion is caused, not by overeating, but by lack of physical exercise, and consequent lack of vigor in the organs of digestion. Partial starvation still further impairs the bodily vigor, and makes the trouble worse. ' The dispeptic needs plenty of good holesome Pod. He i eat it and IGEST IT, TOO, if he takes a 'Little Digester" after each meal. "Little Digesters'? help the weakened stomach to do properly that which it canot do Balionr 'with one of the ablest admin-| From the output of The Tailor Shops of the World's Most Noted Makers of Men's and Boys' Clothes and from the pro- s duetions of the best makers of Haberdashery, we have chosen ! with the greatest care, their best efforts, and now this store, to ° _Annountes its readiness to serve Jou with Fall! and Winter I wearablesyand we solicit your favors. . ? 5 See. Our Dressy $15.00 Overcoats. See Our Elegant $15.00 Suits. See Our Nobby $2.00 Hats. Kingston's One Price Clothing House. Fall Opening ------------------ Royal Shoes for Women - The most compre- hensive stock ¢f Shoes ever put on exhibition in thé city is now ready for your inspection. All the new creations in Dainty Boots for Fall wear. All the new and - classy creations for men and women of taste and discrimination. Reid & C Royal Shoes for | Men harles. ------ = BEDDING OUR FORT. Iron and Brass Bedsteads in pretty designs ; Children's Iron Cots and Mattrasses. Get the best. The Oster- moore and Marshall Sanitary . Mattrasses, also the Hair-and Felt. The best none to good. Hercules Woven Wire Springs, which lasts alife time. JAMES REID. + The only up-to-date. Ambulance for private work, lighted with electric lights and Marshall Sanitary. Mattrass for personal services. Phone 147, BAR SOLDER alone--digest and assimilate the food needed to build up the system. \ At your druggists, or by mail from the Coleman Medicine Co., Toronto, Carefully selected and fully Gyaranteed. Write us. ~ for 25¢c a box. 30 The Canada Metal Co., Ltd., Toronto, Can. Buttons! Buttons ! Buttons! _ Button _ SI snappy lasts. Men's But Children's Metals, Kid and V $5.00 and 4.00. high tops, $2.00. : ABERNETHY'S. hoes are new. - We have many styles in Women's Button Boots in Patents, Gun elour Calf, $5.00; 4.00, 3.00 and 2,50." ton Boots in Gun Metal and Patent Colt, Gun Metal Button Boots; sizes 8 to 11, COLLEGE SHOES, * FOOTBALL SHOES, GY

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