Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 22 Sep 1909, p. 1

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YEAR 76-N FAMINE IN The Congress is For Sufferers. Thousands of Houses in ed and Tobacco Crop # Damaged. | 5 eae 29 News is Havana, Cuba, Sept. constantly aryiging from the towns in ddd Rio, telling caused by the latest hurricane. Many It sible to number, telegraph communication is completely the storm having left the down Pinar of disaster wero lost, is the lives impos- ascertain for miter rupted, poles and wires in divec- tion, Thousands of houses have wrecked, and many fishing boats sunk The loss of property is estimated a than $6,000,000, Subscriptions are being over tho island to suceor Famine is reigning throughout afflicted pi and it is difficult sond provisions (a thew; for the every heen more started all the sufferers the to roasts | hS, y f ISN'T HALF-A-MAN. Wouldn't Lend Former Wife $500 | to Save Her. | Cleveland, Ohio, Sept. -Rather | than loan his former wiie $500, whic hi wonld have kept her from to prison, Jacob Fiekel, a brewer, saw her sentenced to the penitentiary for Two voars here. Sentence was pended and Mrs. Fiekel's son will tempt tor rdife the money and MY mother. Mrs. Fickel embezzled $596.56 from the estate of Bertha Rosenhardt while acting as guardian to the woman last winter. She wae convieted, but Judge Vickery told Mre. Fickel sha could free if whe would repay 'the moncy Judge Vickery called Ficke 1 as a wit- ness when the woman's case was «ll el "Any man who is hali a man would | do as mich as is asked of Fickel save the mother of his children, thongh he Has no regard for hie hic wif," sad the judge. 29. going sus- | at- save go to nen { Toronto Street Market, Toronto, ~ Rept. 21.--<Wheat, white, new, $1 to SLOE wheat, red, new, $1; wheat goose, Y6c; oats new, bushel, barley, bush., Me. to rye, bush;, 68, to T0¢;; bay, timothy, ton, $16 to $20: ay aol ver, ton, 80; straw, "pér-ion, $15 sede, Alsike, fancy, bl, $6.20 to $6 60. Alsike, No. 1, 85,60 to %6 red clo ver, bush., %6 to $7.25; timothy, bush., $1.40 to 8160; dressed £11.75 to $12.25; butter, dawy, 22c. to Oe; butter, inferior, 19¢. to 2les; egps, dozen, 28e. to dle; chickens, per Ih., 15¢. 'to 17e.; ducks, per lb. 14¢ wo 16¢.; turkeys, per In.; '18¢. to Ak fowl, per lh, 10. to 12 potatoes, | new, bag, Sle, to She; rs BET 40c.; onions; vellow, to cauliflower, dozen, a5. cabbage, "barrel, $l quarters, $10 $11; beef, tors, $5 to $6; beef, cheice, SS to $8.70: beef, medium, to mutton, per cwt,, #8 to veal, prime, per cwt., $8 to Jambs, "per 810 to B12. Hbe hogs dozen, hkt Ml to beef, forequar- carcas , 6be si 1o Toe to $9.50 cwt., . Not A Fake Advertisement. Bartleit pears; Eleven quart basket cooking. Ed for eating Jenkin. Pittshurg without the petition, Judges Cohen, cen and ~ Cargehan handed decisthyn refusing to appoint n mission to determine f Harry "haw is-yn=ane, Something deficions, maple mint sud Jat dispensad with Noilson's ice cream, | Rod soda fountain | Russell Rage has $50 ,- N.Y., university as a gift ! household ointment | de jar, 2%." Good or wards and comment on Swearin | down a com- | K.| At at Gibsou's Cross Mrs en HH) to Syracuse, birthday : An all-round "Menthodatum, at Gibson's Red Cross drug siore Justice Gaynor has been nomwnated | for mavor of New York by democrats large size : DAILY MEMORANDA. i Works, 4 p.m., Thursday. Township Fair, to-morrow Millinér, will receive her | owstomers, at 178 University Ave. Limestone Lodge, No. 91 A. 0.1 meets Thursday evening at 8 o'clock. Bijou Theatre--' 'The King's Revenge,' or The Sealed Room in the Tower * Hiram s Bride,' go Romance a Canadian Farm omedy, A Little ee ------ ------------------ EA POTS You cannot have too many. We have a very large variety in quaint, odd, dainty shapes and a cute little one to hold about four cups, (in rich Copénhagenh Blue, just open- ed, . Board of Kingston Mrs. Blyth Ww Robertson Bros. | inhabitants arc Americans, also sufier- {who has been | twelve years { landd, ¥ | investment hind] 4 4 4 4 1 4 4 4 1 1 | 4 4 4 1 4 4 4 4 4 £10.50: | 4 ~ WRECK AND RUIN: | a hurricane, municipdi no | de cad and a million dollars will not : + | Sippi Ab 25 Cents Each | KINGSTON, PITH OF THE NEWS. ' The Very Latest Culled From All Over The World, Central Canada fair roceipts at Ot- tawa wero $57,000 ahead of last year. John Maloney, jeourt, at Peterboro, died on Tuesany . Hali a ton of opinm seized in the Philippines is to he shipped to Wash- ington. Paris students will ignore urions and build a clubhouse own labor: The Toronto Pinar Del Rio Wreck-|.ci: x scx: A 2th. A barge was av, on Tnesday, (nell was drowned. There is a probability Northelifie establishing a {papers in Canada. » CUBA to Provide Relief by "their will 27th he to exhibition from August swamped +n Toronto and William Hors- of series Lord of have heen left in an all but impassable | condition. Tho Cuban treasury is without avail- able reici junds, and President Gomez last 'night called a special session of congress 10 meet September 24th for the purpose of making a relief appro- pri tion. The province of Pinar del Rio, where {eo-adjutor bishop of Qu Appelle Regina on Tuesday. The tropical hurricane which swept the Gulf states moving northward | toward the great lakes. I'wenty persons were killed many others seriously injured in Jewish riots at Kiev, Russia. On Saturday wight, Mrs. Moore, Elbe, died from typhoid ed heavily from the hurricane. Tho | She was thirty-seven years of orange crop is reported destroyed and |' A six-year-old boy at Cumberland, many houses are in ruins. | {Md., contracted blood poison from The province of Pinar dol Rio, where | playing barefooted in sawdusty, and | the world famous Vuelta Abajo tobac- | co 19 raed, been left in a most | miserable state, adding to the adverse | complications which have involved thi product lately and which led the gov- cenment. to take active steps making toward it« proteetion, at is and anti- John fever. age. died.' The ~Aunstradian poses to. expend £2.500,000 annually ton the military and naval forces | the Commonwealth. Nat Holden was arrested] at {near Florence, Ala, while sérvices © for the purposes of moonshine whiskey. has dplons eo ell pro- of a clwirch attending ol ling HELD IN AN ASYLUM. A 'Sane Man For York, 22. James T. inventor, of Elmira, confined for the past in the Willard state asy-| lum at Willard, N.Y., was rcleased in habeas corpus Proceedings before Jus- tice Mprean, Brooklyn. Walker ar- his own declaring that he | was sane. Justice Marean decided the defendant wad sane and illegally de- tained in the asylum. Walker had made nine previous attempts on simi- lar writs to obtain his freedom. He sixty-three years old. Detained Illegally | Twelve Years. New Sept ker, an Wal- | N.Y. gues case, "HUNDREDS OF MILLIONS" For Investment When Railways Are Federally Controlled. Washington, D.C., Sept. 22.--"Hum- dreds of millions oi dollars are in Eng- ance and Uermany awaiting in American railroad soon as the investors can [ curitics as ONTARIO, clerk of the county: Tah« " Archdeacon Harding was consecrated' : Was Given to Miss Grace y ACQUITTED OF CHARGE OF APPROPRIATING $3,000 OF RAILWAY MONEY. «Grace Is Free !"' Was the Cry in Gananoque--Welcomed Home By Citizens' Band and Crowds "of Cheering Gananogue People. Sept. 22.--Miss Grace the heroine off Ganano- | yue to-day, in view of her acquittal at | Brockville yesterday afternoon, Never there such a demonstration ' of as was witnessed here last even- i when she returned to her home town. | Gananoque went wild over her 'ac [quittal on the chirge against her, {and the people made no attempt to teoneeal their joyful feelings. | dhe Brockville court house {packed to its limit on Tuesday Riddell was the him wére twelve and a frail young on a charge wlich il_proven against her, would = have blasted her foture career. "She Wad charged with falsifying entries and ap- propriating to her own use at va- riots times amounts aggregating ov: or 83.000, of funds of the Thousand Is land Railway company, of which she formerly held the position 'of easiver. Arcayed against her were the forces of that company and the best legal ability of Eastern Canada. Miss Hen- derson was defended by Messrs. Hut: cheson, of Bre ckville, and Jackson, of Gananoque. After the case submitted to the jury barely minutes elapsed before they and solemnly filed back to vaces, showing that a verdict heen - agreed upon. Tensity and breathlessness for one moment and then "not guilty" from the foreman and for the accused the strain and worry of the past. weary weeks is over. "Grace is free Over the the ticings sped to anxious hearts in Gananoque. fhe mother--Iieeling, who knows what--bursts into tears for hor eldest horn, andé swiftly through the town the news flies with the gen- eral answer, "Thank God.' Gananoque, He snderson was | Joy was after- noon. Justice on bench and before wood men ands true, woman, arraigned was ten slowly their had wires JAMES P. MABEE, Chairman of ihe Railway Commission of anada. s he assured of absolute icderal regula: tion. This statemdnt was made by missioner Franklin K. Lane, of tho interstate commerce commission, who | has just returned from a trip of near ly three months in Europe: Com- Arctic Franeised, Ww. just J. Bower, an returned' to San po finding a new tribe in Prinee Albert Land : | A swarm of bees took posse ssion. of fa bakery in Saginaw, Mich., drove the i | Sadasdddafaraad adda baker outs and "compelled the plant "to dwt down for twenty-four hodfs. That one person in every thirty-sevs: on in England and Wales is a pauper | the central fact in statistics just | iscued. by the local government board Tenders for the reconstruction of {the burnid "wing of the parliament | huirdings were opened on Tue sstlay bat { decision oh the m was not reac hed. Seven vears in prison is the former Cashier E/T. Lar gelunef National Bank, | Ironwood, ich., juggling | steading funds. | Bishop Gabriels, rstablisheg a Polish parish in ltown, N.Y., and has designated PETTITT TITTITTITT ITNT | Rather M. Wyborski, Philadelphia, { to take charge of the ('ards have received ind Mess Solon ton, for BIG BEQUESTS. Whitby, Ont., Sept. 22.--By the will of the late James Corbett, of Corbett"s Point, Miss Agnes Hislop, sister of William Hislqp, Bowman- ville," and of Mrs. George Gray, Newcastle, falls heir to $60,000. Miss McIntosh; a niece, receives a similar amount, and Mrs. William Thomipson, sister, $10,000. My. Corbett was a bachelor, and left an estate estimated at $150,000. IS ne | trace. paver { son, of the for Oedensburg, has Watlcr- Rev Pa TUTE VISITS TIVITY of wor Mr Clay- from Johnson, of heen Henry tiv wedding hier iss Katherine, to Xu, on September 22nd. quiet wedding took place on t 8 15th, at the home of Mr | Mrs. Edward Harrison, Moira, | their daughter, Stella May, was united | in marriage to* F rank Emerson, Moira Aris: | walter William Hall, of the township' of Matilda, of arson. He considered insane. He ddelared oe was scriptural author to suck" the eg burn the and marry the gi b Mr. 'and Mrs. T. Tren- | ton, driving to Belleville, met an auto {and wir horse became frightened and the rig and themselves into Mr. Sandercock's chest was { his hand lacorated | The reorganization of the Allan Iwill include in the near future plate | chang ing of the headquarters {company fo Montreal. . This of the vessels of {the registration r y d | company under the Canadian flag. From the little avistoeratic summer 1 Mie. Burnup, an aged lady, soventy- colonics on the Louisiana and Missis- ix vears old, pass®l away at the ie gul CO \ a $s of]. EP an xh I const, como vague tak . 9 Gdonee of her daughter, Mrs. Carna- | devastation and fears that many lives ban. Belleville, on Sunday TOrTHOg | have heen The wealthy summer aft r a briei : ines: from ald 'age. | tourjsts, who own pleasure erait, azo |p © 0 0 [eis Burmips Deéscronto, wont to spond much time on them, aro: Son and is possible many have boen | William Hamblin, Ale wilk Ix Jost Mis ' : ; a teetotaller for nineteen months, Wil lagkson, Miss., the capital of the jim entered the of the 'Hotel state, ic still eut off from the coast { MeMaster, hy. tho © lor: window sind points. The demo of the new capitol, | carried "aff whiskey by the pailiul He at Jackson, was wrecked: and the old | wo tripped, 2 tod convicted: awl capitol unroofedh. "At Vickshurg - two' ? vissels weve nl } hird | sentenced DSRels Were suns 4 , A nk and a. third | was No tract ean «tured heir passengers McMullen, Belleville, { ously disappeared an -wi duu A TRAIL OF DISASTER!" IN SOUTHERN STATES. | Tales of Devastation Trickle From Sep- and | and Death the tocratic Summer Resorts. | Washington, D.C., Sept. 29. -- Central | last night sn Mississippi and sweeping | \ t in is in jail on a charge north at the rate of 200 miles a day, ity 2 which has devastated the gull const amd loft wreck through 1s a trail of Sandercock, four course states, con- on with unabated Of the ruin that it has wrought | plunged ohe CAR give any estimate, In New'! tho ditch. Orleans alone five are known ho | inured an and ruin tinues fury Ww 3 line the | of the means nair the damage dene to the de ful Crescent city. Mt is eaid slass alone will cost $100,000 place. to lost. it ; rs wandria, cellar arse he of driven ashore. wl rescued. 0 mysten The nant xemplary farm ] were 5 a woek over six fei of age, and of Hoe condacted a nele, concession? ol Pears ; Bartlett it for a . Yonkin ago voung tail, | teen Liv {character AVE an invalid { third DECIDED TO PART. yodrs and His Wife Are foe Apart. ; Sept. 2.--W. K. Vander hiss wife, formerly Vir- | Francisco, have part of { i { i to John Comnoliv, 1 Sydney town: hip York, 35 Fair, The formal approved and . and San Pears. basket / Knickerhocker pray at Gibson's Red Crass Phone 230: Blue Damsan plums, the genuine, Fd wards and Jenkin = Bartlett Think of Pdwards and ginia el on, ne agreement of by theip respective containing specifi financial arrangements |) thicir children, Muriel Vanderbilt third, each. iis opt counscl, pro Something brash, Ask te store, io | visitor ont jand custody of and Willam K been gsigned by drag has of Vireo explorer, {Citizens' of E Rimos, at | and | when | barns | the! Stewart | Never was a verdict more popular and never dul Gananoque turn out reneh a eondourse to greet a returning that which, headed by the band, awaited the arrived of on the 7:15 p.m. After the music the cheers and that the fireworks, and the of cannon crackers, and it is Never in the history of Gan- jue possibly has such keen inter ay idenced in a legal case, did the town stand more one of its daughters than Ithe old factory town has stood = by | this popular young Jady and never she more popular than to-day. wedding took place at the church, Brewer's i Mille, vestérday,, when Dora, danghter of 'Mr. and Mrs. Pun- dof, of that village, was in marriage to Dennis Reid, son of Mr. Mrs Andvew Reid, of Escott township, a popular Young farmer. |The ceremony = Was performed by the vector. Rev: Father Traynor, of that [ransh The presents were numerous land elegant, Duripg the evening Mr land Mrs. Reid le ¥.: the west to {spend their honeymoon, after which {they will locate in Esecott The coal schooner Horace i yesterday with cargo A & Green. Invitatigns the marriage of Miss Martha | taughter of Mr. and~Mas. W, H. Willowbank, to Edgar Seal, of blacksmiths, of this town, Oct. 6th. Cummings and family, to join Mr. Cummings Mich, where they wil | posicte. . Mrs. Charles Bryant, South street, and Mrs. R. Allan, Osborne | street; spent yesterday with Kingston | friends. Mrs Frank Wallace, | is spending some time in the guest of - her 'parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ji Ju Courtenay, Princess siret. iil. G. Courtenay has returned to Buf falo, N.Y., aftir short visit with nis parents, Mr and Mrs, J. . | Courtenay, Princess street, Mrs. Wat spending the season at her Tre left, vesterday, for her York. Oliver Adams camp, at their Jey hile south of the left for thur home as | Miss Henderson train. after "roaring over. Llano {est been [and never loyally by was A pretty Roman Catholi¢ Miss John united tand Taber a for issued for Clark, have been Clark, W | Seal Bros., on Wednesday, Mrs. Robert ft yesterday at Bay Uity, Syracuse, N. town, \ a son, mont cottage, home in New {and famly broke {land residence a itown, and have fin 1 Torante. THE BUSY "FAKIRS A PANIC AMONG THEM AT OGDENSBURG. i | Youthful But "Wild and Ferocious Snake Eater" Sent Home to Watertown and Several Young Gifls Taken Out of Tents. N.Y. Sent. 22. --Thexs a panic among the who have arrived hive for. the jar. They in the small vil this section and Canada. 'where thers was a conveniont lack of superiision anu restraint. | Young girls have been" picked ups at various pointe by tent show - atdackios and have lived. a avpsy axistorice over The authonities . here are de {tormines) that whatever fun there will : Ogdensburg. somewhat of sideshow fakirs, sat numbers heen working throughout in g have lages sin WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 28, 1900.) Bla OVATION wicniankeable character, and already a number -of young gitls have been en irom tents and ticketed to their home towns., William Lamb, hn vear-old boy, of Watertown, w 'sensationally billed as the * Ferocious Snake Eater," Was s home this afternoon, expenses having heen forwarded by his ts. had been promised $2 a weok, but "the 'ghost 'had never walked," and young Lamb had reached the vagraney class Edgar Brown, 'a fiftccaycar-old lad. from Oswego, who had a job as ticket taker for the snake show, will also be sent home. - : "Jerry" Abar was arrested on complaint of the father of a little airl, for proping through windows. He was arraigned before Recorder Waler- man and "sentenced to ninely days at Cantan. ~ HERE IS AN OUTLINE Of the Imperial Defence Scheme of the Empire. Melbourne, Australia, Sept. 22. Hon. J. Hume Cook, minister of de fence, moved the sevond reading of the defonce bill in the House of Represen- tatives, vesterday, giving effect to the decisions of the iniperial defoncd eon feremoe. He said that, in addition to tho pnd naval proposals, the scheme eventually would give a force of 260,000 wall trained soldiers with a socond line of 115,000. A compact ex- pecditionary force would be provided for over-sca service. The estimaied total of the annual cost would be £3.500,000. All the military and na- val forces would he interchangeable with the forces of the other states of the epapive. Compulsion at finst would be limited to elos popujated areas . A SE SE SE Se CANADA'S CLAIM. London, Sept. 228. --Lucien Woli writes the Times in re- ference to Canada's claim .to the north pole : "Unfortunately, mere ex- istence of a hinterland is insufficient claim to the title to it all. Hitherto it has been recognized that the hinterlands have become such by virtue either of treaties or formal notifications to in- terested states, or unilatera proclamations or decrees. None. of. these formalities have been com¥plied with by Canada in regard to the pole. Hence it is doubtful whether her claim would hold il Peary's annexation should turn out to be properly authorized.' > » » + > » » IS > v => 1 4 4 4 1 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 1 4 ¥ ' + » + " ' ¥ 3 + PTTTTTTTITI IT TITY IITY DOG SAVES GIRL As the Fire Sweeps Through the Home. Belleville, N.J., 8 22 --Sounds like a third reader story, but a num- ber of reputable witizens vouch for the truth of it. Fire was consuming the building occupied as a saloon and dwelling by Mrs. Mary Crompton, early yesterday morning, and but. for the almost human intelligence of the household pet, Cush, a fox terrier, wveral persons would have perished in the flames. Firemen, who were throw ing water on the building, evidently did not know thi occupants wore still inside and asledp, for the terrier; . of 'his own accord, dashed into thestrue- ture and was soon at the bedside of Mary Compton, a nine-year-old daugh- ter of the owner. 3 When the dog could not make him- wolf understood ho ceased barking and took hold of the hod clothing with his teeth, pulling the "little miss out on ithe floar. Bewildered, she started to rush down the first stairway and | lgeetly into the flames, when the'dog | aught hold of her nightrobe and guided "her safely out and the rear stops. Following the house rescued from when ladders down this other occupants of wore aroused and were the burning building were extended tor the weond storev. « A roll of currency. amounting £250, was afterward founded ie the debris, partly burned. the canvas bag in which it bad heen ok . to = ARE OF {To the 01d Home of Niayor * HE HS PROSPERED AND RETURNS TO SEE HIS OLD - FRIENDS. Death of a Lady After a Lingering Iliness--A New Teacher For the Collegiate Institute--Several Parties Going Up to Edmon- ton. - ol Napanee, Sept. 22. ~The death ocom red on Sunday lasi, of Sargh Jane Yerex, after wu lingaring iliness of over threo months, of cancer, Deceased suf fered greatly during wer illness, but hore hor suffering with christian pa- ticnee and fortitude. She eaves one sister, Mrs, Edie Smith, with whom she mado hor home and who tenderly carved for her during her long. illness, and two brothers, George and William, of Detroit. The funeral took vesterday afternoon, lat two o dock to Riverview cemotivy. A very larg number of friends attendod the funeral, Mr. and Ms. W. T. Gibbard left, yesterday. for a trip to Edmonton, and other points west, They wilt be absoot about a month. Mr. amd Mrs. Willis Loucks and "two. éhildren lait, vesterday, Tor Edmontdn «and = will spend the next {wo months visiting re. latives near Edmonton. J. R. Dafoe left, Moosejaw. W. (i Winter, spetel the next two months in west. Mrs. J. A. I. Robamson little son, Grieve, who have heen visit ing her pavents, Mr. and Mrs, Grieve, for the past month, lef terday. fof her home in Regina sister, 'Miss Pearl, accompanied Toronto. Mr. and Mrs place, vestords Selby, George ft. Ves Her her to J. J. Madigar threo childven, of Valisjo, Cal. the -eity of Vallejo. Mr here twenty-nine voars but a thirteen, casily recogmzed old landmarks and recalled the with he went to school and surprised them with a visit, Mr. Madigan trip from Vallejo to New. velling via Seattle, Vancouver, Willimm, Montreal, and home of Pitisburg, Buffalo, anch Peaver. He has prospered in the iar west and iv mayor for the second term of the city" of Vallejo. MF Midigan speaks in the highest terms of his reatment. and the splendid sorvien dar ing his trip over the C.P.R. from Van counver to Toronto. Miss Clara Sanders, arrived, Monday, to duties in the Collegiate and ary Madi gar in of left he was ago, when lad of hat Ix the hoy s whom 1s on a York, tra Fort hy way Chicago, : science teach her here ASSN Tpstitute a a a LIFE IMPRISONMENT: A AA A Lab aeaT +» » > Marquette, Mich. Sept. 22. --Jobm E. Gibson, 'Who killed a fellow soldier at Fort Brady, has been sentenced to a life term in the federal prison at Leavenworth GibSon's case drew added In- . terest from the conflict be- tween federal and state laws on the «question of capital * punishment, which is forbid- den under the Michigan law However, the jary in finding a verdict of guilty, recom- > mended life imprisonment and the issue was thus avoided. TPIT TIEY + ' + » kr + *r + + + + + k + * ¥ + * 5 + + ¥ ¥ * a verve rr reer reer reer. HAWK ATTACKED CHILD SANK ITS TALONS INTO BABY'S FACE. posited being destroyed. ' Creates Se in Court By Vicious Assault. Hamilton, Oht., Sept. --Pavid Tr- vine, a prisoner in aw assault case, tried before Judge Monck, created by turing on 'one of the wit. folk bhi crown aul striking him the face when hé hall been found | guilty. Irvine was charged with at tompred highway robbery and assauft of Frédorick Porteous, gveral Sun days ago., Tompkins, crime, now Kingston for i fied the prisoner PRISONE] ER HIT WITNESS. i | x) at scene nesses m partner in __ lhe a sentence m Porteous, identi one of his assail- ants. 1. Robinson, proprictor of the Dominion hotel, swore thai Irvine aml Tompkins were together or the hot on the Saturday before. The judge, after having found Irvine guilty re- sved indgmont. It was when Robin son passed him' to leave the court that Irvine struck him. Tt required the strength of several officers to sub. due he prisonce, who raved like lunatic. Irvine's wryving Me. as William himself he was a Hunge: Han to the de At Watertown, N.Y sen. white, surrendered Jocul authorities, saying rter from the army. him to give himseli up. Palmer « celebrated New York fumes, waters, tale. neccssities Gibson's drug store. More than soap is made and sold' States every year. Damson plums. drove per toilet at Red Cross worth of the United | hs S50 000 000 in and Jen- {Ibe along tHe midway must be of an Fdwards kin. y : | tor | them. +rmrehat noticing the 'child, and toiled ! Bird Followed Two Chickens Into the Room Where the Child Was Playing on the Floor--The Hawk Was a Large One. Pe Ell, Wash., old baby of Mr. Shepherd, who live od two giles from Pe EL was att hy Xo a few days aco There were two pet chickens sace, which si this time doorstep. The hawk wa the chickens, apd swooped toward The éhickens the house and under the The hawk i followed, and, not noticing the chick: which attacked jt, "the child's 22 The 3 Froderick farm about neked Sept and Mrs year a on.ihe the af wer on videnily ran into lounge wis and fa | plaving on the floor, isank iis {Tacezating it. The mother heard child [mel ran to its assistanco. She Hed and scared the hawk off the land jt flew into the Kitchen | Shepherd heard thie noise and [into the house and despatoled iawk with a club. Tt a bird» measuring three feet four {from tip to tip. ialons into thw serean serean hail William "am th larg inchs was a Sweet Oranges, 10c. Dozen Edwards and Jenkin. Phone 775 ("Blien, Renfrew, the Matdne and RE. The railroad, forty length, runs from Ste. Flavio, lntercolnnial RR. to Matane A wonderful blood and nerve tome, | Nya 's Tron Tonic Pills, 100 pills » sugar-coated, at Gibson's Cross drug siore. George James, aged fourteen, !of Richard James, Victoria, B.C. jnstantly killed hy being impaled ona | pitehfork, XN. J {president has © become Liasps miles in of Co. on . the { 1 Valley and Upper. St, aam. Strong southeastert {owinds, fair and warm Nordus Son's WEATHER PROBABILITIES. Taorgato, Ont, Sept A tangy Lawesee © (1H 1 soatheriy 3 Showers to-night, and on aay 22 We announce an innovation in the selling of Millinery that will be appreciated by évery well-dressed woman of an economical turn of mind in Kingston. One of the chief featuzes of our Millinery Salons gnis sea- son will be the moderately priced" hats. - It is not part of our plan to introduce. the factory-made hats which vou have been accustomed to at low prices. The new de- parture shall be entirely characteristic of the Steacy policy. The hits ghall present the | same exclusiveness of design, the same variety ' as have been the feature of our regn lar business. No two hats will be exactly alike. We will create every hat, give our individuality to each new production. The hats are all made by expert milliner 5, and instead of following a fixed model as is the custom "of | factories. the hats are ' mades with ' constant changes in each one produced. The shapes are the most a artistic of the season, all the trimmings are high class, in quality and design, all of the work is finely and care- fully done by empert millin- ers. Each little detail shows the careful finish and artistic touches that will make these hats appeal to refined wos man, as hats at these have never appealed hefore, You Can Sec, Some of These Hats Now. They rc A Reveaion MARRIED. DAL, TON, = On 1909, by the by Rev, ( FORMAN Sept. Rid we! in St Emma Lorre Mes. WW. HB, or Forman, son of Forman, Montreal Wednesday i George's Anon Stary Cathedral, Kingston daughter of Mr. and to Andrew Shear Mr. and Mes. John DIED. 23rd 1909, Howard " AND Vinegars and White are guaranteed. PURE Jas, Redden. & Co. Importers Of Fine Groceries. RCBERT J. REID, The 1sadivg Undertaker. 'Phone, 577. 227 Princess street. This is the weather when "TAKE NOTICE." It you want any heating stoves, I have them' in all sorts and' sizes. Prices reasonnlle, st TURK'S, 'hise, 705: Cider Wine) Mrs. drank samy, aid Clara © leach, carbelic acid, n a ran through the town flouristing a razor and threatening 16 ent. her head off. She fell uncon, sous in the streel and a few min wes afterwards deeds You are getiing tha original old farhioned syrup of White Pine, in the Rid Cross cough syrup. Sold in King 'only - at! Gibson's Red ( store. Lyons, NX. fr. of m TORE drug H present expectations ave fulfilled Germany will have arngible balloons antl aeroplanes carrying passengers be tween Berlin 'and the principal = ..iies of the empire by May, 1910, Cold drawn swell castor oil. lie. hotties, frioh, at Gibsow's Cees dong store." "Phone 230, Kpanish onions. * Edwards ahd kim, tL baroe Ld bene

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