Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 21 Sep 1909, p. 4

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ee ean ~~ : The Winter's Coal Tha eareful Housekeeper his Enal supply early, either is fine. It "saves dirt, and trouble. He is not ged to rush to Mr. Coal Deal- the first cold snap, to sa s perishing for want of fuel. He can sit down in his cosy corn- { er and laugh at the storm. Anglin's Coal housed "in tight, waterproof : on clean concrete flaong, and s delivered purg and clean. | Place the order to-day. wre uot likely to drop, 'S. Angling bs Bay apd Wellington streets. Iiton Dysames, Slorage Batteries, Spark Pugs, Carburetors, Ete. TRY UR|DRY BATTERIES. Tul til Mi. Phons, ATHY EVERYBODY Tas stoves to sell, but nobody ean give that value that" we can, » have all kinds, cheap for cash. » have all kinds of House Fur- * nishings, from the lowest grades to the most beautiful Antique Furniture. Don't fail to come and see our stork before you buy elsewhere. L. Lesses, Princess and Chatham 8ts., Kingston, Ont. i lays in while = the he ---- -------------------- COBALTS ON MARGIN We require a deposit as follows Stock Selling: Deposit . Required. Krom 20c¢: to 60e. . From 60c. From 8c. to Over One Dollar, & Market Price, We also handle 80, 60, 90 ' day .con- tracts. \ y Write, 'phone or wits, us your ofders, cash or on marging Patriarche ds Go, STOCK a RS, Standardeiitock Jagpchange Baildieg, = Siok IAN oad Oo Agents anted. "| meant, to ° { and enjoy the confidence of the people, | Lio they usually made it complete. In THE WHIG. 765 YEAR PAILY BRITISH WHIG, published at 806-810 King street, gontario, ut $6 per year. Editions at lo'dlock p.m: . WEEKLY BRITISH WHIG, 18 pages, published in parts on Monday and Thurs- day morning at $1 & « To united States, charge for pos has, to be added, making price of Daily $3 and of Weekly $1.50 per year. Attached is one of the best Job Print- jing Offices in Canada ; rapid, stylish, and cheap -work ; kine improved presses. The British Whig Publishing Co., Lid. EDW: J: B. PENSE, Managing Director: TORONTO OFFICE. Suite 19 and 20, Queen City Cham- hers, 32 Ohurch St., Toronto, H. E. Smallpeice, J. P., representative. Daily Wibig. There is a direct collwion between the and provingal govern ment on the racing. charter question. The Manhattan ® Racing Association nas been called to account for wot having the heende of the Ontario gov- ernment, and on the advie of its it proposes io Tent Nir. Hanne's demand with contempt. « It had better not become too gay. The Whitney government * cancelled the Dufferin racing charter, and the, fede- ral government gave it a new charter under a new name. The Ontario gov- ernment wants its license fees, and in refusing to pay them the association may be laying up trouble for- itself. If may be that the Ontario government license it, on gpplication but now that the association has de- nied the jurisdiction of the goverys ment there will be something doing, and tlie betting is _all on the side of| the provincial secretary. federal GOVERNMENTS COLLIDE. | solicitor THE LORDS VS. THE COMMONS. Mr. Asquith disappointed some = of the people of Birmingham. Why ? Ho did not say what the government would do if the lords reijcoted the He need not repeat himself He has said that if the lordg,, will not lot the liborals legis- late he will make an appeal to the the question will Shall tha lords, as at present consti- tuted, budgets, eviry day. people, and be, bey abolished ? No bne disputes i it occasionally holds up a bill' which that a second chamber is of value may not be for the public good. But a socond chamber, to be cfficacious must' give some evidomee 'of fairness, and the lords have heen very partizan and. one-sided. The latest correspond: ence from London indicates that Marquis of Lansdowne, leader of upper chamber, is hot anxious for battle betwoen & Inasses. the the a the clasécs and the Yet he may be forced into it bY the back benchers who are, for the time being, somewhat tnruly and hard to manage. : --rb------ THE CORRUPTORS' ARE ROUTED. Gne of the truest things said ofthe people, and by one who had occasion to kiiow whereof he spoke, was that when | thoy began a work of 'putificar Mountteal, yesterday, the electors ex: prose, their opinion, in w referendum, upon the question of a smaller coun- cil. and a. board of control, and that (Grand Union Hotel Opp. Grand Central Station, New York Clty Rooms, $1.00 a Day AND UPWARD to and from Station free, Send 2 stamp for N.Y, Olty Guide Book and Msp BIBBY'S GAB STAND Phone 201. DAY or NIGH1 Cliff's Real Estate Agency TSTABLISHED 1882. » Where you can' buy or sell property. Also Insurance written in best companies. GEO. CLIFF, 95 Clarence St. INCRASTINATTON i tt hiel of time PF Wie of good intention GoND INTENTION 1 ¢ thief of determination. PROCRASTINATE LOSE NO TIME DETERMINE NOW how mich COAT you i th LINE D wing) Us "Phone Your Order. CRAWFORD, 'Phone, 9, Foot of Queen Sk. LT 4 - - rer come, Jet trouble a, Don't invite it, he opinion was a very emphatic one, The yeas were in, the large majority. What a fight tho citizens had to got where "lve shall wes firal at dummy batteries on the crest of Alon Down." Then the guards, facing the downs, rode forward and, dismounting, "pour- od & heavy rifle fire with ball ammuni- tion into a scries of small targets on the turfy slopes of Alton Down." The ranging of the artillory, it is suid, was oxcellent, "and the shrapnel burst out of harm's way, pever ncarer than three hundred yards' of the cavalry." As the 2nd Prigade came up ii pass- ed the Household itadegrs its left flank and rode forward "to fire on an- other series of targets on Netheravon Down." Meanwhile the artillecy cover ol the advance, scarching the crest lines of the broken downs. Another st of largels was encountered two miles farther north on Slay Down, and the guns moved forward to new posi- tions, firing to the front and right of tho brigade, as tho Lancers and Hus sars dismounted and discharged their rifles with ball = anmimunition \at their silent' enemy. \ To show how complete were the ar- rangements it may be added that" a signal station assisted in the conduct of the operations and "the artillery commanders were advised of the move ments of the cavalry in the danger arca by tolephonc and heliograph." The ambuldnces were there, hut were not used, Let us have no morve-sham fights on the old plan, but mimic war with shell and shrapnel' on the Eng- lish plan. Let us be up-to-date. EDITORIAL NOTES. The use of oil, in laying the uponr- the streets, seams to he a dust suc- But the sprinkling of it can he . COSS, done better, ------ The Arctic axplorers are humorous in all 'they do. They have been always self-gonscious. They have heen look- ing for fame as well as the pole: The women who waylaid the premi¢r of. England and sought to assault him at Birminghaf acted like hoodlums. No sincere suffragetia f their misconduct. can condone The London Mail says a gencral elec tion is expected in England during the winfer. All the parties--liberal, union- ist, nationalist and labour--are ready for tho jar whenever it occurs. It does seem to be absurd that the federal government has no allernative but io grant a cherter io any racing (or gambling) association that may apply 'for it." Such 'a reproach shouki be generally repudiated. : It is recorded, as - something of a that the Scattle exhibition has heen projected and 'managed far, successfully, without graft. not closed, however, yot foi scandal. wonder, 180 It is time There is The tariff roformers" taglice in, Eng- land remind ene of the anic-national policy 'dayd. Dull' 'dimes' atid "cheap living were associated: "A high tarifi and high living wera prepared, but they haven't made the people rich. People are impressed by the adver- tisoment of the cement merger. It's a huge conoorn, but ¥ there seems to he room for ite It can produce over 4.- 000,000 barrels a year, and last year the consumpijon. in Canada was over even the permission to say what they | wanted | The commission had hardly | begun its enguiry than the stench of municipal corruption hecame almost stifling. The asked for the right of appeal to legislature was at once the olectors, for a measurd of reform, and the hootllers had the neck and nerfe to send the blustering Brunet to Quer bee 40 lobby against theni. They car- pied in the legislature and they carried at the polls. Right is triumphant for the time being. The ond is not ye, however. Vietory is. not yet completo. The smaller coun- and the board of control--the alaried men, for daily business, and with practically little else to engage their atiention--have to be chosen, and will bo in evidence as it | was never before. Let it not be sup- that the men who milking the contraciors, fattening at public orib, will let go their hold and sink willingly obscurity. The Wicked Ome never gives up or surren- ders, and his cil the barrel posed have been and, as middlemen, the into minions, in public 'or { private life, know no'such word | "fail." They | fight forever. They can ouly be a las will fight on, and de- fe ated, and they cannot lose by defeat. | | They may win, and while they have { the power theme is no limit to their | greed, and no conscience about the fway they satjsfy 'it. < t VERY LIKE REAL WAR in connction with This | annual review of the local corps, there fight Barricficld and the heights beyond, and the imitation year, the was a 'sham in | was to Theo the away Che for pursuit of the enemy with & as near as the the the real thing the carrying possible was charge, of new supplies, Fro{reat, wounded, chasa and' dhe degree of cxcitement which was parti- { enlarly impressive: But the whole thing was indeed a {sham when compared" with the mifire] {'war "which some of the English treops fol reads learriedd on at Salisbury Plain a {days age. In this event one | abo 3,000,000 barrels. } of by the a candour thal has not been exceeded by that of the Globe. . But the literature was prepared for political effect it. is not to bo used in the eicetion. Why ? When tho liquor taxes voted: on in the commons, two liberals recorded their pays, and the majority was its lowest. distress and wo England have been described Lariff reformers with The poverty, though, were being for the Now two Glasgow uniomists have the party on the fiscal government SC ceded, from question, so that the tories are on6é mambo from re- presented by only the historic city. SPIRIT OF THE _ PRESS A Sure Case. Watertown Standard. : Mr. Dooley says that if Cook and Peary had met at the Pole there would have been no quéstion as to which discoyered it. It would have been the one that came home. Certainly They Will. London ' Advertiser. The press can be of to their party if it is of the party leaders; and the party Jeaders will be more likely to walk circum. spectly if they knew that their newspaper friends are candid ones. little service a mere echo 1+ Would Be Shocking. Montreal Herald. But wouldn't it . be awful if parha- ment were to discover that it has no potver to amend the ¢riminal code or to suppress racetrack gambling ?° It is not impossible that the department lawyers willgbe able to find a way te demonstrate, the powerlessness of par lament. A Different Story. Toronto Globe: v 11he fact' that the dhurch will beveniter COIDOTNO ccrciine su buses Brreseree OCEI 4-5-6 TOMA, - suimgrses sassronss saense sue. OPE. FT-2-2Y Frankville sume spe ww Sept, 30-Oct. 1 Haliburton Sept. 3¢ 22, 23 23-24. WIG Sarma sevens ie HOPES KAREOLON | roprsivsnse swssnesss sense SEPLS ne a Tweed Wolfe Island , His Hands Worth $10,000. Fourteen years ago 'a broad should- ered, bow-logoed Gorman youth wan- dered into the quarters of the Stew benville baseball club, out in" Ohio, and asked for a job. George L. More land, manager of the club, looked him over curiously, : "What can yom do?" he asked. "Anything," was the reply. 3 Moreland shook his heads 'There jm't a chance," he an, and then suddenly "stopped. Hix gdzc had fallen upon the hanes of the applicant be- fore him. Those were tlie largest hands he had ever seen, great calloused paws that g gorilla-like from Jong, sinowy arms. And Mordand's base ball sense told him that they were the hands that could hold a baseball when onoe they clutched it. He determined to give the youngster a trial just on the strength of those hands, and he did. That night Manager Moreland signed up his new man at thirty-five dollars a month. Torday this young German with the big hands is the highest salaried base ball player in the world. Those gorilla paws: are earning $10,000 every yoar for seven months' work, and the name of Hans Wagner is known wherever baseball is played. Wagner is worth about $100,000, the result' of judicious investment of his eapnings from the diamond, and only last winter he and his brother purchased an interest in a circus which is soon to go on the road. . New Anglican Hymnal. There are not wanting crities for the new Church of England Book of Common Praise. Changes in the har- mony and melody of many tunes are noticed, and are not greeted with en- thusiasm, one musician remarking that they were infinitely for the worse. The numerous mistakes in the har mony, due merely to bad proof-read ing, can, of course, be corrected in later editions, #0 will not cause per- manent dissatisfaction. - There is re erst, also, over the omission of a number of well-known hymns, such as "Hosarna -we sing Like the Children, Dear," "Oh Saviour, Who For Man Hast Trod," "Oh" Jerusalem the Blissful" and. others' equally poetic and set: to sgood 'music, "end guiltless of! the .. charge of being such as "to Pause doctrinal disturbances: And fnamy, too, are wondering why such fangigpe/ hs i used inthe division, "Hell? cof the "Litany 'of 'the Four Last +Phingk,# should have been' al- lowed storstain the pages of a now Canadian' hymmabs) However, there' Js mueh' to 'commend inthe 'book, and have "but iofle use' is! causé for con gratulation. iy | Neo Hurt, But Corns Go. Pork's Cor, Salve! prodides no pain or sofcness, T¢ can"t harm; hut it will remove hard or soft comms every time. Tn big boxes; 15-conts, at J. B. Méleod's drtig Store, corner King apd Brock 'streets (Wade's old, stand), and corner Prinodss and ~~ Montreal streots, ] -------- A Local Experience. Guelph Mercury. According - to ancient mythology Orpheus wetit to'hades to find a wife but some married men can't stand why it was necessary. 4 The original old-fashioned White Fine Red Cross will eure anv cold. only at store. Whiskey may doubly so when up" with it. The man hunting for' trouble svrup of Cough Syrup Sold in Kingston Gibson's Red Cross drug be bad, but it is hk bad man 'loads will under- i usually find game enough. To Cure Scalds, Burns. Nothing can possibly give hotter' ro- sults than Dr. Hamilton's Ointmont. It draws out iho pain, destroys in: flammation, gives case and comfort in one application. In every tase of skin trouble the surest cure is Dr. Hamil ton's Ointment. Ged a 50c. box from your druggist. CHANGE OF We are there now; Then a change of clothing. Tet us look over your Wardrobe and put your apparel in good condition for wear. R. PARKER & CO. Canada's Greatest ~ Dyers and Cleaners. 69 Princess St., Kingston, Ont: that i ihe Vancouver Province says when Sir Charles Tupper prophesiec the west would produce a hundred million bushels of wheat the liberal press scoffed. Sir Charles prophesied five fimes a hundred millions, and set the' time for accomplishment, has long since passed. That tha lberal press scoffed at. is what Always fresh when you 'get them in the Roval Horse Artillery cross ling the river to Durrington Down, tin. bow, seidlitz ton's Red Cross drug store p i which! powders, at Gib { _ CLEANLINESS | Artal die 08 wow t HE & wie ipl HAPPINESS . 14 the natural result of cleanli- GOOD PLUMBING i It's a fact, Sir, that the road to prosperity is paved with | 2 ' . ' good Clothes and is most easily trod by men who always David 1 « dress in becoming attire. td fat 7 #4 It never pays to economize to the point of logking poorly 3 or carelessly dressed. . ne 5 Our Fall garment} are very rersonably priced, and our "Ctuud Clothes are easily within the reach of any purse. f : New Fall Overcoats - $7.50, §8, $8.50, $10, 12.50, $15 to $20. New Fall Suits $10, $12, $15, $18 and $20. New Fall Hats The very latest styles. Ome price, New Fall Gloves! The 'Best $1.00 Glove in Canada. The H. D. Bibby Co: wt PET SE ale $2.00. No higher. Your Boys and Girls because their boots don't stand the strain, maybe they were, not good - ones. Inspect our line of School Boots, at $1.75 and $2.00. S$ : Tl - . . ge Creamalt Contest. Jennings Xing St : aaah a ebb dws of] saat bp * i Creamalt 'Bread is here aud its ot Bit had aR truly matvéloud: RY 4 4 Ii you have heen: observant you will A i the bottom of every. Greamalt loaf Ta the boy or girl in Ningston saving 90th, we will give a prize of $10 in gold. To the one bringing in the see ond greatest number: we will give a prize' of $5. Pure: ok 2 oop ; 4 1CeS " Li Cats ' ' The boy or girl who startsi saving now has the hest chan 2 $10 Entrance slips to the contest' may he obtained free from Lackio, the ja | ker. , { 5 | In our window 'we will give results' of contest. week after; week. "LJ. LACKIE, PRINCESS ST. * " i) "41 \ ¢ 1% - y Whole or ground, also Pure 'Vinegar. BN ~ "w 1 wid - oy COUPER, ge + * Deafer in Pire Pood Groceries. 'Phone, 76: '841-8 FPrivcess Btyq PROMPT DELIVERY. mal ; 4' yo Ny ott Ty BAR SOLDER" Carsfully selected and fully Guaranteed. - Write us. The Canada Metal Co., Ltd, Toronto, Can. | 7, 3. LOCKHART LOCKHAL Money to Loan. Office, 159 Nellington Bta King. sor ABERNETHY'S su OF 'FOR WOMEN $1.50 SPECIALS $1.50 Laced Kid Boots have been rather hard to buy, but we secured 3 lines from 'Montreal last week. Wide, Medium and Narrow Toe, with patent tips, sizes 3 to 7. OUR SPECIAL PRICE ey $1.50 ABERNETHY'S. Think of the most delics 1 miost unique delicacy you ever even hoped for, and you'll find it in this wonderful new creation : The richest - and most delightfully-flavored (banana) design (elegantly embossed), Nothing similar ever before produced. Served with Joe Cream or Fruit they afford a rare treat heretofore" 28

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