. FACE TOUR. g : 4 ; TY PATLY BRITISH WHIG THURSDAY. SEPTEMBER 16, 1908: + -- " : a |THE WHIG, 76th YEAR PE a s (BAILY BRITISH SH WHIG. published at The Winter's [376 5 ri Silica 0500 sas 2 : C o al : 5 CSFERLY BRITISH FHI, 18 pages. SiR Ea : i ublished in parts on Monday and ¥ L ae e FOLAND @ MISS MARY So morning at $1 a Joar. To oe N : AR ® HARRIMAN HARRIMAN States, charge for pos The careful Housekeeper lays in added, making price of Dal 00% $9 énd his coal supply early, while the Weekly $1.50 per year. wehther is She. ' 1, saves dirt, Attached is one of the best Job Print- worry and irovble. He - is not mg Offices in Canada ; rapid, stylish, obliged 10 rush to Jor. Coal Deal and cheap work ; nine improved presses. er, at the first col snap, to sa he is perishing for want of fuel, ¢ British Whig Publishing Co., Lid. He can sit down in his cosy cers EDW; J: B. PENSE, er and laugh at the storm. Managing Directom L en : ' ; Anglin"s Coal ||| _ zozosto orricr. ih ol BE NG Da Loos > 3 Queen Oham- 1 4 x i a) x , 3 apt Is housed in tight, watarpfool se, 30 sud 20, 8t., oo. ar H BE » " : hae Spruce a ma n up in : sheds on clean soncrats Soors, and Smallpeice, J. P., representative. ' k 3 ! : eT : ~ 1 Caio ; 'a Sinn Spit and he im- * ielivered" pure and clean: ey : \ a NN Sr @@0909= inediately to rE me |" Datle Gbig. | | LN EY TER | Fh Eris »l1 : ; of EAE : : Enron a ; pp Lo 4 ront. There's of % S. Anglin& Co. "SCANDALS OF THE COUNCIL. : ¥ ; wholly : o hs ; 3 : 0. : CT i "spunk" in a good Bay and Wallington streets, '| The evidepeo, ge beew sbuntiany that § : } , ¥ d . Ya A. s ; Se a suit of clothes. i} in some aspects the council of 1909 5 ; ¥ be J . hag been a weak one, and now the BON wo . A Fo ; : soe | Rx $j 3 : Our handsome Fall evidences is afforded. that it is seriously \ oe : nil 4 : B 5 he nN $4 Suits are the expres- JUST RECEIVED OUR lacking in mans, The representa- i" ] 1 3 / 4 ' ; s a ' a j : X eS A £8 sion of the latest and tives of the people are expected, to = exp A ' Fa ; mo : : wo Lk a 'best ideas in Tailor- NEW FALL STOCK deal with public questions in an ani- . : P. § < r matl 'and able way, and they can ri 3. F { 3 I TT § a Ing, and they show it N or Ci He : os | : : i \ i RE ] " or Bwanter . ate, v YIN » a, Teertainly ,exchange their, opinions on 4 : $3 % A 8 in every detail. al and ap H » air : . 4 § S, » : Se ie the Jine of GENT'S FURNISHINGS. current events without: a resori to - Also g rrlendid variety . of Suits' and | persoualiti 8. : St ---- . 1 % : . i a _ 1] At! vvercoats +: fall and winter wear. Business nvm can meet ordinarily / i es ; Good Look : Pleased to have vou: call and inspect and condut their relations amicably. LL BE HARRIMAN AND FAMILY ON Tir ET tel 5} SF | Pasir 0 Wear Them our stocks : . | 1t is only occasionally that one hears » ) : . Yo EL TORO ok 3 3 - bal | Fine line of Boots and Shoes for either [01 & breach of decorum, and the inci- [have | i . © ! mien, women or- children, all styles and |deut is private. . The business operator, ; I tho publication of the sch : | | W : 5 Not for years have sizes at bargkin prices, how ér yrocecds -- dohiberately Ha Pu alon th hoal . 3 4 3 - aa? RY ' vy re A Uuaieiey books had. to be awarded again it is : RT RE, | a Men's Garments been AT . [studies the situation. He is prepared : Ps A X » ! : : afo to say that a big departmental 3 i . ; ' J A ISAAC ZACKS, [1% Sefnerein. to bo methon |, 0,5 1 1 1 ots 8 ES es ou OR rg 050, handsomely S ; usually with some degree of tact or i 1 slag fi f : : kod} Ra o A he pa A ; 4 ey - propor 101) than oe oS 1 roksulle oO ' HR i bi Ya, ALON i 271 Princess street. grace. lot so the member of the a -- 'i x Be : : : " 3 J k g they are this season. -------- ain en -- ario have not been properly use WALTER E i souneil. He seems to go to the meot BA ; 8 8 : i AVERILL 0) * Rn k 2 3 aii ' C OB i I S ngs without the Ructssaty prepara- When thy educa lion department HARE AY ic ; % x See our $12 Raleigh Suits. He gets busy wlhwn.it is too | wants the school trustees to know th ON MARGIN late, and if he does not comprehend | mind of its head in apy subject it 3 4 Ay i : Wh hn [ole See our $15 Varsity Suits. all that is passing he becomes blatant, [should address its communications to » ; so Ea et oo. | 3 . . 3 ¥ sometimes abusive. 1 the secretaries of the boards, It should Vay 4 A See our $18 Oxford Suits. ' We require: & deposit us follows : The scenes of this year reflect in [not bo necessary (o make a remark Stock Relling. Deposit Required ; 4 ) ' : iw a : hi § Sea one $20 Semi-Ready Suits. From 20c. to 60c.» 15c. per share juriously upon the city. They are re- [like this, but it is = 4 ¥ 3 From 60c, to p De. bor share | or ted in the papers. They are copied Set rom IC. . r y at wrh ON 1 : ak 3 ° Over Ouo Dollar, 80 Per Cont, of the]ibto the press of other places. They The Northumberland Durban Power | / Bi ; : Murkes, Price day. ior are commented upon and the council-- company, which has a lease ol the A 3 A Bi 1 Oo 1 andle , 60, ons . A y he re Ee : { ( ¢ i all its numbers, the innocent as well Healgy Falls and the Trent River g ha ; . . * i 'phone. or wire us your orders, or on margin. as ths offend are reproached and | Falls, 13 now fimanecing a scheme which . : ~ ridiculed. They say, as one did to the Wn put. shewp power, into gl. the stu Sita ; wR , Kingston's Only One Price Clothing Store, datriarche & Co, Whig, vesterday, that as the council is {rounding towns and hi including TN pace » STOCK 'DEALERS, «0 iw the city, that little can B® look- { Kingston \ competivor with oar HARRI MAN. N9 Siandard Stock Exchange Building, ul for in legislation that is oi a: help municipal plat AL what rate 874 FIFTH AVF I'ORONTO, CANADA. Agents Wanted. ful character when the aldermen quar- | . seven lead nations of Lhe England." Gethin Unite) | Picture of his residence in' New York city and portrait France, Russia, Japan and i ter Averill Harriman rol among themselyes;, and some . of ; of son, Wal them show a contempt for the chair What is the meaning of all this 21, we spending this year in wa pe - - ---- . What is the eure ? The electors must | atl' Went $2 16.451.300 FALL SKIN DISEASES. GREAT FOREST FIRES thing eanno! go on without | al ation, for thay surely cannot be will sindbing happening. and. the-siner An Article For Mothers--The Care Raging on Sierra Madre Range in ing that the scandals of the council i table ia wa a of Children 5 California. iy The "Chicago : i en shall continue: | the' childeen "break out® with Los Angel Cal.) Sept 16. Lyery give this matier their wrious consider- 7705S - MONTREAL. TORONTO, - i rraptions had skin disea ER BO some Biopstt' ranger' anc this distinct is. ont "4 . Si Jewel" is The Key OTTAWA, INNIPEG, WASHINGTON, / LABOUR'S NEEDS AND PERIL SPIRIT oF THE PRESS mon, in the fall, dit His fess wick quads Col VOR teers... falling . v . . i NEEDS Al E RD and. nauseating medicines fam-Buk is fost Fore po oh tonin 8 drt i ee eines ---- | The labour question les again aris Whit istheddedt # ITs a skin! food as Ie is tes Suishtonlis oh re of Economy Ceadorie atetshed ine no bil reli well ax a healing badm riod wa : nd ul il itn in connection with the Grapd | around Whittier! sThe worsq rei de ! § ~ Casi Eakors? 5 Bof i * Prosigit 1 " i I : The latest improvements Prurk -Padific vatllay. Some' tim a Aerial Experiorie. os : Chins:t a er a] r Li ast uti i a north lope of Mount Fi Ty on the "Chicago Jewel' 0 eHief 'objection 10 the aeroplane Aka: : i t ty erfe, ithe hidhos YO "8 | p ran n on ote ago it was alleged by the construct' Tlie Sie? 'histo: He AEEOINAS | uk "oured-her baby. She Ny BL drhesy point if th ¥ are the. Flame Reflector ia that when the motor tpps going ) ays cod tier of the Sierra Madre rance and Valvel b gt RAW a pats ¢ 2 : elesa Oven Burn. Opp. Grand Central Station, New York City ing company that necessary progress Paronte o Globe baby's 'head and face was on Come Renorts frond Wilson sav that lete my . The: itehing: i . i 1 er-Lighter. Two features Rooms, $1.00 a Day | vould be reteset became of 4h (i skrop! ue doci't full wit 7 yin ol sae de He th | he i "the dh in" that, vogion ing LF BERL on the onicago Tower" AND UPWARD scarcity of daboir, and it was pro ~ Dealing In Fatures aue's plight was so fearful that at he ds ve | dS how thanght to} . a) which are not on any Bani ae ET Sete Baas and Mas posted to import the foreigners" Whose soronte Star. © one tine we faved her .cavs would be on HULL 5 { J ; other gas stove made. services were jso much required % Jagnes A. Patten, the "wheat kine, | caten off it sick headache 3 A { 9 - Examine them. before pur |. The = rough toil of Fail building | gave. $10,000 to Chicago YMCA. We halt to kevp her hands tied for [oo J00 Hoon es hl a vill A chasing. They Ale ac- f . ; TRIN Nyidang doubtless hay img a fellow feeling Yor [days to. prevent her rubbing aml © RIMES Lavl 1¥er- i 5-4 they ws § knowledged the best man- = 15} vid secured, and the wage is 23 and can afford to sav that which they | Hamiltowr, ig quite 'as eloqu + he M. P. KEYS jie bern delegated usually to the {1° institution which deals in futures. Seratehing. the scores Doctor after {12 Stvely. cure 1 Pe ple who hay : ufactured. g dottor treated her in vain, until we | Whew mre cnn] a mG A Antiseptic Barber, Shop |majerial that is available for the | After The Critics. had had five doctors. They all agreed it Sosth a Phey pu Mall -andl eusy , to | ELLIO I 1 BROS., " PRINGHSY Hair Dressing and Shaving Parlor, or | : : iy : 5 f i { i | hp , ¥ ; x : I'he great Chamberlain ha heen | noue of them did any permanent gpod valida' catitaons 4" baby. po ! ronage solicited. lavish work. - It w.work which the | eke With low paralysis It "As a lant resource wis waive advised invahd arrag and baby go-carts 336 King Sirzz2t would be better for Great Britain and | to 'try Zam-Buk. The first box did so py aeney agol drvict Phone 1m ------------------ --- -- -- | lieve that it will be a long me De. |tims rather than himseli - at last working dn the-ight direction. | Nature's Remedy Tablet 250. | 460000000000000000000000000000000000000000060 ore the Grand Trunk Pacific is com . bs ul) and Rl boxes, ar ol 1 s Pls Talk . til we had usell thirteen boxes, and at | B a . > . * B R S O D E f BIBBY'S CAS STAND I Hote across thé mountains when of I senanige Ose in o D the end of that time I am glad to'=ay % . s drug tor Princess . antl A 1; I \ | I | ot | " . Just arvived another shypment of Carefully selected andl fully Guaranteed. Write us. ; Phoné 201. ranted less than twenty hundred can depend "on party favors for support | Mi Holme of 30 Guise street, Lied ¢ a oh | | 1 board pes [think is in the interest of the county praise She say ; Zam-Buk clirgd A lot: of people are perfectly 'willing 1 : DAY or NIGHT ax ang han or oven. of their party, whether it | my boy of-boils and eruptions = when } 00 the. Tol rt : th his iioney, HO000090009000000000002000000000000000000000 'The proposition is that the ban be Ipleases 'those who would be its boss © wa so bad that he had been ely pa ith his money. {Poles und Italians, to any toughened | jused- them speak frankly of thei 3 > as a frichth ase f eczema, but ! y { TE a iE Hane ing,, Las) plrpose. Railroad building is very |Ramilton wetator v frightful « of \ ) We handle" all digas "of vabboe tor } op! rubbe wl « \ ww | whites do not envy and will not "will-! Dunlop! rubber wm all wheels. 'H Next 'doce to Wade's Drug Hrore ingly perform, and we can quite be-|the empire if his critics were the vies [much good that we felt sure we were | . We persevered th the treatment un-.!. > 5 ' i : persever with th wtf ® the t&enty thousand men who are} Men who conduct newspapers do not | Zam-Buk effected a enre." : { g sold only at} q ? Cisne Red Con rh. BE 2 The Canada Metal Co., Ltd.,, Toronto, Can. ? | | i | vith otl hildre Ih ifted from tiie importatic n of the {Ot nots ~ tnable to mix with other ch ren i re tsa i Prior to the boils breaking out he had | Asiatics ahd - to at: strong Sui -- | i a WAH LONG'S LAUNDRY REMOVED | \ixtics und.to that strong opposic| - go 4 aopegement Pays. had a bid eraption, but Zam-Buk | \ 1 siel {ie } of this awas LOO, and maa ni From 78 Olarence ®t., to 158 Nell. vellow men--vellow in heart ) Foronto News : i ) ud smooth. It is , Ww wel ington St; between Brock and Olarenet | Fellow in hearl an a » Houston, Texas; has had the vom] skin, eloar, and Smool y ">. Hip, Best "aul in the city. Soon | life and in manner of lving--will con- ~~ "eallad for and deilvared . ; > uczho the 1 should always T . T , stitute ¢ aleme oO) v iol [vears, and in that {ime the commis: | throughout ti and Es SON GS a : oN . an element in. popul ion whit h (% sion has paid off $100,000 floating | keep handy FOOT COMFOR 5 SHOES FOR ENDER FEET ill not be for its good. The. Chinese | debt. invested nearly $700,000 in pub For eczema, eraptions, rashes: tet ---- Cliff' 8 Real Estate Agency. and the Japanese that will isolate {lic service improvements . out' of eure ter, itelr, ringworm, and simitar skin i rent revo | thems elves in the mountaing for a and has created if sink- |Uiseases, Zam-Buk. is without equal : : 1 \ { 11t also cures cuts, burns, scalls, piles ESTABLISHED 188, [musi of 'pevrs ood oidure tho infu for che bonded den of Sih. 1b, Se Sit SOF obuliou [Roos a4 | arbi of, pioneer service will not hig ng, et All druggists and stores "at . J 'All Where you can buy ar sell | eventually i very useful in other | A Wail Of Distress [50c. a box or post free for price from 8, . 1 . nrop e rty. Also Insur ance |" alks of hi and of 'the dregs of any { Zum-Buk Co., Toronto ! | : } { . . ' ] nation,' the undesirables, Canada hos- ople are inquiring why cirouses | | WL : \Wwritten in best compahies. Vehich: recently exhibited at Kingston Should Be Imitated. offered.' Twenty thousand ts : ; : vi se \ AI othe mission, form ol government or tour erful preparation, and mother 2 lleville' Intelligencer. had enough already. . | and places east ¢ west didnot | The Huron Institute, largely of an | y - - : \ * : vor ea La GEO C LI | If an ariny oi men, mere human nia: [show hore. Was it bociuso of the {historical character, has issued a vory NG See Our Men's Cushion Sole Vici Kid Blus . I F, : chives, could be had to perform . fl high licen he L? Our city fathers valuable record of ot lv events chiel chers. Greatest comfort that any shoe can give. a= ~ éettain coftract and then -go out of [have been building a wall around |v local in charac tex, referring to Sim Ho { la rence St. less bb | Belley ille,"" remarked one citizen who [coe county life. Miss Yrances \ om. ti country ther would. bo | foe county © fe ; Cushion Sole Sh $5.00 | spoke on ¢ subjed edmont a former Portsmoutl 08 Chan Thicir presence could be poke on the thject a Re imond, a former Portsmouth resi : : \ us on ec 0eS, . { lent, is. an ardentj worker in the ; ------ {erated, but to let them loose upon the "Shall We Refuse." = [institute and pe/done gobd service ; : hb .nn iE - : : : £ * ® 1 of > ' | community, without the prospect of py John Light. in wathering information and putting Solid comfor ts, leather lined, extra broad, $5.00 fitting into its service afterwards any- Pra Shat ars bom of or ish, Biood it into durable form. David . Wil . and 6.00. We also have Women's Comfort and a Yk Sons of the brave and rightly free, « asoned : isurnaliit. of: Co . i 8 hy where, is to do that which will _ im- [Will vou not grant just one request jams, a seasoned journalist t . 3 Cushion Sgle Shoes at $3.50 4.00 and 1.50. - J" That comes to you acrosa'the sea 7 ling gwood, has, too, been an.enthus 3 . ' . WE WANT TO PUT | peiik th: public peace and project inc] BE : : 3 ACH England, that motherland, who loves y ith ort Shira iy t hae to dudiety a menace of no common RD ae Io eI hice I lication The Shipping on in SE ya | The great domintonssheline brad. fo Ty kes The publication - puts, SEVERAL TONS | «an [A 3 a---- + On many a field her blood has' shied, into tangible form much matter that ? " id tot. etwi 1 \ : 9 OF. OUR © EDITORIAL NOTES. Nuw asks but one request ot.ycu o's foul: not he otherwise ;preserved ane 4 : \ | Which she will ne'er again repeat 3 twere well if more places followed the y : . } Oo it is Gananoque that bas been "Tis but to give one battleship plans of Hoven institute . : x { ; surprised over the results of We To add niore lustre to hdr, fleet Shall we refuse what we should give ? No Class Legislation. However great the sum may be Calgary News ; help our land if England lose Lhe Ford's Dav Alliance says that Control and mastery df the sea . Went Ri Teoroes were rocenthy ted cnt cg partmental exam inations and 1s i ] rer | looking for light og R. Preston ms ti preuwt Our mother calls on us to help 3 each in the Hamilton police court | === - v en a ot u Ving Lo ovangelizo or'| We ne'er may hear her ambition wT Right fore Hive Ton a fuer Japmu are » failure Ap- Py a us n nots ' in. val in Calgary they don't wait Tor negroes falectrie . process, better than-yachum | cream, dispensed only at Gilson's Hed | ringes. H. Milne, Bagot street. aut. ChE we saply tl i ? : i fru on: * Supida they, arvest fcloaners, H. Mi to Phove 342. : Cross soda. fauntain. ; The Canadian Manufacturers' Asso- : i Hing with: the. sibiect 2 Bi yhv's for boy fine sweater v . vollows and blacks Roy gam Canadian ¥hipping merf\are aygityg- Winnipeg is applying {o the militia ciation approved of the Pro osel to j writhing sol clean carpets, rugs and mattgy | lif any old dy Gambling is | timg for retaliatory lepislation against | department for. permission to. organize appoint a permanen ye toil commiy: Jat tre hinamen secure 3 {wi Ne ol injury 'to' any We guarantee | g, whether the gametis play {the United States tax on foreign ves- la regiment of 'Iighlanders. in that sion. #: | . - ki out =. unde } jd work. H. ¥ +. "Phone 542. ' Sunday or Friday {#0 ls calling at its ports. city. Bibby' s for boys' stockings. | are baer, i . ¥ & Wry i 1 5 ni In vonr cellar bing NOW. before constr. and hire his countrymen to da & 3 . | the price advances as it surely ' wn Ch houle bel so--CONSIDER THIS wark Th hinamen - should by | i ! 1 tor the formation of 'a compauy. | / 66 E . 9% oti | rman oe ol vd Re T "Is Good Tea oma | et ALWAYS SOLD IN LEAD PACKAGES Bn a ia om al Re o S € e oh ~~ NEVER'IN BULK. Eaq = . P cleasied by oui | As popular as ever, Neilson's ite. "Have new tires on Your baby car. J.