» ATLY BRITISH WHIG WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 15, 1909. a ------ - ge f tennis and croquet courts were gathered A F| STARVED AND DESERTED. ¥ es a ' 4 many ardent admirers of the different ' ; OCR nc RAO RON DFS } gaines, greatly interested in the players. SE &| Found Owner For Team Left on x i : bs At croquet only Dhe game was played, Street: ; Sas i . THT D wd tor ' HIIN AID OF T B R i when Mrs. Richard Hooper ang Mrs | oe re 86,1 f : A = ) i os UBERCULOS Gildersleeve, defeated: Mrs. BJ: B. AND 1 MEANT TO RUIN The police have found an owner for; 88 . * » -- J : . p wt HOSPITAL. ise, and Mrs. H. Robinson for the # HIS," GIRL SAID She Seam of Norsk and Fk duerted o 3 8 ER GIFTS FOR! = | Be : - Two i doubles were played to - . | day morning. The team belongs io a * [= %¥ Daughters of the Bnrpire ox} decide the tennis championship.' TMiss When Accused of Throwing Fluid | woman living near Verona, and she says f ' ny 3 Foie 004 4 i "1 "Mys. H. R. Duff's-Lawn--Final | Dorothy Carruthers' and. Miss 'Dorothy on Percy Willis--Committed fat he loaned, The (ah he a young : an : re THE . RIDE : Games of Croquet and Tennis Brownfield defeated Miss-Aileen Rogers For Trial--An Indecent Assault | Verona. he. drive sigh yiiiles out of } 14 : oi i fi em ae SA ' and Miss Mariory Duff, in the semij- : : 3 Tournaments Played. { : and Ya iin 1s, defeated Miss Cass Heard. important business to trausact, and as croquet and mis tournamest | Grace Hemming and Mis, Phyllis: Tay- Before a crowded court room, Wed- : t the residence [lor. Both games Were fast and evenly | nesday morning, the acid-throwing case . gee | finals Hh she knew him, kindly consented to" let him have the outfit Instead of*making the short trip, 'as Inesday afternoon, by th Daughters Hemming and Miss Taylor gave the | and at the close, Mrs. Flossie Taylor, he had stated, the young man came on J Ip ! x ; : ¢ ] th it le tiberculosis | champions: a very hard contest, who. was accused of..assaulting Percy to Kingston, deserted the horses and rig;| £ We have made very special i itz nd success. An en The tea and candy tables were "well | Willis, by throwing. fluid on lum, sup- nd, his present whereabouts are un-| 38 forts in preparation for a large g : t be arranged in aid | patronized, a neat gum being realiged at {posed to be carbolic acid, with intent wn. asi > SP ess Goods business i i ainment could 161 be arts ge Ju oid he ca thle wis mn charge of [to do bodily harm, was committed fof Yesterday moting A tel hone call | 8. JP Le Dre G 8s bu this Fs ' that dread disease t is undermining § Mrs. Duff. assist d by Mrs. Ji Taylor, | trial. at : was received by the police, which stated | .g / ! have many styles and colo ngs that 5 3 that no owner could be found for the| 3 ¢ TRL x ; EAE ; will appeal to women of judgment the different cowit f the world, and | Mrs Noel it," Miss Ada Petrie, Miss T ac tn a " ifferent cow { the world, and r oel Ket ii da Petrie i The accused put in a plea of "not outfit. Constable Naylon went to the ' and taste, and the new materials are § * arden A set of Handsome Furs is very appropriate. We have a large Assortment to choose from in Mink, Persian Lamb, Royal Ermine, Seal, Chin- chilla..Coats in Seal, Persian Lamb, Russian Pony, Fur Lined Cloaks, efc. JOHN McKAY 149.155 BROCK ST. i! ! party 1 | : Mrs. H. BR Duff, . street. om | played, especially the last, when. Miss | of Saturday might was given an airing, { | { { H he people of Kingston responded 1 hiv | Dorothy Hooper, Miss 'E. Phaelon, Miss | guilty," and W F. Nickle appeared on h ! 5 » as they generally do, to calls oe aid ! Fay Stewart and Miss Helen Duff. The ge Daalf. Tt. ] Rigsicy appeared for ee ahd found she Fig on the Side of De 1 1} of suffermg humanity candy 'table was.in charge of Mrs. Nor he prosecution." = - {the road. animals had run the rig} 88 = = =~ Bee... coptiona } Ea Na I'he spacious grounds on Princess | man Stuart Leslie, assisted by little Miss A nd my life and 1 meant to up against telegraph Joke ~ AS the] 3 - Pe : ex I in point-of value. -- rr Hi rs droet were he jecorated: and] Audrey Taylor . ruin his" was one of the statements owner could not be found, the constable | J ' ton a ' English Unfinished. Z » : the van-tolos "of the lads, The committee in charge of the enter- | made by Mis. Taylor, during her evi- had "the horses cared for at a livery Bo ¥ J All w 1] Wi ! lent inskaihat 30 Nr ne to | ssimment deserve great evedit Jor the 1 dence stable, and the poor animals gave evi- |. rene 1 JL 00 orsteds, in two tone % : make anrgltractive ; Ape success of the tournament Perey Willis, the complainant, wis dence of having Be er Soleil Cloths, in a hand- | stripe effects. A hand- ¥ Er re eee . . oes og] i . said that ' $s WwW . ce, 0 f 3 g vi ROAD PAVING CANVASS frst edlled, and JH Le RIgheY: det. Mrs, |and it was found that the horse and rie] 8 somo rayge of new co- | some materia) ot, Au- . tumn and Winter Wear. T wl Tg belonged to a Verona woman, and shel § i : Taylor near the cornet of Brock and |2¢IONg sa thi 2 lorings. . Wil] Be Difficalt to Get Two-|King street He engaged in conversa- | Was sent for. She reached the city this es, 75¢ 75c and $1 dil . - : Broadcloths--We ask "Thirds to Sign. tiott with her for about a minute, when morning, and left for home, with the Fiench All. Wool | you to see them and 8 A CHES The canvass of the bushes: blocks re- | she threw something in bis face. IHel'®am he whtertioun . W ! garding road paving will likely «come did not know what it was i HE IS PROSPERING | foie o speci ty Beard of | What did, you say' asked Mr. Rig-| " . . 2 before a special meeting of the Board of d 0 Venetians wi bright, compare values before soft-finish material for | settling on a dress, as ¥ Fl Works, 'The civic finance committee | PY. . aid 3" He is a Leading Law in Al- FOR BOATING AND CAMPING 8 | 1126 been instructed to provide $100 for 1 net asked her what she said a e i © A yer in I | the purpose. It is understood that it] Witness said he endeavored to get 4 . 8 1 : Al costum s and separate | our Broadcloths are ex- was attended at Prouse's drug store. |is another Kingstonian who is doing | skirts. E ceptional values $1 : Li be Hifficult to. get two-thirds of the | doctor, but as he contd not get one, he| * R. B. Davidson, - Watrous, Z5c. and 1.25, and other i 0 "Ts ) > £5 SW oc ( *e i gi SE Eo hy Witness said he had been friendly with | well in the-West. Mr. Davidson is the . || much of the property on that thorough the accused wat eee had a rried leading lawyer of the above tov and si ate is pWie Srporations and abs ince she was md , he had s {also takes a great interest in military i Jane ! puted by : rporations sd dh io Taylor on the street several times, and | work. He was recently notified that he qualities higher. very willing fo have expense added to had just nodded to her when passing. | was to be given command of a company their properties. However, the canvass Mr. Nickle in cross-examination as of the new infantry regiment; ow being will be made, and in a month the result ra : organized in: the Saskatoon Judicial dis and setting, 1] choull be made known to the city "Did she ever throw anything at you | trict. Mr Davidson is also an officer i ~ | before?" ; ':, in the 95th Saskatoon Rifles. He is a "Yes. he threw. some stuff at me, out | son of the late B. Davidson, and lived in of a can, one Sunday night, when 1 {the city up to about five years ago, w hen was coming from church." | he left for thé West. He was in-the "Do yousd@w of anything that would | jaw office of Smythe, King and Smythe lead her to have bad feelings against! for. some years. Mrs. Frederick Van you?" | order, Nelson street, is a sister. "No, | do not."< : : = A "Did you eyef taunt her = on the | t GENTRA : : The value in ¢ street 2" | | This in the time of the year the Sports| i fed watch er F i MEANS OF SMUGGLING "No, I did not." ' YEAR I TH CRORE ARCA) rta, These are only a few we mention out of a ed large stock. O Hosiery and | Underwear | Whatever you need in - the § way of Hosiery and Underwear, § you can count on finding here, § marked in accordance with our J well known policy of lowe council. Before, the council can order treet paving oh the local improvement plan without = consulting the property | owners, a three-fourth vote in favor 1s and in 12 sizes. Thin model lf | required. Last year the vote was 15 te for pocket wear { 6: whereas seventeen: votes were re, Bl | quired to carry the project ¢ | in 'small size, -for | ® either pocket or wrist wear, § RCS RRA RCO RORCHOROC EO EMM ML CROREH CRO HO CO) fonn delights 26 i ) 7 A elights in getting in the Country "Were any remarks passed about her with Dog and Gun. For your needs we can : o¥ furnish Ag ith ih ue Depts ® og, | {B Si child or her past history! | FRANK STARK SENTENCED [ahd tor a good days aport 'with awe If CHINAMEN FROM KINGS-| 'No, sir . .. 4 | y.1 hor' W. , O. SC 'RED "You want the magistrate to believe | FOR ROBBING MATE. "ARROW SHEETS Sheets from TON DI "OVER - that this woman threw it on you with- | ao-- 60c Box up, Guaranteed. COCOONS CR n LROR ORG ORONO RCRA RORORCADROEOSRCR - mt reason, and that'you did nothing to! y ; Detectives Found Out the Methods [give her cause? , | Records at Toronto Showed Four- | teen Convictions Against the Tt might have heen jealousy or spite, Employed---Gasoline Yacht : IH Sit ra tate : > ' ip oY : .aid Willis. Witness stated further, Ja! Prisoner--These Had 211 Be « \v t | . I | W § ' % 0) ofl 20 (i Used-- Horseshoe Island Watch: | y¢ had been told that he wi jqffocke | . . A, Mitchell S Hardware . upon 3 the father of the child. "1 he | Registered Since the Year 'ed. : \ccitsed had not told him about this 1892. Kingston TT 3 prepa all. United States 'detectives, who wert al hehe : otal a y 8 on. DZD OHO? HOROZ . Witness said the accused had" told | Frank Stark, who was found gutlty of prices. We can only single o few items to mention here owing: to limited here in regard to smuggling of Chinese | p00 ché was married, and that since' % from Keiugston into New York State { 40 time, he had had no conversation rolisig ae Foo! sate, 3 well knewh discovered a few. things. They found ks Women's Cashm re 1 Ly ; ith her. He had: never tried to make | Po . a 2. . that there have been agericies of Chin thin y unpleasant for her, and' con l-'waek, and temanded for sentence, Wat * se smuggl here, but to definitely lo 8 Pp this morning, sentenced by Magistrate | J oC in S cal thors ele {is another thing, al sidered that he; had always treated her Farrell, to ohe year: in the Central Pris- cate 105€ * sd { £4 : hh ' oi : right. . though the detectives have secured some Astor > : . Cds on ; i J : : orge Publow, clerk in Hoag s drug | foly i Git ; - y . information" as to 'the daring smuggler doe entified Mes, Taylor, as the wor | pt will be remembered, that the citi ' Special values at 23¢ pair, Our Extra at It came tq the eafs of the United} ) h huis. at the 2&0. arose éarly in the morning, when HY - QT. . State ie Patioh aathorities that; dhe man who had made a purchase. a th he. missed: his wad of $80, gold watch : »85¢c or 3 pairs for $1.00. - store Saturday. night. He had served ; : ar A : ; smuggling of Chinamen. was effected her. with le carpolic.. He filled a and, chain, grid hin pi Dovified | H The Elite a very Fine Cashmere Stocking by a small gasoline yacht; with, fishing ee com 3a obit re vith | the police, and (ons ables Bateson anc . a and camping outfit, running from. Kings reserve jan. Rich, She OE eho Naylon succeeded in getting Stark on Y at 60c, and many others at ade, 39¢, 4He, ton to Horse Shoe Asignd or, thereabouts | £0 Ct fare, but the jar was labelled board the steamer -Americd, just before | BW 63¢ and up. af night' They also cdcried an acetylene | sta rholie-2eid poison * 'It' was usual to the yessel was about to leave for Cape searchlight, and responded to SIENA TS crcl: latae intities, as it was used ¢ : ; searchlight, and sesponded. to, analy ol uch lage quanti, 30 738 5 mates cating, and fad the rach and Cape Vincent and Sackett's Harbor. It lat told witness. that" her mother used chain and all -the missing money, with " 3 * z : 2 \ \ is 'also understood that Celestials: were | "yo of it around the house. Fhe jar the ¢xception of 50 cents which he told ! 9 : fanded from Kingstow below Cape Vin: had, no cover, and witness covered "up the court, afterwards, he had spent. i ; aS mere cent at night, and travelled in a carriage a DO Cixi : 1 [The mdgistrate remanded him, mm] "8& , infand. and took train for Watertown, the, jar Aeiare ging ", Ld Ted and as order To secure" some information ds fo} @ : TN hy : : A' short time ago Chinamen who... 0 Hy (ry on She field her his career, and the information that he | $ s . . had been smuggled «from Kingston Drikeht-cyedh baby in her arms | secured, proved to be very bad news for} OC in S 9 od" the prisoner. . were caught in ~ Watertown. Horse Wi ked' how. her convetsation ; 2 5 Shoe Island and the o. ave: being | | a ASK j ail: . Ajecord the court had received from | 3 ' . "rly sue 1 and and the gaps a with Willis started," she said: Toronto showed. that since 1892, there| 8 Both plain or ribbed, in 3 weights; and all watered, and informants will report "Tt sat Willis 3 : bi hat sing . . ' t anything suspicious they see up there. |, fin di Toh arbi Don't had been fourteen convictions registered sizes in each make. Some have double Theres 'wood mney. in SORELEY vou shink'thal mo mother Jus kept me against him, the majorly of and| knees, toes and heels, others extra splie- ' ' and your baby long eneugh. Il you oop. for attempted assault and rob- ed toes and heels. 20c 25¢, 33c, 35¢, > : paki advance, Jnformants. ain gle don't "do something for me. 1 will do anos er. ot . : a i Le deomey "for toe lead something fot you Je said: You nm "1 will sentence you to one year in 39¢ up, according to size. . ent paving Ii i "y. zo ahead, and see what.you can do ~ i SOR "? y i p Cd c les- | tin ruin : : eo Céntra s aid the magistrate a ing to the capture of smuggled Cele " a life. and 1 meant fo the Céntral prison," said nag He ruined my life. without any comment, and Stark was § tials. * . " tk Ww Y : : cuin his," added Mrs. Taylor. When . = Kingston is the choice of places for | he told me to see what 1 could do, 1 led away.by a constable, y : * 3 ® ~ \ smuggling. It is the shortest Yisiamet aid 'take that, and threw the acid at tee 1 ) of { S : rT : apn : of aay Canadian port from New York| phim." . ; 1 b op y ; Over 1,000 to select-irom. A nly. apout 415 miles, Be | "AViwess said her baby was' one year COMMITTED FOR TRIAL. i ) 4 Kvery onc guaranteed new sides. the New York shore in this dis 1 ty nonths old. The baby Was ki - U d 4 this Si "0 es trict is not parofled as-it is further dow Ene a hy after she Watricd: 3 Citizen Up on Serious Charge n erwear 15 season, the line, and landings arc more easily | Mr. Taylor : i To-Day . oo rl . . sffected. of { not Taylor." said the wit "A carpenter was placed under at ' > nd ' o Your pat ticular size can : The detectives enquired into a story 3 dd not The a . he my rest Tuesday by Constable James And Women 8 Knitted { nder- be made in any style in any that four Chinamen were Sg led from own name, and that of my mother." _ Bateson, charged with committing " 2 wear, in all styles and qualities, . J of 0! here last week, but were unable to finc Continuing het story, witness said that indecent assault upon a ten year © d 0. o : via : 3 desired cloth. : out whether there was anything in at or wien she i go down the street with girl." The assault ds alleged to have| -§ natural on white, Plain or ribbed, ~ >2 I Hot {hey were impressed by he fact | her baby; Willis would: laugh and Jeez been committed on Sept. 6th, at the Vests, Drawers apd Combinations. Prices x 5 that there are an unusua vy large hum at her She denied the statement made accused's home. ci 1 11 Ur rv $15.00, $18.00,$20.00, B|\' 1CL00 in Kingston at present | 5, "Wittis" that he had just nodded to. The evudence of the Tittle irl and See our Spe AW al * der vests $22.50, $25.00, $30.00, Yestesday, four Chinamen were along | yer. when he passed her on the street. two compahions was taken and after and Drawers or omen at 25¢ . the harbor front and it was thought they | "At the time baby was born." sad the wards the accused was committed for i $35.00, $37.50. were awaiting to be taken over as their | Witness, "I asked Willis what he would (rial. : | actions were Suspicions. do." A PLEASURE 10 SHOW OUR 6000S A, woman detective from New York.| On oné occasion, witness said {he | Was Given A Warning. , has heen herp in regard to Japanese | hrew, same rotten eggs on Willis. She| rai : . . y o 3 2 onstable Aruniel, acting for the Hu { . J smuggling. It has been found that sev} did this because of remarks, he had ire society = was ha upon to in- ~ v =r ee a -- Vincent. Stark 'was. wearing his room Es i ~~ aud -- ee wiwlnl CREE RC CROROROHCHD) REE » a ah | eral Japs got across from Kingston noticed about her. ' } cont 3 . long ago, and the source of their trans-|F This concluded the evidence and Mr vestigute a, complains Shout og, lost . ; dee) port was sought. oo cial Rigney told 'the court that he did not J iat. J «bald res Novelt Suitin S and Dress Goods * The United -States customs 9 icials | want the accused puriished, but he did WETS id there be any more ~ com- y 4 g are making a determined effort to lessen | want his client to be rid of the woman. © "Tho finest collection in Ki fhe Shaping of goods tom Kingston | Wikis was afraid that she wold do im, PEE 'i \ ) NC , rig « QP oth. countries 5 S. «| ha ' e fine st collec tion in Kingston at sur Both, countriet Mit task. During the ha he Lupport tlie child," asked the R.M.C. Aquatic Sports. prisingly low prices. Only one to each pagi, sugimer, Kingston was, closely | magistrate. : The aquatic sports will take placa} Sa >t . v ; watched by United 'States officials, and Mr. Rigney said "no" to this ques- at the Royel Military College on Sa- design. Prices $3.50, $5.00 to $15.00 each. several wealthy people who resided | tion. "He claims the child is not his, turday afterneon, and the 'preliniinary : * . among the 1 housing Islands hin held and he will not cuppoft it," he said. [heats will come off 'to-mbrrov. ay nk up, but 'paid the duty 'demande Mr. . Nickle said that Mrs. Taylor's | TL p------------ Does rit y r One woman had to pay $225 duty ow conduct, so far'as the throwing of the | Number One Bar it Pests. : goods bought in Kingston, and secreted | oid was concerned, was wrong. Stch| Wholesale and retail. Edwarde and Doesn't i on her. person. But - that won't stop} conduct as this could not be tolerated. | jonkin. 'Phone 775. dt a Vo them buying in Kingston "However, tiost people would fight when | J ' Vere Bat Cravt 4 driven into a corner, and he Sonsidgred 'he Very Best Crawlord s that Mrs. Taylor had been driven into]. qo ; of y Seventy-five conts' will buy our best 4 corner, and, alm, struck while iin the Michigan Lential railway double tube * Pen- k peaches, others: as low as forty cents, | corner The. evidence would substanti- tunne ne er the EO rh Mths 1 this week at Carnovsky's, ate this y stink Friday afternoon. is 'fina! sec al tion was only sixty-seven feet in . J Angle : - : sr enim irme " > 4 time Undérwes ; : All 1 can do at the present UmE fr.qp "he e For Children, Voi. has pri wl : _ Bartlett pears. Fdwdrds and Jonkin. | said the magistrate, "is 10 commit the length. te Jotal length under the : 4 war a Ww. S. Bruce, the Arctic explorer, isjacc used for trial, on a charge of aggra- SolVustor ; as varm feel back at Edinburgh, -pleased with' his vated assault," and the case closed At Almonte, Ont. Sylvester ul AEA AA A A A AN Nl NNN PRR ERORCECRCRCEORERNOPS We are Agents for these Celebrated 2 The. eleventh and last, section of the 'Goods. 1 ) . ihe . . ohh 4 success and scientific knowledge ; He Te accused was allowed out on her Hen, ie Rosumond Wook i = = =p d | > Mar . found important coal deposits which he | own bail : ; Ee is i on ) ba ¢ : ] . Made for men, Wo- thinks can be worked at a profit en a Tunaway and his jaw was Tracturec ; . ws f The Only Slater men and little folks, Mrs Rebecca Zizel Mandelbawn jump On Suspended Sentence and Pe head padiy i io ot ral : Ahi i 3 h in. a variety of styles, ed overboard from steamer. Ryndam [he JdTaylor-Willis ease was heard by | Re rhe "ig : ang J - H i : \ Ln is rts: 08 Men fabrics wnd. prices. from Rotterdam, and. . was owned) Judge Price in chambers Wednesday of- Le 7 hs Saturday ast, Rav. i 1 ; while. coming from her hame in' Lotz, | ternoon at two o'clock, both. sides bemig {Spacling - united in marnago Chazles |, \ Russia, to join her husband in Chicago. | anxious to have the matter settled. Mrs Hogan, son of Nr and : Mrs oe g : . $ : Enipty beer barrels are being used to| Taylo again pleaded guilty, but claimed Jamee Hogan, to Miss Ellen Corneil, : \ a = ) : Trade mark. - on . : 4 . snppoft the floating bridge which joins! cause ro her action. Judge Price said daughter of M= and Mrs. James Cor - oo AE "a . In W hite and We authorize svery dealerin Pen-Angle the two towns of Smyth and Elk Lake. | he would allow her to go on suspended nell, both of Brockville. + f - RR every pair. New fall 2 Underwear to replace, at cur cost, any: in, New Ontario | €entence, but if she annoyed Willis any David Livingston Mackay is asking, | ° . 3 stock all here. : N: t a | Color. gument faylty wn materia! or making "vid proposed in Sweden to abolish more. she would be arrested and he Jr Ww. Hanna, ok Windsor, Ont.,- to By g : ; Re atura EN : » all order of rank and. grades of 'pre-| would sentence her to a long term. If fight deportation from . the United 4 = A ; ' ; REE cedence exon! in army ged nayy ill Willis did anything to annoy her, she lites. : i f roi { HE = a ) ay We will be pleas- ! "hone x of tin box of. seidli as to lreport 1t-1¢ ; +c | * Remember the concer ' oom: dQ 7 ! : Phone r a wdlitz | was tolreport it-to the pioper authoritie oncert and bean con-| 4 . ed to show them. powders. Gibson's Red Cross drug]at once, and not to act as che had done [test in the Orange hall on Wednesday . * store. Prompt delivery. i on, Satyrday evenings -- .. |evening, Sept: 15th. - a re 2 orm ag Jae 1. P. Morgan. jr. has been elected a ~ gia eee ' The reconstruction of thé Ontario 4 # . . l o hn director of the National City Bahk, New| ~ H. Cunningham, 'piano, tuner /from |pa' Yament buildings will commence at THE LOCKETT . SHOE pe ST E i 4 e - York Chickering's. leave osders - at once. ~% p : x 3A : ig $i Windsor, Ont.; is p¥petiencing a hig | Anlev's Hook Stora. William Swaine, piano turer, Orders py wry pi " . 5 building boom, . Barthel pears Filwnr te anil Tonkin. "received at MeA they 's. 'Phone 779 CIPISIINIIITEEITIL INS 0 ser OPe vy 1000082 soe - - r | g55 og v.