all Opening ™® + so a i oe ENTS TELL US. (BRAND. X_GPERRXHOUSE ) The most compre - R 1 il OPENING hensive stock of Shoes Oya The Tidings From Vasious Pointy FHURSDAY, Sept. 9th CONDENSED ADVERTISING ever put on oxhibition Shoes in -- Eastern Ontario--What ; P . iv the '¢it vin now read : People Are Doing And What! Morro: flo Yeeidetion . TES sCity Is now reaay for They Are Saying. Tok RA for. your inspection. ' atone i f Pirwt Supartion. 1 rd. Bach cobs All 'the new creations Women Walnut Grove, Items Brat lumeftian J = wa i . Dainty. Boots for Fil Grove, Sept. T.-M. Buck i MBL. secutive luseMion thereafter hall cent nm Dainty Boots 1or ia | itifiee his brother, A. Buck. Mr. an cen; : trical effects, original soe y a word. Minimum charge for one fn- wear, / 106W ian dusky cteations et aa ve R My Henry Venton, visited her sis 5 : 3 ar : BU vife I. bo url XL i iL bY. creations for ven and Mis. DD ina. on Sunday. ( lift ni Ww on sal sertion, 25¢.; three insertions, SOc nen o i ¢ and digerinination! Sharp, met with a painful seeident, | six, $1; one month $3. er ------------a : a as i y this foot one yv ias weed - a SE pei A ETA BTL Yn TR ey wr on TENT TREC Ne a number from this the vevival at the " vel : n Wednesday night P nt - X - os 3 } : Gi Reid & Charles. Glerdower Items. TO-DAY an TIRSDAY, eho rh dipper. : Are the "Horn of Plenty" -- ences Supt. Goatle isess SPLENDID PICTURES BA ns Heat the magic medium that tiful Farmers have got thet " ------ mar ireested. Threshing has com 4' GYPSY HORSETHIEY, A CHAMBERMAID, AT transforms your desires in ; el. Schyel opened again, | Hof ool by % of 2 Timieal band), ul the ~AVumimare 1 into realities. They do it . s w this, vicinity. 1 toa FEE BORD, Ha MUSE Bl quickly and surely. Let i Hon i col his "job or 1 I S ( wick, Pert eed : gt oo ky rent, er _ your want be made known teed. Quite a number i The tor y ' a Bak _- toman Uatholie pier reside fon. Army Lass JENERAL 'VANT. NO WASH- Romau Luthobs pi reside ind A GENERAL SERVA 9 Yas in the Whig's 'Want Column nT ford. Ia % 3 and « [This is 1 wdy-Drama. ing. Apply in the evenihg, at 36 We Save You Sometiing On Reryling You Boy Poke stuniahier ac | dn 0. Banker Sway | abe Reb and they'll soon be met. Here a a few of the mq ba ga 2s: on sale during week ford of on 1 V wy} a : RIT "HE N : WOMAN, FOR HOTEL E 4 at McINT OSH' S, ie many bargains e: . i oak. A t Sands ) oy Io, ase Sale Farin. we . fess. Th . Try A day. # 4 ork Si., FRIDAY, t. 1uth, 10 ee -- w 25¢. Ladies' Heavy Underwedr for 19c. . . oH . Kot} i 7 r ae a : a.m a AN EXPERIENCED LADY CLERK d Lamp, Blak nee to the "College Bool ook 50¢, ,* i + ha . ' : V n an 75¢ i " " "w 3Be us 5 eher righ ano ar amp, Black : v - - - . ae z ---- : Lin t Furniture, Centre ore," Pripeess sireet. ¢ bles, Rockers, Morris Chair, Writing FOR SALE. & Yirls' Se 1 ' Spec . aire. tor 8 Boys and Girls Se hool Fos . Special 2 pai 1 : pairing Steeo Bridg a Moerls (Chait, Wei - - wpe andYerchiels, pus t 3 lor : v x "3 . i ac : deboatd. By Bt . IMMEDIATELY, A GOOD GENERAL - g School Seribblers, On Sale, 6 for be. : they] ITE . servant. References required. Apply 8 ARDELLE ELDER, A. C. C. M., | PAMA( nD WHEAT. 25c. A BAG, ATR be a ; 1 for 4 5 Lacha v's threshing m ines | Led ani mg a ps hes to Mrs, Macgillivary, 119 Earl St "(associate of Camadian Conservatory Foot of Princess street, ¢ ' < 1 . are i pee in this vicinity hie x gn . 5 5 rina of Music). Pupil of Prof. H. Puddi- . : "@ " 3 for be. wi . a fill forca work: 1 » A hea » ¥ ST CLASS HOUSEMAID AND combe, Ottawa, Leceives pupils at iCHEAP, A GOOD SPRING WAGGON re . : x Fatt : 4s nH War cook. Must bring references Apply 207 William St. Terms on applica- and harness. Apply to 170 Nélson Soap Special, He. Tar 1 t+ Soap, 3 for 10c 3 : : ' ADDY #ht Range . ; Miss Kent, Superintendént Y.W.C.A tion, street, city : ola pinl. . 450 > ' a a A 31 ont of « tie 1 Stove AWE Wer and . es Tg etme mm eienios eeShg cmei - - ee ------R---------- Bugsy) wih B ew I : ; y I g A FIRST-CLASS CLERK TO TAKE|MISS MAY P. HINCKLEY, 183 UNI- SEVEN SOLID WALNUT LEATHER rystal ash Boards, 35¢ it rice, 2 : & } i "La . 1 a wiry, Saddle 3 i i pe of retail confectionery store versity Ave., having taken scholar- chairs, two with arms. A rare Galvanized Wash Boards, 25¢ Our' Price : . out 1. Boul ew Sas! ydder and Apply to R: H. Toye, 195 Ontario ship, and passing examinations with chance, at Turk's, 'Phone, TOS: #0 A ' id ) ntrea . STOUS the ar i street first-class honors, wijl take pupils i ---- in piano and vocal$--preparing for Dou BLE HARDWOOD MANTLE PED Weel am wean pa ai : dy : condit . { H E FAI R ' to Ih ton Saturday Av contain nine 1 1S, ' closet r IRST-CLASS MAKER FOR THE Phone, 928 examinations. and spring, in good condition. Price Lube expla i de Weil » wl : iner fepart ment 5 at once AL Aone, Want a reasonable, at 63 William street. T Gh 3 3 a a . se Lo x "0 ern epic rt Sm meg ' ) ¥ } i 2. i ~ r ontains 66x132 foot, on York ; ' aes a HERBERT €. TRENEER, AT.CM. 1|7wo RURBNER TIRE RUNABOUTS, IN iC Nt O&ST oS. I a ; Es oe Se . at 12 ns - shall be pleased to acfept pupils for good condition, second-hand, cheap, -- eh dn -- sell jad Elias inte bpm SE ERE OTE, 25 ERAT SER IMALL FAMILY piano and "theory. Most improved James Laturney, Carriage Moker, 390 " -- . s we Yetorencos. Ti . Aupiy in the methods used. Also open for all Princess pet. classical concert engagements. Apply - . i Nigtgor, PERCY JE NE , wh - AUCTION SALE OF FURNTIRE rn © Uton, 108] a Cmetit ae" (oNE WALNUT | MESON Tstat: HOY 10 SSIST, IN MAILING DE-} = -------------------- al cost, $50. Wil " a for 15. | HR. Chas. Bell, 171§ Wellington St, SEAR HI AN FFA AFA AAA) Picton, Soy ert wl eI ILING © n N 1 mrtment, oO Monda und nursdia : u ormg nit THRSAY, SEPT. on", 10 AM.. | ey any antutiny afternoons, ORGAN, ' PIANO, VOCAL, JAMES Kingston. derstands cooking. Apply between enrolled. Local representatjve of the Ly : London, (lng) College of © Music Swain oo oem atte rain. A A rice -- morning 5h Small, Professor of Music, (organist iat ------------ 100 DOOTS. Hits baad stunt = iat ; - dive hd he SOR be Oli App Whi office : > and choirmaster. of Sydenham St, >" Ak . ™E NTY-THREE FOOT MQTOR BOAT, Methodist Church.) Resumes teaching beam 5 / feet 10 inches, ' six. horse A A 7 AAA AANA 3 Nilliaanson ' ' 5 ee : : LW . Oy IMMEDIATELY, COMPETENT COOK FRY GENERAL #SERVANRT, ONE WHO 71 N Monday, Sept, 6ih, Pupils now being power, (Gray motor. Gnmmeity 1 HH fe Referentes required BOYS' STRONG SCHOOL BOOTS, YH Chenier Mrs. 4 neelish, | Suis tresses, Thus enbes required. Sizes 1 to 5. / : : Phan : ' { | Range and Hea 'riicess and King St $1.25, 1.50, 1.75 and 2.00. GIRLS' SCHOOL BOOTS, 11 to 2. $1.25, 1.50 and "1.75. ~Alsa. [ner grades auch as *ENVICTUS™ for Boys. : THE SAWYER SHOE STORE SERRE EE EE He ARCHITECTS LEARN THE BARBER TRADE, NEW nnn . ystem, stant practice, ¢arsful in- | ARTHUR ELLIS AROHITEOT | DWELLINGS, FURNISHED AND UN« w geeks com plete éourse office and residence, 151 University furnished, Btores, Stor for Furnis ture, etc. McOann's, ock, Oory iraduates earn twelve tc dollars weekly Write for ee King street. Moler Barber College 4 -- and Spadina, Toronto HENRY P: SMITH, ARCHITECT, py RX]SHED HOUSE, WITH MODERN etc., Anchor sh hang, Marke improvements, near Queen's Univers MEN « AND WOMIIN IN Square. "Phone, a. . sity. For further particulars, apply Town to sell the celebrated M-------------------- A ------ to 157 Allred street. ¥ V HEINEY A Maberiy Deaths a3 = Hand} f whe VOTERS" CIst, 1908. soot seranis pon Ser Dib, 200" Higor sires. = NF-SepArate. purposes, al . ONE FRONT AND ONE REAR ROOMI "Can -be-enlarged - 10-10 ia TT Qilies,. 268 _Lagot sv at 346 King Pree Gon ally 1 as s 3 5 g ed: table for ¥ LRT 1s you go along. Wr Suid and particulars of other Forrest, Gents' Furnisber N No Frys tlh ry 1 HOPI Municipality of the Township of sient articles. th A Dizinond & nt itchell hon ector, visited o > MM acturers, 35 es oh } i I , : : i : . ! Wolfe Island, County of Fron- a1 8t., New LY ren chayt's Rank Building, eorner Brock | STORAGE, FOR FURNITURE, CLEAN ig school on Lhurse naar ine ) t mre | and' Wellington streets. 'Phone, 213. dry airy rooms, absolutely = moth v x A i o enac. | probf, gous sors lock and RAY: wxeursl i A ; Ho BEN Ti ot TE ome mem-- rost's Cit Sorage, 209 Queen Sty Xe 4 Hay, Ames 1S HEREBY GIVE THAT . WANTED--GENERAL. "Phone, 5260. bel ren ton ect ic { 8 ¢ ' 1S c a E D RESTAURANTS. ag ; Montreal ' » nta oter . the copies 1 1 TOMER 3 FoR BE: ST MILE. pnp{ HOTELS AN LARGE STONRP BUILDING, ON _ ON [ An old mw espected' citizen in e | quis h sec e 50 1 First a Be nc hrainer, & dé er Depot. |. p------------------------------- taro street, known as Ontarip Hotel, [person of i : sed an : d r delivered, of t made Ha a yh py. i IB HOTEL RESTAU RANT NOW suitable for boarding house, App ; tied A Rn non Ho rice A Ta Carte, open day, to D. J. Milan, COor. Ontarle and . epee i. 4 > J a LER BRET ¢ W y orn - au ' ¢ 8 4 . x t \ sessment | THREF COMFORTABLI ROOMS and night. Up-to-Date service, at Princess Sts. * 5 - 5 ' A ® 3 > | | CERRAgr PTS | | + Hy Had { ¢ Satie nici ty oe bean il rd, one I my i wi Pale Dre popular prices. Private dining room. | == r------ rele i at ) en wit pected. The fu ed i" ' gy! nicinalit ' » i hig office. | Entrance on King street, next 10 419 JONNSOSY ST... UNFURKISHED Synopsis of Canadian North-West | eral wi riday w | y ¥ the Logis oy : m-- ' (iibson's Drug Store. Con. Haag, or partly furnished to desirable ten= | | 8 { > A 5S d pa 'HE OPPORTUNITY TO FURNISH Prop. . nant, four bedrooms and bathroom & a & 3. vice w cond , \ wi ' : t . C Land Regulations i ' ' he d ¥ T estimates on electric work. All kinds parlor. dining room and kitchen, hot ANY. person. whe is ihe sole head ofa | Birch, -- i a - water heating and gas. familly, or wny aly Gver 18 years oll, ss ESS POW R & SONS, ARCHITECTS. MER. HK * oH AEE HH My=--Robinsen ER iA posted up. in cle 3. OQ fo | of work promptly done. F. J. Electiriel "208 Wellington street: rf as Po s a Bo OT NEW : : Be ; FOR SALE. OR TO LET. B17 WIELIAM ST COR BARRIE NEW AER PATTER TT bee SPREE ere AMONEY or opr Weprbirhon 55 Sa a ph A } 3 raed L Le Go¥ P 8 Byron 1 HOT T Q HITD- | -- ---- in" good Fepair; heated by Bot FUNDED the rect SEEatted AE } ot PIERS, WIA TR FONT Saw Rr re er. All modern hpprovementa. such thit § dr i { - . mod ro i v ments, for a term © INI _FINE 1] TON To Salhi ad le AE Aol en Cn ' eg inking Ma will rent part of a house, residence, 55 George street, contain- W: Nesbitt, 387 Johnson street. unfurnished, with § jng 12 rooms. Apply on the premises 138 hig for particulars. Herrrrrer frther---tichard Du fiee---3hey ee mtd caflt must appear in person at the Do-| minion Lands Agency or Sub-Agency lor : the district. Entry by proxy may be ' ition " i \ i . . \ 1 made at uny agency, on certain condi 0 me t Qe me rb iheriy, were w in the na I pid Pra B tions, by father" mothdr, son, daughter, | } all ri ot d oti orts. at «Pe " ' i oy GAT Pply ox : wr it tending ome: » Cons Ce or your memor i \ id x DiukliSh ur Sir ©! nro ing Wome will auld 10 your woes with ei ; . : ee FINANCE AND INSURANCE, Duties. --Six months' residence upon | SV 1 GENTLEMEN TO BRING THEIR | PERSONALS. - end cultivation of the land in each of} cloth and have it made up into up-| _ three years. A howesteader "may live within. nine miles of his homestead on a | fara of at least BO acres solely owned 1 1 shan ee . , . . ' 0 * ote x ' . o aan a o warts, etc. removed permanent ---- and occupied by him or by his father, cine 15 bay. for and . : ¥ President Central Busi notice. Thomas Gallowiy, 151 Prock|. . Warth, eto. fomcy yor ently | COR INSIIRANCE THAT INSURES, muther, son, daughter, brother or sis . e (Give Secretly HER aller co trisds Tare Inst veo iia, ! i , nex ibby's Livery Mibout Bo er I Lake, Ey Far® £ to Godwin's Insurance Emporium, *h certafn districts a homesteader In| iran-ee in Linen Hox Wiel ha ote 1 'hp : i tor ar rg TT rr 2 | Nose, Throat pind Skin, Blemisk 18 7ket Square, Kingston, Telephone, rite r ' a . tek re AS1 ie. WOLA Specialist, 258 Bagot street. . good standing may preempt a quarter I {RINT Book ipt ' y Wt sh 3 . «} . na 3 . . section alongside his homestead. Price, | sited. in plain sealed envelope) to no » ntenac 1 SITUATIONS WANTED. : = $31.00 per acre; Dities--~Must reside wii NE CO. 967° ( CRIN 1areing helps | ust, hnishe ti ne ol e i for the hi GB IN JURANC B_AL STANDARD RATES, six months in euch of six years from ashington D.C, OR} INE is sold © . yf oO ment k =. 1 SN 2 & f it Mintos COMPETENT LADY WILL TAKE . ®, cident and sickness poil« date. of homestead entry (including the | | leading druggists eve ywhere s Is 3 NirtE ha } : re er i invalid and make her »* OSTEOPATHY. cles, in first-class companies. T. i vite Y oung generally 1. Apply Box. G.. gl -- Boon, Agent, 159 'Wellington street. time required to earn homestead patent) | Speci 1] Apent : wees---- 5 sidety Fads 3 4 or A ApLH pag pe ir x oO Mig { y ROBY RT GARSIDE ASHCRO¥T, D.O., --- Edna Karle Ashcraft, D.O., gradu- | GEO, A. BATEMAN, AGENT FOR THE and cultivate fifty acres extra | WwW. MAHO( I ) A homesteader "who has @xhansted his | ' XD," Cor. Bagot and of da wes and") ted this School, 'ane -- remem homestead right and cannot, obtain 0 Princess Sts. o1 oil an ley ne 3 fv far a " Rice . ates of the American School of | Pacific Coast Fire Ins. Coy., members preemption may take a purchased home fat ' Y y LOST. ! Osteopathy Kirksville, Missouri, 405 of the board of underwriters. ¢ The : i Ir Se i ¢ l : 1 and hen t - | Princess street. 'Phone, 347, Otlice Romouski, Established 1876, The _--e S------------------------------------------ hours, 9 to 12 am. 2 to ¢ p.m York and' Eeonomical Mutuals, 87 stead in certain districts. Price § h per acre, Duties--Must reside six wonths | * atiernoot rot he ' \ o « | est of health | i i ce y ADY'S BLACK . LEATHER HAND-| | Quiside appointments Olarence St.. Kingston. 'Phone, 396. fn each of three years, cultivate fifty . » 5 . { acres end erect a _bouse Wok 300.00 | ook's ~wutionl Root Compouna ledo. is the uu FM y > table pls urse, wee n 1 icket ai © fond Cape] ; ! : 5 i . Fa ' ih + SECU a titable place itJ tontaining $5 gol iece, $3 | m---- VERP : sar rf doo Mieade csp ; . ) great spare = a Y He } placed thousands \ other small change. Reward L1 ERE 30L. LONDON LAND Gron@ NB --Unauthorized = pubrie Fone | : VOTE ER ey PR CE Ry 0 AEP AT OE ss ne SR 4 0 ol urn jo Whiz SIs. DENTAL. assets $41,187,215. "In addition to advertisement will not be paid for 4 1 ) 2 i ort i wat ora : 4 Ms reg +l = ag mg i ---- h the y i at i u dagen | it far better than for same ye 'place YOU ater any JENTLEMAN'S GOLD RING, RUBY ; ey ha pollcpholdes have lor Sr %o. I 3 - 3 : : rime, Call 08 MAN SOL RN i apATIIES. AND SPARKS, DENTISTS Soeur Ly EE ay To - St in Cit Park, or Prin- 2304 Princess St, Kingston. {Phone propert, tnsured at lowest possib 0. B. KIRKPATRICK, FIRE, MARINE and Motor Insurance, 42 to-date suits. Price and workman- Bt., Kingston. 'Phone, 568. ship guaranteed to please, Pressing | 4 - and repairing done a the shrrtest | JAIR, MOLES, BIRTHMARKS Finder warded by. Kindly} B46. . rates. Hefore repewing old or giving For r Pickling | rh 3 | Catoe i hen imer rote ps cei Brieoias rl | : 1 if ) ¢ + 1 are milk and : wes AH B returning to 109 Stuaet street SF m--_ ------ sew business get rates from Stran 1 bh ap Aet. i . good tries \ . : t gue. cre ). 0: NASH, D TiST; DR. M & Strange, Agents. "Phone, 825, go Ro Gibson, assistant, 183 Princess ; ? CARPENTERS AND BUILDERS. rect. "Phone, 785. "LEGAL. We can supj you with str | \ - hie happ ; PE | 4 IRT: © - 3 2 Clarendon Tidings DROP A CARD TO CHAS. W KFTTAR TW. R. GLOVER, DE NTIST, D.D.O. | P ure Spices A COLLEGE eRCOD LiihE TENDERS FOR PLUMBING. | "Fh A a ad Builder, 235 Diviston] Certificate; office ground floof, corner B: CUNNINGHAM, BARRISTER BELLEVILLE ! on ! { FENDERS WILT, BE RECEIVED RB Qt. Mor reasonable prices on all kinds King 'and Johnson Sts. oppesite St. and Solicitor. Law Office, 79 Olarence Over 300. Studehts Wd annually, 3 heavy ' on Sunday 1 ' 3 res ties) TE 4 IY of jobbing, a!' work dome promptly George's Catbedral. 'Phoue, 911. Hui, Kingston, } : 3 : a---- 2 Whole or ground, also Ture LT far | of whom ¢ young ladies. 26 & ' \ x t 3 r the or STUDENTS Mi M. Mahone Roche D. COUPER, | Sh ETE rn ab sr EE Hig ee NAAT mean Ney Cut Prices Dealer in Pure Ko Ire » oo Ser 8 ! : 0 I -------- 'Bhone, 70 Si1-5 Pringess © 3 : CORSery ' ' moar St. | 1b i A Harlowe Runaway PROMPT DELIVERY | 7 sity' courses are pr , vocal : i. § : ! : ; ph > i and instrumental ) » Harmo ister ove no tl peek LLarlon Sept, B.A few from here / . : , a > tend Hy ollie L < mit formerly of "oront Cand d= Creck and Cl "DIE {pdm fo " : ape? reall es Ini \mak 5 oa a rece To wi A One price to all. Swift's RISE OF THE wh : : awarded Fr eth +5 in ton und Workmansiup | Sua "eit for cn" west on hort || tle Scranton Coal is sold aii AR FON ICAL | Wel mier, of Lador : Starss | Z7th, weve RN hak \ EASY) b% 20pm I Gladys An Informing Sketch of Ameri loopy ah Al tory hil visit A : : Libr ' I ' " v I ood v } i pin ¥ 1 ¢ ¥ Jo ol ' a "We Guarantee can History, Valuable for I ies and Research, | will reopen Tuesday, Sent. 7, 190¢ ' y ria vaneh 1 3 ' POS ' | ath : T3510 dar add i I l : | t i bre very exeitn time was ex Every Load' morning when "By VISCOUNT DF. FRONSAC, [ral byer. Ii > few . 2 : : | : t ca olt Price, 50¢ £ 1 i = P4442 4030404400044 4014 : ' n Wolfs ated Awan 5 the waceon, | Fulu spent Friday last at Mrs. 7 M Jord al do en Erde lat a Nee 7. Wp 'Murray Auctioneer Address ritish Wh Kingston ' 3 KINGSTON BUSINESS COLLEGE A morning glass of ihe | Septc 6 Wot | Phe pan across a field and jumped a | LEIP (S00 Top, TO INIED Re ra : ng fone and | wiariod up, te sul - hla Me 27 BROCK ST. aE he Mrs. S. Wheeler anid childpen recently 1 E . visitesl at 6G. Bradshaw W uch + Jighest Education at Lowest Cost CN ik rs mommy. FIT ' M nse 1 rt he call : A, Kale of Horses everv Saturday. OUR : DSTER BRAAD OF BACCO Bmoking aad 'hewing at forty-five sebhts a pound, is a god, tobacco Why | puy eighty-five vents Andrew Maclean Effer- Sait R | 1 St. ha e, | pra due to Gla w wr pre "MeConkey's, Huylér's," _ * Yaseen? : \ Brant 3 \ of vied vodkin at w=" and. *Phtterson's" high das The Officer On Duty. ; i Sy " | . 5 of 1 w fra a on § ' She was the fair wife of a banker, : 3 aw owt Sald in Kington a : . : : : . : ¢ Cachondal o at Ivanhoo. [son's Red Cross Drug Stare, Phone Who slept while her vacht 'was at an- pats you right for the rv with my clap a tho vg whole dav « on } ' oxy at wniain, (uo Mrs The breaking of Trout Lake dam, in She awoke in dismay ie ay. . . : i J vo ; i ne} Sil i im. spent w San Miguel River Valley, Colora Fo hear the mate say 1s Brad: ;. Tits cpused" damaptpptimated at NOW hoist® up the top sheet and little five hundeed thousand dollar spanker Mintaro street WAH LONG'S LAUNDRY REMOVED . | Frdm 73 Olarence Bt, to 158 Well tagton Bu, bet weer Hrook and Olareanc Hits. Best laundry in the city. Good ealied; for and delivered { ¢ ' writ raiation HH I Mi CALF i cipal HEEL RAE IE TY + S444 P4444 04 4, 3 + + + + + ¥ + 4 + + + 4 + + + + + f