/ THE Dany BRITISH wc, FRIDAY, AUGUST 27, 1909. -- er 1 [DOINGS IN § STAGELAND JR MANNERING WITH-| E FAIRIT LH We Save You Something On Everything You 3 Adabtet #ier Frarband,! Samos Hackett--Robert Mantel will Play Only Extended Engage- ments. The Shiberis have taken over the [ Winnipeg theatre, Winnipew. © 'The house was formerly devoted to stock. The play by Edward Peple, in which Carter will appear the ofning season has been "Vasta Herne! 14 is in four William Favewsham has purchaser P The rights to Stephen Philips' new {play now nearing completion, the stovy of whieh is said tobe laid in modern times, Mary Mammering has withdrawn her wait for divorce against James RK Hackett, No season ws as pened Tor | shin chango in: Mrs. Hag fats Treolings towards her hisband. Carrie Merrilees Woodward will x Mv thie roles of Mimi and Feathers lin "The Dawn of Tomorrow," when | Eleanor Robson's starring tour in the | Prneict play reopens. ¥#% | Mise Roth Mayclific Irom the -effats of | will be ready to begin@hor "Ihe Pathelor," when that takes to the road in September. "Nusl"? Waybuen, who staged "The Midhizht Sons" for [ew Fjelds, has been engaged by Mr. Fields to produce {Blanche Ring's new musical "the YankearGirl, by « Hobart | Hein. The | Rapley ON SALE FRIDAY AND SATURDAY Ladies' Wash Belts and Collars. Our regular- 25¢. lines, see clear, at 1bc. Fancy Cushion Tops. and 15c. Handkerchief Offer, regular 10c., for Se." Be ON SALE, Perfumed Face Powders, at 5c. Men's Fancy Ties, on sale, 356c, qualit Men's Working Shirts, 35c., 5Cc. and Ye. vie We are clearing a stock of Aluminum Enamel, 'Refined Paraffine for 10¢. Regular 50c, and 25c., on sale, for 25¢c. new Mrs. Fancy Colored Border, Silk. "Handkerchiefs, { acts. 10c., 15¢. and 2 for | for 25c: Best value in town. 25¢c. sizes, for | Preservis g: Mcintosh Bros., THE FAIR Manager, PERCY JESSE. tT es Great August Clearing; and Discount Sale Still Continues bas recovered tour with comely HANHHAI EK comely, aed A is io rehearsal with Holmes in the part of "Slim" | Hoover. The season opens in Boston | After touring New England the play will go south. aml to the Pacific coast William A Brady announces that season his star, Robert. Mantell, play only extended # lin tho larger Mr. Mantel will 3B | be seen in a reper toire oi Shakespcar- Roundup" 0 HH 3 HAH All our high-class Tan and Wine Oxfords, both for ladies and gentlemen ; Geo. A. Slater "Invictus," Bell's, Smardon's and Utz & Dunn make. Save money by get- ting a pair while we have your size. roorckwin in a new | been THE SAWYER SHOE STORE | i= ii Matisse from the ranks BINSIGIIIKITISHIOIN AAIAIOIIRIIIIIIICHION souk |" | i this | will cities. can plays. g Manager Brady star Nit $ Je by | has « George is to comedy long of the eastern cities. Weber and his company gpecial train thi I Mr. Weber has "pure hased for | | use of the latest patterns Pullman private ears, The tour stari {early 'in September. | Madame Schumann Heink will {her season with a song recital in the | Brooklyn Academy of Music Septem ber 20th, and begin a tour of United States and Canada that and should be roundly welecom Joe" will [travel by SOAS. il ono open will i repertoire of Leslie large heading account are different from any that Cowan's always give Housekeepers say that Cowan's Icings are , unifornvly satis factory. Eight delicious flavors --at your grocer's. THE COWAN CO. LIMITED, TORCNTO. last A 6th beer season, Hen to ap to School Days Approac are strongly centered on having who Goodwin a New And the Boys thoughts Suit, so as to appear as well dressed as his school fellows. You can By Getting His Outfit From Us because tour thi of Danie handle Mr. Hop {last until April 30th, 1910 pany, and she will have, and the original cast resumed its | on tour in, 'Havana' September | thought of getting her more elabhorgte John Drew last will su {young French girl to whom every | Pa Crossman, and in order | hearsed in the hot city for four day [prominent in {he support of Mrs. Les ly known for excellent work witl go on yoar under the managemont | On of her {plays this season, Mrs. jmasqulinie portion of her support, iJ. Rateliffe and Eugene Ormonde. J Ju the . Casino,~in New York, Monday. "eounter company' | Some wonderful' eostumes have made for Mrs. Leslie Cartef's. new pro | rowns from Paris, but Mrs. Carter {insisted upon materials home-made {with | ceed. herself in the same position thi | year leap year in George." {pear at a benefit for them a | Now York [and played oue performance of a one act play lie Carter this*eason, played charact cer parts with Nat C las stock companies in Washington ane Baltimore, V. Arthur, who has the affairs of Mari {will earry an unusually "Havana," with James { many duction of "Camille." There was some | Miss Mary Boland, leading womat | year, playing the part of Micheline, Poor babies always appeal {ago she came into and Alice Parks Butler, will be |vear. She has been well and popular De Wolf Hopuer wiil per will seer so ably Cahill. in new Sor he a of which a name work opera, fully not litwetto and .ompleted, but as yet hoe Chose for the 'A Gentleman From Mississippi" defied hot "weather Chicago. play of laughter and politics (but chiefly of laughter) cofftinues to draw in of the thermometer. Sure who is playing the title role, is a whose personality pervades all does. The play will bé seen in Kings {ton this year. { Charles Rann | Winterfeast" {lin during the coming [to be one of the first {made in a series of artistically [worthy | plays selected by Dr. [oa of the Berlin Court theatre. | | | | mii And at the same time have that glad feeling yourself, you have saved Ja dollar or two. Kennedy's "The play It season, ,note- WeHavePlaced On Sale . HE ENJOYS HIS MEALS NOW For He Keeps a "Little Digester' Hand Me-Glassco, of Toronto, wrote us on May 13th last: Tag CoLEmMAN MepiciNg Co, 509 Church St., Toronto. Dear Sirs,-- | I wish you would send me atother | box of your 'Little Digesters™. All the members of my family have been using them and bave obtained the most satis- factory results. I congratulate you on your success | in putting up a tablet for the cure of | Indigestion. I suffered for years and tried everything that was recommended to me. Nothing gave me relief, until I was persuaded to try "Little Digesters" Now I never suffer from Indigestion. I enjoy my meals and am not afraid to eat, because I know a "Little Diges- ter" after each meal will digest my food. I recommend them' to all my friends who suffer from Indigestion and would further say that you may publish the above if you wish. I know there are thousands of people suffering from Indigestion who will be glad to know | there is a safe and sure cure for them. Yours very truly, (Signed) E. 8. GLASSCO. " Little Digesters" cost 25 cents at our druggists, or by mail from Colemdn edicine Co., Toronto, 25 Norfolk Suits. Sizes 25 to 32, good 'strong Tweeds, for $1.95 Boys' worth $3, Another lot of gplendid Tweed Suits ~ Regular $4 and $4.50 values, for $2.45 Then you should see aur Boys' Suits, at $3.95, $4.50 and $5.75. If you want real good Boys' Clothing, at lowest price, ours is the kind to buy. <Q RONEY & CO, 127 Princess Street, STORE THAT SETS THE PACE, THE § i | x | named | an operation andy One of engagements | the | own of s the | Carter com- | the ™ Powers | The east run | the members with of the Cagino favorites will go | "Inconstant few days th the one attraction which 'has utterly | [ed This { 12th, regardless of the mounting pessimism | the McIntosh, he | will be produced in Ber- is productions | likely start Paul | Temi. (LAKE )( ONTARIO X PARK) TO-NIGHT 4,7 Night at 8.30, MATINEE, "SATURDAY, mem IRR | CONDENSED ADVERTISING RATES -------- First insertion 1c. & oh secutive lnsestion ht & word, Minuuuis chatge for ous iu sertion, 26c, ; ihree duc. six, $1; une mouth $3. HELP--WANTED. AT B80, BIG FREE SHOW VAUDEVILLE Moving Pictures, Iilustrated Songs. Pictures changed on. Monday, Wednesday 'a riday CHIL DREN "ST CENT DAY { BOY. son APPLY AT ONCE TO ANDEL- SATURDAY, Bros. BLJOU FRIDAY AND SATURDAY. A MEXICAN COQUETTE "The Conspiracy of the Yellow Jacket Mine." Coguetry, Perfidy, the Far West. APP L y Ww Al I El. ¥ (RST CLASS Frontenas THE BOYS. Limited, STOU § 10a, TWO (Urothers ns AT ONCE, AN EXPERIENU man 3 y other need apply. huox & Co Wb STOCK Ss. 0H CON- Ireasur: Cc ARE TAKER, FOR CALVARY gregation Church. Apply to er R. Davis. ' fanm 5 FoR Poison & Co, Ontario street. I |- {Or | 3 2» BORA Wholesale Love, TORY. XN. Iu A Story of Fighting in | Villainy and | THE COMEDY OF LOVE | ! the preftiést and Comedies ever put any, showing the age of 20. I- fas- | by the | yagar- ASSISTAMN Apply at once, Furriers und sR NOG RAP HE Rr AND bookkeeper, (female) teorges Mills & Co. Hatters, Princess street. | pric HT NTA I YOUTH, OVER 1870 learn to operate moving petun machine and take tickets. Bijou Theatre -~ most out the milk. Some are for others accept it throug are dissatisfied with your there is not enough cream tell your w of he Wine cinating Biograph Comp of "love at James Douglas Bankier, Songs. | in Tlustrated rns i Str. America: BULLETIN : WEDNESDAY--2.30 p.m., Tours |------ the 1,000 Islands: Fare, 50¢. | LEARN 1 FR1DAY--8.00 a.m., Brockville| struction, 2 Ogd burg. Fare, 50c. re-| tool ee. and gaensourg A ey | ngiioen dollars week}y. lr « pler ar or SATURDAY 3.308 p.m., Oc Rad Spadina Toronto. he 1, slands. are, 50¢ SUNDAY--Regnular trips to Cape 7.30 a.m, and 2 p.m. Fare, b50c return. v MONDAY -- am, Shoot Rapids to Tu Fare, 50c. MEALS ON ALL TRIPS. WORK IN work, good Hosier) ART GIRLS TO finishing room. Steady wages. Apply Kingston Co. Limited, street. Yi Sure to bring King THE BARBER TRADE, NEW constant practice, careful in- few weeks complete course Graduates earn twelve to Write for College, | CC. H A 71 > Pupils prepared for Toror examinations if de etc., address 42 MISS SARA of piano. to Conservalory sired. For terms, Brock St. L.OSEE, 1 Tours, WANTED--GENERAL. MISS FLORENCE Conservatory of Music, Normal Trai ing. Will take pupils in piano an theory in Kingston, commencing wit September term. For terms, elc ac dress Collins Bay, Ont. CLOUGH, Teacher of piano an repared for Toront xaminations. Apply Hartington, Ont., fo be in Kingston DRESS-MAKING BY and fit well and day. 'Call 185 of y. DAY finish, St, THE neat arl 7 "hk Be, a the | Corner | at Cler 2 THE OPPORTUNITY 70 FURNISE estimates on electric work. All kind: of work promptly, done. F. J. Birch Electrician, 206 ellington street. ITO RENT, MODER nished house, modern fn vicinity of Queen's U niversity, foi seven months, beginning Oct. 1st, ny married couple (no children.) Apply to P.O. Box 576, Napanee, Out. EN TO BRING THEI cloth and have it made up into up to-date suits. Price and work ship guaranteed to and repairing done on notice. Thomas Galloway, ®t., next Hibby"s Lavery. MISS GRACE Gold Medallist. theory. Pupils Conservatory by letter to terms. Will Sept. 1st. "HOUSE OF INDUSTRY. Wanted, for the House of Industry the city's refuge for infirm. and aged people--a superintendant and matron The superintendant should be able keep books, write letters, direct gardening, and manage men. The matron should be an-'efficient economical "housekeeper, and oné understands the care of women, References required. Address tions to the undersigned up to Sept. R/. ME BE, f Secretary. | i FUR to improveme nts the AT.CM. pupils HERBE RT ¢. TRENEER, shall be pleased tosaccept piano and theory. Most methods used. Also open classical concert engagements. for terms, to Stanley Terrace, Quebec St., Kingston, Ont. and who fc applica- for a 1st Appl jeg GENTLEM "TO CONTRACTORS, 0 TENDERS ARE INVITED ur ro 51 pm., SATUPDAY, Aug. 2Rth inst., for Masons' and Carpenters' trades work re-| quired in the erection of the new wing to the Hotel Dien Hospital. Plans and specifications may be my Office, Crown Bank Huilding H. P. sSnmiTH, Architect, och £. Bros ARCHITEGES. 181 ARTHUR "ELL 187 ol Ave. _108T. GOLDFILLD WATCH between 5 and 10 p.n its return to Whig oflice and ). " OPEN-FACED, on Friday, Reward for seen | | P: SMITH, Anchor Building, "Phone, B45. 1{ENRY ete, Square. at FRONT Thursday evening rewarded upon Mi Bakery. | Fone A 12FT. OF MAC ! OAR, IN | | | donald ° Park, Finder will be return to Culcheth's AROH & BON, ¥M. NEWLANDS tects, etc., Off 'Phone, 608. selected from among the Schauspielbaus will: be of BROOCH 8S¥1 small amethysts anc green | POWER & SONS, ARCHITECTS, valued as gift, between Cor. | chant's Bank Building, corner and William and 240 King and Welllugton streets. hots, Williat, css -- DR AGON STLV FR with stones, Clergy street, oF {eampany. THE SPORT REVIEW, Interesting News From the ious Sporting Fields. the QR of | | - P= = PIN, (HALF | lace jabot, an Clergy or Brock Sts in return to Bell or receive reward. 1) | | A enior for [ix one of the possibilities | Detroit beat Philadelphip and regain {ed the leadership of the: American League by nine points. Westmount Football. Club has decid to make application for member in Rughy Football Var- CRESCENT OSTEOPATHY. ARLE attached to moon) Princess, er kindly Office and PE GARSIDIY ASHCROFT, Ashcroft, P.O. grad American School Missouri, 447. to 5 new series G | ROBERT Edna Earle ates of the Osteopathy Kirksville, Princess street. 'Phone, hours, 9 to 12 4m. 2 Outside Areatments by FOX TERRIER | answers to name | person Or persons { this date will be to law. McCue w Hr re collar, Any AND 4( pup, wearing of "Teddy. harboring him after prosecuted according Bros., Windsor Hotel. will| FINANCE AND INSURANCE. fall, | an eee win |g, 8. KIRKPATRICK, FIRE, MARINE and Motor Insurance, 43 Olarence 8t., Kingston. 'Phone, 568. | von INSURANCE THAT INSURES, go to Godwin's Insurance Iomporivm, 5 Square, Kingston, Telephone, 24. : BLACK ed { ship Union Indications a the Quebec DROP x CARD FO © HAS. WwW. KELLA Carpenter and Builder, 255 - Divisic St., for reasonable of jobbing, all work done promptl Peterboro strong rugby team this effort wit made to senor championship. that there will be Minto | 8 | cup matches at the coast in the fall, between the champions of the National | Lacrosse Union and the New Westmins ter = | are that a a big O.R.F.1 likely hae 1 and {the It be is HOTELS HUB open. HOTEL RES sTAU RANT NO Service A La Carte, open du and night, Up-to-Date service, 3 popular prices. Private dining roou ¥intrance on King street, next Gibson's Drug Store. Con. Haas Prop. team a Villa, vice-commodore « {al Hamilton Yacht Chil, ha fed the 'Roehester, ane of | built Rochester to for | ada's up. The name of the 1 | be changed to Sheila 11] {* The C s | Golf Associations | { matches. The first will be | { den City course, near New York, in| [ October. Thi atisfactory to "the | Canadian aus and team will Ibe AT STANDARD RATES, accident and sickness poli first-class companies. T'. 159 Wellington street. | TRANS 5 fire, life, cjes, in Boon, Agent, Roy has f the pur the boat the ( boat an- | will | 6F0. A. BATEMAN, AGE : | Pacific Coast Fire Ins. United States | of the board of underwriters. thave annual | Romouski, Fstablished 1876. The A ; | York and Fconomical Mutuals, 67 in the Clarence St., Kingston. "Phone, 396 m uy T FORTHE Coy.; members * The ONTO HE and will anadian 2 ROYA four can and PRE MIS OF Military College Grounds, and white heifers. Owner ; saune by paying expenses at R.M.C. ha callin Gar LONDON AND GLORE & Zompany. Avaliable assets $51,187, In addition to which the ALA have for security the unlimited liability of all the. stockholders. Farm and elly property insured at lowest possible rates. Before renewing old or giving sew business get rates: from Strange & Strange, Agents. 'Phone, 825. is LIVERPOOL, | oviation, a Fire Insurance FOUND. sent GOLD WATCH FOB, WITH graved initials, on Princess street, Thursday. Owner may have same 1 paying expense of this advertisemen A Rees, Confectioner, Princess 5 toting® the heavyweight championship of © the ant con- | iderable surplus poundage, has start i battle of Octobm Ketchel. at 235 pounds. 210 ih the mill sin," who won the first for the Ham- | Every Calamity, No Matter How Great, Has Definite Begin- ning. There are na accidents in nature Johnson, world; i for ! Stanley ight it training his wiih | cave his | wants to scale Michigan i 'Tom' Shipman, round the mountain race Herald trophy," isgetting { came again. *Towd¥ihas { training for some Time now, and | though he does most of his work out : I {of Montreal, is suid by those who fhe avalanche that without a { know him to be in fine shapg. He will { ment's warning rushes headlong down in the big | the mountain side is not an accident, Thanksgiving 8 4 gain this year. | For years prev long, Tidy atoms have Rochester Union "and Advertiser : been crystalizing, 'md adding their Buffalo lived up to its raph Lation | minute weight to the mass whic h left tricky village when it tried to pull off | its base when the accumulation reach: hat wand-papered ball trick. Whether ged a certain point. Manager Smith did it _himseli. og ! Np: ther is baldness an accident, The at it, or whether he was iignor infiflitesmally small germ which is the | ant the attempt to prevent Johnson | He with wy NO ACCIDENTS IN NATURE, ; | : Established 1866. into | 0 been | al- | ilton a | the mo- | day race | as n "We Guarantee Every Load." con- {nived H cause of When it comes to a choice, ced to accept this an h a lack of knew hows If you present pesition. If you think ants; in a modest way, t are yp ------ TORONTO AT.OM. "al ter improved No. 1 AROHITEOT, residence, 151 Ugliversity ARCHITEOT, Market ce, 458 Bagot street MER Brock 212. n.o., Office p.m. appointments. CARPENTERS AND BUILDERS. prices on all kinds AND R ESTAURANTS. black YEN none of us prefer skim ti-fat diet ; in yours, then suppose you through the columns Ares pn g resulta: ee -------------------- FOR SALE. GASOLINE, 16e. YACHT CLUB YARD ANTI WALNUT SOFA, $80, ALSO Ta "Wa Sideboard, costs §45 br $18, Wal rk' s. "Phone, 705. A= 8 STONE HOUSE, WITH BRICK FRONT, 9 rooms, in basement, best central Joeality. Apply C * Powell, 183 Raglan stregt, a Y N= Jy d h is TWENTY THREE Soot MOTOR. POAT. beam 5 feet inches, six horse Gray 5 Sinha ir twelve #to fourteen people family boat. New last fall. Price, * $300, D. J. Hay, 126 Clagencss : Bt, COMBINATION HORSE, THOROUG H- ly broken to saddle, single an double, 16 hands. A beautiful seal brown, will carry 200 pounds, 6- vears-old an ideal military horas; ile has won 8 firsta. $270 will buy him. Address Box 208 Whig office, Kingston, C OMPARA' TIVELY cook stove, hall piece parlor suite, stored, wooden rocker and number of other things that . would be useful about thé house. Call between six and nine in evening, 17 Nelson St. TO-LET. d 0 power, mw 1 " 11 v W SOUVENIR coal heater, three hair cloth uphol- ONE REAR ROOM Will bo 'rented Gonut's Fur. AND street. Forrest, ONE FRONT at 346 King cheap. J. nisher, DW. JLLINGS, FURNISHED AND us. urnished, Btores, Btor for Furn ture, ete. Mel By arop King street. STORAGE, FOR FURNITURE, CLEAN ; airy (rooms, absolutely moth your own lock and key. Frost's, Uity 'Storage, 209 Queen st. Phone, H26n. eae eee LARGE STONE BUILDING, ON ON- tario street, known as Ontario Hotel, suitable for boarding house. Apply to D. J. Millan, Cori Optario and Princess Sts. FOR SALE OR TO LET. 1 i u- of 5] FINE MODERN BRICK 55 George street, contain- Apply on the premises Ft RNISHE D, residence, ing 12 rooms. for | particulars. R mn SPARKS AND SPARKS N 3304 Princess Bt., ey Phone, TIST / DR. MM! , 183 Princess 20; NASH, Gibson, assist street. 'Phone, 735. WwW. R. .G LOVER, DE NTIST, pono. Certificate, office ground figor, corner King and Johnson Sts. opposite St, George's Cathedral. 'Phone, 011. PERSONALS. w ry at 0. to £. L HAIR, MOLES, BIRTHMARKS, warts, etc, removed rth without scar. TwonLy. Jours ence. Dr. Elmer J. ke, Kye, Ear, Throat and arin Blemish Specialist, 258 Bagot street. 'LEGAL. B. CUNNING AM, BARRISTFR and Solicitor. Law Office, 79 Olarence Bu, Kingston. ve AE m Ww t, Lot A. 7 rm ror AL ~ WOOD The careful housewife con- siders quality. Try us next time. George | ball | | of 3 silently seen. The small germs which thrive | scalp and which are the cause oi Pak and Dandraff, cannot exist, how Newbro's-Herpicide ap Dandruff and Baldness, feeds [ McConnell from pitching the spit and long before the result 4s! by taking the gloss off the spheres, | will never he known, but it is sufficient | that the trick was dizeovered by Me- Connell and Frwin, and that the um- | | pires upheld them in their kick. The | © Bufialo management said. it had | more balls the ground, but when | | given ten minutes to produsg.new ones or the forthcoming. It h might on the | 1058 Hy TENDERS wddressed to the signed, at Otfawa, and marked envelope, "Tender for Prescott j will be received up to .moon of the ELEVENTH DAY OF i 1909, rr, whe n 1s ed Sold by leading druggists. Send 10e. in stamps for sample to The Herpicide Co., Detroit, Mich. $1 bottle guaran teed. G=4V. Mahood. special agent. 1 no |! nde on th on ame, new ones were | low trick" but xpected of Bufia down rap the whole appeared of the Buf in which it was tried to ring in forfeit was a one whi he The was * an extra editi coal Prescott, years. a art ying required Ontaric ladder a tl the delivery of the lighthouse Depot during a period of two The coal must be first class sereened steam coal. The quantity | nuired will be about 1,800 tons of 2 |ibs.., more or'less each year, to be {ed . in barge loads of abot 600 tons one cargo to be delivered in the fall, in the spring and' the third about summer, Tenderers tg quote prices per ton of Ibs. for the coal delivered free «¢ charges in the South end of the yar of the Prescott Depot, the face of the Dock. quote the 'name of the coal Each tender must be aceq an accepted Bank cheque equal per cent of the total amount der, which will forfeited if { whose tender = iter into a contract the coals for the lo. on " SHOT AT PANAMA, Pi of : idly ny v which thing Bditor Killed By General H. O. Jeffries. Aug. 27.--William h, of the Panama Press, Panama, yesterday, by | O Jeffries, who figs the, Panamanian i on of one i bituminot ilo afternoon papers that Rochester i ball NE ae aiiua Wilirid Lanvier {has decided that unable 16. this War accept invitation of Alberta, Saskatche- and British Columbia to visit and tha hui deliv eact New York, Chandler, killed in General Herbert ured prominently revolution. Chandler was \kjiled, says the despatch, by being struck on the { head with the butt end of a revolver, and being violently Kicked by General Jofirvies. The us¢ of the attack said to have been article reflecting the sister-in-law Jofirie stated | a phony editor was Sir mid 1 will eo het in 9 wan pay them ay lay comurstones the "Nedlzon's offered. mpanied to of the tex fhe past apital = weam brick ca i day Seld Re an of avery { from Toronte, at SEK by on tae arcepied ar fails i Kineston Sot 5 Ralel th suits, to Bibby's 32 hats for mine Sea Bibby 's § Coal," SEPTEMBER re- one 10 feet back from Tenderers must declines 10 on deliver The Department does, not bind itso to accept the lowest or any tender. Newspapers inserting this advertise- ment without authority will not be paid tfor same. G. J. DESBARATS, Acting Deputy Minister of Marine and Fisheries. { Department of Marine and Fisheries, | Ottawa, 19th August, 1909. T0 CONTRACTORS & BUILDERS The Perfect Brick & Tile Oo., Wash: burn, Ont. PAISLEY & CHISHOLM, Lessees Are ready to contract for immediate rick that will stand Ef rates." Cipact | | r= ve Canada, 3 it 14 0 napece Capacity of 1- E OF THE United Eriplte Loyalists I. An Informing Sketch of Ameri. | éan History, Valuable for Librar- | ies and Research. By VISCOUNT DE FRONSAC. Price, Lue. Address British Whiz, Sf d he ¥ Kingston.