Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 27 Aug 1909, p. 12

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TAGE TEN. FEAVELLING, RAILWAY 1 Hound TripeTickets , will be $4.90 Good Fin AUGUST 28, 29, 20; Sept. | }, 4.8, i 8,9,10,11, and $3.55 Good going Tuesday, AUGUST S1st | and Monday, Sept. 6th. All tickets] good to return on or helore, Sept. 14th. | Tickets not good on trains 1 + 2,8 and 4. Central Canada Exhibition, Otta~ | wa, Ont., Sept. 10th to 18th Round 'trip tickets will be issued £3.70, good going Sept. 10, 11, 12, 5 and 18, and at $2.75. Good going yTussday, Septi Aah and Thursday andl Friday, Sept. 16 and 17, All tickets | good 'to return on a before Sept. 201h. LABOR DAY, MONDAY, SEPT. 6th, 1909 Round trip tickets will be tsstied at SINGLE FIRST-CLASS FARE, good] goin, 'riday, Saturday, Sunda and | . BE Sept: 8rd, 4th, Bth and 'Oth, wood NTR on ot before Wednesday, | Sept. 8th. Tickets sold to certain points in connection with the above will not be | good on trains 1 and 4. For full particulars, apply to J. HANLEY, Agent, Corner Johnson Ontario streets, fssued af! "CHAMBERLIN" is our biggest favorite with old and young. 2 for 25c. IRON FRAME BRAND "ALBERTA"-3 for 50c. af 34,1 TOOKE BROS. LIMITED, MONTREAL MAKERS OF {BMIRTS, COLLARS, TIES, VESTS AND IMPORTERS OF MEN'S FURNISHINGS. © p | ard i CL Ll Ll RAILWAY iN CONNEUTION WITH Canadian Pacitic Railway | FARM LABORERS' EXCURSION 7.43 am., $10.00, go- returning. 1} Era i '| St. Margaret's College mes TORONTO A High-Class Residential and Day School for Girls under the management of GronGgy Dickson, MA., (formerly wgipal Lipper Conada _flollege, g), and Mrs. GrorGE DICKSON, 10th, $18.00 LABOR DAY Return tickets at stations, good for return until 1909, at additional Bapt ing a single fare bel ween going We ins all good Hih, Central Uanadian Exhibition Sept. 10th will be | $3.70; Jd kets good ept. 20th, I AacDONALD, B.A., Principal, © yf of Teachers, Graduates wnadian nad Koglish Universities. Fol Academic Crurse for University 18th Matricuiantion with highest honors; Sept. | Music, Art, Domestic Sciences and 14, Physical Education. re Write for Booklet to the Secretary, Margaret's College, Toronto, _ to Ottawa, Round trip 10, 1 16, turn on Canadian National Exhibition 28th to Sept 13th, | 7 ue Trip Tickets will ued AL BERT CO LL.E GE going AUGUST Belleville, Ont. 10,11 and SCHOOL OF FINANCE . 1st, 6th y now one of the leading st hols 1909. Fall iwractical education of Canada. A and C.P.R. Ticket JIE DOUBLED IN LAST 8. CONWAY, Gen § $57 pays board, room, tuition, electric light, - use of baths, gymnasium, all but books and laundry, for twelve weeks-- longer period at reduced rate. $30 pays | tuition alone for the entire scholastic year. A staff of experienced specialists give individual instruction in_ five distinct courses. An evening class FREE for all registered students jin this department. Graduates holding the best positions. Candidates prepared yearly for the ex- aminations held by the Institute of Chartered Accountants of Ontario, and -- | for Commercial Specialists. Special attention given to Matricula- tion, Teachers' Courses, Klocution, Fine Art, Physical Culture. College reopens Tuesday, Sept, 7th, { 1909. For illustrated Calendar, address PRINCIPAL DYER. M.A. D.D. Be. Jelleville, Ont. 'BATESCOURT SCHOOL Children, Cor. Barrie re-opens September sued, Hept 17, to St. or before Toronto, Aug 1909. Round at $4.90, good Sept. 2, 3,4, 7,9, Aug. ' turn Pr at street. F, Ontario Agent, » hone, 50, BAY oF QUINTE RAILWAY. Train leaves union station, Ontario street, 4 pam. daily (Sunday srcopted) for Tweed, , Sydenham, Napanee, onto, Bannockburn and all points north. To secure quick despatch to Bannock. burn, Maynooth, and points on Central Ontario, route your shipments via Bay | of Quinte Railway. For further particu- ars, apply R. Wy DICKSON, Agent, Phone, No, 8. Thousand sland an st Lawrence River Steamboat Companies In connection with the New York Central and Hudson River R. R. Co. pte tnd be i 31s st Sept « & particulars Oilive Pa ISN] THRE 5 and slreets, For Girls and Clergy i Tth. An up-to-date School for Girls and Children, morally, and intellectually. Course Primary Work and goes through Grades to Matriculation branches of English thoroughly norman, Latin, Draw=- ure, Needle Work, Do- etc, at training of physically begins with all Kingston dally, except Bunday, 6.00 a.m. and 2.00 p.my | Leave Kingston, Sunday, 7.30 a.m. and 2.00 p.m. ! Making direct connections at Oape Vincent to and from all points in New York State. Through sleeper Cape Vin cent to New York. Week end round trip rate, Kingston to Watertown, good going Saturday or Sunday, returning Monday. $1.65. r excursions to Brockville and hurg and the Thousand , Islands, advertisements. Yoave Cu Batescourt are for Graduates, or Yor further J. BATES Teac hers the most part Queen's Specialists in their subjects. information, # y to ADA For King street st, Kingston. Ogden: see | | Lake © + G44 4444444404404 '3 KINGSTON BUSINESS COLLEGE TEAD oF QUEEN STREET "Highest Education at Lowest Cost" Fall Term 80th, Courses in Shorthand, Tele~ Service and English. Our graduates get the best posi- tioms. Within a short time over 'nlario ; 3a of Quinte Steamboat , Limited. Sox Jimi. North King & Caspian { 1000 Islands --Kingston--Rochester. Commencing June 27th, steamer leaves for 1,000 Isiands, Alexandria Bay and + sixty sec positions with one Gananoque at 10.30 a.m., daily, except|* of the railway corpora- Monday. Returning, steamer leaves at 5 4 tions p.m. for Bay of Quinte Ports and Port! 4 of Rochester, N.Y STRALITHA--~lLeaves on Mondays at 8 p.m. for Picton and intermediate Bay ol Quinte ports. Twentv-Sixth begins August Bookkeeping, graphy, Civil vear, titi in - Enter write MET- any Call or 4 for information. H. F. 4+ CALFE, Principal. +444 Ltt EEL P 44H roe I fee lef SEER PEEL 4 4444004444 Full tnférmation from KE. BK. HORSEY, J. P: General Mapage ar, (0, 8, KIRKPATRICK Kingston) Ont. JAS, SWIFT & CO, Agents, Kingston. HANLEY The kind you fi looking for fs the kind we sell, - SCRANTON Coal 1s good coal and we guar. antes prompt delivery. "Phone, 183. Booth & Co. FOOT WEST STREET. sieieinlet Tri bbiriphishbhie Jeli ~ rp - _ STR. ECELWAT start regular trips to Kingston] June 12th, leave Crawlord"s foot of Princess street, 10 a.m., return 12 a.m. leave 3 p.m., return at six Return fare, 25c, Ohildren halt fare. CAPT. WHALEN, Captain: L: Phone, 571: It's as Goad as Money| ion Dyas, 'Storage Batteries, Spark Plugs, Carburetors, Etc. TRY OUR DRY BATTERIES. Tumbul Electrical Mig. Co. | Phona, ATH, B78 Bagot 84 = As phalt Roofin g Gravel and ften Re ate 2» great deal belleg It ual value much more than cash can earn in- 1t often doubles in a very years desirable And very to be jumps terest itself few We have some most Y parcels for investments and you could not put your spare cash to better use Call and talk it over with u member the ng made | Sand Surfaced P. Walsh, 'Barrack St., ' Kingston D. A. Cays 07 B rock at, t u mar Th a ht J challenge THE DAILY snrmisn WIG, _sATuRDyY, AvGusT 28, 1909. ls 10 fy ACROSS] GATHERING 3 OF AERIAL NAVIGATORS IN TORONTO plane 'Golden Flyer," Will Make a Series of Flights Across the Lake From Scar- boro' Beach--May Land Near Hamilton, Toronto, Aug. 27.--Although it will have no direct connection with the ex- hibition, probably the biggest event in this city during the next fortnight, not even excluding the visit of Lord Charles Beresiord and other notables, will be the series of trials of the aero- plane of Glenn H. Curtis, the Ameri- can aviator, who has been winning aerial races at Rheims during the past week. The aeroplane is the property of the American Aeronautic Society, the leading spirits in which are the Wright Brothers. The aviator in this will be Charles F. Willrd, who a fortnight ago ec lipsed the Wright Brothers' record for long distance fly ing at the Aeronautic Society's ground: near Mingola, L.I. The bi plane has already arrived here. It is an enormous affair, forty feet long, and has a speed capacity of six: ty miles an hour, the bi- plane at present in America which has been successful at long dist flights. * A number 'of prominent mem- bers of the American Acronautic ciety will be here for the expériments, and an invitation has been extended to Messrs. Baldwin and MeCurdy, the Canadian aviators, who recently made some jnteresting experiments in aerial navigation - at the Petawawa military camp. Lord Charles Beresford « will also view exhibitions while hefe. The management of Scarboro big€ amusement provided the ground ment, and the **( exhibition there Willard, who is individual, trike Niag . or, if Case over being only ance No- the Jeach, has expert will be fthehts a quiet, unassum that he Hopes Lake in one propitious, he Hamil Toronto's park, the Flyer" between for olden on Mi mg declare to flight may ara-on-the the wind i attempt the landing new American Aeronautic "Society's Bi ton. Mayer Oliver is greatly interest od the flights, and he will ask the captain the different lake eraft Willard and the "Gold | Flyer," and to render assist that may In I'he first Light will probably tak on Sat urday in ol to look out for en any ance NOCOSKAry + place SPORT RE VIE w News From THE Interesting the V ious Sporting Fields. heat Winnipeg Dominion .soceer at Cy At Fort Evie Sewell made a new Canadian 1.05 3-0 4 furlongs A will middle Fhe ded take there "Manchester," ried off the ar the unary Vancouver tourney opening record. of fin OR. about the meeting of the in general held of next Lachine to part be Toronto week hia Ottawa day Boating club to the Ia send crews in bot I't the boat which car Seawanhaka Corinthian cup, may defend it again next year. Durnan has made an offer kthe champion sculler, pense was he to Arnst, much ex- the To Anti of ns allowed went to the as when money rontonian podes, The proposed battle Jurns "and Sam Langford in London next October has been called off. Burns de: mapded a $40,000 guarantee, win, loose or draw, Jack Monroe, {former heavyweight prize fighter, and now reeve of Elk City, Ont., telegraphed to Robert Ed- gren, New York, sporting writer, that the Elk City Athletic Club had offered a purse of $100,000 for the Jefivies Johnson fight in Canada year from date J. C. Sherry, president of the F.U., has moved to Elk City, force of business compels him to sign his position, between Tommy to be one OR and ve thus negessitat ing the election of a new president The of Dr. A. W. McPher Peter is mentioned for the office, Sixty-four the still playing. the Rev. T. I. the eter in the world, who twenty-ei years ago left Ottawa to take of a parish in Chicago. From 1859, Mr, Phillips played on the ( adian International eleven l'oronto eleven at fourteen age. name rson. boro, years in That's Phillips, oldest same and record erick th against the years of People don't use brooms. whem they make sweeping assertions. Liver and Stomach Wrong INDIGESTION, BAD COLOR, PALE, FATIGUED. Those Oppressed By Palpitation and Heart Pains Will Fipd In- teresting Facts in This Article The following letter is the hope that it will road to health to those pangs of aud mach. "I am anxious {o send the message of hope far and wide to all who are in poor health, as I was a year age," writes Mrs. Ernest I. Gomez, Meriden. "For years 'I have had a weak stomach and have experienced the distress caused by indigestion may say that the heart watery rikings, pressure of gas fermentation af times almost me wilh. For a time | could eat a mouthinl without golf endless misery: 1 could not well, my color was fearinl, clear the sto show who a suffer indigestion weak from all drove scares causing my dark: éirek under my eves, bad dreams, ele "As a last hope I was persuaded 14 try Dr. Hamilton's Pills of and Butiernut. this treatment, my returned, and I beg My strength 1daches appetite cradually an to relish slowly and chest pains and at last 1 bee old self again. qr; Hamil cured me, and 1 use thy still because 1, find at and health-snpport is mal to them" medicine that onder Mrs. Gomez will also ma meals the hee y RAVEDE look my ton's Pill occasionally *® vetem regulator Y medicine [he same fully restored. eure you, 25¢. per box, for . $1. Bewars of substitutes B no mail from The Catarrhozone Kings Ont n- pau ton, printed with | fey or five boxes | country, i note of blood is had {cool + whether it | ridge, EE -- way sheaigh the rank grass, yellow as ripe wheat, they reminded me of noth- mg so much as the big black whales I fad often rowed near to, on the Lower . Lawrence. . The herd--we now saw hs » numbered about. 30--moved out of all cover into the wide open prajric. But they were far from suspecting any danger, and had evidently no idea of travelling. hey amused themselves by fearing great wisps of the grass and throwi them over their own and their friends' shoulders, and spout- mg red, dusty showers on each other The finely curving trunks often touch- of, and were slowly carried from side to side, or round the little black twtos fcalves) that, almost invisible, moved dong by their mather's sides. WEAK STOMACH MISERY. Dr. Williams' Pink Pills Restore Despondent Sufferers to Health, Nothing is so distressing as a weak stomach--the victims of this trouble smiffcr from cipdigestion, hiliousness, dizziness, and froquent headachis. No food agrees with them---meal time" is a tine of, misery, not a time of plea- sure. Relief from this suffering can be foutrd through the use of Dr. - Wil liams' Pink Pills--they never fail | te muke the weak stomach strong: to banish the distressing headaches, hil- iousness and dizziness. Mes. U.S. Steves, of Hillshore, N.B., is one of the m w cured 1 throug the TH Te en save g I wes to take the. first shot, pd suffered very much from stdmach trou- Hoey was to fire after me, My bu ble and wonld often leave the table] '¢Pt moving his head up and down, vith ax food. 1 clint termined, rather than risk the without tasiing food. vot po rohel Sead shot, to take it in the shoulder worth speaking of till 1 began the. nse ¢ fp ie . Ty nd: well forward 1 picked my shot of br. Williams' Pipk Pills. They gra fired, Hoey firing immediately after dually restored my health and sivenotis J hy i0cy Armg and now 1 am as well as aver Towasi | Cyn ooo pandemonium! First they I would darnestly recommend them to 1 seemed to rush together, thet whee! all those who suffer ag ddd." mtward, fuclng in all directions. Then It is the Blood---bud Dlagde-- that 15 } such trumpeting alld noise of anngled the cause of ninetenthseol the ail | rics! My bull stood for a monten®, ind, ments from which both men and wor | 1s it wheeled, T shot it again, when, to men. suffer. Tho. bload is | the, life | ny susprise, | admit, it crashed giving Build of hes body. Whi, . the | 0 carth with a rambling noise, it is bound | to poifon | md. never seemed to stir agam. Now tho human system and | he herd swayed and rocked, all huddled § thus it that rheumatism, kidoey | together. At one moment, it looked as trouble, indigestion, headaches and | f they would sweep forward ; the next, | backacies and a host of other toou- | hey backward. We reloaded bles, make, thoir appearance. Dr. Wil | 15 fast as we cc uld, and fired again at fiams' Pink Pills enpe all "thise tron bull, and it was, I think, well awl they eucp them thoroughly | n did so, for this seemed to de simply because they Gill the veins with | ide them, and they rushed off. rich, "Tod blood. (The genuine pills | Once drew ap Close 4a bearing the full same "Dr. Williams i ¥e nearer than 70 of 80 Pink Pills for Pale People" ar a 1 i { 20 de some part of is swayed he ® Second hles- more we as rit tried to pick out the by all dealers in medicine or by mail f Ju 3h x re of at 50 eomts a box or six boxes for By i un 5 $2.50, The Dr. : Williams' Madi all oad et of The $2.5 from The Dr, William; hi It walked out of the cine Co., Brockville, Ont. Id high, loekin RE OS irper-cyed ELEPHANT HUNTING, hive been, for ; --~-- r rfectly s t on. 1 didn't Dr. Rainsford Tells of Ex much smalle perience in Africa. there was no Rev. W. 8S. Rainsford, of New contributes an interesting account York i , about mr it It now ! was coming right into us, in Africa to the World's morning in early October, bullets took it full in the in its tracks At its surely a red-leter: day. 'we | more rustling hither and very carly and had ridden : bewildered and hours through a rather when sudenly, without Hoey 'and 1 at least sparsely i irning, | far-off shrill Hot oh a shel blown. | more hike th otinng to do 5 organ stop than still think of. H follow five minutes "This the fipst morning we hs in days that 1 should ally good morning for clephant g The breeze is fine and ste Here at last were the elephants. in| their own chosen home, not harried, | expecting to be harried, by Boer | ettlers onthe platean, or hunting | sefari, but resting in their own lane under the shadow 'of the great ) tain that had sheltered their. herds for | donble countless number of years. It 1 Both leaders had. fallen, and like vandalism to enter. | tai stood without moving I'he shrill, carrying, but far from hould say, a quarter « musical sound was borne to n ¢ profoundly wi ! morning hreeze from a distan leave and let us crawl mile, and strange once more gel near was that they good photograph whil or snified the wind tainted | came alongside, covering my smell they fear, our figles with his rifle; but, before itelv refused led or drive in 50 yards, the cows screamed foot nearer left them there so evider were ready to cl went forward on foot body, tha had to content m Crowning * the next long swell of 1 des unsatisfactory standing © sleepily ithdes t last began to move trees, . we saw Some indeed--and, went black backs rising abo we gladly grass and outlined again down, Somehow, as they solemnly 50 moved forward (for they still very long), threading RICH it came want it, than the sign of us Rev Wer bust Saw of In travels One 1y8, camp three angered began to wood- Swampy | terless absc I let our heard a clear | any | sounded a high cle 1 il to me, nat an then up can aeV down, I 1 , It came out 1 to our right, with good ivory the other a stumpy, broken off. "Again, as I ne; I dared and saw nic great black peeled not help thinking what a of bluff it was. But it offered fine broadside, and crashed down 15 10 on in not VE Moun fond hed to } ad note, the ti with thsoly o1 to be So we "Shap." as they crawled the « two of then ards after the fortunate iM L shady great yell ing ow ky slowly en stand of | vht | charge | 1853 till | pans, | rom | sleep | Mandrake | | As I persevered with |: { i returns ed, | an to i i | i | SEY a ad tg JETTER JERSEY TOF GOWN. to hold popu- The long waisted Middle Ages bids fair {larity through the autumn, for the cloge-fitting models will be worn on the street until cold wea ther makes heavy coat neces: sary. This is a graceiul adaptatic on of the the cuirass bodice being embroidered with falling in soft. shirred folds from frotk its Pp 1g a severe Middle Ages mode, mali jet beads amd the skirt Represents perfection in the ast ing. Bottled exclusively at the the purity and quality tained the World's Highest. a ) EVERY CORK AND CAPSULE. BRANDED. he N, The Doninion Brewery TORONTO. "m= Rigney & Hickey, Agents ™ 2" N NEW POCKET EDITION ERE is news indeed--for the two million men * who shave themselves every mornin with the Gillette Safety Razor. The New Pocket Edition of the "Gillette" is in such compact form that it may be carried like a cardcase in the waist- coat pocket, or slipy sed into the side of u traveling bag. Same size blade as J --stame prineiple--Dbut more compact, ' The pockét case is heavily plated in gold, silver or gun-metal-- plain, polished or richly embc ed in four designee Inside the pocket case are handle and blade box--triple silver plated or 14K gold plated, Prices, §5 to $7.50 - lette" signa. You will ses them in every window those fiandsowe "Gi which indicate dealers handling the »" Rhiette"s Just look for the signs. 80 AFETY RAZOR CO. of Canada Limited THE GILLETTE S R nade Limited Always Ready For Use , With Ordinary Care Will Last a Lifetime { Not matter how tender your Shin "shaving js¥a pleasure if you use a "Garbo! Magnetic Razor. W{ The] Carbo) Magnetic' ¥ glides 'over the face shaving clean and | leaving no, soreness, anita 2 bs tion or siiaped surface. . uf - For Sale wnerever cutlery is sold. i Magnetic | RAZOR Ask your dealer about our perpetual guarantee and our special proposition whereby you may test one of these razors for 30 days without obligation to purchase. = Firm of A. L. SILBERSTEIN, * 41 Common St., Montreal Sold in Kingston by W. A. Mitchell and McKelvey and Birch. rE EEE bh The 'Chicago Jewel" is The Key of Economy The latest improvements on the "Chicago Jewel" are the Flame Reflector and Valveless Oven Burn- er-Lighter. Two features on the "Chicago Jewel' which are not on any other gas stove made. Examine them before pur- chasing. They are ac- knowledged the best man- ufactured, ! ELLIOTT BROS. Ly) Totfeled 7 PRINCESS ST PERE 0" FER YOU More of Bet- (4 ter Toilet Tissue for the Ba me Money than any other make on the market. Made in Every Known Form and Variety and Every Sheet Guaranteed Chemically Pure. Insist on Having Eddy's. Aways, Everywhere in Canada, Ask for Eddy Matches. ea ae

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