Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 27 Aug 1909, p. 11

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west will, this year, have the most BROTHER Oi For profitable crop it has ever reaped. Ips or A despatch from Guelph says that ? the officials of the poultry department Ghe Farmers of the Ontario Agricultutal College are wondering it if is possible to con- struct an instrument which may be BY UNCLE JOSH. made to denote sex, and if it could be ps Ss i carried so far as to decide the. sex of One Suffered for Fifteen Years, the | afi unhatched ehick in the shell Otier for Thirteen, Some time a d i ay : : us gi go a graduate of the The convincing powers of a testimo- Rain has been general all over On- college, Emanuel Bean, B.S.A., of nial i fibre clearly sows tario within the past two weeks. Netherby, Out., visited the college and an in the case of Mr. Hugh Brown, This ors have he g ~ brother, Lemuel Brown, of Avondale, Theso showers have had a most' bene |p 0) 'with him a contrivanee form- N.B., read in the paper about Hon, ficial effect not only on hoe crops, but ed, so far as could be seen, of a cone John Costigan being cured by "Fruit- (also assisted in making up the second | paper, a gold ring, and - a > silk a-tives," Knowing the Senator would [cut of clover and in maintaining the thread, by whic he said he could de- Conscientious anly stdorse a medicine which had pastures in good, condition. note. SOK. cure , Mr. Lem Own - " am, 4 Jamul Sr 3 ined A further beneficial eoffcct will fol The poultry exterts wel P lyelievers : : llow from the downfall in making it 4 A - Ohro c F th they appear so yet, but they are | | ' PLUMBING so hie ro stution and Duggan casier to cary on after-harvest. culti- Eo a or -- a atariimg tests Burnished surface i 1S 4 new McClary invention that re ; a vation. Nover wae such eoltivation | (on made. Chickens were placed ina toughens the iron, increasing its heat resistance, and Heating more necessary than it is to-day. bag unknown to Mr. Bean and the in- s . a . 4 and i ; From all over" the province come re | surkment. denoted the so, sither by a at the same time producing a finish of marvellous i ] : poris as to the prevalence of the weed | hackward and forward movement of : Tow : : NOT A MYTH ovil. The most important duty rest- the dndulum oF by a circular swing: smoothness and brightness. ooei2 : WITH US. 2 ing upon Ontario farmers torday from |, cut was placed in the bag with the A lide black lead and a few rubs with a cloth or Voth odie 2 a maierial standpoint, is the taking of | ¢yme result. - measures intended to get rid of this] Ewen eggs were wried, and again the shine on burnished surface far brighter and more lustrous than you evil. In order to be successful all | fects were startling, Eggs known to - : ool. In onder to bo miesechul oll |ofucts were" starsfigs' Eos huown to could ever get on your ordinary stove even after anvhour's Polishing So if you favor us with 3 farm_is lofi, half a dozen well cultiva- | wus no. response from the indicator; labor. your patronage you will en- Ee ' ted farms in the neighborhood may bel other eggs produced movements from thusiastically endorse us. } d seeded down from it. Especially im-| {he rey denoting sex. The Just see this new finish on Pandora at the McClary agency in your portant it is that all harvest fields, | egos were not marked, however, and town. Also see the other exclusive features belonging 16 the Pandora. 4 . fd ¢ in which grass has not been sown, | how they hatched was not noted. avi a ' 4 shall be cultivated lightly directly af- An English trade journal received at ter removal of the crop, with a View | the poultry department contains an To the contrary, we make it the most important factor, . . . . . . . v= at wing . a 9 a 3 Asasloe sfris av na : vai > erie 0 1 66 Brock St ; of germinating any foul seeds in the | article on a sexaphone invented in the . * g - § or 1, tor the cud that plants may be | old land which is creating some ex- 'Phone. 335. 3 ground, : . 8 oO and which 1s «© g ' i : destroyidd by furthe cultfration later | citement, and the article states that os i in the season. 100 per cent, of eggs tested by it prov- Hartland, N.B., Oct. 28th, 1907. The second report from the dairy | ed to be correct in the hatching. "Three doctors told me that I had | insiructors/and inspectors of Ontario [iver Disease and serious Stomach | department of agricuiture has beon re In the garden of E. Morden, Niagara Trouble. My stomach was very weak. I took their medicines for thirteen BT years and grew worse, My brother P (who was cured of terrible Indigestion R E TTY C HINES E S LAVE G I RL. by "Fruit-a-tives" after suffering for ¥5 years), recommendsd me to try these wonderful tablets, I bought half a dozen boxes and have just finished the sixth. I eat all kinds of hearty foods without distress and am greatly im- proved in every way. "Fruit-a-tives" also cured the Chronic Constipat which was =o distressing in my cas Children's Slippers iho a BOX CE tr Boab, a a pon wo Sn 3 & % 5 ; Afloat or Ashore ~ .. At dealers or from Fruit-a« ~tives, Limited, Ottawa . . i i the "Monts n ; ; We have a fine line of [ontserrat " bottle is always in constant Children's and. Infant's An- | 7 : le adh y 18 § demand. kle Straps in Tan & Blacks. : : Childre hr 85iz08;8, 9 & 10. 3 : NEE of gf ans | "MONTSERRAT?" Regular 8 Se. x mW \ Spl Ir 01) Ih | § Cut Price 65c. / 3 4d NE ff. ETS Gy . . . Infant's sizes, 1 to 7. wy Es : LN 5 / Lime Fruit Juice Regular 75c. 2 | ZK" ANE P. fa Ul Cut Price 50c. 7 a % HERG . ; ) , 7 makes dozens of delicious, cooling summer ; : drinks--makes the best limeade you ever H Jennings King St EVERY TEN CENT PAGKET OF 7, 9 Rik : J \ tasted--and is cheaper than lemons, WILSON' S FLY PADS IN ; Pe | \ " Montserrat' is the pure juice of ripe agen . . West Indian Limes with all the natural Fr ribbed Will kill [nore Was Yan three hundred flavor of the fruit. It mixes with every. sheets of sticky paper thing (except coffee). Be sure you As the summer sea- &| -------------- -- ___-- re -- = : get "MONTSERRAT." son is about over, we 4 ; Canadian Agents : CHEAPER'. Your smart dresses and National Drug and Chemical Co. of Canada Limited. offer the following at To CLEAN A a , o 11 . ST . curtains and draperies : reduced prices : f OR DY will all 100k as fresh and THAN BUY bright as new after we clean or dye them. Lawn Mowers, 3}. | | S o or Fok OUR NEW BOOKLET, IT TELLS ALL For Washing Delicate Fabrics creens, "My VALET" ZF LL USE ASEPTO SOAP POWDER. Harmless to FOUNTAIN THE CLEANER " . > TN éverything except dirt." Cleans Better and Quicker Screen Doors 30 Adelaide St. W., Toronto BOW GOON, . 42 . than soap. Refreshens. Sterilizes. Makes clothes 3 Bow Goom, or Little Purse of Gold, a pretty Chinese slave girl, +5 T= = more healthful. sc. package. At your Grocer's. was found mwundered in her apartment at No. 17 Mott street, New a an sm etna - | York. The police arrested Chin Len, who says he is the husband of =3 : man Manufactured by the murdered woman. He insists he knows nothing about the Rah ----] THE ASEPTO MANUFACTURING CO., crime. Several white American girls were arrested as witnesses in a : Garden Tools. fhe ase. Ay ny Ee eerie ttm Ae EE - D @ Maypole Soap i Sp-- The only Soap Powder | EISTRERE CeIve t 18 quite evident that he Fglle South, is growing e Magnolis X 1 3 | -~w farmers of Ontario gent rally are look Ma Sophy lia This Dettli 30 1a RX ich, whendissolved / N H LL ing for better erope Sthan for the past | came from Tennessee, and is belicved in water, will not Mig: , a . » Ease at Home two years, aml they scom to be In | to be one of two only grown in On- ly Sh, ; : . e much "betler -spirits on that account| (arin, the other being located in the . 4 : Successor to A, Strachan. With I'he quantity of milk available for the | vicinity of Dundas. R SOAP POWDER in od 1d 3 i manufacture of cheese and butter was The tree in Mr. Morden's garden has Bre rere AE bed bobo fod Tee Sure Results [Ie tho average Inst year, | boon: thuro' for - several years, and fo i: and tho carly part of this year, bui i ar has not been killed back in any 0c. fov colors, 158. for back. all through the present season there foné season. Some of the leaves grow EE ------ - Poeni L. Benedict & Co, has been a slight increase, and at | to length of two feet. ts, 7c. to 15c.;. pork, llc., by © { Montreal. this time thwwe gppears to be a mark- | On the McCalla farm, in the Niagara ee ' cutite, "ibe por 1b: lamb | © inereaso re the available mio le t., sixtee s of Bos ie ' } incroaso over. Yhe nval mi (district, sixteen tons of Boston mar- gil 5 Co louse; live hogs, ste. per | The fruit season is here, and with it the demand ime | supply of this time last year, while | row squas sh were produced on an acre |, . » producers seem to be mak [of g sround last year. Those that were * curkeys, Ife. pee dh; Stick | for SU GAR. When purchasing, insist upon having ons, 20¢,, 1b.; mutton, 8c. to { Vegotables--Carrots, 3 hunches, 10e.; | -- production. : 2 cattle and hogs. cabbage, Be. to 6c. cach; onions, 40c The prospects for the remaining 1 ---- ' 75 bag i } ' lozen: turnips, 5c. a months are bright, and the balance of | At twelve months, an® avimal should i HOE 3c Deidh radishes. Se the your should be up to the pvetuge thuve all "its milk {calf) incisors in lettuce, Bc.; green corn, 10c. dozen; : of tho production of butto and chevso place 3. i ). NF : cucumbers, 1He. dozen for 'the season of low Fifteen months. At this age the cen Grain--Oats, 60c.; local wheat, $1.25; As It vgards field crops, the instruc | tral pair of incisors (milk teeth) may buckwheat, 7be.: barley, 70c.; rye, 80c. tors' report that the general crops, [he replaced by, a pair of permanent | gs. . hous $1.25; corn, old, 78c. such as oats, corn, cic, are from an incisors (pincers), these being through | "pp, apd ' Feed--Flour, bakers', $3 average to a very good yield, but e ythe gums; but not in wear. : : to $3. 10; farmers', $3 to $3.15. Hun hay crop is recorded pretty gene Eighteen months, The middle pair of garinn patent, $3.10 to $3.30: oat- to bo short, and iy some cases to be central incisors at this age should be Ba aha rolled cats, $340 10 $3.50; ANADA"S § ANDARD as low as one-half to one-third of the [fully up, and in wear, but the next cornmeal, $2 to 2.10: bran, $25 . C I . averagt pair (first intermediary) not yet ton: shorts, 96 to $27 a ton; straw, . . . Pin Whiic the instructors' report that.|through the gums $10' to S12. hay, loose, $13; pressed; MADE FROM PURE CANE SUGAR. there is still a great deal of opposi- Twenty-four months. The mouth at 313 ' tion on the part of the farmers of | this age will show two middle (per-(" Kurs, new. laid, 95c. doz.: butter, taking suggestigns for improving the [manent broad) incisors, fully up and CreamCT Yh; farmers' 'butter, in standard of the cheese and butter in- [in wear. o . | prints, +; packed, Ze.; rolls, 230 ; . dustry, still they at the same time | Thirty months generally shows six tubs, 230. 79 Princess St. report a deeded unprovement in this broad permanent incisors, "the middle |" w© oh Washed, 18¢c. Ib.; sheep skins dl a0 li Phone 341. roaieet wr and first intermediary fully up and in fresh, 0c. to 35¢.. tallow, rendered, 6c.; : 3» Frank Fowler, secretary of the |[wear. The next pair (second inter- doakins, 81: veal skins, 15¢. Ib; hides, MONTRE Lo QUE. SII IIIIIIIIIIIN IIPS Grain Dealers' Association, of Winni- mediary), well 'up' but not in use. No. 1, bc.: hides, No. 2, Sc. Ib; hots . A 2 og, says that unless something un ['hirty-six' months shows three pairs hides," $3 each i : : i , & . 000000000000000000000 forseen happens, ninety per cent of the jo! broad 1 teeth, which should be fully rin Fagen u 3 Manitoba wheat crop will be cat by {up and in wear, and the Sorc milk Ladies, Why Not Preserve You Jae end of this week, teeth may be shedding, with the cor- . HONG LEE LAUNDRY Stewart Lyon. news editor of the uer permanents just appearing through Youth and Beauty ? Parisian Sage, tho quick acting hair ------------------------------ ---------------------------- Y ' TALS the milk Nos. 1 and 46 W illiam {i ae ing an coffort to improve their milk [not marketed proved excellent food for Street, Brick, part modern, ¢ We have sold three at a snap for few days. Will take small houses in pur payment. Apply, to 0 ors GEO. CLIFF, Agent, 053 Clarence street. ' this month for use in city. Lot Us Put in Yours , Motor Repairs promot- ly and efliciently done. $1 W. Noman Hectic Co. FIVIL00004000400008 Se i et A A Hd IAEA i 4 2 Bee our new stock of Granite and Marble. Just arrived. KINGSTON GRANITE & MARBLE WORKS Qor. Princess and Olergy Sts; Settees and ~ Char weteries 1 awns and goods of all Kinds, Manu factured by artridge & "st le- | the gum by hand " lobe. whe is now in the west tele eu oi ne oe rae lar 1 te re |e rraphed to his paper, last week, ox Thirty-nine months. Three pairs of |restorer, 1s Now for sale in Ring ton Fi ow (one, Jisrantent, | pressing his belief, based on personal broad teeth will be fully up and in | at the drug store of GL, W. Mahood, Goods called fo elive ss : ; : es gi ore pg tho yivid Buatantes: at Ll ldet EY | observations and, inquiries, that the | wean the corner teeth (incisors) [and is sold with a rigid guaran a bee } A Feu Send pos tal card ith name and g Sh sms { throngh 'the: pum. are not in 'wear. 50 cents a bottlo coda iL ew pecia to ( ear address and we will ca prompt » tat Lp olen § 8 in eS k ft 3 {ih ly. { Deafness Cannot Be Cured. . 2 Parisian Sage ha an nmen sale, | It | |! *'A trial order holcited? [By local applications, as they cannot Produce And Prices. and here are the reasons : While! 11g i This Month tra ore sy {reach the diseased portion of the ear Kingston, Aug. 28.~Prices were It is safe and harmless. i i Aer | Sy : ih There is only one way to cure deafness, 2s mn - : weeks, b ws 3 IN . ( hi Sh P land that is by constitutional remedie . | quoted to the Whig as follows: Ie Sues dandruff in tio vek y ) hail NCE v 3 Pieces Parlor Sett only ng u, rop., | Deafness is caused by an inflamed con Fish--Salmon trout, 12%c. 1b.; skin- | killing the dundruf gernl. Re ) hf : or dition of the mucous lining of the a It stops falling hair 3 5 g f $ | Eustachian Tube. When this tube is in- ned dighy herring, 20c. 1b; whitefish, 5 g ' AAS 2 15. y b.: - 14 sromptly stops itching of the | ny i A be . . RCI Son Crescent {flamdd you have a rumbling sound or 123e. Ib.; pike, 10c. 1 Chinook sal I » . : . rd Mis on Dining Root » : 1 : ire Ceresererrsreerreseedt imperfect hearing, and when it is tire- | oy 300. 1b kippered herring, Yar- scalp, . . 3 : 1 a A . 4 8 n King. ee Boat: : : ou --t oe fio, : E i id 4 . Sett, early English finish, Iron a . Work gS Apne see lv closed, Deafness is the resuli, and . ltq makes the hair softt and " rks, King Su {unless the inflammation can be taken mouth bloaters, 400, doz.; perch, 30c. » A Besgitap Tone lout and this tube Festared to its normal doz.; frogs Jegs, H0e. to, g Atlantic zal luxuriant, if 1 A the hair J i 8 1 EX - 6G Leather-seated Chairs, condition, hearing will be destroy for- l mon. 30c. salt codfis c. to 15¢. [* 1b gives lite and wauniy to the hair, J : Special Notice =: fateh, age St of tin are eatined Ib.; hai '90c. Ib: fresh haddock, | It is not sticky or greasy. : " ) LN Round or Square Table and IP IP-TODATE SHOE REPAIRING - | flamed condition of the mucous surfaces. 10c. 1b; bullheads, 124c. 1b.; red her: It is the dainticst perfumed hair | a2 SAY TY ¢ Buffet for $56. Brass Beds, Cedar. Cut Blocks, at $3.90 per | We will give One Hundred Dollars for | ring, 20¢. box; mackerel, 15c. Ib.; lake | tonic made. gl j-2 ; 9 h ts, $18. So Repairing dono while you wait. All| coid, at the Corner Bagot and] |any, ease of Deatyets feaused. BY cata) herring, Se. Ib.: finnan haddie, 10c. to| It is the best, the most pleasant and Col A ine pos me Be a oF - a work dono by hand. No hall soles put | Barrack streets Wood Yard. {Cure. Send. for circulars, free. 12}c. lb; fresh lobsters, 250. lb.; sea|invigorating hair dressing made. xT SE . smaller sizes only $13.50. ; machine 1 rk guars ( ~ » ££ ! ». J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, O. |bass, 124e. ib.; pickerel, - 124c. Tb; | Fight shy of the drug gizist who offers on by machine All work guarsoteed |g BENNETT & CO., | soit progesee 26 ©" "| mackerel, 1. 1. you a eubstituto, ho 1s unworthy of ROBT. J. REID, 230 PRINCESS ST. - 1 Us on pa ; - * . i Jd. GREEN, 291 Princess St. ' Corner Bagot and Barrack Sts. Take Hall's Family tis 'or ongtip Meat--Beol, by carcaze, 7c. to 9¢; {your confidence. rk done 4 Princess S near Barrie St. seereresrestseres

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