Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 17 Aug 1909, p. 8

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THE DAILY BRT That will ve. years of good service aa' satisfac- tion: ; ow SEE OUR NEW STYLES, 1 Lo ¥ im bo ih QE Invest in a diamond and you have an imperishable as- set that will never grow old as the yearstpass. Our selected stones at OUR , PRICES will bold their value @ with indications of ¥ crease in. the future. an in. We sell a beautiful 3-stone ring, at $50. SPANGENBERG JEWELLER, VEVEEEE EER BREE EERIE EET eee § Marriage Licenses Issued # PHBE RRIIIEIII FEES 'Asonegrows old the bowels grow less active. Some then take harsh their bowels harden. multiply the dose. candy CASCARETS, They act in natural ways, amd one tablet a day is sufficient. cathartics, and Then they Some take Vest-pocket box, 10 cents--at drug-store. People now use a million hoxes . monthly, 861, THE FRONTENA LOANAND INVESTMENT | EE SC uETY ier tt Bishasd Oastwright n M 15 "City and. Farm pertier, "lunicips! and do on tures." ¥ rehasedy" received ud Int allowed. 5. CG. hoGill, Managing Dirsctor, 87 Olareace street. "SPECIAL DISTRIBUTORS FOR-- Penitentiary I : Fl wave like a cork, and struggling 1 NIAGARA TRAGED WAS SWEPT TO DEATH IN} WHIRLPOOL RAPIDS. A Young Man Attempted to Cross the Niagara River But Was Caught By the Curremt. Niagara Falls, Ont., Aug. 17.--Au- gusius Share was carried to his death the Whirlpool Rapids, while swim- in the Niagara river, near the Maid of the Mist landing, Monday noon. "His body hae not been re 1. Whon last setn ho was alive, was waving his arms and calling 3 ! company with George MeGibben, live: Rega and George Enos, wer went "swimming in the river, attempted {6 swim across the seam against tho advide' of lis com- 1 jons. Whon in midstream ho was the curtont and carried A towards "the rapids. He made frantic efforts" to swim against the curroht, but without avail. He called lustily for help as he was carvied un- der the lower = bridge and tossed into the maelstrom. Catehing the unfortunate swimmer, the first wave in the rapids tossed clear of the water. The seeonil wave threw him several fect above the surface, and he was carried down stream, tossed from wave to for = i #55 5 23Y i T Tite River men believe that had Sporer been carvicd nearer the Canadian shore his life might have been saved, a8 he was an excellont swimmer, and might have reached the eddy near the bend in the river. Watchers are at the anxionsly awaiting the appearance Sporér's body whirlpool, of A SCOT IN HARD LUCK. A Visitor to the Mayor's This Morning. Mayor Couper Office had a visit, this morning, from a Scotchman, who was in hard luck. His wife and family are on the way out to join him, and he is Arthur. All ¥is had sent to them to pay their passage, having been work- ing at Newport News, Va. The Scotchman, who spedks with as broad had to trying to wet to Port spare money he was ever heard, give up work there. "They're an aw- fu' lot there," he said. "Why, when they strike, they'd killa maun," So he decided to come north and get to Port Arthur. But it would cost a lot of money to travel all that dis- tance, nearly two thousand wiles, and he hadn't the money. told him train brakesman him to the end of his division for a dollar. So he did, and the brakesman said yes, he would carry him for that much "But by and bye," said the "anither maun comes along and he wants a dooler too, and when I got on a dis- tance 1 foound that 1 had been taxed twelve doolers, when I could have got a first-class teecket on a passenger train for sax doolers." Mayor Couper opened his pocket to the man from the land of his sires, and gave him a helping hand, and recommiended him to the generosity of the mayor of Belleville town. The Scot will get a good job in Port Ar thur, where good men are needed just now, an accent as doon to to a and he would Some freight carry one money. Scot, SOME BILLS RECEIVED For the City's Share of the Sub- way Cost. The city has received a number of bills from the Grand Trunk railway company in connection with the sub- way at the junction. The bills will have to be soit back for particulars, as they not very clear. It looks as though Frontenac's share of the wae included. The eity wants full particulars of the expenditure be- fore it will pay. Bevond the wages of the night watchman, the d@ty | paid nothing towards the subway feost: It is not vet known what the total cost will be. Mayor Couper says that the city's shave of the subway ost will be met by issuing debentures, are cost has Binder Twine Cheapest Twine made, 500 feet Sisal, 7c 1b. 600 feet Mixed, 8c lb 600 feet Pare, 9c 1b. +--ALSO-- McCormack Repairs ---- AT ve W. A. Mitchell's Hardware --ESIO TAP PEACE DISTRICT. Twenty-five Miles C. N: R. to North This Year. Edmonton, Aita., 'Aug. 17.--William Mackenzie, president of the C.N.R., announced that the, Morinville branch out of Edmonton would not tap Ath- | abasea Landing but would be divert- ed into the Peace River Twenty-five miles of this branch is be ing built this year He stated that the company is preparing to open up | west of the build south- fields will the Brazeau coa city, and that it west of Stratheona. A Clever Holleforyi Boy. Sydenham Ang 15.~When the > of the successful candidates for entrance to normal, were published in the Whig, last week, owing to some mistake, the name of Master Harold Redmond, Holleford, was omitted. We are pleased to state that Master Har- old, who is now fourteen vears of age has taken off his: entrance to Normal with honors, and also secured his jun- ior matriculation gratulations and cess may crown all his future ln -- names hope that like suc- offorts. "The Harmless Headache Powder™ is the perfect headache powder, for 1k i Gibson Red powders Cry We offer hearty con- | four | which the council is empowere to do | without submitting the matter lo the | people. The by the Dominion Railway Com- MISEI0N. : | cost was forced upon the | city HONOR MATRICULATION, List of Successful Candidates For Junior Standing. | The result of the examination for {honor junior matriculation are given | below. The standing obtained in each | subject ie indicated after a eandidate's name, | indicating first-class honors, 11 second-class honors, and II} third: class honors respectively. Frontenac--V. Blakslee, chemistry 11: W. R. Hughson, English 11, chem- listry HE FJ, Yioness, history 1H, chemistry 111. and Greaville--W. 1. Jento, 11%, Latin U1, French I. Edward--M. Hubbs, history R. Nugent, history II. Fog lish 11, Latin 11, French 11, German 111: KE JJ. Redmond, Latin HI; 8. M. Scott, English Il; Latin 111; L. RB. Thibault. history HI, English 11, Lat- {in III, French I, German 1. Leeds English Prince HL; PF | OVERDOSE OF MORPHINE. country. | Former Prince Edward Man Dies in West. reported from Port Ir. RP. Robinson, a Queen's, and a former | well-known sprinter. His home was at { Consecon, in Prince Edward county | Ho was a surgeon on the CPR. boats ito Chima before settling to practice. {Death was due to an overdose of mor- phine, Thes death Moody, B.( | graduate of 1s Baseball On Monday. National League--New York, | Pittsburg, 2. American Leagtie--Philadelphia, Washington, 1. 2; 6; i ¥ Whig's new up-to-date bindery 'can handle that ruling or binding {job "of yours to' perféction. Prices close. See the window of beautiful sponges Red Cros Lat Gibson drag stove from «Gy MOURN "SANTA CLAUS" LADY. Woman, Who Made Many Young Hearts Happy. T Ea MISS ELIZABETH PHILLIPS. There died recently in Philadelphia a middlé-aged spinster Whose good works done unosteutatiously and with- out clamour, gladdened the heart of thousands of young children in all parts of the . United States. Miss Elizabeth Phillips was her name, and che earned the title'of "Santa Claus" lady when two or three years ago she applied to the postmaster of Phila- delphia to alfow the delivery to her of All letters written by children at Christmas time to Santa Claus, to her address. Her request was granted and the little ones' wishes, in as far as they were at all practicable, were all carried ont from funds provided by her generous purse. i Migs Phillips was buried on Satur day. August ih, at her home in Laurel, ' Del. FASEB EAS IISIICIIIE DREADFUL HEAT. ; * st. Louis, Mo., Aug. 17. --The Southwest is in the 'Hr RELR bis on a1 donald park: -------- TO SETTLE STRIKE AT GLACE BAY TE a i Buyers in St. Lawrence Say That They Must Have Ccal--May Deal Across the Line. Glace Bay, N.D., Aug. 17.--As fast as statements are made that negotia- tions are on foot looking towards a settlement of the strike difficulty, de- nials follow. But there is no doubt negotiations' are on foot. T. H. Ca- han is expected buck in Sydney short- ly, iwhen the copferences which were adjourned "on "Saturday will be re s - Buyers in the St. Lawrence are be- ginning to ask what is going to be done about the strike trouble. They want coal, -and they must have the contracts filled. If the Dominion Coal company cannot supply them, they will have to go te American firms. Of eourse, they say, the American product will cost dearly-if they make a year's contract, but a large reduc- tion will be made if they sign over an extended period. Should some sort of settlement not be reached soon, the big coal buyers of Canada must go across the line for their 1910 supply, which will mean a loss to the Domin- jon Coal company in the St. Lawrence next season. Since the strike began, but one car- vo of coal, 4,800 tons, loaded by the Hermod at Louisburg, has been ship- ped to Boston, whereas before the present Jabor difficulty from 40,000 to 70.000 tons a 'month were sent to Bos- ton, INCIDENTS OF THE DAY. AY, AUGUST 17, 1009. PERSONAL MENTION, They Are Saying And Doing. John Murray, of the MT. Co. visiting in Montreal. oJoyee, is enjoying his holi- fore Bp the Rideau. Smith, Sydney, €.B., visiting friends in the city. Mrs. E. A. Turner and daughters, ro visiting, Mrs. Grant, Longueuil, > ; Missce Tena and Lillie Bedard, Gan- anoque, are visiting fricnds in the city. 0 AY Auch, Acton, Ont. Pots ingston this morning jor Montreal. . George Gerow, 'of Picton, has taken a position as engineer on the steam- | er Sowards. James McCulla and wife, have just isl pleasant stay. Harold Hughes bas returned home from Belleville. lle will likely romain in Kingston. Mrs.W. F. Latimer, of New York, is visiting her mother, Mrs. John Smith, University avenpe. G. B. Cummings, formerly of King- ston, is now choirmaster of Knox church, Owen Sound. Ald. and Mrs. William McCartney, Earl street, are enjoying a vacation at Old Orchard Beach. Miss Samwell, staying on Clergy street for the summer will return in the fall to, Whitby College. James Norris, of Toronto, is the ruest of Mrs. D. J. Garbutt, corner rie and Johuson streets. Mre. W. J. Murphy, and children, Colborne strect, eo home after a week's visit in Clayton, N.Y. Mrs. Bicknell and two sons, of Rochester, N.Y., are visiting Mr. and Mrs. William Smith, William street, Harold Armstrong, Alired street, has Newsy Paragraphs Picked Up By Reporters On, Their Rounds. William Swaine, piano tuner. Orders received at McAuley's. "Phone 778. Buy fly paper at Gibson's Red | Cross drug' store. Tanglefoot and poi- son pads ard sold there. The complimentary concert by tho 14th band will not occur to-night, but, Tuesday, August 24th, in Mae- | from Hi. Cunningham, piano tuner Mo Chickering's. leave orders ab Aulev"s Book Store. grip of the worst heat since the memorable dry spell in 1901 and some places re- port temperatures exceeding the teriffic heat of chat year. Crops in (Missouri, Northern Oklabam» Ar- kansas. Southern Kansas, Nebraska ond Illinois are drying up and unless there is rain soon the loss will be enormaqus. EEEEEE RA THF ER EHERES EEF AAI CITY AND VIDINITY. Yellow And White Peaches. | v at Car} 1 smallest Fruit season now wide oper { novsky's. Largest stock anc prices. a { Great Clearing Sale. { Prevost, Brock street, has wade a great redaction in prices in the or- der and ready-made clothing depart. ment. Also in the gents' furnishings to make room for his fall and win- ter importations. Engagement Announced. engagément announced Oliver, voungest daughter | Rev. R. F. Oliver, of Frankville, to Rev. H. H. Mills, of Arundel. Que. The marriage will take place during the autumn. The of | Miss Pansv of the late 1,000 Islands-Rochester. Steamers North King and Caspian leave for Thousand Ysland points daily, except Monday, at 10:30 a.m, and for Bay of Quinte ports and Ro- chester, at 5 pm. J. P. Hanley, agent. The Bell Not Yet Roped. clock bell is still uncon alarm purposes. Evi dently the fire and property commit tees are waiting for each other to give the order to rope the bell. Each committee agreed to pay half the It would be a great convenience and citizens to have The city nected for fire cost. to both firemen the bell sounded when fires occur. May Be Summoned. A woman was at the police station this afternoon' complaining about her landlady. She said she had - three rooms rented in the house and had them paid for in advance,' but could hardly stand the goihgs on' there day and night. ' She told many tales = of things that happened. She is consitl- ering having the people summoned in- to court. In Marine Circles. The steambazge Remirving is in the Davis dry-dock, receiviig a new whet, The marine outlook for the fall not promising. There seem to he too maw' vessels in business. "A promia- ont marine man of Kingston says that there are ctiough Canadian boals now to carry tho North-West grain east in two loads. is Quite Lively Runaway. The horse attached to a grocery rig ran awdy, on Princess street, this morning, and caused a flurry of ex- citemént. The animal first started in to kick, and when "the driver jumped off the waggon the ammal ran away. In turning -the. corner of Bagot street the waggon hit a' hydrant and was Jeit there, while the horse galloped away." I{ was caught later by Robert Orwell. The rif and harness wore badly damaged. 3 SMELLIE KICKED THE CAT. {binding done A Yale Jock kév, No! 7526 was found on Cl rey street, to-day, and awaits > an owner at the police station. Loose leaf and all other kinds of ot Whig office. tomers tell us that our prices «rv moderate, : Joyeevillo enjoved a soaking rain on Monday afternoon. It fell in torrents for an hour, Kingston did not havea drop of it. "Bulterscotch" Callard and Bowser make. Fresh on Saturday at Gibson's Red Cross drug store. The steamer America had up the river, to-day, on her way to Picton. About 150 people took the Boat here for the trip up the moun- tain. The steamer Missisiguoi bronght a of passengers to the from Rockport and intcr- She returficd at 2:30 are 300 people large number city, to-day, mediate points. o'clock. ' Two female prisoners in charge of a matron and two guards, arrived from St. Vineent de Paul ponitentiary, 10- dav, and were driven at once to the big Portsmouth institution. A squad of carpeaters are travelling on the steamer Kingston repairing the damage done at Charlotte by the steamer Turbinia on Sunday evening. It will take some dey$ io repair the damage. Fresh beef jron and son's Red Cross drug stove, 50c. bottle there. sr The United States authorities taking the initiative in the investiga- the cause of the collision between the steamers Turbinia and Kingston, in Charlotte harbor, Sunday night. pip ---- WEDDING PARTY'S PLIGHT. wine at Gib- a aro tion into Wolie Island. Never go to a wedding in a motor boat, especially if you are one of the contracting parties: Early this morn- ine a launch left Garden Island coun- taining the bride-to-be, her father and bridesmaid, the future groom and his hist man. They were going to Wolfe Island to be married. Everything went merrily until about hal the distance was covered, the engine balked and the parade halted, and halted inde- finitely. All that the engineer did could not remedy the damage, and the bridal party were adrift in the wa- ers. Finally the steamer Wo 1 hove in sight and threw out a line. This was soon made fast and once again the party were on their way. Just when evérything was going nite lv, the heaving line = broke and once again the important = ceremony was delayed," and to make things worse it commefleed to ra fine new dresses and hats. Once again the big steamer rounded to and this time threw out a large, rope, used for making the boat fast. This wis attached -and the party started off again to the strains of the wedding 'march whistled by a young man on the = hursieans deck of the ferry boat. » ! --r-- -- Conductor Killed By Engine. Winnipeg, Aug. 17.--Conductor ~~ A. DD. Percy, Dauphin; died ia St. Bowi- fon hospital. Saturday night. Satur day he left the caboose to go to din- ner, and, stepping out of the way of a irain to thi other track, was | down and fearfully mangled by switch engine 34. Ho leaves a widow and five children, "The remains were shipped to Dauphin, whete they will be buried, Wordnesday, hy the Brotherhood of Railway Trainmen, Ho was formerly of Perth. lie Islander Emily Jones, Copk. Sues Him For $100,000. New York, Aug' 17.--Eriest W lie, the New York nlanager for glove - manufactaring - firm; has been sued for $100,000 by Emily Jones, his kicked . Smel- cook, because, it is alleged, he cook says her eves were filled with a shower of small particles of rusty iron wire as the cat sailed outward, and sho estimates the damage.to her sight wed her lessened cliances of matrunony it |1p0 {he eat through a window dcvecn. The | Fire Force Resigns. \ i Su John, NB. Aug. 174s a re, Leult of difficulties with Chief Kerr [nearly the entite forcc at No. 1 en- { gine house resigned in a body. they Don't tell other"people what i should de. 'De' 'what voir vourseli and let it go at that. . A 'woman likes to listen to gossip because of the pleasure she will derive from repeating it. Anyway the alwoad minded man dom forects himself, sel i Peterboro. Cus- ! on | | Their Yacht Adrift on the Way to in, right down on the | ru secured a lucrative position in a large whglesale crockery store in Montreal. Frank Strachan, Bagot sirect, loft, to-day, for Winnipeg, where he has ac- copter a position in a large wholesale houso, ht Miss Kato garet. Reardon, ing Mr. and Mrs. D. J. Millan, street. Miss May Acton. Earl street, loft, on Saturday, along with her sistor, Mrs, Bertram Woods, to visit friends in Millan and Miss Mars New York, are visit- Earl Johnston 'returned to aiter a five weeks' and Mrs. W. Bailic, Mrs. A.C. Montreal, torday, visit with Mr. Barrie street. James Mace, Toronto, is visiting friends in the city. Mr . Mace is a well known Hovse man who has many friends herve. R. Meck, secretary of ihe Oddiel- lows' Relief Association, is attending the grand lodge of Quebec Oddicllows at Sherbrooke, Que. Miss Lena Nicholson, of Montreal, has returned home after spending two weeks, the puct of Miss Lena Martin, Balaclava sirect. Mise Tessie Beamer, returned to her home in Toronto, to-day, aficr visit- ling Mrs. (Dr.) Campbell, at her sum- mer camp, Loughboro Lake. Miss Kathleen and Miss Dollie[ Pritchard, Bay street," have returned home, after spending a delightful two | wooks at Westport and Rideau Forry. Mr. and Mrs. George Lappage, of Toronto, who have been the guests of Mrs. James Gowan, Barrack street, have returned to their home in To- ronto. Miss Gertrude Anderson, Barrieficld, leaves, to-day, for Montreal. While there she will be the guest of Mrs. Thomas Cheonell, MeGill College avenue, Miss Ada Sharman, Wellington ' dreet, jaank Mrs. F. W. Massie, New Rochelle, N.Y., are visiting at Alex: andria Bay for a few days. Mrs Massic will leave Kingston early next week for Belleville and Rochester be- foro returning home. DEVELOPMENT OF CONGO. | . | Heir to. Throne Praises Work of Leopold. Antwerp, Aug. 17.--Priges Albert Leopokl, heir' to the Belgian: throne, lon his scturm from the Congo, ' Was given an ovation. He spoke im praise of what King Leopold had accomplish- od in the Congo, and said tho re- sources anit possibilities' of develop ment of the country had exceeded his expectations. Belgitm, he declared, would work for the moral and ma tecial welfate of the natives in lessen ing their burdens, towbatting tha sleeplag sickness and inc casing means of communication. In conclusion, the mended that Bolgians go out Congo. prince recom to the ABDUL HAMID ILL. Refused to Let the Operate. Constantinople, Aug. 17.--Alxdul Hamid, the former sultan of Turkey, who is now in confinsinent in Saloni: suffcred "recently from a slight abscess of the throat, Which made"it difficult «jor him = to swallow. 'He re fused to submii' to an operation, and the trouble' evindually remoditd itaell. Ths illoess ve rise to reports that Abdul Hem#l's life was despaired of. ------------ Pan-Anglican Thank Offering. London, Aug. 17.--0f Pan-Anglican thank offeri £20,000 goes ta Can- ada, allotat to the West and North-West, including £5,000 each for the theological colleges at Vancouver and Saskatoon, and £2,000 to Winni- pe," which is regardpd ay a right step, as the provinces best able to produce clergy adapted to their necd. He Surgeons 1 ki, Niagara Peaches And Plums. Hundreds of baskets coming daily, 50c. to 75c., at Carnovsky's. Emerson Shelley, fifteen years of age, is locked up in Simeon, Ont. jail, charged with having shot and killed Michael Hall, an almost blind oclogen- atian, on Sunday. He is also alleged to have fired = several shots at Mrs. Hall. Mrs. Francis Seott, one of Brock ville's elderly ¢itizens, died, on Sun- day, after an illwess of six 'months following an attack of la grippe. Some people who take offense with: out cause would take anything - else they could get away with. Fren a woman who is ill likes dress well, to retuned from the Sand Banks, after o [= 2 ORO OHORORORORON Atter 9 O'clock Owing to the arrival of large consignments g a few of New Goods, we are offe Ss bargains in Summer Materials, * hoohehould attract the attention of those who prac-- tice economy in dress. Anderson's Famous Scotch Ginghams We have a splendid range of this material, and as usual there are Stripes, Checks and Plaids, in both light and dark colorings, and yet you can see the newness. Among them are some excellent shirting styles, weighty enough for fall wear. Another item of interest will be the balance of our ' 'l ORO ROROROROAONS TROB0ECH ORO Linen, Galatea and Cotion Fabrics. These two lines we offer at ONE-THIRD OFF REGULAR PRIGE English Galateas Unequalled for wear. Perhaps no cot- ton material now shown is good for so many purposes, and gives such satis- faction as Galatea. It's soft, but strong, heavy enough for fall wear, and not too heavy. It may be obtained in plain colors and a number of fancy effects, and all the colorings are abso- lutely fast. It is equally good for men's shirts, boys' waists, women's shirt waists, house dresses, children's dresses, and a dozen other things. It's not expensive, Only 15¢c and 20c | FOROS caoac aca REE RORRCEORORORORRORS NC AAA ROR O08 FORA ORCRORORCRORORORCO 0 PRO run We have the right kind of goods at the lowest possible price. Address Tags, Trunk Straps, Shawl Straps, Hand Bags, Deep Olub Bags, and all kinds of Suit Cases. We make a specialty of Steamer Trunks, car- rying a large variety. : A pleasure to show our stock. Fo HE LOCKETT SHOE STORE} g 000000000 060805500030900008000

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