DOINGS IN N_ STAGELAND MANAGERS | PREPARING FOR A LIVELY SEASON. Madame Nazimova Will Open the New Shubert Theatre in New York--Henry Marsh, Old-Time Minstrel Dying on Lohg land, N.Y. Joseph Weber will have ies presenting 'The son, Joseph M. signed S. Mil- ler Kent to appear in a new farce by F. E. Dunn, entitled "A Dry Town." Mre. Stuart Robkon is a member of Sidney Drew's company, which opened at Daly's New York Theatre in "Bil ly" on Monday last. Joseph Weber h agement of Miss ford, who will continue in Butterfly" next weason Adelaide Thurston has secured "C trary Mary,"" by Mary Ellis Baker, thor of "Mary June's Pa," in which Henry FE. Dixey scored the greatest success of his career, Janet Dunbar will be David Héld's leading woman, next season, "The ' Music Master." Mr, opens his season at Richmond, September 30th. Willis P. Sweatman will return vaudeville next season. He ha several offers for the legrtimate pressing from Cohen and "Minstrels, but prefers vaudeville The Shuberts an early pro duction of Persian Prince with Ivries Greenbank music by with tional pusie Horne. comedy necess' in land Lieber & (lo, Farnum in "Cameo WNirby," ington-Wilson play Nat Goodwin last kin will be one support, and the thé Pacific coast Speaking editorially of the theatrical outlook the Dramatic Mirror says "That managers preparing for one of the most lively in ths history of the is apparent from the carried by the Mirror Miss Olga Nethersole Europe, will inaugurage tinental American tour when she will appear in plays, including "Saphe," ond Mrs, Tanqueray," "The the Wall," and a new play with the labor stion, George M, Cohan's new music written for Raymond Hitcheock, been rechristened "The Man From Broadway." It in rehearsal will open next month with Raymond Hitchcock, flora Zabelle, Lieb, Stanley Ford, Scott Welch Iran ces Gordon in the big cast. "The Wizard" is the title new musical production in which Samuel Bernard will play under the Shubert's management this The book of the pigee is Manners, the lyrics are B. Smith, and the is by Julian Edwards To the chain of Shubert theatres during the past week have been added the Masonic and Avenue Theatres in Louisville. In connection with Ander- son and Ziegler, the Shuberts already control the Mary Anderson Theatre the same city. Lew Dockstader James H. Decker,, to management, in the houses for, a term of years er is manager of the Shubert's book ing department, and used to conduct the Primrose and Dockstader minstrel tours, "A BON Six compan- Climax," next sea- Gaites has sumed the man- Van Siudde The Golden Grace War in Warfield Va., on to had and a one Harris' announce "The hy Perey Sidoey Jones, by Marie n big and addi I'he proved Eng end out Dustin the Tark tried by unre to which was season. Menee Ran of the actors in his tour will extend to are and varied seasons Amerienn theatre Gotes of purpose nowadays, who is her transcon in October, a cycle "The Writir dealing now in que play had is and Lora and of "the oS season bye Hartley by Robert music in has contracted with appear under Shubert play Mr. Deck his Fool Browne's There Was," play, Porter Emer which Frederic produced © at the Liberty Theatre last spring, with Robert Hil liard in the chief role, will shortly be presented in London with Herbert Sleath, Mi IAL Jeffries and Miss Violet Van Burgh in the cast. J. FE. Dodson, the star House Next Door," cesses of 1909, 3 of theatrical art in already published a art of "Make-up, and. ha nearly ready for the pre a work on the "Psychology of Character Acting." Charles Cherry, the English will begin hi eason early next in "The Bachelor," which wa produced at the Maxine Elliots tre last pring. Clyde Fitch, Thompson of of the few compiling hist all He monograph on the one a ory age has 8 Ww ron month first ithea who "Constipation For Three" Years" Had Diaziness, Bad Breath, Head- aches, Bad Color, Poor Anpetite. Hamilton's Pills Cured Quickly. il constipation trouble can he the striking Currean,' of if all attends Pills. have Dr. doubt stomach read Mrs. B. C. know that certain Hamilton's years 1 biliousness, os my head, and when and alter my Those who and chronic cured need testimony of Westport, to else had failed the use of Dr. flor fully theee fered the tortures of stapation and had terrible pains an appetite faded eat anything me very meal. The mach and to endure almost times attacks that I had _te feel worn, miserable that to my poisoned helped me ilton s Pills system-cleaning only evan cure suf- con 1 My \ dicd mad cavh stomath wders, away I it disagreed for wetive the dizzy et came go to depressed for 1 fami siek hours pains mn headac wild hes me on bed. ancl 1 My with wastes and till 1 used Dr. Without this remedy would be sick, but each day brought better health and spirits cured and made as g, ruddy i could wis id recommen J l would ut te rlyp wouldn't" £0 speak svsten wis thing no Ham I stron healthy looking as one and will always use an Dr. Hamilton's Pitts Thousands who are \ state of health need nothing el but Dr. Hamilton's Pills, They cure blood disorders, pimples, rashes, bad color, biliousness, liver, stomach and kidney troubles, Mild, certain and safe. Be- ware of imitations and - substitutes, in z, low se Is-| wrote the comedy, is under contraet to deliver another play for the same ac- tor? Ralph Stuart, who will play one of | the principal roles in Channing Pol- | lock's new comedy, "Sucka Little Queen," which opens in New York at] the Hackett Theatre, on August 30th, enjoys the distinction of having played | principal parts in New York any other contemporaneous ac- Mr. Stuart has a repertoire of than hundred. Far removed from the footlights, Henry Marsh, old-time minstrel, show "costumer and collector and auth- ority on antiqugs, is bravely waiting | the last curtain call at hiz home, in Third street, Woodside, Long Is land. He has been ill from dropsy for the last six weeks. Among the originators of the old-time . minstrel shows Years Mr, Marsh was at times associat. ed with Tony Hart, Primrose, West, Barlow and Tony Pastor. Nazimova, who is now resting at her country place in Portchester, N.Y. is studying her three hundredth role. She said to have a repertoire larger than foreign artist, Eugene. Walter a druma for the Russian scenario of which will be Shuberts by the mid As previously an Nazimova will open in New York, after her, more than tor. mor four man, Ago, in any at work on actress, the delivered to the dle of next 'month Madame Shubert Theatre to be named 1s noun ed, the new which i Juntiary. in Happened Before. Chicago N3 ws, Women of KE century wore ers once travelled with gland in the eighteenth e hats. Samuel Rog- to Ranclagh in the a woman who was on a the account of the her headdress all for in her ame ff coach compelled to sit floor the coach on inconvenient height of Hannah More, who wa plicity in costume, writes that she has seen women wearing their heads "an acre and a half of shrubbery, besides slopes, grass plats, tulip beds, clumps peonies, kitchen and greenhouses." The credit thi given, to Gar appeared one night the of vegetables on his suspended from each confusion of stool on ol sim diary gardens of killing rick. He tage with head and a carrot side, to the many fair members fashion is on LInns and of his Equine Pride. Telegraph. wo Churchmouse--"That rht, high enough. m'lud shame audience, London Lord had of you is all rig hold his head Oh, that's is it up when 'e's i" I n't Dealer 'E'll "old hor but he does pride, paid: for. mp Guaranteed Dandruff Cure. of the druggist who any other hair tonic is as Parisian Gage--he tolls just knows Beware that as good better. G. WwW Parisian vou for to be sage stop of money Mahood is the Sage, and he won't you something just as cause he that Paidsian is guaranteed to cure dandruff, falling hair, all the scalp in two weeks, back. He knows that agent try give good knows diseases and cure Parisian Sage the most plea hair dressing hair fluffy large bottle will guaran- only by N.Y.; Fort highly recommended as sant and rejuvinating known, It makes the and beautiful. 50c. a at G. W. Mahood's He tee it. Made in America Giroux Mig. Co., Buffalo, Erie, Ont. on | FISHING FOR SHARKS rem | | Large Specimens Oaught Along, | Mexican Coast. | | Mexican Herald. : ! The shark fishing season is on here | quite a pastime now and [urnishes {for those addicted to such dangerous igports. The sharks seems to be bold- ler than usual, very large ones coming iinto: the bay, while gene rally they { keep out towards the entrance. | Yesterday quite a large one feang tht from one of the piers. {measures over two metres in length, land - caused quite an exciting battle before the fishermen got the second t harpoon into it. This morning an- { other much larger one was | by some fisherfren in a boat. j only subdued after a hard land finally towed alongside wall and hoisted out with'a The animal was near three long, and was still alive after hoisted out the dock, and slashed around at a lively rate, caus- ing the crowd that had gathered to see it to seatter in all directions to avoid its enormous tail. After being killed the animal's liver was removed and ét measured more than three feet in length. This furnishes a very transparent oil that is used for many purposes, Only a short time ago Capt. Wash- burt of the Ward Line's tug Neptune, aught one of these monsters, and came very near losing ont. with him, as the fingers of both hands were so badly burned hy the line which he " the shark that he was laid up for se veral days with bandaged hands. It was struggle, the sea- meters being How To Iron A White Skirt. To iron a white undorskirt hegin at the strings and waistband, (hen the of the skirt. Iron round on' the right side with a very hot iron, them iron the first frill. This frill will probably have sewed work or lace. In cither case it must Vironed the wrong side. frill will be must next be ironed over altarward on the the way of the a second frill the frill is ironed at iho the hem or and ironed on take all hottom be nicely Probably tucks or on Pabove the [ hems. "They | the wrong side right. Rub the { hem, If there cloth under the same timo as frill again the w Put skirt boad into the place, eqgch end of the table, thus allowing the over the board. Tt can thus and nicely finished. lengthwise 'and there and iron tucks 1 | the rong side, nd ther skirt board on skirt to be Af hang hang easily ironad | terward fold it up to air. With His Argonaut may have said the same this rather unsympathotic attributed to the late 'Are you going Ww funeral of Gen Butler ? for: asked him. "No,' the calm re- "No, I am going to attend I heartily of it. Sanction, J.ondon Others | thing, but comment is Judge Hoar : tend the was ly, not but approve . | Always There, | New York Globe. | caught | derrick, ! i it" fine ; Mrs. Binks (reading) where a scientific an extinct erator |at the bottom of a prehistoric woman. How account for it? Mr. Binks--QOb, accounted for, Martha, a woman is at the bottom everything. John, 1 read expedition explored 2,000 fect deep and they found the bones do you that's You of casily know PONGEE WITH BABY IRISH LACE Te -- -- 2 x £ »; Sa are numbered beauty well deep vest:of baby Bands of Pongee gowns count upon for fashioned with crochet buttons. and cross in front, running, surplic A déep panel of Irish lace goes the hem. The lopz sleeves are of t as as e a at all dealers,ior The Catarrhozone Company, Bingsion, Onty of baby Irish lace. With is: worn a dainty scarf which adds t among pongee run the gown, FHOTO BY JOEL.TEPER. the toilets that one can ndurance. This empire-princess is Irish lace, fastened with Irish from shoulder to waist line e style, to the hack of the gown, down the middle of the skirt to he pongee, With 'a wide insertion which is of the walking length, 0 Ms effectiveness. \ | | > ¥ Ee ok * Hy ' x % SPe000000000000000000000000 Secoccsssssinnessesesssses eevee Cae cadence Fe EE { " 0000000000000000000\00000000000 "wo00000000000000000 ¥ DIARRH(EA, DYSENTERY, COLIC, STOMACH CRAMPS, CHOLERA MORBUS, CHOLERA INFANTUM, SEASICKNESS, SUMMER COMPLAINT and all LOOSENESS OF THE BOWELS May BE RAPIDLY AND EFFECTUALLY "CURED BY THE USE OF \ \br. FOWLER'S A ATBXTRACT OF TLD STRAWBERRY e he sisdiéine with a record of cares extending over 65 years. Yon don't experiment when you buy if, r rbapaesten Jewel" is The Key § of Economy The latest toy a = Shichge wel' Flaspe Re Reficetor 2nd Valvelos! Oven ter. pe EE which are not 'on any other gas Stove x sing: "They BE { ELLIOTT BROS., il im * - The fruit season is here, and with it the demand for SUGAR. When purchasing, insist upon having TeHETT, Huntsville, Ont, Jwrites; fATcHETT, "It erful Benes 1 aio in your £ivea me much pleasure $0 t! medicine. Lastsummer a, itsaved no use, Dr, Fowler's E giving them one ot Ti found a great change, Sn now my a ever. We bave never, been without it since, and I have POCO re iv v + 4 Py ARIS, I. Havanese, Ont., writes: ** I take jhls Dr. Fowler's Iixtruct of Wild fasuily FY nds gil. 4 threp yenrs old, took sw early Jometion failsd I thought oo your remed doe a M, stoped od all the fis Itisa highlyd trate or. son had dinyrn y vise a i mothers to aves bottle! of * Dre; ne ne for young and old, and I cannot finn Gi ie bow: wels become too loose. A few doses Refuse Substitutes. ¥ 1'rice 35 cts. They're Daagérous, : by The T. Milburn Co., Limited, Toronto, Oat] x z g g g i § pp CANADA'S STANDARD MADE FROM PURE CANE SUGAR. Manufactured by The Canada Sugar Refining Co. Ltd, MONTREAL, QUE. Day & Martin's "Just Out' Boot Polish 'Second to none \ 0 YOU More of Bet- y bd, ter Toilet Tissue for the . 8 ame make on the market. Presc=vcs and makes the leather water proof -- Won't soil hands; or clothes. Money than any other Made in Every Known Form and Variety and Every Sheet Guaranteed Chemically Pre. Insist on Having Eddy's. CHAS. GYDE Agen', MONTREAL. Always, Everywhert in Canada, Ask for Eddy's Matches. Special Notice Cedar Cut Blocks, at $3.90 per cord, at the Corner Bagot and Barrack streets Wood Yard, S. BENNETT & CO, Corner or Bagot and Barrack Sts. greressersissesesenees ¢ T.J. LOCKHART 4 Real Estate and Insurance 4 Money to Loan. € Omce, 169 Wellington St: ¢ ston. ------ d Camp Cot, $1.50 to $2.50 1 euch. Mattress to fit, $1.50 to $2.50 each. Double Swing, seat 4 people, $6.50 only. Baby Walkers, $3.50. Camp Stool and Chairs, 50c. to $2.50, Lawn Benches, Camp Table Fold, 4 "inches square, for Motor Boat. | Robert J. Reid, 230 Princess St Private Atbilasce Phone 5 | $1.50 each. to seat 4 new stock of Granite and Marble. Just arrived. om GRANITE & MARBLE WORKS Oor. Princess and Olergy Sts; our King- 3 and you will be right. Start it by eating Shredded Wheat . Biscuit (with hot milk or cream and a little fruit. If you eat more than the stomach needs you are wasting both money and strength. Overtaxing the stomach impairs digestion, weakens brain power and lays the foundation for disease, Cut out heavy meats and soggy white flour pastries for ten days, eat Shredded Wheat and see how much better you will feel--then tell your friends about it. Your grocer sells it. Shredded Wheat is made of the choicest selected white wheat, cleaned, steam-cooked and baked. Try it for breakfast to-morrow with milk or cream. The Biscuit is also delicious for any meal in combination with fresh or preserved fruits. . THE ONLY "BREAKFAST CEREAL" MADE IN BISCUIT FORM