Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 7 Aug 1909, p. 6

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i + _race EIGHT. MeKAY FURS TELA STEeLD That -- give years' of good service and satisfac- eea---- SEE OUR NEW STYLES, in long Mink Fur-Lined Jackets JOHN McKAY 107 BROCK ST, and 149.155 BROCK ST. a -- WATCHES | {FOR BOATING AND CAMPING $2.25. : Nickel cased with strongly ¥ made movements, stem wind- ing and setting. Made in small size, p either pocket or wrist wear, E and in 12 sizes. Thin model ® for pocket wear. The best value priced watches. SPANGENBERG JEWELLER. in low § Marriage Licenses Issued IIIIIIIIIIIISY * for ¢ DIED AT THE DOOR FATHER WAS /AS ABOUT TO MEET DAUGHTER. « | Tragic Holiday Trip of Belleville Lawyer to Montreal--Daughter a Nurse in Hospital. Montreal, Aung. | few minutes of the meet hig daughter, whom he was com- ing to visit, was the fate of George | Denmark, of Belleville, Ont. He was | taking a well-carned holiday from. his { low office, and whon he arvived hero | ho started to walk to the Royal Vie- | toria hospital, where his daughter is la rp and they bad planned to { make number of water trips from the city. He collapsed in the and a student picked him up and took him tg the hospital in a cab. But he died on the way, and the daughter, who was waiting to welcome him, identi- ficdd the body as that of her father, The shock wap so great that at first thete were fears for her reason, but her work asa nurse had its effect in being to a cortain extent prepared for these things, and she recovered, The body was sent home last night. 7.~To die within a time he was to siroed, 17¢, Breakfast Bacon, 17c. Saturday only breakiast bacon 17¢c. Roll bacon 13¢. J. Crawford, Bibby's now sell suit Easily Caught It is the simplest thing in | the world to buy the wrong Fishing Tackle at the wrong time. Anglers will do well to bear in mind thac fair treatment is the rule here,. be the customer no- vice or expert. We have every requirement for any kind of fishing, and our only aim in business is to give the customer exactly Yess cases, he wants. s W. A. Mitchell s Hardware Summer Gloves In. Lisle and Silk. 95, 35, 50, 75¢. Long Gloves Silk, White. prices. Special Lisle and Kid. Black, Tans at very and values low Summer Hosiery For Ladies' and Children. All the leading colors in Lace and Kmbroid- ery. Boys' Summer Stockings Very elastic makes. 40¢ pair, 5 1 35, Sun Shades and Parasols New Novelties in Plain and Effects, New English' Covers. Fancy York handles with $1.00 to $4.00 each. Special Showing of All White Muslins For Dresses & Waists, 15¢c to Jr. NOMA 1057 i GOT BEYOND ND HER DEPTH AND WENT DOWN. E. P. Wright Went to 'Her Rescue and Brought Up Her Body-- She Was a Lady's Maid. Special to the Whig. Gananoque, Aug. 7.--Another drown: ing fatality occurred, at Gananoque, about seven o'clock this morning, whereby a young wéman, named -Me- Dpnald, lost her life, under circum- stances that were purely accidental. As customary, she went to the river to bathe, got. beyond her depth, and called for help. I. P. Wright, of Wright Dry Goods company, launched Lis motor boat, went to her rescue, dove after hen, bringing her up at the second dive. ' The young woman is said to be an orphan, coming to Canada from Scot- land a few years ago, nineteen years of age, of pleasant appearances, and had acted for some time past la- dies' maid "for Mrs. Clarkson Jones, Stone street, The police were at once notified. The body had been in the water ten min. Mr. Wright tried every means to resuscitate her, but, unsuccessfully. Coroner Shaw, Lansdowne, notified, said an inquest was unnecessary. The remains were taken to McKenzle's em- balming department, as utes. B. A. Hotel Arrivals. FF. Bresard, W. R. Pelier, Montreal: Alexander, Toronto; J. I. Marsten, T. M. Garland, Ottawa; A. Hardwich, Toronto; John T. Ham, Capt. C. H. Hunt, L. A. Pothencisher, Alexandria Gibson, Hamilton: Stuart Watertown; Syl. Fine, A. Moore and wife, Chi- Joivine and wife, Quebec, Richardson, Toronto: B. M. Hambley and wife, Clayton; J. H. Sinclair, Toronto; James O'Mahoney, New York; RB. A. Hurbert, Ottawa; William Gaville, Gualgary, Alta; E. E. Chisnall, Montreal; C. B. Morrey, Ww. H. Manning, A. J. Johnson, C. H. Crooker, R. Rogerson, W, Bon- gard, Ingersoll; B. R. Montgomery, (George Hayden, R. B. Morrison, Woodstock; W. M. Laughlin, Wood stock; George A. Nevett, wife and fam- ily, London: Maud Nevett, Miss Nevett, Chicago; Miss Myers, Chazy, N.Y. 3 rockville; B. Napanee; Kenyon, V, Ray: T. G. I. Fencing, Balleville; F. cago; J. E. Que.; James Body Not Recovered. search for the body was continued Friday until a late hour, ain this morn ing, it was resumed, no ward had been received of it ing been located. [= Quite ag number of people boats and volunteered their service and the district' in which the fatality occurred was well patrolled, but with no result. If is feared that the body has * drifted aw and may hot be found for some dgys. Mr. Steers assisted in the The of Mrs, Steer and ag but up to noon hax search for that he aod a man WN ACTOSS SoMa and that about noon, namdd Stroud had thing with grappling what appeared to be human hair, was pulled up. However, they missed the body, if it was that they ran aeross, but the search is being - continued. irons, Saturday Market. The market square was one of the busiest places in the city, Saturday morning. The farmers were out in full force, and the square and Island market were thronged with eager buy ers. New corn made its first appear- ance in large quantities, and sold at 15¢. to 20e. per dozen. The supply of raspberries was quite small and they gold at from Be. to 10c. Black cur- rants brought from 10c. to 104c. per box, apples, 50c. to 60c. per bushel; new potatoes, 50c, to 60c. per bush.; 200; pér dozen, and butter 25c. to 2%c. egps, Montreal Street Methodist Church. A very interesting lawn social was held, Friday evening, at the Montreal Stredt Mathodist church. The grounds were nicely decorated with lanterns, ete. The ladies served refreshments, after which an excellent programme was given of voeal and instrumental music. Rev. B. Pierce gave an inter esting speech. | The pastor of the church, Rev, Gi. Oliver Tredinnick, pre- sided over the meeting. A large crowd was present, and one and all enjoyed a very interesting evenipg. Likely To Come Back. Truckle, who has been living Out., amd who is a pa of Kingston penitons was sontenced on a was arrested this week laid by his John at Scotland, prisoner tiary, where he serious charge, on a charge of assault, wife, It her. Truckle will be reported to King- ston and it may happen that he will sent back to complete hisy term. rofed he Ny Favors Permanent Man. Chief , Armstrong favors the addition of another permanent fireman to the brigade in place of the three callmen now utilized. He says that much bet ter results would accrue. If the Un derwritors' Association agrees to the change, Acting Fireman Snider will likely recive the appointment. Beat The Record. Mrs. L. Langdon and Miss Pearl Snider rowed up from McDonald's Cove to Swift's wharf, in twenty min: utes, on Wednesday morning. This time isthe best yet made from this point, the record being twenty-five minutes, and the ladies are to be con- gratulated on their good work. Now 25¢. and $1 children's straw The at Campbell hats. All 50¢., He. sailors' at one price, and 25c. kinds now 15¢.. Bros'. clearing sale of summer be. 35¢. Sergt.-Major Improved. Serpt.-Major Gimlett, in Petawawa hospital, is slightly better, this morning, a special telegram from that place. with pleurisy, says 17e. Breakfast Bacon, 17c. Saturday .enly breakfast bacon lic. at Crawford's Walsh has received a car load of Guelph lime. night, 1 engaged " Cornalius his wife's body and a report came over | is said he threatened to kill' who has been | WL BE | os 1; i THIS YEAR'S HARVEST 1S GREATEST ON RECORD. Phenomenal Growth Makes it Hard to Conceive Such Pro- spects--Farm Help Problem. Montreal, Aug. 7.--From all points in western providees unanimity of opinion points to the anticipatory re- of this year's harvest as being the cst in the history of the west. In ates, such as Southern Alberta, the phenomenal Frowth makes it hard for the people to conceive such pros- pects. The grain harvest will be general in about two weeks. To gather this an; ticipated harvest reports have been circulated to the effect that some 30, 000 extra men will be required. From governmental sources of . information the department of the interior learns that such a report is very much exag: erated. With the exception of two places reports from all the provinces state that the supply of farm help at the present time equals the demand; but that during the grain harvest more men will be required. From Sas katchewan and Alberta this is explain: ed by the increased incoming of mew settlers, who this year will have no crops to handle, and will consequent- ly be available to help the older set. ters. Av some tions exist these condi- the points where it is even Stated that sarplus help will have to look else: where to find emplogment, which shows that the usual number who go annually from the older provinces to the west to help in the harvest, will be sufficient, : Wages remain firm at from $15 to $40 a month and board, the rate paid being regulated accord- ing to the experience of the men em- ployed. A A horse Lively Runaway. | attached to the rig from] Metealfe's meat market, Brock street, figured in a lively runaway about nine o'clock Saturday morning. Whale the driver was delivering goods on Earl street the horse went on the war path" and it is indeed a great wonder that no person was hurt, Travelling at a lively pace the ani- mal ran to King street, then on to 5 281 Pairs Quecn, to Wellington and then back to Metealie's market, where it came to a halt as if nothing had happen: | | {td. On the way the animal sue- {ceeded in dodging the rigs, telegraph | oles and men who endeavored to | its mad career, Part of the | was broken but the rig cap ed damage, stop harness e8. Died At Newhurgh. Clancy died at "danee in Newburgh, on Monday, [an ilhicss. extending over iyoars. A few years ago Mr. with his family, moved from {farm at Wesloy to the village. loving lands ahd 'medical skill could did not save him, and he passed | | pe wefully away on Monday afternoon. | Besides his widow he leaves five chil- | [deco : Alborf, Miss Agnes, and Miss | Gertie, at home: Dr. Irvine Clancy, | who is practising in the west, and Frank Clanoy, Toronto. | | | hig resi- | after | several Claney, their | All| do Sunday Excursions. The real enjoyment of the trip on | the water ¥8 in getting away from the | heat and dust of the city.. Provide | yourself with the Angust or September | | magazines, which are now arriving at the College Book Store, 260 Princess street, get a shady spot on the boat, where you get the breeze, and you will step off the boat on her return as cool a scucumber. You will appreciate this all the more when you note the sweltering and wilted crowd down to boats in, as see the Stayed Over In Kingston. A large party from Western Ontar- their way to Ottawa, at Oddiellows' convention, stay- | in Kingston to see the city guests at the British-Ameri ." They had heard of King- ston"s beauties and were very _anx- ious to pay the old city a visit. An extra effort should be made by the Kingston delegates to have thas con vention here next year. lio, on to tend the ted off | and are can hotel. Grappling Irons Needed. of grappling irons was onee by the drowning The relics of the found incomplete, The lack more demonstrated of Friday afternoon. police station were and had to be repaired. The city council should purchase a dozen mod- ern grappling irons, and place them in | whari offices "all along the harbor {front, and also have a couple ine a the police station. Rig Went Through Subway. The subway at the G.T.R. junction is open for traflic, though not com- pleted. On Friday a carriage went through. Heavy loads can't yet wend their way through the subway as the outer approach is a little steep vet. In another week or so the sub- &ay will be nearly finished. Great Clearing Sale. Prevost, Brock street, has made a | great reduction in prices in the or-| der and ready-made clothing depart- mefit. Also in the gents' furnishings to make room for his fall and win- ter importations. 1,000 Islands-Rochester. Steamers North King and Caspian leave for Thousand Island points daily," except. Monday, at 10:30 a.m., and for Bay of Quinte ports and Ro- chester, at 5 pm. J. P. Hanley, ageot. A Determined Effort. We are determined to sell all our {summer hats and that's why we have teut the price so low. Campbell Bros'. {clearing ssale of summer hats. Seriously Injured. Clow, of the firm of M. Clow Princess street, was kicked by in the stomach this morning quite seriously injured. F. M. '& Son, a horse tend was Monday, August 9th. America the 1,000 Islands 2.30 p.m. band on board. Fare 50c. tours Gananoque ® designs. -300 Pairs Boys' and Girls' Black Ribbed Cotton Stockings The famous Leather Knit makes. the smallest to the largest. YOUR CHOICE TO-NIGHT 15c PAIR 25¢. Thread Stockings These are exceptionally good values at 40c pair. Sizes 84,9, ie. Yours To~Night, 29¢ Pair 240 Pretty Dutch Collars "Trimmed with dainty laces. These collars are very fashionable and comfortable, and suited for warm wear, being easily laundried. Price To-Night, 15¢ Each 637 Yards Curtain Muslins 29 inches wide, Worth usually 12}¢ yard. - Yours To=Night,.5¢ Yard. O=NIGHT WE WILL OFFER AT Exactly Half Price THE BALANCE OF OUR Summer Parasols All new this summer, and some pretty designs. The coolest shopping lowing ATTRACTIONS make this oue of, the i teresting points To-Night. fi During the week we have received sever! pabtice- ly good thing. These we offer To-night. Ladies Very Fing Black Lisle Cream ground 'with dainty floral All sizes from Usual prices 20, 23, Arrivals and Departiures of Vessels| at This Port. The steamer Bickerdike passed yesterday. The schooner Cornelia cleared hor | Charlotte, to-day, with a cargo of feldspar. { The steamer Dunellumm passed up on | her way to Belleville to load cement for Fort William. The steamer Mississiquoi had a Vid crowd of passengers on her regular trip up from Rockport, to-day. The steambarge Westport arrived from Seeley's. Bay, with a cargo of brick for Anglin's and will clear for Belleville, to load cement. The steamer Alexandria was at Folger's wharf, last night, on her trip up from Quebec and Montreal. She [She had to.stop over here a cargo of freight. M.T. Co.: Tlie steamer Advance arrived from Fort William on her way to Mantreal, with a cargo of flaxseed. She had a stop over here for te get repairs, but will clear to-night; the steamer Kinmount will arrive on Sun- day night, or Monday morning from Chicago, with a cargg of wheat. up, | Saturday at YW.CA Breakfast bacon 17e. Rolls 13¢. J. Crawford. Splendid programme concett, Monday night. only Libby's new collars, 2 for 25c. Bipby's now sell suit cases. to get |- F reesessseseseees hich id 13 Particularly Good Bargains For Ladies. - ew vy * 1 Table $2.00 and 2.50 Oxford Ties, Choco- late and Black, now $1.65. 1 Table $2.00 Turn Sole Shoes, soft and light, now $1.25. 1 Table Ladies' Lace Shoes; Sizes 3 to 6,

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