Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 21 Jul 1909, p. 7

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/HE DAILY BRITISH WHIG WEDNESDAY, JULY 21, 1909. » s at er amen . " r » CHILDREN AND DRINK. 'RUINS 'OF ARCHAMBAULT BUILDING. === | $12 Cake Could Buy No Better a A recent public hojiday in Eng- land on which the miasses in Lon- 3 . don are wont to disport themselves If you were to offer us $1 for a single cake of : ~' How to Manicure : on Hampstead Heath, in Epping | | soap, we could make no better than our Infants File your nails to the desired length. Then , Forest and Sibee pes Spades with ight. them in warm water with a thick lather of Infants in easy reach of the city, offered an | For we have put our very best into this cake. Delight. Remove your fin : ity to study the effect of the base i pong Berl _ TL that | We go to the gardens of France for pure vegetable back the cuticle at the | part which excludes children from || oil. There we pay often double what we might drinking saloons and bars. ~~ * || pay We bring cocoanut oil more than 12,000 The day turned out wet and both iles from the isle of Ceylon. Then we mix these the police and saloonkeepers had to i . y be on the alert, especially at night, oils and boil them doubly long. . | when the crowds returned from 'their | | & After this we send them through our own special | day's outing, weary and drenched | milling process --one that we have perfected only | and" with stimulated appetites for {| in our 43 years of experience. : drink. The Spectacle uo Scires of dee | * From here they fall like flakes of snow into huge : e L i . 1 { pavement in charge of one parent|| bins and are then crushed under a weight of 30 | while the other entered a gorgeously | tons to press out the moisture. +» =. tag illaminated bar, furnished food for | 'y Then they pass through granite rollers and reflection. || come out in miles of silky ribbons, after which Perhaps the most pathetic circum- | : i i stance "was the various devices: by they are dried eight times. The result is the most which loafers. both men and women, perfect and delightful soap. . | sought to earn pence by taking charge | It is so pure and clean that it leaves the ski | of the tired children while their par- faifPas an infant's. So we call this soap Infants' ents sat in warmth and comparative Delig comfort, regardless of the whimper. . . ings cf the little ones: outside. An | Order one cake today and see for youraelf how eye-witness noticed during the after- | different it is. Note the rich, creamy lather and noon a little girl waiting outside a | see how it leaves the skin as soft as velvet and as saloon in the rain. Two hours later | smooth as silk. he passed the house again and saw | N i fu ---1 s from the e 'child shivering 3 or thi ote the dainty perfume -- it come r Hie name old shivering in her thin Bulgaria and costs us $100 a pound. But it requires "Why don't you go home?" he ask- | 3,000 pounds of rose leaves to make a single ounce ed her. || of this-Otto of Roses. The fragrance is simply "I don't know my way home with- | isi : i d see. out father," she said. A exquisite, Plense try it and se That the new profession which has |. : sprung up of minding children out- Ce ts Cak side 'saloons by loafers of the worst n a e type is dangerous needs no argument. ~ - = Some saloonkeepers now provide their grainy ic rS bo) O (61 0) > h | | | i ! i } ! own nurses in uniform who attend to the children of customers. | In the East End bands of boys have | discovered a new source of income by "minding kids at a penny a head." | JOHN TAYLOR & CO., LIMITED, TORONTO, CANADA. | On Easter Monday a cab driver on his | route, eager not to miss an opportun: {ity furnished by /the downpour of | rain. accepted the offer of a party | of "holiday makers and turned his | i | vehiele into « miniature creche while | the parents passed a convivial Jour in the nearest tavern. 2 -- a = lout a water trough. line it with hay |& Bh ; ¢ "PR In another case an hostler cleared and use it as a cot for infants whose parents were away drinking. | pp P O Dollar Off | Bark, the loveliest of the Channel ne : islands, possesses a quaint old prison | re alls more 4s 8 Mater of form > During Oar July Sale of Summer Shoes. We an o ecessity, for serious crime | ZY . 3 Se . is almost 'unknown in the island, | > offer one dollar off the following New Oxford Shoes which has no paid police, but simply , : Tr « Calf Pe '0 ' Ts Il this sea- clected constable. It is some years | . in Velo Calf, Patent Colt and Tan. All t} since the prison was called into re- > . son's newest styles : quisition, and on the last occasion the i 4 » bolt was found to be so rusty that it D> $1 00 off every pair Men's $5.00 Oxfords. had to be broken before the door | 1 oie . ' a could be opened. The prisoner was \ $1 00 off every pair Men's $4.50 Oxfords. : ' i then put in, left all night with the " F ov . i n's & xfords. This building at the corns oventh and Market s recs, 1 ! 18 where six people. los door open and made no attempt to % 4 ; $1 00 off € very pair Me n 5 "4.00 Ox 8 t their 1 ud where twenty-four wore serfdusly' inured sho 3 crowd at. the southwest | ooupe. a $1.00 off every pair Men's $3.00 Oxfords. corner just after the police patro nds, ambulances had arris wing was undergoing repa | (Op another occasion a young Eng- 3 ar . ds will be ( t $3.00. irs at the time lish servant who had stolen some : 3 Our $3.50 Oxfords will ve sold a $3. -- TTT ems | clothes was 'sentenced to three days' ' Ava H 'An? Q ' and have improved the crops. Berry pick. | imprisonment. The prospect so ter- Jome and save A Dollar. very dollar A | Sa Et A tou] a 2 in th vicinity w order of the = Tified her that the authorities took i. counts. A ' Sk lax. mall crowd vathered gt Mes | Pity on her loneliness and consider- ut } Hames in, one : io dav evening 'ately left the cell open. The little en er sixty too ! : Y evemng by .id. sat. in. the doorway and was WHAT WHIG CORRESPOND- an Ire ere last week oA inn a Prise he | consaled by kind-hearted Sark wo- RIN TH Y'S rw ~ | DURAN 8 ne oe : i " IR his men, who came to Keep her com- ENTS TELL US. for na trip to Denbigh ollected five dol wre for use off ans. "A still Tore edb ot 11 cident | e reo \ : 0 . ph au oy hran fdicing com: told of 4n who was convicted for The Tidings From Various Points ilcionned is holding re views | sing Tedd weck's entertainment. in | Sid ofa mén who wax convicted for : in Fastern Ontario--What ' uni I Vi e Joyeovidle I. Mi Lena Joyce | was ordered to betake himself to the . a EAR ASB tent ------------------ People Are Doing And Wi i, A en i at wtiful parlor | prison-and there wait for the arrival ia gi i ro ¢ ? ] P40] ae) in the wo mb fo y the largest number ! of the constable. This he did, sitting ] G 1 M t i They Are Saying : fv t ' tl most popu¥ar [outside until the door was opened.--/} u a O asS0O ine 0 ors dS ] fié wort y lady, and litte Miss Helen | Strand Magazine. Mr. Richmond did anklin received beautiful gold ' | Sun veh © for hein he most popular | Kitchener as an Orchid Grower. IA | isiton i Olive Simp- | The Commander-in-Chief of the In- ton and Miss Maggie Me | dian forces has been described as b | Gc A GALLON hendall, at . leo Mur-' one whose work is his hobby--a man | : i : . A McClymont and litle with no recreation. This, however, | 9 to 100 h Ask For . » at A. Franklin's; Miss Lucy 18 a mistake. For many years past ' Pp it . \ Youi Tank v and H.: Cochrane at Mr. ' Lord Kitchener has devoted his spare oo) | L 151 > < Vics Sarah Hoan, King. time to gardening, and takes o spocint | HOPS® POWEP [| Catalogue ot Our Dock mat hee parents'; 1. 0. Joyes and inter:st in orchid culture, There is ; Lo | a ul och . wehter, Marion, at Howe Island. no more enthusiastic amateur than . a | - i his lordship, and it is said to be his, bs G Good Time On Twelfth. intention, when he settles down in a i age a Lngland after August, wheh he re- | Ay Y j : signs his command, to purchase a a Repairs to Automobiles ar nT d having. gpa) estate somewhere within easy Heavy Duty I ype. | Mais Engines promptly attend: tur : "ITV | reach of London, whee there is space of the day; there t Jul 20.--The farmers | to. + collect orchids on a rather large . . . 4 kind A lurge scale. He will then devote his spe- Columbia Igniters, Remy Magnetos, Rajah and Ok in the 2 1 of 1 £ 1) i 3 » iv 1 > 3 ) 3 J 1 he a Slel stimnhion to te Sulivation of Heinze Spark Plugs, Samson Spark Coils, I'. & R. Selby & Youlden, Ltd. i Ving § ON any rare Ss C EIS ) - . . . i is busy working tle known in the old country at the Storage Batteries, Marine Oil and Grease. Ontario St. Che rpige tit Sl npls. Cox and hh present time. Sole Agents for Kenyon Boat Tops, Combinations, 1 I : on. The to The Sneezewood Tree. Cushions and Life Preservers. much good; The remarkable sneezewood tree is > + 3 me i Me itn ti a TE ELECTRIC CO., 345 King Street | | Noi fo Strangers n the iy | | | i » Parham, | given to it because one cannot saw Hale Gly. ! fun' or ' profe ¢ started cat ow on. through | it without sneezing violently, The Oaly uiX Weeks To Live t Them . Ra d ie hi vicinity Mi H J Wagar's [dust of its wood has just the same . . op . . stport, are vi ' i ' well attended. Miss | effect as the strongest snuff and is Constipation, Biliousness, Indi- { hel ter hove Orn ; Wie for the holidave. | 80 irritating to the nose that workmen o o " . " " tim, 3 " oo of ANTIQUE FURNITURE and | ra ag i orn FASHIONED ARTICLES, oa. - 1 1 | } are 1g es Ve. which we are offering at a low foctl 5. . ini wipi \ Zier to Harvey Cronk. add (7 Steacy at Feho | are obliged to sneeze even when they ec 1a Or en naith we are offering | . gestion, Rheumatim, | bar hom vile ad a ne Hake « In Mr. and Mrs. G, | are" planting it. If a piece of the oh iy any ig or all mn A - " . ! 4 o o . i e . Wonian Rescued Throueh men at v M reek bridge. | gow t Parham. Mise Cora Wagar, | Wood of this tree is put in the mouth your home. Send post card. 3 x 3 x . While in our city take a few . . 3 . . minutes to call and examine the Js extensive and beautiful collection J, tr. Parridee. orms and 8. Vanvolkenbure at | it is found to have a very bitter taste, ar : > Mitt Ford Wikis oor ud B., Veuve R. Witch | and no doubt it is this bitterness Regular $3.50 Oxfords, Black Calf and Tan iL. Lesses, HAMILTON'S PILLS X shir 4 position i at vo ili visiting a fow weeks] WHicl prevents insects of any kind Calf, for $2.50. - a Pri 4 Chatham Sta ; at alo ett Sea aa Beal openie nics t Smith al Tohg | iron? | wtacking the | Hiner 2 the 'or. Pr DE Eon Ont " ( { ' wd | h 3 : : 5 sSnee#e wood ree. e lac hat 1m- nn - . ' : le nothing hman) will em. One o ake | sects find it so disagreeable makes its Regular $4 and 4.50 Oxfords, in Black Calf, Saffefefefefredelele fel efnlmdefefe fod Jo but t 4 th hourly [Young facies 1 : laid | wood very valuable for work that is mm, Yalf + >. | ¢ | x X ! t wich : nts vervwhere | : ? t < Ang ab. UC s 10 . . i oi took a ' y Heh ; uy, bul t nts F Xe ywhese, _ | required to last a long time. I'an C Uf and | it. Colt, for $3 25 wn it { \ ! : ni! | | Jul 19 ie the 1 h, cawfgrs and the Clergymen In Church Pageant. Regular $5 Oxfords, in Black Calf, Tan Calf : hn, Neen everywhere The allotment of parts in the and Pat. Colt, for $3.95. 0 S ou > "a Y. ob Chesterville, is | church pageant in - England has now ¥ nds in the village. W, ractio: r been" o a inte m \ rr » 4a " practically been" completed. An inter- These are all good natty lasts. ne, who was spending | asting scene is promised ir "the coro- a ? . Non-Alcoholi | ® d / : : (Non-Alcoholic at his home, have = nation procession of King Edward - no ue on Tuesday | VT_* in which the mayor of Fulham S Mrs. Ray Palmawor | will represent the lord mayor of Lon. ee Our W indow. LEMON SYRUP, \hert re the guests | don of the period, Rev. P. 8. G. Pro- - or parents, Mr. and | pert: will participate as'the Earl of LIME JUICE, I Ryan Smith's | Rutland, Fev. k H. Gallop will op R * = RASPBERRY VINEGAR. v and Monday the | pear as the Bis hop of Durham, anc : Yr nnld 'at his 'eottage | Rev. W. L. Marshall will represent C1 a es E orinrty, Ny York, | Bishop Latimer. «7 : . D. COUP R, the Timely Use of DR Eihel MeGoniond, Miss Helen Mo Providing Against Emergencies. Alecia Nolan, | "Is you de insurance gemman?"' and J. asked Erastus Pinkley. guests of . am," answered the urbane unday. M. | agent. ? nest of "Well, I wants to talk business. I Monday. | ain' got nuffin' to say agin n°' neigh- W. Rreak- bors, but I's had a lot of anexpected Breakenridge, | occurrences. I wants to see if 1 can't ere on | arrange to get some accident insur ance_on my chicken coop." Dealer In Pure Food Groceries. Phone, 76a. 341-3 Princess St__ Use Sashweights made in King- ston at Angrove's Foundry, Special prices for large quantities. 000000000000000000000000sstssssssssasssas - o - California Fruit ORANGES PLUMS PEACHES GRAPE FRUIT » * FEVER ERE The best--the most luscious. Fresh arrivals a almost daily. "Just the thing for picnics, outing 3 Wm. Murray Auctioneer lunches, etc. , : 27 BROCK ST. wment," "Not theyre dispute with. the city council TOYE S, King St. New Carriages, Cutters, Harness, wd many other' over wages and hours and it has been * : Gd in London. granted. YVVvevy Bale of Horses every Saturday. | a ¥ pending From Saskatoon has come the first har appeal, under the prowisions wi the - ly 'Lemieux act by: mupicipal employes. ha anthor of They ask a board of conciliation in BALBOA 0400088800(0 yee \

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