Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 17 Jul 1909, p. 8

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PAGE EIGHT: These Grate Bars Mean a Clean Fire and no Coal Wasted. There dre four grate bars in the "Hecla." Fach can be shaken separately. When the center of the fire is bright, on the outside dead, simply shake the outside bars. If any part of the fire needs cleaning, that ene part may be cleaned without disturbing the live coals or unburnt fuel in any other part of the fire-pot. "Hecla" Grate Bars are easy to shake, clean the fire without a poker, save coal and make sifting ashes unnecessary. The «"Hecla" also has the famous Fused Joints---that make this furnace absolutely and permanently gas, smoke and dust proof, You should, if you Have you our latest catalogue ? are going to put a new furnace in your house this season, Write for free copy. ELLIOTT BROS, Kingston gv ina ---- Te he fruit scason is here, and with it the demand for SUGAR. When purchasing, CANADA'S STANDARD «MADE FROM PURE CANE SUGAR. MONTREAL, QUrt, insist upon having with eye fdr tte bred edt eee bebe feeb Gas Stoves! The 'Chicago dewel" is The Key of Economy The latest improvements on the "Chicago Jewel" are the Flame Reflector and Valveless Oven Burn- er-Lignter. Two features on the "Chicago Jewel' which are not on any other gas stove made. Examine them before pur- chasing. They are ac- knowledged the best man- ufactured. BlLLIOTT BROS., 7 PRINCESS Helen fof deeb 2 to 100 Horse Power Heavy Duty Type. Columbia Igniters, Remy Magi Heinze Spark Plugs, Samson Spar Storage Batteries, Marine Oil and Gre Sole Agents for Kenyon Boat To Cushions and Life Preservers. HALLIDAY ELECTRIC CO., Coils, C. Dainty Luncheons )/ You cannot serve anything that is tastier and more wholesome than Triscuit (Shredded Wheat Wafer). - Eaten with butter and cheese or mar- malade. - Heat in oven before using, At all Grocers. tos, Rajah and P. & R. ---- the first time in its history, extends For which over thirty-rene vears, a woman has been elected president of National tion, Miss Edith Miniter, the lucky candidate, comes from Boston, where she edits and publishes the Aftermath, a periodieal devoted to history. When the association began 'its thir ty-ninth annual convention here a few days ago there was much specula- tion as to who would succeed William \hihauser, the then president, comes from - Milwaukee, present a large the Amateur Press assodia- who There swore of number women WOMAN CHOSEN PRESIDENT OF AMATEUR PAPER PUBLISHERS IATIONAL AMATEVER PRESS THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, SATURDAY JULY 17, 1909. ABSOCIATION, «= members, but the amateur pressmen thought the 'election of an active and did not dream that they had a wo- progressive woman like Miss Miniter mi n candidate instore. Various well | will do much to infuse new life. known men members were nominated,{ Miss Miniter is not entirely an ama- | but the tide turned in Miss Miniter's | teur publisher. For several years she favor gam the first ballot and she was | has, in addition to publishing the Af- f'n HyCelected after a stubborn fight! termath, contributed extensively to on the part of the friends of the men | professional publications, and is not candidates. tby any means unknown to magazine Her success is attributed entirely to | publishers. her energy, and the fact that shé| The association is composed of men has for a leng time past had the best | and women who have their own ideas interests of the association at heart. [ds to what is fit to print, and each While it is a flourishing body serv one is working at a publisléng hob- little new blood has been introduced | by which cirfulates in a rather se- ino it for time, and it is 'lect manner. own some WORKING THE TOWNS. { Becnus System Well Set Forth Times. nearly time that Canadian and cities, large and small, considered then attitude rela- [tive to a prospective manufacturer upon a particular locality {For years, municipalities | competed to give away i anvihmg in lindu try lax period Evils « Monetary It is towns correct many have much for al most the shape of a new exemptions have been of half away with irticipant eranted for a cgniury. | Land has been | Bonuses dispensed the [tion given I'o competi a rival prove CX lavishnes civie p this the excitement of beating and immediate in thas been intense, I'he has been the only Messrs hed desire may pensive present often consideration Dippolo Mattic & Co., iron manufacturers, Feathertown, Ohio, to locate a brandi factory in Canada. Their decision is reasons I reached for several Possibilities are re consider that cognized with business I he anada is new m Sig company do not found of Obviously, a branch an. entirely After inquiries it is a certain with the announcement being dozen municipalities jump forward with better [he transformation of the prospective manufacturer is im- mediate and complete. He is er a seli-interosted vaptain of industry The garb of philanthropist is his; Ca nadian municipalities bow with rever [he position of both parties is This kind of happening every has has capital and enter the lo factory in this coun selfish one decided to favor Un prise motive lor eating Lry as industry. made, half town the olters, no long ance absurd. week almost er. The 'time tion A new grant 5, give a created a bonus fe come for its cessa for instance, ckemption year money thousand dollars land. In half that probably have become important. western tax town, fifty fifty for of grant may bonus and a fre time, the town will making big dividends for its perhaps, The municipality is the the al which matertaliv in value It i 1 big to pay for a new in {dustry. What doth it profit a ciwv if it gai a dozen manufacturers and lose indi try, shareholders from burdened with facturer have appreciated remains taxation. bonus manu holds re estate will price its character and independence ? Mrs. Charles Smith, of Jimes, Ohio, writes: 1 have used every remedy for sick headache I could hear of for the but Carter's Little Liver Pills did me more good than all the rest Frank Cooke's office, 346 King. nast fifteen vears, and money | "{heaithy gicl, 1 of | The | exempt | mi noise vx $i If it's .all the [to vO Mr. Sullivan, I'll send | voung HOW TO OVERCOME PERIL. -- m-------- ----------". , WEAK GIRLS MAY GROW t Into Strong Women--Blood p-| Milk a Menace Unless Pasteuriz- | | ply. Must Be Kept Pure. { J ed. | | Healthy girlhood is the only | to healthy womanhood. The of - girlhood womanhood new tax upon the blood. It ovirtaxing of the scanty blood ply that makes growing girls from all headaches, sideaches--all that weariness the menaces to humanity--the meri Peril of the plague, the Red | lays il of communism, the Yellow Peril is the of the fever of the tropics--there is | Sup-inone more grave, more fraught with | the possibilities of death, than the | White Peril of infected milk, says Na- paleness, | than Straus, in the Delinatdt for Aug- all that ust. But there is no danger to life constant {more easily .overcome. Pasteurization yrenders the milk supplies safe | into Ker sulier these backaches and | weakness lar l-health. Unhealthy and gour, despondency and girlhood is bound to "Wake Us! Its Time fo r #2 ee 10 Kellogg's--even one meal. 2 Kellogg's Toasted Corn Flakes, with Milk or Cream, is a tempting, wholesome dish at any meal==every hour is "Kellogg Time." Served with Fruit, Kellogg's affords a "give me some more" 8 3 taste you'll never want to : forget. Try it to-day ===no cooking=it's ready to serve=--just add milk. 6 in LONDON, CANADA; 10 ee) load The White Peril is as closely related and a life | as cause and effect to the White Plague | Nothing but the blood- | that annually exacts the forfeiture of qualiwes of Dr. Williams' | nearly hundred and sixty thou can a girl when shelgiand lives in this country alone. This the and tasks of fact is recognized and declared by all | I'hat is the time when | impartial scientific med. Carefully! | new demands upon the | compiled vital statistics from a por- Dr Wilhams Pink {tion of tin States containing, | make new, blood | i; 1906, 40,966,317 inhabitants, showed | WIth | {hat in that year, in those parts -of | country, 75,512 people died from | rculosis, 13,160 from typhoid fever, | from diphtheria, 3,227 from] [to unhealthy womanhood of misery, building Pills utidertakes one Pink save trials womanhood. nature makes blcod supply. Pills actually ch meets In this simple scientific Williams' Pink Fills fill a werllowing health and strength. | : Eva Dennis, Amberst. N.S. ldt fever "and 42,581 babies under "Dr. Williams Pink Pills have| yw vears were victims of diarrhoea. | me a world of good. 1 was hese: five causes were responsible for | | completely run down, was very pale. ys 3 out of "a total "of 658.105 cualy tired and from Ire- Jeaths from all diseases and 'accid 3. quent severe headaches. Fhaugh Fo. say: that all. of these 45.2731 tried many got nothing |g. 1s" were caused by milk, would be io come AS d_until 1 De- going beyond the evidence. But I am gan ung, Le, pr ams Fink Pills. | quite within the thoroughly proved [inem it Mi Ine hal "Gor. | Tact of the case in. amerting that in } } 2 : fected milk is a common cause of these hoxes, Agam 8 i and that it is fair to attri- have not had a {bute a large proportion of these deaths down ey should Sain fell, the use of milk that contained the be my only miedicing and I |Microscopic germs which produce these . . : | diseases strongly recommend them very | But the remedy for this frightful fue ak wil Bling Hiv] 1d 1 | slaughter: is not to taboo milk. Pas- all 2 di HS deers he by | teurization is a simple, inexpensive, | wt Hc. a box or six y-| non patented process by which all milk | by the Dr. Williams' that is produced under fairly decent | Brockville, Ont conditions may be made for hu- { ? : man food. The process consists inj bringing the milk to a temperature of | [157 degrees and maintaining that de- | gree of heat for twenty rich those new demands cone suffered medicines | the least good en was strong any (diseases, illess since, run {will | to | | Pills are | or boxes for $ Medicine sent safe sere Changed His Tactics. EE | Everybody's Magazine. thiniites; Sg as] lohn L. Sullivan was asked why he | to kill all the germs of disease, Phen had never taken to giving boxing les- | the milk is quickly cooled, and it may | be used without peril. It should be | replied | bottled, whih is the only safe method | distribution. 1s. Well, son, i tried it onee," Sullivan. "A one le My thok man | for went husky from young and ONE SECRET OF OUR SUCCESS. attention of our Medical Staff, who consider the symptoms, complications and chronieity, and then decide as to the disease and curability Specific remedies are then prescribed for the case and are compounded by our own chemist in our own Laboratory. Such appropriate treatment cannot fail to cure, as specific medicines are selected to cure the symptoms that trouble y We have no cure-all medicines like most specialists use who send the same medicines to all patients alike and cure none. We have treated patients throughout Canada for over twenty years and can refer to any bank as to our responsibility. We Guarantee Cures or No Pay. We Treat all Discases of Men and Women. ¥™ CONSULTATION FREE ._&1 If Unable to Call, Write for a Question List for Home Treatment. Drs. KENNEDY & KENNEDY Cor. Michigan Ave. and Griswold St., Detroit, Mich. » Every caso submitted to us receives the personal | | 4 | ; | tor | little came bom a the wear When he lesson, he said: was my to boxing from vou to he able to lick a I've my | for burnt worse for his Sullivan, Lo, The Poor Boarder ! i | Collingwood Enterprise. Occasionally tho consumer gots in » At Kingston last toi " were fined 35 and costs selling coffe same grain. It this | poor boarder complains of the served at breakfast, | diluted, grain. around second 'Mr. . lean his wo | each with | the | cofiec | | | loa enouch about gentleman what But I've changed rtain voung for adulterated wonder it In is no centleman down here to take when it is only lessons for me." rest' of my rte Dlr SNAPPED ON Above is shown thres of most popular players who making a wonderful stride in American League this year. | Reading from left to right they | are :--Martell, catcher' of Phil- adelphia ; Evers, second-base of DIAMOND. the are the | | | | { | A ed TRICE ~ (TI . ar 7s Straddling The Speller. New York Globe Pon me word," protested an Eng- | ligh visitor. who had been invited to | attend the annual banquet of the Ca Club New York last Friday night. "Pons me word, me Canadian straddling the dear old gpeliing book too blooming hard. 'Pon me word, they are He displayed the Vvitatior Dvou see | "They | honour {wind an dian cou = are club's engraved in- he 'requesting continued the and they up by requesting 'the favor of " Now, if the letter 'u' he don't it out here out hy VOour start of company.' answers and it does, why do they 9 longs in 'honour. you know ? j ot leave 'favour i "Looks like a compromise between | loyalty for the other of the bor {der and regard for thig side, don't you {know. But it's too much of a strad- of [dle of the dear old spelling book, "pon me word," Bea te Ci *Crers rung as Chicago ; Chance, &rst-base Chicago. i side This is an entirely new idea, and will espe- cially interest people who reside in natural gas districts. he gas ring takes the place of the lower Sunshine fire-pot, thus making it possible to burn £3 in your furnace without inconvenience. Such is not possible in a furnace where the ordinary gas log is inserted; for, should. the gas give out, a coal or wood fire could not be started until the gas pipes were disconnected. To provide against sweating in the summer time, Sunshine Furnace is equipped with a nickelled steel radiator and dome. All bolts and rivets are nickelled, all rods copper-plated. This special treatment, be- sides meaning quicker and greater radiation from the radiator and dome than cold chill iron could possibly give, acts as protection for the bolts, rivets and rods from inroads of gas. When cast iron comes in contact with our nickelled steel it is coated with our special Anti-Rust treatment, which prevents the slightest possibility of rust commencing anywhere in Sunshine Furnace. - MClary's Lemmon & Co., Kingston. Shine Your Shoes with "Just Out" Day & Martin's latest and best Shoe Polish (Black and Tan) "Goes twice as far as any other. Shines quicker and with less rubbing -- and the polish lasts longer. Ask your dealer. 22 Si. Francis Xavier Street, MONTRERL, 4 & CHAS. GYDE --- Agent for Canada --

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