THE DATLY BRITISH W rT eg: DST WN ims |The PEO | Dainty Summer WERE ns TARE TARE PAA) ee 1C XL © 0 | Underwear The Formér Sought Refuge Before TO-NIGHT 4.5.00. | SEERA ' ' the Altar--Both Vietimé Are in| MONDAY CHANGE OF PROGRAMME. |p psr.CLASS WOMAN COOK. WAGES | AGEs ho 5 i AL EES pl FREE SHOW Soto = We are showing some very exclusive Sum- 17. of the yy _-- = Mentone, July Jegdous ee iat iMame of Gor? IRL. TO WORK NIGHTS, FOR FRUIT mer Petticoats at present, and would like par' h Pe i G he illag ll a | . VAUDEVILLE I ug Confectioners, Store. Apply Box yon to Bee them Perfect-fitting well hot both his ovife and the priest.| Moving Rietures, Hinstrated Songs. f a HL AL Im. rie » sewn, good quality and fine, durable, Lace and Embroidery Trimmings. c. These are Lhe victims are cing ita critical! Dancilif Saturday wight after perform-| Gp Al, HOUSEWORKER, AGE 18 f hestra in attendance. * i to 40 years. Wages £12 to $20, ac- the good qualities that will, yecommend them to you. dition ina hospital at Mente . | CHILDREN'S 1 CENT | cording to ability, fam ly two adults Phe husband, folo : his wile, ¢ 4 ARS. | one child. Apply 130 King street. ove vYVYYVYYVYYvYYYYYY Ce ---- i their only ohild was being nursed, shot ; | SALESMEN WANTED FOR "AUTO the Abbe Clave at th door of ¢ a i Spray." Best Compressed-nir Hand AF . he { Tr merica Sprayer made. Sample free ta ap ureshviery. I he wife, hearing the . proved agents. Cavers Bros., Galt, hots, leit - the nurse's coltags close | Ont. % mn nd wrist, chrmine Paria ter Gaorblo; where : ANERY SALESLADY, FOR THE abbe took 1 "the church.| WEDNESDAY--2.30 p.m., Pa m1 Siaploye: assailant pursied him, but reg the 1,000 Islands. Fare 50c. | Communications considered cons frog. Tuether outrnge cn se FRIDAY--8.00 a.m., for Ganan- | fidential. Apply Box "X..!" wes hefore the | oque, Brockville and Ogdensburg. | SrunENT LADY OR GENTL N ' two! Fare, 50c. return. ' Pl wanted as 1epresentative on salary at i 1 pen a al ' basis. Apply, sending references to SATURDAY 2.30 PR Tour The Curtis Publishing Co. Canadian De the 1,000 Islands. Fare, 50c. Branch Office, Toronto, Ont. Wout | gUNDAY----Regular Trips to Oape) Come pC wm Crochet Hooks. | Vincent, 7.30 a.m Fe pan, Fate, | IFARN THE BARBER TRADE, . NEW . t ¥ on . | OO atl tik | Aste constaut, practice, carefel, 1i:{ at best, the old antiquated way of applying for a situas Meals 08 al 'ies : tools, rec. Graates earth AFTC® for tion, this going from place te place, from door to door, catalogue, o Motor Tiarher, Colles, almost sinking to the level of the beggar, particularly in { ow n no Spadina, oronto, ® al ev these days of progress and opportunity, Place a small ter, iB ad. in the British Whig. Thousands will read it and you Crumley Bros ws ' " LAAMLALANLS leged m : ing I ith | . : ' WAITS Hae aL LE oe degtars - are sure to derive great benefit therefrom. Ld LOST. 1 FOR SALE. ------ -- eT - i ' 17 Ceom ' i ] riday and Satur dy dargains j hmowr a a well GARBAGE REMOVAL ' A GOOD BRILLIANT BACK COMB, 3. 200~ALFRED ST. DETACHED, § | { 1 Lo ---- between 6 and 7, on Belles » solid brick, 9 rooms, all conveniences . 18 -- I a wat OL, Ot HOUSEHOLDERS ~ AND TEN-| are pir return to He. V. Gremsa.i = good:stable, : A AA a A SN Veils, Gloves, Fine Val. Laces and Inser- tions, Wools of all kinds, Knitting Needles, a PEVOY PPIVIVYIIVIVYIRFYTYIYVYY PION SIVRTY S------ ---- ---- 1 ATL, quicksand | ATH RE AND TEN WANTED---GENERAL. on street. ants resident ip that part ol the City i i aia ea s00-pAm BRICK VENEER, a Paris Sa- [of Kingston lying to the South of Prin-|-- ? MAN'S A SHAPED GOLD rooms each, good location. Ww. y 4 AT W 00D S' F AIR l ' ! le eo hy jump cess St.r are hereby notified that com-| THE OPPORTUNITY 0 FUR TENTL , . Tr : ; a mencing with to-duy garbage consisting estimates on electric work. All : sngraved "A. W..'" Thurs- ------ i ' 1 into a qu : hn front of a cinema- | fF Cosetable and kitthen offull will be re- | of work prompus, dome. ¥. J. Birch, day evening. Finder will be suitably $675--DIVISION ST., SINGLE FRAME, | wy ap a male] for | moved from their premises twice a week | Electrician; 208 ellington street. rewarded by returning same to Whig $100 down, balance monthly installs - office, ments. All such garbage must be Kept in a WALOr | rete > b tight receptacle eonyeniently ced on | SMALL FURNISHED HOUSE, OR no : . qs - r i the premises of householder. > ! bed-room and use of dining-roomn and FINANCE AND INSUR. NC 1,800 CENTRAL LOCATION, DOUBLE Men's Print Shirts, regular $1 and 1.25, 0n gale 73¢ ; Council Doing inst. "the contractors for the Kitchen, for light housekeeping, Ly 44 URANCE. [$1,800 CHER Td U. Rents $216 peg i » s r, 1 Sevan i : nid garbage wi je received au 1e | married econple, careiul, refined, with -- 'GAT ' ' tripe vk 4a on sald Hic ! through the license reduction Station. | i oT rng. 10. B. KIRKPATRICK, FIRE, MARINE huts Men's Heavy Stripe d Duck Shirts, on a ) ! theiigh, the leon getion a we EANPE. ou children. Se, A IH 8. KIRKPATRICK, P B MARINE nih City Clerk. z : St., Kingston. 'Phone, 568. - A: E.-JOND, REAL ESTATE AGENT IT TT ram 7 'larence street. Len's Oxford Shirts, regular 50¢, on sale Jbe Ts of corns will be tramped Ln any | { ro SL TE * | GENTLEMEN TO BRING THEIR im a Co i ------ ? res , 9 and, 2.20 onisatea Ye | on he eure { yD | eee # en's All Wool Sweaters $2 andy 2.29, ONSEN 0. , : " " Moth and have it mad int | GEO. A, BATEMAN, AGENT FOR THE |" ooiiNg, 16 er GF v 2 | reliable corn extra as beer HAZELDELL |" cloth and have ie BACH a" date ub |" hiacifie Coast Firé Ins. Coy., OR THE | "5 qoLINE, 16c. YACHT CLUD YARD, please, . Pressing of the board of underwriters. £ The Ce x adies' Black Cotton Hose, 15¢ and <20c,~2-pase- | 0 : Hat de a] . ya . Ladies' Blac : outing comme. and warts for yes THE CARTWRIGHT RESIDENCE, FOR SALE| 311P SLATRLe=0ons' "he wioriedt | Homousth SSSI uous, 67 FIFTY Tout Figé TOLER. APELY 31 . «On =~ } | "Putnam _ for 2c. | nan Fine old house; éxtensive rounds ; | notice. Thomas Galloway, 131 Broc York and Economical Mutuals, 67 M. Theobald. .. 600 Purses, manufacturers sapples, Yo be sold at | | [For The E weil wood, with masmiieons old trees) | Zn 2 Bits ney | Sere 898. | oD SQUARE TENT, FOR $9.00, their regular price. Bi TT a AL alle Shon Sr Tens wanrEp, | efit Comal' prt bE Phone, Ws. a China will be sold at prices that will astonish you. [publ h I ating that For ther RT apply to MAC-{ = a -- assets $91,187,215. Paty. «ddition #0 |10x12 TENT, 8 OZ. PUCK, NEARLY J Come. With the crowd and share fin this feast of BO rman fon : | TEACHER FOR GLENBURNIR PUBLIC Returicy the Uhilmiied labuity. of ail ToT; Weiitngton Appig, to RO, Bolly bargains. Snjoniss ve yim a amukeup box wd | Ww. . Farm and city een Ramen eee) . | 1 alifications, tc J. Blacklock, | qualifcatic 18 y vekloc property insured at lowest possible A NEW NINE ROOM AND W. 0, : } a - -- rates. ore renewing old or giving frame dwelling, in good location, pars mn teen THE ANNUA Mm § a en . o 107 York St. (Mace on' WEDNESDAY, . 21st, QUALIFIED TEACHER, FOR § No. 20. Township of Kingston, for \ 9 i og { 1,000 Isla nds-Rochester. clock. 'All members: in y - a Z Q 1 . . . cited to attehd the sessions, morning balance of ye Apply to J. Knight g \ | Steamers North King and Caspian} nd afternoon, Treas . i » or Thousand Island yoints Rr. MEEK. |r women ! 4 MC McINTOSH BROS., Props. ae A Morey, a JAB We) [A QUALIFIED TEACHER, FOR S. ©. TT 4 . . apy, Ys Y "My Le No. 2. Barrie, protestant preferred INFORMATION ~~ WANTED :--REGARD- THE LARGE DOUBLE BRICK HOUSE, & Strange, Agents. 'Phone, 835. sei ---- - ---- hh BIX.RUOM AND, w Ca ¥ RalE DWELs pg, in goo ocation. Yarticulars, BUSINESS CHANCE. at Godwin"s Insurance Emporiumd | sew business get rates from Strange ticulars at H. Watt | and for Bay of Quinte ports and Ro- | 2 83 | r inv . By G 3 Appl > | salary $300 per nnum. Duties ing investment opportunity, where corner Bagot and ore His. pply FROM THE COUNTRYSIDE. R BEY I 16th m, ze few thousand dollars could be pro- Smith Bros. Jewellers, 850 King Apply to Ey Cloyne, Ont. ris | chester at O ym. J. P. Hanley ; mee Aug ) ed 1 ' t train here Near the | yn pm. J, . t Vs | commence Aug. boarded a freigh nf Rr tH | avent: Young, Sec.-Tre fitably invested, Wish to hear from street. tracks a red lead pencil, which had | -- ~1 At Chaffey's Locks. Tara Ha . ahyotie having stock for sale in in- -- "i i | hoeli© used by Mis Brooks on the af-| | Run? d Cam . {QUALIFTI ROY ANT 1 TER dustrial or mining proposition. No |THE IDEAL TREATM FOR Is Beihg Crosely, "Followed By tor oon of the murder, wa picked up Antidote For Snake Poison. 3 hatfey = Lot k, July ' 15M, apd ! 2 A Pt on ANT 0 Township liquor proposition cousidered. Ad corns. Guaranteed Painless. Fnelose Bloodhounds a oft The att) ink 1 Paris. July 17 | Mad [er I 1. Bratten, Cleveland, Ohio, | of Olden. Duties to commence Ang dress by mail only, George HH. Currier thirty 'cents to Commercial Novelty ' by dhe officers, Ihe authorities think | Panis, July Ui--According to Mdd-l mived to spend two months hare. | 16th, 1909 Salary (8300) per Room ded e, 46 West Monroe Co. "Toronto. : . s St., Chicago, . a is x lin : , ay a TougliReepsic, uly 17.-The Knife | that the murderer is an ftadian and is | ame Thisalix, who pre ented a study|w WH, Peck and family are having al annum. Apply to Roland Coulter, |W. Hy t { { - ARM L OF MURDERER nid oy o . 4 ' i ------ "With which "Mise Pmma Brooks waklin New York city. lon poizons to the French Academy of . . 5 wk BY steamer | Spe.-Treas., Mountain Grove I. Hy TWO FRAME RESIDENCES ON STEP {trip to Ottawa this week hy steamer | ont. TO-LET. ben sirest, at a bargain. Owner | lai a tor lonely home near Rich : : ; go 13 TPBPEL CEA 4 Rcience, yesterday, : the poison of the L Mazzie. About twenty five guests are pat eam me---- eaving city. Apply to Henry O'Brien fund, Ulster © county, was put te thi I'he repcet of the government anai Janiander ig an absolut wtidote To¥{ pegistered at the Opinicon Club House SUMMER COTTAGES, ON THE 8T Randolph Hotel. : ah on Lawrence, furnished, McCann, Brock dogs started west alone the Central |'sample purcha ad tat Gibson Red mt _! mputhed black bass that tipped the '------------------"r ---- ; Cor. King street. HULL, OF GASOLINE LAUNCH, 27 + hh THI WALKER HOUSE TORONTO 1 -- foot long, 8. foot. 6 inch beam, { 4 or . cheap, all cedar, oak and mahoganyd 'New England railway tracks on the | ('ross drug store econtan no in "These hot davs' it v ple at five pounds, five and one ¢ Fini : ne iva her -lymt palit a CN utlgon's Hee dre hriel : : : id « RB WALKER ced Dining Room girls. [ONE REAR ROOM AT 846 , #pposed trail of the murderer. | purities. Only 1 hest qn y elizon 1 cream brick half ounces Miss Hannah O'Brien, | | Eg mg c Apply to Davis Dry Dock ( + : SD . . i : | o | + . 2 y ry anne en, Wages eighteen dollars per month; King street. Will be rented cheap. PRly y le bi 3 he bloodhounds were taken off the | «drugs art sold at this stor 3 our_home. Sold m Kingston Iv | Montreal, is spendift' her vacation alas. experienced follars per month) "PB. Forrest, Gents' Furnisher. eap. | een sgoent late vesterday' afternoon, alter | It will 'soon Ix the open season for gq €ibson's Red Cross: drug Lore with her aunt, Mrs W: HH. Fléming Housekeeper. i pa tw | BLACK WALNUT SECRETARY AND and ending at the West Shore rail over agam. + two Tor her neck she feel wre che | through here gestorday with a , Btores, torage for Furnk water attachment, $28, Leach o8 idi i i av ; oy ¢ 1 : Be ' i ture, etc. McCann's rock, Oer. at ment, « Lonth, B road siding a mile below Highland. It Have you seen the canoes that arent. help to her mother in do- | party of pleasure seekers for Jones ARCHITECTS. King street. h . Brock street. . { Epsom salts shows that Ui nake poison | One of the guests captured a sinall- SITUATIONS VACANT, noses of soveral bloodhounds, and the l «i | mi -- rr FR 2 gw TERESA ORT IDE ESE PRET ESE Y oo i believed. the murderer of Miss Brooks Frank €aoke is agent for ¥ o the family sewin Falls | awrHy pine adn nt et . le 'HUR ELLIS, ARCHITECT, | LARGE STONE BUILDING "| ANGRLUS, WITH 45 PIRCES OF mn pe ---------- -- _--- -- | | office and residence, 181 University tario street, BUILDING, ON, ON music, perfect condition, polished EE TT ---- Crow Lake News. | Ave. table for boarding house. Apply] | $766 attaches to any piano. Prices ; | . | $100, cost $250, Without music Cr ake, 15.~ There wi y to D. J. Mil C i row Lake, uly 3 h will be 0 illan, or. Ontario and Teach, 68 Brock street. i | ee ---------------------- | sorvice in the schoolhouse on Sunday HENRY PMT ARCHIE Princess Sts. o ; . by the Rev. Ji Crowe. 8. Middleton | Square. 'Phone, 845. STORAGE, FOR FURNITURE, CLEAN BOATS OF ALL DESCRIPTIONS, ror Ril © \ fe J) is doing roadwork this week. The cesarean Le dry airy rooms, absolutely moth Gasoline Engines, from $40, large 5§ NEWLANDS & SON, ARCHIL proof, your own Yock and key. inch bore Palmer Fngine a bargaini { W 4 TT Mossrs, - dames. Bewin and: Campbell | WM, Led : : A x tects, etc., Office, 258 Bi t i Frost's City Storage, § 3 Agents for the Lockwood-Ash ¥En« HO MISSES HER CIGARE ES were buying Iad vatile, paying a fair | Erne, 608: | agot stree Fros.s pie A) torage, 299 Queen Bt. gines. Call and see them Ash ou | price. Miss }izzio Cassol thas ACturn- | - o ard's Boat Works, near Cotton Mill, | ¢ v ces Sh evermpetis «1 to Westport. Mis Ethel Reynolds POWER & SONS ARCHITECTS, MER- : FRAME DWELLING IN FIRST-CLASS lie working for 1 Man Buys chant's Bank Building, corner Rrock ste [in working for Eien Toes | ha Walington" streets. hone. 313 __ wEpIcAL CARD. |™cowisen o'ehaiey SObOLY S utk had . | ridge. * Qui a nt ik 0 al 0) | e------ sm -- | re St., modern, good location. quic 2's Absurd That women are | ; : { took in the celebration in Perth. F. | HENRY E. DAY, M.D, OM. PHYSI buyer may secure this splendid homa 5 TR 3 £ ; 3 i i] clan and Surgeon, (practising in cheap. Apply to T. J. Boon, 159 = | Siondes has arrived at the Tag DENTAL. Odessa for the last seven years) w t : 3 | g : v street. Not Allowed to Smoke in RS S % > ell SPARKS AND BF Ad - rrp Yor. Broek and Division Sta ce eltington ' Feet *" , 5 * i £ § ) SPAI . DENT] 8 ours, a.m., " ANT - Hotel Dining Room | ; 3 5 BE a sas ha i 803 Princess St. Kingston. 'Phone, opm. "Phone, apr 4 and 7 10} yWENTY-THREE \ | ) ER SER RTR ; : < | Bain has purchasbd ; some fine cattle. - beam 5 feet 1 : ' ' T n 3 ; > | from Jolm Stedte, a Tiekhoeni. Viai- ¢ Otherwise visitor Finds She Likes gS / a : 4 : 3 { tors: Miss Ethel Reynolds and Mr. This Country--The Count and | > Ro - 3 Sn | and Mrs. William Rev nok . and Countess Wolfgang, of Castell- : go ¥ An Sa | Mrs Willian Jongs at Ryguar Ray Rudenhausen Leave For Home | 5 EY : | noldsr; Miss Pearl Knapp, James Fr- ' hh - i win. Mr. Campbell, C, Stones: at J. To-Day. i 3 F Cady . W. Knapp's: Mra John Hicks and 5. \ . Loncst at Tec Duffy's; Mrs William | 1 | | "ft is absurd that you don't allow | | : SE hd ba ¥ : i Jones; of § "alls or son's nes, of mith Falls, at her m | PERSONALS. | | | | { | | | mines to call some mica. They ¢ p---- FOOT MOTOR BOAT, 8486. 0 inches; six horse TT = power, Gray motor. Capacity | polting some fine specimens Joseph -- ee ---- Mm. ~aa am twelve to fourteem people. DR. C. C. NASH, DENT DR. M. OSTEOPATHY. family boat. New last fall: x Gibson, assistant, 188 Princess $300. D. J. Hay, 126 Clarence St. street, 'Phone, 5. t . -- -- - v epi : Phone ce _.| ROBERT GARS DE ASHCROFT, D.O., NORTH-WEST 3 OF 101 2 4TH . : rh IN 2 fina Karle Ashcroft, D.0., gradu- { "WE P OT 26, T PR. W R. GLOVER, ni NTIST, D.D.A ates of the American School of Concession, Township of Pittsburgh, gertineaty, v2 Ice ground floor, corner Osteopathy Kirksville, Missouri, 405 containing 50 acres, all under culti- Ring anc Johnson Sts. opposite St Princess street. 'Phone, 447. Office vation, well fenced with fairly good leorge's Cathedral. "Phone, 911. hours, 9 to 12 a.m, 2 to 5 pan. buildings, close to "school, chureh pie: hd Outside treatments by appointments. and station. Apply to John Kilduff, Jr., Willotsholme. FOR SALE OR TO LET. HAIR, MOLES, BI wim TET CARPENTERS AN ILDERS RTHMARES. | 1 NE ROOM HOUSES, MOD-| -- Al PD _BUILDE RE. y without scar. Twenty years' experi- ern improvements, corner Division | DROP A CARD TO CHAS, W. KELLAR .¢ ence. Dr. Elmer J. Lake, Kye, Kar, and Quebec straots. Apply Whig Carpenter and Builder, 255 Division = Nose, Throat and Skin " Blemish office, or Rev. J. D. Boyd, kric Pp. St., for reasonable prices on all kinds East View Park. of jonhbing, all work - done promptlys @ ee RE 5 TOLD IN BUSINESS, 'E, | TWO NEW BIX AND EIGHT ROOMS, : marriage, domestic affairs, | finished bungalow, oO Fast View LEGAL. © ; : women to enjoy a fF yke in your hotels," said. the Countess Wolf 3 » Jug a = | here, dang, of Castell: Rudenhausen, who 1s | 3 E EE | > " in at the Hotel St. Regis, New SN $4 Vo ! | Oak Leaf Budget. York. "Sach a privilege is not dk ¥ SRN 0 | Oak oat: duke 11. --Haying has he- nied women in Furope. | $ 1) A ¥ p So | | v crop it not heavy, altheugh "(ht of course one.may in| d Wi. : R po CR (*v ner is looking well after the re "fier own room, as the manager : h oF i | cent rains, "Soveral barr have Leen . politely tell you, but I mean in w | fe : 0 3 Nop fs CORE ; | given new roofs. C. Murphy : 'new ' dining rooms. What i¢ there object | b 4 Sai x harn is nearing completion, Robert | speculations, ete, all mysteries Park, on the St. Lowronts, five] --------mcte ep . *jonable if a woman su okes. her oi : a £0 8 3 he { Maude s rHising on Friday 'wag well | Yoald he send_ te. i Stamps and birth: miles from city. Apply Rev. J. D.|A. B: CUNNINGHAM, BARRISTER co or ' he table? In NA hE N oy Rr : attended. W. Morris, Seperion, hail SRe A. Hen. eX 841, North Boyd, 108 Pine St., or ¥rie P.O. and Solicitor. Law Office, 79 Olarence wgarette after meals at th \ ; Hh ) : tract \ir a wife] , P. Que. Bast View Park: 8t:;, Kingston. SE A AT 3 g the 0) act. . his rok, o warts, etc., removed permanent! Specialist, 258 Bagot street, 0. ----------_------------------ PR this « vespect. "the American women J Pn o Lave. note up to date." { . Sa a XE . and © ld spent : Sunday ait rock | TT ---- ] rm---- Che. countess and her husband. | $ : Ny § x ; 4 | Green's. Miss Jossic. Ralph is on. a | = UN . «Count Woligang, of Castell-Rudenhay hie i 3 : 3 | month ast at Proseott, and Iro- | oa fo is : sn, ave. just: completing a tour | A 4 % { | quois. fics Jennie Ralph is home Fro E & 3 * aropmd the world; They only . stop- | § $ $ § LR from her school near? Lansdowne. The | stablished 1866. 1) PF = sped in New York for a few days, and | § 3 3 | Misses Low, Otéawgd, gree gugsts of T E N DERS . vy n ~ . y oto y » onprin 3 3 § | their Je, J. D. Johnson. iss Jen (A : BN 7 § are leaving to-day on the Kronprinz § . i k their uncle, J. 1 Johnson. Mi Ten TENDERS. address 1 the undersigu: AC I Begg for Furnace, $6.75. Wilhelm = for. Germany, whence they | nie daile. Sheldon, is at George John- led, at Ottawa, and Siatxed on the en 4 $§. Stove for furnace $6 75 . \ y AD. swill go te their castle in Bavaria ne. Mr. and Mrs. Frederick War-| velope, '"Tender for Lubricating oil' - +}. "In Germany," explained the cow Gr AB BK : | ren, enjoyed a Visit from his mother, | Ni be Yoteiveldl 2p to nut of the sa08 o ' \ Nut for Cook Stove, $6.75. Less, ne try to please our Amemcan 5 : i i 1 last week, Mr--ahd Mrs, F. Sheldon | for DE iyi and delivering the Lubri- 4 Pe f Cook Stov $5 7 and foreign 'travellers. 1 know that ; 3 ; spent a day last week at Glen Buell. | cating oils required by the Department of Wesamn 2 2 ea ior ey da. {. ¥ § : | Webster, Athens, | Marine and Fisheries for a period of \ A fw Canell for Grate, $7.50. many American women smoke in pub The Misses were lic dining rooms when they are . BN with their sistor/ Mrs Robert Maude three years. Prey ; . or vith er { \ / 1 y as oe 0 - Ww ¢ abroad; and it is surprising that they £5 last week. The Misses Frye and Miss | Specifications and forms of tender can oy w+Qrder now for next winter. at A Pearl Trwir nent: a k last week be procured from the Collectors of it By 4 Bl Et day last week | ,gtoms at Toronto, Hamilton, and are not allowed to do the same { ? ° 5 home Bat, despite the fact that 1 ; wy with Mrs. TF. | Sheldon. Miss Ada | Kingston, from the Agents of the Marine "gfe Guarantee . had to give up my cigarettes - al > - White, Brockville, is spending a por- Department at Montreal, Quebec, St. ; 2 J Halifax Victoria ; also from Every Load." ® EE . tion of her holidays with Martha Join, Halitex avd , ere erica, 3 Tz me AST RITLY n Ta" Jefireys 'onoratulations [1 p ' . COUNTESS WOLFGANG Or t ASTELL - RUDENOUSEN | dofireys. - - Congratuialions to W.|- Fach tender must be The Countess | Cast -Rudenhausen | FosED EXCLUSIVELY FOR TH/7: EVENING TELEGRAM. hartrand on the success ol his six lan accepted cheque on a 8 p 0 - 5 ¢ least 80 lely owned wits very enthusiastic over her first sstul ne of "aerial vi ' : 1 rious sler : 4 at the recent entrance Ox: : |adian Bank for the sum N- v farm of at leas acres solely virit to this Bi She sxpressed eesSind eee t : - Fos ng AY I re Yohns = ho oon am DRED DOLLARS (8500.00) to the order & SRT re and occupied b him or by his father, < a . : Bie ARP | ly from a prac tical standpoint, ani ! i emselve e the vant John Johnson obtain ho | of the Department of Marine and Fisher EET mother, son, daughter, brother or siss partienlar interest in the American {as affording a pew field for j jeasure, | tion. Bat conld beeor IROTe shest marks of all Phe candidates, lies, which deposit will be forfeited if the | o . . ter. Che . 3 women and their deep concern in the || feel sure that 1 will e first wi te noudoet ing at Delta. The remains of he successful tenderer fails to deliver the oil ynopsis of Canadian North-West In, cartain districts a Lon arter: affairs of the day especially as pet light." ed 1 1a i its troubles i Mrs. Manford Wehster, were inter- ordered _or_delivers boi A 'V Land Regulations. Aion alongwide his homestead. Price, } the Trinity ehurth cemetery on | fic 'tions -prepared by the Department ANY person who is the sole head of'a{$s3.00 per acre. Duties--Must reside rage movement \ - ? ? . : family, or any male over 18 years old, lgix months in each of six years from a ' v Vericans women v tak i >» as wome ttend « ¢ | The Department reserves the right to |Way homestead a quarter-séection of | date of homestead entry (including the ft must be fine to sail through the jt sufirage movement alinirs 4 . -- aceept the whole or any part of a tend- ayiilayle Dominion Aad in, Manitoba, time required to earn homestead patent) je in on' air ship," sai ae oun- 1A Me Seri 5 In 12}¢ s B 21 or Saskatchewan. OF Berta. appli-Tand cultivate fifty acres extra. t* 8. > > a § aid the eel ( 2 i Ta Rolls Bagou, 134s. | Newspapers inserting this advertise] CoE must appear in person si the Do-} A homesteader who "has exhausted his 4 expect to have my first nice 11 i i Lermany ¥ : Choice Rolls Bacon, 124e., Ji¥Craw- ment without authority .from the De- minion Lands" Ageney 'or SBub-Agency 18r | homestead right and cannot obtain a in a Joftshifl." as' we call them, when | 'Ger von favor ti ; uf nter 00. ford. | partment will pot be paid for same. the district. Entry by proxy may beipreemption ma take a purchased home- I get back to Germany I notie ote i} v ve ) 4 : made at any agency, on eertain condi- | gtead in certain districts. Price $3.00 ha h wie : : 2 ky i vs | The Department does not hind itself to | tions, by father, mother, son, daughter, | per acre. Duties Must reside six months » that the American women have even mt ely i tend tol See Bibby's 7 boating shirts, [accept the lowest or any tender. brother = or sister 'of intending Bowe in each of three years, enltivate ofty plapned to organize an aero club lor lieve u duties come again ' ls on 1s "Peei, iron and wine," the invahd's G. J. DESBARATS steader. acres and erect a house worth $300. 2 women. We, too, are deeply interest lwould 'he ely ant ro of theion. Also that by that da i aay tonic, Se. and 3 bottles, at . Gib- | he Duties. --Six months' residence upon Ww. W. CORY | - : . . » " : $a " $ \ oy > Wi ¥ | Acting Deputy Minister 'of ena cultivation of the land in each of uty of the Minister of the Interioris- aed in the aiafiol probie ms of 3 he ame Let the puase tial Inlong to permil" sinoking mn your public AME iby [son : Red A:ross drug store. i Marine and Fisheries. hres years. A homesteader may live N.B.--Unauthorized publication of this day: e look forward to the auc- men continue ~ fo be theirs, Women rooms. See Bibby's neckwear, 2 for 2c. Ottawa, 13th July, 1909, within nine miles of his homestead on & ad meals 1 enjoyed my viat lo im oN tetming to aeronautics and the suff The n ud that ¢ not 1 hwith this vant « 1 beliex vertisement will aot be paid for. WAL 5 A