Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 14 Jul 1909, p. 1

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The Daily YEAR 76-NO. 163. KINGSTON, ONTARIO, WEDNESDAY, JULY 14, 1909. ROBBED THEN - "= [ATEST NEW This picture hangs in Yoom VI at the National Portwait Gallery, The dress is while against a brownish background. A necklace of pearls on- cirales Jane Lane's fnicck, and another string is shown in ler wavy browns hair, no other jewelry being worn ex» cpt a brooch 'and earrings. Accord ing to the Sphere, Jane Lane played a very considerable part in the es wape of King Charles after Worcester, her earcer being graphically described in "The Flight . Of The King," by Allan Fea, published by {he firm of Mcthuen. Jane Lane with her brother. FIRES AT AMELIASBURG. Several Barns Burned--Bright School Pupils. Amcliasburg," July 12. --Frank Zu- lelt's barn was burned on the pi of July Sth. A severe thunderstorm "wept over here, Saturday night, and Gregg Titus' barns, near Mountain View, were struck by lightning and burned. The loss will be $3,000, part- ly covered by insurance. - The rains haye come too late to help most of the grain sown on light lands. A gicat amount of buckwheat will be sowed. Pastures will be re newod, . The Amcliasburg bascball team do feated Allisonville, but was beaton by organist and choir leader of Grace church, is enjoying a month's vacation with friends in Toronto, and with her mother, Mrs (Rev.) A. M. De Long, Okatoks, Alta. Her place is being filled as organist during her absence, by Miss Bessie O'Neill. Miss Gertrude Dustin, Garden street, Of Attempted Outrage In is spending a few weeks at Craig- Gananoque. mount, the guest of her brother, Rev, Dustin. Mrs. William De Grufi Toronto, Ont), July 1h=Ottaiva Valley and Upper St. Lawrence : 10 wong ---- He Married Widows To Get Their Cash. CAREER AT ST. LOUIS AFTER Dispatches From Near And Distant Places TE WORLD'S TINGS GIVEN IN THE BRIEFEST POS George and M Green, of Rochester, N.Y., are the guests of their parents, Mr. and Mrs, J. T. Green, "Cedar Knoll," Stone street. James Emberly, Watertown, N.Y., is visiting friends and relatives in town and vicinity. KE. H. Hurd, Charles gtreet, spent a short time during the DESERTED BRIDES FRANK RAISCH, A HOSTLER, HID IN HAY past few days in Carthage, N.Y., the guest of his son, G, I. Hurd. Miss Sarah Cross, North street, is spending When the Police Went After Him-- He Enticed a Little Girl Into a Stable--A Young Lady Heard the Child's Cries amd Gave the Alarm, Gananoque, July 14.--~The public re ceived another serious shock, a litule after noon, yesterday, on hearing of an attempted. indecent assault against Hetty MeAllister, the nine-year-old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. James Me- Allister, of Pittsburgh township, by Frank Raiseh, hostler at the Provin cial hotel, Mr, McAllister had brought his little girl to town with him, and, having some work to be done at the blacksmith shop of Seale Bros., Stone street, left 'the child there while he went over to the grist mill in the west ward, not returning for some time. The child got restless and anxi ous, when her attention was called by Raich, who told her that her father wanted her the stables. The child crossed and asked if her fathor 'wgs in the stable, and being answered in the affirmative, entered tho place, when whe seized and lifted off her feet and carried back into the stable by Raisch. A young lady named Lloyd, residing in the North ward, on her way home to dinner, across at over was the summer with friends 'at Ivy Lea. Mrs. Campbell and san, Ross, former residents of the town, now located at Stamford, Conn., are visiling with re- Intives and friends. Archibald Byers, Montreal, spent the past week with re- latives in town. BEST EDUCATED NATION. Germany Holds Palm, But is Pay- ing Price. . - Berlin, July 14.--The Berlin press publishes statistics to show that Ger- many is the best educated nation in Europe. Germany not only leads with the greatest number of school children, 9,750,000, but also spends the largest amount of money fo school purposes, £26,000,000 , Her percentage of illiteracy, one-twentieth of one per cent., is the lowest in Eu- rope. More than half the Continental conscript armies can read or write. In Bulgaria the percentage of illiteracy among re ernits is 52; in Seérvia and Russia, 62. in Portugal and Spain, 70; and in Roumania, 75. Jut it is not recruits for neither improbable that Ger- children paying a heavy for their proficiency in school work "The German school child," man are price heard the child ask if her father was in the stable and then hearing her cries at once gave The alarm. and help arriving, the child was released. The police were at once notified and Chief Ryan and Constable Thomson wer promptly on the scene, but Raisch had disappeared A search of the stable was made and Raisch was discovered hidden among the huy in the loft of the barn. He was taken in charge, a warrant having been sworn out for his arrest, and he was taken to the lock up.. Later in the afternoon he brought before Police Magistrate Car voll, on a ¢harge of attempting to commit an indecent assault, and after a short preliminary hearing the mag istrate committed him to Brockville jail, to await trial before the court of proper jurlsdiction.. This dastardly attempt coming swift in the wake of that of John Fitzgerald, near Maple Grove, has stirred the town, and had the brute accomplished his infamous designs, it would not have to leave him in town over In the police court, on Monday even ing last, Constable John Thomson, of the local force, wig arraigned before Police Magistrate Carroll on two charges, first; of using insulting and abusive language to Robert Murchie, John street, and, second, of being drunk and disorderly on the public streets of the town. The case was en larged until Thursday. The local fire brigade was out last evening, and the test of the King street hydrant was most satisfactory, Two fine streams of wa ter poured "on the ruins of the Grand Opera house. The waterworks superintendent, N. R. Gardiner, siders that the leakage in the system has been pretty thoroughly repaired, and that in future the town may ex pect good service in case of fire, Robert O'Brien, Gananoque's youth ful long-distance runner, is in excel lent for the fivermile event at Kingston, on Wednesday. It ed that ¥. Nelson, who took third the ten-mile event here Dominion day, will also be in 'the race and also fourteen-year-old Edgar Cum "man" who wa a special cup at Kingston' day celebration. This bunch ehould make Steele, Watts and the other five Kingston's adore gation, go beat them. Mrs, Francis Keyes, River street, ha heen confined to her home, for several days, seriously ill F. J. O'Connor, M.D., Garden street, who purposed leaving in the near fa ture to accept tion with hospital work in the west, _has decided to remain here, was been safe night for practice, were con form 18 expect place in on mings, the Gananoque awarded Victoria milers of some Lo a position in connoce- says a writer recently, "is notorious- vy overworked, Nervousness among children in Germany is increasingly taking the form of suicide. Pressure of school work and shame over in- ability to make the expected prog are the most frequent causes." The growing' tendency to nervous- the part of Gikman chil been recognized, and a men have combin- They propose to erect a series of great recreation and athletic grounds throughout the country, particularly in the cities. HAKAN AEAACKAAAAANAAAN NM WONDERFUL RUN, ness upon dren has number of wealthy ed to combat it , + ¥ Calgary, July 14.--Mon- day night there arrived from Edmonton a 19-year- old 'boy named Galloway, being taken to Brandon Asylum. He has an halluci- nation that he is a Mara- thon runner. One day he ran from Edmonton to Fort Saskatchewan - and back, a distance of forty miles, in four hours, which is something really wond- erful. He is paralyzed in both legs, and those who saw him after his run say that he did not seem dis- tressed, and was not even breathing heavily. How- ever, he lost weight steadi- 4 ly ever since, and is now § little more than a skeleton. : * AAHHHGIISISISISISICIISIIIIGIE WILL NOT PROGEED WITH ROBERTS' NATIONAL SERVICE BILL - 3 ERFEA FIRE EEEE EELXET ® BAEXELE LEAKE LER RR SF EEK» + This Decision Leaders-- Should Be to Lords Come in Advice of Haldane's Scheme Tried. London, July 14.--The House of Lords, last night; by a vote of 123 to 103, decided npt to proceed with the national service bill, which Lord Rob- etts introduced. in the house, Monday khis bill provides for the compulsory ervice in the territorial army of all male citizens between the ages of eigh teen and thirty, I'he decision of the House of Lords was taken at the advice of the union ist who considered it inadvis Secretary The the leaders, War with GETTING MONEY. It is Said That False Ceremonies Were Performed--He Posed As a Wealthy Stock Raiser and a Confederate Aided Him in His Frauds, St. Louis, July H.--John Madson, under arrest at San F i for bigamy and fraud, becam known to the police hore in the fall of 1908, ful- lowing his aleged marriages to thres women and his desertion of each of them after obtaining possession of their money and jewels, Mrs. Elizabeth Jackson, Kas., was the first to on Madson's trail. She said she had known him as C. C. Johnson, and that he had obtained $1,055 from her under promise of marriage. It was also learned that Madcon had induced Mrs. Katherine Baughman, of St. Louis, to marry him |gorerty valued at $1,000, thin into cash, it is alles and sertod her. A St. woman, known as Mrs. Alice Richardson, told the police Madson had obtained from her on a promise of marriage, He is said also to have obtained $450 | and a diamond ring from M: Allen by marrying and then her, Madson posed as a wealthy raisar. He was assisted by a partner, | when he thought would be susceptible to Mad | son's wiles, told | Madson's twelve-room angisco, of lola, put the police and sion He wd, is over turned sarting stock | who wonderful stories of mansion filled Ii lie was encouraged the confederate would arrange a meeting. In nearly every caso whire he inducnd the wo man to become his wie, Madson had false ceremonies performed, it is said. USING WELSH COAL. Use Product of Six Seams to Pro- July 14.--~The man who de- the Hnglish tory party machine Montreal, fied Wilson, and ran on his own account on the tariff reform platform, with now in the city making a trip round the world. He also believes in ownership for the railways of land, as well as of the state Ing nation's coal "1 have," he says, "visited the Ger man coal deposits of Westphalia and East Prussia, and «can state" without fear of official contradiction that their coal does not possess suflicient to drive ships of the Dreadnought type. It is also a notorious fact that the Germans own six seams of the ver¥ best coal in South Wales, and | they are constantly exporting very | large quantities, which are being bank- | led in Germany, and, as a mutter of [fact, no wapship of the Dreadnought i can leave Kiel without her bunk ers being filled with this Welsh coal. "Consequently, I maintain that policy would not only build a sufficient | my | Lumber of Dreaduoughts to keep our [navy up to the two-nation standard, jbut it would at the same time para far as the sending of {lyze Germany concerned. ther ships to sea | BURGLARS FOOLED. | -------- | Looked For Big Sum--Deposit Not | i ' Been Made. Brockville, Ont., July H.--Early | Tuesday morning burglars force entrance into the Brockville, and North-Western railway fice. The safe in the office was blown open, the force of the explosion [readin the door | The burglars found hut little reward, las a small amount of silver only was Fin the safa. Monday being July | the intruders. thought that the day's sales of tickets would be large, in the safe, but fortunately a deposit wd been made at the bank. There is no clue to the burglars. West- port, of- Minnie | with Chinese servants in Los Ang ou. | |PATAUD IS BALLET GIRLS. Famous Paris Strike Leader Tries in Vain to Make Dancers Form | pel Battleships. | in the recent Sheffield election, Muir ! lot more Dreadnoughts thrown in, is | | mines, | | { | | | | = i $200 | married Sir Cioment | found women who Iu | | | | off completely. | 12th | and | - | declare a | | {Col SIBLE FORM. , Matters That Interest Everybody --Notes From All Over--Little of Everything Easily Read and Remembered, Cornwallis likely to have a vlocal option campaign this year . Brockville is anxious to have a new G.T.R. station built there. A cloud burst at Orizaba, Mexico, did damage estimated at $500,000, A mob of 300 Japanese strikers threatened the Honolulu sheriff who had arrested one of their number. Ex-Lieut. Woods is suing the army council _ for $507,500 for depriving hin of his comnéssion in the Grenadier Cruards. Sixty-seven carrier jsgeons in Mary- iand beat the twelve-year record. The fastest flew 510 miles in 9 hours, 17 minutes, or 1,600.05 yards a minute. Mrs. G. B. Maguire, Ottawa, was Lane, entertained the Bentley Hall, Oh, 1651. Brother with the king days olf carly neat and September, the od on anhiversary of ving King Charles ai Bentley Halls Another | alterward | Fisher, depicts her in the act of con- England unde: September 9th, 1689, trait of Jane Lane, crown of cealing the her veil, INFLUENCE WANING SNUBBED BY Union. Paris, July .=Pataud, the leader ialists, large part of his prestice among the Sa of the revolutionary soc French laboring atrous failure of the! then, he has ized any outburst on the his attention to and turning girls dancers of power |' PATAUD, PARIS STRIKE strike have, unsuccessful. (quite for his Sovialistic care utd Walsall, Septemiger sistor during those critical wore Jane Fisher, and whe por- Lady Hv the: dis second strike l among the postoffice cmployecs, Since been trying to {loct ground, and, after having argan- f the table lads at Maisons Laffitte, is now ballet His regain pari Paris. efiorts to make them form .a union and feet. LEADER. so far, been The -girle do not theories and | taken ill while witnessing the de- parture of visiting Orange lodges and expired before her home was reached. The summer home of F. W. Fear man, of Hamilton, on Flo island, near Beaumaris, Muskoka, was de- stroyed by fire, The loss is estimated at 55,000, Oneida Incians got drunk in Lon- den, Ont., and were tied to posts to prevent trouble. One, with aid, pull- ed up the post and started home, dragging the timber. Miss Anni¢ Wansnolet, an Abinakis Indian maiden, from Lake St. John cistrict, has won first place in the examination at the Dominion Col ege of Music, Montreal, After being in course of construction for over a year Guelph"s new water- works system has now come into use. The water is pumped from springs outside the city, five miles, Mr. Powderly is asking the United States governors of the various states and territories to co-operate to pre vent. the congestion of aliens in any one part of the country. % 1 Ex-Ald. James Dickson, of the legal Gauld & Dickson, Hamilton, is dying in London, Eng- land. For a considerable time Mr. | Dickson has not enjoyed the best of health. John Morgan, employed on the construction of a new barn for Peter Healey, one mile from Smith's Falls, missed his footing and fell to the floor below, a distance of thirty-four He is in hospital badly injured. The Bisley committee of the N.R.A. have allowed the Ross rifle on the positive assurance of Sir Frederick Borden that the rifle submitted to the committee is similar in every re- spect to the other 499 issued to the militia and volunteers in Canada. In a thick fog: and heavy sea the two-masted schooner, C. B. Wood, ran aground on Partridge Island, N.B. Lhe tide left -h® high on rocks and she slid about her length, ripping out the keel and breaking. the mast, Cap- tain Mitchell and crew got to land with little trouble, Careful _ inquiry by the forestry branch of the department of thé in- terior from its officials and from in dependent lumbermen with regard to the damage from fire reported early tn June along the Canadign North ern railway lines in the Saskatchewan show that their reports of the dam- age were greatly exaggerated, firn® of Nesbitt, A DEATH AT STELLA. The Late John Marshall--Visitors on the Island, Stella, July 12.--The death occurred. on Monday evening, July 5th,.of an old and much respected resident of the island, in the person of John Marsh- all. Deccased had been in poor health for over a year. The late Mr. Marsh- all was a member of the Preshyterian church, and also of Burleigh, L.O.L.. No. 452. The members of the lodge, accompanied by the Prentice boys, at- tended the funeral. A wife, five sons and one daughter survive. They are: David, of Chicago; William, of Buffa- Conrecon, 14 to 10. Rossmore played Demorcstville a tic game, but defeated Sonus from Belleville and Picton casjly. Anoliasburg township carried two of tho Rbwee medals for the entrance in the county, -and carried four out of twalve of the honor list. The apple crop in the township is very light, but plums, pears, ote., are abundant. On the whole this is clearly a third poor year. Mr. Bovay, Bloomfield, who has broken his ankle; is visiting at A. Harvey's. ' Ameliasburg church 8550 for repairs, had an opening on July 3rd, and 4th. Mr. Houck, Wellington, and Mr. Emsley, of Na- panec, gave cloquent addresses. Pro- ceeds of entertainment $58. having spent INDIAN MURDERERS. Canadian Family Massacred i= South Dakota. 5 Montreal, July 14.--A gruesome con- signment arrived here by the Grand Trupk from the west, bringing details of a tragedy of a particularly revolt ing nature. Out in Rudolph, South Dakota, lived a family of the name of Christie, formerly of St. Stephens, N.B., a husband, his wife and daugh- ter, Mr. Christioc pursued the busi- ness of a grain buyor, apd had fre quent®dealings with the Indians in the chista Whether through some hag- gle over the price or other cause 18 not known, but an attack was organ- ized 'on the Christie house and the mother and daughter shot dead. The father appears to have put up 3 fight for his life, but his skull = was fractured. He was fifty-seven vears of age. The bodies left here for New Brunswick, last night. Considered Law. 14.--The Canadian As- informed that Messr Rothschild, to-day, are underwri the £2,000,000 Grand Trunk Pacific three per cent, debentures guaranteed by the Deminion government for issue at cighty-two and a half, and one per cent. for underwriting. The price is considered extragrdinarily low in many quarters, FRAG EE ATA ¢ STUNG BY BEE, : Loudon, July sociated Press Mason City, Ia., July 14. --Killed by the sting of a bee, was the fate of Mrs. Mary J. Buck, a resident of Garrison. Mrs. Buck was sitting on the porch of her residence when one stung her on her right temple. She called for help and was carried into the house. Physicians were summoned, but before they could reach her she was dead. She only lived about twenty minutes after being stung, FSIS CAPTURED THE GiTY THE FATE OF THE SULTAN IS UNKNOWN | -- The Troubles at Fez and Teheran-- Little Néws Can Be Got Out-- Said Shah Will Be Found in Russian Legation. Madrid, July 14.--A patch states that EF} Roghi ish pretender, stormed } tured the city aller severe fighting on July 8th. The fate of the sultan i= unknown, but the pal ace was surrounded by El Roghi's troops. © There are two or three versions of the affair. Accord- ing to one there was severe fighting in the streets, and many Jews were massacred. Wealthy Moors FEEFFEEEFETH KERH Tangier des the Moor- , and cap Muslins AND Wash To-Morrow In the lot are Floral Organdies, Lawns, Swiss Maslin, Col'cn Dimities, rench Voiles, Fouladds, Chambrays etc., together with a great assortment of White Fabrics the different in weaves. Reguler Prices Were 15¢. to 60c. rt om | 10 and 15c] CASH SALES. Sale Starts at 8.30, on Monday, and Mrs, W, street, a LEMMON .--In July 12th, J. Lemmon, daughter DIED. KARIN. --At his late residence, Shari. ton, Ont., on July 13th, 1909, Denis Karin, aged fifty years, T.~In Kingston, on 909, William Follest. Funeral will: take place. on Thursday, at 2 o'clock, from his late residence, 170 St., to Catarsqui Cemetory, and acquaintances respective ly invited to attend. (Toronto and Owen Sound copy.) Kingston, 1909. to Mr. 877 King July 13th, Nelson Friends papers please ROBERT J. REID, The leading Undertaker. "Phone, 377. 227 Princess street. SUMMER NEEDS Lawn Mowers, Refrigerators, and (las Ranges. Not too many. If you want them call at ones at TURK'S, 'Phone, 7 Summer Drinks. Miss Rssie De Long, King street, able to interfero T CTR Le ~ | Haldane's scheme for the re-organiza- DAILY MEMORANDA. tion of the territorial forces until a Board, 1.80 p.m., Thursday. change of government should make it T'heatre--Battle Drama possible to introduce some such idea are flying to Mequinec. The reports come from native sources and the government is unable to deny or. con firm them. | are nel impressed by his oratory. | To-day thee appeared an inflamma- tory article. signed by Pataud." He | advocates. all manver oof ridiculous lo; John, of Marmora; Hugh, of Kings- ton; Robert, on the homestead, and Mrs. F. P. Instant, also of the island. The funeral, a 'large one, was held on Stower's Lime Juice, Stower's Lime Juice Cordial, Sutton's Lemon Squash, Lightning Strikes Twice. | 'Santa Fe; N.M., July 14.--The story fof 'a remarkable play of lightnihg at Cheese Biton Tap- Invasion of The U.S.A." ; "The and rhe Sideboard Be Practical Jokes of Two Roonss "Take Your Girl To The Ball by Jas, Douglas Bankier, the Tenor DOULTON WARE Just opened all the newest designs and latest effects in this celebrated maker. Don't Miss Seeing Them. Robertson Bros. Anese Framp ane," Scotch Argentina withdrew hey minister as proposed by Lord Roberts, WON'T EAT, WON'T CHANGE. Thing They Will Do is Ignore Rules. London, July 14.--The sent to Holloway jail on charges of lisordorly conduct while attempting to present a petition to Premier Asmuith, are making it lively for the jail © au- thorities. Acoording to information given out by the Women's Soeial and Political Undon, the latest bateh: of martyrs ara following up the tactics Only suffrageties wldition to refusing to eat they de persistently chine stroct clothes for has broken out" a general there against short revolt } them as ordinary foods" that pend on being fresh. son's Red Cross drug store, The Danish government has not to send a ship to the Fulton ¢ to be held York 'this fall, St. Paul's pienie, Kilties' j Thursday. Boat leaves Folger's at 1] vou can, de- Sold at "Infants' decided Hudson in Now band, from tha Bolivian capital in default of fF insnld «| pm. and Clarence St, at 3 p.m, inaugurated hy Miss Dunlop, and in| to change er i the prison garb. Wo rules of silence also are ighored and in | Gib- {an isolated point in Cives county, on | Sunday, has just reached here. Dur | a thunderstorm lightaing struck {the house of W. E. Rail, a home- {steader, and H, N. Rutherford, {with his family, was at the | house, was killed. Followmg {intervals of one minute eleven ' {bolts struck the house, each shocking an occupant, though not fatally. There were thirteen persons in the { house at the time of the storm |The last stroke set the house on fire, {but the flames were extinguished by { Mrs. Rail with buckets of water, ing Rail thi= at more Herald, referring te the "comparative iai anadian loan, says th timai« ninety The Glasgow { what it calls of the operators ure, | London seven as a high enough pric | justifiod. See Bibby's blue A piece of glass was taken from th body of Robert Hallinan, Chatham. which he had been carrying for twen and quit f10 suits tyv-two yoar Lydia Pinkham's son 3 Red Crosns drug Colombia revolution brought to a close by the the revalntionists, "Buy Cascarects" at store. . Fresh there. X10 blue Compound" store, was sirronder Gibson's [ross drag suits, { ciety,' who, | f plans of 4 will ba provided, Red (licious, in manifestations against large. "The best thing to do io annoy. §o- : "is fo upset writes, moans of think of he lestroy their "What do you to ask, and auchionoe deprived gors on and theatre entertainment chorus and ballet. fashionable suldendy by a He hopes to see the workers showing | |, in every conceivable direc- should be ther tioty, seen powe rr Hotol kitehons of demonstrations The foorl of the be wiored and rich at concerts, exhibitions places completely Hous I hese things," he 1 hands in iraining ocial revolution.' architects the buildings at Montrehl are for katchewan Accommodation f HOW 'Raspberry vinegar," 10c. bottles, at Red Cross drug store, ... Nee Bibhy's society at this 7' ) he Lhe crop to be light. pieianes a full the their strike the the au re should the pleasures of the and other spoiled by or Gi. Dunkley, in and always villainous fisorder and lawlessness, conehides, I enable the working classes i, the proparing | M University of Sas Saskatoon. 5,000 students perfectly de Cibson's £10 blue suits, Wednesday, to Glenwood cemétery. dThe recent rains were gladly wel comed by all the farmers, as they ll were badly needed. Many of the farm- ers arc cutling their. hay, but report The Presbyteri- an strawberry festival vas held' on Stella Point, on Saturd.y, July 3rd. Rev. -E. Scammel, Kingston, preached in St. Alban's, and Christ Church, Em- ald, on Bunday, in place of Rev, J. Lindsay, who was absent. The many friends of Mrs. T. Glen, who underwent an operation in the Hotel Dieu, a short time ago, are pleased to learn that she is improy- ing. Mrs. J. C, Howard has returned home after visiting her daughter, Mrs. the west. Mrs. Scott has returned home, - after visiting friends in Chicago and Buffalo. Visitors : Mr. and Mrs. Maxwell from Ireland, at W. H. Moutray's Mrs. Lowry, Kingston, has returned home, after visiting Mrs. R. P. Saun. ders'; A. Burleigh, Mrs. Hugh Strain Brown and Mrs. Wemp, Chatham, visiting friends here; Miss Minnie Beau- bien, has returned. home from. Chat. ham; Mrs. R. Cousins and Miss Helen Maudson, Kingston, visiting Kien here; Mrs. W. McDonald and Mise An- nie McDonald, are visiting friends in Buffalo; Me.-and Mrs. W. Glen; Sr.; are visiting in Rawdon, » At Persia's Capital. London, July 14.--A special des patch to the London Times, dated Pehéran, 8 p.m., says: "Firing has been continnous all day since detachments of the nationalists forces entered the capital this morn- ing, chiefly in the neighborhood of Gun square, where there have heen several casualities." hood of Gun square, and can vet very little information, as everybody who ventures into the adjacent streets is fired upon. The despatch adds: "It is unde stood, however, that the Shah is still at Sultanahabad, though it is he lieved in some quarters that he may take refuge in the Russian Legation." a SM ------ Three men took refuge under a mar east. of Winnipeg when the shuniing engine came along and moved the train and all were so badly injured they may die. "Edwards" Nervine," 25¢. It pays to buy it at Gibson's Uross drug store. Fresh there. Manitoba voung liberals. met" at Winnipeg and organized a provincial association. 'A London and 50¢ Rex fury refused to accept as evidence, finger prints "We are bottled up in the neighbor Corry's Raspberry Vinegar, Unfermented Wines Fruit Syrups, Jas. Redden & Co. Importers Of Fine Groceries. P.S.--Our Java and Mocha Coffee is always in season. Had Narrow Escape. : Smith's Falls, Ont. duly 13.<Rew, . Elvin RB. Radelifie, rector of the mrish of Montague, had nirrow = ese ape from serious injury on Saturday. He was returning home from town and shen near ihe Atironto crossing his worse took fright at a C.P.R. express, It made a dash directly for the track, but Mr, Radelifie succeeded in turning t just before it reached it. The quick turn of the buggy threw him out and be fell with great force among a pile of rubbish. He wag picked up and a physician summoned. Fortunately ne bones were broken, but his back was badly sprained and he' was terribly bruised, The buggy, 4 handsome new Suir tired one, was totally demol

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