FAGE FOUR, , SUN AND SNOW Sometimes Help the Hair to Go. In any changeable climate the hair in apt to become brittle and to break off stubb® here and there. This makes w hairdressing oy a necessity, es- pecially to ladies. In using a hair deessing why not get "the best., that combines with it the efficiency in killing the dandrufi germ,the germ that cuts the hair off at the roots, causing what is called falling hair, and in time Newhro's Herpicide is that hair dressing. You have idea how delightful your senlp feel, and how stylish: your hair will appear, after an application or two of Herpicide. It is certainly a wonderful innovation as a scalp anti septic and hairdressing. Sold by leading druggists. in stamps for sample to the Co., Detroit, Mich. One dollar guaranteed. UG. W. Mahood, agent, YOU SAVE MONEY By buying here ; lowest prices in the city on Suits Trousers Shirts, one baldness, kind of a no will Send 10e Herpicide bottles special fine and working Sum- mer Underwear, Hats and Caps ; Fancy and Working Socks ; Boots and Shoes, fine or heavy. see them-- I. ZACKS, 271 Princess St. ~--Come and THE WHIG, 76th YEAR DAILY BRITISH WHIG, published at 806-310 King street, Kingston, Ontario, as $8 per year. Editions a at 2.80 and o'¢l PERL BRITISH WHIG, 18 Jes: published in parts on Monday and day morning at $1 a year. To United States, charge for pos has to be added, making price of Daily $7 snd of Weekly $1.50 per year. Attached is one of the best Job Print- mg Offices in Canada; rapid, stylish, and cheap work ; nine improved presses. The British Whig Publishing Co., Ltd. EDW: J. B. PENSE, Managing Director; TORONTO OFFICE. Suite 19 and 20, Queen Ofty Oham- bers, 82 Ohurch 8t.,, Toronto, H. E. Smallpeice, J. P., representative. Daily Wihig. THE SECRET "Guelph boasts | IS OUT. of the the Guelph the 'Gudph did a good stroke oi business that link, and operated by the C.P.R. of the been much profit it derives from Junction railway," says Hamilton Times, in building which is leased | It is one) has the and ownership ventures that justified, largely because WP.R. C.P.R. There is the road gives it ( connection, because the operates it." seeret. which some peo- Kingston been to | 14 member of the council, producing ple in have trying learn. a few days since a the alleged profits of the Guelph railway asked, Guelph can make of a little the Kingston 19 only which he carried in his pocket, it that money How is so | much out in mileage than street | railway, while here the company to sell tiring | of the enterprise, desired the | road to the city ? The The C.P.R. | uses the Guelph road ag a feeder, by Guelph railway ly . © answer is at hand, and | : : | makes 14 pay gonerous contribu Werg, the pendent as the tions, de ! railway is, tho travel thet | would probably be a different glory toi And that the the council here will down to business Kingston upon of the people tell now soorel is ont | perhaps get and do something ke | AFOR MERCY itseld with | the : A PLI Weekly Sun comforts that 'as soon as | consumers EF Automobiles To Rent. Reasonable. Always 5 > & Terms 1 Open. > W. Jd. Moore & Son, ¢ 'Phones--Garage, 815a. 3 | Residence, 815b. ¥ | AHH | International Portland | Cement tin place Adamant Wall Plaster | [ Guelph and Renfrew |i | amine Lime , w=AT- P. Walsh's, | Coal and Wood Yard, Barrack St. Wm. Murray Auctioneer when 27 BROCK ST. Gutters, Harness New C Sale of Horses every Saturday. Wall Paper Border, Ceiling and Side Wall, all - same price, at FRASER'S, 78 William St WAH LONG'S LAUNDRY REMOVED From 78 Clarence Bt., to 155 Well- ington St: between Brock and Bits. Best laundry in the city. called for and delivered, Sarriages, | | Goods | BIBBY'S CAB STAND Phone 20l. DAY or NIGHT Rr ¢ \ \ AIO COLL Are both symbolical of a hot time ! ", COPYRIGHT Whoap but one Our coal mined---is vice ; or call, CRAWFORD, 'Phone, 9, Foot of Queen St. ever ur ser write so 'phone, Charles T. Coomb steamer Sarnic, William by fireman on the r was drowned at Fo into fallin | which by [ the people {tails { have | and | the | contends [will | ; opinion. of | bines, 1 Olarence | ot lan t| reflection fully the the extent to living realize of and become organized, the is increased tariff, cost the omething is going to happen.' Vain Ii there do not understaod thing is the | is one it application to the de life. The illustration thought and its of I tarift Sun may the of certain domestic apt act an mn goods, because that blemishes or. defects, may in whole Le sale | ed into Canad. Fi instance. The customs have some lafitude in® the valuation, | be cent 1 These | | gome quantities be oi and import Tinea] goods for | anthorities collection of duty may at | fifty thirty-five the rate of or seventy per of isolated cases farifi has to do with the percent, are I'he ng cost of || im={¢ Sun | | some people the some more than go much ag not Higher to but living, In re greater Bread, for of all gradually pects, is due lighter exam- | wind supply. ) | the foods, onee cheapest ple, the | the | continues | become dearer, in ome economiste--while and demand The of the hy law of supply : r present day is coming the tiller soil in America | from it, scientific meth the they take all that oil," but receive the same foods, taken of handiwork. will Britishers take from {heir will first have to experience. So with the earth, and gifts from the product nature's and « jman Were there for anxiety the grounds still be conspiracies of there no here would com or men or com from the | the to panies or 'syndicates to wrest the highest prices for There i consumer lowest values the fever rich quickly--at . any hazard; at The notoripus, trade are effect the the any cost tricks of becoming and 0 them "is to maintain high prices--for |, | the good of the Ave, imposition, few the tariff is the means of many but the tariff is not in with the devious | The getting | n comparison for creating wealth. re- the S( he mes wealthy are fast, the and reaching a depth | sult wealthier, very and poor are | becoming poorer, they have cause! of God, degradation where the lof {to plead for mercy REVIVAL IS NEEDED. curious the | a ex- | | { A | | Hamilton is having with regard to technical | The people of the {perience | ambitious | | { school. like | cities--have city the people of some other | an | that | teghnical ! | under- | in: | labouring under it been (was i delusion ?) of the So | impression | the want times was { Hamilton has it, equipment of | knowledge. taken to supply and with an whose staff | and the stitution highest | tehould give assurance {results. { Then came the ling being up it occurred to the teach- the canvass The hld- | surprise. or to teach- | that the ers of the institute, and trustees, a 'should be ipils. It {board should know ers made of pu- the the tech- Jetigible was important that of study one 'the three how many {boys hac! an ambition to of papers | fa- nical subjects, and announced that only gave vorable replies. thereupon comments: "Much been said of this new sch ol h as |¢ | | | The Spectator i as re- pe! there that object. vet the and its mains much to 'land they must {and it had its effects, 1 reward, degree of bachelor of agriculture. road Jess | Oldest of the arts has been the long- versities, of tinental shows all near {upon ficient | the importance of maintaining effective i (dda, our need." as { tion enough to follow the consumption 'r the their the lubor r=Hould | mg except nights; | hands | every | Journal seed, i bushels, be rop. { 2,118,000,000 bushels, {brick and loam, { night | kids come | and i heavy and a sweeter ' THE PALLY RA WHIG, FRIDAY. rents of Hamilton children will know ingt what 'it means to them and their boys and girls. An official prospectus | in thé hands of parents now would do much to aid in estimating with some | degree of accuracy the probable initial | attendance | in September. Until it the attendance is likely hardly be' with a full staff of teacher The re velatign is not. remarkable. does not mean that technical tion ig not desired by the people, but that they at the opening of the term is known what to be it would wise to make contracts | It | | educa- is, The and | when the 'board of edu- | opened the They were not filled the training they afforded was unappreciated, but because the parents had not the in- formation regarding them which they wanted. A mothers' class stimulant towards a large rd domestic science classes are now establishec) and 7-do not know what it be enlightened. Whig remembers what happened, only last year, cation here science classes, at once, domestic Not because was one interest, they are bound to grow in interest. Hamilton's ic the vilege, educationists It their duty, thew pleasure, later they will must edu- cate people. is their pri- and sooner or have their |r EDITORIAL NOTES, | University the ! The McGill confers now I I wt in coming to honor in our uni- ( That stupid false hood that the gov for public section of the Transcon- |¢ was $13,000,000, 1 rnment estimate the construction ( the is again be of Ontario, the place for which this man pays good out whereby it is four another willing to pay hospital bills and of the natu and - JULY 9 THE LACK OF WATER. Is BREEDING [© DISEASE IN PARTS OF KINGSTON. Better Spend Money Mains on Than Hospital Concrete Walks and No Water |' ational Supply Seems Incongruous. Kingston, July 8.--(Tqg the Editor) : Do Kingston peopte; geherally, that in the lower part of our city {there are families without any water supply ? | presented the Ar 'sharp contrast was oth night, by the {father of a family gi ten cakrying wa- from a creek ihto which all sorts ewage runs, and sparkling, blue very far away. On a rent, there iz a well, sunk deep in the rock, and, doubtless, containing pure spring water, but the pump is of order, and the landlord® refuses to put it in shape, Now there ought to be some law the city could force landlords to keep wells available in places where as yet, impossible to instal a water supply. In the house above mentioned ther continual sickness--one child spent months in the had to be kept there for two For city and county to be un willing to pay for the%ure water sup ly which would remove the necessity or paying such bills, seems very much ¥ of sthe manipulation of blanket. Paddy, you remem his covering too short, ter not- so is, ity nonths. addy's ver, finding general hospital, | ut a piece off the bottom and put it | on the top. An incongruity, seems nce of concrete walks on side alleyways, which are a ivilization quite unnecessary, and the ibsence of fresh water which mean ife to man and beast--OBSERVER. too, the pres frill of {and for streets | ¢ | | | 1909 GIVES WHOLE FORTUNE. Aged Chicago Philanthropist Soon to Poor. July 8. --Daniel K. Pear the 'sage of Hinsdale," already | [amous for his munificent benefactions {to the small colleges of this country, { announced that he would. devote the Chicago, L sons, Water | remainder of this, his ninetieth year, Bills-- | to distributing among the v various edu- and philanthropic institu- {tions of this city his last million dol- tars. | This will round out the sum that he realize { had always intended Chicago to hdve, and leave hind relatively a poor man decent [Ww hen he celebrates his ninetieth birth- {day, on April 20th next. Mr. Pearsons declined, last night, to. indicate what institution will benefit by the remain- der of his large fortune, For virtually a quarter of a century Mr. Pearsons has devoted the major portion of his attention to bestowing his money on public institutions which he deemed worthy, and he has already given away considerably over $4,000, - 000, His gift to Chicago will mark {his retifement from the role of phil | anthropist, for he will have only en- {ough to insure himseli a comfortable old ago. May Be Raised To Cardinal. Rome, July 9.~The rumor thal Archbishop Faleonio is to be raised to the cardinalate in November consirmed by several of the clergy wha are high in vatican circles. The Ame {rican archbishop generally accept" od as the next cardinal, and vatican gossip has placed the date of hia induction sometime in the fall. is { 1,000 Islands-Rochester. North King and Caspian for Thousand Island points except Monday, at 10.15 a.m. Jay of Quinte ports and Ro- at pam. J. P. Hanley, Steamers cave dailyy hester, 5 agent. -------------------- Caty and county | Orangemen's picnic horse at Monday. races on to do duty, the Globe ng made says The agricultural decline of 41,000 in of 362,000 in year dominion report milch On at furnish a ows and last hogs in If the figures they tario, are being correct ause for serious misgiving. Sanitarians have. given the warn flie and the | many ings of danger of permitting and food, filth should to walk over dishes fact that flies breed decaying matter ] in and live | be suf to arouse every community to war against them In article complimentary Detroit have to n- | | an the "if we Free Press savs tnt must an cnemy to develop have to find one the says unity we will American the Fr else than on "We think," of omew here ontinent." o our 'neighbors | this | Press, "too highly over the way to supply partic ui The Whig is with the Toronto World n deeming an expansion of the parcel ost system of the national post office the best thing in sight. It does not the snough at Ottawa to deaden- the elieve that railways are powerful hand ambi Eu postmaster-general with lead of of any WILLIAM C. McINTYRE, One. of Montreal's most prominent citizens and a financial and business world, cident last week. who lost his life in an automobile the ac- leader in opean post offices. which will shorten for saleswomen Any movement hours of labor merchants and salesmen and during move ol heated term, in fact any which hours nent will make then 1 time, The even- | 1 We |! not unreasonable at any have sympathetic support. S losing at five o'clock on every Saturday is approved. have hitherto approved of stores being I losed at' ten o'clock on: Saturday |f at nine o'clock even, especially |r the hot. The closing "is practically remedy the luting months for late in ( « People oiten wonder, particularly for hundreds belt, which i travelled the corn those who have through corn what | 1 of of miles becomes the grown City the ,666,000,000 bushels, I Kansas 1908, year, says the Jn the was year when total 241.000.000 bushels were consumed 8,000, crop mn mill products, the manufacture bushels for Tie 17,000,000 bushels in the pro- {duction of distilled liquors, 40,000,000 190,000,000 bushels flour and grist 000 of bushels in 9,000,000 malt starch, juors, bushels for glucose, 13,000,000 bushels for a total of 518,000,000 of the for export and making 19.3 The remaining 80.7 per cent., to have feeding' or per cent. entre or seems been used almost entirely for Satuxday Night. Walt Mason Saturday done, {bunch of the week's work with a night, and the the old man home mon You sec him porch, and he pufis torch, while the good | wife sings at her evening chores, and the children gambol around outdoors The old man sits on his work-day hat, {and he doesn't envy the plutocrat; his {debts are paid and he owns his place, land he'll look a king in the bloomin' his hands hard with the his heart is soft home. Saturday and it's time for bed ! And the in with a buoyant tread they hush their noise at the mother's look, as she slowly opens a book, and reads the tale of the sea, and the voice that quieted Then away to bed and the] repose that only honesty ever knows. Saturday night and the world still, and it's only the erring who find things ill: there is sweet content rest, where a good heart a brave man's breast, 69c. and : sit on cottage away at a five-cent are but the of face; with love starmy Galilee. calm is beats in Attend Bibby's shirt sale, | Are Far Richer Than large SOUrCe. Rockies. the of buyers e must he mined, limited, derlain by able rough half as ever, of | Conkey's {Sold only at Gibson's Red Cross drug | ALASKA'S COAL-FIELDS. Hex: Deposits. While Alaska's gold they are in no way gold, is the In the matte Alaska has high-g quality fact, to coal which with that of east. to: Px therefore reserves are tor whatever the of no unique, efiritd coal OUrces compelitod stora of rade fuel in In Congial Ie of the anthrgeite ts quallal west find compares 1 Alaska, one nny lvania yi taminous uel Hust I' hose commercial For value como to west coals are, he key situation the a high used: for manufacturn ndusti merchant, marine, or smelters in the western turn to Alaska. population of the west has interest in the development of oul fields. These coals tional importance, for Alaska battleships on oat, prade teaming | wa tor states, one Hence the gre a vila the »W nw of tven na Paci ip ar of all om possessions alone can our with smokele 1 iy anthracite yo ainly 1s should To use it, however, to waste it, unless it be mined. A surveyed area of square miles is known to be un coals, and it investigation the ficld quantity within six this nou a The of bituminous coal is but it cert and quantity deter nos un he not nou will improper hen © wasted. be ly 100 about these is prob further extension that al csiimate this surveyed area tons, or mor times the entire Pennsvlvania since coal mining 14 is fair to assume that this coal worth a dollar a ton, which make its total value about forty times great as the entire gold ouiput of Alaska to the present It i probable, therefore, that value of 'he coal fields exoeds godd These coals o untouchixd, in Alaska local showed show of of . gave than production. of SOME bil lion one began is time. the that the of ar how fo 1s that A reserves, practically the mining for statistics expart while coal lignite only some yedrs ago 'Alaska's entire VOaE- WAS dour hrteen, tons ol use fow of coal for a tons, it produced gold Straw Hats. you buy ours and the best Kingston. Nobby straw up. Panama hats, $4 up. bell Bros.', the style centre hats. t When comfort you gt values hats, At Canp- for ar 25¢. ghirt sale, 6007 pounds Me Royalty Attend "Fresh Bibby's 6%9¢. Friday of on Choice sweets Phone 230. Bibby's 69. store Attend 's shirt sale, men's Gold and { may | Aj and one- | would | that | CASTIGATING ROTHSCHILD. i int-- Chancellor of Exchequer Makes Great Speech. few the a Mr. chancellor of the speech, criticising a I'hat meeting e of pressing enormous _ancrease Lord Rothschild and moved a resolution. Af had been pledged to increased expenditure thought that the to be met, and ild moved, "that this London govern In London; day ago, Llovd-George, exchequer, ot the government mada meeting financier 1s for the purpo upon an [ expenditure, and there that meeting the demand they, then exper diture would have {so Lord Rothsel meeting of + the itself to support ment in any financial that be Ary end (Cheers, ) Was tor lor naturally of the rang citizen pledges ements may necess to attain this he House mons know well that, bud first thing is to have a resolution on which to base it I based my budget on this re {passed on the motion of Lord hild. (Laughter.) But, really these things I think we h Lord Rothschild. {(Cheers.) We to have temperance reform in country Why Because Lord has pent a circular to the ay (Laughter.) We must Dreadnoughts. Why ? Be Rothschild said so at a meeting in the city. (L We not pay for them we have them Why %e Because Roth child '=aid at meeting (Langhter and cheers.) You must not have estate' duties and a super-tax. Why Because Lord Rothschild sign- ed a protest on behalf of the bankers say he would not stand it. (Laugh- You must not have a tax on re Why Jecanse Lord Roths chairman of an has said it aughter.) You must not undeveloped land. Why { Lord Rothschild is chairman of an in- | dustrial company (Laugh y to thave old-age pension wise Lord Roths- child member of a committee that could not be done. t (1 Now, really, I should like t Lord Rothschild the .die- country ? (Cheers) Are have the re- financigl SOC1E by noticeboard, order of Nathaniel (Laughter and cheers.) There are ;countries where they have | made it perfectly clear that they are not going to have their policy dictated merely by great financiers, and if this thing goes on this country will join the rest of them, (Cheers.) Apart {from purely party ifoves, which mean ] a protest against every proposal which} from the liberal government, really no move against the at all." : of { fect ly the Gentlemen of Com in car ying a olution Roth all aving too i are {much {are not thi Rothschild | peers have | cause to SO. more Lord wighter.) when Lord another must 0 | ter.) VOTrs r child, a jor insurance not do have a tax 9 company, would (1 fon Jacausi dwellings ht ter.) not 3 be ou oug Why was, a ud wgrhter, ) know, tator it ve really to all ways of orm and ' simply 'No thor lare By Rothschild ?' sort of comes - 18 , ther | budget blocked, fries SPECIAL SALE OF BO ~~ WASH SUITS Saturday Morning (riley lel Boys' 75¢ and 90¢c Wash Suits Sule Price 50c. Boys' $1.00, 1 25, 1.50 Wash Suits Sale Price 75c. All new goods this season. Buster Brown, Blouse Styles, Bloomer Pants. Men's Shirt Special Saturday Morning we place on sale 25 Dozeus Tooke and Crescent Brand {31.00 and 1.25 Soft Front Shirts AT 69c All new goods. All sizes. No. 14 to No. 18. The H. D. Bibby Co. Kingston's Only One Price Store. i Totton ee, * ET RE RTT seated J . P00 0 ey eee SS. yy ontantaates! Ee eae eben teeta teeta ten bast tS Pv 8 8 sy elope eee eles toh I Both an Ontario wheat flour and a Manitoba wheat flour Both a "Bread" flour and a "Pastry" flour As good for one as for the other, Best for both. At Your Grocer's Dealers -- write us for prices on Feed, Coarse Grains and Cereals, The T. H. Taylor Co., Limited, Chatham, Ont, 81 For Warm Weather ar so cool and -looking as a ' There is no article of Footw at the same time so cheery pair of White Caivas Shoes Try a pair. You will like them, and we have plenty. For men, women and children. All prices. Reid & Charles. Our Big Mid - . Summer Sale IS A HUGE SUCCESS Loads leaving for city and coun- try. A choice of big stocks for the early buyers. Buffets in surface ocak or solid golden oak ; Dining Room Furniture with leather seats to match; Lawn Furniture: Arm Rockers and Arm Chairs and Lawn Settees in red or green shades. James Reid," - WE ARE HEADQUARTERS FOR BABBITT METALS: WRITE FOR PRICES. The Canada Metal Co. Lid, Te ns Eg aE 1] ee po TT IT fens [| Bren URE 2 oe eading Undertaker Phone 147.