PAGE EIGHT, ! . THRE DAILY BETYISH wHIG, FHURSDAY, JULY 8, 1909. GROCERS SUMMONED "=z SOME OF (THE THINGS... oo Dental Parlor Open. | Movements of The People--What Dr. W. R. Glover is now prepared tol They Are Say\ And Doing. FOR SELLING ADULTER- fuesive-prvionts ot tile alice + THAT TH COUNCIL MUST] Gilbert McClyment, of Ottawa, is a ing 'a ohnson streets, opposite | 'isitor in the city. ATED COFFEE. St. Georg rt *Phone 011. | ETTLE. dy) G. Lockett has returned from a business trip to Port Dalhousie. M Vi it The Inland Revenue Department | Propacinelloy Plans : | Before it Adjourns For Vacation--| Mr. and Mrs. Hur , Montreal, are 1S1 ors Prosecutes--The Coffee Was | Fax r . Don 10W al wor hy 1 The Fire Department Needs-- Sisiténg 3s. A. Catheart, Clergy alv 2 | the plans for the new seienée buildings 5 reet west. v ARE Analysed and Found to Be fat i en's University. It is + xpectod | Gramophone and Laundry By i. D. Hart and family, Montreal, % . Roasted Grain. | that work on the buildings will bel Laws Hanging Fire. / x the Inch Arram house, Dal On pn charge of selling adulterated | started within a month. | The civie fire committee will have a N.B. e come coffee, two Kingston grocers have rn | et ------------ meeting, to-morrow afternoon, to talk Physical Director Thompson, of the ummoned to © appear in the police | Beautiful New Stock. over with Chief Armstrong the' needs|Y.M.C.A., 1s enjoying a fine camp at TO IMSPECT OUR DISPLAY OF |court. The summonses were issued, | Prevost, Brock street, has extra fine of the fire department. The new chief Cedar Island. ¢ ve terday, hy Constable Arniel, and | assortment of tweed, cheviot and serge has made a close inspection, and, it is | Miss Grace MeLolland bas gone wes will come before Magistrate | for order clothing department, and understood, has a report io lay before | down te summer at Butdernat Bay, Fine Canadian Furs il, Friday morning. | splendid assortment of ready-made the commitice, giving his views as 'to | near Brockville. : . _ The complaint is made on behalf of | clothing and gents' furnishings. what additions should be made to pro- . Wilfrid MacTavish, Queen street, left, SHOWROOMS 'the he vn ion government, by the in-| 3 jperly' equip the brigade. It is pretty yesterday, on a visit to relatives at land revenue department, and is under | Gypsies At Napanee. certain that he will ask more hose, so Guelph and vicinity. ; {the committee will have to buy at Miss Edna Lockett is spending a . 8 ura food regulations. el The bane { pypsies, | We el | . : + 107 Princess St. of ite are made as a resuit of Tiel he bund nd no w ha] least 500 fect this year, and likely a Week with for friend, Miex' Belthouse, investigation recently carried on by | police, wero in Napanee before: coming similar amount next year. Of course | at beautiful Sulla Point. AND the local food inspector. J. Mc. | here, and were given instructions {othe committee has the question of af Re: orgs Edwards, of Ottawa, ar. Mowat will comcluct the prosecution. | Jouve by Chief Graham. Gypsies are new fire engine under consideration, Kiver % Jesiercay, io spud o week with | Made from Indian Head 151 Brock St. It is some time since a case of this | heing hard hit, all over Canada, at and it may have a definite report to Mrs. I. R. arnoysky, Princess street. : k 5 Is run J { : make to council on thi matter next Miss L. Irwin, of Brooklyn, N.Y, 7 i, Suiting, will BY awaited with Keon ihtercst / yy. Monday evening. Was 1h the city on her way lo Ren- ) Se i "if ted Samples of the coffee were collected { Held Garden Party. The resignation of Sutavel Hall, one fre, to visit her brother, William / Dem - nt tea, 3 Hanae a' Fhe 0 we older firemen, leaves a vacancy . « John McKay | wy to fora inspestas, whose duty i : A mot id Entven party was i, fill, but the chairman and the chief | Mise Helen Morrison, daughter of ; 3 Button Cutaway Front. of the inland revenue department at j hod ap to an. tay, o- desc iny Pee. have now the authority to make the Judge Morrison, Bieta, je spending : : Dilan The samples of the two a EL re dna Ybor fo |sppaintment of Jom en. for more Ew ays ¥ Y= lel | . . a X A a i 1¢ TEQqUESt © ie hiremen Tor ore : m ies] on MeGilt. chief are rcported Ring ton and Ho iemout) atiended, wages has to be considered, and the | Miss Maire Kane, Kingston, is yisit: the department, as "adulterated," and | 1m finer Rolle Islander making the rlikelihood is that the committee will ing her ant and uncle, Mrs. J, E. us showing' ur misorosopical vs- | trip. recommend a higher scale of wages. Plantz, and J. M. Kane, in Water | I Ii the city doesn't pay its firemen | town, N.Y. | as Fyling Cabinet more money, there'll be more resigna- Miss Agnes Hughes, graduate nurse | Inspect Merriel wi it was not tions ffom the brigade, as the 'men | of the Saratoga Springs hospital, is OOOO Spa Hot - Weather Bs Prices That Prove a Saving. HASHOHONONOO HORCHOROOROROD kind has been tried, and the result the present time ARALAAELALARLANALOASSS WATCHES FOR BOATING AND CAMPING 2.20. Nickel cased with strongly made movements, stem wind ing and setting. amination to be "roasted grain.' (ne of the aceu grocers purchased his coffee from a wholesale grocery Firm. 1 fi id by th tl [furnitnre h wi- recently put into are certainly Wnderpuid, | spending hor holidays with her pa- . : . lp, » n. 'The coffee gold h o othe t | y C 9 K 1 rs i I y | I ' {his office i complete fying =~ sys- | woim-- [ronis, on Clergy street. d 188 hite ash Ski Hn On roe ads shown | : ? \ : ; tem, tl) une as is found in all post Finance Committee Business. | Rew. George Edwards, Ofitawa, he analy report to be adulteratodd, | : 1 : al hesdquanrts It is a system that The finance committee will have a] comes to Kingston to spend a month's wher. Kingston stores 4 far ah of anything yet devised ooting %n Friday evening, to wonsid holidays. Rev F. Sproule, King White Indian Head, $1. 75 5.00. iin he two aécuste nd brin dl inspectorates into uni-'op coveral matters before the (council | ston, will take his pulpit during his Ww hite fiver. $3.25 to oD formity. The partment is to be com- 'takes its holidays. The gramophone | absence . mended for being so up-to-date in its guestion still remains unsettled, and a| Mrs. C. Howard and Miss Ethel Mc- SE a methods s di It. City Solicitor | Guiness, Emcrald, have been the NCIDENTS OF THE DAY. solution seems difficult. ity Solicitor : io he ; ] 1 a ¥ a Sa ~ McIntyre will have to be called into | guests of Mrs. Ww. Chown, Deacon incess resses Newsy Paragraphs Picked Uo by The Late Joseph Tamiesan, one Ration Ly te sonimittce, and ho | Mist, fue 5 lov Jaye. They return ' : Joseph Jamieson, an old soldier, six- may be able to draft a by-law at | >) yr. . 1 « Y, . Reporters On Their Rounds. {ty-fiye years of age. died id the woneral il Nak? cvaryhods happy A by-| The engagement is announced of Also 1n Sky and Tan, made from Mull. I'ry Bibby's athletic underwear, H0c. |}, { uJ, on Wednesday afternoon. He Jaw cannot be enacted against thea- | Miss Minnie Blanche Letendre, daughr Pretty designs at $5.95, 7.50, 0.95. Don'ts forget Orangemen's picnic at | was native of Londonderry, Ireland, tarium gramophones alone. All gram- | ter of Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Lotendre, (the fair grounds, Monday. / For the past thirty years he has work- | ophones have to be treated: alike, and, | Montreal, to Robert Langworthy von English' Violet soap,! sold at Gib- {od off and on at the general hospital. according to reports, there are instru- | Ifiland, Bank of Montreal, Almonte, on's Red Cross drug, store. Sometimes he would have a job as ' ments in private houses that cause an-| Ont. son of Canon Von Ifiland, Ber » ' ; : : ' ' | William Swaine. piano tuner. Orders | cook in the mines, about here He 'noyance to neighbors. geeville, Que. ite mbroidered P received at McAuley's. "Phone 778. | cerve it 3 The hae also. to The engagement is announced of s erved many miitary camp at + finance committee a |. Hs Cunningham, piano tuner from | Barricfield. » [prov ide 8500 for the garbage removal | Miss Ena Pearl McKay, eldest daugh as Chi kering 8 Lenve orders at Me- | experiment. It will worry over the | ter of De. MM. McKay, and Mrs. Me I rincess styles, $1 7.90, 23.95, 25.00, Anley & Book Dtore Ta question, Where will the money come Kay, of Pembroke, to James Stuart : | I'vy Bibby's athletic underwear, 50c. | irom ? Some arrangements have to Grant, eldest son of Hugh Grant, and A party of ten New Yorkers arrived, | i be made for a reception to the Kings- grandson' of the late : Lieut -Col to-day, on their way to spend a vaca | : ton Old Boys, on their arrival from Charles Stuart, of.the militia depart [tion at Sharbot Lake . oronto and Ottawa, on the 24th ment, Ottawa. The marriage will take t "For hay ver, mentholatum has ; - The laundry by-law has also to be, place in the autumn. Ino equal Sol sto at G | ' ual Id Kingston at ib- | : amended and presented to vouncil | hat with chicory. The coffve sok aorocers conduct. emall stores. SA0804400080000000008 ob Made in small * size, either pocket or wrist wear, and in 12 sizes Thin model for pocket wear. The best value ip low priced watahes = SPANGENBERG JEWELLER. SALLLLLLLLL800000000 lson's Red Cro drug store, { SUNDAY SCHOOL PICNIC. | John Bannister lost a very valuable § horse veésterday I'he animal dropped | g i i a nd i ? 1 VIFIPIIIIVFIVIIIIVIIYY | de while being driven on Johnson | | street, i Horce . races. taisoball and. other) Ie : tions of the city in which laundries! Ppa annual Sunday school picnic of sports' at" the Oraugemen's picnic, fair { SH ; ; may be established. Chalmers church was held at Staley's OS sroimds. "on Monday ? i: ---- : Grove, Wednesday afternoon, and it Mi x : Miss | ; x i : City Property Committee. goes down into the history of the Dorita Stevenson, pupil of J : \ siceting of the city property com- school as the best outing ever had Marriage Licenses Issued Phis by-law will likely be changed to provide for a five dollar license 1n- of one of fifty dollars, and a The Outing Held By Chalmers' cunase may be added as to the por Church Enjoyed. FIV IF IIS P SPITS Ie VIIIIIVIVVYIIIYIYYIYeY | 40 | | Grace Clough passed full nior | ¢ A sramme of sports was ablv 3st. } { AR y ng for is: afte rogr » of sports $ 7 © | musical theory examinations, with | mittee has been called for this after progia ! as a con { first class honor ? 3 noon. Ald. Angrove want# to get an- ducted by Chalmers' club and all the | "Neilson's ice cream," sold in Te other grant from the council in order events were keenly contested. The win | y a to make necessary changes in the "ners of the various races were as fol- bricks and dispensed in Kmngston only fat Gibson's-Red Cross drug store. ; daircase leading from the rear of the lows: --_--] TTT | Try Bibby's special 50. underwear. city hall to the council chamber, so A 1iumber of the members of the {that the stairs may comply with the Boys Events. Haas a TE . ome is re 0 1 . : ' : : 2 i s Adie tn are dt ven an, simi of the embers, RR RA IE RY Bathing Suits ittle ws abou 10 house are Ke 3 Y 3 R AT@ key t f tainly should comply with the by-law G. Stewart. | lay, to attend a camp meeting at new and dressy ai allen i amj 8 ! % A . . Gananoque {to which it expects the people to con Eleven to thirteen years--Charles i Lim veo cordial,' in. 25¢. bot: 2 form | Stewart, R. Bowie. Ladies' 2-Piece Bathing Suits, sepa- i bson's I Cross drug, REV. DR. T. G. WILLIAMS Potato race--Charles Stewart, J. Roe. '| Superannuated Methodist Minister Not Overdrawing Appropriation. Walsh. : : - rate skirts, made from good quality |: Try Bibby's Panama hats. [former pastor of St. James' Methodis City' Engineer Craig says that the _ Mile running race--~Charles Stewart; Navy Lustre, trimmed with white Churct Montreal, who died suddenly. fn y . +: W. Gilbert. . immigrant girls, out of al hoard of works has no intention of , : braid ; a Bo 'hee OW ne Kenzie ap ald, 15 particularly suited for the eoz nie. ho in Brockville, arrived in the city, over-spending its appropriation. The ; Wheelbarow race K. McKenzie and : { . > towar > Ita g 3 will malo things shine, and will last to-day, and ' placed in homes in | Tovonto's New Hotel. twerk--it--has laid out willbe done James Stewart, R. Stewart and FE. Onl $ twige as long as any othgg floor paint tthe Kingston district A, notable addition to Toronto's fine | with tho money it has on hand. The Hawley. ; y * All Briel nd pretty shades. ! "Phone 2 for Neilson's hostelries is: the Prince Gecwge hotel, [82.000 it hay asked the council for i Throwing bascball--Stanley Univer, : ' 3 | : Ts x Iriver. cream bricks. Gibson's Red ss feorner King and York streets, En- [for extra repairing on the roads. Ii George Dri | | OBA CROHOBOCRCACEOBOREOIE O00 REO ORO0YS Three-legged race--K. McKenzie and ~ dru tore tirely remodelled and newly furnished | the council doesn't see fit to give tho Mo 2.30 GALLON. Try Bibby's £4 Panama hats, throughout, its spacious rooms have money the hoard of works doesn't R. Dowie, Charles Stewart and W. 2 : ho | The Morrishurg baseball team is heen "fitted up with refinement and feare, hut it cannot carry out tho sug ail ol race--E. Staley and Lloyd White Dress aterials Lwinnit fone the line It will run |elocance to ive unsurpassed accom- | gestion of Mavor ( Tet t ug Jocke ace--E. Staley ane Tov M Iv. {mod : ;jgestion of Mayor Louper te increase pop (Ry, MeKenzie and Herbs Bel n.3 o : wo - up agai + Kingston nine. shortly [modation to tuests American. and | the road patching unless more money a en Mchen anc erh Bpb White India Linen, 121c, 15¢, 20e, 50, | Among Morrisburg plaver we the | Kuropean plans. Samuel H. Thomp is given son. hi { three Mallen brother of prof ional | on, proprietor, (late of the Victoria Cross race--Gordon Cor 35¢ up. ; nett, D. Robertson. wckey fim ---- ivisi S ad : " Thi : Bw 15¢, 20¢ Hr W. A. Ritchell's Hardware Tn Bibhy's $15 blue suits, Work Of Tas _ Division Street Roadway. Four-legged race--Charles Stewart, White Persian tw, | 20¢, 25¢, 3be. a | | Aliso lg agent in Ki r JAIL d-LAL nspector. 'hree blocks of Division street, from 1, Hawley. hh . Purin the menth of June Inspee- | Brock ta Earl streets, hava been re : I W hite Dress Mull, 2c. - ' | Kingsto 'hson's tor Arniel, of the Humane Society, built of limestone macadam. and the Girls Events. White Crystal Mall 25¢, 30c. 35¢ Dan't Forget Your Package :[ Kingston at Giison's Red Cross crug) Lo 'jiet' upon to shoot jour dous [Ealance of the read to Union strect font class--MEtiory- McLall Vhit yst: ' ey dull tore Phone 230 | I : Infant class--Marjery MeLelland, Ma 3 : Try Bibby 35 Panama hal land two horses. He also had trou: | will be completed before the ond of pel Stewart. White Dimity, 15¢, 20¢, 25c. ern: ory thle with boys shooting birds; and ¢ 'mont After that, Barrie street Sev 3 3 } Thi ¢ n an He pw th League. 'o eo New- 1} . gm A a arr Seven to ten years--Gladys Huff, y PP 2¢ 25¢ 26c HOLLAND RU SKI, Thx "gworth Lew. of she Now. {Wo with 'vuys shooting binds and the wonth. Ale that, Barre sent: "Soven to te White P.K., 20c, 2c, 35c. Good all dav. A hundred differ-|a 0 to Kingston. over the fom the yO u Jey persist with Broek street, "and work il be Consolation race--Bessic Stewart, White Drill, 20c, 200. a delicious anywe nt dav « Juin ilwa on July 21 jin Keeping up Lys cruelty. Several | continued as far as the $3,000 the W.~Young. i, : - ; ent ways. Delicious anyway' and. | i o- [eases of allowed cruelty were looked [hoard of works has for road building! Eleven to fourteen years, consola- White Lawns, 10¢, 12}c, 15¢, 20¢, 25¢ up. AWWOrvWa vy 1 vil y v inp down amon the s everyway fully teamer Americe. for ite and investigated. will last. At east threo blocks on tion--Helen Davidson, Gladys Cox- Lk White Swiss Spot Muslin, 10e¢ 2le, 15¢, " i § y y 14% . . i he P hk fe. the Oh - = ee Barrie street will be built. worthy. ¢ he . 15¢ Th ho i ackage | Setting A Good E mple. -- . Eleven to fourteen years--Bessie 20c, . 25c¢, 396, 39¢, Ioe. White And B | Mr. Robb, M.P., for Huntingdon The Taxes Collected. Abernethy, Mary Stew... And Black | i , Ys» 3 a i ! : : WA - has set a good: example. He give I'o date $113,000 or about seventy Needle race, girl and hoy--Beatrice D. COUPER, h 11d id quarter off ol leit | ee Chola hips &5 Jo Whe want to | fwo per cent. of the city's taxes for Driver and H. Donnelly, F. Abernethy : | <4 : oO kill © typhoid fever germ i lv. miserrat lime fruit juice Sold in | WOT < ) attend ze, where they | 10@9 have heen received by Tax Col- and H. Robinson, Mildred Wormwith 241.3 Princess St ) ovsk Do your pre ; : ; 10) he ; 341 rincess S LaeinE rw . Will learn some of the secrets o h-} Jaotor - Bartel Altogother ther is and H. Marshall, 7 "Phone, 76a. a . ---- ciency in farmir : about S165.000 jn general taxes; and Relay Jace; two girls and boy- ' "y= , ; of { Mr. Robb is in the city, to-day, ¢ this is practieally all good. Between Jeatrice Driver, Hazel Abernethy and . Ja Je Aa WALLACE 0K' Sutton KOOL COMPOUNM | (iin. the quarterly meeting of the | now nl September Foth, probably 'H. Donnelly; Mildred Wormwith, E. eid 'The great Uterine Tonic, ani | directors of Oddfellows' Relief As [330 000 more will be paid into the Minnes and H. Marshall, SUC) OR TO 0. G. STOIINSON ~qgonly safe effgetual Monthly m which women cai poamlao: * has been for some years | geaasur department. After Septem A very exciting baseball match took = ~~ d rth Segroa {a member of the board ber ive per cent. is added to place after the races ahd many of the : " oi Xo. 7 joe. old-time ball players were out and FOOSE OO0 2) ue F No. Has A Good Practice. PE i showed they were still good enough DOSFOREIIHORHICHROO 0 OO000000 o o DOOD for the hig leagues. Messrs, John Eliott, H. W, 'Snelling and James \ for hol Stewart were the most sensational | council wants to adjourn lor holl-'n, vers on the field. John Driver ably jdays,.it. should appoint an executive ,fointed as umpire. trip through the great lakes. |. nei ting of the chairmen of the are Visiting his sist®, Mre. J. 00 bo committes to have full pow AT THE POLICE COURT. 18 Alma street, and purpose | 4. «0, sit as a council. This c¢xecutive "fe a ads 3S d+ > 4 i bade ty od de be i 3 Sa S ! > § Ad & lao ¢ a month with relatives and would consist of Mayor Couper and LIVINGS] ON S | ROGRESS = old friends in Ontario, after | VI" Anirove, Craig, Elliott, Gra. A Greek Peanut, Peddler Has to "AY ch they will visit Montreal, Quelwe | 1:0 Ricmev, MecCartnoy and Mc Pay a Fine. | oe other places of interest and re-1o Because he persisted in allowing his ¥ turn by way of the great lakes and oh -- cart to stand on the street, and there- i ® | Duluth 'to their western home | Must Cut Down Weeds. by block traffic, George Ghitjias, a os Laidley has built up a good practicg | fhe city: ehgineer is issuing notices | Greek peanut and popeorn peddler, . ; 5 $ | was this morning fined $2 and cosets to owners and occupants of vacant by Mepistr Farroll. His ; " + lots requiring them to cut down or |" agistrate = Farrell. is hill HELP FROM BELLEVILLE. have destroyed within ten days from ! amounted to 34.85, and he paid, mak ae a wrvice any noXious weeds now grow- | 10g the remark that it would be a Jenkins and Corby May Build An. ~~ = ©" i property and in case hard "touch" for "him. oo Hotel Here. of failure or neglect to do so they | *Ghitjias has had 'the privilege of al- . now reported that Proprietor (will become liable to a fine and in lowintz his cart to remain in the OUR MID-SUMMER SALE WHICH $ nk of the Quinte hotel, Belle: addition the engineer may enter upon alleyway near Dalton's hardware store | ? £ |ville, backed by the celebrated 'distil [their land and ent flown or destroy |in the evenings, but he was not con- | L 33th Harry" Corby. iz considering | anv- noxious weeds growmng thereon tent wilh this privilege, and strayed | ENDS JU Y 15TH. vo thuildir a large hotel "in Kingston. land the cost of the same will be down the. sireet, from lime to time { Jenkins has made a big success of charged to the owner or occupaht and Policemen had warned him on several ' > Juinte-in-- the tow up the bay, [be collectable in the same manner as occasions, but he would pay Jittle or Come and save money. realizes ha there tare big re- ordinary taxes, no aitention to the law, which was : he tore whe puts - | afterwards siretchod out after him. Enters Protest. | No doubt the next time he is told to S - CHOW SH fi e . Hiawa Julv & ~The mayor of do a thing by the police he will do] Jor « 18 consl 1 Ha lav Ras sent a message tot. : " ; ! . to ro ahe 1 the project, he . militia department protesting | A young man in 8 very penitent | Palm Ferns ja 3 : ign work a M 1 hot anser "by it ! WwW. G Laidley, M.D.; C.M., and { A Council Of Eight. yt wp, 23 p | bride, of Pilot Mound, Iowa, arrived | |: is sugoesiod that if the ity in the city on Wednesday ovening by camer from Foronto, having come vatoric 10 Per Cent. Off 10 Per Cent. Off 10 Per Cent. Off ALL TAN SHOES Ladies' & Gentlemen's, Children's & Infants' HHH 2 Tr + in three and one-half years there, * NG Special discount of 20 Per Cent. Off all Clothing and Furnishings during #4 AAA AAAAAANAAANALD AAAS VV YVYVY VY VVVVYY Any and all our stozk of Dorothy Do 1d, Empress and Regal Slo>s at this _dis~ count. WHA ap A Tables filled with speciil lines at 20 and 25%. - WH ara Some splendid values for Ladies and Chil~ dren. THE LOCKETT SHOE STORE AAAAAALSASAS BAAN 2228 oN SNP ATA PERNA DLE SHA i the sending of militia there | mood, made his first appearance for | «quell the stwke outbreaks. The de- | drunkenness, and was given a chance 1 rerms : cannot partment, however. is satisfied' that |to mend his ways. : here Montserrat lime fruit is the men are neoded and will take nol rr ---- v baverage. Sold in Kine- 'action. "Buy gin pills'"" for lame back. Sold Gibson's Red Cross drug | ---- son's Red Cross drug store. <kv's % OK Store Closes During July and August at b P.M. (Saturdays excepted.) WV YY VY VY VY Y VV YY YVY NA A A A A AANA AHH