: (HE DAILY BRITISH WHIG WEDNESDAY, JULY 7, 1909. : : PAGE SEVEN. . we S-- v - - . - " Ber oe ! TRAVELLING. | TOOK SIX--GOT WELL. AN OLD MAGAZINE PHONOGRAPH TRAIN CALL CAN AGIAN iN LONDON. | Canadian Pacific will Install One at | Isidore G. Ascher Tells of His Early : . " = i ge Mrs. R. C. Small, of Ottawa, certain. | Winnipeg. AlLWAY ly ought to know a lot wt Rheuma- A VOLUME OF THE CHURCH | ; : | codnes ows, she sufferec | The 'megaphone is now a familiar Mr. Isidore G. Ascher, a well-known 3 Ham, Goodness knows, 4 | sight in the hands of the railway wins a recent issued of The Lon- yy shoes and give your feet a CTION: WITH I= enough. For years, = as ai OF 1837. | train-announcer; but it is said that | j,n Evening News, describes some of { nd at times, e pain was &° -- " 4 " : " {2 cripple and ; Ol B meliod to ie the "man behind 1s now io be re- | tho eminent men he has met in Eng- : | severe that she was compeli 1€ | Was Recently Found in Toronto-- placed by the useful and tireless | land. | Be iplees in bed 3 ¢ phonograpbie record. The human "I came to London from Canada in ALASKA YUKON PACIFIC EXPOSITI |" wAbout. a year ago" writes Mrs Some of the Notable Items--'| worker may -- and usually does-- | the "sixties 9 sare Mr Ahr. ! - E ON , Small, "I saw Fruit-a-tiyes advertised Proclamation of Thankfuiness. | mumble and roar inarticulately; while | "Since the 1 hive "visited . many 1 Beattls, Wash., June 1st to Oct. 16th, | a, 4 aectded to try them for my Rheu- "It is our painful duty to announce | the well-selected record, we are told, European capitals, but to me there is ; in a pair of comfortable Oxfords. to our readers the mournful intelli- | goes on forever talking intelligibly | place so enthralling and changeful 4 1009 # . Round Trip First-Class Tickets will be| matism. After I had taken two boxes, and tly 8 Rail d yi sold until September 30th, 1909 . ok six s in J ence of the death of our beloved | and correctly. Days Hailway an : u ' : ' 3 \ old uti) Sop ember 30 9, to 1 was much better. I took six boxes in ich Locomotive Engineering: in its aspects and surroundings as the é We have the best Oxfords that had no pain for over six | Lp rve™ warrant THE FOURTH "The fact that a man possesses a | capital i the world, took' Tooms' in | skilled makers know how to build, VICTORIA, B.C all -- have SEATTLE, Wash $83 90 monthe--and feel that 1 am completely "Th Jlancholy ev ook | powerful voice is no guarantee that | ? SEA , iis most melancholy event too g ntee N {reet. Strand. In those days i Black leat Ie PORTLAKD. "Ors. ) cured. I have gained over ten pounds | piace at Windsor Castie on the 20th | w what ho says wil be tderstood in a | Nil Seek. S dy all rE 4 eathers or Tan: NF 8 ' in weight and am strong and well." of June, at ten minutes to three | big building his fact is often paim- PY - as lo anita J . . LOS RYH Es. Cal | $99.15 na there are some people suffer- Salock. : 7 fully brought home to the traveling and every other house let aparimenta No slipping at the heels or gaping rich the af Days In Metropolis. Se >. It's high time to discard the hea- N + pH po Oct. 31st, 1909. | ing with Rheumatism, who have not "As the packet ship w public in the waiting-room -of almost | Before leaving Canada I had, at the sid bout Oxford ) ne' R given "Fruit-a-tives" a fair trial. Per- | oo 0 WL D0 hiled from Lon- | any large railway station. There is achieved a Canadipn popularity with es about our VUxiords. HOMESEEKERS' EXCURSIONS haps they don't want to get well. ae i Tau ok of the demise of His {4 great. difference between mere loud- | book of verse, and an old friend, ' Low, Round-Trip Second-Cluss Rates| "Fruit-a-tives" are a positive cure for | \'L 1 50 © 28 © F0 this num | ness nd JSistinatuges, This fact has | Pr. Henry J. Morgan, now of Ottawa, 4 will Ve issued on following dates; July | Rheumatism, Sciatica, Lumbago, Nev- Be y we Sie HnabK a oF that | led Mr. J. Bury, general manager | # Canadian writer of many interest X or S or vien o- 18th, 27th; Aug. 10th, 24th; Sept.| mia and all troubles arising from im- r to give further parti ' lines Sd or the Canadian Pacific, | ing books, had kindly given me let- - A 9 7th and 21st. Good to return within 60 blood distressing event.' i . a dave pure a Nox 6 for $2.50, or trial box, This is one of the notable items in to introduce what is probably a most ters to numerous literary celebrities mn I mt en <r Sirs L a 250. At all dealers or from Fruit- "8 | a bound volume of "The Church," | welcome innovation in the matter of in, London. : 1 Pe ¥F. CONWAY, Gen. Pass Agent. tives Limited, Ottawa. which was discovered recently in tear- announcing the arrival or departure "After an introduction I was always i men an i ren. . ing down the old parish school at the of passenger-trains. asked these questions: -- . corner of Adeleide and Church | "Ordinarily a man. with a lond ow long have you been in Eng | and?' > pa - streets, Toronto. Copies of this week- | voice calls out something and the . { o . Fae oF aunnre amwAY. 3 rivleiiejuliricioielninjnirieielel it ly paper, published o "Coburg, Up- | public is made aware of the fact that " "How does the American War af Oxfords rom $1.2 25 up to 0 $5.00, but what's the oro 4 Sarren To Td aha t D. id H per Canada," are contained in the | something is happening, but what it | feet England? ; : use of quoting 4 v string of prices without sceing for Tweed, Sydenham, Napanee, Deser- av aruam volume from May 1837 to June 1833. | is nobody seems to know. Mr. Bury | ~ "'Are the Canadians in any dread | the Oxfords ? onto, Bacnockburn and all points north. The notice of the death of King Wil- | has substituted a phonograph for the | of a Yankee invasion? 1¢ ordas Jo swcite quitk despatch to Rahnock. July 29 one month | loud man in the Winnipeg station of | "As a representative literary Cana- Come in for a look. X . 9 . ' ' burs, Mayupooth, and points on -Central P S l lam appears : Onvario, routs your shipments via Bay # rice s pecia and----nite-diays -_event-ceent- | the Canadian Pacific Railroad, and re- | dian I was presumed to be deeply | of Quinte Rallwar" "or further particu-| | red In the ys such an item | cords have been prepared where dis- | imbued with the significance of the A apply DICKSON, Agent, |" M Wid wohl be knowl: the ocean in | iinet enunciation has been substituted | last two questions, and I suppose my hone, No, ¥. erry aow a metter of seconds. | for the usual jamble of sounds and | retorts, even if lacking political in- For three issues the columns of The | where' a clear, steady voice super- | sight and depth, had a superficial ex Three of Our Best. Chuteh are bordered in black, and | Sedes a roar. The new arrangement, | actness which satisfied my famous | ' p ng:in in September, on the death of i satisfactory, will be repeated in the | questioners | 288 Princess St isishop Corrie, of Madras In that | Montreal station. Mr. Bury believes "I don't think nowadays similar : PRIGE'S, Phone 845 "| rionth is quoted a proclamation by | hat to make the traveler understand | questions would ever be asked of any The Home of Good Shoe Making. ne the young Queen Victoria "for the ¢n- what is said is the main thing, and if | young Canadian visitor. The Domin- | nd virtue, ond [this is not done, Stentor himself | jon of Canada now has an importance | » ' . i . Ma suragement of piety : or : . phe Hom 636ekers Excursions ieledeteieled AP tebe | for the preventing end punishing ot | ould be a useless railroad employe | and significance patent to every Eng. | vice, profaneness and immorality." {in the matter of train announce- lishman, and the knowledge of its | An address of condolence to Her | ment : | present prosperity and future possi- | see---- ------------------ nen To the Canadian North-West, Mani- a .# o--- ") a: ' fuba, Sasketchewan " and Alberts. Low Tell Some Sick One M: ie Quoc 1 Parag I, ord by Making a Five bilities is widesp read and general. round-trip second-clas kets will ! oi. 4pbey ars, 13 Jp | hi : edi eoras Te To re oars aon | Rela Free If Bal | 0 swir Li Di drcharicn of | 1t was just the oles dy hat | Lloyd Googe Tn Ganads, | bury, on following dates : Yi a | ¥ " Jngston, at i. Birachan, D D., | lawyer at Osgoode Hall, Toronto, Canadians who came into contact | ur Bi § SAN Shi Will you do ap act of Humanity) | .D., Archdeacon oi York It 15 | slapped his knee and chortled to him- | with Mr. Lloyd-George when he was 15th, 201 ni July 13th, 27th; Aug. Jill you Lol] soma sick friend of this, my September 14, 1357 solf : in Canada were struck with the rest- 10th, 24th; Sept. 7th, 21st. Good to | remarkable offer 1 ag: of the volume is emphasiz "I was just thinking," he said, "of | less energy of the man and his un ith ( y .t Tell him or her, that you have learned of a . ; : return within 60 days from p~.ig dete. medicine so certain aS her ¢ B y the appe: an.ong the sgen- | what Pat Ferguson (that's W.N.) 'said conventional point of view He asked ---- | the sick, "Tt is absolutely and unconditionally 'Byto v1 » G. W. Bak- | to old Judge Ferguson one day tuestions out of the ordinary, and, | free if it falls." 1 : blieation "Pat was arg r § before stead of t ot ( 0 | Ar 1 X . ¢sen ni oliea at was arguing a matter before mn ad o ryving to make-over an- | Alaska Yukon Pacific! 8hoop A BN de Suit, SlrmaY amon ot br | \ 1 1 i we: Toronto, | the judge, and the judge was follow- ada into ano ther little England, was 2 to 100 Ask For For you it has been the standard rem : anton, | , King street; | ing him and was reading the 'papers | al lways trying fo find out the reasons 2 FE "a 297 Jor Siofnad . Xidney and Heart ailments Now ) arket, Mr. C. Scadding; Whit. | which they say were in Pat's own | for any differences he might observe. | orse ower $ a a 0 ue verywhete ii /ADSFION, ' , Port Hone, Chas. Brent, | handwritin The case was full of | He was apparently convinced that | 0 t | X n When the *'inside" trolli iy dat w' ne g. ase Was Bs 3 he y positio these ons Ie, to tall. He fag Rd 1 E=q.; ilton, Mr. J. Ruthven; | figures and almost every time the [there were good reasons for .differ- Ny . x Restorative that has quickly vitalized, and streng t Erie, Hon s Kerby; Gi wiph, | jndge would read out an amount Pat | ences and he wished to find out what Seattle, Wash., June 1st to Oct. 16th 4 s ¥ ' al : * | thened, and brought these nerves and orgaus | ke XY " ¢ Wooltlstoek av . e | they ' marke | 1900. Special round trip tickets on | pack to health a jrooke Young, Esq., and ootistoek, | would have to correct him. The judge ! they were. He remarked upon the : : eal gain - : eale daily, May 20th to Sept. 80th, 1 T. 8. Shortt, Esq. stumbled along, making the best he |o rtunity of a new country starting good returning on or before Oct. Blst. Be ESS not dose the Stomach, nor stimulate ™ aril, 59 Ivertissment i ; let g, m : iE Te os e oppo ty 0 a ne 3 cou i vy sta ! | eart or Kidneys--for that is all wrong. he occasional advertisements, with | could of the figures, but at last he | out without a long list of customs and HANLEY, Dr. Bhoop's Restorative goes direct to the | their old-fashior phrasing, sound | stumbled again. | institutions, some of which they | Satis of these sitines --he Sailing, Isltering, odd in 1909 Her 13 one: " "What's this--a five or an eight? might desire to retain but some of | I leavy Duty I ype. oo he har " "Wanted. --To take charge of a se- | he demanded of Pat { which they would never introduce, | When these nerves are again made welland , 1-ci school; to lead the singing in th "'It's a five, my lord.' | seeing they had outlived their useful- . : . Quepes Steamship Company strong, then that is the certain end of all such | (Church, and to instruct in sipiging the " 'Can't you make a five better-than | ness in other lands. Columbia Igniters, Remy Magnectos, Rajah and sickness. | 2° iq shi g i Ti vouth of the congregation--a person | that?' demanded his lordship, angrily. He happened to be in Winnipeg at > FF . Ina rl Yo? > 2% LIMITED DO a ghee ong Ig fully adequate to each of these du- | "Pat looked up at the angry judge | the time of the first snowfall of the | Heinze Spark ] lug Samson Spark Coils, l . & R. ; . Mey, fake my Brescriviion for full 30 days, and | ties He must be a truly correct: with a twinkle in his eye and a smile | winter. He was curious to note how | Stor: age Batter 1e8, Marine Oil and Grease. al'S to help you, the entire expense 18 ,j,,,;3 son, and a communicant o layi about his mouth. | soon wheels gave way to runners, and | mm : : . I us person, an 1 con I ng a | 8 g ay ru s * > ats Ri If ary toni he sick take any | \h¢ Church of England. Good recom "*T find it very hard to make a | how the coming of winter caused road | Sole Age nts for Ke hyon Boat Tops ' Combinations, nar au of St. Lawrence mendations found: upon personal | five some days, my lord," he answer- | traffic to increase. He said on this | | Cushions and Life Preservers. chance an any other medicine, whose : led tol ter. Ir lerey i that in Brit | maker dare not back it just as [ do b knowledge ol character, from a clergy- | ed. | occasion that in Britain as a genera Swmmer Cruises in Cool Latitudes J Ym in' of the Church will be required "But that was' years ago." | thing the coming of snow meant mis- ee imran Minute Remy snd ps \ liberal salary will bo given. For te opp snd rouble, In Gute, with He HALLIDAY ELECTRIC CO., 345 King Street "y pt aha." with electric lights remedy is covered by the same identical "No ; further particulars, reference =n | A Novel Outline. thousands of miles of unpaved roads, : : elp, no pay" protective plan | had (if by : wetpaid) to the Rev 3 A on the contrary, snow meant comfort v weleceric he and all modern comfort wd mall, | | A party of Americans have a novel | on the contrary, WW mean m Besides, you are free to consult ne just as nl Grego A pari ad : ny nie n y ¢ Lp or T. B. Fu , fo D. M'Gregor, or T. | j430, "for the enjoyment of the sum- | and convenience in getting about and | SAILS FROM MONTRE AL ON ~ MON- | you would your home physician. My adviceand [= | rch. Wardens : . * DAYS, at 4 p.m., 19th J 2nd, 16th | the book below are yours--aund without cost { M'Crea, Es 's, Church araens, | oor in Canada. They have written to | in teaming products to market He EHO OK OE FA A SERIO d A0th August wd 13 Septenibe Perhaps a word or two from me will clear | Chatham U.C.7 ; p instanced how impossible it would be for Pictou Ne al ing at er UP 80M SOTIONS AIO. T havo helped thousands Hy om lumation of thanksgiving a Toronto friend to get, them Bfures It of, W te GC TE" wl pr crop * aT Gaspe, Mal Bay, Grand River | upon shousands by my private vrescription or if prog | ANSOEIVINE 1 on the cost of a freight van, and the | lo ge estern Can 8 10 I b> and Charlottetown personal advice plan. My best fort is surely | made by Queen Victoria in January, | 4q4itional cost of fitting it up with | to market if it had to be hauled over 2 BE R M. U DA worth your simple request. | 133%. indicated that Sir Franeis Bond | tooma and Berths Their idea ia to | rain-soaked unfrozen roads all aut &€ pv | an 3 Oh f bi n 4 1 « 1 » ¢g tho ns a0k iis Sei Tota} Cider a} ones, Take | Froad was Lieutenant Governor, Hi have the van turned into a cottage | umn and winter 1 £ Summer Excursions, $20 to 30. by | A postal will bring the opportunity ( \. | Hagerman, /Attorney-General. | ©" 0) core 2nd run about the country | Even in those days, when powel g Children's Canvas Boots, (0c. Youths' Canvas Boots, 11 to 13, 6c. Boys' Canvas Boots, 1 to 5, 75¢. Girls' Brown Canvas Oxfords, 11 to 2, White C Canvas Oxfords, Child's, Girls', | a= dies', Men's. the Twin Screw | 1 will have an honest and trustworthy drug. The proclum uation was in thankfulness to any point which they maw wish | seemed far enough away, the brainy a Barefoot Sandals, 75¢, 90¢ and $1. I : on I7th and 28th July. i {wrist to whom you can conveniently go for" the 50 for - del ry "from the dangers "and to locate for fishing of hunting pur- [ Tittle Welshman impress worl thoseswho | 'How would you like to be | pany who live not far from one of | Pembina, which should not be later . day best . | But first, ask ma for the order, for all drug. | © armitie of the wnmnatural insurrec- | poses, and when a move is desired | met him as being a coming man lkman these healing fountains are like the | than the end of July. Everyone con- Ratha) d Aw HAA AA AAA AOR I'm on the lacteal wagon now," | Montreal man who journeyed all the nected with the great . construction 4 . . ' pe-- Temperature 4 seldom rises ahove RO degrees gists are not authorized to give the 30 day test ! tion and rebellion with which we | the van can again be attached to a en es Sheet Lrine of, the season for Bombe That. a So md eve gs lays, fe | have been lately afflicted." | freight train and moved on while the A i GTP. Progress. advices | ere . Dr. Shoop, Box 12, Racine, Wis. ag : : " passengers go on by express train. _ Aeeorc ng to ihe ates advices | ARTHUR AHERN, Secrotary, Quebec Which Book 8hall T Send You? "Ontario's Milkman. | © The plan has been put into opera- | from the West, at the close of the J Por ann ms IA No 1 Dyspepsia No Lor Nomen Mr. W. Bert Roadhouse, of the re- | ion by them on some of the lines in | present year the Grand Trunk Pacific RICK, Ticket 'Agents, Kingston, Ont. No.3 On the Kidneys OS en atin portorial staff of The Evening Tele- | {ho Eastern Statés, and at present | will be completed, and construction | garam, Toronto, has been appointed by | they have a.car in the States, but | trains will be running over the line | was sung to him, and he was asked | way to Berlin to consult a great spe- | work is confident that the wark on the | if his trips of investigation would .in- | cialist, writes Cy Warman in Canada | mountain section will be proceeded lude one to the Milky Way Barn West. The learned doctor looked his | with within a few months' time. The | vard sounds were ealled 'to him, and | patient over carefully, and- then told '| Melville Canadian reports a great in he was congratulated on going back | him there was but one place where | flux of settlers from the east and Full information from I to "the dear old farm." | he could find relief for his peculiar outh en route to Saskatchewan and FE. KE. HORSEY, J. P. HANLEY, = os = 2 This is the sceond time that "Bert" 'malady. | Alberta over the Grand Trunk Pacific t *" said the Montreal man, | Railway the Ontario Government as seeretary | the expense of bringing it into Can- | as far west as the Mcleod river. The General Manager, C. 8. KIRKPATRICK V ; ha ame in {or considerable joshing "Name it, y. ! Kingston, Ont. JAH. SWIFT & CO, | ! : onenf the newspapermen hon- | "I don't care where it js, I'l.go | ----nn en Agents, Kingstor | yred by the Whitney Government in | there." | Fifty-Nine Bushels Per Acre. | ph fe . akis." 1 \ > | } x the 4 <Q an tc > It is a place called Abenakis, The Province of Alberta claims td | - a ing their names given to new town ¥ 1 i . ou had ake J with prepared For full particulars, J. P. Agent, Corner Johnson and Ontario Sts FH ¥ every 10 days FAH + Lake Ontario & Bay of Quinte Steamboat | Co., Limited. STEAMERS North King & Caspian: 1000 Islands--Kingston -- Rochester. Commencing June 27th, steamer leaves for 1,000 Islands Alexandria Hay Gananoque at 10:15 a.m., daily, Monday Returning, steamer ) p.m. for Bay of Quinte Ports and 'Port of Rochester N.Y STRALETHA ~Tenves on "Mondays at 5 pm. for Picton and intermediate Bay of Quinte port HHHoK & Automobiles To Rent. $4 . RAE BAAAARAAN ANA 3 a Extending a hand in congratula The fame of the wonderful waters of | and McLeod rivers. . The steel for the tion s friends gave him what was | canada has spread around the world, | structures will be rushed through the | Terms Reasonable. lw " le Always salled "a milk-shake' or asked each | s1though it is probably true that | moment the trains are able to run to Open. W. J. Moore & Son, 'Phones----Gargge, Biba AHN Residence; 815b. AH HAAR AA ROK * ON AAAI] Af the provineal eommission to in- | ada would be greater than that of | steel head is within 100 miles of Ed EAHA FAIARAAIAAAA *¥ | vastigate the inilk problem, and that | equipping a new car here. Everything | monton, and before June will have | ps up When other Tele- | said the doctor, in the Province of | have the largest vield per acra2 of | Quebec, which is infiCanada." | wheat and oats. Last year the wheat e Icing, it was not Cowan's. gave his fellow reporters a chance for | is" done to make the car like a home, | reached 'the city and be on its way much good naturad chaffing recently and where it has been used it has | to the west Similarly, rapid pro "Ontario's milkinan,"" was one title | heen found very serviceable gresg is reported in connection with with which he was dubbed, and an- | Br --~_,b the steel bridges that will carry the other was "the babies' friend." Found It at Home. | Transcontinental across th: Pembina gram reporters heard of that they a , 1 i i 4 ' V Thousand Island and St. Lawrence sured him that the township's popul "Oh, fudge, * Said te patient, why, | vield vas 33 bushels per acre, and the | E Even a child can ice a : + tic & making 3 image a | I can go out there In two hours oat vield 49 bushels The town of = : River Steamboat Companies gl} {oT ve rking & pigriviage na | | gun gn ont there fn tuo Bouie, {ont vidkd a8 ahele' The tows Ff] coke perfectly, in three us kick to Montreal, went out to Abenakis in | orqip shipping point in Canada, 1.- | S x A In connection with the New York -- two hours, and was cured. | 026,182 bushels of grain having been Central and Hudson River : Loyal © Adam Bock. . . shipped this season to date in 744 R. R. Co Genuine That loyalty pays was illustrated Friendly Rivalry. cars. Five years ago not a bushel of . dd , in the first race of the eid) day By choesing the Canadian route to | grain was shipped from this point J of the present Woodbine race meet. | Great ritain, the Australian dele- | Last season 315,000 acres were under sl Ringgton flatly, xcept Sunday, ar er S In that race there was entered Jack | gates to the Imperial Conference | cultivation in the High River district. | a.m. anc p.m. ! Parker, a horse belonging to Hon. | have emphasized the homogenous | To a High River farmer, D. C. Me | Leave Kingston, Sunday, 7.830 a.m. . and 2.00 yg . BY a Adam Beck, "the Minister of Power" | character of the British Empire. | Donald, also belongs the honor for | Making direct connections at Cape | in the Ontario Government Canada--ahd Australia have recently | the record yield of fall wheat. From Vincent to and from all points in Rew 1 e iver 1 S. Now, Adam Deck is a favorite with | been -indulging in a good deal of [a field of 60 acres Mr. McDonald | T OX re' "5 Brea d Icing. Bight delicious flavors. Sold everywhere. The COWAN CO. Limited, TORONTO, 73 York State. Through sleeper Cape Vi the newspaper reporters, and they | rivalry, as both want emigrants of the | threshed 3,570 bushels, or an average , vere inclined to gut np a httle cash | same class, but that does not prevent of 591-2 bushels per acre RD Week end round t rate, Ki | wor non r y : | i" round. trip ra ngston to Must Bear Signature of on his horse because of their feeling | their remainipg the best of friends. | Bowar, another High River farmer Watertown, good going Saturday or . J Sunday, retutning Monday - $1.65. of loy to him. 1 inclination | The program .of the Canadian .tour | has 'made a record from a 4l-acre | A fact to remember-- LTR Hrodeytlle | and JH bt 2 yas pirenrined BE decision when | has incluged a : fi to the Brea} irri- | field, which he has had under culti ' ! 0 8, # Mr sek said to the | 2 ov > Canadian Pacific | vation for four years." During that ¢ I Ag en ts cer Por, r. Bec aid to them : gation schemes ofthe 3 \g a it ep 'ota. acvarl/sements 'This horse has beaten Photograph- | at Calgary, -by which 3,000,000 acres | period the field has earned $106.25 | ec ua 1 y oes in lore See Pac-Simile Wrapper Below, er in the trials. He may go up in | of ranch landidr# being brought under. | per acre. | The People's the air and come in last, but he'll | cultivation Irrigation has layed | i ---------------- en Str. Stranger Vory sa and as easy | win 1m on of the races.' ; eh an Sportant part In sete Canadian Mountaineers. the Label Goes On." Line. CAPT. HAMMOND.) tc tak, suger. DS the porters t some cash up development at the Antipodes that Although. it is only three years | ---- Wharf, Foot Clarence St on Jack Parker hat fir race, | the Australian delegates were espec- | since the first club was held, the | cenic Route, to Gananoque, leas (CARTERS TOR NEADACHE. ch was al S race: of | jally anxious to see how Canada was , membership has grown to such an | PHONE 467 or 141. gston daily, a Donday oXOObrea S FOR DIZZINESS. that horse's care d the Beck cn- | solving problems like her own. extent that $10,000, is to be spent on | 130 poi Cudions. 1,50 pan FOR BILICUSHESS. I. try justified the | 10) by ¢ ere the clubhouse at Banff. Last year Lodge, 5 p.m. arrive Ganan- FOR TORPID LIVER ing home a winner and ma ome Quetigo Reservas. 177 climbers from all over the world rm i E ! . cash for I A provincial order in council sets | t00k part in the camp, and this year iananogue daily, except Sunday . 3 arge r : 1 nday, Depot Wharf, 7.45 a.m. ; PILLS. FOR CONSTIPATION, aside one million acres of land in the | Still larger numbers are expected, as | Lodge, 8.5 wm O'Brien's FOR SALLOW SKIN. | Rainy Lake region of Ontario as a the date of meeting has been post- « 50 a.m. ; arrive Kingston, 9.40 , 1 urpt that tl e0- . a s+ | poned until August to enable British a NOVI ICE--Boat leaving Kingston, Sat-| camo U0 THE COMPLEXION Id 1 { Sou q Aalth C all timber, mati. a ame ore. 1s per to participate before proceed- ( urday afternoon will return Saturday adie, | parety Verstanie. re Ent | fornia. have or. opin of the | 1nd for sixty miles along the inter. | INE 10 the British Association meet- evening, leaving Guaniaue. a i Pan. ; TET TIT TRIN pple, for the kin they zi t Justifie S| national boundary line it abuts upon A "% at Winnipeg. Alpine Club | Found trip, 40c, : cuaR 10K HTADACHE. | it } Orleans the w riter saw |g similar reserve- on the American A CAMP 18 to be he ¢ at La e O'Hara, the most beautiful apples displayed, | gida one of the loveliest localities in the 2arge and flawless in appearance, with > . Rockies. | | | -- | STR. E CE ELWAT } : IT iS "PERFECT." 1 : heal lending fr m dee pl -- ; a ---- | Positively cure Dyspepsia. Promote Digestion. Money back if they fail to _ cure. A »d into ore but th ere 1 1 liers pe L Will start regular trips to Kingston - "CRYSTAL BRAND" of ; nie ow h ut they wer Dundas is Dutch soldiers wiped out a hand of tills, June 12th. Leave Swift's Wharf, Standare iran wd Sugar, for the most 1nsi nd oo e ever tasted. which has decided upon a local option | thirty-one ( hinese pirates hidden in foot of Clarence street, 10 a.m., return preser " + use. We have | When described to the late Hon. | camps a the fastoesscs of Sumatra. 12 a.m. Leave 2 return ve od it for ars, and pe cd is Thomas Ballantyne he declared them E. C. 8. Huvcke, K.C., Cobourg. '} | Bibby's for boys' toggerv. Leave 7 pan. retufn at L eturn 't . 9 gz, has 8 to be the Missouri apple, the most int unty i tp - an i CINE fare, 25 ANDREW MA EAN. : 1e, n heen appointed county judge of Peter- | German and Austrian railways ¢ LEMAN MED sronto CATT. 1. WHALEN > FR ACLEAN beautiful but most insipid variety in |} " ' jestablishing a quarantine acainst | 25c¢. a Box. co I CO. T Captain the world. -- Stratford Beacon. Bibby's for boys' hosiery, { cholera in Russia. 4 At all Druggists or direct from