THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, FRIDAY, JULY 2, 1500, THE WHIG, 76th YEAR | DAILY BRITISH WHIG, published at | 806-310 King street, Kingston, Ontario, at $6 per Jon Editions st 2.80 and 4 o'clock WEE LY BRITISH WHIG, 18 ages published in parts on Monday and Thurs- day morning at $1 a year. To United | States, charge for postage Las to be added, making price of Daily 82 snd of Weekly $1.50 per year. Attached is one of the best Job Print. ing Offices in Canada; rapid, stylish, end cheap work; nine improved presses. | The British Whig Publishing Co., Ltd. EDW: Th B. PENSE, Managing Director; TORONTO OFFICE. Buite 19 and 20, Queen Ofty OCham- {bers, 82 Ohurch 8t., Toronto, H. E. Small peice, J. Ps representative. Dailo Wibig. PEST IN THE TCHTY. The hoard of health must wake up. heat has dev Screen Windows. Hy. proof, made-tg-onder. "So easy to open and shut that the flies can be driven out once a day They im- Prove the appearance of the house, are strongly made an: will last twice .as long as other makes. If you see them You will want other kind S. fons & Co. | """ Foot Wellington St. no SPOTS | {| The summer foul aloped odours which bespeak the oxistence of unwholesome comslitions. The should take about traversing DISCRIMINA TING LADIES. chair { man walk the Enjoy Using Herpicgde on Account | of Its Distinctiveness. The ladies Herpicide speak for it scalp of dandrufi and as a general hairdress makes the scalp feel fresh and that itching which dandrofi will | Newbro's Herpicide effectively dandruff, as it de the it. The germ causes to fall out, and | stirring up of filth o y in killing it, Herpicide stops falling [hn i of how d hair and prevents baldness, It n an ideal hair it a which city, streets are | new to him--as representative ofthe Newbro's | Whig did hest | win Yl will shock or here idewalks a who have used it eliect night or two avo--and he the a of in the hig len that get unpleasantly evidene termes, the excellence It allay cause, quick in . w move him to action also for ing are places, bordering on the it in ¥roontenae, Rideau the foulne be for Cataragui wards, where There hand, is the the | uffocating. may not cures that hair troys germ Caures SMe | remedy at at once, later baldnes lay must demoralizing effects, but some also | ; relief could be afforded hy the plonti The aggressive | i in| | of the is for the lends hair that dressing, charm to distinctive Sold by leading druggists. 10¢. in stamps for sample to the picide Co., Detroit, Mich, 3] guaranteed. GO, Ww. Mahood, agent, YOU SAVE MONEY = By buying here ; lowest prices places can he in the city on Ihe Suits Trousers Shirts, mer in disinfectants he of should Tt independently aristrooratic is quite ful application I health hoard of (quality. Send | Her- | bottles 1 its should act matters and vig It has hould exercise A son tative [ the while the it ously large powers and g I a specia them. half. de Whig repre flight zen times the was nearly put to bv | nuisances Thess | | must | | adjacent the stemeh of along street and there 'health out note located, The some many others depart should struction with Ji | the | Their ment or on i to make a of | these offensive and have spots troubles removed if possible { fine and working Sum ontinuati during the summer must Underwear, Hats and Caps; Fancy and Working | Socks ; Boots and Shoes, fine heavy. ( on ope ain:t I | healtl te seriously a the public | LUMSDEN RESIGNATION have bec apparent Mr chief eng or I'HI I'hree things © ome meer them--- I ZACKS, 271 Princess St. ON TARI LADIE COLLEGE Ontario | Palatial buildings, acknowledged to be unequaled in Canada by thoss of any otter Ladies' School or Col oilge ; deal Joentlon Inu Colingiat | who desire it casy access prot sity embracing dred ucres, and having a campus | (ract sutliciently large to all students to play at the same [ thoe without interteriug with each other ; gymuas at wi ~Come and see and N 1 A (2) he nnection .with umsden sifice for the a | | L tional Transcontinental railway 1) duties have been OnNerons; And Conserva- | |: tory of Music 9 and Art Whitby (so inadequate the pay has been adjustment nothing (3) « dis all | ntend ind tractors' difficulties heen I'herc 1 in 13, however, to warrant a revival of ge that. there over classifi is onflict with con the office § ind that the magnificent Cc he : has made untena- |, but he | not | umsden is a good man. tive to worries, and nu in will pay you to consider special advan a. ef and send lor calendar to lhe HARE. Ph.D., Principal, | "" ud ibmit to them mat No the abuve to ' as a REV.) Ours his could | the | one questions ment, but the commission AARON EE increase Your Efficiency { Kingston Business College, Limited Head of Queen Street. Business School refuse due consideration of omplaint of district and engineers ontractor that recent inspection | com | My Pa to per a t arbitration Mr. Grand he work by the d of Lumsden, ind the I'runk hurried or--was | Oanada's Leading Day and Kvening Classes. Bhorthand, * Typewriting, Booke keeping, Telegraphy. Special in- dividual {instruction for pupils deficient in English branches. Rates moderate. linter at any J time. 'Phone, 440. H, F; MET- OALFE, Principal. 3 NOAH: EEE EY FRA | BIBBY'S CAB STAND - Phone 20l. DAY or NIGHT i FOR SALE "= SWEAT-BOX "TACTICS, several views of Nos. 44 and 46 -Willianr Street, Brick, part modern, |i at a snap for feverdays., Will | take small houses in payment. Apply % t ndici treatment which the case demanded.'| the Suge tioning mdgment of | ommittee it is sted that | men make a | | ind the II probably Meanwhi overnment, three new competent finished be done. Mr. ] ind An irvey of work, and this the umsden for he acts may withdraw his 1 inerease f salary, and Impos gnation he hict will earn v relief from | ed upon him settlement of the | | { the from | that ( which | they emanate remarkable sources One is of teemed Montreal paper, Se deve he propricties wind he | ok ne part flowed lea it rpri | witnesses { al- | The | Ihe | not: kesval commission are 0 without a sruelling, Is that some of them are ny they know ahout the rot GEO. CLIFF, |iih iin hat the serows } id should put vlad on to | Agent, 95 Clarénce ste the end that they might be to | mak \ | Grassett, contession Col. | the | ' | that | second opinion is that of Toronto, the head of | police department, who belioves circumstances occasionally justify the re accused | | which is put upon s to extort facts from them ourse, sometimes wrong wd they may | | The | some | t victims. rred by | ache, | this the assumed in however, excoed- | should not be tole- | commun be cited that which becomes | Corners, opinion to is Are both symbolical of a hot time! sweatl-box | whoop, a rome nls this as unBritish and unCanadian. *'lLake one 4 the thumb screw, the hoot and the Our . mined-- vice or call. CRAWFORD, Foot of Queen St. 0 EER EDI CST wil I'imes, i of | ts ¢ontemplation regaras the the 'box their would best ever remarks, sweat your ser- write coal 1 is be made to serve purpose at sO phone; in some cases, whether it sorve | prob it not, 1s But who Ai ( the « of Justice, or ause coneern: of theirs Iv 3 the people » oO Phone, 9, th rtura chambers i | wee oilicers to es permit jg "I merit, ane | |a case | and tobaceo | sessment conducted 118 deception [less | than prison the {of the militia department in any wise | no one should object. | needed. | Florence { His | permanently. i ble | vorce other | thing why | scandal | in | to esce | day. | | vi { Mx | seven feet ! FRONTENA Cc _CHEESE Made on 'on Board on the Holiday. Thera was a good attendance at the holiday meeting .of the Frontenac | cheesé board. The president, P, Val-# {leau, occupied the chair, with W. Pillar, the "secretary, also present. There was a very large offering | of cheese, 940 hoxés of white, and 737 boxes of . colored. These faciories hoardea : . White--Cataraqui, 75; Cold Springs, 95; Hartington, 82; Latimer, 52; Rosc thronged vesterday with visitors Jor Jn 3 Sand ll 70; Silver Springs, the Dominion Day celebration. At |,' a : 2 190s te. 9:50 o'clock the aquatic events were) Rill; Sunbury, Moael, 120; to begun. The results were : tal, 370, Bate Power boats--Class A, 1st, Kel (D. 4 olored--Battcrsea, McKellar); 2nd, Fortdna (1. D. 0'.|3% Excelsior, 50; Glen . Connor Glenvale, 60; Latimer, 25; Ontario, 49; : Rose Hill, 33; St. Lawrente, 60; Gilt Class B--Ilst, Onion 2 (Ira Kipp, IL Is] 2 G il Me. | Edge, 50;. Thousand Islands, 60; Me- Lock Island); 2nd, vess. (William Ye 'Grath's Rio Collins Bay, 65; Hinchin- Lennan, Gananoque. 20 1 737 Free-for-alb--1st, Pirate (R. B. I'ca- brooke, ; total, 737. cock, Alexandria Bay, N.Y.,); ond, Fhe bidding opened at lle. and sales Duquesne (R. B. Peacock, Alexandria | Wore made as follows: At 1lje., dor Bay); 3rd, Guess (William McLennan, | colored, Mr. Murphy secured the ofier- Y ings of Elm Grove, Glenburnio, Glm- Gananoque). k ° The fourteen-foot | vale, Latimer, Gili Edge, Rose Hill, brought out seven starters and re- | St. Lawrence, Thousand Islands, Col- sulted : Ist, Saucy Ann (Ralph |lins Bay; at 11 7-16c., for colored, Mr. {Adams}; 2nd, Chums) (Russell B. DIrit- | Alexandor purchased the erings of {ton). . Battersea, Excelsior, Ontario, Mec- | Canoe events--Single blade, 1st, XK. | Grath's; at 110c., for' white, Mr. Alex- {Genge, Gananoque; 2nd, J. Dawson, ander secured Silver Springs, Wolie Hingston; single biade, tandem, ist, [Tsland; and Sand Hill; at Heo, for | Ge nge and Linklater, Gananoque; 2nd, | white, Mr. Murphy secured Latimer, [Dawson and Taylor, Kingston; single | Model, Rose Hill and Sunbury; at blade, fours, 1st, J. Wright, H, Tay-|118c., for white, Mr. Gibson bought : Hartington and Hinchinbrooke. lar, J. Dawson and G. R. Taylor; 2nd, R. Genge, H. Linklater, D. Wing . MUST CLOSE. chambers of their of tablish and to use toriure own than in defiance the | Sales GANANOQUE'S S BG DAY: A FINE CELEBRATION WAS HELD THERE. courts." It is not to Do _pAsumed that a sus pete «d' person must not be submitted should be of his warned to a rigid examination. Qe invited to make a clean breast conncetion with a erime, but that rt: him. Kingston Orientals Won Baseball Match--Ten Mile Race Won By Hutchison, of Clayton, N.¥.-- Kingston Boy Second in Boys' Race. used against that iniquity the evidence be It may frequently happens prompt enquiry reveals the of others as well as the detained per- | New York, showing how widespread is the trail of ison. The Sigel case, in is | Gananoque, July 2.--This town was | ' that mutder, and that many, of one, The sweat-box in place it. i"; may have had a hand in 70; Elm Grove, Glenburnie, 70; is not without some and it is not apparent whether t the { the expedients to which resort has bean made in Sigel case are such be EDITORIAL NOTES, Have vou got the Nickelodin squint ? It talk of the day. It coming, common. Some people as cannot approved. is the is be may : ia dinghy. race] conscious ot the gry have it and not he fact. Mr. Lumsden's resignation from. the National commission seandat, i » | I'ranscontinental railway | not revive That does or pro voke any much is cer- tain, The newest idea, developing out of violation that he considera- tried in Lindsay, a and W. Harper. Tail-end race--1st, , G. Wiltse, Tilting--Linklater and Genge. Hurry-scurry race--lst, R. 9nd, R. B. Britton, Jest decorated boats--Ist, {owned by Charles Macconald; : Widow, owned by Hubert | ger There |® pre Lord's Day act cigars | H. Linklater; | are drugs. magis | trate has the matter under July 2.--The proprietors of sixty mow- ing picture shows pleaded guilty before Judge Leet to the charge of keeping their places of amusement open on Sunday and were fined $10 and costs each. It is uniderstood that most of the proprietors have agreed to shut down on Sundays in future. The appeal cases against the previous judg- ment, still pending, have been withdrawn. tion, Genge; Montreal, ERE Tein be Kate, 2nd, Ro- gislature uniformity evervthing the o |? | that the as- should provide of municipalities. should on the same. basis, 1:15 o'clock the three mile' road boys under fourteen years of startec/ from the Provincial There were seven start- Franklin, Kingston; E. J. Nobes, P. McDonald, J Wheeler and R. Kirke, of | Gananoque. Young Cummings took | the lead frofa the start, and was not | headed, although Franklin, of King- | | ston, gave him a good run. The fin- | RAISIN SE ES Franklin, Nobes, McDonald, Kirke, | Wheeler, Newton. For the first three MURDERED CAT IMPERIAL INSTITUTE. At race for age was hotel corner. ers, B. VW. Cummings, | Newton, H. in comparisons under sent conditions. health that the order The ronto of will officer it streets medical figures out cost oil the for with abate to. sprinkle water, in to Here's something to think dust Ald. nuisance, FEX FEF FHA THEA TAREE Graham about. Who the land who are Fng- of suffragettes of t! h themsel are storming 10 use | handsome ¢ups were presented by the $ committee at the close of the race. About 1:30 p.m. the event of lay was called on, being the ten-mile Marathon race, under sanction of the .A.A.U, and with permit to have it a track race, being under the aus pices of the Gananoque harriers club, getting the and Ss Not working the commons the riot | hunt]: the |{ middle ¢lasses, Is diversion classes the for franchise a for rich Five Shots Penetrated His Skull-- . Critical! Men with a likin and find wy W ay ry (IT A HHH for distinctive refined styles in Haberdashery will here an opportunity for the exercise of their individual tastes. Undérwear Frgnch See Our See Our at 75c. a briggan, 7 Plain Ca 50c. 50¢. 2.0.0 Te 25¢. Teetentesteatostent 0 8» ERATE sook, B. V. D., Natural Wool Silk and Linen, knee length, short sleeves ete, briggan, Penman's make. Mauchauffee's Hosiery Fancy Cashmere, 35c., Fancy L Outing Shirts Made with Reversible Col- lars, colors, Creams, Whites, Greens, Blues, ete., at 50c., 75c., $1.00, $1.25. Boating Sweaters 50e.; 75¢., $1.00. Sweater Coats $1.50, $2.00, $2.50, $3.00, $3.50. Fancy Leather Belts 50¢., 75¢., $1.00. NEW COLLARS, 2 for 25¢ Real Panama Hats See Our Spedials, at $4.00, $5.00 and $6.00 Bathing Suits Two-Piece and Combination Styles, * 50¢c.; 7be., 3 # 00, ®1.50. i Straw Hats See Our Display of Straw Sailors, $1.00, $1.50 and $2. Balbriggans, Nain- Special 50c. Bal- Grey Balbriggan, suit. French Bal- 5c. a garment. shmere, 25c¢., 35ec., 40c., ete. isle Thread, The H. D. Bibby Co. at the _ driving park, ..a---paradet to which had been made a kttle aiter one o'clock, headed by the Kingston | Kilties band and the local Citezens' band. "There were ten starters in this | London, July --Lieut.-Col. Sir Wii event, Kingston Maple Leaf club re- [liam Hart ivy Wyllie was murder presented by H. Stinson, H. Jackson; od, late last night, at a reception at St. Luke's dub by Ray Metcaffe and | 0 "Imperial Institute by an Indian ¥. 8. Nicholson" unattached; J. E. [ ctudent, who shot him with a revol- I Clayton, N.Y., unattached: | ver. Dr. Lalcaca, another guest, was Perrigo, unattached, and John | 1 | 'The Assassin Tried to Kill Himself--Murder Was Because of Politics. that the military. headguas- 1 he dit. for Eastern On Untario may re from to Ottawa it moved Well, Kingston if improves the management Something 1s Montrose Wright (the that arrell, oC Jasper husband of \ Hutchison, unattached; R. O'Brien, fatally Wounded, dying Jake, ¢ IX. Nelson, 0, McDonald, of Ganano-| ol. yiie was fegarced gs one of que Harriers. The start was well the most distinguished po ical ag bunched but by the finish of the se-|®"'S India has developed. His long, cond lap they" were pretty well group | varied 850 successtal Sarees id to his ed with O'Brien, of Gananoque show-1%election as political aicede-camp Wi ng distress and shortly after having Viscount Morley, secretary ol state lor to leave the track, when Hutchison, India, in 190] ae of Clayton, took the lead. At 'the { ol, Wyllie was end of the tenth lap Farrell, Clay- | Vith Dr Lalcaca, ton, and the Kingston runners had |'¢an at Shanghai, dropped out, leaving five in the field, | suddenly approached O'Brien beginning to come up to the shots from a revolver, mark again. This finish was made : | WYIlie's head, all the : iv 1st, Hutchison, Clayton, 1 hour {ing his skill. Almost simultaneously minutes 52 seconds: O'Brien, Ganano he shot Dr. Lalcaca in the breast. All que, 1 hour 3 minutes 15 'seconds: F happened before the 'bystanders were Nelson, Gananoque, 1 hour 5 minutes | able to interfere. 15 Three handsome trophy | The student tried to shoot cups were presented to the winners, | With the round remaining in The next event called was the horse | Volver, but he was seized by races, ) -class with four starters |lookers and prevented resulting 2 Dr. Lalcaca died while ed to an hospital. Another revolver and a dagger were | found in the murderer's pockets. The murderer is' named Dhenigri, about twenty years old. A written three-sheet document, | which apparently disclosed the mo- | tive for the crime, was found in his pockets, The police gave out that the * | murder undoubtedly political. Kinrade was), has giv- mn up to slum experiences qualifiec the ministry and proposes large city. the past lo work in some 1 year has him to sympathize with the unfortunates, standing talking a practising phys- when the student and fired five point blank, at shots penetrat- McGill endowment Montreal, $200,000 =o mi College, wants that an the be sup of the and salaries of professors Ay secu ed to plemented their services have fund. to Queen's They ACCRSS ' 2 the ( Roubly : 1 arnegie Pension A sged, lesson Manitoba, the himself his the on- In wan Ontario, Saskatche Quebee must at provinces that ? seconds. and di : parties to to the $1,000. suits apply senate The laws. and it costs least being convey- have divorce H. Putman, Ottawa) 1.1.1 7, Ottawa) 2.2.2, Gananoque) 8.3.3. Arn- 4.4 Waterloo, (C BR. 8 Jubilee, (F: Trac Maggie, (G. W. Reid, Jessie Patch, Brennan, prior o Time, i ; If divorce is good it be and not of diverted. How is _ a should a- luxury in and some provinces in others ? t . 4 lis a : 2.34%; p 15 time the scent the senate for was 2.16 Class--Purse, $400. Wright, (H. A "Ganan- Nettie que Cecil, (R. rence, 2 May Wax, ston) Happy prior) Time, 2 2.28; At 2:30 at the driving park - the Triple Links, of Kingston, and Gar- nocks met in a good exhibition game | {of ball, Kingston winning by 8 to 6. The line-up was as follows : Gananoque--H, Hawke, 8 WwW. [| Clow, 2b.; T. Boucher, 3byg. G. Baker, | { H. Keyworth, c.f.; F, Meggs, ib. H. Smith, Lf.; H. Sheridan, r.f.; A. Cowan, p. Ringston=Uoligumon, Young, lb. Gillespie, 2b.; Davidson, 3b; E wart, i; (Daly, r.f. Umpire--J., Dorey. Score by innings : Kingston--,0,2.0,--8 Gananoque--0.0,. A lacrosse game between the | St. Lawrence league téam and {canoe club team resulfed in a for the former, 5 goals to 2. {| The Citizens' hand gave a concert {at the Market Square in the even ing, the whole street being thronred TAL the G.Y A club house a meet" ing was held at 9 o'clock when" the 8 ; . cups and prizes 'won at the a. uatic complaint, then Cart Little [events were presented by the commit- | Famous for Pills are a specific' for sick head- | tee 'and this was followed hy | Of highest standard of purity. and every woman should know | [in the G.Y.Cs assembly hall. | Distillers to His Majesty the King. Only one pill a dose. Try them. - | 2 : oy ae that attained a growth of | is rather an unusual pro~ Samuel Woodrow, Woodrow's Prince Edward county. the habit" of eating cream at Best's Palm Garden, no more to enjoy: the best, Cal. Scott, Picton, had brought Acton, At Small Cost. else you was Bue 'hanan, St Law Agree With Everybody. Any person who is run down or who impoverished blood, needs iron. iron preparations constipate or are hard to assimilate. Wade's Iron Tonic Pills (Laxative), provide a rem- ody whick is free from these objec- tions. These pills agree with every- body. They give prompt benefit and permanent results. They are a great | nerve strengthener and blood maker. In boxes, 25c., at Wade's Drug Store Money back if not satisfactory. ; ES I'here LY. Vour can have so much that a bottle of Smith's Liniment. It will enable you ape the discomfort of sprains, bruises, swellings, neuralgia, rheuma tism, and the various aches, and pains apt to come to anyone. Costs but Zc. for a big bottle at Wade's Drug Store, nothing worth is house Carson, Bing little costs White SO as has | Most 1,000 Islands-Rochester. Steamers North King and Caspian leave for Thousand Island points except Monday, at 10.15 a.m, Bay of Quinte ports and Ro- at 5 pam. J. P. Hanley, Cox daily, and for Laird, c ord, Wilson, pe. A Hot Weather Meal. Intelligencer. on Sundays you even buy a banana, and the King- stonfans feel sad. Wonder if. they allow a fellow to take a drink from |the town pump? A banana or a local (dish of ice cream may not in the the {eves of the Kingston authoritles con- win | stitute a meal, but it goes a long {way towards one. in this hot weath- er. Must one necessarily eat. meat and spuds to comply with the law ? chester, Belleville tent. ef.; " : Kingston can t In $1.65 Watertown & Return $1.65. 2 p.m.,.- Sun p.m.; Tra | { 5 a.m a.m, or Monday r-------------------- house wedding took place on Wednesday at Belleville at the re- sidence of Mr. and Mrs. John Thomp- | when their youngest! daughter, Cora May, was united in mar to Wiliam Henry Clarke, son of and Mrs, W. P, Clarke, there ever was a specific for any or 9 Saturday, ) or he Sunday A pretty son, Miss "Three Swallows.' | John Power and Son's { "Three Swallows" Irish Whiskey-- | over a century, igo Jl Bg Ii Sir one Liver a dance Rye took place on Thursday Grant, an old resident Preventics--those Candy Cold Cure| The death Tablets--will safely and quickly check | of Alexander all colds and the Grip. Try them once | Kitley township. The deceased had and see ! 48-25¢. Sold by all dealers. | been ailing for nearly a year from On Wednesday, at Brockville, at the | heart trouble. Mr. Grant was seven- home of Mrs. Patterson, King street | ty-one years of age. her voungest daughter, Miss Mae | At Worcester, Mass 'allum, was united in marriage vto | been officially declared aead, Joseph dudt of of "Get ce Costs | afler having to | west, Me( Is cs Buy Word For Shoes Hereabouts. OurBigMid-Summer Sale Mattrass. JAMES REID, ONTARIO Alexandria . Almonte ... Brockville Brighton Cobourg Colborne Delta .. Frankville . Guelph ... Kemptville La Lyndhurst. - London . McDonald's Corners - Maberly him an unusually large carp, which weighed twenty-cight pounds. It speared in Gill Pond. J the Gordon Rappell, of Athens, son of | Remillard, aged forty, was brought was late John Rappell. hack to lifa by the use of electricity. Middleville Mad, Red Rose Tea sm KIERAN 0 This naturally would be a quiet month with us. Our Motto: --*"Keep Busy." Everything reduced. Our Ambulance for private work. Lighted with electric lights and Marshall Sanitary Call 147. The Leading 8 Undertaker. | Odessa . Ottawa . i Picton .. 4 | Roblin' s Mills Renfrew ..... Spencer ville Shannonviile et er Toronto ; Sept. 27-28-29 Sept, 30-Oct. FALL FAIRS, 28-29 | 20-2 a ru Sept. . Sept. Sept. . Aug. 30 to ay 13 On A Saturday Afternoon. Take the America on her famous islandle, 2:30 p.m., home Supper on board. Fare 5oc. In Brockville, on Wednesday, occur- red the marriage of Miss Lulu Virginia Eyre, Yonge Mil, and William W. Welch, son of Mr. and Mrs. William . Sept. 14-15 Welch, Brockville, "Is Good' ed' DO YOU USE I>