THE DAILY BRITIS 1 WHIG. WEDNESDAY, JUNE 23, 1909. PACE SIX. TRAVELLING, 1 1H i NCTA EL RAILWAY IN CONNECTION WITH ? Canadian Pacitic Railway | | | : | Dominion Day Round Trip Tickets will be sold at : FIRST Single CLASS Fare 1st. | June 30th, and July Good going until July 2nd, 1909. Good for re*urn Next Homeseekers' Excursions 15th, 24th ; 29th Sept June 10th, on Aug Wil, leave July 13th, 7th, 21st. Tickets good for 60 days: Full particulars at K. 4&P R. Ticket office, Ontario CONWAY, Gen. Pass. Agent. BAY OF QUINTE RAILWAY. Train leaves union station, Outario 4 daily (Sunday exce ted) for Tweed, 8 denham, Napanee, - onto, Re anockpurn and.-all points north. | To secure quick degpatch to Bannock- burn, Maynooth, and points on Central Ontario, route your's ipments via Bay of Quinte Railway. For further particu Sars, apply DICKSON, Agent, Phone, No. 8 | 227. . and street. | Quebec Steamship Gompany LIMITED. River & Gulf of St. Lawrence Summer Cruises in Cool Latitudes ili | 1 | | 88, "Campana," | electric bells and all MON- July Screw Iron lights, ort. OM MONTRE Oth Twin with electric modern comf BAILS FR DAYS, at 4 pm. 20d, 16th and September, for Pictou Quebec, Gaspe, Mal River, Summersidé, lottetown, P.E.L NEW YORK FROM QUEBEC Via the far-famed River Saguenay, calling at Charlottetown and Halilax, 8.8. Trinidad, 2,600 tons, sails from Quebec 16th and 80th July, 18th and @7th August, at 5 p.m. BERMUDA Summer Excursions, $20 to $30. by the 8.8. "Trinidad," 2,600 tons, | 26th June, at 10 a.m. and Twin | Screw "Bermudian," 5,500 tons, 7th, | 17th and 28th July, at 11" am, { and every 10 days thereafter from | New York. Temperature cooled by sea | breezes seldom rises above #0 degrees. The finest trips of the season bealth and comfort. ARTHUR AHERN, Secretary, Quebec. | For tickets and staterooms apply to J. P. HANLFY, or C. 8. KIRKPAT-| RIOK, Ticket agents, Kingston, Ont. SAL ON and 19th August and 13th | N.S. calling at Bay, Perce, Grand 2B and Char-| EERE Dominion Day, Thursday, July 1st, 1909 Round trip tickets will be issued at SINGLE FIRST-CLASS FARE, good Wednesday and Thursday, June r SOLD oin Sgn and July lst, returning on oO be- fofé ¥riday, July 2 TICKETS TO CERTAIN POINTS IN CONNEC- TION WITH THE ABOVE "WILL NOT BE VALID ON TRAINS 1 and 4, INDEPENDENCE DAY, July 4th, 1909 rickets will Kingston to Prescott and $2.10, good go-| ing . Saturday Sunday and Monday, July 8rd, 4th and 5th, returning before 'Tuesday, July 6th. Homeseekers' Excursions | To the Canadian North-West, Mani- | foba, Saskatchewan an Alberta. Low round-trip second-class tickets will be {ssued via Chitag6, North Bay or Sud- bury, on following dates: June 1st, asth, 29th; July 18th, 27th; Aug. 10th, 24th; Sept. 7th, 21st. Good. to yeturn within 60; days from po LE dute. ALASKA YUKON PACIFIC EXPOSITION Seattle, Wash. June Ist to Oct. 16th, 2909. Special - round tripe tickets on pale daily, May 20th. to Sept. 30th, good returning oun or before Oct, 31st. For full particulars, J. BE. HANLEY,Y Agent, Corner Jobfiven and! Ontario Sts. be issued, return, at on or Lake Ontario & Bay of Quinte Steamboat Co., Limited. STR. "NORTH KING" 1000 Islands -- Kingston -- Rochester. h, Steamer lvaves lexandria Bay and A.M., on Sundays. P.M., for Roches- Bay of Quinte Commencing May & for 1000 Islands, Gananoque, at 10.15 Returning leaves at ter, N.Y.p e¢alling Ports) ? 1 at tor Bay of STR: ALETHA--lLeaves & dally ex epl Quinte Ports at P.M. Bunday. 8 ------------ Full information from ¥. E. HORSEY, J.P. HANLEY, General Manager, 0.8. KIRKPATRICK, Kingston. Agents, Kingston. Thousand Island and St. Lawrence River Steamboat Compan In connection with the New York ? Central and Hudson River R. R. Co. teave Kingston daily, except Sunday, 8.00 am. and 2.00 p.m. Leave Kingston, Sunday, 7.30 a.m., and 2.00 p.m. Making direct Vincent to and fr York State. Through sl cent to New. York. Weck end round trip rate, Kingston' to | Watertown, good going Saturday: or| Sunday, returning Monday $1.65* | For excursions to Brockville and | Ogdensburg and the Thousand Islands, | soe local advertisements. | connections at Cape om all points in New eeper Cape Vin- | The People's Line. (CAPT. HAMMOND.) Wharf, Foot Clarence St. The Scenic Route to Gananoque. leav- | fang Kingston daily, (Sunday extEpled.) | Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays, at 4 pom. uesdays, Thursdays and Satur | days, at 3.80 I= Calling north side of Howe Island. Steamer open for Pie sien and Private Parties. For tion, apply to 'the steamer TO KINGSTON Wednesdays and ston, 10.30 a.m. MILLS, Fridays. Leave King- Fare, 15c; return, 25¢c. of to Don't have such a lofty opinion yourself that other not care jook up to you may for instance {and fare sold Str. Stranger fnforma-' "= Captain, on board | Mondays, | {foot of Clarence street, THE EGYPTIANS' SECR The Egyptians of Pharoah's were a wonderful people. The pyr e, put our modern buildings Where such huge blocks ot | { i | ET. | | amids, | to shame. stone were® carved--how they were moved and put in place--are my¢eteries to modern minds. The Egyptians clans, too. We fruit juices in tre Bome years ago, a phy discovered a method of combining the juices of apples, oranges, figs and prunes, by which the fnost remarkable results have been obtained Whether "Fruit-a-tives" (these com- bined fruit juices in tablet form) are a re-discovery of the prescriptions of the Egyptians, will probably never Le Known Certainly, nore effective remedy tives" for all Stomach, Bowel Troubles v deals £2.50, or trial box mn pt of price Amited, Ottawa. were skilled physi- know that they us ating many diseasés giclan in Ottawa \ i ancient the ancients never had a than "Fruit-a- Liver, Kidney "Fruft-a-tive 0c a box, § for : at fy aTuit-a-tives rece Pure" 'Absolutely Ice Cream Any flavor. Any hour. 60c per quart. 288 Princess St. Phone 845. rice's, Eczema, Salt Rheum. The intense burning, itching and smart: ing, especially at night or when the part i exposed to any strong heat, are aliited unbearable. The pre-eminent success which Burdook Blood Bitters has met with in permanently euring diseass of such severity is due to ius wonderful blged ." wing and purify- Rbeum. I tried a» dosen different medi- eines, but most of them only made it worse. I was advised to try Burdock Blood Bit- ters. 1 got a bottle and before I had taken half & dozen doses I could see a change so 1 continued its use and now 1 am completely eared. 1 cannot say too much for your Sorfal medic For sale by all druggisteand dealess. eake of soapthat at bome clesnly, splors are fast and br a shade. No streaks. No mess aypole trouble. Give yourself a real pleasant treat with Soap cleanly * Maypole "! roc. for colors. 1sc. for black, Prank L. Benedict & Co, Montreal, 67 Increase Your Efficiency ¢ Xingston Business College, Limited Head of Queen Street. Oanada's Leading Business School Day and Evening Classes. Shorthand, Typewriting, Book- keeping, Telegraphy. Special in- . dividual fostruction for pupils deficient * in English branches. Rates moderate. Enter at an time. 'Phone, 440, H. Fy MET. OALFE, Principal. ACE AA AAS THE FRONTENAC LOANAND INVESTMENT SOCIETY ESTABLISHED, 1863. President--Sir Richard Cartwright, Money issued on City and Farm Pro- perties. Municipal and CQounty Deben- tures. Mortgages purchased. Deposits received 'and interest allowed. S. C. McGill, Managing Director, 87 Olarence street. "Builders and Contractors Use Sashweights made in King- ston at Special prices for large quantities. Angrove's Foundry. M. P. KEYS Antiseptic . Barber Shop Dresutng a Shaving Parlor, ul Three Chair. ck Service. Your pat- ronage solicited. 336 King Next door to Wa Wm. Murray Auctioneer 27 BROCK ST. I Sale of Horses every Saturday. + FLORIST. | STR. ECELWAT will | Mills, to Kingston Swift's Wharf, 10 .a.m., return Leave 2 p.m., return five return at 9 p.m: Return start regular trips June 12th. Leave 12 a.m. at leave 7 p.m. fare, 25c. CAPT: L. WHAL . 2 Captains s5e--or sent postpald | ----1 jeign so ees S| the BRITAIN'S TRIBUTE SHE DRAWS $700,000,000 ANNUALLY FROM ABROAD Her Investments in Foreign Lands And Colonies Amount to £2,- 700,000,000--Returns 1s Five And a Fifth Per Cent London, June x Interesting fig { ures showing the | capital invested abroad, by Paish, editor of the | lected before the Roypl Sta- amount of George | Statist, and set | tistical Society last week Mr. Paish said that the {which British investors drew | holdings in Indian, colonial, and for feign governments bonds amounted to total of £31,039,083. The income this source had rapidly expanded in consequence, mainly the Ja i meomes from a from in recent ol pan The income British | rived from Indian, colonial, and from coupons and from the United Kingdom was with the incomao years new loans to colonies and de for investor railways of | £48,52 900, which [from goverment loans, made a total lof £79,560.983, as compared with the income of £44,51%,000 received from | similar sources twenty years ago. Additional income was derived from | investments in a vast number of mis | cellaneous undertakings. He had |vertained the income from 2,172 | panies for which Great Britain { provided capital and found that the | amount reached £5%,000,000. If it were possible to bring together all the income of companies trading abroad and distributing interests AIX | profits in this country the total would Ihe about £140,000,000. This great sum | did not include the interest upon mon ey deposited in Indian, colomal, ant foreign banks by persons residing this country nor the large amount income derived from capital privately placed abroad On the other hand, to recollect that foreign investors drew a good deal of income from capital placed with British companies. To ob tain the income from abroad of ly £140,000,000 per annum Great {ain had invested £2,700,000,000, wae obtaining all around a return 5.2 per cent. nt Se WOLFE ISLAND WEDDINGS | as | In ol { it was essential near ir and Scheduled For June--Condition O The Crops. Wolie Island, June 20 the month of June, termed roses, well be called t was evidenced by the published in the Churce Heart last Sunday, Mary Firm, of Enterpri McAllister, one of: the island's ing and most enterprising men, the wedding to take place the 29th; Miss Lottie O'Halloran, Charlottetown, Prince Edward Island will wed, on the same date, John Min phy; the young couple will take uj residence on the island. James Tur- of Kingston, will wed one of the 's fairest daughters in the Susie Lafleur. Robert White are ex- on Thursday after the west. h of the Sacréd namely lead pin, island son of Miss Mr. and Mrs, pected home <hott honeymoon spent in At it almost impossible to make a forecast to the pects for an abundant harvest, with occasional showers that are beneficial at this season of the indications are that the grain will be an abundant one rain is much needed meadows are present 18 pros but as veal vest the present. tune I'he hay crops on new making excellent growth and en most places will be very heavy but older meadows are somewhat light. Far mers on the island-are going largely into the growing corn in. eonnec tion with dairying, which is a precaution on their part as it such excellent fodder for the (Cheesy factories are a boon to the farmers and "the who is paying | his mortgage 1s man. who has a large dairy. Spring factory paid one dollar -and ten cents a hundred for milk for May. The largest number which have ever written aut the entrance examination, opens to-morrow, will write year. The class will number Ixaminagtions will be held in C.M.B.A. hall as heretofore but on account of the many pupils writ ing a second room will have to be secured. McReady has posed of his draught team of horses Mrs. Sutherland and her little son, New York, are visiting with her fath Morgan. A church picme, with Trinity church, Andrew's of Wise makes diary great farmer the Shlver COW. which { this sixty George dis er, George in and also connection one in aid of St. Spasmodic Pains in A Conitgon Ailment From Which Many Are Suffering Just Now. TELLS HOW TO CURE. These pains come on very suddenly ahd while they last the pain is excru- ciatingly, severe, 'Sufferers are attack: ed suddenly with a violent pain in and around the chest, extending often to the shoulher and running down to the ends of the fingers. Often the chest is | | ful feelings of suffocation. To remove these pains nothing is | known to act so rapidly as NERVI- LINE. Rub it on the chest, shoulders land other affected parts--rub it in well, and take in hot sweetened water | four times daily about twenty drops of NERVILINE. Follow this very sim- | ple and safe treatment and you'll find | that not an ache or pain in any part of the body will remain. It's the pain-subduing, penetrating yower of Nerviline that makes it | far superior to all other liniments. In | chronic Rheumatism, Sciatica, bago of long standing Nerviline gives i | | lost. i You'll find a [1y medicine like NERVILI | toothac he, earache, stifi neck, colds, | coughs and other simple ills which it | cures so quickly, it should be in every home. Beware i that trys i | of the unscrupulous dealer i to palm off something that pays him a larger profit. on Loetting "NERVILINE™ only. Large 5c. bottles at all dealors. Insist British | have been col- | com- | had er sufferers.' The experience of Mr of thousands of others who have ol i oiten night | he month of brides as number of hanns Miss | se, and James young on of | per- a S0 Arms and Chest 50 | Presbyterian chureh, will be held v's beautiful grove shortly. wife and child, Cao Rev. Cornwall, will spend a month parents, Mr. and Mrs Wil- | with her Mr. Co Yiam ' Bolton Ww nd uw "day Is What Causes Hew ness And Heart Palpitation. On the blood depends the weliare of | the wh ists d blood quickly | then heart ailmen bloc the Pale good, rich blood and thus strength Hanson, car Pills too highly. heada strength and had h 1 feared would lead to consump: i whic Lon {withou suaded 1. did gral "They | health jiams' Pink Pills after other medicines | had failed, in making good blood that these such troubles as anaemia, indiges | cure | tion, 1 neuralgia, distres manho Dr Ont. , £2.50. | lisease 1. ooenpied 1itsby ole boc headaches, palpitation, and other make, themgelves felt is can of People and Hre not pr d tric 1 t. bene to try SO and welped always Iwell, The reverend gentleman rend. 2 market ho is a great favorite n tl teria inl of 80 or the is " 1 1 3 church LACK OF BLOOD. p-- iy is pe eize Wh unknown, »or ar hold bac be Willie They banish wer's aise 1 1zziness a fit, Dr nu bh Ww used these Pills for sev-y months with remarkable me SO strongly recommended them to and strength 1 rheum: n sing od at Hk t is th wtism, ervous Willie 1 a box Dr a ches, Dizzi- are copd blood ex but where the watery body dizziness wd of the kaches, It is serious Good . obtained through Pink Pills for tually, make restore lost disease. Herbert Mids; NB. says Williams troubled with fos ns a was and hacking mber of medicines it was finally pe liam Pink Pills results I il oth much that now Hanson is tha found Wil- through br rough their power heart troubles palpitation and the ills of girlhood and wom Dr. Pale People are sold by medicine or direct by mail from Williams™ Medicine Co, Pink Pills for all dealers ir The Brockville far ims' or six boxes { | | { | | | ) D The Mon lambs for sa | tock during [eattle, lambs and 1,200 fat hous. 'Good eattle] were | beeves per pretty and t per If to 44 33 to Sheep {of fat Ib. Chie beeves ¥1.60 to to X6.25; s marke 87.35 to marke Ss to wester lambs, so much contracted to give very pain | receipts, fed, st to 15c. lower; prime {%7.15; shipping, i chers, ito 06 1 $3.50 to 15; to Veals, receipts, 'and st Lum- |} New Carriages, Cutters, Harness, quick reliei--cures when hope seems | ; : hundred uses for a trus- NE--even for | head, slow, er; to CWes, $5. <7 Don boys' {lerings Ib. Lambs at estimated ¥5.15 $6 heavy, ALLY coat ith si th LIVE STOC Prices treal, and le at yards of the GOO 8 | scarce and high priced, selling and good he com and per $8 ea sold ¢ hogs ago, a 0 bi cows calves, t to $7.50; R7.80 to $8.15; bulk of sales, Sheep, receipts weak, western, $3.70 to $5.90; yearlings, 36 | lambs £5.75 t n, $6 to eady; $5.50 1 to £5. 85; stock heifers, fresh cows steady: others, $58; cady, Hogs, receipts, active; pigs steady; heavy, lambs, mixed jambs, t and 3 $1.60 3 HINT skir pa same 1K Pai PARIS t costume, ssementerie shade. rime " K MARKET. d At Various Centres. June 00 dat the Px this fo ive sto week calves, from not eattle mon the Ih. ch, at to ve s1 ( or R at sok stock about 21 hogs int renoon. ck at th consisted 150 50 sheep anc were offered Ste The of of 2,65 sheep un pram 61 that to to te. to vy choices sold at over at fe. 3 Be fe nall 33 at fron per 1b per i) Good Lo Ne alves sold fe. y De je. 1 3 each sie, per June 2 t to 15; stockers «and and 75 Hogs, receipts estimated at steady $7.95; mixed, $8.15; good pigs, $0.75 to ¥, estimated to to na to $9, Si to cows, $6.50 to sto and $2 1 36 to 11 88 25 I1X.000 < western shade 95 to others, 1.--Catth market 20: receipt steady lexas $4.70 feeders, $3.60 heife $2.40 to 37. 1 steels, ower; £5 Yo $5.15 rough, $7.60 to choi $6.30 $7. 3 ¥ to $3.75 tive, to native, ® to M.20:14, spring | Pe $8.20: East Buffalo, N.Y., June 21 --Cattle ! + NY.» 1 | Dand 3.600 head, slow; good grass | andmuff Cured Tn Two Weeks Or medium and common, steers, $6.80 to 10¢. to $6.75; but- 85: her bulls and feeders, 33.60 Chers springer. <3 £3: lower, head, active ,600 »R.2h. 600 head, fairly to 10e mixed, w to BR: active ¢ Sten ly to 9 others yearling disease 1 they Pink | Pills Charles market teers ww 10,0040) hight, 20; at 17.000, | £4.50 m - " m-- MONTREAL PRODUCE MARKET. Paid For the Products. Montreal, June 22.--The last week end closed prices very firm and the boards alt} over the country sold at froin 11 58e. to Mfc. per. lb. The strength | of the market was entirely due to} the good demand for export, which | was sufficient to encourage the dealers o pay up pretty freely in the coun- try. 1 he demand, however, has fi 4 en off this week, and the British desl | ers do not seem inclined to buy at {anything like the prices current last week, and as a result the opening markets of the week are decidedly | easier, with pri ruling lower than did week ago. At Campbell ford and Stirling on Tuesday "the cheese sold at Hie, and the buyers did not seem to be anxious to -{ the goods even at that price, a por tion of the ofiaings having to be {held over, as the salesmen were not {willing accept: the lower offered, of the buyers were in a position fo make. The trade in Montreal is very lull to-day, and some of the dealers tare talking of cutting prices down in order to bring on the demand from {the other side. It is difficult to say | just what price would be Mkely to at | tract the British trade, but ju ving from the present condition of the market and the feeling of the trade Various i checse | with | | Prices bs a wet to e} olf cough prices | 11dc. being the best bid some | {generally there is no doubt that at {about 113e. per lb. in Montreal | there would be a large number of "buying orders from the other side. | This would be equivalent to about 11ie. to 1liec. in the country, and | the prices paid at the country boards to-day will probably be the ruling | prices for the" week, unless serious | [advices from the other side tend to | alter the present position of affairs. I The make 1s keeping up well, al- hough the actual receipts into Mon- here jt the total respon(ing week this week will hould show an year. There is fmade in the province of Quebec vear, as the factories wherever {sible are making cheese in preference {to butter, a large number of having turned over to cheese making |dming the past two weeks, The shipments last week were as heavy they were during corresponcing week a year ago, «till indicate a very fair amount business passing. The total, how not equal to the receipts intg the, city and as a consequence received durhig thé~ con last year. Receipts be very heavy, incregse over cheese 1 iS last more this not the but as | ever, was a large quantity of cheese has been car ried over in stock, and this doubt having a dampening effect upon | the market. | The market for butter | tive last week and prices were vanced in the country, lat Cowansville selling at as high 23¢. per lb, with St. Hyacinthe and other markets going at 22%c. per Ib The advance was rather overdone, | however, and dealers this week are {not so anxious to buy, with the re sult that prices have reacted, anc: Uw | offerings at the various | throughout the country have {bought up at prices ranging 122 5-6¢. down to o., which lin line with the prices the buyers are willing to pay for fancy {June made creamery. The trade is lalmost entirely for cold storage pur | poses,although there is a httle I mand for éxport, It does | to much, however, the total for week amounting barely which were shipped Irom thi port, and this week's total will amount to a thousand packaged, was very ao ad as - 18 more butter last to boxes, 1 | not Toronto Street Market. Toronto, June Wheat, fall, bush., $1.38 to $1.40; wheat, | per bush., $1.25; oats, per bush., (Ue; per bush., Odc.; rye, 75¢.; peas, per bush. 95c. to hay, per tan, $13 to $15 hay, £3 to $10: straw, per ton, $13; hogs, $10.50 to 311; Ne. to :.; butter, inferior, to 20¢.: dpgs, dozen, 23¢ to - chickens, broiiers, per lb., 3te. to 10c.: chickens, yearlings, per Ib, 14 'Ito 16c.; fowl, per lb., lle. to 13e; { celery, per dozen, 40c.; potatoes, pe 9c. to $1; owmons, per be y to $1.75; apples, per barrel, $3 85; beef, hindquarters, $9.50 to $11; beef, forequarters, $6.50 to $7.50 ., $9 to ' { bec, medium, carcase, #7 to 3K; mut ton, per $10 to ¥12 | prime, per ewt., $9.50 to $11; $14 to $15. cwt school 929 { barley, per 1 1 bush., 97 No dressed dairy } i100" 1 > Y byef, choice, carcase, cewt., per ' Bibby's £2.50, is John Compean sale of boys' suits going on ! sent for two years and six months to penitentiary a Lhis the young man who ¢ MH king's evidence and told the y about the plan and the opera- tion the robbery of Haines' boot and shoe store well as Barry & {Co's general store in Trenton on April last. See Bibby's bovs' clothing snaps. "Five o'clock teas," picnics | clubs. Ice cream. bricks are the cor | rect idea. Sold in Kingston. only at Gibson's Red Cross drug store. 'Phone 230, John Alfred at the family residence, Thurlow sed, in his thirty-first year, was| la son of John Tweedie. was 1s stol of as or turned | 'whole | Tweedie died, on Sun; | {treal last week were a trifle short of | and | being | them no the offerings | markets | been | from | de- | not amount | goose, | butter, | $9.50: | veal, | lamb, | Money Back. i The above is ofhie guarantee G. Ww. | Mahood, the druggist, is offering for | Parisian Sage, the greatest of all hair| restorers. | If have dandruff, take advan | tage of this offer and kill the little ldandrufi germs that will surely steal your hair from you if allowed to con-| tinue to -persistently burrow into the | / hair roots. | Parisian Sage is also guaranteed to! | stop falling hair and itching of thie | isealp { Don't accept druggist Parisian escription of one of the wor id's vatest scientists, and is manufactur led only in this country by Giroux Mig. Co., Buffalo; Na+ and Fort Erie Ont. Parisian Sage is pleasant hair dressing; or asy and it beautiful luxuriant | Price is 50. a bottle, | Mahood, or by express, by Giroux Mig. Co., { } vou | any substitute from any | Sage is the orig- an exhilarating and it is not sticky makes the hair soft and ' from G. W all charges | prepared, Lorie, Unt, "Good for leather Stands the weather" Polo polish is liquid and paste bined. Daub a little on the give it a quick rub, 'and you have a right, lasting shine. And it is good for the leather--Keeps it soft and pliable. , Polo tan ish CLE as shines. coms shoe, NS as well 5 These Grate Bars Mean a Clean Fire and no Coal Wasted. of | There are four gra can be shaken separ the fire is bright, a shake the outside ba the outside dead, If any part of the fire be cleaned el 1 y { needs cleaning, that one without disturbing the live coals or unburnt { in any other part of the five; hake hake, { 1d to «Hecla" Grate Bars ' fire without a poke ashes unnecessaty. are easy save coal and make 1 ) he make smoke Have vou are gong Write sed I ELLIOTT L Tee tee! nd Acadian ccc (50 Pi fedefosfostuafnfenfunfirfeofsfuefenecteefonto joel foloei 7 velo aefeefonfestonforirefonlecfrofonferleetd Ganong's Bitter Sweet G.B. The finest in the city. A.J.REES, 166 Princess St "Phone 58. fofolodetelofe etoile deh 1. iF ot LN Lee Jeedeeieniomionimivivini ive t IS YOUR STOMACH WRONG? LITTLE DIGESTERS will put it right quickly ard surely. fjoney bacl if they do ust cure. or direct from THE COLEMAN MEDICINE CO., At all Druggists. TORONTO CALIFORNIA VALENCI PINEAPPLES, fine and ripe. STRAWBERRIES arriving daily. R. H. Toye, 502 King St. Phone 141 { very | If you haven't fully made up y | year; Fort (2 $100.00 REWARD ERED FOR A DISSATISFIED CUSTOMER WHO HAS ONCE FUEL WOULD NOT BE CLAIMED. s close at hand and it is going to make it a the women folks to have a small range connect- ed up this year. A portable 3 burner stove can be purchased at a reasonable figure at any ot the local dealers. our mind to try gas for cooking this call in at the Office of the Works on Queen Street and we will that it is the' CHEAPEST, CLEANEST, SERVANT in tho Home. C. €. FOLGER, General Manager, IF OFF USED GAS FOR The warm weather i great deal easier for endeavor to comvince you nd MOST CONVENIENT