THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, WEDNESDAY, JUNE. 23, 1909. ls Norwood, but Mrs. Grover will remai THE . ; $3394F342929898899994 | Norwood, but Mss. Grover wills ll A SERIOUS RIOT FITH OF TuE Nzws HEISEI IN The Very Latest Culled From All| ? How To Save Work es ® | Miss Vaughn Avery has returned to de < al Ottawa. Over The World. SL o 5 In The Home § Gold in 3 ior. Hugh Davideot, wEd wat . BR ORANGEMEN AND CATHO-| vouireaior will provide. that port| $7 § WO S C1 als : turned home. | LICS FIGHT IN LIVERPOOL. | vith a floating dock h < » dost of the dust in the modern home hari 3 - 1 M I J ter comes from the floor. It needn't, if | wiiig I Col. and Mrs. Graves, of Ottawa, he ht upton tmpocter hag Ak HAHA p re ther Point inward you would use Floorglaze right. And have. been Mrs, John Mackie's. guests | ol & 5 v : : dust isn't merely a bother forthe house at St. Andrew's manse this week. | Scores of Persons Have Been In- en-months old child was fatal- A : 5 : : 1 a ol 4 pa wife and the maids. It's a danger. | woPPPIIVIPISPVEBSOOO¥Om, MJ. ope. of Ottawa, was here | jured--Sacking of Houses and hh g at Holland, Mich, 'by bes ." . i for the ball. Stores Reported--The Authori-|hat swarmed on har. i M Ge Mack \ } ht 3 \ 1 ! ard to a dry dock S Is g 1 Mrs. Orre Kenzie § > t mo in regi t J Dust spells d-i-s-e-a-s-e. The germs of : I 18Ory lackenzie gave a brigh Miss Marguerite Lavton is staving ties Are Powerless. : - , : o 3 oe all infections dwell, mainly, in floor- |tea, yesterday, for friends of her sis with Mrs. Jol Mackie t St Ar w Montreal or Quebec will be taken 3 x M 4 rv Mrs. John ackie, at St, An-| : i J . D2 A" tull-fiedued Gl Hop. Me. Brode vo he ! dust. Floorglaze reduces floor-dust | ter, Miss Marjery Low Mrs. Charles | jrow s munse Liverpool, June 23. --. full-fledged f until! Hon. M irodeur"s return from | to a minimum, Low made the tea, Miss Jeatrice Mrs. R. K : 3arker, of Toronto, and iriot between Urangemen and Cathohes! England | Tandy cutting ices, and the men there her daughter Mrs Allan Younes of To {is raging in various parts of the city A big hunt was organized bv the | When you coat a floor with any of |helped in passing the refreshments. ronto. will "be here. next week to to-day. Scores of persons have been | farmers of Sweabure Oxford co., to] the ten shades of Floorglaze you [Among those present werd Miss Marie spend a month of six week : I i ros ks LADIES' PATENT COLT BLUCHER, Gibson Tie, $2.00. 1 ¥ Y LADIES' CHOCOLATE KID BLUCHER, thc, me t | injured, including a number of police-| caypyare a lynx or panther in the Gibson Lie, have a floor that is creviceless (can't |Coursol, Miss Gertrude Coutlee, Miss {men and numerous cases of sacking | swamp near the village. They were harbor germs), washable (use an anti- | Muriel anc Miss Edith Hubb yl, Miss . - ¢ ; . - . i a ses and 3 » Conte or | succes 1 i ¢ A Miss Baumgarte nd Miss Ekers |the houses an I stores of the contender | unsuccessfu ; septic in the mop-water), and nearly | Phi] Y oung, Miss Florence Perley who OE > gar! prin 8d, Mise > gon | have been reported. The riot is =o seri-|. Hon. Mr. Landry, the New Bruns- dust-proof. and Miss Marjery Monk, all Ottawa i , y back to Montreal low: that few persons, not actually in-| wick minister oi agriculture, has ar- girls 8 ste Mis Mariovie | ais, me 2 girls; Miss Ede and Miss Marjorie Mr. Eric and Mr. Hamilton Irwin, z : . . | volved in the fighting, have dared to rived in Montreal, to represent the You will get weary watching for it to | Dujge Miss Madge Taylor and Miss who Were here with thel 2. Mrs. |venture upon the streets. A number | Acadians at the --pathering of French- | wear off that floor. Floorglaze stands Jean Scott, Miss May Smythe, Miss A " ere wih pin] sister, Woh of spectators have been injured by | Canadians which is forming a fodera- outdoor wear, even--verandas, porch { Lenore Hamilton and her visitor, Mi 1 an at Ee or oe ays gaey, stray missiles. Owing to' the wide [tion of all-French-Canadian societies. steps, etc. And a gallon covers 500 | Mabed Maybee, of Toronto, Miss Grace She Ore 9 ak 1 Ot- | spread nature of the trouble, and the square feef, Cheap! land Miss Eva Martin, Miss Dora tae +a2se's Mas zone ac ° | peculiar causes leading to it, the au Your dealer has it. You would find our Uldrigve, ies Zelie Barns, Mise Hes Mr. Alan Powell has returned to the | thorities have been practically power Free Book interesting reading. May Mise Mariery Wils Ei ght feapital. : : ps we send you a copy? Ask on a post- | 5 darjery Wilson, of Picton, Miss | Miss Kate Whaley, who has been card, g Imperial Varnish & Color Co., fda Petrie, Miss Madeline Higgins, | bending a few days with Mrs. W. Limited, of Toronto, y (Miss = Marjery Merrick, Miss Lucia Im. " Swellie. Johiison street. has and Miss Kate Smellie, Mis: Edith gone home to Brockville. : Young, Miss Marion Leonard, Napa- Miss Marie Coursol' and Miss Ger a a by A. MITCHELL and H.ince, Miss Jessie McCann, Miss Elsie | trude Coutlee are staving over for ton. Ohm AIM. Hetil Johbers, King Gillies, Carleton Place, Miss Lulu | Mrs, Carruthers' dance to-ni ht : Archibald, Truro, X.S., Miss Winni- - ao. fred Claxton, Miss Helen Gordon, Miss Katie' Workman, Alfred street Don's Risk even a penny--until health returns.} | Miss Hilda Kent, Miss Jean Dufi, Miss leit, to-day, to pay a visit to her aunt And I mean just exactly that. Helen Finkle, Newburgh, Miss Irene in Grimsby. . 1am the one physician who says to the sick, "I} | Swift and her visitor, Miss Gibson, L will, out of my own poeket, pay for your medi-§ | (f ( rananoque, Miss Ev Ric har isi Ly . o x » Miss va Richardson, | nue' is visiting 'a AREY cine if It fails to bring you help! Mr. Kenny, of Napanee, Mr. Austin His Js iting. Mr. and Mrs. Henry And fo 20 years Dr. Shoop's medicines have Polson, in Buffalo. Gillies, Carleton lace, Mr. Garnet Mr 1 M 1 f f ' ite, . ] £ s. W. A. Hargraft, of Grier, Peterboro, Mr. W, Claxton and Winni ; re wre for ollege 6G ete 8 # A | th Mr. Ridout, of Toronto. : Wisi 8, are here lor te vollege clos- | - Mise Mabel Meek, » 7 : : : University avenue, beeh used and recommended in every city and Mrs. John Mackie entertained at and Miss Annie Dunl Unic treet hamlet in America. They are positively stand | ten at St. Andrew's manse vesterdav. 1 or Aan inlop, Hon street, urd in every community --and everywhere |, = isitor 'Mrs. Cg iO Vo left, last night, for Duluth hey Then why pay the cath, and at your risk, for] | ns 8. braves, of Ottawa, went by the G.T.R. route, taking the other unwarranted snd uncertain medicines? | Peing guest of honor Among those | gg Hamonic, at Sarnia, to-day. | Thousands upon thousands have in the past] | present were Mrs. Reiffenstein, of Ot M a he a, 3 i] successfully used Dr. 8hoop's Restorative tawa, 'and Miss Constance Holl M iss Elsie Saunders, of Ottawa, is] > ance atl, Mrs. {expecting her sister, Miss Kathleen | 1 $2.00. AAAI AIAN SUICIDE CLUB AT SCHOOL, THE SAWYER SHOE STORE : ree A AICCCR ISIE Boys Drew Lots To See Who .s Should Die First. 3 Lhe existence of a suicide club has been revealed at the school at Cler- o mont Ferrand in France, where the B it ] G 1 M t lad named Meny, aged fourteen, re u a 0 aso ine 0 ors cently shot himseli in the classroom. I'hree of the boys drew lots to de cile who should kill himself first. The lot fell to Meny, and when he hesitat ed his comrades accused him of cowar dice On the evening before he blew his brains out, they held a rehearsal 2 to 100 Ask For T jof the tragedy, and chalked out or | the classroom floor the place wher H Po ¥ { Meny was to stand when" shooting him orse wer atalogue | self \ list has been found in possession of one of the boys paming those who were either to commit suicide or be put out of the way' because" they : +¥ CAN VISIT ELMIRA. # Word was received from Ottawa, to«day, that the militia department has re- considered its decision and had issued an order per- mitting the 14th Regi- ment, P.W.0. Rifles, of Kingston, to visit Elmira, N.Y., on July 4th and 5th, bearing. arms. Last week, the department refused to permit the 14th to make the trip ,on Yankee Doodle's Day, but has decided to withdraw the refusal. The officers of the 14th will kh 100 ; ui HIN 3 meet at once and see hn : uch aboyt He ul Her Heavy Duty Type. whether it is too late to *% I'en minutes before Meny took his make transportation ar- rang ements. life his neighbor borrowed a watch Columbia Igniters, Remy Magnetos, Rajah and from another boy and said to Meny, #1 "You know that you must kill yvour.| Heinze Spark Plugs, Samson Spark Coils, P. & R. bring them back to health again. But bestof all} | James Third, Mrs, W. K. T. Sm lie, Mrs. W. H ell at twenty minutes past three Storage Batteries, Marine Oil and Grease. they positively take no money risk whatever dl yj. Ww Ii ska + Mra . 34s 5 Wormwith and Miss S | You have now only ten minutes t " . . Thiey know that when health falls to return Dr Po Ne Nicki Ro Yau Piray Gill, Earl street, leave, this week, for| PERSONAL MENTION. [ live Whe 4 he " uttered the aids Sole Agents for Kenyon Boat Tops, Combinations, Shoop will himself gladly pay the druggist for] » % ia ' " 8 eng to ass isi ir O | py . ' i and 3 y Ut test And Shin} test a full 30 day treut- | Knight, Mrs. Alfred Wilson. of Pic oh net n ase ¢" o° y iit th Ni br A | Mov nts Of The People--What | 1h time pas come ; the uohappy Cushions and Life Preserv ers. went is freely granted ton ; Mrs. James Minnes, Mrs. Willi er, the ev, ' Later Miss G eme: lad rose, walked To the spot marke { y : ; illiam " . . OF : H : . 1 1 i wi Nye lon 48 OPE tment. Yinnes, Mess James Lesslie, Mrs. J i Pi her 3 het Ww " ak r | They Are Saying And Doing. In chalk, pla the revolver to his : . t do will ave diay and dimpraintmens, || 3 ons Meso Somes Lose, Mew. Xb nderson.| Campbell Strange was in Lindsay [bead and puled. the trigge HALLIDAY ELECTRIC CO., 345 K : All druggists sell Dr. Shoop's Restorative and i] I RNs > Ni a Ya ar h, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Goodeve, and| a SHpl lf: Strange was in Lindsa Frid path dead boy i ad im oy ing treet LO a Epeamaile phersc o oi Mi Male aulay A TE] Colonel and Mrs. Fred. White, Ottawa, | "Mi a Ellis and Mi Irene | mediately © picked up the revolver emedy, 10! 80 Miss Mae € atl. ir 6 ss Jenwe § and SS ent i v k ) ie 0 + | m---- uthosized an ive the 30 Mrs. Charles Stafford Kirkpatrick, #ftend 4 i gadusting HY their 3 ns | ym 'ormack, Brockville, are in King- | which has not been seen since. a GAR A 1 gropmea line | 10. tenac street, asked a few people at the Toya Hitary College, to-day. Miss Isabel Polson, University ave- FEE HF EEHE i BALE F EFF PELE EAP F IFLA EEX When the Sto- » mach nerves, . > or the Heart or Kidney}| George Monk, of Ottawa : Mrs. J. I @, 1 | Ki 1 nerves fail, thiesesickonesy | Shine, Mrs. Hiram Calvin, Mrs. Wal aunders, of hingston, shortly to know how quicklyDr 2 x ' if spend a couple of weeks with her Nhoop's Re- storative willj | ter Boyd and Mrs. D. D Calvin, Mrs ¥ . . - haveappoint. ston -- ed an honest and responsible druggist inmimost] | to tea vestorday afternoon, to meet | Mrs. Duncan Macpherson also attended | "pill Mic Dorothy Weaver, Ganan-| ™FHROUGH A BRIDGE. hi 3 ed "of Ne Silver, of alia, wn Mion Sar. 05 Cg, xoriten | CC oa 5 spending a fou days wi AL ' y guerite Silve ho « \ { ° r atiun an j58 a0 8 i re stree NBAWAY sre' Ts Tell me also which book you need. ball Iu 1 vor, who came up lor th Dalton came home, on Saturd iy, leay Mrs. C. H. Dainty, Gore street. Runaway Horse Takes a Tumble hé books below will smely open up new and and the closing Mrs. Grover John Smith, a resident of Kinca At Guelph. g Mrs. Daltc an SS ane 4 . helpful ideas to ing M Dalton and Mi Lorrain dine, for the past fifty years, those who aref| Was among the guests - : . Montreal for a day or so Guelph, Ont., June --Only a colli not well. Besides you are perfect. oe oe or | long pr the life of e ly free to consult me just as you N A > : 7 Mr. and Mrs. Ernest. F. Wurtele, Que 1:0PZ Prompent an he lif : n with a telegraph post prevented ' Worle aa Sm Rhy rs. A. P, Knight,. Alice street, boc. and Mr FA Danco: Mop: |S dead. W. H. Beatt I 2 f tk 1 J lan. My advice and the book}| cave a pleasant little party last 1#ght St Ooh yr | sancaster, Lair] Mrs. Webb and granddaughter, : es riggst, ol. Lins a Ys h : atharines » here see the : yr ) cing hurl n awe IR below are yours--and without cost. for Mrs Alfred Wilson, of Picton, |' t at Tare ,. Are Lor o oh err | Laurine Walker. are visiting Mrs 4 rom b ng va d v. ay ho nt Perbaps » word or wo. from me will dens up and Mrs. George Monk. of Ottawa fons graduate at the oya thiary | Donnelly and Mrs. _ over the Vv. trestie bridge near t e lepot nto the river below. : Freed some serious ailment. I have helped thousands | There were (hree tables of bridee, and College lev's Bay thousands by my yAte script Ol ¢ ' 1 11 he collis S i ' i POrsOnad advics DIB My Destaact rsoreirk| there were 'very fow guests besides "- ow : i "Mr. and Mrs. FP Sheldod. Oak Lon bugey in the collision, the Where reason dictates and you'll buy them here. There is all the . Miss Mortimer Atkinson, of Brock wnimal, owned by Mr. La James Scott, those in the large house party » visiting in the eit They are ac i i y i I are visiting in the city. ) 1 Fontaine. bolicd. ok. the. bridze ts | reason in the world for doing so. We have the lowest prices as com- - - - ville, who has been visiung Mrs companied by Mrs. N, Jackson; of : : . : a Ww Mrs. Joseph Power, Svienham Mlajre Share, st Duetiueny i re- | Sunbury. 100f be ame dged in the Jrest jg parison will show. We are in a position to give you the stdongest street, 'made up a pleasant little turne ome yester ay. Mrs iam John Fisher, general . organizer i work, and it rolled over into the ry guarantee for the reatest service What more eax you k ? worth Your simple request. So write now while Shortt, of Brockville, is with her ; r about twenty-five feet below Mr g y ask rf i : : ' arty at whieh bridge and some mus : : you have it fresh in mind, for tomorrow never | I . = : daughter-in law. Beattie, who was thrown out unhurt, comes. Dr. Shoop, Box 12, Racine, Wis. ic were features, and Mrs. George ; : -" {pay a visit to Kingston next week or : . : Which Book Shall I Send You? Grover, of Norwood, the welcome Mrs. Dunbar, of Montreal, will a business trip. vaded into the water, about four feet rices tart at | an un | Ip to $3.50 No.10n Dyspepsia No. 4 For Women guest of honor, last night. probably be with Ns I. R. Hen- |" major and Mrs. J.C. Mack, King. | teen, but the animal could Rot be No.2 Oy the Hears No. 5 For Men - we nip ull the end of t le yeas. 'leav ston, were in Lindsay on Tuesday and | made budge. Fhinking that Its back ~ No.8 Oh the Kidneys No. 6 On Rheumatism Mrs. E. T. Taylor has asked a few Ire. Kenneth Fenwick intends leav- left for Sturgeon Point, where Major | OF neck was broken, it was finally de or: ur est oD Oe€. y people to tea to-day at the com-| M5 to-morrow, if possible, for To- Mack | will inspect the 43th regiment ided to let the animal drown, but ne Nz S---- = mandant's residence, after the closing ronto, but Miss Anita Renwick will] Trppe appeal court 'upheld the de [sooner did it get its head under wa - 5s LUMBA at the Royal Military College, not go up ul next week, . [cision refusing to Flizabeth Longaker, | ter than it revived and struggled out gr Red 00 Cupg Th "i - - Miss Gertrude Whitelead, w ho |New York, the custody of her twi fia worse hor the SSparience oh e1 ar e . An e Mr. and 'Mrs. Clifford R. Horne, 463 | Qat'e tell again, as een paying children, now in the care of the Sis deattie was unhurt, and only the bug "' |8 y ©, Brock stree $ : x fered. d . {NOIAN Remey. Albert street, will be "At Home to i Annie Daly, Br wk street, a vis ters of St. Joseph, at Hamiltor v suffered damag thei friends to-morrow evening from -------------------- cightto ten o'clock. "> - -» the pamnters' union, is expected Ont. Kenneth Carne and wife, of Ot Sufficient Evidence. tawa, 'were visitors in the city, ves I gaturday Evening Post Miss Sauvalle and Miss Gendron, of Ottawa, were guests of Mlle. Couil- lard for the ball Mrs. Francis. Macnee, "St. Law Mrs. Codville and Migs Maud Cod | rence Cottage," will give a small | ville and Miss 'McKiel = were Ottawa ten to-morrow in honor of Mrs. Rod- | visitors at the ball. erick MacKenzie "--- wu. yi Mr. and Mrs. J. Stuart McCann, terday, the guests of his uncle, Capt In an emery the manufacturer of Robert Carnegie Mr. Carnegie is : | Limburger cheese was forced to tse m®mber of the editorial staff of 1 trategy with a shipment. Ordinarily Ottawa Citizen. this product went in special cars, but The friends of Myps. Wallace, wife of in this instance no car was available ' Sergt.-Major Wallace, of the station | and the order must be filled. Two . Mrs. John Bell Carruthers gave a | (Queen strebt, announce the engagement | 5." As 4 rd . 1 : Market ttle toa on Mondav at: "Annandale. dice: daughter. Jessie Tabelle vo hospital, will be ple asd to hear that Sulijred pounds of the fragrang Some : This naturally would be a : . p tr res " 2 * she as 8 far recoverec from her tible was put 1n a rough, oblon X ES Nd . . hen the guests were the visitors in . 8 lillies s ie has S0 : I g Sar » Ti Tu Mam When eu e th » Au tin Bain Hitties, on i ni severe illness as to be removed from | hox and taken to the railwav baggag quiet month with us. « * 's 'g "to An r RYN 4 ie, arlelon tha @meral hospital, and is improy roon I'hen the manufacturer bought Our Motto: "Keep Busy." ' vo . Place : 4 : St. Regis Lumbago Cure, Miss Agnes : MacMorine, Clergy st. f " ww ing every daye :, ticket for himself and 'the hox and Everything reduced. Brigadier Annie Stewart, in charge | ntered"the train At the first stop Crosby, March. 18th, 1909 asked halk dozen Beople to tea yes oh aod Neto F. wi Thompson, Ba: of the woman's social-work = of the | he went alicad to the baggage car to Git ey 3 Our Ambulance for private 3 i nv + sid on | ei 1 here as 0 0 © e' : ' 3 3 1 TIE W. A. SINGLETON CO., - - - tneagement. of - their eldest, duaghicr, Salvation Army, in Toronto, died or that there was no trouble. H VS x aX work. Lighted with electric ; ; \ ' : . . Wellnesday. She was about sixty tood by the box: in a disconsolate oshy, Ont. <. J. B rriithers i ' pu , : ay, t } . ; Crosby, On 1 Mr J. B. Carruther ball Miss Marion Thompson, to Mr. "Claw- years. of 'ngé, © a native of Guelph.) attitude and shaded lis eves, with his lights and Marshall Sanitary i NTLEMEN "I am prepared tol "Annandale" is to-night's event. son Rea, of the Royal bank of Canada Ont., and had come to Winnipeg on |bhand. The baggageman was sym- Mattrass. Call 147. ( x leg go Cure gave prove that St. Regis Lumbago § Son Ds r ) . : me permanent -religl for lame back. 1 am | "» - -s m of the late David Rea the advice of her doctor owing to ¢ | rathetic A relative 7" he asked will do all you recommend There was a dinner at the barracks - - - long spell "of ill-health 'Yes answered the manufacturer 1 know of several of thei), i ,i ht in honor of General Lake. I'he Hon. Thomas and Mrs. Crawford "ip 3 "ny . ped i toed pithy he 1 [ 2 al » bid Foronto, announce the engagement of } 5 : i 1 ilk I Lt ) ve wih AM ES R E I D he Leading 1, a oticed publishe . 5 ' 1's he ) a BUTOa a i SOLUS . J J 1 x rs. | Mrs. Cornelius Bermingham, Barrie] their eldest daughter, Isabel Morton, A : , . tram, was h ay t have one consolation. He's dead. all 5 Undertaker. libérty to use my name in| cireet, has with her Judge O'Reill: to the Rev. 'Howard H. Eaton, of To Ducks, a wl : SIX masied men Hai , wrding the above St. Regi | of Cornwall: Mi and Mrs. George | ronto The marriage will take place in armed Yat ; ine ester ri os t 8 ' Yours truly, ~ O'Reilly, of St. Paul, Minn ; Mrs.:f July, Supposed. ihat they were alter a vax WAM. J. JOHNSTON. | (avanagh, of Toronto, and Mr. Wil uable shipment of silver, but they go Sold by all Druggists, Kingston. l1is O'Connor; of Ottawa, Miss Lilias KILLED AT COBALT. the wrong train doubt the truth of any recom- | Ahearn. of Ottawa, who was up for es mm o If beauty is skin deep the beauty doctors must practice a skin game. 3 | published by The W. A. Singleton i [log 3 sie Sik Ho. lui nny Bunt, Ssbes 12 bss My IINPRY- HAS NO. VOICE, Mrs. A. N. Large and Miss Mar ' 3 : wd . yb June 23.--Henry Davis, aret Large, of Charlottetown, P. E Cobalt, Ont., Jun Henry Davi 1 Y ith Mr Larg daughter, | 8 teamster, was killed, yesterday. at are w 8 Aarge's aug y Ml) : Robert Fraser, West street, They Badger mine. Davis was "assisting in 5. Re ser, sts . : S , repairing a cage when he was caught : ; will remain all summer. : reps Ed Dotoased Wis a. Rative . ~ WHILE YOU WAIT, is not idle GIN Mrs. L. L. Henderson, Bagot street, I Re ious boany aded | S f talk. The Goodyear Repair Outfit | anit son, Spencer, have gone on a thirtv-taor Hi: wife died Rbout" = f ) I recently installed enables me to . ik | shoft visit to Montreal. a ag i all childre ) | 0 work promptly and at less cost than ordinary shoe repairs. You We carry the listed Cobalt Stock on -- .. vear ago, leaving four small children, a . margin deposits ; also New York Stocks, - wi were with Davis. His mother =~ TR ner cent. in getting your work done at 'The House Of Grain, Produce, etc., bought and sold.| Mr. Reuben Spooner and daughter, 10 t tality," Consult us before investing. We always | Margaret, "The &lms,' Glenburnie, have the latest mews from the mining] have gone to spend the summer | Will be sent." Three brothers live fi rr fps. All stock deliveries made prompt-{ 4 v i de ! " . uvloved. in the ' 4 hig telephone or write us your [months with Mr. Spooner's daughter; camp, two of them employed im the orders at our expense, Mrs, Sears, at her cottage, "Fern- (Comagas mine. 4 | ¥ y . . a | eliffe)'! Star Lake, New York. The' Late 38 3 Carnahan a " | i 4 ; { ¢ e 8 he 1 e Mrs, osep arna . : . ). "ye >] > & ( ! Mr. Kenny, of Napanee, 'is the re La a 1 1arc 1C J 40 mest of Mrs. George Young, Univer: | Picton Gazette | ; PHONE, 837. 286 PRINCESS STREET. STOCK DEALERS, sity ave There passed poacelylly away =! der ; fi. : ; Ilead Office, Standard Stock Exchange| "yi.s Lillian Fortier, Ottawa, niece home on the High f nore, Sophias 3 Building, Toronto. i thie late Dr. H. P. Wright, ds the | burgh, June 12th, Amelia Clancy, 9 Office, 208 Ellicott Square, | suest of Mrs. G. A. Robinson, Alired | wife of Joseph Carnahan, at the age Wflalo, N.Y. We have direct wires con-| ¢ 0 of seventy-three years. She was born i i ANT i necting all our offices. Mrs. Silver and Miss Marguerite Sil- | in Newburgh, where she lived until | jn Ww Ww --eeee i vor wore: here from. Halifax for the] she was married. She was converted 2 so at the age of seventeen, and was a a | [ball and other gaieties. i -. Mrs. W. T. Connell, "Queenscote," is | constant member of the Methodist . rand Union Hotel visiting in Spencerville ch yeh shave seer She Nae ily | 2 Small Houses, South of Princess St. between two and . three = - . and peaceful 'and beloved by a who thousand dollars, six or seven rooms, bath, etc. ne of them with Opp: Grand Central Station, New York City Mes. David ibs. Mies Elsie Gil. | knew her. Besides: the sorvowing huis ¥e : i I a Rooms, $1.00 a Day ies, Miss Lulu Archibald, of Truro, band she leaves seven children, ive | bo | : S ITY BROKERAGE ND UPWARD <.S. und Mr. Austin Gillies, are the | daughters and two sons, to mourn | Br th dan TI. uests of Mrs. J. S. R. McCann, ] her loss, Mrs. Sophia Dorland, of | J. 0. HUTTON, J. BR. C. DOBBS, ~ Bend 20 stamp for N.Y. Oity Guide Book and Map f= i 0 Fredericksburg; Mrs. Charles Lake, of | 18 Market St., 41 Clarence Bt. "In : Neil McLeod, of Ottawa, has | Morven; Mrs. Robert Hacket. of Fish | | { 'Phone, 703. Phone, 480a. l town this week Lake: Mrs. Walter Shortt, of Green| 1 heen in tos x week k ! ; : -- . - ! Miss Florence Perley. of Ottawa, is] Point; Mrs, John Cronk, of West | -- " -- " 0h her cousin. Mrs. Robert Suther-| Lake and Henry and Ernest, of} UPSETS. THE VERDICT. route to St. ( atharines. The {ools ne S lent : treet for the Jun Woodville. 5 Be: ------ | went to the bottom of Lake Supdrior jeti Sn 2 i . Nhich Had Gone Against Cana-| with the wreck ol She steamer Mon- " Miss Isabel Polson, University ave At Toronto Georgina Paine pleaded | r . , Roh dian Northersi RR. | ar he 1 he = ithatine Sompanys nue, went up to Bulialo to-day. tv "to theft of a diamond ring] * Foionto. Jue 23~The appeal court] 22 Succersfu in the 4s action. Ji ; | y ea} cot se p We Miss Kathleen Ryan is home at ]and was setguted to twenty Hay $s in | LORD ROSEBERY. this morning allowed .the appeal of appeat cou hockwood + House; from boarding | jail. James Delaney, arrestec with | on : ion Las really come toi this I the Canadian Northern railway: in thet: wo as SARE leade London, June 23. --Writing to thecggstitution has reall : ve a H ¢ ; OTTAWA, WINNIPEG, WASHINGTON, sche in Montreal. : her, as an accessory, pleaded not | : Lo do me Sea Hucous ie the Ca ToT be Wheat Is Flourishing ; ------ : Jessie | and Miss Dorothy [geiley, Tut wag convicted. on ber Hs it a social and politicalbe carried out by a ministry of great | the Jencks Machine company, St.| Winnipeg, June 23.--Crop reports re- . RRR TE Wilson, Oakville, Ont, will be with The Ottawa police department has] ane Nery oa ny Blan ) vical backing. in the commons) Catharines. The railway was sued by | ceived by the C. P. R. are said to be You will .want some @icdme-Made Mince ; 2D I k ; begun rusade rainst the brandv| revolution of the first magnitude. De-numerical backing 1 8 y 5 he be: t in thi SOB. Wheat Moat and here is the pice to get the Mrs, Henry E. Day, Brock street, for 1begun a crusade again mple| claring that, if effected, jt will be with-without the nation having, or ever|the company some time ago for the | the best sent in this season. Bray Be i HE we Te phe Tar) out the participation of the country having had, or hoping to have, a voico| loss of a carload of tools sent from | everywhere almost a Sourishin and daa ak Also, our Pork Sausayxe - containe nearly four per cent. of a J on paix $ hi sbsabeind Sire : : : sr Conk a bok ? re 's i i W ches, aed, bd Pst the Grossing you : need. | \ I c 8 Pare turned to : h 1 he : pe pet he says: "The boasted freedom of ourin the matter before it is decided Kukabeka Falls over the company's in some places is up twenty, inches, hone, 870, N, Je »y ERS, I rwin AONE 18 t eo < Conot. ; lives at Greenview, where the body of A -- QS - MONTREAL TORONTO,