PAGE TWO. A BEAUTIFUL HEAD of hair is a woman's richest treasure. Do not neglect it, let fit become GRAY or FADED. USE Hay's and 1t will be RESTORED to iis NATURAL COLOR and beauty; the scalp will be clean, the hair healthy, glossy and luxuriant-- something to be proud of and to be admired. Then keep it so in the future by its regular use. ' IS NOT A DYE. $1 AND 50c. BOTTLES, AT DRUGGISTS. s Harfina Seap cures Eczema, red, rough and chapped hands, and all skin diseases. Keeps skin fine and soft, 25c, druggists, Send 2. for free books, 'The Care of the ,? "The Careof the Hair." Philo Hay Spee. Co, Newark, N. J. AS. B. McLE e selection just what you larg and at In om want the price you want. > ' GENERAL WAS PLEASED WITH SHOWING OF TROOPS AT BARRIEFIELD. Glad to See a New Rifle Range--A Scheme in Outpost Duties to Be Carried Ont This Afternoon. inspected Camp day and was more than pleased with the good showing made, In the morning he inspected the infantry bri vade, composed of the 16th, 40th, sith and 49th regiments, Ile was greatly pleased with the proficiency and generad appearance of the volun- teer troops. The general stated he was also pleased to see that alter ten years the men were using service ammunition at target practice on a decent rifle range. | In the afternobn the cavalry bri- pmde, the ed, as well as the 9th brigade, Cana- dian Field Artillery, composed of the 5th and Sth field batteries, under Lieut.-Col. Rathbun. The general expressed himself as particularly pleased with the cleanli- ness of camp, as was also, Lieut.-Col. | sone, hon. surgeon to the governor- veneral and director of general medi- Ileal services, Both inspected the field | ambulance corps and found everything in fine order. General Lake left again for Niagara where "he will' infpect" the camp. troops in Everything passed off very quietly at camp on Tuesday, most of the wen PHONE 90. YOURE, T.F. Harrison Co. | Vudor Porch | Shades Keep out the sun, wind and rain Will not warp or shrink. Just the thing to make sitting out comfort- able. ALSO AWNING STRIPE In Blue and White, Red and White and Green and White R. McFaul's Kingston Carpet Warehouse. [OR SA Market Garden With splendid Stone Dwelling and store. Bari outhuild- ings. Garden all planted, 3 acres. ; Cor. Princess St. and Bath Road, A Bargain for A Quick Buyer. and McCann Brock 'Cor. King St. Ed ll rr i ah] | | duty san, A. M. C I'hursday is Vety being busy with inspection. "In the {afternoon the 16th regiment were out cn the Heights skirmishing, and the | 5th field battery were down on the common®. The signalling corps were ssl all over the field and were {all doing fine work, The 40th regiment paraded for mus- at 8:30 o'clock this moruing at the butts and the 4th Hussars pa 'raded at two o'clock for the same purpose at the butts. ketry | The 16th and 40th regiments, and one squadron of the 4th Hussars, pa front of the 47th regi 530 o'clock this af- purpose of carrying raded in mental lined at | ternoon for the out a scheme in outpost duty. I'he ivspector general visited the new | | house at the camp and was | greatly pleased with the new arrange "ments the pumps j working and the tanks filled The wa ter is pumped from two wells, 172 feet {in the ground, by two five horse'power two tanks, each holding The camp used about twenty-four hours, always held in re from the tanks is to fill 'the pump General Lake saw pumps, into | 7.000 gallons. 11,000 gallons every and one tank is I'he water j used for everything, {watering carts for sprinkling the The new plant was installed by Elliott Bros., and is one of the fin- est at any Canadian camp, sufficient |to supply 5,000 men and horses with {good pure water. In previous years "many complaints were lodged about the water, but this year not one mur- {mur has been heard since camp open od, | SOTrVe even roads The track team of the 47th Regi ment are counted on as winners of the sports on Thursday Healey's tent is headquarters Capt to tho gallant 47th. for the Sergt. Charles air, brigade Infantry BE visitors of the 14th sergeant-major Brigade Regiment, is with the 6th On Tuesday afternoon one of the Ross rifles was stolen from the ranges; up to five o'clock, had been recovered. A search was made through the tents 3oth 'officers and men are more than catisfied with the quality of food serv «d them. The men say there never wa any better handed out, and the offi cers say that they receive all they are entitled to. of geod wholesoms food One old soldier, who has been in camp for years, told the Whig that the food improved upon and not some ol could scarcely be food 'do the kicking," said the sol dier The Kilties band, of Kingston, will visit the camp this evening as guests of the officers of the brigade, and 'will play' a programme ol music, Thurs Hus- for Wil offic. for duty Col. BE. Kidd, 4th I'he range medical officer I'hursday is Lieut. C. E. 7th. Veterinary Lieut. Battery C. F. A. medical officer Lieut The day is sars er lor | Cormack, 5th | Major R. A. Helmer, A. A. G, musketry, has arrived in camp and will inspect toglay various regiments at 'musketry practice. | I'ke 47th and 49th regiments, one squadron of the 4th Hussars (to be detailed by 'the O. C. 4th Hussars) THE LATEST CREATION FOR SUMMER WEAR. ALL THE COMFORTS OF A TURN DOWN EFFECT. "Anchor" Brand "Westmount™ 2 for 25e. "tron Frame" Brand "Almonte" 3 for 50c. SOLD BY LEADING FURNISHMERS. Mace sy TOOKE BROS LiMiTED, MONTREAL. MANUFACTURERS OF SHIRTS, COLLARS, NECKWEAR AND IMPORTERS OF MEN'S FURNISHINGS. Major-General Lake, K.CMG., C.B rj Barriefield, on Tues- | ith Hussars, were inspect-] "Only those who are not used to good | Oth artillery | and | one section of the No. 111 Cavalry Field Ambulance, and the Signallers | in camp, are to parade in front of | the 47th. Regimental lines at 5.30 p. Im. to-morrow, for the purpose of car- | rying out & scheme in outpost duties. | Instegetions and orders will be is- | sued by the officer commanding 6th | { Infantry Brigade. Jeckell, R. C. E., staff, 15th Staff Sergt. H. tis attached to the subordinate as foreman of works, from the inst. of the '40th, The unqualified men and 4th Hus | 17th, 49th regiments jsars wil parade at the butts at 8 'a.m. on Thursday. The 16th regiment i will parade at the butts at 9 a.m. the same day. CITY AND VICINITY. Sentenced To Immediate Death. i : ---- A SUGGESTION AS TO HOW | ? TO MEET IT. | Majority of the People Seem. to] --What Concrete Mixers Would Save in Walks. | b | It is suggested that the vexed por-| tico encroachment question be submit- ted to the people. Those whe the vote in favor of allowing a certain dmpunt" of encroachment over . the i street line in cases of improvements to old houses would be overwhelmingly carried, for the commimity's expressed view seems to be that there is no harm in allowing people to improve It happens every time you treat a corn with * "Putnam's --Corn dies-- never returns. Nothing so certain and painless as Putnam's Corn Extractor --try it. Fifty years' success guaran- tees its merit. Nothing Yet Done. Nothing has yet been decided about providing for the loss of the Union street campus, which will be utilized for the two new buildings to be erect- ed at Queen's University. However, the plan is to double the size of the university athletic ground. With a club house built there, the football re- quirements would be met. Purchased Property. Ex-Ald. Samuel Harkness has pur chased three lots, near the corner of Johnson and Toronto streets, from Frederick Burn, who is located in Saskatoon, and another lot from a local party. On the corner lot he will erect a residence at a cst of £4,000. It is stated that there 1s quite a boom in the sale of property in this vicinity Child Fell Off Waggon. of street Thomas was The four-vear-old son O'Connor, lower. Bagot the victim of a serious accident on Monday afternoon. He was hav- ing a drive on a wagon and fell off, before the driver could catch him. A wheel struck the child on the head. When picked up it was found that his head and face were cut and bruised, The little fellow is in a serious con- dition Your Stomach-Warns You. Some organs can get owt of without your knowing it, but not the stomach. Pain,. heartburn, water- brash, belching or a sense of fullness tell the story at Use Day's Dyspepsia Cure at once. It has di gestive, tonic and laxative properties. Each bottle contains sixteen days' treatment. For sale only at Wade's Drug Store order once. Sold For $100. R. Kilburn, of Cape Vincent, and Henry Purcell, Watertown, } as receivers of the A. Booth & Co., fish dealers, sold to Thomas Lynch, Chicago, for 8100, the com- pany's property in this district. A Booth & Co. went into bankruptcy jast summer. Mr. Lynch has bought up claims aggregating some ninety per cent, of the creditors of the com- pany. There was no competition in the bidding. J N.Y, N.Y. Carries Seeley's Bay Brick. The Seeley's Bay Supply and struction company desires to dict the statement that appeared in the Whig on June 14th, to the effect that the steambarge Westport was un loading brick for the piano factory from Washburn: They state that the «teamer has never carried any brick from Washburn to Kingston; that the boat is owned by their company, and that she carries brick made by the Seeley's Bay. Supply and Construction The Whig gladly makes Con- contra | company only the correction Pajd Up Insurance Policy. North American Life Insurance { company offer Mr. deCarle, of Brock- Iville, on a maturing fifteen-yéar. en | dowment policy, $3,928 of paid-up in surance. Mr. deCarle had a risk of | $1,000 carried his life for fifteen {years,~ worth at least $12 a year, | equalling 8180. This, added to the paid-up policy, gives him a return of | 84,108 for .50 paid in W. J. Fair is the district for this company, 'and would be pleas- ed to give full particulars to intending insurers regarding this contract Large The on manager Dancing On The Green. Col. William F. Cody, the original and only Buffalo Bill, and three fine riders from his cowboy staff, will per- form the quadrille. on horseback, with four buxom western girls as one of the numerous divertissments with the Wild West and Far East. It is a very pretty performance. What with the big battle scenes, the infantry and cavalry drills, the "bucking bronchos" musical elephants, the Oriental tacle, and tht skilful shooting of Bui- [falo Bill and Johgny Baker, the Wild West and Far East will afford inter- esting and diverting entertainment. spec- Good And Bad Correspondents. In business life letters are answered daily--hundreds of them. Business men make it a point to never let their cor- respondence get in arrears, usually different. We are all apt to think it is unnecessary to be prompt with social correspondence. It look too businesslike. . Nevertheles-, our social duties should require attention just as promptly and {every household should be in position | to handle social correspondence basily. | Some ladies, particularly, put off an- |swering letters because they do not Ihave a supply of neat stationery, be- | cause they are shy 'on good pens or because their "visiting-cards are unfit [to enclose, or some tFiffling excuse | [here is really no reason for the lack 'excellent writing-materials. Neatness | predominates in all styles Jf modern stationery used -for social purposes. | | THe finest engraved cards, the best] maosiogram stationery, the neatest en-| vélopes, etc., can be had in great var- jety and at modest prices, at the. | pritich Whig office, Bibby's special sale of boys' suits, late | {as neatly as our business affairs, and |, {of good stationery or fine printing or | their premises by erecting porticos a little out on eity property, where the walk is some distance awav from the line of buildings. The only method that could be adopted ¥ further portico encroach- ment is to be allowed would be to treat each block separately, and a by-law would have to be passed mak- ing the city engineer sole arbitrator. A line beyond which no porticos could be erected in this block or that block could be fixed, as applications were received for permission to encroach. Every block would have to be treated separately, as the same scarcely exist on anv two blocks. If the board of works, with the | sanction of the cit eouncil, orders a {couple of concrete mixers for walk { purposes, it will likely be August lst | before they could be got. However, even from that time the city could save %350 on the balance of the walks {to be constructed. Next vegr the sum of %1,200 would be saved on the walks. By using concrete mixers, oy are guaranteed, they do the | work at than half the cost of | mixing h- hand, Ald. Clugston ob- | jects to introducing the mixers if they |do away with labor. Oulv four men would be laid off the concrete walk | construction gangs if the mixers were | instadyeey. It is the old question of displac¢ing manual labor by machinery | Other cities are using the mixers and | if they come up to the guarantee, it lis likely Kingston will fall in line, for { the people will demand cheaper walks if it is passible to build. them | Can Build Cheaper Walks. less | | ---- { Much-Needed Walks. | The cement sidewalk gan is busy on Clergy street walk is being put down between Princess and Queen street, in front of St An- drew's church, and another Princess and Brock streets, which were much needed. Bell Telephone Franchise. The civic finance committee has been called to meet, Thursday afternoon, tg consider the renewal of the Bell Tele- phone company's franchise, concerning which it has been given power to act The committee will renew the franchise on the same cash terms as in force during thw past five years, viz. : S700 a year, but will try and get a few mare telephones for civic purposes at reduced rate. the caretaker's (uarters, under the city dome, and one will shortly be placed there. The franchise will be renewed for another five years. and a new both of | To Meet The New Chief. Ald. Rigney. will call. a meeting of the civic fire committee this week to | meet Chief Armstrong and discuss fire department matters with him. Stuck In The Mire. A serious runaway occurred on the prison road, on Tuescay afternoon. A man, a woman and. a child wers driving a livery horse up the road when amimal took fright and dashed furiously away. The horse turned down Johnston street, throw ing the "pedple out anc injuring the rig. 'The animal only ran a short distance when it became mired and to stop. was forced Not A 'Corn Left. Use Peck's Corn Salve directed and every corn or callous on your feet can removed without trouble or soreness. In big boxes, cents, at Wade's drug store. On Tuesday, Miss Carrie E. Wright, youngest daughter of the late Robert | Wright, died at her mother's residence, | Brockviile, after an illness of consider- lable length. Bibby's are hoys' department. 30 boys' suits they offer. ia "Customers from all over the ity" buv 'Seidlitz Powders at Gibson's Red (Cross drugsstore. Sold in tin boxes there. Phone 230. W.:R. Travers, manager of the Farm- ers'. bank, Toronto, has purchased "Maple Range," the Maitland hgme of 'G. G. Grothier, who has gone to Brockville to reside. Bibby's special sale of at 22.50 is on. as be 15 housecleaning in the See the special $2. bovs' suits | We Have Just Received |" Ning Dozen Special Value But in private and social life it is| might | For Men and Ladies, ranging 0 price from 50c¢ to $5. |Extra Special 1at One Dollar. "THE HAT STORE." Princess St. Favor Allowing Encroachment! conditions between | A 'phone is required in| oH THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, WEDNESDAY, JUNE 23, 1909. v PORTIGD DIFFICULTY 300 Yards White Lawn = On Sale This Week Slightly damaged, worth regularly 15¢, for 10c Yard. = 72 Extra Large Size White Sheets Made of gobd quality sheeting, worth regularly $1. favor | such a method of settlement sav that] Just Received 50 Doz. Ladies' Black Stockings Double heels and toes, worth 20c pair, Special COR MARINE NEWS. Found About Wharves. The schooners Mary Ann Lydon and | Bertha Kalkins cleared for Oswego. The steambarge Navajo arrived at Napanee, from Oswego, with coal Capt. Corkey is in Kingston to-day. There were no arrivals or depar tures reported by the Montreal Trans portation company to-day. There is very little grain moving. As a result of the heavy fog last night, nearly all the vessels due clear, had to tie up for the night They-were able to get away this morn ing. What is the Suits That Do Not Suit. Almost any man would say off-hand that a. tailor-made suit was far bet ter than a ready-made one, but is thi the rule ? It must be remémbered that there are some awfully poor tailors just as there are some awfully poor fabrics. The work of the really high-class tailor is conscientious and artistic but all tailors are not high-class an their work is very often despicable The suits they produce are "made tc measure,"' but nobody with tast would ever believe it. They are ill- [ fitting, poorl® sewn, badly lined with | cheap stuff and are execrably finished | On the contrary, the better grades [of ready-to-wear suits are of fine ma terial, made by competent tailors whe | understand what "style'" means, are fashionably cut and finished with a care and attention to little details which are not visible in the work of the cheap tailor. foo : is far safer 1 if one 'éannot afford | to pay a high-priced tailor to make a classy to get the best grade of | ready-to-wear suits. They fit well and wear well, without losing shape, fond they are infinitely better tailored {and finished than the suits that | made by cheap tailors. This is readily observed in any of { the many dressy men who buy their | suits of Roney & Co., Princess street. | # | B. A. Arrivals. | E. C. CampbeHl and wife, Roche [ter; I. J. Lee, Belleville; Mrs. «-M | Ryan, Newburgh; Mrs. Charles Con 'nelly, Sydenham; FF. H. Judd, New {York: R. :Jehn, W, J. Webster, Mon treal; C. IM. Wartman, I. Gibbard anc wife, Miss Anderson, Napanee; Mis Chalice, Winchester; Capt. John M¢ nay and wife, Cobalty William Gal braithe, Peterboro; J. D. McArthur Brockville; John W. Lawson and wife New York; A. H. Hood, Buffalo: A la. Craige, Cleveland; J. W. Thom son, Chicago; Max Schmidt and wife Elbertield, Ger.; J. A. Coulter, F Horton, Ingersoll; H. M. Sampson W. MacMillan, Edmund Wragge J McDonald, - Toronto: G. R. Johnson | Brockville; S. N. Slivierge, Montreal A. L. Henshaw, Almonte: S Ww Day, Ogdensburg; G. J. Bonton and wife, New York; -W. Mcintosh, Betle | Lille; Dr. H. J. Corrigan and wife New London, Ont: D. 1. Porter, J H. Tromanhauser, Toronto; G. King Cornwall; D, F Gaitlith, Hamilton H. Cameron, Brancon: J. L. McLean | Barriefield; P E. Haynes, Deerfield Mass; Mrs, J. H. Guild, Bellows Fall, Vt, suit, are | Late Rev. Bro. Matthew. Rev. Jrother Matthew, - vice-pre- cident of St. Michael's College, Santa Fe, N.M., died last month. Deceased, whose family name was Arthur Smith, was sixty-five years of age, and was born in Kingston, attended the Chris | tian Brothers' school, where he, in his [fifteenth vear, entered the Novitiate of l{hé Brothers in Montreal, and during | his religious career he taught school in New York and in the old St. Pa- trick's Academy, Santa Fe. He was tat the head of academies or college (at different times in Rochester, N.Y. { Chicago, 1l., Peona, lll, Prairie du {Chien, W New Orleans, La. FEigh- teen vears ago he was sent to Santa | Fe for his = health and in all those {vears he never left the territory. | -- . | In Memory Of A Mariner. | A headstone is to be erected | this week mm Cataraqui cemetery over the Mur- the years | grave of the late Capt. George ray, "who diec a year ago, at t advanced age of eighty-six Capt. Murray was a mariner for over | half a century, and was once weil-to- ldo but lost his savings in various (ways: Two old friends, Joseph Doyle {gndte 'Wiliam Hastings, collected {enough money from the citizens for a headstone and to sod the little grave plot. The late Capt Murray was an upright citizen, '"'as fine a man as ever Kved,"' said one who: knew him, land the heaastone is placed 6ver his {graye in knidly memory Right Styles In Straw Hats. Is what vou get if you buv here. [All prices from 25¢ up, at Campbell Bros., Kingston's hat store { "For the Lime Fruit Cor- | dial, or Nembon's e¢ cream bitcks sold in Kingston only at Gibson's Red Cross drug store. | The girls have to hang on to their cardigan jackets these damp evenings. | ture fruit flavors" dispensed with I Néilson's ice cream at Gibson's Red Cross drug store, Special at 69c. at 15c Pair or Two Pair for 25c. We are still selling Lace Curtains at reduced prices. Note some of the prices $1.25 Line for 98c. $2.25 Line for $1.75. $2.50 Line for $2.00. RIGAN' S. "Summer Neckwear Smart, stylish neckwear just ar. rived in all the very latest Ameri- can designs, in stripes, bars, etc., in thin, narrow four-in-hands, the sorrect thing for the close fitting collar at 25¢. and 50c. 1 GOLD WEDDING . RINGS. Our Wedding Rings are High-Class, both in work- manship and quality and are made in two stylesi The high narrow thick oval is more popular just néw, but we stock the wider thinner models too. We have all sizes up, which makes the choosing easier. SMITH BROS., "JEWELLERS, OPTICIANS, Issuers of Marriage Licenses. 350 King St.' Bows, Strings, in-Hands, etc. Wash Ties Our display of Wash Ties is one Batwing, Four- of the best that has been seen here time. at Rbe. made in some See them , ach. P. J. HUNT, The tie store of the city. a din Bind isin A AAAS AMMAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAN SAVVY VY VV VV VV V VV VV VVT VV VV VV TVET VY VY YY YY YL, Bb eb Ladies' Wash Suits A beautiful array of dainty Wash Suits received to-day. Have Your Furs Made Over and Repaired Now --BY 1. W. F. Gourdicr, Furrier, Brock St. Wash Suits in pretty color- ed stripes, Blue and White; Coat and all Tan shades. also skirt. Extra good fit, Special $5 and $6 Wash athing aps A fresh supply just received. ' Suits, White, with { Polka Spot, very neat, and serviceable. $4.95 White Wash from Lawn and Indian Head, Skirts, made a durable Skirt at a popular Price $1.50 and Up A great White Waists. 75c to $5 Each range of Come and Select Yours, before the pretty pat- terns are gone. McLeod's Drug Store. feasssstsssasesrssesesane dl While in our city take a few minutes to call and examine .the extensive ands beautiful collection of ANTIQUE FURNITURE and OLD FASHIONED ARTICLES, which we are offering at a low cash price or exchange. I will buy any part your home. N ewmahn & Shaw THE ALWAYS BUSY STORE VRPT TVTTLLTVTTLTTL LTA LTTTTLLLLLRLTSS ht hh bride bebe beer tied ebeditebbebdetebei ebe b beeeededeteebebe d or all in Bend post card. L. Lesses, Sts., Twenty years experience fogeth- er with our medical , knowledge en- ables us to select dnd fit Trusses best suited to the many require- ments. . * Princess and Chatham Kingston, Ont. tp teed i ALOALELALLLALLEALELANM Jas. Mullen DEALER Granite and Marble Monuments. Cor. of the best reasonable full line and at We carry a made Trusses prices. Flast ici Knee Stocks are made measurements and giving support Our Sill Caps Anklets and from your guaranteed to fit and comfort 1% we have which Supports Hn In Abdominal a number of styles, Ir to select. Private Office for fitting. 372 Princess St. Opp. Y.M.C.A. Bullding Lettering in Cemeteries a specialty, SH0L46888644848008004004 The woman question hlways has VIII rVEIIIIVIIIVE (hown's Drug Store DRUGGIST AND OPTICIAN. 'Phone, 343, 185 Princess St, been, and probably always 'will be; 060000000000 00.0000000¢ Is my hat on straight 7° 4