[ AN § - Sharpen Your Lawn Mower 20 Times for 35¢. Eureka Sharpener to attach to the cutting blade of any mower; will sharpen all dardes to a keen, even, ac- better than any can do it--and a few minutes, new devies curate edge mechanic done in Corbett's. HARD WOOD SLABS What do you think of Cut Hardwood Slabs, at $2.75 a half cord, delivered to your house ? These slabs were cut at our mill. We have'too many on hand and must move them. Good, thick, sound dry wood S. Anglin & Co. | | Foot Wellington St. | | { | | NE/ANENAE THE WHIG, 76th YEAR street, Kingston, Ontario, at 30 per year, Editions at 2.80 o * a published in parts day morning at $1 a year. States, charge for pos added, making price of Dal Weekly ' $1.50 per year. Attached is oné of the best Job Print- ing O in Canada'; rapid, stylish, and cheap work ; nine improved presses. The British Whig Publishing Co., Ltd. EDW: J: B. PENSE, Managing Director: + TORONTO OFFICE. 19 and 20, Queen City 2 Ohurch 8t., Toronto, representative. Daily Wibig. THE WANT---MORE MONEY. The president of the United States is the initiator of most of the Las y 82 sud of Obam- H. Buite bers, Smallpeice, J. P., great national movements affecting the re- lations as well as finances of the people. He sees plainly that there will have to be more revenue, as the expenditures of the government are growing rapidly and far exceeding at receipts. Last This one present the annual year there was a huge deficit. year there will be another, of | hundred millions of dollars, or more. Mr. Taft's idea is to tax the net incomes of the financial corpgrations. be an obnoxious prifeeding. And of raising regularly and continuously the that is wanted for national The president makes the proposition more plausible by saying it will It will surely invite hostility. yet it seems ta be the only way money purposes. that supervision of the financial in- stitutions in increasing, that the great | that at reason for it is the expectation | at $25,000,000 the disposal of the government, it will be least The matter does not rest with or the United States senate. I'he legislatures of the various states con- gress will have to give their consent, and amend the state law which will en able the central government to move {for an amendment of the konstitution, advantage In DAILY BRITISH WHIG, published at 'hough 806-310 King | changeable and 4 ¢ Lm. i WEEKLY BRITISH WHIG, 16 pages.| on Monday and 'hurs- | To United | matter of plants from which | profits wore derived, it seemed the fit- THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, SATURDAY, JUNE 19, 1909. of control, they better than any conimittces, and as the pioneer in municipal ownership, tho the large hoards were more fortunate municipality in ting thing that Guelph should lead in other directions. Municipal management has been on Montreal it has been In other places indis- ite trial. In scandalously deficient. there have been errors and eretions which are part of the average municipal system. In no city has the business manager been tried, and Guelph, through its board of trade, sees meriy in it of a very high order. How is the change to be secured ? There will have to be a special char- ter, and .the approval of it by the legislature will raise many interesting questions. ------ THE PORTICO QUESTION. The . portico question is an irrita- #wng one. There is a disposition refusé all applications for permission to encroach on the streets because the proceeding is one which sooner or to later will 'lead to trouble. will 'not give any 80 Occupancy one right of possession far as the streets are concerned, but there would eventually, if the encrogchments were and disfigurement as to render the situa- permitted, be such a tresspase tion intolerable, The argument that because an error Eg it a good one. be Why to the trouble bas been committed should not embarrassments, that sooner continued is to the conditions add are causing and must or later demand a remedy ? The neer is not a good one, proposifion of the city «nazi The rental be for general occupation would not collected except with great troulie and expense. The city has had its experience with the building of walks on private accoun, It the accounts piled up until the knows how city is said that the to occurred and when it last sacred | | | amendment this almost | document forty years ago, | had and to do with the inalienable | rights the voter, it will be at Big Suit Sale 25% Off Regular price, $6, $8. $10, $15. £3, $6, $7.50, $12. Sale T Hats Underwear Collars, Etc. :, $1.40 up ith price, Socks Shirts Ties Félescope up ots. and Shoes at reduced I. ZACKS, 271 Princess St. prices, 'acsphoaine Remedy ales the wh makes nev 15, Cures Nert rv Worry, Det 3 issiona, Sper 1/30 or dxcesses > will pleasd, sb gor Laiied k lain pkg rie New pamp Pitot fre | Madicine Co. Vormerin Toronto. BIBBY'S GAB STAND Phone 20l. DAY or NIGHT If-You Want to Bay, Rent or Sell REAL ESTATE 1 make a specialty of TI'rop a card or call on me. trouble to show property. at lowest rates. Money same. No Insur auce to loan, GEO. CLIFF, Ileal Estate valuatior, etc, at "9 Clarence street. Is your coal clean ? Is it anti-clinker ? Does it burn freely ? Do you give full weight ? Will you treat us fairly ? Do you deliver promptly ? We Answer and most emphatically, to all the above questions. Yes! "A trial order will convince you CRAWFORD, 'Fhone, 9, Foot of Queen St. population -is 3,653 © and the ment $1,351,856 Ne Bibby' pecial $15 suits undertaken. FADS IN EDUCATION. | Mrs. Hoodless, of Hamilton, in the ! of the { and as an insert in his book, advo-| | | | + report minister of education, cates the establishment of schools in' s : | which girls may be learned trades. Her argument is that the girls should be considered as well as the boys, and] that provision has 'been made for the! training of the latter. Mrs, attaches too much impoit It does youth for a specific tochnical Hoodless ance to the manual training. not qualify any He occupation. does not learn a! trade. | Moreover, the studies of the manual { training and domestic science classes "The of | have to be more cleaily defined, education department approves them, and gives them encouragement in_liberal grants, but-it does not put the subjects studied in the regular cur, They the usual doubtful results. | | riculum. are "options," and | | with As a consequence, the domestic science and] { manual training classes are not as | large in this city as they ought to be. 1 Classes in the public 'or high schools ave assigned certain days for certain the pupils take or de- There is nothing compulsory about them. The | effect is apparent in the classes, which and | { | | | lessons, { { cline them as they please. are more or less disorganized: Mrs, nection Hoodless worked hard in con- with the domestic science classes and they ave largely what she aimed to make them, while the special of the they oflicer education department. ut have to be improved, and given a better standing by the depart- ment before they can be regarded as a complete success. One thing at at The de appears to time, of the kind, is enough. partment must avoid what | be the fads in education, :D A MUNICIPAL MANAGER WA | its The board of city of Guelph, through trade, has made a remark- able declaration, namely; one in fa- vour of a general commission. This is the only city in Onfario that is the owner and operator of a radial railway from which its carnings $25,000 por are annum, or thirteen per cent. electric the and | works some timo ago and reduced the It purchased gas [cost of one from $1.80 per thousand [ fect to £1, and the other from 12e¢. por | kilo-watt to 10¢; the $34,179 last year. the hydro-electric zon electrically profit on both Guelph is | he ing lin and expects to illuminate the city at 1 60c. per 1,000 watts! I'he 10¢ had been reduced 1,000 gallons, and still last £12,000, walter rates pe Tr vear the profits wore or twelve per cent. rate 1tie which is the lowest, The tax this year, for all pur- is mills on the dollar, on the lowest as- sossment in Canada, and next it will probably be aropped to 10e Ali this success in municipal managemont, and at o, declared for a combination of would , indicate remarkable vit tha board of trade, its recent meetin it A commissions, on public rons {uti ites, with, the central power in the pe n of a ceneral manager { manent pavenient for some of them ? | should get 4contest peakers on the subject saw no } stopped the business, The present occupants of the streets be trespass and acknowledge to up m should to their the erections required agree remove when called to do =O once apparent what the president has | ! NOTES. in EDITORIAL of our--streets are Is there any prospect of per- Some bad shape. 9 The Mail announces a demand for the retirement of Sir Richard Cart- wright. Who makes this demand? Not the liberal govermment or party. The New York sub- stitute Times, as a for the tax on income, pro- poses a stamp tax. The greatest of all nuisances, What makes the Times suggest it? The city council will not contemplate has some It how- a summer vacation while it of the larger issues on hand, down to business, ever, without delay. The toll question will not down at It is put from session to session but will it have to be tackled and disposed of. the county council: away bob will up serencly. Sooner or later is hopeful the province will have free rural mail ce- livery. The postmaster-general that in five years the whole of He cannot be bibing the peo- ple by that kind of talk at present. P The hat manufacturers will have oc- casion to remember the strike and lock-out of their men if the trade, which they disappointed, makes .v damages to the extent of 000 ? \ them $400, out not put The sidewalks were originally so that the people build The object was (1) damize, might the street. less highway to maca- on to have and (2) to for give the people more boulevard lawns and flow- ers, Who would notrghange lis heating appliances if by ti me he could save forty per cent. of fuel? And yet the county council laid over the proposition of Prof. Gill that meant a marked economy in the county's ex- penditure. has riot been such an interest in writing in the pub- lic and separate schools. The prizes of Messrs. Harty 'and Robertson have incentive good the remarkable There in many years proven a special to work. The product of writing will represent a exhibit. Announcement. Just arrived 45 Men's Suits, in 3 lines, 15 suits wach, special at $12; $15 and $18. No euch value ever shown in Kingston beforé. Come be- fore the sizes are picked out. Liv- ingston's. Sunday Trips To The Cape. Leaves 7.30 am. and 2 p.m., return- ing leaves the Cape at 10.55 a.m. and 7 p.m., H0c return. Thomas Henderson, Renfrew, has been appointed treasurer of Renfrew county in succession to Sheriff Mor- ris, resigned. Mr. Henderson has been for many years a brick manu- facturer in Renfrew: His salary for the present year will be $800. See Bibby"s $15 blue suits. Thomas Collins has been appointed assistant superintendent of the Smith's. Falls division of the C.P.R. and the Montreal terminals. Bibby's clothing is elegantly ored. WAS HIS INAGINATION A FEAR OF RABIES CAUSED HIS DEATH. : Brooklyn Policeman Dies Several Months After Being Bitten By Mad Dog. New York, June 19.--Fcar that he would die of rabies, while in fact no symptoms of the disease existed, caused the death of Policeman John H. O'Donnell, of Brooklyn, in a sani- tarium ik. Connecticut, While he was on duty in lower Fulston street early on the morning of September 2lst last, a watchman in a building in course of repair told O'Donnell his dog had goné mad, O'Donnell volun- tecred to attend the animal. It was dark inside and the dog leaped on the policeman, who was bitten on the right hand and left th 0' Donnell was in tho party which finally killed the dog. : 2 ; When the dog's body was dissected in the Willard Parker hospital the animal was declared to have had rabies in the worst form. 0'Donincll was much downecast and he got leave of absonce to go to a sanitarium. On reading of the doaih from rabies oi a man living inn Flatbush last fall \ he became completely unnerved and had to get ahothor leave of absence. He returned to his duty and then worked until May 15th, when it was necessary for him to be relieved again. . « O'Donnell complained at times of pains inf his hands. Specialists declar- ed these' pains imaginary. No other symptoms of the disease could be found, and it is the belief of physicians that he worried himsalf io death. "TWAS A NEW ONE. Ottawa Man Put Down For a New Faith. Canadian Courier, Toronto. There is a literary magnate in Ot- tawa whose views on religious mat- tors are somewhat variable, and, there- fore, he has "moved" from church to church until Anglicans, Proshyterians and Methodists feel doubtful of his ul- timate creed. Finally, the gentleman aecidod to call his convictions by a name new io the general public and the members of his family were duly informed of the latest doctrine. A census expert happened to call at the house a short time after the latest change of heart, and, as the father was at the offic: and the mother was making afternoon calls, the children were interrogated as to certain facts [in connection with the family history. "What church do you go to!" ask; ed he of thé blue documents. "Ve usea to have a pew in St. An- drew's," said a small boy chearfully, "aml before that we went to the Eng- lish church. But now we are--oh, what's the name of it, Susie." Susia looked up rebukingly and said to the census man : "We're Gnostics and we don't need to go to church any more." "Gnosties 1" gasped the weary sta- tistics experd, "that's where I got off. That's a new one on me, all right. I've had Christadelphians and New Jerusalom people, but I've never been up against § Gnostic before." And he left the literary atmosphere, musing, a® ho went, upon the vagaries of the artistic temperament. Have Too Much Money. Montreal Star. The squalid Gould scandal illustrates once more how little money can. buy. The divorce courts do not find their work among the sons and daughters of those who get a fair day's pay for a fair day's work, and who fall in love naturally during the innocent as- sociations of youth and marry with the intention of together making their way in life, *"The gilded forehead' -- whether it be of "the fool" or the wise man--attracts by its glitter a cloud of moths and less harmless in- whose blandishments only a shrewd man can resist. A father can leave a lot of things to his children of more value than a pile of gold. sects An Economical Remedy. Wade's Ointment is put up in large boxes at a small price. It is cheap in the truest sense because you get for the price a large quantity of a most valuable remedy. Wade's Oint- ment cures skin affections that many dollars worth of other remedies would probably not cure. (Cures eczema (salt rheum), scaly or itching eruptions of the skin, pimples, blotches, dandruff, etc. In big boxes, 25¢., at Wade's drug store. Built In Canada. Montreal Gazette. The new steamship Hamonic is ing widely praised as among the staunchest, best equipped and finest on the upper lakes. It was built in a Canadian yard, gand without a gov- ernment subsidy® The latter fact is not the least notable of all that are alluded to. It means that where men of courage and meane are combined big things can be done in Canada on a business basis. » Bonds Selling Well. Toronto News On both sides of the Atlantic Cana- dian municipal bond quotations are regarded favorably. There - has heen a remarkable appreciation in those securities in the course of the past few months. The pléthoric condition of tho money marke! has facilitated their absorption. be- Is Your Skin Scaly ? Anoint with Dr. - Hamilton's Oint- ment--rub it in two or three times daily. No skin food is more perfect-- more soothing--more healing. Just the thing for chaps, sunburn and roughness. Every home should have Dr. Hamilton's Ointment, 50c, at all dealers. Spend Sunday In Watertown. Only $1.65 return, going Saturday or Sunday; returning Sunday or Mon- day. Campbell Bros'. For new snap brim straw hats. that | "Only one store in Kingston" from | sells ice cream bricks, Neilson's, { Toronto, are sold at Gibson's tail | Cross Drug Store. Frank Cooke's office, 346 King. Red THE WHIG'S JUMBLE Tells About a Liot of Things im General Go to Frank Cooke if you want porch curtains or material. R. Davison, Picton, left Thursday for the old country to buy goods. Abbey Salt and Bromo Seltzer and Enos Salt. Buy these at Gibson's Red Cross Drug Store. Fresh there. Mrs. R. Herrington, Picton, came to Kingston with her little boy to to have an operation performed on his ear. "Try maple mint walnut sunda" with Neilson's delicious ice cream, at the fountain in 'Gibson's Red Cross Drug Store. ® Charles Skinkle, Gilead, has pur- chased about fifty acres of land, part of the W. H. R. Allison estate at Al- lisonville. j J Derangement of the liver, with con- stipation, anjures the complexion, in- duce pimples, sallow skin. Remove the cause by using Carters: Little Liver Pills. One a dose. Try them. A very pleasing event took place at Lindsay on June 12th, when Miss Ola Belle Davis, only daughter of Mrs. Adelaide Davis, Napanee, was united in marriage to Robert Earl Vander- water, Sidney township. "Visitors to Kingston" are always pleased to know they can buy Huy- ler"s and McConkey"s delicious sweets. Sol in Kingston only at Gibson's Red Cross Drug Store. A quiet wedding took place on June 14th at the residence of Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Staley, Wellington, when their eldest daughter, Jessie, was united in marriage to Elvin F. Brough, formerly of Picton, now of Sulphide, Tweed. "Only one store in Kingston" can supply' you with strictly high class rweets, Gibson's Red Cross Drug Store. McConkey's and Huyler's and Neilson's sold there. Mrs. Fry, a respected citizen Kast Wellington, died on Friday her daughter's, Mrs Peters'. She leaves two daughters, Mrs. Arnold Dorland, Winnipeg, and Mrs. Peters, She was a member of the Methodist church} Ministers, lawyers, teachers and oth- ers whose occupation gives but little exercise, should use Carter's Little Liver Pills for torpid liver and biliousness, One 4s a dose, Try them. At the graduation cxercises of the Metropolitan Hospital Training School for Nurses, Blackwell's Island, New York, on May 29, Mrs. E. Beatrice Chris of Picton, was awarded the prize for general excellence during the third year of her training, also the Guernsey prize of $50 for general ex- cellence during the three-year term, and also took first honors for general excellence and deportment. Mrs. Cliristie took the prizes during her first gnd second years also for high- est general average in class and prac- tice work. of at CONVENTION FOR KINGSTON. Retail Merchants Will Meet Here Next Year. The Provincial Retail Merchants' Association will hold next year's con- vention, in Kingston. This was de cided upon, at Brockville, yesterday, at the closing This speaks well. for Kingston, when it is stated thal when the matter of a place of meeting was up for discussion, there was not one representative from Kings- ton present. However, the Kingston delegates who were present at Wed- nesday's sossion, extended an invita- tion for the convention to be held in the old Limestone City, and they suc- ceeded in winning over the convention. Toronto, Hamilton, Peterboro and Lindshy made a very strong bid for the honor, but it was a case of Kings- ton first. The city will be glad to wel- come puch a convention, and retail merchants are more than pleased at the result. It is expected that next vear's meeting will be attended by far niore delegates than this year. session, Mind Its Own Business. A citizen writes as follows : "Our aty light, heat and power committee is" Wnkering with a street railway matter with which it has no concern. What has sit to do with the com- pany's offer to sell the road? :No- thing at all, and yet it dilly-dallies with it. Its business is the manu- facture and sale of power and light. Let it quote the cost price of manu- facture to the street railway com- pany, and be done with the matter. The finance committee of the council is the body to deal with the' offer to sell the road. The light, heat and power committee should have sense enough to mind its own business and send the purchase question on to the quarter to which it belongs, The two ex-mayors on the light committee ought to know by this time the difference between an ice waggon and a doctor ?"' Pugsley After Hazen. Ottawa Iree Press. Hon. William Pugsley, having waited for months for the Hazen goverament to takeraetion upon the report of the Central Railway Commission, has now set the law in force in his own behalf. There are always two sides to a case. Mr. Pugsley's side will now go on the judicial records of New Brunswick. 13c. Bacon, Bacon 13c. Rolls or half rolls bacon, 13c. J Crawford's. A girl's love for candy doesn't ne- cessarily indicate a sweet disposition. "Consumption 1s nfctions" Every Precaution Should Be Taken to Prevent its Spread. Persons coming into contact with consumptives should inhale Catarrh- ozone several times each day, 'as it is a powerful destroyer' of disease germs, and renders them inocuous. Catarrh- ozone is a most efficient preventive and may be relied upon to promote expectoration, soothe the cough, and benefit in many ways too numerous to mention. Both from a medical and] a scientific point of view, Catarrh- ozone is the most valuable addition to the armament mgainst consumption. Its merits cannot be highly applauded and we advise any of our readers troubled with cough, bronchitis, throat weakness, catarrh, ete., 10 use YOUNG MEN'S SUITS New Arrivals To-Day. Young Fellows, who appreciate the Swell thing in Suits, can fill their mind's eye exactly if they'll take a look" at our new $18 Harv- ard Suits. Choice new fabrics, erect lapels, non-sagging fronts, trousers that refuse to bag--every detail is just right and the suits ave very hand: some without being priced too high. Other lines, $12.50, $15. L Headquarters for Men's Fine Underwear: See our French Balbriggan full-length or - half-lengths, short or long sleeves, color, tan and white, or brown, b0c, a garment. Athletic Underwear, Hie, Boating and Outing Shirts, reversible 50c., The., 81, 81.25. a s Leather Belts, all sizes, new colors, latest styles, be., 75c., $1. New Collars 25¢. Fancy Hosiery 50¢. New Straws, H0c., $1, $1.50, $2. The H. DD. Bibby Co Kingston's Only One Price Store. a garment, soft collans, new shades, §* 2 for 2b¢., Ibe. reef fleofeoinoieet Hreiddei Our Canadian Factory The great demand in this country for the Gillette Safety Razor made a Canadian factory imperative. Gillette Razors and Blades are now made in the largest and most up-to-date plant in the Dominion that is devoted exclusively to the manufacture of safety razors. The steadily increasing sales show how well the Canadian-made "GILLETTE" Razors and Blades are living up to the "Gillette" world-wide reputation, Standard sets, $5--for sale everywhere. Vou can examine the "GILLETTE" at your favorite Jewelry, Drug, Hardware, Cutlery, Sporting Goods or Depart- mental Store. THE GILLETTE SAFETY RAZOR CO. of Canada Limited Office and Factory, 63 ST. ALEXANDER ST. MONTREAL. 68 From the Rising to the Setting Sun, For Years past And Years to come, As EDDY"S WARES There are no Wares will wear have done. Always Everywhere in Canada ASK FOR EDDY'S MA { Catarrhozone frequently. |