Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 18 Jun 1909, p. 8

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- p---- A ---------- PACE TIGHT. ARAVELLING, KINGSTONS [PEMBROKE RAILWAY IN CONNECTION WITH Canadian Pacific' Railway Dominion Day Round Trip Tickets will be sold at 4 FIRST Single iis: Fare d July 1st. « June 30th, an iood going Jun 1909, Good for re'urn until July 2nd, Next Homeseekers' Excursions June 15th, 10th, 24th ; 29th ; will Sept July qth, Tickets good for leuve on 18th, 27; Aug. 21st. #0 days, K. & P. and © Full particulars at i street, HH. Ticket office, Ontario i ONW AY, Gen. Pass. Agent. non ete -------- Pr. ¥. | BAY OF QUINTE RAILWAY. station, Ontario (Sunday excepted) Napanee, Deser- all points north. Frain leaves union , pau. daily for ad Sydenham, onto, Bacnockburn and To secure guitk despatch to Bannock- burn, Maynooth, and points on Central EXPERIENCE DUNLOP LOTTE [RL To Be Dyspeptic Is To Be Miserable. , route your shipments via Bay autores 'Ratiway. For further particu- jars, apply R. Wi DICKSON, fPhone, No. 8. Rootes Steamship Soma LIMITED. EE River & Gulf of St. Lawrence Summer Cruises in Cool Latitudes | cant Twin Screw Iron BS, "Campana," with electric lights, electric bells and all modern comfor BAILS F ROM MONTREAL ON MON- p.m., 21st June, 5th DAYS, at 4 and 19th july, 2nd, 16th and 30th, August and 138th September, for Pictou, Ng calling at Quebec, Gaspe, Mal Bay, Perce, Grand River, Summe side, P.E.IL and Oharlottetown, P.E.I NEW YORK FROM QUIBEC Saguenay, Halifax, from | | River an salls 138th Via the calling at far-famed Churloltetown &.8. Trinidad, 2,600 tons, Quebec 16th and 80th July, 87th August, at § p.m. BERMUDA $20 to $430, 2,600 tons, and and Summer FE: xcursions, 8.8. 'Trinidad,' June, at 10 "Bermudian,"' 17th and 28th July, and every 10 days thereafter from New York. Temperature cooled by sea bree; seldom rises above 80 degrees. 'I'he finest trips of the season for health and comfort. ARTHUR AHERN, Secretary, Yor tickets and staterooms apply J. P. HANLEY, or C. 8S, KIREPAT- RICK, Ticket Agents; Kingston, Ont. RAILWAY [BLUM ISLE SS DOMINION DAY ies July 1st, 1900 at good June a.m. 5,500 tons, at 11 th, trip tickets will he issued FIRST-CLASS FARE antl Thursday, returning Round SINGLE going Wednesday Joth and « pols, RAINS 1 and 4. Homeseekers' Excursions To the Canadian North-West, Mani- toba, Saskatchewan and Alberta. 'Low round-trip second-class tickets will be ' jusued via Chicago, North Bay or Sud- bury, on followilg dates: June 1st, 15th, 20th'; July 18th, 27th; Aug. 10th, 2441 ; Sept. Tth, S1st. Good to return within 60 days from polng date. ALASKA YUKON PACIFIC EXPOSITION Seattle, Wash., June 1st te Oct. 16th, 1909. Special round trip tickets pale daily, May 20th to Sept. 380th, good returning on or before Oct. 31st. For full particulars, J, P. HANLEY, 'Agent, Corner Johnson and Ontario Sts. BE VALID ON v Lake Ontario & Bay of Quinte Steamboat Co., Limited. STR. "NORTH KING" 1000 Islands-- Kingston-- Rochester. May 80th, Steamer leaves Alexandria Bay and on Sunda®s. for Iloches- of Quinte Commencin, for 1000 Islands, Gananoque, at 10.15 A.M, Returning leaves at 5 P. M., ter, N.Y. calling at Bay Ports. ------------ ALETHA--Leaves for Bay of 8 STR. ) Ports at P.M, dally ex.ept Quinte Sunday. -------------------- Full information from 1. 1. HORSEY, J: P. HANLEY, . General Manager, O. S. KIRKPATRICK, Kingston. Agents, Kingston. The People's Line. (CAPT. HAMMOND.) Wharf," Foot Clarence St. The Scenic Route to Gananogue, leav- ing Kingston daily, (Sunday . excepted.) Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays, at 4 p.m. Tuesdays, Thursdays and Satur days, at 3.10 p.m. Calling north side of Howe Island. Steamer open for Pic- nice and Private Parties. For informa- tion, apply to Purser, OC, BE. Birch, on beard Steamer. T0 KINGSTON MILLS, Wednesdavs and Fridays. leave ston, 10.30 a.m. Fare, 150; return Thousand Island and St. Lawrence | River Steamboat Companies In connection with the New York | Centra) and Hudson River R. R. Co: Mondays Kir Ieave Kingston daily, except Sunday, 5.00 am. and 2.00 pm. Leave Kingston, Sunday, 7. mod 2.00 p.m. Making direct connections Vincent to and from all th 78 York State. Through sleeper Cape cent to New York. Week end round trip rate, Kingston ") Watertown, good going Saturday w Sunday, returning Monday $1.6 For excursions to Brockville and Ogdensturg and the Thousand Islands, local advertisements. 30 am. Cape New ee Bad as divorcee may be, it is heaven to the woman who has thus been rid of a brute husband.) Aewine 1 | by | Twin | a.m., | Str. Stranger |: o | Border, c. | fs the malady of elvilized life. It is largely due to gros ovine frus inde gouce in stimulants and over-taxing the | ommach with. indigestible food, eating too | rapidly without ehewing the food suffici- | ently, indulging in bot biscuits, pastry, pickles, confectionery, ote. , headache, heartburn, sour | on ing, belching of | wind, fsintness, and fullness and disten- tion of the stomach are a few of the many distressing symptoms of the poor, weary dyspeptic. Burdock Blood Bitters. regu- lates the stomach, stimulates the secretion | o of the saliva and gastric juice to facilitate | digestion, removes acidity, purifies the | blood, and tones up the system to full | health and vigus, and thereby cures dys. pepsia and all ite tributary diseases. Mr. Amos Bawler, Gold River, NB, writes:-- "1 was greatly troubled with dyspepsia, and after trying stweral doctors to no effect, 1 commenced taking Burdook Blood Bitters and I think it is the best medicine there 1a for thet complaint." For Sale ai all Deuggiste and Dealess NEW SCIENTIFIC PROCESS. Quebec. | to | A Preparation Discovered That Will Destroy the Dandruff Germ For time it has been Known that dandruff is caused By a gegn that digs np the scalp into little white flakes, and hy sapping the vitality of the hair at the causes falling hair, and, of finally baldness, IFor vears there been all kinds of hair stimulants and sealp tonics on the market, put there has been no permanent cure for dandrufi until the discovery of a preparation called New- bro's. Herpiciede, which. destroys. the dandruff germ. Destroy the the effect will to exist. , Kill the dandrufi germ and you'll have no dandruff, no itching scalp, no falling hair. Sold by all leading druggists, Send 10¢ in stamps for sample to, the Herpicide C'o.. Detroit,. Mich. £1.00 bottle guaranteed. Geo. Mahood, special agent. some root, course, have cause, cease Ww. A Wonderful Invigorator is VITOL It enriches the blood and will cure RHEUMATISM where' everythin § else has failed. 50¢. a box, or six For for 82.50. sale by BEST'S Drug Store. M. P. KEYS Antiseptic Barber Shop Hair Dressing and Shaving Parlor, Three Chair. Quick Service. Your pat- ronage solicited. 336 King Street Next door to Wade's Drug Store. Wm. Murray Auctioneer '27 BROCK ST. New Carriages, Cutters, Harness, Sale of Horses every Saturday. FLORIST. RII * Cleaning & Pressing Goofls called for and delivered. % JAMES CAMPBELL, Tailor 3 109 Brock Street. HRRERR IRR ele ee A --l ee eb eet Wall Paper Ceiling and Side Wall, 1 | same price, at FRASER'S, 78 William St To CONTRACTORS & BUILDERS | {Tne Perfect Brick & Tile Co., Wash. burn, Ont. | PAISLEY & CHISHOLM, Lessees| | Are ready to contract for immediate | delivery. Brick that will stand inspec- | Hon at reasonable rates. Capacity of | | plant 60,000 daily. bo "FOR SALE | Clicap, Summer Wood. Drury's Coal and Wood Yard, M. Wellington street: fFhone, 443A. Jom | WAH LONG'S LAUNDRY REMOVED From 78 Olarence St., to 155 Welle ington St; between Brock and Clarence Sts. Best laund fe the city. Goods called for and delivered. & NEWS OF NEIGHBORS -- | drawing cxx samy sarmse wate FRIDAY, JUNE 18, 1209. -- WHAT WHIG CORRESPOND ENTS TELL US The Tidings From Various Points in Fastern Ontario--What | People Are Doing And What They Are Saying. Morven Matters. Morven, Jane 17.---Mr, and Mrs. John Balmteer were the guests of D. R. Hicks last week. We are having fine growing weather. The crops are looking fine. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Fralick, Napanee, werc the guests of John Fralick last week. J, Frink is improving his place by putting up a new barn. A Big Improvement. Oso Station. June 16.--The much- needed rain cand on Sunday last, which has improved the pastures and crops greatly. A number of men have heen erecting the wires on the tele phono poles this last few days. Our pathmaster has completed his road work. A number of our young men are attending military camp at King- ston. Mr. Thomlinson is erecting a porch over our schoolhouse, which makes a big improvement. Robert Larmon has started drawing milk to the factory. Mr. and Mrs. John Me- Pherson visited at Alexander Eng- land's on Sunday last. A wee girl has come to stay .at the home of John Gl. Burke. Toledo News. Toledo, June 15.--Rev. H. H, Hillis, of Montreal, is spending a few days at his home here. Miss Bertha Sadler, of Smith's Falls, was, home over Sun day. Miss Douclon, of Redan, was a guest of Mrs. Brigginshard on Sat- urday and Sunday. Miss Viola Edgar, was united in marriage to Rev. Hilli- ard Jones. of Lakefield, Ont., on Wed- nesday, 9th inst, by Rev. N. Beck stedtt, E. Williams, Winnipeg, was a guest in the village for a few days lowest week, Miss 'M. Mackay, Smith's Falls, attended the Edgar-Jones wed- ding. Mrs. C: A. Wood. Jr., and Mrs. Lehigh were in Brockville on Friday last. Dr. Lilie was in Toledo on Ihursday and Friday. Miss L. Lock: wood was united in marriage to Oscar MacDonald, of Portland, on June 16th, by Rev. Mr. Henderson. Rev. Father Staley, Brockville, was in Toledo on Wednesday. Come From Chicago. Bloomfield, June 16.--John Jones and wife, Brighton, visited over Sun- day at their daughter's, Mrs. J. M. Branscombe. Mrs. Canifi H aight gave an. 'At Home" to her lady friends on Wednesday afternoon. 8S. E. Mastin is in Toronto. H. Y. Cooper is buildipg a cement wall along the water course adjoining his mill. The corporation of Bloomfield is building a new cement walk over the creek at Cooper's mill, Ernest Cooper and wife, Chicago, are at R. J. Way's, to spend the summer. The baseball match between Picton and the home team played here last Thurs day, resulted in a vietory for the vis- iting team. Miss Florence Saylor went to Toronto, this week, to attend ex- aminations at the Conservatory of Music. Mrs. Jonathan Talcott and Isaac Wilson and wife are attending Friends' vearly meeting in Western Ontario. Gerard Jinks, who has heen away for months, returned home last week. Rain is very much needed for grain and meadows. Sev- eral cases of scarlet fever have broken out and Hallowell school has been closed severa; Will Be Lots Of Hay. Piccadilly, June 17.--The shower rain which came last Sunday was great help to overything. It is ported a good crop of hay will. be this ycar. Some of the members of the L.O.L. attended the county meet- ing at Harrowsmith this week. Mr. and Mrs. S. Wells have returned home afier visiting Detroit, Toronto and other places. Frederick [druesdale was relieving at the ~ station during. Mr. Wells' absence. Miss: Aunie Cavan Jeaves this week for tho United States! Miss Jennie Scales is improving after her illness. Mr. Haney's family is enjoying their automobile trips. Mrs. E. Walker and daughter, Oreta, have returned to Mississippi, after spending a week hove. Sperry Harper, Brown ville, N.Y., is spending a few days with his parents, Mrs. H. Dowsley, Sydenham, is getting up a music class, Mr. and Mrs. Bird and Master Russell have returned to Kingston af- { fer visitinx relations. Mrs. Ww Car- roll is attending I'ree Methodist camp meeting at Picton. Mrs. D. Leslie had a bad attack of hlood poisoning. Ow soldier boys are geting ready to go down with the volunteers. Mr. and Mrs. F. Leslie entertained Nr. and Mrs. Wylie, Saturday "aight.. Our school teacher, Miss A. Hamilton, is to learh at the vacation. She intends wes. Miss Maggie Loclie was the guest of Miss Gertie Beattie "om Sunday. Mrs. H. Dowsley spent Sum at S. Walls', of a re- going day Lansdowne News Budget. June 17.--Miss Dell, high school teacher, received a telegram, on Tuesday night, summoning her to her { home, in Thorold, Ont,, on account of the dangerous illness of her father. | She leit at once. Mr. and Mrs. John | Shields and daughter left, on Tuesday. | to spend the summer at their cottage lat Ivy Lea. Thomas McNamee, butch- {er, has purchased a motor boat from' i James Keating, and will use it for de: Hivering meat upon the river. About {forty from here patronized the St. James' church, Kingston, excursion to | Ottawa, on Wednesday. Miss Myrtle Johnston, mivse-in-training, at Brock- | ville general hospital, made her par- ents a flying visit on Monday. The | Presbyterians are having a bee by earth and stone to improve tthe church grounds. Mrs. Rebecca Burns lias been on the sick list for | several days, but is much better now. | Mrs Bigiord and party, who have bee n camping sat T. J. Darling's cot- | tage for the last ten days, have re | turned home. Mr. and Mrs. Pritchard, { Cobalt, and Mr. and Mrs. D. Stunden, | Gananoque, visited Mr. and Mrs Thomas Gibbert, on Sunday last. Miss Mildred Johnston has gone to spend a couple of weeks with her cousin, Miss Gertrude Johnston, of Oak Leaf. Mrs. Lansdowne, | i Builis, and her duughter. Mrs. AE quire, of Ay , Were summoned 10 her beddide. Miss Pat , of Kings- ton, is nursing ker. W. Frew apd F. W. McConnell déave, to-night, to attend 1.O.0.F. lodge in Kington. HERALD. / DAILY HINT FROM PARIS. Cerise Cloth Evening Wrap, with heavy Silk Cerise Braid. WOLFE ISLAND "NEWS. Oarsmen Are Kicking Over Paying a License. Wol'e Island, 'June held. on 'Thursday "evening by Pryner and "Miss Nellie Briggs was a success, 'The steamer Wolke Islander made a special trip on that evening. Liss Jennie McArthy, of Rochester, a trained nurse, is siting her sister, Mrs. A. Staley. William Hawkins has been engaged by Mr. McCallusin again this year 10 act as eaptain of his .yacht. "Mae McDonald has erected a new Kitchen to Mr. Lang: ham's cottage at the head of the is- land. : Miss Nellie Murphy has hou aht Mas. P. Doyle's hause, at the vil lage, where Willinim Hawkins lives. Quite a number from here attended the picnic at the foot of the island on Wednesday. The Foot boys de- feated the: Sand Bay boys in a game of baseball that. afternoon. Mr. Hough's team, knawn as the Pas- times, are scoring quite a name for thémselves inthe Island League. Mr. and Mrs. PP. Welsh, of Queen ' street, kingston, spent Sunday on the is: land wisiting friends. Mrs. Mclntyre, of . Rochester, is visiting her sisters, the Misses Coyle. Michael Johnston has sold a fine driving horse to I Conley, of Cold Springs. The oarsmen of 'the-island are com- plaining this year at having to pay a license 2. They will Tikely ask for more wages, which will be no- thing but right There is quite a number of horse buyers around this year and the ix land's good horses are in great ce mand. Dr. Watts, of Oswego, has been home visiting his mother. D. J. Dawson and family have moved to their summer home at the village, Daniel McLaren has sold his fine young stallion to John Carson, of Kingston, for a handsome figure, 16.--The dance rs. . What Thieves Won't Steal. The last thing the woman did before leaving' the flat was to put four rings in the clock omni the mantel thieves 'won't get them" she said. "1 should think that would be sim- ply inviting thieves to rin away with them," 'said Her friend. "That a handsome clack, and thieves like hand- some clocks." "They do," said the woman, they never. will steal this clock. it ticks too loud, No 'Wise thief will run away with a clock that goes like a threshing madchite, It isn't the alarm about his person that he is afraid ol, for he can stop the clock, but the oc cupants of the flat are likely to vet before he gets safely away, and if a lond ticking 'clock is gone thiy will miss it the minute they step inside the door and maybe give him a hot chade for lis plunder.' : "Ro is Taken Literally. London Strand Magazine. Wishing some bushes removed [rom his garden, a gentleman instructed his gardener to pull them up by the roots. Some time afterward he went into the garden and found the gardener dig- ging trenches round the bushes. "Why, he said, "you wust not dig round those small bushes in that way. I am sure you are strong enough to pull them up by the roots." "Oh, yes, sir," replied the gardener; "I'm strong enough, but | must dig a little: before 1 can' get hold of the roots. Hf you'd told me to' pull them up by the "branches I could, of course, onadly have removed them without dig~ ging \ \ George, omachs Made Over. Indigestic and dyspepsia arise al most entirell from a week, relaxed condition of the stomach and from a defivieney of . digestive fluids. Day's Dyspepsia Cure meds apd overcomes these troubles hy prowgjnly restoring the strength and tone ol\the stomach and by stimulating a normal flow of gastric fluids. Each botile contains sixteen days' treatment. For. sale only at Wade's drug store. Kept Him Busy. "Did you do much sightseeing when you went abroad 7" "No," answered Mr. Cumrox. '"'Moth- er and «the girls did" the sightseeing. 1 had to put in my time finding the places, where they cash, letters of cred it Man Killed Twice. An English paper is responsible for stating that a man "was overtaken by a passenger train apd killed. He was injured ing simifer way about three years ago,' 3 After a girl gets to be about so old she gives up theddea. of a career and puts mn twenty-four honrs a day Bullis is improving. Her son, Charles seeking a husband, "but | HHHANN 3 3 IF vening. Slippers; Satin Slippers in Blue, White, Mauve, . Pink and Yellow, $3.00. Watered Silk Slippers in Yellow and Blue, $2.50. White Kid, 1 and 2 strap, $15 50 and 2.00. These Are All New Styles Just >) THE SAWYER SHOE STORE : HEE FERRER ERE REE dm a-- -- Saleof Hat Racks Hat Racks in Elm, golden finish only $4.50, Hat Rack in Oak, golden finish, $6.50. Polish Qt. Oak, golden finish, bevel glass, $8.50. Others from $12.00 to 35.00. Hall Scat, solid oak, $5.00 Hall Mirrors from $3.00 to 25.00. The best values ever offered. ROBERT J. REID, 230 Princess St. 6c. A GALLON "Put in Your Tank at Our Dock. Garage Selby { & Youlden, | Ltd. 'Ontario St. International Portland Adamant Wall Plaster Guelph and Renfrew Lime AT P. Walsh's, Coal and Wood Yard, Barrack St. nition Dysames, Storage Bali, Spa Pigs, Cabanon, Fc TRY OUR DRY BATTERIES. FASASHHIHIICIIGOR ACER Sof + Telephone 577. Increase Your Efficiency Head of Queen Street. Canada's Leading Business School . Duy and of Tithe Classes. T rg, Hook- Special fn- | ie pupils. a "ai WHILE YOU WAIT, is not idle Made to Measure SHOES Aways Modish talk. The Goodyear Repair Outfit 0 EP G: recently installed enables me to do work promptly and at less cost than ordinary shoe repairs. You ners 15 per cent. in getting your work done at *"The House Of A. E. Herod, 'PHONE, 837. "Absolutely Pure" 'Ice Cream Any flavor. Any hour. 60c. per quarts 288 Princess St. Phone 845. 286 PRINCESS STREET. Harry Webb Company High-Class Cakes Price's for Saturday ! : ¥ AT { Automobiles A.J.REES, 166 Princess St To Rent. 'Phone 58 Terms Reasonable. wlefeeferfeilen] ofl outer Always Open. Ww. Jd. Moore & Son, "Phones--Garage, 815a. Residence, 815b. III HIGHEST GRADES GASOLINE, GOAL OIL, LUERICATING OILS, FLOOR OIL, : GREASE, ETC. PROMPT DELIVERY. WwW. F. KELLY Toye's Building, Clarence and Ontario Streets. Sejeteied Buy Your Boys Shoes There is all tie reason in the world for doing so. We have the lowest prices as com- Where reason dictates and you'll buy them here. | parison will show. We are in a position to give you the strongest guarantee for the greatest service, What more can you ask ? Prices Start at $1 and Run Up to $3.50 for Our Best Shoe. Reid & Charles. NOW IS THE TIME FOR'VERANDAH & LAWN FURNITURE Large, comfortable Cane- Seated | Arm Chairs and Rockers, in green shade, only $2.50. Slat Settees and Rustic Benches and Rush Seat Chairs. Folding,Camp Chairsiand Camp Cots. Launch Chairs and Boat Seats. JAMES REID, The Leading Undertaker : I will buy any Part, or Ml in ry your home. Send REAL ESTATE Ye Jann. to Sue 10 BUY . Cor. Princias and Chatham Sta, on, Ont. 2 Small Houses, South of Princess St., between two and three thousand dollars, six or seven rooms, bath, ete. One of them with some land attached. ; : CITY J. 0. HUTTON, 18 Market St., "Phone, 703. Don't Forget Your Package HOLLAND RUSK Good all day. A hundred differ-. ent ways. Delicious anyway: and everyway. 15¢ The Package. D. COUPER, 341-3 Princess St. "Phone, 76a. CJ J 2 J J a Notice to Strangers inthe City While in our city take a few minutes to call and examine the extensive and bouutéfal collection of ANTIQUE NITURNE and oLD TANONDD A i which we are offering at a low cash price or exchange. BROKERAGE J. R. C. DOBBS, 41 Clarence St., yy f

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