Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 18 Jun 1909, p. 7

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i .. aaa ------ {T WAS VERY FINE WEDDING AT "ELM LAWN,* RICHMOND TOWNSHIP, It Was a Fashionable Bvent--The Couple Came to Kingston and Have Gone East on a Trips Napanee, sJune 18.--A very pretty wedding was solemnized at high noon, on Tuesday, June 15th, "Elm Lawn,"' Richmond, the r dm of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. 7. A. Grooms, when their only daugh- ter, Zellah Mary Pearl, was united in the boads of matrimonye to Robert Lorne MeAfes, of Toronto. The cere mony was performed by Rev. G, W, McColl, pastor of Trinity church, Na- panee. Only the immediate friends of Die, rliOIIS of 1/2 : % ky g the contracting parties were present. Gigante Topo oer? : 3 - i The house was beautifully decorated AL with palms, ferns and cut flowers, The bride entered the dining-room on the The wooden horse of Pallas filled with Greek warriors, whereby b _ _ jarm of her father to the strains of | SHOE POI ISH rén- Troy was captured, is quite eclipsed by the colossal statue in bronze Head RE Mendelssthn's Wedding March, BRIGHT AND INSTANTANEOUS of King Victor Emmanuel, grandfather of the king of Italy, which 24% : dered by Miss Edith Kimmerly, cou- is being set up on the summit of the at Rome The and r sin of the bride. work was designed and begun by the Italian culptor Chiaradia, Bust Y y . The brie was handsomely gowned who, after spending four years on it, and its completion was ¢ Hoe 3 age gg in ivory': satin, made princess, trim- intrusted to his friend, Gallori. It was cast in the foundry of G. B of : ' : : . med with rose point lace; with high Bastianelli. It is said to be the largest group ever cast, and for the Hig > A gimp and tucked sleeves of Brussels abdomen of the horse alone thirteen tons of bronze were used. The ; net." A wreath of orange blossoms bronze horse and the figure of King Victor Emmanuel II are so large caught the long tulle veil which hung that they had to be cast in thirteen pieces. Some idea of the size of | - to the hem of her gown. She * car- the memorial may be gained when it is said that the trappings of : on ay : Tk fried a shower bouquet of white roses the horse weigh me four tons. The sabre, which is more than would also advise the settler first to J. C. EATON'S GENEROSITY and lily of the valley. tp Tin arly seven } iredweight : the pistol ro and locate, and not take a fam- Miss Lilliam McAfee, Murrill, Mich., Basten Jot aE Weighs Dearly Seve sini iy oh mlton of -- oy ily, as there are a good many hard- | Contributes $5,000 to Oshawa ¥. acted as bridesmaid and was gowned pates you from bottles, with its helmet is 2} feet in height and weighs more than two | Ships encountered, and this has been MC. A. Fund. in white mull with lace and insertion Mops, brushes and hard tons ; the breast of the horse weighs seven tons; the abdomen, ihe reason. W hy so many hava pared Oshawa, Ont., June 17.--About twé ver white x silk. Miss LilKan Arch- : ork N Bstit te nearly nine tons. Thirty persons can easily be accommadated inside hack, bia Bi having a at British 3, onths ago a committe: was formed ad ra HN niece of fhe groom fF § Wi . 0 su tu 3 the body of the horse. The figure of the king was cast in three parts | To. ans Sy t Ie a a f Buckl of leading business men of Oshawa, made a fininty flower girl, gowned in even half as good ~--the head, the bust and the legs. 0 the western: par 9 uckiey I with Frederick Bull, president of the!|' ite silk and carried a basket of . 10c. and 25c¢. Tins One application--two rubs--and your shoes are shined for three days. "2 in 1" softens the leather-- keeps out moisture--won't stain the clothes--and emanci- | Valley, tne est Foule is by Jealn to | williams Piano Co., as chairman, with | Pink sweet peas. = Four, young girls, ancouver, and thence by boat to | 4 view to the construction of a ¥. |Mieces of the bride and groom, acted in the past, but has meant a great | Port Essington, which is situated at | yr 0 A. for the benefit of the hun- |88 ribbon holders, forming 'an aisle R BR COLUMBIA: loss of time and a detriment to the the mouth of the Skeena river ; then dreds of young men employed in the through which the bridal party pass- Being familiar with British | the transfer is made by stern-wheeler | yg pyfactaring plants . and 'business |. The groom: was sipported by | boats to Hazelton. Pack horses would houses of' the town. and a canvass for | Raymond Grooms, druggist, Toronto, have to be secared at Hazelton to funds. was immediately begun, the brother of the bride. . The groom's ¢ this information to the yublic . a y HUNDREDS OF F AMERICANS | rs Lhe mast feasible route to iB Ne- | Dro eed into the Buckley Valley. amount needed being $20,000, The favor to the bride was a handsome ARE FLOCKING THERE. bola wo, Buckley and Coast lands. 1 : at fret i all the ig ; ould first subscription received was $5,000 |20ld watch, set with pearls. To the | "To the Nechaco and the eastern] 1amyiarize hms: with the maps. of from R. McLaughlin, president of the bridesmaid a gold bracelet, set with 4 | part of B v Vall the settler | the country and also learn from the McLaughlin Carriage and Motor Co., pearls; to the flower gurls gold pins Frederick T. Cromwell Gives Out] by wagon or pack horse} land department of British Columbia and. $1,000 from the Williams: Pian [in wish bone design, set with ame- Some Pointérs As to Raute| i oft, Bgtich Columbia, or by | } Pe Wliore uhsecqred nog ean oe Co. In all $15,000 was raised in four |thysts and pearls; to the 'organist a Homesteader Should Pursme-- | train, ah cule his outfit at . Ash HS oe a es days in Oshawa. This seemed the bar horse shoe ping to the grooms- Should Get Acquainted With | er } ake the well eres of land have hoon settled upon | limit of the town's ability in this re- links a pair of gold monogram cuff s ' . 11 i » Quesnelle, a|® ) he ul b ndividual ! gard 'and on Thursday last Mg, | inks. the Country | distance "of } j« | and purchased hy individuals, Fowke, M.P., and Mr. McLaughlin | After the ceremony a sumptuous were asked by tne committee to pres- wedding breakfast was partaken of. lumbia and the far north, 1 readily Spokane, Wash.,, June . "Hun the st mou 1 road ! arshi Rg dreds of Americans are now emivrat rith+We : 1. fee vate Russian Fired on British Warship. ent the case before John €, Eatony 'The popular young bride received a ing to British Columbia, where, a r places are numerous along the | Copmhagung June 17.--A British | ©) ca firm has a textile manufactur-yVvery large and chowe collection. of result of the advent of the Grand | road. and after leaving Agheroft, one | Steamer approaching near the Rus ing plant here under the management wedding gifts from her many friends. Trunk Pacific railway, now under con v secure provisions at the different) sian warship guarding Bjorkoe, - Fin-| of"W F, 'Eaton, which has become a | The bride's travelifig gown was of part of * the | stores at Clinton, 150-Mile House, | 1an I, for the meeting of the czar and | Jaroe and growing industry. The com- [navy blue chiffon broadcloth, = with ) and Quesaelle. From | kaiser, to-day, was shelled by the Rus- | ittee sere favored by Mr. Eaton's blouse of embroidered Brussels net, ing, agriculture and stock raisin route then lead wer | sians, according to a report received | coptikbution of $5,000. Mayor R. H.|and tuscan hat trimmed with blue Frederick T. Oromwell, © Van- | what nown as the Dawson Tele | today. The incident may result in in-| james telegraphed the town's apprec- [ribbon and flowers. Mrs. Grooms, couver, Bb. C vd this i @ course wl { ternational complications. The afiair | jation, saying: "In the name of the {mother of * the bride, wore a hand- of an interview in Spokan built a wagon | has produced great excitement SIX people of Oshawa, I wish to thank [Some princess gown, of tampe grey "Many enquiries have been' madi i alo h vil for a distance hots were fired by the czar's warship, | you for your spontaneous goodness satin with trimmings of wlver sequin teader should ortv: mile would strongly ad- | but not one struck the mark. The |and magnificent. gift by which. our |and Persian 'embroidery. pursue, in order {o get into the Buel Vise » Qandseeker to make prepara- | British steamer fled beyond range and | plans will be. fully realized, in the Mr, and Mrs, MeAfee leit at 3:30 lev and Nechaco Valley Hundreds | tio or pack horses from there 1. | the warship did not Jira I'he war- feonstruction of the proposed building ojclock in an automobile for King- heen lod. astray 'Dy bei ives nod Lith at " ye made int «ship has been P atrolling the Finnish | free from debt." ston, where they took boat to Mon- b ; {coast off Bjorkoe, keeping strict watch eit pi--i----r-------- treal and Quebec, Upon returning they will spend the summer in Mus- koka and in the early 'antumn will ve- cupy their own. home in Toronto. struction, the 'northern province is being opened for lumber to what route the home FOR ALL BA --the Bread Flour --the Biscuit Flour --the Cake Cake Flour --the Pastry Flour ~--all four in the original Ontarfo Blended Flour---always the same. have the most dificult route, so that some ! J one might be the gainer, either the for suspiciou ooking vessels, outfitter or the agents of the tran ms, more especially flow | . en A Deadly Offence, has n« and not.carry any surplus weight, I Conclusions, many times, are noth New York Puck. only cost the landseeker a great deal than delusions. Lowi it, Fetavked Lhe cmewhat : o 2 : % garrulous landlord of the Paxico tav ern, "Throgmorton, the constable, ar- FOREIGN POLICEMEN, rested a feller day before yesterday for . walking down Main street here, in the London Bobbies Carry No Clubs-- middle of the afternoon, in his stock- Hoods: For French. S in'_ feet, He's in jail now, and---" London patrolmen carry no clubs. FROM BANK TO BARR CKS. "But, great Scott !" ejaculated the } Attached to the middle of the belt be- washing machine agent, <it is not a [hind is a dark lantern. The cuffs of crime, is it, for a person to walk in-| their coats' have vertical stripes, blue his stocking feét ? Why, my dear sir, and white, signifying rank and dis- personal liberty--" tinguished service. . During the fre "Aw, personal liberty is proper quent" showers and rains they wear . on ye enough so long as it don't. interfere | little waterprocd capes, Their silent - : gx oe = - T . : As RTRs with the rights of other people. Any- |régulation of street. traffic hy hand thing 'that tends to add to the silence | signals is a realization of perfection. of our promising little city is an of- n Paris the ordinary patrolmen fence against the general weal. We're |wear blue caps and coats and in sum- public spirited .here, even if we ain't {mer white' duek trousers, They earry exactly metropolitan." short swords, says the Travel Maga: zine, rather as an emblem of autho- Delano Declities Pekin Post. rity, but fn extreme danger use the flat sides as a club. In a downpour of r:in the Paris portation companies which ; unt in packing. ing more or less Chicago, June 18.--A preference - for railroading over diplomacy, coupled . with a desire to contihue his work, policeman . hangs his <p on a hook and his home in Chicago, were the |" the back ..of his belt and draws sohs assi i by Fr i De. Over his head 'the hed of a short »a aa a Decor o th niche A De biue cape of heavy cloth. dollar, naturally won't give voad, for declining the honor conferred This hooded cape is called a capo- "the best Montreal upon him by President Taft in offer- chon, and. in its longer form, reach: Granulated.' i him the st f Minist to |ing to the Knees,' is used by civilians <a Ep ster 0 lus well 'as in cole! -or rainy weather. The ouly way.you fan be Accordingly at such times the streets sure of getting the best, is of Paris seem to be alive with cowled to insist on having The grocer who gives the, greatest number of pounds of granulated sugar for a The Talented] Miller Family. monks. I "What is 3 ining 3 ece rar Every cloud, it is said, has a silver lining, an d the recent war to the rule, from the point of view of the Tur in bags were conveyed from the Ottoman Bank to Ser askerat. cloud in Turkey was no exception kish soldier. On the occasion here represented eight cart- now 7" "The wife is writing poems that no- body will read, the daughter is paint. ing pictures that nobody will buy, the son is compoging plays that nobody will put on the stage, and the husband is writing checks that nobody will cash." Simple Corn Remedy. Peck's Corn Salve simply, sofiens the | hard, dry tissue .of .whielv corns ave Miller family doing | Recently the 'London plan of con: trolling vehicles has' come into vogue successfully on the Paris boulevards. The policemen 'detailed for such duty wear white gloves and s gnal with white clubs, Gérman policemen wear helmets and have a distinctly martial air. Jury Believed Alibl. Belleville, June 18.--Lester Cook was tried at the county court Were cha ed 'with assault upon Grace - Cook. St. Lawrence Granulated Sugar 'Pal sp By the-Refiwery Tn 20 poutd Cotion Bogs The ahalysis of Prof. Hersey, Government : that 'St. Lawrence Granulated" contains 200 per cent of pure cane sugar, with no impurities whatever. guard, "and the : Tht was nS with t rei ht. and onlookers ran forward and pushed. © Every soldier gets a | he althy flesh. Never fails. In Lig | witnesses. swore to an alibi, add the "" ; n (medjidiehs) € tL oo i: Eo Lise loads 82 silver Sain ¢ k J" writes our correspondent, "bumped" and rattled on the loose boards, |composed and detaches i€. from the | She positively identified him, but The St. Lawrence Sugar Reliding Company Limited, Montreal. he hors:s stumbled ¢ : he hose: (a Turkish pound of 100 piasters) a month, and they are three months in arrears. boxes, 15c., at Wade's drug store. jury found him 'not guilty. a A

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