- a eee we ~ raed lana. BVT LVL LLBTABRLEVRERN Big Reduction On Suits 10 only Ladies' Spring Suits, colors Black, Navy, Green, Brown and Taupe. The remainder of our spring stock offered at greatly reduced: prices. Come and see them. White Waists Dainty, Cool White Waists for the Summer Girl, all sizes, plain or ela- borate, long or short sleeves, for 9ic., $1.25, 1.50, 2.00 to 6.50. Crumley Bros Bhatt dh hh lh hd SassssasssssasseLes a SVVVV HVT HLBTVABAN BVO IGAeV EBV VABTBRN North, South, East and West "Beaver" Flour POINTS THE WAY TO PERFECT RESULTS ON. BAKING DAY. It ism blend of Ontario Fall wheat and Manitoba Spring wheat. ° : All the flavor and pastry making qualities of Fall wheat combined with the strength of Spring wheat. Best for all purposes. At your grocers. Why Suffer? any longer, fogged ones, when a Tew boxes of ... Fig Pills will make you feel like a CHew, pan or woman. He a box, or five boxes | £1. For sale Drug Store. 5. or at BEST'S - \ 1 Have A Number of Dwellings For Sale and At Prices to Suit, $650 for good street. $50 cash; balance monthly, Must be] ies D. COUPER, A number of good properties as investments. Pay you from 8 t . 4 341-8 Priptess St. Phone, 76a. ent ways. everyway. ~15¢ The Package. a. comfartable home, Large stone dwelling. - sold to close an estate. situated |" Don't Forget Your Package HOLLAND RUSK Good all day. A hundred, differ- | Delicious anyway and A THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG. ME GUN GOTION OMAHA GIRL'S ATTEMPT TO COMMIT SUICIDE. She is Now Strapped to a Mattress So That She Cannot Move a Muscle--Doctors Using Chemi- cals to Dissolve the Explosive. Omaha. June 15.--Helen Wells, a twenty-year-old girl, on Sunday night attempted suicide by eating a quan- tity of gun-cotton. All day Monday the girl has been resting on a heavy mattress . with g double set of springs and tied in such a manner that she cahot move a muscle, * 1 ihe meantime she is being dosed with ghemicals m an effort to dissolve the explosive. Tate Sunday night the @ mate aud was severely beaten. She was taken to the police station, and while in the. surgeon's room was left { alone a moments She seized and swal- Jowed a package of gun-eoiton with gwhich the surgeon was ex rerimenting. She was eavefully placed under ar- rest and stung in a canvas hammock Lut was later placed on the hed with springs. Unless she explodes in a | day's time the doctors hope the ex- | plosive will have become dissolved and {4he girl hg oat of danger. i seeurcecm-- | PHENOMENAL GROWTH. Wheat Fully As Far Advanced As Last Year. Winnipeg, June 15.~The statement {made by the Canadian Northern ran- (way agent at Aberdeen, Sask., in the {company's crop report, is most sig- nificant in showing the phenomenal |orowth made by wheat since seeding. |The crop is two weeks ahead of last | year at this time," he wires. When it remembered that seeding was con- | siderably later than last year, and | that in 1908 the crop 'made fair pro- | gress at the beginning, the significance of this assertion can be appreciated. {and Aberdeen is not a solitary in- | stance; for from such widely separated | points as Mundare and Carberry re i ports come "that . the erop looks as any previous year at this i | i | | i I'well as _ in time. The Canadian Northern railway | crop report the whole west | pretty thoroughly, and there is not a | complaint from a long list of sta | tions. The general report is that the | weather has been most propitious, and | that all the grain is coming on at a { remarkable rate. covers The height of wheat at a large num- ber of points is said to average from leight to twelve inches. Some places | report an average height of from four {to six inches. Everywhere, it is said, {the farmers are confidently looking for ward to' an abundant cgop. | The feature of the report the {statement from Saskatoon, to thie ef- fect that the prairie land is in splen- did condition for breaking, and that | | | | is turned over this season. DEATII OF MR, HUXTABLE. Alliance Passed Away. Montreal, June . 15.--Rev. G: G. Huxtable, secretary of the Doniinion Allianee, died in the General Hos- pital on Monday morning. Although seventy-seven years of age, he had up to within a few days of his dé mise, been extremely busy, and in the recent Methodist conference at "Pem- broke the remark was general - that for one so advanced in years he show- ed marked -vigor and interest in the proceedings. His weches always command respect, ang as late as = week ago yesterday he gave a rouse ing address before his = brethren at Pembroke, Last Tuesday he contract- ed a chill, which affected one of legs, which was very sore two years ago, and, gangrene setting in, he passed away in the presence of mem- bers of his family at two o'clock -on Monday morning. He was born au High Bay, North Devon, England. Mr. Huxtable is survived by widow, three sons, William, of terville, Ont. ; the Rev. Charles, of West Shefiord, and Robert, of Van conver, B. C., nnd gwo daughters, Mrs. W. J. Lewthwaite, of the Annex, and Miss Margaret Huxtable, at home. He was a former pastor of Cataraqui circuit. 8 his Ches- A Portland Wedding. Portland, June 14.--One of Port- land's most popular young ladies, in the person of Miss Estelle Rose, was married to Percy Allison, of Chester- villa The happx couple leave to Delta on Rat. morning and were united: in marriage by Rev. Mr. John- son, of that place . On their return, ithe wedding breakfast was served at | the home of the bride, after which {they left for a trip to Montreal and | other points. The bride was popular | with all circles and will be greatly | missed, but what is Portland's loss { will be Chesterville's gain. The hot | weather is bringing some of the tour- |ists to the lake. Harry DeGez, of | Pittsburg, arrived on Friday to spend | the summer on the lake here. Dr. {W. Murphy has returned from King: | ston, where he has been writing on { his Medical Council. Dr. Dunn, of | Elgin, was in the village last week. | The Tennis Club has reorganized and | is now ready for any challenge they | may recewve, Miss Kathleen Hagrison, lof Smith's Falls, is staying with her uncle, T. K. Scovil. A number from here intend taking in the big cirens {in Brockville on the 23rd of this month. Mrs. Faulding, of New York, is spending a few days salmon fishing on the lake. { Hanna Going Abroad. Toronto, June' 15.--<Hon. W. J. Han- na, accompanied by Mrs. Hanna, leaves fon Saturday next for a two months' The trip is E 12 per cent. A number of lots nicely Nothing Lgke from $50 up. Full particulars at Them in: the world. the biggest seller--why ? D.A.Cays | 57 Brock St. and bowels. It's what they will d for you--not what CASCARETS Because it's the best medidine for the liver we say they | «| trip to the old eountry. lone of pleasure purely. It js not known who will take over Mr. Han- na's duties during his, well-eigned va cation, but it will probably Be Attor- ney-General Foy. | George A. Clapp, son of Mrs. Sarah I. Clapp. Vancouver, B. C., formerly of Belleville, and brother of Chas. S. o girl was attacked by a woman room- | a very large area of virgin sod will be Veteran Secretary of Dominion his eT . -- FUR HAmusemen is. : chan ¢ . (LAKE (ONTARIO) PARK) TO-NIGHT 315,50 0. BIG FREE SHOW, . Beis Migs uf a FEATURE VAUDEVILLE ACTS. New ; Moving Pictures, Latest Illustrated Songs. Saturday, Children's 1 Cent Day Having purchased the Hardware = business: for so long conducted 'by Mr. Arch. Strachan, corner Princess and Montreal streets, 1 be- speak a share of - your pat- ronage. 4 To Mr. Strachan's ' old friends 'apd -enstonfers, as well as to all new ones, a 'cordial welcome is extended. Sincerely yours, H. W. MARSHALL, Thousand Island and St. Lawrence River Steamboat Companies In connection with the New York Central ahg Hudson River R. R. Co. Sunday, King- Leave Kingston daily, except 5.00 am. and 2.00 p.m. Leave ston, Sunday, 7.30 a.m. and 2.00 p.m. making direct connections at Cape Vin- cent to and from 'all' points in New York State. Through sleeper Cape Vincent to New York. Week end round trip rate, Kingston to Watertown, good going Sat- urday or Sunday, returning Monday, $1.65 For excursions to Brockville and Ogdensburg and the Thousand Islands, see local advertisements. Collender Hotel Premises. These premises will be repaired and altered to smit tenahts, and rented for a term of years. Apply to COND AVERTING First insertion lc. a A A COMPETENT GENERAL SERVANT, SH LESMEN Spray," RATE secutive insertion Minim WILL PARTY, WHO REMOVED ber pole from front: ee imal A Bg further BAR- sh save Bertion, 20c. ; three" insertions,' 0c. six, $1; one month $3. re WANTED-HELP. APPLY TO MRS. R. BE. ing street. COOK. Kent, BS 27 for family of two, Apply iu at 141 king street. WANTED FOR *"AUTY Bost -Compres Hand Sprayer made. Saipie fres to up- proved agents. Cavers Br . Ont. evenings A CAPALLE MAID-SERVANT OF neat appearance to do pastry cook- - = -------- EO. A. BATEMAN, AGENT FOR THE Pacific Coast. Fire lnm. » INN Roly thie re G 1876. utupls, 67 Clarence St, Kinj 896. ing and wait on table at cottage, Sharbot Lake, for July and August ; cook and lawndress already engaged. High wa will be paid. Address ¥. W. Shibley, 49 wall St, New York City. ' : BARBERS WANTED-MORE CALLS for barbers than we can fill. Learn the barber trade now, special induce- ments, tools free, constant: practice. Iradustes earn from twelve ta eigh- teen dollars weekly. Few weeks com- dete course. Write now for free ook. The original and only success- ~ful barber college in America. The Moler Barber . College, Queen and Spadina, Toronto. Bi WANTED--GENERAL. PURCHASE A BAKERY BUSI- ness in - the eity. Apply McCann, Brock Cor. King streets TO THE OPPORTUNITY TO FURNISH estimates on electric work. All kinds of work prombuy, done. F. J. Birch, Electrician, 208 ellington street. GENTLEMEN TO BRING THEIR cloth and have it made up into up- to-date suits. Price and workman ship guaranteed ta please. Pressing and repairing done on the shortest notice. Thomas Galloway, 181 Broc S8t., next Bibby's Livery. SITUATIONS WANTED. OPTICIAN, MARINE, FULLY QUALI- fied ; also cap@ble refrdetionist. Graduate, Dr, Klein, Boston, Mass, desires to. locate with an Optician, and take. financial interest. Address Box "F. W.," care Whig office. , TO-LET. GOOD PASTURE. FOR HOR. ply to J. D, Boyd, Pine St FURNISHED ROOMS, WITH OR WITH- out board. Modern convenience. Ap- ply 214 William street, ONE REAR. ROOM OFFICE, AT a46 King strédet. Will be rented cheap. J. P. Forrest, Gents' Furnisher. DWELLINGS, FURNISHED AND. UN- furnished, Stores, Storuge for. Furni- ture, ete. McCann's, rock, Cor. King street. 194 Ontario Street. FCR SALE $2,850" will "buy & fine eight-room house, gas for _ cooking, -eement cellar, white enamel, sfThk, bath, washbasin and closet, parlors, hadl and' upstairs heated with hot water, alse grained and var: vished ; : woodwork. Beautifully -papered and néwly painted ; beautiful lawns; 66 feet frontage, no repairs required "on these premises for years. 'A snap. R. CHAS. BEL.L, Estate Agent, 171§ Wellington For Charter. Ry day or otherwise, a steady, sea- worthy gasoline Jaunch, will seat com- fortably a dozen people. For particulars, apply Godwin's Insurance Office, Phone, 424. Over Crown Bank. STR. ECELWAT Will to Kingston Mills, June 12th. Leave Swift's Wharf, foot 'of Clavence street,' 10 a.m., return 2 a.m. oave 2 p.m. return five. Leave .m., return at 9 p.m. Return fare, C. Real St. start regular. trips at on 25: CAPT. L. WHALEN, Captain. SCARED TO DEATH. Patient Died From Fright Before An Operation. June 15.--Miss Isabella Gurteen, on whom an inquest was held, © died at her 'home, Chaungry House, Haverhill, Sufiolk, irom shock consequent on a contemplated opera: {1on. Three medical men afid a nurse at- tended, but when the.apaesthetic was about to be adminwtered it was found that Miss Gurteen had died. The jury found that death had re- sulted from failure of the action of the heart accelerated by shock to the system due to. a contemplated opera- tion. Po » aad ol ¥ 3 Items From Vielet. Violets: June 19.+A an from this place aftgndétl camp necting at Wilton on Sunday last, Miss Nellie Smeaton, Kingston, is'at J, Valentiné's. Percy Nesbit, Newbimgh, at AFG. Shewell's; Mr. and Mrs, Evans Houghton, Alex- andria' Bay, at J. E: Robson's. Rev. Mi, Brvers is svy-poorly. Mr. t Shewell "is very busy cHtiing shingles. London, I Kirkpatrick, Rogers & Nickle, COTTAGE, EAST VIEW Park, six miles from city, nine rooms, partly furnished, boat, boat- house, etc. Apply N. €. Polson & Co. SUMMER FOR THE SUMMER--A LARGE AIRY nouse, situated on Wolfe Island, con- venient to boat landing. For further particulars, address Box 162," Whig office. FIRST FLOOR OVER KING EDWARD Theatoriym, formerly occupied by Board of Rducation, swite of rooms and hall, suitable for offices, elub- room, ete. Apply 211 Princess St. LIVERPOOL, LONDON AND Fire: lusurance © assets Vi 187,915. In ion to which the policyholders tor security the unlimited liability of all the - stockholders. Farm and city property - insured at lowest possi rates. Lefore renewing old oe Eiving aew business ra rom Strange & Strimge, ote, 'Phone, 825. gs FOR. SALE, GASOLINE, 16e. YACHT CLUB YARD. A GOOD SQUARE TENT, FOR $9.00, at Turk's, 'Phone, 705, A LATHE WITH A CUSHMAN NO, 2 universal chuck," for $13, at Turk's, 'Phone, 705. SIX-ROOM AND W.C., FRAME DWEL ling, in good location. Particulars, at Godwin"s Insurance Emporium DOUBLE FRAME HOUSE, IN FIRST class condition, with large hura ant lot. Apply on premises, 62 Charles street. ENeINE? shaft R.," GASOLINE propellor, ply Box "'G. cars Whig o BRICK HOUSE, NO. 133 ALFRED.ST. eight rooms, modern, lange lot , Bond Terms to suit. + Apply A. 79 Clarence street, y FIRST-CLASS FRUIT, CONFECTION ery and grocery business. Well estab lished. Large annual turnover. Ap- ply Box *'3,152,"" Whig office. AT BATH, A FRAME DWELLING, rooms, good garden, barn for and cow, fine fruit trees. Will cheap. McCann, Brock Cor. King Sts, Kingston. IWENTY-THREE FOOT MOTOR BOAT, beam 5 feet 10 inches, six horse power, Gray motor. Capacity from twelve to fourteen people, good family boat. New last fall. Price, $300. D, J. Hay, 126 Clarence St. COTTAGE AND ISLAND islands, about 4 foot of Howe re. bed- 28 good Ss. ¥ SUMMER among the 1, miles from Gananoque, Island, cottage , contains large ception robm with fire place, rooms, (8 in tower), drilled well feet deep, cellar, boathouse, boating and fishing. McCann's Jistate. Agency, Brock Cor. King ~ FOR SALE AND TO LET. TWO NEW HOUSE CORNER DIVI- ible | United in have beén -attained without ad ing? : ot A recent investigation dombetrated that not less than thirty manufactur. ing plants had been located in Can- ada since last July as branches of io States industries, i Almost without exception the 'Canadian de mand for the pradve i : tories has been created By adver sing. The natural tendency of advertising 'is to draw _a manufacturer into a larger and larger market, for today the printed pages travel {ar and fast. There can be no question as to the fact that to-day as never hefore in Canada's lestory, hve, aggressive, business hoyees of the United States are bidding for the tradé¢ of Cann: dians. The near future is likely to see even a much greater development of this branch-store or braneh-fnc- tory idea, The eye of the shrewd Yankee is only beginning to turn Canadianwards. i The one weapon at the service of avery. Canadian. manuldeturer--a wea- ! pon "with 'which hé ean 'both antiei- pate and' met | this dompetition-- newspaper © publicity; "Tn the years that ave passed"it' has proved its ef fecliveness in spores of cases. What may lave 'Been advisable in the past would appear to besa necessity of the present, % ' i +ARCHITECTS. ARCHITECT, FARTHUR BLLIS, afics and residence, I81L University oe. HENRY P: ete;, Anchor ~ Square. 'Phone, 845. : NEWLANDS & BON, tects, ete., Office, 258 Bagot 'Phone, 608, ARCHI. ; _svreet, POWER & SONS, ARCHITECTS, MER chant's Bank Building, corner Brock and Wellington streets. 'Phone, 213. PERSONALS! HAIR, MOLES, BIRTHMA warts, etc, removed without scar. "Twenty; ence. Dr. Elmer J sion and Quebec streets. Also at East View Park, 5 miles from Kingstbn, on fhe St. Lawrence. Several lots and new summer cottages, %For, sale, or to let. Apply Rev. J. D. Boyd, 106 Pine street. Nose, Throat and" Skin Specialist, 2568 Bagot street. | CARPENTERS AND BUILDERS. MEDICAL CARD. O.M., PHYSI- HENRY E. DAY, M.D, i (practising in cian and. Surgeon, Odessa for the last seven years), Cor. Brock and Diviston Sts. Office Hours, 8 to ® am, 2 to 4 and 7 to 9 p.m.' 'Phone, 890. - % x. MSCARTXRY, BUILDER AND GON- tractor, S248 _ University «Ave. kinds of jobbing work done pre A. 4 DROP A CARD TO CHAS. W. KELEAR Carpenter and Builder, 255 Divikion St., for reasonable prices on all Kinds, of jobbing, ull work done promptly, - WY ---- DENTAL. SPARKS AND SPARKS, DENTIATS, 2304 Princess St., Kingston. "Plone, 846. A ---- A THE IDEAL BONING: TESS SPIRELLA CORSETS. Duplicate Corset free if stay breaks or rusts in ene year. Call or 'phone B78. MARGARET DUNNETT, 105 Wellington St. A PRESBYTERIAN STALWART. Reminiscenses of the Late Rev. Dr. Bayne. Saturday Night. Reminiscenses of the laté Rev. Dr. Bayne have been told at the Presby- terian general assémbly. Hon. James Young recalls him as a little boy. then in adult life when on week days he kept nineteen clay pipes alternate ly in commission, so that to enter his study was 'to imagine that a con flagration was in progress, with cone siderable damage from smoke. Never theless, he was one of the earliest clorgymen to take a stand against the liquor traffic. It must be remembered that the total abstinence movement is a purely modern one, borrowed less than an hundred years ago by Chris tians from the teachings of Mahomet. dt is said that temperance was sorely needed among the settlers whom Dr. Bayne came to comfort because whis- key was then only twenty cents a gal lon, and before the days of agricultur- al machinery was a part of the hired man's perquisitc on the harvest field. Dr. Bayne was commissioned by the synod of Upper Canada in 1842, to visit Scotland and obtain ministers for the growing. Presbyterian faith in this country. He arrived there to find Mri cand Mes 0. A. Wisemhn were at J. Close's" INSET wk. Miss Brown | spent Sunday-at hee home in Cham-| bers, | ! . * Challenging The. Right. i Toronto, June 15.--At Osgoode Hall, | this morning, a writ of habeus corpus | was issued for the appearance, before Referee Kappele, of Charles McGill formerly manager of the Ontario ban Yow serving a term in the penitentiar {led out many laymen and twenty-three the disruption movement, headed by Chalmers. (which has passed into his- tory, but which has not ended yet in Scotland), in full growth 'of its youth. He threw in his lot with the so-called "Free Church" and on his return to Canada endeavored to induce his brethren here to throw off the connec- tion with the Established Church of cotland. When the gemeral synod of Canada met at Kingston, in 1844, he LEGAL, B. CUNNINGHAM, BARRISTER and Solicitor. Law Office, 79 Clarence St., Kingston. A. JAMES SELBY, CARPENTER Oabinetmaker. All kinds of job Your patronsge solicited ; satisfai guaranteed. A card to 12 1 street, or workshop, #8 Wellin street, will receive prompt atte Pine ed. cu this time of the season ? There is sertainly a cause for it. COME IN AND SEE. Our large variety of Children's Tams in our show window. These and all Children's Headwear we are going to clear out at a price. Pearsall's Millinery 228 Princess St. 4 %ok's Cotton Root Compotme: Uterine al acl Zt of strength--No. 1.81; ! EL th iret i on rece yamphlor, Al une Menmvwe 00. ToRoN =. position that he died suddenly a® the age of fifty-three, and left his an- tagonist, Bishop Strachan, a convert to the Church of England from the ious and. educational work in what is now' known as Ontario. . Uncalled-For Glorification. Pelerboro Examiner. The Toron Matheson, provincial trea¥urer, qn the, head of the inerease of succession du- ties. Mr. Matheson, if hé had had bis os of price eins yi Church of Scotland, to.organize relig- ff to News glorifies Hon. Mr. | Firewood Dry Seasoned Maple, Hemlock and t and «split as requir A = Gls Swift's. Pearsall's Millinery Why are we KEPT so BUSY at h RACTICAL ainstaking LUMBING fo, what we tryst all We're all liable to make mistakes--we don't make many--but when we do; we never hesitate to "make good" --=never | "Phone 335. when you are in need of specially good Plumbers, and we will be "on the job" quickly as possible. David Hal 66 Brock St. .. - SMITH, ARCHITECT, * Biltding, -- Market will do--that makes CASCARETS | Clapp. died at Edmonton, Alberta, on famous. Millions use CASCARETS ! Saturday. His death is believed to |for wree and it is all the medicine that they! have been sudden. lenging the, rights of the ever need to take. The banns of marriage between the | him on the "ist oi co Rev. George Ross Beamish, M.A., and | 1,713 shares," totalling SITH300. Mary Jessie Ackerill, both of Belle ville, were published on Sunday in St. Thomas' church. Chewing His Gum. Bull had J. thought it her duty the animal in Mr. J's absence, four-vear-old son to the in a few minute he's all right, he' way when he was fighting the succes sion dutics legislation of 'dt libéral gov- ernment, would have abolished these duties or eut them in hali. The News also gloats 'out the PASBIE big in- flow of money from the sale of the Gillies" limit mining lands. The reve to establish a Free Church erce to putin Canada. He could bo hardly ealled tories jor ja judicious man, for the Epper Can- | ada of - his day demanded religious in struction in conduct much more than at Ereokies até to church 'government. PVer- haps it was due to his impulsive dis- king the bank. MeGill is chal- {ministers . dehorned to look The just been Mrs. after and sent tho harn. He returned and said, "1g chewing his gum, might also he greatly meres the government would, according the precedent it established, seize soll private mintug claims and convert them into money. nue ATL CASCARETS 10c a week's treatment, all drog- gists, Biggest seller in ths world. Million boxes a month, a hox Tor \ "Bathing caps," new faney' ones, Gibson's Red Crods drug store. ness "i *