day Night mop -- gain and ; y | Some Reminders Summer Gloves, long and | Come here to shop To-night go home satisfied. short, Silk, Lisle and Cotton, all colors and sizes, 25¢, 35¢, 50¢, 6o¢ , 75¢, $1.25. Parasols In White, Liter, Black, ele. All the latest Summer Novelties. $1, 1.25, 1.50 and 2.25. Hosiery, Veils, White Petticoats, Frills, Flowers, Ribbons. Crumley Bros. RACTICAL ainstaking LUMBING is what times--Lo we "Ary--at all furnish. We're all liable to mnke mistakes--we don't make mfany~but when we do, we never hesitate to "make goud never Phone 335. when wou hre i need of Prumbers, specially, good and' we will be "on the Job' quickly as possible, David Hall 66 Brock St.' ert Ameena ee PALMER BROS. Marine & Stationary Gasoline Engines and break and jump two and four cycle, one to Make spark, four cylinders. Our engines are simple and reliable. Branch Office Cornwall Dock, Alexandria Bay, N.Y WILFRED L. SNIDER, General Sales Agent. Purebred Imported Hackney Stallion. KING'S COUNSEL (907) (8683) King's Counsel is a dark chestnut with four white feet and white ®trip in his face. He is six years old, stands 15.24 hands high, weight when in show condi- tion 1,800 Ibs, is as sound as a bell, has the best of feet and legs, is a sen- sational actor with the speed of the trotting horse and is acknowledged to be one of the hest Stallions in merica. The Sire of King's Counsel is Garton Duke of Connaught, No. 3,009, who is acknowledged to be the champion Hackney Stallion of Europe. There is no reason why farmers in this section can: not raise as good stock as can be raised in any other part of the Dominion If they only use good' sires, and by using King's Counsel No. 907-8683, who is = sure foal getter, they will get products that will bring them the highest fancy prices in the market. King's Counsel has been brought here at a large cost and expense and will stand at the following places :-- . Monday noon, at Inverary. Monday night, at Sydenham: Tuesday noon, at Harrowsmith. Tuesday night, at Kingston. Wednesday noon, Kingston Mills Wednesday night, Joyceville. Thursday nooh and night, John Sleeth's. Friday and Saturday at his own stable, Kingston. * JOHN CARSON, Owner. WAH LONG'S LAUNDRY REMOVED ¥rom 73 Clarence St., to 155 Well- ington St., between Brock and Olarence Sts. Best laundry in the city. Goods called for and Aelivared, Shows. Molecular, Attraction. An interesting exhibition 'demon- cirating molecular attraction exerted between bodies in contact was given & Monday at the Paris Agademie dos © Sciences, by the Swedish engi- neer; Johansson, who the inventor of 'a process by which steel plates ar ground and polished to a degree smoothness hithertd: "impossible attain. The lightest unevenness, if Jisible to the naked eye, suffices to provent moleeular adhesion: Two picces of steel, whown to be free from cleetrormagneti one on top of the other with the re sult that thoy could not be separated acain, even when heavy weighty were las is ok oven in- used in atiempts to pull them apart. | It was scientifically shown 'that the space belween the two plates did not amount to one 1-100,000 millimeter. a estage is" the most promising in the , world. Kingston realty holds out prospects of hand some returns, The McCann i close to the local situation, Real investment agency i ¢ influences, were placed | THEY FOUGHT WELL. How Four Black Ants Defended Their Citadel. W. Beebe, in Harper's Magazine We drapped five' big ants into the nidst of the marauders and witnessed + combat as thriliing as the contest wtween the Greeks and the Pawsians, Four of the insects alighted on ¢ | small rounded over which three | huhdred ants scurrying. With- out hesitation the black giants fell upon. the brown warriors and tore them limb from limb, with the loss of only half a leg. Th not a rious handicap to 'one when one has five and a& half robust limbs left. The fifth big fellow dropped upon a mass of ants piled like football play- ers upon a struggling scorpion, whose sting was lashing the air in vain. The big ant started another wpple upon this pool of death, which smoothed away, lea¥ing no recogniz- able of him, But the quartette of hig-jawed fel- lows on their roek citadel fought suc- cessfully and'welll,. No ant which crept to thetop everlived to return for help. :Vheo four flew at bim like wolves anfl hit him to death! Soon 1a,ring of hunting ants formed around th stone; all motionless except for a intic twiddle = of antennde. They were apparently excited by the smell dof the blood of their dead fivlows, end only rarely did one venture now and then to schle the summit. When we left, two hours eilterwards, the army had passed and leit the stone and, its' four doughty defenders, but these showed no immediate. inten- tion of leaving their fortress, ' © r # i stone were us 1s se- Foon trace It often happens that just as soon ns of desirable property s0Jd everybody seems to want it. have a sumber of such properties list ed now. Bett get in first. McCann. A few strawberry blossoms the small vines in the back yard make a young family man imagine the time at hand 'when he will not be ob- ied to-~buy+any fruit for canning: Try Bibby's Egyptian underwear, 50. ; The high price of meat has no ter ror for the man who has just vineed himself. there is money in rais- ng chickens. Don't be content grow it a piece is on 18 con to watch Kingston Buy real: estate and grow with McCann can get you in right. Most people will do ae you wish--if it'is in accérd with their wishes. Sce Bibby's great $5 Panamas. When respect departs love packs its grip and takes a vacation. Try Bibby's 50c. summer underwear. Every man is more brave until his bluff has been called. or less If You Rid Poisons FROM THE BLOOD By Awakening the Liver and Kidneys, You Will Be Freed of Pains, Aches and the tired Spring Feeling. Poisons only accumulate in. the blood. Pain and aches have the sanfe cause, Poisons . only , accumulgte in the blood when the liver and Kidneys get torpid and slow in action and when, as a result; the bowels become consti pated. Y (Get the liver and kidneys working right 'and away go the poisons. That is their work 4o rid the blood of poi sons. + 4 When they fail because of the exces- sive accumulation of poisons in 'the spring, use Dr. Chase's Kidney-Liver + natural functions with renewed cnergy and vigor No other organs of the body can filter the poisons from the blood go you must get the liver and kidneys active if, you are going to restore healthful digestion, regular bowel ac- tion and free the. body of pains, aches It is only natural that the liver and kidneys should give out in the spring when fhe blood is usually loaded with impurities, but you quickly and | cartainly set them right by using Dr. {Chase's Kidney-Liver Pills This is the greatest of spring medi: cines, because it ig unique in its direct {and combined action on the liver and | kidneys. . {| Put it to the: test this spring and {vou will be astonished at its wonder- { fully prompt and thorough action | the digestive and excretory systems. | Your can be certain that it will move { the bowels, awaken the action of the liver and kidneys and completely puri- fv the blood. Ome pill a dose, 25¢c. I hos: cat all dealers, Edmanson, Rates & Co., Toronto. can a or A Pills and they will soon rosume their | | au d feelings of fatigue and depressing. | to on! THE DAILY BRI \ STOCK RE-AGTION LIQUIDATION IN CATTLE MARKET. . i Over a Million Shares: Traded in Daily--Harriman Lines and Baltimore and Ohio Buying Steel Rails. {Letter by Reginald Burton. New York, June 11.--The process of elimination which began during the arly part of the week continued un til the close of budness on Friday. Transactions on the exchange . since the first day of June have averaged over one million shares daily. Mont of the trading was concentrated to a fow issues, such as Southern Paci- fic, United States Steel, Union Pad- fic and Reading, which, in activity, ranked" in the crder named. On the other hand thace were some of the specialties quite active like Great Northern, Erie and Brunswick Dock; the latter reached a new high level. Some say this is due to the proba- bility of the receiver for the Atlan- | tic, Birmingham and Atlantic being discharged, while others contend that there 4s so much shipping from Bruns- wick to Europe and South America by the cotton growers of the south, that it is destined to be one of the {largest southern shipping centres. A {rumor which probably had much to do with the decene in the latter part of the week was to the effect that a controversy had arisen as to what section on the Paris Bourse, the cer (ificates repwesenting United States Steel should be traded in. Some of the French banking interests contend- ed that the trading should be con fined to the parquet or the coulisse of the Bourse. , The coulisse in Paris is cimilar to our, curb markets in New York and Boston. It is reported that lines have been large buyers cf rails, taking 110,000 tons, while the Baltimore and Ohio railroad is now in the market for 135.000 tons. Prior to this improvement én the rail busi- ness it had heen expected that the oss tonnage booked in June and each of the midsummer months would fell below the May business, for sea- sonal dullness can be expected in Juve, July and August in normal years. A eontinuation of ,the in creased demand for rails may bring about a revision of thi# prediction and as far as the current month is concerned the demand for rails has already been sufficient to indicate that the month's total will be larger than that of May. One of the hea viest operators in shares for Europe Wednesday, having closed out a big line of "Steel common, held by himself and associates. In the cotton market there to be continued liquidations of outside long and short interests old crop options; however, it is not believed that the outside holders contracts will be permitted to reap the benefit hy the advance. What in fluence the support of the Southern contingent had on the market has heen withdrawn. It is practically admitted on the floor of the Ex change that the long interests in July cf not than 50,000 bales has been sold to local spot interests for the same amount of October, the Southerners paying a premium of ten points in the trade. This deal undoubtedly strengthened the cotton situation. Favorable repcets are being received concerning " 'trade conditions abroad. The weather is favorable over a greater pavt of the south, and crop advices are some- what better, and thé bears are very cautious about. taking heavy. risks on the short side. Marysville Budget. Marysville, Tyendinaga, June Mrs. John McCambridge, Jr., receiv od word from her daughter, Mrs. John Lee, that her home wae blown down bya storm thal passed over Langdon, Dakota. James MeNeil, of Deseronto, spent a few days with his brother, Ed | mund Miss Carrie Campbell attended the presentation at George Sexsmith's A. Dafoe spent Sunday evening in Na- pance." James Toppings and family spent Sunday with his sister, Mrs. John Young. "Jack" Meagher is ovecting a new implement shed. Miss Mary McGuinnis was in Napanee on Sunday evening. Messrs, Gerald Fitz garald, "Eddie Doyle and Vincent Brown were recent visitors at the Marysville house. G. Hale and H Thompson, of Desoronto, passed through here on Sunday last. John Fahey is the owner of a high stepping chestnut horse, the result of a recent trade. We are all pleased to hear that Mrs. John Fields is convalescent. J. Ford is on the si¢c list. Miss Pearl McBride spont Sunday with her cou- sin, Gladys Waddingham. Mrs. Fahey and daughter, Annie, with Miss Jennie O'Neil, spent Monday evening with Mrs. John C. Meagher. John Russcll attended the Methodist con- ferences, hold in Belleville. Mrs. Ma- thew Sexsmith and son, Ervin, spent Tuesday with her daughter. Miss Mag gie McCullough, of Lonsdale, «pent a couple of days with Mise Mary Tray- nor. We are sory to state that Mrs. D. Walker, is not gaining in health as fast as we would like. the Harviman stecl steel sailed me the m ol loss has le eal Poor 'Girls Have No Chance. The custom of extoriing dowrics has grown the fabric of the social life, and is a standing disgrace to the Bengali community which has no jus: tification 'to plead or apology to { offer. The practice has now assumed | alarming proportions of parents | boys extorting costly dowries as a ! condition of marrying their sons. The | marriage of a daughter among Ben- galis has becdme an expensive affair, in cash demanded by {the father or guardian of the boy, | and paid by tke father or guardian of | the bride, varies with the educational | attainments of the The Indian Daily News few {days ago @ piteous | spectable Hindoo parents | daughters. into of { and the amount bridegroom. published a app al from of dowerless re we me Bibby's for men's underwear. One good turns deserves another en- gagement. on the vaudeville circuit. | ~ See Bibby's $15 blue suits. Sooner or later a man who {travels | oh his cheek will have a worn look. Ribby's for real Panama hats. Women like to gossip almost 'ns men to boast | Bibby's for blue serge suits, | as well Jourw . pd TTR TISH WHIG. TT; HAmusemgn®s. (Oke ONTO Pi BIG FREE SHOW New Moving Pictures. Latest | Illustrated Songs. S. Janes Crh nal bcrsion OTTAWA Wednesday, June 16t viA G.T.R. ~~ SPECIAL TRAIN 800 AM Fare: Adults, $1.75; Children under 12,90c Train will leave Ottawa at evening. 4. tickets regular train June The Special 7.30 p.m. same good to return any 17th. OF THE . Kingston General Hospital Will hold Garden Party in the. Hos- pital Grounds, on PRIDAY, JUNE ISth a 3 JUNE 12, 1900. CONDENSED ADVERTISING! RATES First imsortion lc. a word. Bach con-| secutive insertion thereafter half cent' a word, Minimum charge for one in- sertion, 205c.; three insertions, 50c. six, $1; one month $3. LADY'S GOLD WATCH, WITH NANE "Ethel" inside ; so fob, on William below Kin to nesday after- noon. + Fin will be rewarded by leaving at Whig ol i i i INITIALS "4. 1 3 with chain attached, Thursday, June 3rd. on Princess St, between Albert. and Durham. Sts. Finder kindly return to Mrs, Sher- bino, 467 Albert street. LOCKET. : on cover, ROUND Ss ' WANTED--HELP. : ERAL SERVANT. APPLY to 161 Earl street. ee ep---- GIRL, ONE THAT Apply 8. A GOOD GEN in the evening FINANCE AND INSURANCE. AT ONCE, MUSIC can play all popular music. H. Knox & Uo. MARINE Ularence 8. KIRKPATRICK, FIRE, and Motor lpsurance, 43 St., Kingston. 'Phone, 56S oO. ------ ee i ee GENERAL SERVANT, Apply in evenings A COMPETENT for family eof two. at 141 hing street ATTRACTIVE INVESTMENT _POLI- cies im The North American Life In- surance Co; Standard rates, abso- lute security, splendid results. J Boon, Agent, 159 Wellington st. TO PARTRIDGE wire Works, Lang APPLY Crescent City. TWO BOY and Sons, St. West, ON TABLE, Apply street. BOY OR GIRL TO WAIT attend to door and telephone. "I'he Avonmore,' 207 William REFERENCES Mrs. D. Stewart "Sydenham St. Corner A. BATEMAN, AGENT FOR THE oy., members * The GEO. Pacific Coast Fire Ins. C of the board of underwriters. Romouski, Established 1876. The York and Bconomical Mutuals, 67 Clarence St., Kingston. 'Phone, 396. COOK, BY required. Robertson, West. 16 LIVERPOOL, LONDON AND GLOBE Fire Insurance Company. Avaliable assets $51,187,215. in addition to which the: policyholders have for security the unlimited liability of all the stockholders. Farm and city property Insured at lowest possible STA ACHER, 7, Hinchinbrook. Ap< . Snider, Becretary;' Ont. QUALIF1I for 8. ply to D. Reynoldston A COMP GENERAL SERVANT, From 2.30 10..0'clock Five O'Clock: Tea, ice Cream, Home- Made Table, Candy Table, Tableaux Vivants by kind permission' of Lt Burstall. The Band of the R.C.H. A. will he in attendance Admission to Grounds, Adults, 10c. ; Children 5 to Collender Ho Premises. These premises will be repaired rented for a term of years. Apply to Kirkpatrick, Rogers & Nickie, 194 Ontario Street. or Charte a steady, will seat com- For particulars, By day or otherwise, worthy gasoline launch, fortably a dozen pdople. apply Godwin's Insurance Office, 'Phone, 424, Over Crown Bank. - ~ NOTICE. CARRIERS' & BUILDING Laborers' Union, No, 66, will meet at the Y. M. C. Al, at'l o'clock, Sunday, to attend the funeral of Bro. Wm. Gates. Gs DEAN, Rec.-Hecy. HOD THE ASSOCIATED, R.A'M. and the R.C.M for Patron--HIS President--H.R.H. WALES, In consequence of the term Governors of McGill University, Mont- real, of the Agreement between the Board and the University' for holding joint Local Examinations in Music 'in the Dominion of Canada, the Associated Board will conduct its own Exam- inations in 1910 and all years, and the Secretary of will visit Canada at an 'early make all necessary arcamgements. SyHabus for 1916 'with be ready issue to applicants in August Meanwhile, all enquiries should dressed to--MR. JAMES MUIR, tary, 15 Bedford! Square, London, land. THE PRINCE KING OF MAJESTY THE K.G. ination by the the Board date to for next be ad- Eng- $30,000 To The Good. Leamington, June 12.--OUn an invest ment of $5,000, made three years ago. ih the purchase (! a fifty-acre tract oi land, on the shore of Pelee lsland, C. W. Caldwell is about $30,000 to the good. Mr. Caldwell bought the pro- perty to obtain possession of a prac tically inexhaustible supply of building sand. He has quantities of the sand and has receiv- od also a revenue of about $1000 a year from Cleveland men, who secured their supply from the sand bar. Now he has sold the prgperty to the Cleve land men for $30,000 in cash. eres Kennelly Goes To Russia. Ottawa, June 12.--George Kennedy, the veteran rugby scrimmager, is the first member of the Ditawa.. football team to start aetive work for next fall. His method is a nevel one, and consists of escorting an. alleged mur- derer. to far-off Russia.' the dominion police foro considered the A see Jean Frits where he is' ug¥ charge. He the time first pra e, and was lo. man to 30 Russia, ig, eabled. AV ATE ES Gold On The OF Ye. Winnipeg, June 12.--A 'big discovery of gold forty-five miles » of Frances, at Glego! » line of the Canadian Nogthe vay, ported here. The samp: show very vich ore, and the chpp of the vein indicates that there Is @ aery exten sive body of mineral . 5 N Vacuum Cleaning. Rigs, carpets, draperies, etc. thor- oughly cleaned by our vacuum proces Brgs.../ Phone 650. Corey In Motor Crash. Paris, June 12=William' E. Corey, president of the United Steel Corpor- ation, who was hurt in an automo- bile accident near Palisau yesterday, sustained injuries on: the | head . and logs, but his® wound€=afc not serious. Campbell Bros'. Fo Night. For the best in summer hats. The Trusts has been the estate late of The estate gacies. Genuine will 'not make). son's and Guarantee company appointed administrator of of Elizabeth G. Warren, town Lol Boldwier, Mich. consists prindpay Colt Te- - English butterscotch that sugar "(EMlard" & Bowser Sold in Kingston at Gib- Red Cross Drug Store. "Phone Bibhy's $2 soft straws, | tel] and altered to smit tenants, and | sea- | BOARD, of the | Local Examination in Music. | subsequent | Secre- | fine | used, . large] ennedy is on y murder | Horst F about | Fort | 15 re- | withoup lifting or disturbing. Warwick | oe, ( s 1 pigs' heads and their feet exposed for or by 2 rates. Before renewing old or gi g Willhofit, g or giving | for family of two, at once, FOR'SALE. GASOLINE, 16¢. YACHT. OLUB YARD: A LATHE WITH A CUSHMAN NO. 3 universal chuck, for R15, av Turk's, 'Phone, TO3: wr + (i al A SIX-ROOM 'AND W. €., FRAME DW ling, in good location. Particul at Godwin's Insurance * Km DOUBLE FRAME HOUSE, IN Fin class conditioh, with large tava a Jot. Apply on premises, 63 C street. 3 RED ST. BRICK HOUSE, NO. 138 ALF 4 oty Bond, eight rooms, modern, large Terms to suit. Apply A. F. 79 Clarence street, Ge CONFECTION. Well estabe Ap~ FIRST-CLASS FRUIT, ery and grocery business, lished. Large anmual turnover, ply Box "3,153," Whig office. AT BATH, A FRAME DWELLING, 7 rooms, good rdon, bara for horse and cow, fine fruit trees. Will sel} cheap. McCann, Brock Cor, King Sts. Kingston, IN VILLAGE OF PORTSMOUTH. ATR Corner of Union and Main sireets, Fine Frame House, and good gardens, cheap for cash. Apply to Chas. Rs Webster, R1 Princess street. PWENTY-THREE FOOT | MOTOR BOAT, beam 5 feel 10 Inches, six horse power, Gray maton Anpaiy from twelve to _foutteen ped good family bhoal. New last fall. Price, aew business get rates from Strange { July 1st. Apply to Mrs. . & Strange, Agents. 'Phone, 568. | 08 Wellington street IN LIGHT HOUSE- References re evening, Mrs. Ave. OR WO- MAID, TO ASSIST i work. No - washing quired. Apply in the George Mills, 124 University TO-LET. TWO SECOND COOKS, MEN men, three waiters, eight waitresses, (for ball), Kitchen woman and a nurse girl, Apply Steward, Frontenac Club. PURE FOR HORSES. Boyd, Pine St. GOOD P/ ply to J. D. -- FURNISHED ROOMS, WITH OR WITH- out hoard. Modern convenience. ply 214 William street. SALESMEN WA | Spray," Best Sprayer made, proved agents. Ont. FOR "AUTO Hand to w= Galt, ED Compressed-air Samiple (ree Cavers Bros. ONE REAR ROOM OFFICE, AT King street. Will be rented cheap J. P. Forrest, Gents' Furnisher. | TRAVELLING SALESMEN EARN i 000 to $10,000 yearly. Wr Ir book, "How Salesmen Su secure position as travelling salesman with reliable firm. Bradstreet System Dept. 298, Rochester, N.¥. FURNISHED AND UN- Stores, Storage for Furni- McCann's, Brock, DWELEINGS, furpished, ture, ele. King street. ere ep ------ 1A MAID-SERVANT OF to do pastry cook- table at summer Lake, for July and; laundress aiready will be paid 1 Wall St CAPABLE neat appearance ing and wait on cottage, Sharbot August ; and engaged. High w Address F. W. Shibley, New York City v FURNISHED I'remont ark, Thousend for season. Apply Gananoque, Ont COTTAGE~SIX. ROOMS cottage Islands Ww. 8 $1 Abbe -- -- we VIEW COTTAGE, EAST six miles from city, partly furnished, boat, boat ¢ Apply Poison & SUMMER Park, rooms, house, Co FOUND--A NEW MONEY. MAK ER--A household neeessity. Evéry home buys Vv. Snyder, Napeleon, 0. sold forty | first ten hours; made 3 Sells it self when shown People BOFFOW money to buy. Costs 40c. dozen tots, £1; 300,000 sold in New York since July. Write for yeur county Catalogue free. U. 8. Co., 716 Main, Leipsic, O. etc, AT Silver, a n Furnishing Ste premises, 102 Princess ston, Ont. and at King Clothing Apply street, sells BARBERS WANTEDAMORE CALLS for barbers than we can fill. Learn the barber trgde now, special ind - ments, tools free, constant praet : Gradunstés earn from twelve to eigh- teen dollars weekly. Few ipeks' com- plete course. Write now for free { book. The original and only sucess ful barher college in Seer The Moler Barber College, Queen | and WANTED---GENERAL. THE SUMMER--A LARGE nouse, situated on. Wolle Island, con venient to .boat landing. For further varticulars, address Box "ies hig office. FOR ---- ep -------------------- FIRST FLOOR OVER KING EDWARD Theatorium, formerly occupied by Board of Iducation, suite of rooms and hall, suitable for offices, club- room, ete. Apply 211 Princess: St. Spadina, Toronto. PURCHASE A BAKERY ness in the city. Apply Brock Cor. King street. BUSI-| McCann, | MEDICAL CARD. DAY, M.D, OM. PHYSI cian and. Surgeon, J(practising ino Odessa for the last seven years); Cor. Brock and Division Sts. Office Hours, 8 to 9 a.m., 2 to 4 and 7- to 9 p.m. 'Phone, 890. HENRY E. THE OPPORT Y TO FURNISE estimates "on electric work: All kind of work promptly done. ¥. J. Birch, | Electrician, 206 Wellington street. NIT ry BRING THEIR | made up into up- and workman-| BUSINESS CHANCE. | GENTLEMEN TO | cloth and have it to-date suits. Price ship guaranteed to please. Pressing | and repairing done on the shortest] notice. Thomas Galloway, 131 Broce | 8t., next Bibby's Livery. BIG (810 who VESTMENTTIHE STORY Mr. 1. Clement, of Woodstock, purchased two fifty-doliar lots in. a new town in Alberta four years ago and sold them for fifteen hundred each last season, is the story ofl a thousand investors in Alberta land? We are offering lets in the new town of *'Stirling,'"' which is situated in the heart of the great wheat belt in Southern Albertm and at the junction two active ratiroads. Write to us to-day: It is bound to yield tremend- ous profits. Goulding & Hamilton Confederation Life Building, Toronto IN PERSONALS. eee eee. MOLES, BIRTHMARKS etc., removed permanently without scar. Twenty ye: * experi: ence. Dr. Elmer J. Lake, ye, Ear, Nose, Throat and Skin Blemish Specialist, 2568 Bagot street. HAIR, | warts, | | oY SITUATIONS WANTED. DENTAL. OPTICIAN, MARINE, FULLY QUALI fiec also capable refractionist. Graduate, Klein, Boston i> desires to locate with an Optician, | 8 and take finahcial interest. Address Box "'F. W.,"" care Whig office. | "LATS Phone, Mass mere PARKS AND SPARKS, 2304 Princess 8t., Kingston. | 846. THE IDEAL BONING. SPIRELLA CORSETS. Duplicate Corset free if stay breaks or rusts in one year. Call gr 'phone R78. MARGARET DUNNETT, 105 Wellington St. ton. INDIGESTION AND NERVOUS ~ , TROUBLES en et sometimes lurking in w midst | opm te peavey cud by une tes on Bd some rman roe, sins | orsed . by Physicians as the World's | pint or engraving, well nigh eclipsed | best. tonic. hy the vandalism of a modern gilded | frame, 'some piece of old Cork glass or 'Mason's ironstone. Among mx most cherished bits of loot was an old Chelsea "man and maid," and my Toby jug and quaint little cop- | per luste® mug, with band of mot- | tled pink and green, were other finds i: and my tea caddy of inlaid mahog- ny, battered 'tis true, picked up for | a modest sixpense, from Biddy Ma- i i or perhaps a bundle of cast- ofi clothing. | Write for free sample: HYGIENE KOLA LIMITED, 84 Church St., Sold by all Druggists and Stores. Toronto. PADDY'S MARKET. "Tis in Cork and Worth * Going |i ne, a deals Thivily in salted her To. of | rings. Do not fancy, however, that loot of the kind is lightly come by, for ut citen means of © unprofitable searching before patience is wewarded a single find, 1 have seen ¢ mahogany tallboy groaning beneath lavers of bacon, and a Chippendaly' of | chair cheek by jowl with a three- legged milking stool, but these are not evervday discoveries, . pizce of friendly admonition only: 'hold vour «Kirts as high as Mrs, Crundyy will permit. The fair City by the Lee is no whit behind that by the Lifiev in careless yenging, and Paddys Market, well ®t is Paddy's Market. Mar- n "Paddy's visions, The | ket' writer very name conjures np in the Gentlewoman, rol licking ¢hillelah brandisting Trish "boys," and' jig dancing, red petty coated colleens, Not without reason, dv's Market in Cork retains most old world features to the presint day, and a visit there is equivalent to putting back the clock at jpast hundred Down the open street where the market held every Saturday the venders, chiefly old white-capped pea- sant sit surrounded hy the wares--religious pictures and periwin klee, old furniture, clothes baskets, eradles © {with or without an pant), bacon and loaves of says of weeks by too, - as Tis al One years, is women, Y T's the uncertainty of women that bread, | makes men go dafiv about them. Bibby' for men : underwear, oeen- : | wl | Ap- | | 346 | Cor. | to nine | PRESENT OCCUPIED | AMY | i i [TWO NEW HOUSES CORNFR DIVI- | sion and' Quebed streets. 'Also at Fast View Park, 5 <miles dram: Kingston, on. the St, Lawfence. -- Sevatal lots and new summer cottages. For sale, or to lot. Apply Revi Jd. 1 Boyd, 106 Pine street. $300. Dv J. Hay, 136 Clarence St, SAIL YACHT. FOR ALIS GQHEAP. Length over afl. 86 ft. beam 11 ft. draft 24 ft, cabin, fx12,. with 6 ft. head room, folfe. double and two single bunks. Bails, rigging and mat tresses im goed onder. Cam furnish photos or may, he Been on way at Napanee. Write to Mills, i le apa om {TWO SOLIP DOUBLE BRICK DWEIL lings, excellent location, on Princess St., opposite University Ave. each house containing nine rooms, modern conveniences with very large garden, fruit trees and stable. This is a snap for someone, reason for selling, owner leaving the city. Apply at McCann's Real Estate Agency, Brock Cor. King street. ees etme ISLAND, ahout 4 of Howe large re- 8B bed- well 28 SUMMER COTTAGE AND among the 1,000 islands, miles from Gananoque, foot Island, cotipge contains ception room with fire place, rooms, (3 in tower), drilled feet deep, cellar, hoathpuse, good boating and fishing. Melann's Real Fstate Agency, Brock Cor. King St. ARCHITECTS. een BILLIE, ARCHITEOT, ARTHUR rosidence; 181 University office Ave. and | | | ye P: SMITH. ARCH : ia LT 'Phone,' 845. * 4 : K 3 - | HENRY 1TECT, |" ete, Market Bquare. t | WM. NEWI | tects, etc., | Phone, 608. | NDS & SON, ARCHI« Office, 258 Bagot street. i ARCHITECTS, MER- EB Brock 212, POWER & SONS, chant"s Bank Building, corner and Wellington streets. "Phone, CARPENTERS AND BUILDERS. McCARTNEY, BUILDER tractor, 248 University kinds of jobbing work done As nD CON- py All omptly. AN A « A CARD TO CHAS. W. KFLLAR and Builder, 455. Division asonable prices. on all kinds work done promptly. DROP 'arpenter JAMES SELBY, CARPENTER AND Cabinetmaker. All 'kinds of jobbing, Your patronage solicited ; satisfaction guaranteed. A card to -12 Deacon street, or workshop, BS Wellington street, will receive prompt atlention, LEGAL. A. B. CUNNINGHAM BARRISTER and Solicitor. Law Office, 79 Clarence 8t., Kingston. It costs nothing to order now for next winter. Our price is $6.75 per IRS Swift's. Denounces Habit--Weakens Heart and Nerves. Gen William Knox against the cigarette habit among sol di He says that during the South African war thousands of soldiers were away from their units and could be found. Hundgpds must Wave been wilfully away. 'ursed with nerves, they were unable to face the music even for a day, He that he knows of more than "regrettable incident" as surrenders were euphemis- tically termed, that were dune to {of nerve on the part of the officers, due to cigarette smoking. He tolls how a medical examination of a ceb- tain unit resulted in twenty per cent, wing rejected for serv ice in India ow- ing to heart weakness Sir inveighs not adds one loss A Wonderful Cold Cure Just think of it, a cold cured minutes--that's what happens when vou use '"'Catmrrhozone."" You inhale its soothing balsams and out goes the cold--snifles are cured--headache is cur- ed--symptoms of eatarrh and grippe disappear at once. It's the healing pine essences and powerful antiseptics in Catarrhozone that enable it to act so quickly. In disease of the nose, for irritable throat, bronchitis, coughs and catarrh, it's a marvel. Safe' even for children. 25¢. and $1 sizes, at all deals 0, ers, xe in ten xi