FAGE FOUR. | Price 75c¢. Corbett's. does not tear the Grass. It Saves Labor. Corbett"s. THE BEST RAKE:IN THE WORLD. Rakes clean, removes the.tops of Dandelions and Weeds, and "MADE IN CANADA THE WHIG, 76th YEAR oc ime Tree ington. Ontaric; per year. Editions at 3.80 and { at $6 oSERRLY wE Y BRUSH WHIG, 18 published in Pp: on Monday sna Five n a year. 'To United EDW: J: B. PENSE, Managing Director, TORONTO OFFICE. Suite 19 and 20, Queen City Obam- bers, 82 Ohurch St., Toronto, H. E. Smallpeice, J. P., representative. " Daile Wibig. THE REMEDY AT HAND. Now we are getting light. Judge Winchester, replying to the grand jury which, at the 'sessions, denounced the race-track gambling and demanded. its suppression if possible, called atten- tion to the fact that the case rested with the city council, The city of Sheffield, England, has passed a by-law prohibiting race-track betting, and the by-law, after being tested in all the courts, was upheld. "1 would, therefore, advise," said his honor, "'our city council, if they have not already the power to pass such a by-law, that they should go to the Ontario legislature and secure such power." : Judge Winchester added that some people wondered why the police com- \LLE] ] missioners did not do something to end the scandals of the race track, and CREAM ATARTARA CHEMICALLY PURE Canadian (Government tests show we have the purest, and highest strength goods. Gillett's is used by the best Bakers and Caterers everywhere. Costs no more than the inferior adulterated kinds. | E.W.GILLETT CO, LTD. Toronto, Ont. "Absolutely Pure" Ice Cream "Any flavor. 60c per quart. p rice S, Phone 845. Any hour. ' 288 Princess St. all the while the power -and authority rested with the council, He had sent to that body a copy of former re: marks, made by him on this subject, and he could not do any more. When the remedy for a great evil, one which blushing Toronto is under- stood to greatly deplore, is so easily attainable, there should be no delay in applying it. FR SUGAR TRUST, SWINDLES, The sugar trust of the United States has caused it to be announced that it is not really to blame for the swindles by which it is believed to have profited to the extent of mil lions of dollars. "These swindles had to do with the weighing of the raw sugar which the trust imported, and bv the manipulation of secret springs in. the weighing machines. The re- presentaiaves of". the trust and the government officials « sat side by side at the machines that ranged at inter- vals along three docke in New York, and both tallied the output. At the dark end of the scale room the company's checker 'operated, and ak (he touched the rod in the scales with ote hand' the effect was to in- fluence the result from forty-eight ounces upwards. All depended upon the pressure that was applied. 'At the end of six years the fraud was de- A Waterprool Shine Water won't spoil a * Just Out" shine. Day & Martin's * Just Out" Shoe Polish puts on a glossy, jet black shine that won't catch the dust and will be waterproof. At all dealers, CHAS. GYDE, Canadian Agent, Montreal, 8 tected, and the government levied a fine of $2,000,000, It may have recov- ered the loss which had been incurred in revenue, and it may not have done 4s. -Ft-was-a heavy punishment for flagrant. evil-doing, and repudiation on the part of the trust now will not avail. The machines were theirs--the swindle was deliberately planned by it in the making of the devices--and it benefited thereby. The marvel 1s | that the cheat was attempted at all, seeing that the' secret lay with so many, and that the chances of de- 2 Tonos and invigoratesthe who! EP worvous Systm, winkes nev Llood in old Veins, Cures Nert [ental and Brain Worry, Ded il Weakness, Emissions, Sper i K of Abuse or Excesses $5. One will please, si druggists or mailed pt. of price. New pamphla wa Debility, panclensn, rwdorrhora, Soe 31 ne . doh villour.. Sold by al plain pkg. on rece sailed free. Tho Wo varmeriy Windsor Medicine Co. Toronto. . . | : Elephant Mixed Paints] cial, These Paints are the best preservatives dry with a hard glossy surface and can be | for wood, iron and stone. They eastly applied by anyone. FOR SALE BY + STRACHAN'S. tection were sO numerous. This excites sarprise, and it should Wood's Phosphodine The Great Englis Jlemedy not, seeing that the cupidity of some men is whetted by the opportunities they have of robbing fhe people. Without the nid of the fraudulent machines the trust is besting the peo- ple of America in continuing to exact high prices for its products in the | face of a falling market on raw ma- and--it-- succeeds by largely controlling the refineries. ------------------ | 1S THIS THE END? I'he Love Letters of | arlyle and Jane Welsh" have sup- i plied a kind of antidote for the dis- Thomas -- Bi BY'S CAB STAND mass of personal matter which | constitutes the Reminiscences, Life, Phone 20l. DAY EEN TR | ies % | and secrots, was the publication of a We Just Keep 'Hammering Away (Can't Help It) About Our Good COAL have become customer you will be y equally enthusiastic 1 CRAWFORD, 'Phone, 9, Foot of Queen St. you once | Functions, and Memorials of Froude. | The one thing that Carlyle did | wants and the one thing against which { he thought he had guarded in commit- | ting to Froude, his literature, letters not biography. |Stern critic that he was, ! and bold in the expression of his opin- lion, therc was still a sensitive side to | his nature, and he desired that after his death a veil should be drawn over | his inner life, and that he should be { kindly and even lovingly remembered. The literary world has never taken | kindly to Froude's discharge of the task him. The friends | of Carlyle have not accepted the por- | traiture of him which; Froude present- such citations from and philo committed to wd, supported by the writings of the sage opher, as seemed to give it reality. They have held their views in reserve, {or they ha#b openly dissented from the Froude interpretation, though at the | disadvantage of not having the mater disprove some of the things asserted by Carlyle's liter- (ial to | that wore {ary exoautor. It has { Carlyle family to publish letters that Welsh, were courting, man and Jane fivo years they remained for one of the after all | these years, in two volumes, the love passed between the great during the lottors THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, WEDNESDAY, JUNE 8, 1009. rege rr which give a new glimpse into the in- ner lifo of one that time has provem, in the words of a erilic, "was as noblo in character as he was lofty in genius." These lctiers show Carlyle and the woman who became his wife at their best, and develops in an en- trancing way the experience of these years when they were being drawn to- wards each other and by an affection which did not die. The cap sheaf in this personal his tory is published by R. 8. Craig, who, in "The Making of Carlyle," brings out some new facts, and facts that go to show that Mr. and Mrs. Carlyle had a happy life, Froude to the con- trary, that they were not for a time in affluent circumstances, but that they were comfortable, and that sweet contentment carried them along until the production of the French Revolu- tion and Sartor Resartus brought Carlyle fame and recogmition and all that they imply. These later works on Carlyle have attracted a wide at- tention, and mark the place which Carlyle has occupied in the thought and heart of literary men. The love letters of any persons. are interesting, but much more so the letters of two whose powcr of expression was so in- tense as in the case of the Carlyles. W. S. Lilly, in the Nineteenth Cen- tury, refers to them as "The End of a Legend," this legend being Froude's and to the extent of representing a union so peculiar, as being one of dissimilate spirits, with a varied and unhappy experience. If the end jof this has been reached the friends of Carlyle will be satisfied. et THE CITY AND THE CARS. The civic electric department the street railway were represented, yesterday, at a conference on the pow- er question. The discussion for a time was largely with reference to the sale of the road by the company to the city, and for over $100,000. The com- pany's idea is that the road should be publicly owned and ' operated, for the good of the city, even at a loss. The proposition is not practicable, and for the reason that the council canngt purchase the road and the people cannot be asked hurriedly to pass upon the subject. The question of power was later con- and very briefly. The com- pany has not beem making the cars pay--and cannot be expected to do so without a very material increase in the population--and it will only von- sont to continue the service for five years, with the guarantee of power at half the present rate, or 83 ¢ents per kilo-watt. The manager regently fig- ured the loss to the city under pres- ent circumstances at between $600 and $700 a year. The loss at half present rates would be twice this sum, or from $1,200 to $1,400. The committee could not Yace this problem without results . to the department's and sidered, serious finances. What the report will be to the coun- cil cannot be conjectured. The coun- cil, it is assumed, cannot pay or bonus 'the system without the people's con- sent. It can, if the company will ac- cept; continue the present rate for the summer, and refer the whole issue to the people at the January election. EDITORIAL NOTES. Who is responsible for the untidiness of the streets ? A couple of men would keop half the city clean of waste paper if they were properly direoted by the works' depariment. -- Under Rosebery's inspiration Canada now feel like contributing to the naval defence of the empire? He thinks that in order to protection one should does evidently enjoy British pay something towards it. right. The grama- Ald. Craig is phones at the right, but a good deal of their music is all What is needed is something new, and pretty, and at- tractive. Wanted--a music censor. wrong. "Boost the town," cries the Wator- town Standard. 'Boost the vince,"' says the Regina Leader, "and keep on boosting it."" The knockers have had their day. It is tame the boosters, everywhere, had their chance. pro- The Methodist church is determined that the probationers can only marry with its consent--or go out of the ministry. Isn't the cry that there is a woeful scarcity of candidates ? Well, lot them marry if that will help the preaching. The biggest venture in England, and the one having the greatest hazard financially, is Winston Churchill's pro- posed labour insurance. The idea of insuring a man against idleness or non-occupation is novel. Winston says it is practical. Pyne attributes certain hostile criticism of the school book deal--and particularly of the Eaton company using the books as a means of advertising ity business-- to the in- fluence of an electric ring. Could any- thing secm more nonsensical ? Hon. Dr. Dr. - Chown is angry with the gov- ornor-goneral because he goes to the | horse races. He's not to blame for | the gambling what takes place at them. He likes to eve a good race. So do others. The gambling can be stopped. by the city conneil. Tet it do its duty. theatoriums arc all | i THE SYNOD SERVCE AT ST. GEORGE'S CATHE-| DRAL ON TUESDAY NIGHT. Pastoral Staff Presented to Bishop 'Mills and Patton Memorial Window Dedicated By Bishop-- "Fine Sermon Delivered By Dean Bidwell. | On Tuesday evening, the service known as "the synod service," even- song, was held in St. George's cathe dral, and it was quite largely attend- ed, both by . the delegates to synod and the members of the congregation. During the service, the was presented to Bishop Patton memorial window, in the apse, in memory of the late Archdeacon Patton, was dedicated by the bishop. The sermon was preached by Dean chapter 16, part of verse 33: "Be of good cheer, I, have overcome the world." Christ had been comforting his disciples, and the speaker pointed out that this was thé message his hearers should receive., This message had been given when at the threshold of 'what some men would term a gilure. It was a most remarkable an im upon the hearers. If there was ohe characteristic about it, ills, and the | Bidwell, who chose as his text, John,| saying, and could: not help but leave | it was the entire absence of despair. When they heard these words, they realized under whose banner they were for these days, towards pessimism. was fighting a losing battle. It re- quired a careful eye like life. The manifest. "We have gathered together here in synod," added tho speaker, "to dis cues matters in the interest of the church wo love so well, and move par- ticularly in our own diocese. We aro sure to meet with some things that discourage us. otherwise. We "are certain to have come disappointments. Wo cannot ex- pect it to be difforentl bul do let us remember thie, that when we foel dis couraged, that after all, it is. God's church for which we are working, and there iv His promise that the gates of hell shall nover prevail against it. You should remember that it is for His cause we are working, and that it is His power which is behind us." No doubt the church had a difficult task before it. But it was what God had given us just at this time. There were things which confronted Chris tianity--increase of unbelief and party epirit. We had all this io face, we should faw it as did the disciples. "Let us, as far as we are concerned, in this diocese, put party spirit out of the work. Let us work as one man making no difficulty, because we are working for the one Master. It is wonderful the power which can = be produced when we are working in closiy harmony and in union. We should be inspired to do the best work wé can for God. Let uf go to our work, strong in thet thought. In our weak- ness, how often wé are cowards, and yet He ¢hosétn ud to do His work. He will ktrengthen us when we work." Evensong was sung by Canon Rob- orts, procentor of the synod, and les- sons were read by-the-archdeacons of Ontario and Kingston. The choir and clergy came in procession from St. George's hall, and passing along Johnson strect, came up the aisle, singing 'Onward Christian Soldiers." The staff, /' which was presented to Bishop Mills, was brought in by E. J. B. Penso, representing the laity of the diocese and the address of presenta tion. was made by Judge MoDonald, chanccllor of the diocese. The stafi was handed to his lordship, who was attended bv his chaplains, Canon Starr and Rov. H. H. Bedford-Jones. The bishop, in accepting the stall, said that ho would have great happi- various duties pertaining to the opiscopate. blessing at the alter, holding the staff in his left hand. the late Archdeacon Patton, was offer- ed by the latter's son, Rev. Herbert Patton, of Prescott. Duncan at New Glasgow, Frasif, as he was walking peacefully rested. Lambago Victim fort. The man whose back is lame sore can't afford to trifle and Jumbago. He needs a etrating i tendons and m ping. Hight to the spot it carrying - healing, soothing all the pain. "When my back was so when ultimately cured. 'There is in Nervilme that isn't to be in other liniments. Its power marvel. ter * over the "weak spot. I tism, Neuralgia and Sciatica. Greenville, is ample {ine can't be beaten; try it "Nerriline" only. Large bottles, 2 each. ' Ne MONTREAL PRODUCE MARKET. fighting, and were confident that they could not lose. This was the message which were tending A There was need | ior cheese is for courage on our part, as there were j prices tending upward steadi people who would say that the church to see a Christ- powers of evil were We could not expect ain is good, and at the present but | opened ness in using it while performing the The bishop then gave the The window, dedicated in memory of Brown was shot and killed N.8., by "Buck" along the strect. Fraser has been ar- Tells of a Wonderful Remedy That Brought Him Health and Com- Ayith the Que hundred and one so-called cures for provincial werful, pen- destroying liniment-- one that will quickly sink into all the ] orov on uscles--such a liniment the policy of subsidizing the universi- is "Nerviline," which acts like light- goes, roperties to the nerves and muscles that cause inful that I couldn' turn in bed, when rubbing hot 'irons over my back failed to ease, eried * aloud with agonizing twinges--then it was that I used Ner- viline and got quick relief and was rr someth tony over pain and its facility for sinking into | the core of the sore parts is simply a After getting rid of the pain and when I started back to work of course I wore a Nerviline Porous Plas- " have friends that use Nerviline for Rheuma- | They all think as I do that Nerviline is the Strom gest, best and safest liniment made. 'The abeve statement of F. R. Much- {or later. more, the well-known merchant of that Nervi- urself-- but' be sure the dealers give ou { YCATS, Paid For the Products. Montreal, June 8.--The market here strong, to-day, with x due to a decidedly improved demand irom Great Britain. The improved tone to the market was noticeable at the end of last weck, and the slightly higher prices paid at the country markets on Friday showed that the dealers here wero. looking for a better demand or vxport 'this week than they had dur- ing the first part of last week, and they have not been disappointed. The demand from all parts of Great Brit- rate every available box of cheese in the city will be cleaned up before the end of the week. The demand seems great- er than it really is on account of the comparatively small receipts of checse which have not yet reached the flush, and will not do so for another two or threo weeks. It is all for imme- diate shipment; and shows that there is still a shortage in the supply of checse in England, the quantity avail- able not being sufficient to meet the big increase in the demand for imme- diate consumption which comes on at this time every year. The country markets this week have strong with prices advanced over those paid last week. At Camp- bellford on Tuesday morning, the cheese were sold at llc, and at Stirling in the afternoon the prices were advanced to 1lfe. per lb. There is every indication of even higher prices being paid before the el of tho week, and these are likely to be the cheapest. cheese of the wi Just what prices will be paid it ie difficult at this time tosay; it will depend en- tively upon the limit the British deal- ers are prepared to go. It is to. be hoped that prices will mot be forced too high, as it would omnly have the effect of stopping the export demand, which has come on fairly well now, and in bringing about another react jon in the market and a setback in prices. The make is increasing rapidly, and according to the figures showing the reccipts into Montreal, as pablishec by the board of tradg, ihe output is about the same as last year's up tc dato. If the favorable weather that we are now having continues, there is every reason to look for at least a: large a production this month as Ww had in the corresponding month last year. The market for butter is steady with a good demand from . the local trade, and from various points in the west, where there is not' sufficient butter be ing produced just yet to meet the re- quirements of 'the rapidly-growing po- pulation. There is no demand what- even for export, as our prices are away out of reach of the British trade, but ter selling in England to-day at from 20¢. to 2lc. per lb. The oficrings at the markets in the Eastern Town ships sold at from 21}c. to 22c. per Ib., on Monday, whith means a. cost laid down here of 22c. to 224c. per lb., at which prices there is a fai trade paseing. Ordinary finest cream ory is quoted at 2le. to 2c. pa b., and under-finest at 2le. to 214c. Dairy butter, fresh made, is compara tively scarce, and is quoted at about 18¢. per 1b. " The egg markets here are steady and Prices Various . - prices are unchanged. Selected stock Gives Good Advice is quoted at 22c. No 1, at 200, aud No. 2 at 18c. Prices in the country have boon reduced, as the offerings are not all strictly finest at present. ------------ The Gains And Losses. Hamilton Herald. | Ii Queen's is to be subsidized by the overnment, there will bi no oxcuse for refusing govérnment ai to the Western University at London There will be vigorous opposition tc ties at Kingston and London out 0 the provincial treasury in addition tc meeting the large cost of the provin cial university at Toronto. It is just possible that Queen's will lose more by being deprived of the ability to ap peal with confidence to denomination al pride and loyalty than it will gait by acquiring the right to claim assist ance from government and other sources of bounty. Some Plain Talk. Brockville Times. It is a thousand pities that the councillors do not pluck up courage tc act boldly in the public interest. They may for the moment antagoniz some persons but their actions will bc justified. by time in most cases and their courage will be respected if not applauded by their opponents. man who boldly does what he con: ceives to be best for the public wel fare assuredly gets his reward sooher France proposes to spend $600,000, 000 on her navy within the next ten Dr. J. N. Anderson, Torcato, died suddenly while paying a social call, Blue Serge is the Suit of Suits for Summer Wear. Whether at your busi- ness or sojourning, it's the ever ready suit. Proper for any occasion, and most proper for most occasions. : Our Serge Suits are handsome. They're beautifully tailored in the top notch of style. The Blue Serge Suit you buy here will be of fast color, and will stay blue. We'll guarantee it ! We have them in all sizes and can fit any man. See our $12.50 Blue Serge. See our $15.00 Botany Worsted. See our $18.00 English Serge. See our $20.00 Semi-Ready Blue Worsteds. Real Panama Hats, $4, 5,6, 8 and 10. - The H. D. Bibby Co.: 2 28 AAA AA LLL LL TTI TITTIETTTTTTTTYTTTTY x Li NOW IS THE TIME FOR VERANDAH & LAWN FURNITURE Large, comfortable Cane-Seated Arm Chairs and Rockers, in green shade, only $2.50. Slat Settees and Rustic Benches and Rush Seat Chairs. ee Folding Camp Ohairs and Camp Cots. LEE HES Launch Chairs and Boat Seats. JAMES REID, The Leading Undertaker For *"Choonlate Pudding" -- for «Homemade Fudge"--for Ice Cre ete.,--use Cowan's Perfection Cocoa. Delicious in flavor, nutritious, economical THE COWAN CO. LIMITED, TORONTO. L ESTAT TO BUY 2 Small Houses, South of Princess St., between two and three thousand dollars, six or seven rooms, bath, etc. One of them with some land attached. CITY BROKERAGE J. 0. HUTTON, J. R. €. DOBBS, 18 Market St., 41 Clarence St., 'Phone, 703. "Phone, 480a. ssi -- WE WANT (Gasoline 16¢c. A GALLON Put in Your Tank at Our Dock. Garage Repairs to Automobiles and Marine Engines promptly attended to. Selby & Youlden, Ltd. Ontario St. Eczem Salt Rheum. Eosema or Salt Rheum, as it is often agonizing of skin | International Portland Cement