nn CAUSE FOR I. rq ono SEQUEL nn } i Ts ae. y n P Clergyman Criticizes Assembly's The Unattainable. Attack on Tobacco. ! Chicago News. | ARRANGEMENTS SHOULD! Cleveland, June 3-1 smoke and | EE Evy yam, + Than a Month Ago--Asking for | the recent Presbyterian general as-| Has Had Stirring Career--Received| With a laboriess job. From my throat not a sob-- AIRE NOT BE DISTURBED. |!!! not give it up. Such actions do/"ANGEL oF L LEGATIONS" | 1 fore for' Tis 5 sembly by Dr. A. B. Meldrum, pastor $450,000 From Allied Powers |! am sure that my Zeal Should my Nore commend, | count, period, wero $675,000, This is | 10 waste time on such matters," he wood City, Mrs. Ann McCarthy was | "Not a tear from my eye. more harm than good.' MARRIES HER CHAUFFEUR x And ried Sain. po ave ¢ 0 E S i ' ITH Communtation of the Death! 'of the Old Stone church, which is : For Heroism During the Pekin | what a joy 1 should fos! a) : | greatly in excess of the returns for the | #8id. "Such action does more harm married to Gus Rhenstrom, her chaui- - ~ o same month last year, when the re | than good. There is always some one feur. The bride was the widow of Au- | But so many, alas ! , 1a 3 - ct And are desirous of securing | i rn -- That was the statement made anent| ? g 1 Mid the maddeni | As the Order Was Issued More the anti-tobacco resolution adopted at A LH to ns mel T 3 | Sentence. { Cleveland's most prominent Presbyter- Bat a Jov_1 sh ost | Ottawa, June 3.-City tax receipts | lian church. Siege. were Sulied | a ton {for May, the last month of the dis- | 'The assembly had too much to do| San Francisco, June 3.--At Red | At a salary high ! pe 4 i | who seeks notoriety by such resolu- y ime Are as eager for pay, \ 1 cpt were 3384.000, x. tions. The use of tobacco is a matter | Sori Clamot at the time of the Boxer | They nave Nuoranes crass : : a model of more than ordinary n answer to complaint from the | f . T | rebellion in China, and she and her | And they get in way, % , {London district that eamp arrange og individyal conscience. I will not husband were instrumental in saving | For a man who is oy a distinction and charm. Our {ments had heen seriously intcrfewed | PHINE He naticy before my congrega- many lives in Pekin. Chamot was an pi altars BOG, gr ¢ assortment is large and choice. {with by the order reducing the camp | fon ie 'members are entitled to interpreter at the court and also kept | For a Inborless job. g T bei strength of the regiments, it was offi- | Yer own opinion in the matter. It is an hotel for foreigners adjoining the here be ng Hats to har- [cially stated at tho militia depart- | "© sin to smoke. 1 use tobacco, and legation grounds. When the uprising | "Which Road Would You Take ?"' monize with every costume. 'ment, Jestorday, _ that tere was no, | ill continue to do so." came Chamot pound to have tho | If jou Soi go buck to the forks of cance for complaint as the commands only good stpck European prowis- Foy " . had been informed of the new order - y |ions in the city, and this st he Back She loop miles. you have 'sarfief Also see our new Wash Cos-. jmore than a month ago. i , enabled. the légation prisoners to draw Back vo the place you had to decide, tames, Skirts and Waists, The department of Justice is being | upon. He was a skilful chef and cook- | BY Shia way or that through your life oa | asked for commutation of the death! 2 . ed for the sick and invalid. His wife Back to the sorrow, back to the care, , 5 'MADE IN CANADA {sentence passed on Samuel Assely, ' was a crack rifle shot and jook ber | Back to the place where the future wes David M Spence The Leading Millinery & Mantle , . ' {who is to hang at Hawkesbury, on | I place with the men in defendi the |, iz ibe lhefo now. a. decision. tn Store, 119 Princess St. | 5 § (July 23rd. It is contended thai no A ; } | legations. During the siege of Pekin "make, i [thing more than a verdict of man it was the heroism, of the Chamots | O pilgrun of sorrow, which road would . lf slaughter is justified by the evidence. > that savgd hundreds of besieged® for- you take ? : | next week, signers from starvation and death at | Then after you'd travelled the other Justice Cassels goes, to CR Al | New Brunswick or the exchequer court. J Ca d the hands of the Boxers. Mrs. Cha- long traek, : {In one county there are nearly 150 ! | mot was called "the angel = of lega- Suppuse that again to the forks you . { appeals [Rai Fhe x. T.R., in connec- i tions. In: return ior their sarvice in | After you found that its promises far, a {tion with its right o way. | al TW Pekin the couple roceived $450,000 from | Were but a delusion that led to a snare, : i 3 Y | Militia orders, to-day, announce that the allied powers, many rare jewels That the Toud you first travelled with | 3 > y . . { commanding officers will be held re- _ A and gifts, and August Chamot - was | Tho dreary and rough, was most grace You are invited fo meet sponsible for persons entering camps | > in Chi . iously blest mado mandarin of China, one of th With balm for each bruise and a charm this year who are not properly pro he | first Europeans to be accorded this for each ache, f tec ted from smallpox by vaccination. J honor. |, OU pilgrim of sorrow, which road would . : | rads iss Eccles ~~ -- -* | STOCK QUOTATIONS. "4 Q 0 | PITH OF THE NEWS. A Bird To His Mate. | Cobalt and Leading Canadian ---- - : By Horace Varney, Sharon. ; » Guaranteed Chemically Pure [ff | 0 Shey The Very Latest Dulled From Al | ines lite Wid in a iiang woe. | aN expert corset fitter of Bias Corsets Totd.. SOLD IN PACKAGES AND CANS { The followi ing quotations are sup- PRESIDENT HEGUIER, OF PERU, F ope The World. The mountains. there, and the waters A -------------------------------------------------------- | a > a Wi 1 essed avolut ing + big, rod, ripe st Prries near » {1b ied hy the City Brokerage (4. 0. TD EMev.1, revolutionary uprising oF 2S rE raw berries, That sparkle and dance in the sunshine on Same Price as the poor | Hutton and J. R. C. Dobbs), 41 Clar- in an hour. you must go to Carnovsky's. clear. . ence street, 'Telephone 480 A : The board of railway commissioners , little wife, see Adulterated Kinds : . DOINGS AT DENBIGH. has reserved decision on the (uestiog What is ours to share { Cobalt Stocks. ks a : | of express company, charges, the argu All he Nord so ide. WM. . E. W. GILLETT CO, LTD. June 3rd. Clergyman Becels es Word ° Tmont in which was concluded at To Ea: : RL Monday, ay 31st fo June 516 - ' Mother's Death in Germany. vonto Here comes a bee, and he's singing, too, Toronto, Ont. } Sellers. Buyers, 1 He says. **What a wonderful world 1 ot $.: | : ' pe . 8 38% | Denbigh, June 1 1 Jecise James, of At Peterboro, Wilson McCarthy, a view. a. festey * sn 8 Plevna, and Miss Ada Vilneff, daugh- | y Englishman, was so wel With sunshine to make the buds unfold y y y i C 8 a1 | ' g voung English » was sentoneed tc i nshi 0 ma he b t t Baillie oba t 12 'ant [ter of Mr, and Mrs. John Vilneff, of | a yoar in the Central prison. He was | Where I may search for my sweets and Ww en e€ Su, eriori 0 1as orse $ * | this place, were quietly married at the | discovered teving to break into An- ne hb all' mine't" Chambers- Ferland ior 490 C'obal antral ...... . 40 . tl, R | Cohal Henn : ut . {home of the bride's parents, on the drew Laidlaw's clothing store, Now the giad bee cries, . | ¥p xd . sennes sence x Lid ds 26 w. Mr rons evs Y Foam vas RB anid "This mderful world Ib» d T; d 1 . Crown Reserve 'ie a J.4¢ | 26th ult. Rev 3% Mr. Lyons, of 1 levna, H.B, ( rawiord was Fined $50 and J hat Bhi h ey Aides ig wi ie emons rafe 0 you. u omo 1 es gc } : og | performed the ceremony and'also took | costs far: nthe theft of electric fluid ak Fonter halen shy Sena a » do ; {time with Mrs. Lyons to make a call | 'rom the Ottawa Electrie Light com \ child is coming, ~hark, what does he 3 To Rent. g : : od 53 on their friends and former neighbors. | pany. Crawford had for some time |. I am ay happy: happy 'to-day ! Yours truly Green Meehan sttave tieveiaas A5% | . : i - { Dr. and Mrs. Adams, James Madden, {hen trapping supply wires. leading | Mountains, I love you! 1 love you, HoH ® La Rosp ... i . AT 2 it 5 3 # ogy | our county judge, held division court from the street to the metre in the lake, arts . le Nipissing ...... .. ... 2A : . - | , : } Terms Reasonable. Always & McKin. Dar oR von 5 94 * | here, in Bebee's hall, on the 27th ult. | house, and connecting these by means | A0d every good thing that God did . . Savage . S | - . . 5 nake Open. Br. 5 10/62) | Charles Both was away u few dae | of another wire hevond the metre. TE rere Gbe Summerville Co., Wellington St. $% | Nova Scotia {assisting in the organizing of som At Macdonald College, St. Anne de Sang the bird in the tree, HASH for a moment Ww. J. Moore & Son, { Ocioe ih TR maaeie = : ! a 51 lodges of the Chosen Friends in Ren Beaupre, Que., on Thursday afternoon Stay Jor a Noment & | Peterson Lake ...... ...... ... .29} 29 |lrew county. : McGill College held a special convoca 'Phones--Garage, 815a, qd | Rochester 17 164 | Mr. Loekhead, of Enterprise, D.D. | tion and conforred the degree oi doc Picture Puzzles At Our House. ; Residence, 815b. $4 Silver-Leaf ...... .... 13} 13 Muster of oe Lo Hoeiety. Spent a ter of laws upon Hon. James Wilson, | Woman s Home Companion k . "% | Silver Queen Se) .37 [couple ol days here assisting the or- | eeretary of agriculture of the United »s. Polly's in the living room with AAAI K | Temiskaming 24 1.23 | ganization' of Loyal Orange, No.| States: Dr. James Earle Russell, dean Fred Delancey Brown, ---- seamen tease, grapes, Jauf 34 |376, which had been dormant for some | of the Teachers' College, Columbian | Th Dieure, Dustle he has just 3 ¥ HAH { Trethewey : wrens ain 1400 | time, University; Gifford Pinchot, head of | And grandpa's sought his den, and says, He's sorting eyes and noses as fast as A Wonderful | A NEGRO LYNCHED. an, is spending B few days again 'here, ted States; Dr. James Ww. Robertson, he is able. Ld 3 I i ¢ | visiting relatives and old friends. D. principal of Macdonald College, * and . nvigorator is White Men Strung Him Up 3 gebit, public i hoa] ie Deetor, Dr. Duncan McEachran, former dea: YO oer pEutg i on the stairs wits made one of his official visits to '¢ | of the faculty of comparative medicine 8 . ; Bridge t : i the faculty of « I ve And father's locked the bedroom door as g schools in this municipality and veterinary science at MeGill if to take a nap . [ Watts Ashes 2avh sire privante wl) i i 3 : Mr. Adam McLellan, of Matawatch- |}. department of forestry of the Uni [ Oh, please don't shake the table, '-- | | | | VI I O Frankfort, Ky., June 3.--Within Court of revision was held at the | po ) { Now mother's gained the dining room, sight and sound of the governor's|Chatson house, on Saturday, 29th ; - s . the dishes pushed aside, | : '""Their Bloomin' Pride.' She's spreading out a four-foot map of me ansion, John Maxie, a negro, an at-| it, The attendance was very large, 3 i aieating out a" feuniont | tache of the house, after escaping | (here being twenty-six appeals against Arry and 3 5 . It enriches the blood and {death at the bands of a mob of his | the assessment, and the session, as cussing rewnt events in the High | The children quarrel on the porch, - with : will cure RHEUMATISM [own race, was taken from jail, here, | was anticipated, was a very stormy | street, Bethnal Green, London. { pieces o'er the floor ; where everything else has : 3 3 ' . ' , bo ki If 'anybody steps around they raise a failed. 5 a Dox. or six | to-day, by a white mob and lynched | 0. Arry--Did you read the list of pre- | dreadful roar " for 2.2 'or sale ' hy | from a bridge over the Kentucky riv-| 1 S Lane is again engaged with a Ann Smith had for het wed- | Our Annie's to the attic climbed, and, IST'S 1 : 'y Maxie was discovered by Bert] oan. § AAT "WW DiCC lin though I ring and ring : BLE . gang of men to repair that ne piece . She's putting in the final scrap, and | C. Bower, of Wichita, Kansas, super-|.,i the Addington Road, built on the 'Arriet--Yes, T did. The hidea for | deaf to everything. -- | intendent of the circus, in the act of | west shore of Massanoga lake, which | such as-them avin' the weddin' put in SPECIALS FOR FRIDAY AND! ripping the canve:, and when ordered {had become impassable this spring, [the paper ! They might be bloomin' The telephone Jay Sing and ring, the 9 nocker clamor loud SATURDAY. { to desist, turned on Bower and shot having been : damaged by excessive haristocrats. cs I've cut a picture up myself, and joined \ 9 I. Young Western Beef, Fresh Pork, (him in the abdomen. high water. William Blackley has re Arry--Fancy her mother giving her the struggling crowd. T v is all neglected ; e'en the cat y . . Lamb and Vou t Beal. Pork "Cat -------- ceived a grant from the provincial |such a "handsome present as a 'orse The work i dar) uga rec leef, ork anc ab- | s . . . Bn . , 1 ] i A Clear Complexion. government . to report the Addington and trap ! : For everyone is busy--we've the picture Fresh Farmers' Butter and Eggs. | If there appears on your face any |Road between Denbigh and Raglan, Arriet--Garn! It was a clothes puzzle craze. ( ne heap SI or J Beet | canker pimples boils, blotches or {and intends to commence his opera orso and a mouse trap. I've sed r tions next week, em. That's their bloomin' pride ! Minister Was Always Present. D. B. GAGE & SON. | other skin disease you know at once 3 : Rev. J. Reble received the sad intel A clergyman not averse to an occa- Cor. Bagot and Earl Sts 'Phone, 876. | vour bloc is impure. Perfect] ure IV, oh, | + : 24 | blood Rood eT iutels dle Sup ligence of the unexpected death of his| For Kingston's Highland Band ional glass hired an Irishman to » - ------ - ere jlexion. You can have such blood mother, who died suddenly in Kropp, Pretty Cousin--Algy, don't your [clear out his cellar. Phe Irishman {by using Wade's Iron Tonic Pills [Germany, of a paralytic stroke. He | knees get cold in that uniform ? backed his cart to the curb, and gpaciive entee (Laxative).. This remedy cleanses and |had all arrangements made for a more Algy (in Highland costume)--Baw | brought forth a lot of empty whiskey Nd NT TREE ON API CATIRS Fi the blood. joyful occasion, as he was expecting Jove, they did at first, but I said to| bottles. Ho looked through cach ono his best girl were dis. | They are a great nerve strengthener his bride over from Germany. he | them : * "Hoot ! Dinna forget that my | at the sun, The minister, walking in and blood maker. In boxes, 25e.. f he 1s in" the meantime arrived at Arn- grandfeyther was.a Scotsman!" and the porch, noticed him, and said : Money back Sf | prior, where he went to meet her, and | haw Jove, they warmed right up to "They are all dead ones, Pat! ~ ) {at Wade's drug store. : ' ) g @ D . s | not satisfactory, , bin | they ers quiet ag og there, -- the idea ! "They are," said Pat. "Well, there PS | resist | the 26th ult., by Rev ham Kupfer, ------ is one good thing about it-- they all QPS MONTREAL TORONTO | i vai + personal friend and fellow-student. The or grinders of Vie ) | hac o stor with th when the Tried To Wreck Fealn. : gan-grinder enna j lay had the mini nr ith t pr mn yy | OTTAWA, WINNIPEG, WASHINGTON, ~ ; , , He, « J 3. 1 [The two clergymen will start to-day only between noon and sunset. [ were dying ! Jelleville, Ont, une A deliberate for Preston, Ont., to attend the forty- | attempt to wrec k the Grand Junction | 1h annual session of the Lutheran a ---- [passeng er, traip, which leaves this city synod of Canada, and Rev. J. Reble : Regular values $1. 00, 1.25, 1.50, 1.75, 2.00 {every morn for the north, is report- and his bride will not be able to ar . | rand Union Hotel ed. This morning, about six o'elock, rive here until June 10th. | two parties driving past saw an ob , ------------------ Oop. Grand Central Station, New York City § | struction \n the track which certain 2 2 s ad Rocass $1 00 a Day [ly would have ditched the train. It TORTURED AGED WOMAN. - 7 3 3 FM PWARD was a long piece of iron, fastened ; Action of Gan of 4 J Baggage to and from Station free. down. The men removed the bar and | Inhuman g | iti 2 Burglars. ch \ eB A } | Send 20 stamp for N.Y. Oity Guide Book and Map J} | turned it over to the authorities. An = { investigation is being made. Wilkesbarre, Pa., June 3.--Mra. has anu -- gl oN Mary McDade, an aged woman, of | | : Kingston, near here, was brutally tor] 2 M. P. KEYS Married In Toronto. tured by burglars who believed that | Ye d \ This ic bseof the. hana ot oflcripsni Antiseptic Barber E£hop | Smith Bros, jewelers, King street, LS % a8 . ; some ering n Charles A. Smith, of the firm ° of | she had a large sum of money hid Halr Dressing and Shaving Parlor, [and Mrs. Isabella Roadley, ' Bagot | where - it was. Mrs. McDade told den, in an effort to Re her tel: | 4 } . . . : y Sas nving ; = ot seasonable Shirt Waists ever offered to Three Chair. Quick Service. our pat: | treet, daughter of the late Capt. |ijom all the money she has 'was 55c.. : | mage soligited. | Mag ht : ) { x Ee : . rotiage soli "a s i Trowell, of this city, were quietly |.1d tvs she gave them. Then = the | 4 3 x . : people of Kingston. 336 King Street { married at the residence of Mrs. Ww. torture began and lasted almost an | % 3 ! Next door to Wade's Drug Store. A. Geddes, Elgin avenue, Toronto, sis- [jour They twisted her fingers and ------------ ---------- {ter of the bride, on Wednesday, Rev. thumbs, breaking one of the latter: | Robert: Moore, a former Kingstonian, they pulled her tongue and pulled it OUR ROOS TER BRAND | | «wonducting the ceremony. Hearty con- partly off, pulled out her hair, kicked i OF TOBACCO: |gratulatiofis will be extended to the | und pinched and struck her, and final- \ 3 are offered can gi vou no idea of the = in xi d Chowing at forty ive] couple by Kingstonians. ly left .her unconscious. Neighbors asi \ : 5 : 3 Sgoking an i ty- : - Fug " . : , ( cents a pdund, is a.good tobacco. Why --- ound her unconscious aud her condi &te SRR + high quality of the garments. ' They 3 a3 five cents & Andrew 50. nel A Sudden Death tion is now precarious. A squad of \ £8 2 ss : ity x : Pay jeighiy-five cents. iy bi | - udden Death. state constabulary is searching for the WE RP Nh ha pn 3 \ . Ontarig street. St. Catharines, Ont. June 3---Wil ew x | Nea rR LIE RA should be seen to be appreciated. Cox, vice-president of the | Wi X | Builders and (Contractors | Whitman and Barnes Manufacturing A Convincing Argument. E : bs : | company, and till quite recently man- | 0 0 ooo buek. | ke . ; / lager of the loeal brand, died sud- I'wo boys, John James, were y : : : ; ; . : Use Sashweights made in King-| 4 nly ai his residence this morning. | equally taught ty is more blessed 3 3 3 Sey hn / a e rice C ac ston at Angrove's Foundry. | Mr. Cox had been a prominent resi- |, give than to receive. But John | {dent of this city for a number of | jidn't believe it. Years passed, however, Special prices for large quantities. {ycars. He leaves a widow and ove | the boys grew up, and John fell into -- | daughter. bad ways, being, in fact, elected alder- man from his ward. As such he re- wm, furray Auctioneer] So=---------="mmrre-- | mn fo bribe. | wa : ly er ough, it was by none . ; { Gana etre ascribed stomach And cursously enoug ? g . ' . p: } 27 BROCK S 5 ST. Yormerly doctor pre Ser ros of WN other than James that the bribe was : = , . - : A c treatment for Catarrh and Bronchitis. | New Carriages, Cutters, Harness, ' . | given: : py selhdc re ats as Fhey dom ' cured and Catarch ha But, while John went to prison for a MRS. CHARLES PHILLIPS. I o vary Saturd «1: Sale of Horses every Saturday | become a national disease. To-day The absurdly low gore at which they ar the advanced physician fights Catairh | long hi, of years, James remained In the chantry of Grace Church, New York, Baroness Marie Wil- ; »ill want some Home-Made Mince : ¥ ; . { superintendent of his Sabbath school, hemina van Haeiten, of The Hague, Holland, who has } living Meat an » as ving in n n 2 blace to at { by medicated air. He fills the. lungs;| good and Be La :s that oo aii nose and throat with the antiseptic Ee na Godly man. New York for several years, was married to Charles Phillips Hatch used to make. Also, our Pork Sausage | apor of C tarthozone. 'ur ni re," exclaimed John, convinced. | of Newport and New York, by Rev. Dr. William R. Eruntington, rec- | Bloat 1s just He REL TOU Deed. | rtain Casy for o | : tor of Grace Church. There were present about twenty intimate a pm - == | cure. It contains the essences of pure | : friends and relatives of the couple. Williams and family left to-! pine balsams, reaches all the ge rms | An investigation of the hoy workers The Baroness entered the chantry with John W. Northrup, who mer home, "Fyon-{and destroys the disease. Every case|oi London shows that the newsboys | afterwards gave her away. She wore a gown of Irish point lace, with ac k's Island. Maine. |of Catarrh, Bronchitis and Sore | are the healthiest and the balers lenst | a coat of Abe same material "sver white satin, and a large hat of Bishop Grisdale, Si asknt hews an, has|Throat can be cured by Catarrhozone, | | : white chiffon satin, finished with a wreath of pink and white roses. sd for the appointme a co-/25e. and 81 sizes. Sold everywhere. For the big, red, ripe strawberries | She carried a bouquet of lilies of the valley and white orchids and > . | wore at the corsage a diamond brooch, a gift from Mr. Hatch. vdjutor. Get it to-day you must go to Carnovsky's.