Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 28 May 1909, p. 3

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BT -- oee pecial Sale of 3' Dresses. ~-- Tuesday at 8.30 AM. Lot No. 1.--75 Dresses worth $1.50 to $2.50, for 79c. Lot No. 2.--75 Dresses worth $2.75 to $4.50, for $1.19. * These Dresses ate all White Piques and Muslins and suitable for girls, from 4 to. 14 years, We have 150 in all. So come early and secure the best bargain in Kingston in many days. Don't Forget the Prices : 79c. and $1.19. Scec Our Window Display. » Death of An Infant From a Fall-- Kingston Encampment, 1.0.0. F. to Visit Gananoque on June 8th, ! Gananoque, May 28.--The commit- tece in charge of the celebration for Dominion day met last evening. Ap- propriations were made for. the vari- ous mts of the work, On ac- count oi a hitch in the St. Lawrence Lacrosse League schedule, no available teams can be secured for that date Baechall will be to the fore. A {en- mile road race, beginning at dhe race track, on the driving park and ending there, will be a prominent feature. Three horse races will be another drawing card. Thore will also be aquatic sports, 'vaudeville, two hands of music and three and onc-half mile, road race for boys under fourteen. Prize¢ to the amount of about $2,000 will be offered. Mildred M., daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Garrab, Jr, Stone street, passed to rost, yeeterday, a one Crumley 'Bros | crete et ss Seta vAT TASS ssa sand ss eee ------------------ To the People Who Think of Buy- ing Clothing The Man or Woman about to buy Clothing these days, must be in an awful predicament, if they read the different Clothing Adwver- tisements. It must be a hard matter to decide where to buy. It is easy for a clever writer. with the aid of a little printers ink, to make a mountain out of a molehill. We don't claim" to have the only geod Clothing in the City, : But We Do Claim to Have as Good as the Best in Canada at Prices Just a Little Below the Other Fellows We have the best of reasons for believing that we are showing the nicest range of colors and patterns, to be seen in the City. PRICES--$0.80, $11.50, $13.50, $15.00, $16.50 and $18.00. Other lines, at $4.75, $6.00, $7.50 and $8.50. Hoys' Three Garment Suits, $3.00, $3.50, $4.50 up to $10.00. Boys' Tho' Garment Suits; at $2.00, $2.50, $3.00 $4.00 up $7.50. OurGuarantee Goes With Every Suit. Will you come in and investiga te ? RONEY & CO, 127 Princess Street, - The Store That Sets the Pace. to Jan PINEAPPLES - CHEAP, CHEAP. 10c Pineapples, $1 per dozen. 124¢ Pineapples, $1.20 per dozen. 15¢ Pineapples, $1.50 per dozen. 95¢ Pineapples, Jumbos, $2.40 per dozen. A.J. REES, 166 Princess St | a : > oe -- Hr PEE William Mason and Alexander Pren-| On Monday a drowning accident oc- tie, Lanark, have left for Temagami, curred in Plum Hollow, The child- whete they will assist E. Lindeman, of fren of Mr. Swinburne, an Englishman g the geological service, in. making alin the employ of C. H. Smith, Plum magnetic: survey of a patt of the|Hollow, were playing on the bank of Noth Rest 'Arm Range.' This is - thejthe creek when a bright ttle boy of irdn range owned by T. B, Caldwell between two and three years fell into and sothers. +the water and perished. |school book question vear, after. a short illness with brain | fover, occasioned hy a fall. : | Word has been receivéd here of' the {recent death in Vancouver, B.C., of | A. Frank Barber, a resident &f this town some twenty years ago, leaving here for Montreal, where he engaged in electrical work for eight years and leaving there twolve years ago for the wrest, Docoased was thirty-five years of age. Gananoque Encampment, No. 89, 1. 0.0.F., will hold a session on Wednes day evening, June 9th, when a fra- ternal visit will be paid to the local brethren, hy members of Kingston, Na: panec and Mallorytown Encampments. The merchants of the town have been calling = attention for some timo past to the dusty condition of the streets and think it hearly time the "sprinkler" is put at its work, if to be of use this scason. George A. Whitmarsh has come to the fore with an invention of his own, a reversing gear for motor boats. He has placed one in his launch, the Laura Bs Bnd it has given excellent satisfaction. Patent has been applied for. Arthur, the young son of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Stoliker, Stona street, was operated on at St. Vincent de Paul ho¢pital, Brockville, At last re- ports he is making rapid progress to wards récovery. The new government Navarch, in charge of Capt. Hunter, of Belleville, fish and warden for Eastern Ontario, arrived here, Wednesday evening, and will make Gananoque her headquarters during the tourist season. While in these waters she will be under the direction of George Toner, fish and game overseer for this section. Mr. and Mrs. B. 0. Britton taken possession of their summer dence on Tremont park for the son. Dr. A. and Mrs. Black take possession of their s tage on Tremont park. this week. The following have been spending some time in town: Mr. and Mrs. John Gracey, Wallaceburg, with the former's parents, Rev. Mr. and Mrs Heriry Gracey; Mrs. Potder and son, Jenry, of Cape Vincent; Mr. and Mrs. ohert Cotton, Peterboro, with the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. R. Cotton, Hickory street; the Misses Blanche and Mary Laing, Brockville, with their aunt, Mrs. H. Clow, John street: Ross Pennock, of Toronto, with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. 8. Pennock, King streét; John Munden and son, Joseph, of Montreal; Mr. and Jobn W. McCalpin, Brockville, patrol boat, Alfred game have resi- Sea: will oot- School Books And Their Cost. Sarnia Observer. Alberta has the liberals in power in provincial affairs, and in Alberta the wet of five school readers costs $1.02. Saskatchewan, also, has the liberals in power in provincial affairs, and in Saskatchewan the set of five school readers costs $1.75. Ontario has the conservatives in power in provincial affairs, and in Ontario the set of five school readers, larger and better books than those in either Alberta or Sas- katchewan, will hereaiter cost forty cents. Liberal government may be a good thing, but it comes high. Our cotem. might have gone farther afield and told its readers that British Co- lumbia has a tory government. School children there are given a reader and arithmetic, but before a .child in the fourth book can attend schdol it has to buy 86.90 worth of books. But jt- is an easy matter to solve the on the Ontario plan. The price can be made as low as the government choeses by paying as much of the cost of prodaction out of the public revenue as it may m advisable and leaving the balance only to be paid by purchasers of the books. Where the purchasers pay the entire cost, as in the other provinces of the dominion, the price to then is natur- ally higher. London In A Few Years. "Ny lowe," mentionel Mr. Sufferer- Getto, "T wonder--I wonder whether you would let me have the use of my latch-key this week." "Latch-key ?"' bellowed his wife. "What the dickens do you want with a litch-key, my good man?" "Well, my love," eoughed Mr. Suffer e-Gotte, "'we are holding a scries of fathers' forogatherings at the club this week, whem wo hope to do a litte needlework on behalf of the poor. Miss Nancy hes kindly" consented. to come and talk {6 us abeut her recent farthest north trip, and"-- "Great heavens !" roared the irate wifo, banging her pipe upon the table to emphasize her words, "Don't you know your duty is at home ? Besides, on Monday I've got to aiténd the Wo- men's Emancipation League; Tuesday, the Sisters of Charity meeting; Wed- nesday, the local policewomen's con- eect; Thursday, the Daughters of Toil koture; Friday, the Women's Science Rescarch class, and on Saturday our football, club's smoker. Now, don't you forget--your duty is at home!" Genuine Panama Hats. The finest of the fine, $4 up, at Campbell Bros'., Kingston's hat store, DAILY. Don't TILT." This is best ingston to "WON- 5 CENTS. LAROKES, S PICTURES CHANGED fail to see the picture "J without doubt one of the pictures ever to a Audience. Bring your friends DERLAND." ADMISSION, GORDON STALEY and 8. Props. vi TO-DAY AND SATURDAY. 2-DOUBLE DRAMA--2 "THE INDIAN TRAILER"--A Magnifiesnt Wild West Play abounding in ir ing situations. "THE JUILT"--A College-Society play with a very powerful heart inter- est. NEW VOCALIST Hear J. Douglas Banguier, 'the Scotch Tenor, in Illustrated Songs.' , of k SEALED TENDERS Addressed to 1 F. Elliott, oa bs froman of the Light, Heat & Power Committee, and marked TENDERS FOR COAL Will be received at the Works' Queen St., up until 12. P.M." moon, SATURDAY, June 12th, for the year's Ypply of Fuel for the Light, Heat & 'ower Department. Specifications 'for same may be had at the Office of the Works, on Queen street. C. C. FOLGER, General Manager. - COBALTS ON MARGIN We carry the listed Cobalt Stock on margin deposits ; also New York Stocks, Grain, Produce, etc., bought and sold, Consult us before investing. We always have the latest news from the mining camps. All stock deliveries made prempt- ly. Wire, telephone or write us " your orders at our expense. Patriarche & Co., STQCK DEALERS, Head Office, Standard Stock Exchange Building, Toronto. Buffalo Office, 206 Ellicott Square, Bufialo, N.Y. We have direct wires con- necting all our offices. The People's Line STR. STRANGER (CAPT. HAMMOND.) The Scenic Roffte to Gananoque, leav- ing Kingston daily, (Sunday excepted.) Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays, at 4 p.m. Tuesdays, Thursdays and Satur- day's, at 8.80 pan. Calling' north side of Howe Island. Steamer open for Pie- nics and Private Parties. For informa- tion, apply to Purser on board Steamer. Office PRIVATE SALE Household Furniture, at 87 Lower Union street. Party leaving city at once. ' LEAVES PRICE. Burglar Thoughtful of Bartender + Ag He Lifts $45. Chester, -Pa., May. 28 -- You've turned me down loads of times, but TH do better by you. Here's 15¢c. to buy yourself a dink. I've got all I need. So-long." The above was scrawled upon the back of an envelope and left sticking in the cash register in the bar room of the Millview Hotel by some 'one who broke into the place and stole $45 gn money, several bottles of whis- key and 'da' couple "of boxes of cigars, the note being found by the batten- der, John Shoemaker, but it was not addressed to anyone. The Beautiful Name. Bring to my soul the spirit of song, Tell of the tribe where joy is strong, First-born brother of ancient fame, Stamp on my heart thy beautiful Name: Revelled in light unmixed with fears ; Where did the cloud with its prestige rise, When did the tears start from sorrowful eyes. Springs of delight were the first'to cheer, Joy came before the spirit of fear ; Life in its brightness made the earth glow Ere darkness arrived with is care and woe, "Tis mine to work for the way fis long, To sweeten my faith and keep it strong, While love bends low in the harvest field And in the reapers -rejoice generous yield. Joy will remain when pain is gone, Darkness. will yield {o the light of morn ; First-born brother of endless fame, Mark the Redeemed with "thy beautiful \, Nanie. . the How To Pose For 'A Photograph. A curious fact relating: to a wo- man's personality is that the two sides of her face are not in accord one with thé other. In other words, every woman has two faces, and one shows certain characteristics which the other does fiot, and each contra- dicts the other. The left side is nearly always the prettier, although it would take a very n eye to discern any difierence. But it is worth while to remember this when posing for one's. photograph. The moral of this is obvious. The left side of the facé showing to far bet- ter advantage than the right, it is evidently one's duty to keep the good | side turned toward an observer, t The induction of. Rev. A. G. Camer- on to the pastgrate of St, John's] church,Brockvilie; took place Thurs- day night, How many millions for how many years | Pirst insertion lc. a word: Bach con- secutive imsertion thereafter half cent a word. Minimum charge for one io- sertion, 85c.; three insertions, 50c. six, $1 ; one month WANTED---HELP. APPLY 86 GENERAL SERVANT, Barrie street. AN EXPERIENCED HOUSEMAID. AP- ply at Office. ONCE. APPLY CHE IRL, AT KITCHEN GIR PA Hotel Congress, King HOUSEMAID. APPLY IN THE A evening to Mis Hora, 45 King St. JIRLS. FOR BINDERY DEPT. WITH ¢ experience preferred. Apply Whig 0 e. : COOK AND HOUSEMAID. REFER- ences required, Apply 61 Sydenham street, ' AP- GOOD COOK. after t EDIATELY, A IMMEL i Barrie Sts. ply Cor. King and 8 o'clock. A COMPETENT GENERAL SERVANT, for family of two. Apply in evenings at 141 King street. IMMEDIATELY, A GOOD GENERAL servant. References ired. Apply 0 to Mrs. Macgillivray, 119 Earl AND EXPERIENOED STENOGRAPHER cashier. Must be competent in order to hold position. Apply Box £0. ©.," Whig effice. SALESMEN WANTED FOR "AUTO I rar t Co ir Hand Spr 3 Sample fres to ap Pro agents. Cavers Bros, Gal OO evs 208 Welllhgton, St... THE OFPORTORITY BUFFALO 14 H.P. GASOLINE EN« fine. cheap, pply to Davis 0 » A & ONE ROLLED TOPDESK, . Oak. nearly new, '298 GOLDEN University JOB WORK, Put Storms removed. Apply at INTCARPENTERING AND Work guaranteed. Terms ie office, TAMINION WARRANTS $500; at i doors VETERANS will pay George onto. 8 TO BRING A fm sh! to Rlease. Raa ones A BOOT, Please réturn Store. WITH RUBBER HEEL. to Sutherland's Shoe SILK BEL ITH SILVER BUCKLE, on Wednesday evehing, between 13 Sydenham St. a ydenham street Church. Reward or Teturn to 13 Sy s SMALL BEACK HANDSATCHEL, CON- taining two purses, sum of money and keys, this morning, on Princess, ot, Clarence, or ington Sts. Reward for return to ig office. FINANCE AND INSURANCE. Ont, ASSIST WITH GENERAL housework. One who can do plain cooking preferred. Apply before 4 or: after 6 p.m., Mrs. F. G, Lockett, 24 Stuart street. MAID TO LEARN BARBER TRADE. TOOLS free. New system. Constant practice. Careful instfuctions, Graduates earn twelve to eighteen dollars weekly, Yew weeks completes course. Wr for free catalogue. Moler Barber College, Toronto. BOYS WANTED--I WANT MORE AM- bitious boys, over 'ten, to receive orders, deliver copies and make col- "Tebtions for The Saturday Evening Post and The Ladies' Home Journal. Both are money-makers for boys who have push. Publishers offer to the right boys free trips to major league championship basevall wames. Apply to Frank O'Gorman, 352 King St. ARCHITECTS. ELLIS, ARCHITEQT, residence, 181 University ARTHUR office and Ave. 0: 8. KIRKPATRICK, Fuh MARINE and Insurance, Clarence 8t., Kingston. 'Phone, 568. | ATTRACTIVE INVESTMENT _POLI- | cies in The North American Life In- | surance Co; 8 ard rates, abso- lute ty, splendid results. T, J. Boon, Agent, 159 Wellington St. GEO. A. BATEMAN, AGENT FOR THE Pacific Coast Fire Ins. Coy. members of the board of underwriters, * The Romouski, Established 1876. The York and 'Economical Mutuals, 67 Clarence St., Kingston. 'Phone, 896. LIV L, LONDON AND aLong Fire Insurance Fompany. Avaliab assets $51,187,215. addition to which the Rolicyholders have , for rgd F150 nliti liability of all the stockholders. Farm abd city prope insured at lowest possible rates. lore renewing old or giving dew _bukiness get rates from Strange & Strange, Agents. 'Phone, 508. 5 TO-LET. HENRY P: BMITH ete., Anchor \ Square. Phone, , ARCHITECT, Building, Market 845. WM; NEWLANDS & SON, ARCHI- Meio ia Office, 258 Bagot street. 'Phone, 608. POWER & SONS, ARCHITECTS, MER- © t's Bank Building, corner Brock antl Wellington streets: 'Phone, 212. PERSONALS. YOUR FUTURE, LOVE, BUSINESS. marriage, all' affairs. Sénd dime and birth for test to Plato, Te date Astrologer, Box 825. Buffalo, liahle N.Y. HAIR, MOLES, BIRTHMARKS warts, etc., removed permanently without sear. Twenty years' experi ence. a r J. Lake, Eye, r, ose, Throat and Skin Blemish Specialist, 258 Bagot street. CARPENTERS AND BUILDERS. DROP A CARD TO CHAS, W. KELLAR Carpenter and Builder, 255 Division St., for reasonable prices on all Kinds of jobbing, all work done promptly. LEGAL. B: CUNNINGHAM. BARRISTER and Solicitor. Law Office, 79 Clarence 8t., Kingston. ORRINE LRA a8 CURE EFF ECTED OR' MONEY, nE- FUNDED. The medical profession has long since recognised the fallacy of at- tempting to cure drunkenness by moral suasion. The victim can no more resist alcoholic stimulants than a man with ague can stop shivering. The "Drink Habit' is a disease and must be treated as such. ORRINE is a medicine highly indorsed, and has peen uniformly successful in the cure of the 'Drink Habit." Can Be Given Secretly. ORRINE COSTS ONLY $1 A BOX. * (uarantee in Each Box. Write for free ORRINE Booklet (mailed in plain sealed envelope) ORRINE (0. 967 ORRINE Building, Washington D.C. ORRINE is sold by leading druggists everywhere. amamnnne Special Agent : G. W. MAHOOD, Cor. Bagot and Princess Sts. SPECIALS FOR FRIDAY, AND . SATURDAY. I. Young Western Beef, Lamb and Veal. 11. Sugar Cured Beef, Pork and Cab- b A. Fresh Pork, age' 111. Fresh Farmers' Butter and Eggs. 1V. Cheap Cuts for Boiling Beef. , Come and give us a trial. a D. B. GAGE & SON. 'Phone, Cor. Bagot and Earl Sts. 876. Your Summer Outing. If you are fond of fishing, canoéing, camping or the study of wild animals of Ontario for your summer outing. A fish and game preserve of 2,000,000 acres interspersed with 1,200 lakes and rivers is awaiting yow, offering all the attractions that natuge can bestow. Magnificent camoe trips. Altitude, 2,- 000 feet above sea level. Pure and ex- hilerating atrhosphere.® Just the place for a young man to put in his sum- mer holidays. Hotel accommodation. An interesting and profusely illustrat- ed descriptive publication telling you all about it semt free on application to J. Quinlan, D.P.A,, G.T.R., Mont- {real Major J. R. Graham, one time Brit- ish military attache at Washington, | under Lord Paunceforte, died in Chat: ham of apoplexy. look up the Algonquin National Park Pp ONE REAR ROOM OFFICE, AT 346 King street. Will. be rented cheap. Forrest, Gents' Furnisher. + DWELLINGS, FURNISHED AND UN- furnished, Stores, Storage for Furni- ture, ete. MoCann's, Broek, Cor. King street. FOUR, BRIGHT, WELL-FURNISHED rooms, without ard, all : conveni- ences, electric light. Apply 61 Union St. West. BLA CKBMITH SHOP, ON TIAY Market, suitable for genéral repair shop, rent moderate. Apply to J. McKeguey, 488 King street. A SINGLE BRICK HOUSE, 10 ROOMS, No. 115. Stuart street, modern im- provements, ossession May lst. Apply to John Ashley, 28 Livingston ve. : FIRST FLOOR VER KING EDWAR Theatorium, ed D ormerly occupi by Board of Education, suite of rooms and ball, suitable for offices, club- room, ete. Apply 211 Princess St. MEDICAL CARD. HENRY E. DAY, M.D, O.M, PHYSI clan a (practising in r seven years), Cor. Broek and Division Sts. Hours, 8 to 9 am, 2 to 4 and 7 to il sight Shou aly a he Merl write or wire ; will bu SE , located unl . watkin, 122 kif east, Sf 13 ST. CATH. leaving city. Ape BRICK Ho NO. ply on wise ONE, Ru TIRE OPES ~ BUGGY. 3 only a time. Apply 457 Princess street, od Fak ECHR, SEH SI%:ROOM AND W. WIGRGRADE BICYCLE, ATH ALL A vementis, cl h noon, or at 8.30 p.m. 689" Princess Sty DOUBLE FRAME HOUSE, IN FIRS class di i condition, with large horn @ Jot. Apply om premises, 63 Charles BLA , FOR WER BEDS, LR op Wraahinn Rl s, removed: Drop a Al Stansbury, 441 Barrie BRICK HOUSE, NO/ 138 ALFRED ST. eight rooms, modern, large lot: to suit. Apply A. F. Bond, 79 Clarence street. WALNUT BOOKCASE AND DESK combined, glass front mirror, expensive w new, for $18, at s. 'Phone, 705 AT BATH, A FRAME DWELLING T BATH. A_R rr barn "for horse and ~cow, fine fruit trees. Will sell cheap. McCann, Brock Cor. King Std Kingston. . ron SQUARE PIANO, ROSEWOOD CASE, in perfect condition. Also a refriger- ator. A bargain for quick buyer ; owner leaving city. - "Apply at once, 218 Johnson street. IN VILLAGE OF PORTSMOUTH, AT Corner of Union and Main streets, Fine Frame House, and good gardens, cheap for cash. Apply to Chas. Ri. Webster, 81 Princess street. LARGE ASSORTMENT OF McLAUGH« lin Huggies, Harness a speciality: i8 the cheapest. A 3-Horse Frost & Wood Cultivator, nearly new for half price. F. P. Grass: WQIFE ISLAND PROPERTY---STONH dwelling. rooms, with furnace, stable, drive-house, fowl-house, etc., 8 acres, about 700 ' feet. water front. Apply fo J. 8S. R. McCann, Brock Cor. King St, TWO NEW HOUSES, CORNER DIVE sion and Quebec streets. Alse at East View Park, 5 miles from Kingston, on the St. Lawrence. Several lots and new summer cottages. For sale, of to let. Apply Rev. J. DP. Boyd, 106 Pine street. TWO SOLID UBLE BRICK DWELs lings, excellent tion, on Princess St., opposite University Ave., each house containing nine rooms, modern donveniences with very Jarus gardens fruit trees and stable. Th ia a snap for someone. reason f~r selling, owner leaving the city. McCann's Real Estate Agency, Cor. King street, Apply at Drock SUMMER COTTAGE AND. ISLAND, among the 1,000 islands, about 3 miles from Gananoque, foot of Howe Island, cottage contains ge res ception room with fire place, bed- rooms, (8 in tower), drilled well 28 feet deep, eckllar, boathouse, good boating and fishing. M¢Cann's Real Estate Agency, Brock Cor. King St. CRUISING GASOLINE LAUNCH. 20x7, cabin, W. C. and galley, 5 H.P. en- gine in Cockpit; copper tank, water tight bulkhead between cabin - and cockpit, most comfortable cruiser of its size ever built, splendid sea-boat, complete with cushions, awning for cockpit, lights, "bao, anchor, flags, ete. Cost $600. Wil sell for $325 cash to quick buyer. Write now to Pr. A. McElhinney, 174 Metcalla 7 8t., Ottawa. . DENTAL: » SPARKS AND SPARKS, PENTIATS, 9 pm. Phone, 890, " COAL PO a : 2 ii Slabs Delivered - [ hg Synopsis of Canadian Northwest Land Regulations. ANY PERSON WHO IS THE SOLE head of a family, or any over 18 ears - & section ( 00 ares, more or aay of available Dominion land in Manitoba, Saskatchewan or Alberta, The applicant must ap] at the Dominion Lands district, DUTIES --8ix mon residence upon and cultivation of the land in each of homesteader Liv three hfe a, miles of his hi farm of at least 80 acres solely and occupied hy him or by father, mother, son, daughter, brother | or sister. In certain districts a homesteader good standing may pi pt a quarter section along-side his homestead. $3.00 per acre. Duties.--Must . reside six months in each of six years from date of homestead Sntry (including the time required to earn homestead patent) and cultivate filty acres extra. A who has exhausted his ight qd, capsiel obtain a a pu districts. Price be acquired ih ilable lands ma; u on any ava jo lan on 'either odd or even pum! Sections South of township 45, Kast of the Cal ga and Samenton Rails and Qe line range 26, cird 'Meridia and the Sault Railway line. Dwties.--Must reside six 183.00 aponths in each of three years, cultivate fifty acres and erect a house worth $300. SYNOPSIS OF CANADIAN [one 0 WEST MINING REGULA NS. COAL.--Coal mining rights may be leased for twenty-one years at an ammual rental of $1.00 an acre. Not more than 2,560 acres can be leased to one rappli- cant: Royalty, five cents ton. QUARTZ.--A_ person eighteen years of age and over having ma a SCOV may local 1,500 feet by 1, SUMMER Swift's. Bas Princess St., Kingston. 'Phone, WooD , dry and new, cut and split. in any quantity. Try us. " requirements complied with the claim may be purchased at $1.00 an acre. PLACER MINING CLAIMS generally, 100 feet square. Entry fee, $5.00. DREDGING --~Two | of five miles each, of a fiver may issued to one abplicant for a term of 20 years. Rental, $10 a mile per annum. Royalty, 24 per cent after the output ex: 8 10 s Y, . W, CORY, i Deputy of the Minfster of the Interior. N.B.--Unauthorized publication of this advert twill isemen not be paid ter. Pearsall's Millinery SPECIAL SALE THIS WEEK IN CHILDREN'S TRIM.' ETTY MED HATS. VERY PRE Y Trimmed: Leghorns from $1.00 Up and' about three dozem, ast long at prices marked We have onl they will not on them. Pearsall's Millinery Reflections On The Dandelion. Newark Evening News. The dandelion now observe, The freshest plant of all, It has the most exalted nerve, The most colossal gall. "Get all you can,"' so runs its creed, '""And give a blame sight less ; These are the simple rules that lead To glittering success." have closed their eyes, The dandelion labors, And everlastingly it tries To overcome its neighbors. When other flowers + The bluegrass and the clover flee Before its competition ; It has no social sympathy To check its fierce ambition. Although its harm is something great, Its worthlessness sublime, It gets a lot of real estate By rooting all the time. So nerve and front amd diligonce te a claim feet. Fee, $5.00. At least $100 mu expen on the claim each 2 sy OF aid to the Mining Recorder. W $500 Bes been expen: or paid and other Will surely take us fi It makes mo spevial di nee How mno-actcount we are, MERE 's Insurance 0

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