Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 26 May 1909, p. 5

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THEYRE THE ili a DAE, [43 DIB] | Ho) RL ABSOLUTE Carter's Little Liver Pills." | being drunk Must Bear Signature of aot Seo FacsSimile Wrapper Below, [Lamping visited Mr and Mi Boy ths week. | selstine | Contractor A | frie | between J | of cold here Mrs. C. week, Very sa and as easy to tak, sugar. FOR BILIOUSNESS, FOR TORPID LIVER. FOR CONSTIPATION, FOR SALLOW SKIN. FOR THE COMPLEXION OENUINID MUST HAVE §J0NATURE, Purely Vegetable, AUR. SICK HEADACHE. [02420 CURES LIQUOR Moen ¢ TURIT RFFLOTE D on MONEY LiE- FUNDEIL sre is no such i nioderatior and No man with drinks at all Drink vOur science or y it will "with judgment ever will' not drown \emory, ment co \ simple No one oot know sanitarium pn to pay for Be Given ORRIN COSTS ONL Guarantee in Each Box. Write for free ORRINE Booklet (mailed in plain sealed envelope) to ORRINE CO., 967 ORRINE Building Washington D.C. ORRINE is sold a leading druggists everywhere, mene Special Agent : { G. W. MAHOOD, Cor. Bagot Princess Sts. ment ing the BOX §5ilmermmioe | $700w:: os - $2,400 $1,600 $4,600 53,600, $4,900 I have a building lots. at D.A.Cays 57 Brock St. Ignition Dynamos, Storage Batteries, Spark Plugs, _._ Carburetors, EG. TRY OUR PRY B BATTERIES. Turbull Electrical Mfg. Go. Bagot St. room house Will 12 house. buy room Will buy 7 room house Will buy double house, all modern, A. 1. con- dition. Will buy modern brick, © rooms, central locat- ion. Will buy 11 room brick Swelling stable and] large lot. ' | number of. the best For full particulars | i | AHH SRIHIIAIN | i Increase Your Efficiency ¢ 2 Kingston Business College, Limited, § 3 Head of Queen Street. 3 Canada's Leading Business School § Day and Evening Classes. Shorthand, Typewriting, Book- keeping, Telegrs aphy. Special in- dividual instruction for pupils deficient in Koglish branches Rates moderate. Enter at any «time. 'Phone, 440. H. F. MET- CALFE, Principal. NASIR HAHA: HHA > HAHAAAAN HK HH *| * * i ¥ * $ * * h | { wash, Goods Stolen From ing two t of Howard Gray, ing thirteen copper bars 0 November { wat appeared for the AUTOMOBILE |g 2 h sell them. that the n caught inthe act of trying secution, 10 CENTRAL PRISON ~. For NINE ~ MONTHS FOR], TRYING TO SELL the Locomo- tive Works--Howard Sentenced--Daniel Also Before the Cadi. At the police court Wednesday morn- cases were up for The first case called chavged with from company Meb). defendant = and rown Attorpey Whiting for the pro- No was taken he Mr. Mowat said that oods were not stolen by Grav, but ¢ pleaded guilty to his trying to In reply, Mr. Whiting said goods were stolen, he did by whom, and Gray was ta sell sidera that con ion. was steal the on Mo- Locomotive 20th, 1907. J. anadian evidence in case, the ot know them. said the a who was 1 when months in Central prison," SECURITY, | 1 Pp 4 kK Cenuine chased by trate Leould do was [ue sookers Selden months of stoi s other gistrates I that end i self, ren and the ter, lives in an terday automobile water drowning eighty who held her until she on, 2 New i; ington, 4. 9 te I Newark, 7; | Rochester, 1. ole reached nities are dominion, very places, | generally | double popular thedral, cialistie that he will surrender the Whtle of the income ie was night porter at the the mapnstrate was very careless, see how a man would clear out policeman "Nine his passing sentence prisoner he could not nocent AW 0 In nd he said orship. Daniel O'Connell was charged with ssault on Charles Henry Stevens and leaded guilty. Stevens, nglish chap, was sworn, a young and said Brunswick Tuesday afternoon was O'Connell and hit over the with a club, inflicting sty otel,and on ead a n O'Connell said he pleaded but fined and costs, told O Connell the to get Rural Mail For Moscow. Moscow, May 26.--The stage ston was loaded with pleasure on the 24th. Miss Ruth NM. ( a couple of days Mr. and Mrs. A. A \s- spent Sunday in Sydenham s have commenced work on Kerr's new Mail boxes for rural are being Bellrock to the eficioncy installation of a A number the funeral of the Wagar at Enterprise inst guilty assault, The magis best thing he out of town.. to not to and s1 to art, Napanee, house, erected » delivery here and has added by the storage plant attended D., ohns on his store m late Would Not Prosecute Tolsto: May 26.--Nrcolai sentenced to the Leo St. Petersburg, has been the fortress on published Count "Thou Shalt Not political pamphlets, refused to olstal, who Selden invited SIX Jan charge Pol Kill, and The ma prosecute Count letter passive having wrote a a declaring was the offender, prosecution of Mm Two Killed In Auto Accident Stockton, Cal, May 26.--Mrs. War Jones, wife of a wealthy farmer three-vear-old son of her Ikaac Robinson, lost automobile accident, 5 were drowned when the two Mrs. then They overturned Robinson her in feed of Mrs. by was saved (rom a child /of head above watoy daughtor, was released Baseball On Tuesday. National -Pittsburg, 6; ) Philadelphia, Louis, 0 League Cincinnati, 1; York, 1; St Brooklyn, 3 American Jos 7; Wash Cleveland, League--Detroit, Philadelphia, 13; Louis, 5; Boston, 0. League--Buffalo, 6; Toron Jersey City, 9: Providence, 1 Jaltimore, 5 Montreal, 1 St Eastern ), 0, Dominion Annuities Fund Ottawa, May 26.--The nic annuities has $113,000. Purchasers of from pointe all over and it remarkable many of them are from as Dawson and the Applications in hand revenue income of fund an the that distant Yukon is such that Becomes A Socialist. London, May 26 Lee Hick clerical figure Lincoln ca- has developed astonishing tendencies, It understood lov, m sO is irom his private fortun Cheese Sales. Campbellford, 760 at 12 3-16¢ Utica, N.Y., 3,681 at llie. Stirlmg, 1515 at 12}ec. A little learning is doubly dangerous it swells a man's head. Gray | | O'Connell | 0,1 Chicavo, | PITH OF THE NEWS. Over The World. Carpenter strike is threatened at ancouver, B.C. : | Five smell children were poisoned in | Vancouver by ice cream cones, i Sang Wee's laumlry | burned through defec tive Subseriptions to the memorial, Toronto, now total $23,715. Tho present government in Denmark 1 has been defeated in the general elec tion. John Lasken while driving at Cobalt. The late William Stephnson, ton, left $143,329. His widow half and five sons the other half. Irvine, Alta, is now an incorpora- ted town; all it needs is a returning officer to hold a civic election. The Canadian Northern crop report says lhe growth is in advance of that of two years ago at this scason. Tha supreme council, Royal Ar canum will hold the session in Mav, 1910, at the Windsor hotel, Montreal. Rev. William Gregg, D.D., Toronto, died on Wednesday, aged ninety-two voars. He was a veteran Preshyter- ian. The 1LC.R. board of management is considering the departure of a train from Montreal to Halifax at eight o'clock every morning. There is a shortage of £136,000 in the Buffalo treasury. C. J, Fox, J. Gi. Ward, S. W. Hofhaine, all of the treasurer's' office, are under arrest. A young Englishman, who says he learned to steal in Toronto because he could find no work, ha% been sentenced to years in prison at Portland, Me. At Pine Elufi, Ark, charged with attempting assault on a sixteen-year-old girl, was taken from the jail by 300 men and hanged to a telephone pole. Fourth Vice-President says the Grand Trunk Pacific line from Melville to, Yorkton and Regina will be completed this season if men and money can do it SS. Laurentian SS. Corsican, st of Capo Ireland, east of Cape Race The National Museum, purchased King Léopold's portrait for $30,000, otiating for a Rubens, king asks $200,000 As a result of the freshet on Gatineau river 100 families at the village of Gatineau Point have been driven out and fifty others forced move to the other floors A Keg of gunpowder was exploded in the ts of Selkirk, Man., by an en- thusiastic citizen Victoria das hirty lass in nearby buildings wore Fir building trance North Jersey menaced many all got before building over into the tunnel's entrance. I. J. Hambly, chief chemist of the Electric Reduction Co., Buckingham, Que., was seriously injured about the eves and face as a result of the plosion of a bottle of hydrogen gas. The gasoline boat Dorris, with ten passengers on board, capsized in the middle of the Yazoo canal, in a storm, on Tuesday night, and seven persons ave believed to have been drowned. A violent tempest has been raging on the Bilbao coast. Oven sixty ves sels of the fishing fleet have founder- ed and it is estimated that not than one hundred fishermen have been drowned. Two cabinet ministers are going | London this summer in order the formation of admiralty. The will be in any plans be formed. G. V. J. Greenhill, manager of the Windsor: branch of the Merchanis' Bank, has been appoinied manager of the Hamilton branch. George Carruth- irs; formegly mangdger of Ingersoll will suceced him in Windsor. | Commander Clarkson, of the Aus- { tralian navy, who came to England obtain ,a plant for small arms | faqtory 'in New South Wales, has sail- ed New: York. Before accepting English tenders he will sample Am erican product. Earthijuakes shook the west on Wed- nesday morning. At Pontiac, Ill, and Freeport, Il., the 'quake was rather wiolent. Windows were rattled anc { { | { | axicles shaken. At Aurora, Il, the : | wir ing South African was fatally injured over a railway crossing Hamil- gets en Lovett Wainwright has reached Glas inward, 190 miles Race; R.M.S. Em- inward, 130 miles TOW; south-ea press of has Vandyke 1S how Brussels, and for which ne- the the to Src on about pancs of broken north en- tunnel at lives, but toppled at the river in a to the City, out ex- ves- less to to dis- a navy with R.C.Y. club's mind should offer borne | | | the { branch, to or shock overturned. 5 stove, start ing a which did small damage. Prince, Canada's represen: tative on the international fisheries Sommission, has left fcr Washington, will meet the United States representative, Starr Jordan, to com- {plete the final details of the new treaty between the two countries. { New | breaking | furniture [load | Rainbow-chasers get for their money. fire Professor where he time their van hard if all in one have a circle, brought neighbors into the can be at least a run The only Baking Powder made Jom Ro Reval Grape ,Very Latest Culled From All} | COUGHED UP. at Perth, was! Davis, | Beave Baillie anid | EEXEXX FHA EER BUDGET 1 FROM CONWAY. Lively, Interest Over Over Erection. of a School Building. Conway, May 25.--Farmers are near- ly through and road work is the order gf the day. A stone crusher passed through this vicinity from Kingston, and is operating on No. 11 Road. Service in the Methodist church on Sunday evening was conducted by Rev. Fraser Bell. A large congrega- tion was present. Miss Pearl and Mr. Miller sang a beautiful alto and tenor duet, while Mrs. J. W. Spearing presided at the organ. Mrs. Edward Morrow is very low, with no hopes of recovery. The Ladies' Aid met at, Mrs. Frank Van Dyck's, on Thursday afternoon... They intend giving a ice cream social. George Switzer made a bee on Saturday to pull down his barn. He intends re building upon a cement wall. Rumor says there are to be new cement steps in front of the church. Great excitement has been created over the erection of a new cement block school house; finally a settle- ment has beon reached, and Mr. Har- vey,«Deseronto, has been given the contract for building. The many friends of Mrs. Conrad Sills will be pleased to learn that she is speedily recovering from her severe illness. Mr. Gordon, of Bath, is painting at R. Wright's. George Chalmers, at Alex- ander Sills'; John Moon, with friends in Parma; Mr. and Mrs. Rev. Fraser Bell,' of New York, spending a vaca- tion with her father, James Hoga- boom; Mrs, Wright has gone to * Port Hope. Miss Pearl Moon, of Sydenham, at James Moon's; Miss Preston, of Bath, at George Wright's; Miss Jen- nie C. Phippen spent Friday with friends in Newburgh; H. Ruttan, at W. Wilson's; W. Tibutt, at W. Gallo- nr 10 |way"s; I. Higgins and J. Ruttan, at Chambérs-Ferland ... .. 70 |J. Carroll's; Archibald and Robert Cobalt Central ...... as 39 | Wright spent the 24th in Picton. Miss Cobalt Lake . : ---- a 153 | Martha Neilson has returned to Tarry Crown Reserve 3 2.14 (Hall, to spend the summer. Miss Foster ..... ... 30 | Pearl Moon and George Gurren, Sand- Gifford . s Craitey Asateres 171 {hurst, . spent Friday evening at J. Green Meehan cu... vir. oo 16 Spearing's Miss Laura Meyers and 1.a Rose i 36 | Arthur Galt, of Hawley, paid Conway Little Nipissing 25] | a flying visit on Wednesday evening. McKin, Dar. Savage | Edwe ard Phippen has built an addition Nipissing ...... +... to his factory, which makes a marked Nova Scotia .494 rimprotement. Fletcher Young & Co. EIIBBE ooo sien wines iieirinen 42 | are very busy erecting wire fence in Peterson 1 283 | our neighborhood. Miss Taverner Dor- Rochester .15% | land was at George Switzer's, on Wed- Silver Leaf ... company with Mrs. Van- Silver Queen Temiskaming Trethewey Watts i... J GILLAED THE CASH. THE SOFT WAY A YOUTH In Detroit Looking For Something to Invest In--Said He Had Made a Good Shot and Won Money--Had to Show a Simi- lar Amount, Detroit, May 26.--Earle Young, a youth from Leamington, Ont., is short 8520 as a result of too much confi- dence in newly-made acquaintances. Young became heir just two days ago, having, received five hundred dollars as a share of his deccased father's pro- perty. He came to Detroit, yesterday, in scarch of something in which to in- vest the money. On the strect he met a man who led him to a pool room, on Hastings sirect, where they induced him tb play. He was told he had won ! five hundred and twenty dollars by a shot he made, bul must show a simi- lar amount before he could get his winnings. He put the money in the hands of ono of the gang, all of whom immediately disappeared. STOCK QUOTATIONS. and Leading Canadian Stocks Listed. The following quotations are yp plied by the City Brokerage (J. Hutton and J. R. C. Dobbs), "a he ence street. Telephone 480 A : Cobalt Cobalt Stocks . May 26th. Sellers. Buyers, $35 §.347 Cobalt NT 10.624 | nesday, | Dyck | -------- HOW HE SUCCEEDED. | Reporter Who Was Sent to Inter- view General Booth. Toronto Star { Hearing of the birthday { of General Booth a member Star staff became reminiscent. "About twenty years ago," he said, was a reporter on the Globe, and General Booth was visiting Canada-- for the first time, I think--and the Globe wanted him interviewed. As he was to arrive in Toronto rather late at night I was instructed to go to Hamil- ton and interview him on his way to Toronto. "Here 1 became vividly impressed with the truth that to interview a man suc- cessfully you must know something ie 1 about his favorite topic. On the sub- I'he note on the mispronunciation of | ject of Salvation Army work I was in Los Angeles reminds & correspondent |a state of woeful ignorance. Luckily of afew of the places in England that | there was a little time for preparation; puzzle the stranger. Happisburg, in| It was Saturday. The interview was Norfolk, for instance, is pronounced |i, he on Monday night. Walking pen- Hazeboro, Abergavenny simply drops | sively up Yonge street, 1 stopped a a syllable and becomes Abervenny, | Britnell's bookstore, and was idly turn- and it is alleged that St. Negts sounds | ing over a lot of volumes marked at more ike Snoots than anything else. | some phenomenally cheap price, when Cirencester seems to vary from Sister | my eye caught the title on a paper- to Sizeter. In Suffolk Waldringfield | hound book, 'Life and Work of General in Wunnerful and Chelmondiston| Booth." Not to buy it was to fly in the Chimston, while in the adjoining face of Providence. 1 took it home and county of Norfolk Hunstanton is Huy-| spent several hours in turning the whole ston, and in the west county Badge-| book into interrogative form. Where- worthy is Badgery, and Cornwood| ver the author--I think it was the Gen- Kerwood. Huntingdonshire 'claims the | eral himseli--made a statement I pres purest English, but, they call Papworth | pared an examiner's brief of about fifty Parpor. And not for away is another | questions. village of beauty. The motorist turned "lhe general was most polite and upon a rough road and asked the in- | willing to give information Whenever telligent laborer where it would take |] asked a question he gave me the an- him. "That road," said the honest | sweryin the book. He appeared to be countryman, wiping his brow, "will | astonished at my knowledge of thd take you to 'Ell, sir." The couy-| working of the Salvation Army, not ageous motorist went on, and found | being aware that the knowledge was Elsworth, whiclr is pronounced Elser. | only one day old." At the meeting tliat BP HPS evening he jocularly remarked that he |- had little to say because 4 reporter hud { met him at Hamilton and pumped him dry." THE DERBY RACE. celebration Epsom, May 26.--The of The Derby, the blue ribbon event of the English racing sea- son, distance 1} miles was won to-day, by Minoru, the favorite owned by King Ed- ward. W. Rapheal's Loveirs was second and William IV, third. Fifteen horses ran. Brasers Haas i re Queer Pronunciations. Manchester Guardian. An Embarrassing Position. Chicago News A young fellow in Bloomington, II-° linois, who has been devoting himself for some years to a young woman of | that town, recently found himself in a | most embarrassing situation, just as he had taken his courage in "both hands gnd was "going to ask the girl." 3 f "Harriet," said Me, as he shifted his feet uneasily and swallowed the lump mn his throat; "I'm anxious to have you-- "Yes, Mr. Hummer," ed the young woman, couragement. "Well--er--Harriet," with increasing nervousness, ious to have you--" Just then both parents of the young lauy entered the room where the lovers sat, "Oh, Mr. Hummer," ate girl, "what was telling me?" SPLIT THE CONTRACTS And Awarded Them Without Ask- ing Tenders. Montreal, May 26.--The royal com- mission investigating civic affairs con- tinues to inquire into a couple of contracts for repairs to polwe quar- ters at Bonsecours market. The re- gulations for not granting contracts over $1,000 without tender was over- he again began, | come in this case by spliting the "I'm anx- [contract in two. Ald. Proulx was | questioned about this matter, to-day, and he admitted responsibility for this procedure and claimed that he was within leged rights in doing so. said the despet- | Chief Campeau was also questioned you were just fon. the same matter. There were no > | fresh disclosures. gently interpos- by way of en- it Buried This Afternoon. remaind of the late James drowned on the night of May 24th, were removed, at three o'clock The Week At Wilton. Wilton, May 25.--The public pupils held.a public picnic in. Miller's grove, Victoria day, when an enjoy- J h able afternoon was spent. Mr. and|on Wednesday afternoon, from Cor- Mrs. J. F. Smith and two children |bett's undertaking rooms to Catara- {the Misses M. and K. Smith, Nap: a- | qui cemetery. It was stated, in 'the pee, spent the 24th with Mr. and Mrs. | account of his death, that he was a W. H. Neilson. Miss Rose Babcock is|member of the Independent Order of visiting her brother, J. W. Babcock. |Foresters and was in good. standing, Miss F. Caton, Odessa, visited friends|but this is a mistake. in Wilton last week. Mr. and Mrs. | ------------ Cornelius, Kingston, accompanied by Two Complimentary Gifts. Mr. and Mrs. McKinnon, Mississippi,; The pastoral staff for presentation and Hugh McKinnon, Perth, drove out to the Bishop of Ontario has arrived. to M. G. Storms', Sunday afternoon. |The Archdeacon Patton memorial win- Mrs. M. G. Storms went to Kingston, ! dow has been placed in St. George's to-day, for a few d Miss Sarah cathedral apse. The presentation to Lake spent a few days last week with his lordship and the dedication of the her sister, Mrs. Erwell Miller. window will occur at the opening ser- of synod, Tuesday evening, June The Brown, school I vice Lutherans Secede. | 8th. of | Toronto, May 26.--The members . . : {| A newly married man is always will- the Lutheran church in Central Can- | n 1 ada, who have up till the present ling to attend his wife's church, but | time formed part of the western con- | the . is apt to be shy about acquiring { ference, which include the state of, the habit. | New "York, consider that they are now It sometimes Mappers that a music lable to. stand alone and: the first | composer's wife thinks it is up to her | Evangelical Lutheran synod: of Cen-|to put on a lot of airs. : : {tral Canada will be held here to-mor-| He's a mean father who has his row. | whiskers amputated just because the ! | baby likes to pull them. By this time the man "whose sweet | When a woman says {peas are up two inches" has the floor. | what she really means is that Mushrooms at Carmovsky's, suspicious. she is wile, she is _-- ou know what Joints are, r what they mean to every buyer of a Warm Air Furnace? "Hecla" Fused Joints are made by bringing steel and cast-iron together at white heat. The two metals become | practically one. The jy' dints they form are permanently tight, In 20 years use, "Hecla" Fused Joints have never once worked loose. They form the one and only furtince joint that won't leak gas or dust. If you want plenty of warm, dry, PURE air-- at the minimum cost for fuel, and at the same time want your home absolutely free of gas, dust and smoke---put in a "Hecla'" Furnace. e dArens cf other special features about the "Hecla' that every furuace biyer should know. Write for illustrated catalogue. TO ELLIOTT BROS. Kingston a sma hame sara ae my ,rrsen- wanna THE CANADIAN BANK OF COMMERCE MEAD OFFICE, TORUNTO ESTABLISHED 1867 Paid- -up Capital, $10,000, 000 Reserve Fund, - 6.000,000 TRAVELLERS' CHEQUES The new Travellers' Cheques recently issued Ly this Bank are a most convenient way in which to carry money when travelling, They are issued in denominatiofis of $10, $20, $50, $100 and $200 and the exact amount payable in Austria, Belgium, Denmark, France, Germany, Great Britain, Holland, Italy, Norway, Ruusia, Sweden and Switzerland is stated on the face of each cheque, while in other countries they are payable at current rates. The cheques and all information regarding them may be obtained at every office of the Bank. 1314 KINGSTON Streets. Gas Stoves AI £ The "Chicago Jewel" is The Key fo Economy. The latest improvements on the "Chicago Jewel" are the Flame Reflector and Valve- less Oven Burner-Lighter. Two features on the "Chicago Jewel" which are not on any other gas stove made. Examine them before purchasing. They are acknowledg. ed the best manufactured. ELLIOTT BROS. "poms B. E. WALKER, President ALEXANDER LAIRD, General Manager BRANCH, Corner of and King Princess C. STEVENSON, Manager. THE SHOES THAT GIVE EVERY FOOT COMFORT Shoes are worn to pros tect your feet. Shoes that are ill-fitsing or that pinch do not give your feet every protection and should not be worn. ' Wear shoes that are made to fit perfectly -- Invictus Shoes. Invietus Shoes mean good style and per- feet foot comfort. Price $4.00, $4.50 and $5.00. | Little Dre Cure or your money back. At all Drug ists or direct from 25c¢. a box. COLEMAN MEDICINE CO., Toronto 8 met etre ea-- m= COOK WITH GAS. READ WHAT CHIEF ELMER SAYS: To the Manager of the Light Department, Kingston, ont. 3 Dear Sir :-- ' I write without solicitation to recommend to one and all to fall in line and use the gas for cooking, washing and jronin By so Soing Fu will save both time lg money. It makes a quick, clean re with no as to empty. Our {amily 'consists of nine and this quarter, that is the past oh months, it Son I "nw this testimonial will do some good and influence some people who are ve it a trial y, in rejudiced against the use of gas. We advise all to bi 'weather as there is very ttle. heat from the. ! lowe) Son Een.

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