SPECIAL SATURDAY | ®t. | eee -- ople's Forum NIGHT SALE. | el igi =| CONDENSED ADVERTISING _ -------- RATES TO RENT_FURNISHED. JJOUSE, MOD- | BRICK HOUSE, No. 12 ST. CATH. LADIES' CORSET COVERS Matinee, at 2.3¢ Evening, 8.15. -- erate rent, ny marr couple, 'no arine street. Owner leaving eity. Ap v 20% Discount On All Corset Covers. -» "> - children. Apply Box "225, Whig ply on premises. « . . 5 | The club "of "not-out™ girls, Which First insertion lc. a word. Each con- ice [Las been holding jolly litile gatherings secutive insertion thereafter half cent OSE RUBBER-TIRE OPEN BUGOY all winter,--with the aid of some of a word. Minimum charge for one is- THE OPPORTUNITY TO FURNISH used only a eC time, Apply a7 estimates ec A to rs. A ler : sertion, 26¢.; three insertions, 50c. i on electric. work. All kinds Princess. street. © on a *' Pr - Or ene hes Talking,: Dancing six " : one month $3. 2 work Profpl done. F. J. Birch, > k's, ¢ stnuts, and Nove . $1 A ingt "A ND-H y | Wednesday evening. The members ol} NEW MOTION PICTURES. etic ellington stree! SEVERAL SEColD AND cULMva. {the club are: Miss Helen Gordom, | LATEST ILLUSTRATED SONGS. WANTED-LHELP. PERSONS TO GROW MUSHRooMs| J. Hay, 158 and 198 Clarence St. | Mise Lassie Kirkpatrick, Miss Dorothy SPECIAL 10-15-25 FC HER. TS FAPPRIENCED HOUSEMAID. Ar-| [oF Ve AL hORG Waste coe ft | SIX-ROOM AND W. OC. FRAME DWEL Cortuthers, ide Jide an Nias Dorie " ply at this Office. en arm can ht made re ling, in location. Particulars, kent, Miss Blanche Rent, Miss Soran MA mr ---------------------------- =F Illustrated booklet and full particu- at Godwin's Insurance Emporium. Macnee, Miss Charlic Short, Mis TUESDAY. = in sis. A COOK. _AEPLY Jo MRS. R. BE lars. Montreal Supply Co., Montreal. =~ es ivivia Coe \ i : 01 Directi of Miss Ma ai eeve. |. Kent, ing street. " DOUBLE FRAME HOUSE, IN FIR |Sybvin, Cochiune, oad Hiss Rathlow | Theatricals, Tableaux, Singing, Dane- fe GENTLEMEN TO BRING THEIR| Slass tion, with large herd end Crigp. 'Sometimes = ViSitOFs art fipg--Under the auspices of T GIL. FOR GENERAL HOUSEWORK. ™ cloth and bave it made up into up-| lot. Apply oa premises, 63 Charles (invited, both gicls and cadets, and Good wages. Apply this Office, to-date suits." Price workian- street. . those who shared last Wednesdays fun DAUGHTERS OF THE EMPIRE -- ? guaranteed to ne. Pressing ---- - - went: Mion Mamie Garrett, Nive Susie | 10 sia of the AutiTubepeulons Funds A YOUNG | MAX TOG 0" wage and rE done ne ren | doniicuridin, weary Bem. hn _petiect lund Mamie Ahglin, Miss Marion Mcre | Among those who Mill Ld oe are Mir.| Wade's Drug Store. St., next Bibby's Livery: { condition. A bargain. Apply G66 Marl dith, of Toronto; Mise Anita Fenwick, singing, dane and Bee sondis | Miss Mabel and Miss Eva Richardson, Cartwright, Miss K. O'Hers. Beatrice A WOMAN OR GIRL, WHO CAN 'DO VETERANS "MINION WARRANTS ; L3 These sre our r gular stock. All new, crisp and dainty. The balance of our spring buying. Different sizes at 20 PER CENT. DISCOUNT. Sale at 7.30. No Phone Orders. | Mi eR 3 gd iss Edi ; Hughes, Phyllis "Taylor. vhite! vi d machine work. Ap- will pay $300; attach sight draft, | THREE ONE-HORSE LUMBER WAG- Ming Mollie Haunders Hiss Edith RY Annur Cran Carl ¥ Pandy BY nd x ao Whig office. through any bank : make transfer in Sons, One Dump Cart. Arply rary | Xoung. 3 assisted by about 60 others. Yank; Nile of Nir! iy De Sood and Coal Yard, 235 Wellington 5 25¢., boe,, THe, : x VE grants, dc : street. > = - : 8--25¢., boc, Tbe, and $1 IMMEDIATELY, A GOOD GENERAL (George Gwatkin, 122 King east, Tor- | Mrs. J. C. Paterson's tea, on Wed- Seats on sale. servant, References required. Apply ' 3 Th pi Hy v po - i in . 3 St. onto. - {nesslay, for her" daughter, Mrs. Charles | =item to Mrs. Macgillivray, 119 Earl St BLACK Mo FOR FLOWER BEDS Masters. was a very enjoyable little ee Ths aac aes : Sahbbibh card Albert Stal ROLLER RINK. EXPERIENCED STENOGRAPHER AXD PLES E048040400080884 Prop a card to nsbury, lane. Miss Nan Paterson made tea in : . i; ; 4 AIS in order 'the drawing-room, and it was small] Three sessions May 24th. Cann on ADDI Box *'C, W t d Hel - . x (enough for everybody to have a | Coupons will De Hiven to skaters, C.," Whig office. } an e P TWO FRESH Mien cows, JAYER- chance of telking to the guest of | Monday, Wednesday and Friday | ---- "0 C0 WASHING ® ' Apply to Dr. G.gV. Bell, V. BS. henor. Mrs. T. W. Savary was pre | nights. Person holding duplieate (OFNERAYL, SERVANT Tequired. Good 3 Boys 'and Girls, at S. . Clarence streety | sent, and all were glad to see her. faumber to one drawn from box wages. Apply after seven p.m. 10|g Oberndorfler"s Cigar Factory, * 4 ETT ATTTLLAATRLTN SAVSS SUVA TETRA RNN Crumley 'Bros 6 VBR ETRBABBARARTNES Ee hh AERA ATTALTTALTLTVLAAALES pRB ATTA TARAS RRD ra BRICK HOUSE, NO. 1838 ALFRED ST, 4 } Among the other guests were Mrs. | Friday night will receive a $5.00 130 Baget street. 4 ' 1 . + i 2 ee ------------------------------------ y , : y » 3 . I harles Kirkpatrick, Miss Ada Bates, | Gold Piece. TO Ontario St., City eight. rooms, modern, lufge lot . mmm | 1H ed Mpcmorine, Miss Alice A STRONG YOUTH, NOT AFRAID Terms to suit. Apply A. F: ond, work, or a man who could do half a VEG UVEY YEE TEV YY EYEE 79 "Clarence street. nts a BEST WIPING SOLDER MADE ie Mine Margaret Kio: Miss, Flor | \cpipicfratyi Sale of Real EState] won 5% wi 805" wilk AnD INSURANCE, |"ALNAD. BOOKCASE AND DESK tet -- . Miss Bessie Smythe, Miss Ethel Wald nd Household Furnita ------ - ho Ha . . " a 8 » SALESME) WANTED FOR "AUTO Xpensive When new, for $18, at Not hing like it. 1f your sup- | pon, Mi Ration D Hara, 5 She d [6. Spray," Best Compressed-air Hand 0. 8. KIRKPATRICK, FIRE, MARINE Turk's. 'Pine, 705. ply house hs not got it, get it NR in Fr ivan wad ies Francs 1 have: been instructed to sell the fi: Sprayer Date. Ll a Bt. i Imam: chy, erence | OTOR BOAT--NEW, 28FT.x4FT. 9 IN. " , = y =v 5 " owing Real and Persona Property of the combined comfort. and. speed, hut of ; Sulliv char f L he homestead, Ont. \ \ from the minufacturers, the - |e Tren hard Young, at the homestead.| Ot 0, |\TTRACTIVE INVESTMENT PoL.| Oak Cypress ant Sedun, JG SLuly n ' ' 10 1 ston Avenue, WEDNESDAY the i 'E INVES 1. ¥ ; 3 : : i Sr ) Jou May, at 'Twelve O'Clock LEARN, BARBER TRADE. TOOLE cies in The North American Life in- york. Can be seen at 19 Alwingten C d M t 1 C Mrs. Archibald Strachan, Jagot } coon. free... New system. Uonstant practice | jurance Co. Standard rates, shunt ve. | street, gave an informal little tea, or et--That Fine Frame Dwelling, on the Careful instructions. Graduates ean ute security, splendid results. T. J. | T+ INCH anadaa etd 0. Ltd re re A or NY ee at) or at Reston Avenue aud Union| twelve to "sightesn dollars weekly Boon, Agent, 169 Wellington St. |A BEAUTIFUL GASOLINE LAUNCH, TORONTO, ONT ednesday, in' honor of urs. on 3r. tontaiming front 'and back parlor, Pow 'woeks. complete course. Write | ammo ee - | 29x44' {t., fantail stern, reverse pro- 3 . {terson, of St. Paul. It was specially § Fo oom," kitchen, four bedrooms, for free catalogue. Moler Barber [GRO. A. BATEMAN, AGENT FOR THE pelior, Sh ¥ Shout & miles, at o eee ---- | 110858 as it was a meeting of ol yath and closet. The lot consists of 694 College, Toronto. Pacific Coast Fire Ins. Coy., members ha gain, | 50. rithur rinneck, Naps |friends. Mrs. James Minnes made the | eet on Union street and 174 feet on of the bonrd of Jnderwriers, + he anee, Ont. Se * | te " . > oat to. | (Avingston Avenue, AT ONCE, A MAN OF ABILITY WITH omouski, Established 1876. The| = " - @ Beit 3 | tea, Mrs. James Higgins and Mis 2nd--That Brick Veneered House, 26Y some knowledge of fruit and horticu! York and Economical Mutuals, 67 | AUTOMOBILE FOR SALE CHEAPS £ Ben oh i Suva Minnes helping her. Amon Iniversity Avenve. [LSontaining Hyuble ture to act for us in Kingston and Olarence St., Kingston. 'Phone, 896. Ford runabout, I cons ~sy SE | those present were Mrs. obert For arlor and kitchen, four bedrooms. / District. A permanment and paying dition. Slightly w 3 good reason ! ] fand--- daughters; Mrs. H.W. Richard fontage oF uhout 86 feet on UnMersity position for the right man. Fone LIVERPQOL, LONDON © AND GLOBE Tt Aetonstration on Mn ! pC . venue. ngton, urserymen, oronto, oi SU C H . Moore's Garage, Land R lati RO and Mrs. Walter Connell, Mrs ard--The Household Fursiture--Heintz- oe Agen : y assets $51,187,215. In dey Sable : . aguialions. | o [George . Richardson, Mrs. Thoma: | nann Cabinet Orand Piano (upright), } = which' ihe policyholders have for VILLAGE OF PORTSMOUTH, AT ANY PERSON WHO 18 THE SOLE] |Tandy, Mrs. James Hendry and Mrs. | Black Walnut Barlor Suite, Tapestry |, 'yan OF GOOD ADDRESS AND security the unlimited liability of ull Corner of Union and Main streets, head of a fumily, or any male over 1 | 1 coun J. C. Connell, ' Mrs. Hiram Calvin, Juss and Carpets, Lace and Chenille connections, well acquainted with {the the stockholders. Farm and city Fine Frame House, and good gardens, yours old, muy homestead a quarter) va Wille ? Skip Te Curtains, Easy Chairs, Couches, Rock- city, to canvass for insurance fos property insured at lowest possible cheap for cash. Apply to Chas. R. section (160 acres, more or less) of IM William Skinner, Mrs. William | irs, Fancy Tables, Oak and other Bed- YO Canvas (eit. on bd Wo Tt Wolter. 81 Princess atheet. available. Dumition lund in Manitoba, 11". Minnes and her aunt, Mrs, Charles sos Suites; ath Bj attiusyen, Hed Rl or ohquisaion permanent . em sew business get rates from Strange an or erta. e icar 3 Lh " 5% n , Toilette B Ss, anging ah other i Same $ iP in pa must appear in person at the Dominion | AH Ready-to-Wear Garments | Griffin, of Brockville, Mrs. Alexan Cambs, Imperial Oxford Range, Cutlery ployment Jor the right Rursoll- | (:9e & Strange, Agents. 'Phone, 00S. LARGE ASSORTMENT OF McLAUH. Lands Agency or Sub-Agency for the {der Laird and Mrs. Richard S. Wald 'rockery and Glassware and pumerous og "5 var Wigs relorel " ? { lin Huggies, Harness a speciality: district. Entry by proxy may be made| stock must be cleared out ron. ther articles. * : TO-LET. | The best is the cheapest. A 3-Horse at any agency, on certain conditions, by | - - - Frost & Wood Cultivator, nearly new, father, mother, son, daughter, brother or sister of intdhding homesteader. Synopsis of Canadian Northwest | T.EN, The Auctioneer, -- - | } ! } ; : Telephone, M55. Residence, 243 Syden-| APPLICANTS FOR THE POSITION OF | 3TORAGE FOR FURNITURE OLEAN| for half price. ¥. P. Grass. { The high tea, at the Country ( lub am street. pupil nurse, in the Pottsville Hos- and d Frost's City Storage, 200 | bed hospital, training general, with { ing Piano, best condition and valu etm -- Mabel Meagher, and "was chaperone NOTICE. a three months' course in obstetrics TWO REAR ROOM OFFICES, AT 346 | able Organ, suitable for a church. and cultivation of the lamd in each of three years. A homesteader may live within nine miles of his homestead on a farm of at least 80 acres solely owned and occupied by him or by his father, mother, son, daughter, brother or sister. In certain districts a bomesteader in ood standing m re-empt uarter Mk ad 3 ia 4 Shh PRESSE AEE \ 2 anding may J ar prin TO . isa - | Misy Christine Cochrane, Miss Irenc | 5f Directors and for general purposes re- GENERAL AGENTS TO King street. | by Mrs, Edward L. Fortt. Those pre in a New York hospital, and three Bargain for quick sales, as parties THI? ANNUAL MEETING OF THE hundred dollars ($800.00) paid dur King street. Will be rented cheap, are leaving the city. Apply 55 Wells wnt besides were: Mis Nora Gor te y © 0 ro 3 Form 3 ign Aa x Jtockholders of The Cataragui Cemetery » Ss' se. Circulars J. P. Forrest, Gents' Furnisher. of SEI kA [ION don. Miss Elsic Pens, Miss Grace | Sompany will be held 'at the Office of ing the three years Cour ee rs ington strect. Hemiming, Miss Mildred Jones, Mis Kirkpatrick, Rogers & Nickle, Ontario furnished upon request to the Super- DWELLINGS, FURNISHED AND UN-|gronm DWELLING, 9 ROOMS, WITH illi ' i g BATURIAY the 20th day of intendent, Miss BE. F. Darling furnished, Stores; Storage for Furni- Lillian Kent, Miss Dorothy Brownfield treet, on BAC ar Xi intendent, Miss BE. F. Darling. , ; & age for Furn Tu tabl drive-h - > Pi : /, at 3 lock P.M., for the election a \ ' % \ rnace, stable, rive-house, fow 4 Sr a a ¥ a ture, ete. McCann's, Brock, Cor. house, etc,, 8 acres, about 700 feet, ee errs DUTIES. --Six months' residence xl GOOD on Wednesday, was in honor of Miss Em pital, Pottsville, Pa., one hundred Queen 81. "Phone, 5268. HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE, INCLUD | | i | section along-ide his homestead." Prive] oh " x » » : pepe eevae HIGH-CLASS I water front tuat Wolfe 1 1 $3.00 pet acre, Duties.--Must reside six | Swift," Miss Marie Carruthors; Mis" ating to the-nranigement "of "the Com anise sales force and handle sale] - water rout, iy aie ol , Maite island, months im each of six yearn from date | Phyllis Short, Mr. I", Grasett, Mr. BD ny, G. W. MAXWEI of new and winning specialty exten-| FURNISHED RESIDENCE OF PROF Cor. King St. of homestead entry (including the a | Whige, Mr. H. Crearer, Mr. H. Boak '* Qecretary-Treu pre sively advertised. Sales rapidly in Goodwin, Alice St., for summer required to ears homestead patent) and (3 . Bin h : Mr H. « bbi M Way 20th, 1909 3 chivas creasing Exceptionally profitable months. Apply at McCann's, 51|TWo NEW HOUSES, CORNER DIVI- cultivate fifty acres extra. el Ir ingham, Mr. Lohntt, « tr 1 WAY wlilh 0 business can be obtained in each city Brock street. oT asta Alan ut TOUTE A homestesdet wie has exhausted his Wheeler, Mr. 1). Parker, Mr. Shaw and district by right man. Give full View Park, 5 miles trom Baton homestead Fight 'and canuot" obtain, | Wieler, Mr. 1° iar, Mr. Shaw | ---- Goof Thanks. | ftieis,soscomtus foumell int ite; | FOUR maioper, WEp-RURRSED | gn, tht SU Lawrenet cireith uti homestead in certain districts. Price] FROM C. Reifienstein. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Fawcett and family| Bide. Chicago. : : A Wagon BIE Wp gy vi ig D. Boyd: . $8.00 per acre. Purchased homesteads | - - - wish t xpress their sinésre thanks to} 3 les may be acquired on any available lands The Yach Cll ag will 1 : Sish LoS friends for their sympathy | St. West. 106 Pine street. on either odd or even numbered Sections | 'I'he Yacht ub teas wi we mort | Th" onsideration shown them in their | " South of township 45, Fast of the Uni {than ever a feature of the club life | lia afiction ; also to the Captain and' A Genteel Profession fo Women BLACKSMITH SHOP, ON TAY | / PATENT MEDICINE BUSINESS, gary and Fdwonton Railway and the Sal ti & i ° thi th. | this year, and will be a larger factor itr | rew of the Steamer Wolfe Is ander for; Tr . Market, suitable for general repujr with mail order busipess included. A West line of range 26, and West of the ale continues a is MONA. | {1 enjoyment of society even: than thes he kind consideration given them in Paid While Being Taught. shop, Tent moderate. Avply to J. snap at $2,500 cub. Goods soll "by third Meéridinn ad ©" the Sault Railway | . 1 oe , y re Li | connection with the special trip to] THERE ARE A SURPRISING gney, 4: ng street, . over five hundred druggists in Cans }ine. Duwties.--Must reside six months in | COme eax y. have been in other summers. I'hey wil <ingston on their account. ntmbes of CANADIAN WOMEN in ada. Any person with ordinary each of three years, cultivate fifty acres | not? hegin until the weather settles in i Rica who have become trained A SINGLE BRICK HOUSE, 10 ROOMS, ability can hang the business. Ape and erect a house worth $300. | ' : . No. 115 Stuart street, modern im- ply Box "8 care Whig office. to June's fairness, and when they dc iam were nv ited, too, and had a nurses und: they are retin mini provements. Possession May 1st. SYNOPSIS OF CANADIAN NORTH {will be in charge of the ladies entire | ovely romp and tea, with candles on |] demand bY lending = physicians Apply to John: Ashley, 28 Livingston [TWO SOLID DOUBLE BRICK DWEL- WEST MINING REGULATIONS, raw or d S | ly. he cake and all. Mrs. dames Third | for them. The Brooklyn Jewish Ave. linge, excellent Toeation oh Princess , : 9 > = we nd Miss Dorothy Macgillivray help- Hospital, one of the leading hos- , St., opposite University Ave., eac COAL.~--Coal mi ights t | \ A ) : 3 | , A IHET rg h : , leased for Ee Ro How 0 a . : | Mr. and Mrs. M. Kirkpatrick anc {:d Mrs. Shaw entertain her small | pitals of © he a Ya head ¥ TR Sook SE RING AnD a aaa ery Marge Inooarn rental of $1.00 an acre. Not more than Sole Agents for Fit Reform. { Mr. and Mrs. G. H. Kirkpatrick lef | ruests. ! learn to become trained nurses, Board of Education," suite of rooms fruit trees and stable. This is a 2,560 acres can be leased to one appli {for Ottawa, to-day, to attend the wed - '- - 1 (who make easily 25 a week) and hall, suitable for offices, club- snap for someone, reason for selling, cant. Royalty, five cents per ton. HL aes 2 . h 2 3 Yas . > A room, ete. Apply 211 Princess St. owner leaving the city. Appl at QUAKTZ.--A person eighteen years of {ding of Mr. Wilfrid J. Kirkpatrick Mits Kathleen Richardson, Univer-| and while learning 'they are board bo POY Princs McCann's Real Estate Loney rook ed free and paid a salary per Cor. King street. \ Ee and, over having made i giscovety Pal tation | youngest son of Mr. M. Kirkpatrick | sity avepue, asked ten girls to tea,| month. Address, Superintendent ARCHITECTS. ay Feo, $5.00. At loast $100 33 at te 3 i : and Miss Amy Odell, eldest daughter | ;n Wednesday, to say good-bye to Brooklyn Jewish Hospital, Brook- -------- - | SUMMER COTTAGE. AND ISLAND expended on the claim each year, or lof Mrs. Agnes- Odell, 315 Waverley | Miss Anita Meyer and Miss Wilson, yn, NY USA ARTHUR ELLIS ARCHITECT, | hs a as 8 alah ISLAND; paid to the Mining Recorder. When $500 | street. The marriage will take plac | who left, yesterday, for British Co- oflice and residence, 181 priversity miles from Gananoque, foot of Howe as been expende or paid and other 0 the Heart . . v Ave. Island, cottage contains large re- '| ; : lon May 24th; at noon. lumbia. ; : A ee EL 50 a the claim fo it "- a ai PERSONALS. -- - te ree cept ion room ith fire Place, B bed PLACER MINING * CLAIMS generally Mrs. Robert Meikle, Clergy street 3 a" -- |HENRY P. SMITH. ARCHITECT, rooms, (3 10 er) led well 28 100 feet square. Kutry feo, $5.00. > se Ars. er J ty | Mrs. Russell Hale, Union street, | HAIR, MOLES, BIRTHMARKS, ete., Anchor Suliding, Market feet deen, cellar, boathouse, good DREDGING .--Two leases of five 'miles has gone down to Smith s Falls, and} io a [ttle party, yesterday, for her warts, | etc. removed : permanently Square. 'Phone, 845. boating Jud fs ng, MeCani's ten sash, ot p_river may Bs Jsoue Jo une One of the first danger EM that en {will probably go from there to Ot ittle irl, 'and all the littie people Fithout BO WoHLY Years 3 Jur}: ET rr 8 y. : St. a can or a pn © 3 " p : awa. a yd ) incall o < . Tr. . B: Toys JemEs . SWLANDS oe SON, . #10 a mile per: annum. Royalty, 23 per | @ounce something wrong with the heart is a. Spangenberg, Johnson street, be. invited enjoy d_ themselves yory Nose: link. 255 2 ae. Bjgmiah Jutta. ttre OT, 258: Bagot. sug MEDICAL CARD. ' cent after the output exceeds $10,000. : | be nuch indeed. ' cent after paLpul, W. W. CORY, the irregular beat or violent throb. Often |},45 gone up to Toronto, to spend th . - "> - HENRY E. DAY, M.D. OM PHYST N rod pybiiCATID. Of thi Share is only 8 Suttering sensation, or ao | holiday. : . "Bishopscourt". will be busy, next LEGAL. DENTAL. cian and Surgeon, (practising in advertisement will not be paid ter. "all gone" sinking feeling; or again, there Mys. Charles Kirkpatrick, . Frontenac { voek for Mrs. Lenpox Mills will be en- TST ATRL fe ATR I | - . a p Odessa for tho last seven ye | hae : & fl street, will spend a couple of months dain: ih X Tol Yor I A. B. CUNNINGHAM. BARRISTER |SPARKS AND. SPARKS, DENTIATS, Cor. Brock and Division Sts. may be a most violent beating, with flush- wl ZR pe tortaining in Fons of the clergy who and Solicitor. Law Office, 79 Clarence 5304 Princess St., Kingston. "Phone, Hours, 8 to ° am tod end 710 ings the skin and visable pulsations | 5S BE» BY. orien wi ye here. then. t., Kingston. 846. + p.m. 'Phone, i of of { Worrell, who "has been in" Montreal ; A ae Sake . the arteries. The person may experience has gone home to Halifax. o smothering sensation, gasp, for breath Mrs. JJ. Poyntz French and her bon The not-ou 3 and recruits of the THE IDEAL BONING: Royal Military College are having a and feel as though about to die. Insnch [ny boy will go up again to Picton } hye afte LD NN NEW MI L WOOD cases the action of Milbure's Heart and |'0 visit - Mrs. French's grandmother, dicnie Hus ali HOOK. - Q / Hy N IN J | TENDERS FOR DREDGING. erve Pills in quicting heart, restoring Mrs. Stirling. Ce : J Wd a ht pi aa KN in the } M Marion Meredith has returned On Monday the picnic being given : WN J 4 "exh d 1 11 Ki dli SEALED TENDERS addressed to the its normal beat and imparting tone tothe |, "7. 10 after a pleasant little vis- | OY the senior class cadets will be one SPIRELLA CORSETS. ' . Just received carload ior Ain ing. orsigned and. endorsed ender for ' e Sen Jie A i \ . Ie at Fish Dock and the Thunder nerve centres, is, beyond all gnestion, mar- |;¢ to Mrs. William Harty, Sydenham yi the jolliest features of the day. Plicate { rast Solan Mb 878. | Nery Rola sd, 10c. per bundle delivered. Bay + Herminal Elevator Company's | vellons, They give such peomph roliaf | street. aw MARGARET DUNNETT, 105 Wellington ! y Duck," will be received until 4.30 Sein | that no one need suffer. - oe - Mrs. Charles Kirkpatrick, Frontenac|St: = S if y v Ty | wits. : | sn cem---------------------- | Wednesday, June 2, 1909, for dredging L of t t hi i required at Fish Dock and the Thunder : Miss Mona Knight Alice street, left, | street, gave a tea this afternoon. Bay 'Terminal levator Companys Dock Mr. Sylvester Smith, Hampton, N.B, | "i = fo Toronto. where she will - - - the Harbour © ort Arthur, Ontario : iki i ' a i ; as i . . A, | sitess--*I was troubled with palpitation [tay with Mrs. G. W. Monk. She will| There will be a young. people's din- Combined specification and form of ; T, ------ tender can be obtained and form of con- 1 the heart and tried doctor's medicines, | be west at the . wedding of Mist | ner party at the Country. -Cluk Vie | ' tract seen at (his Department aid Sent | Jub they only gave me temporary relief. Y-| Gladys Boulthee, ~ daughter of Ne | ihe Fig aa . : 'Re WOODS FAIR STEAMER WOLFE SLANDER office: . . Temple, ¥Ksq., esiden tia 3 x Ea: 2 pr } i : BE 2 FE ISLAND, Yriaeer Port Arthur, Ont, and J. G.| heard of your Heart and Nerve, Pills and William Boultbee, and niece ol Sn ww ae PROGRA MME | KINGSTON AND GUELPH MON. 00.18 am - T TUES. Hing, . Resident Engineer, Conledet | popopg two boxes and before I had used William Mulock, to Mr. Charles Mor | There have been several pleasant lit- ng the d LL dm en 1.00--8.60 1orith A5 am: ithe 1 Life Building, Toromto, Ont edo. of Engl dep : | Owing to the death of Mr. J Cwgp. 73 " Sn ns tendering are notified tlat| them I was completely cured and would gan Hodge, of London, England, on} a parties already for Miss Mabe | Woods it has been decided to closd out THURS. Breakey's tenders will not be considered unless ba . Wednesday, May 26th. : : Lewis, of Montreal, who is staying the successful business heretofore carried | Bay 6.30--9.30 a.m 1.00 pm. made on the printed forms supplied and recommend them to all similarly affected. Miss Anita Meyer and Miss M. Wil} oi), Mrs. W. J. Crothers, Earl street ! on at Kingston and Guelph under the pgRi © 7.80--9.15 a.m. 1.004.000 p I » Paiy ** 7. signed with their actual signatures, with : . vestorday Toronto. wher {name of oods' Fair, : SAT. 8.00--9.15 a.m. 1.0)- 2.3) their occupations and places of residence Price, 50 cents per bux, or 3 boxes for Sore Jef yestaiiny, for Tor an 0, Ji " -. ge. 8 i The stocks are well assorted and con- | SUN. 9.00--12.30 a.m. 3.00 p.m. 1 In the case of firms the actual signature, $1.25 at sll - direct on t rey will stay for a shor ime, Y Fngagements announced : | sist of the usual lines of crockery, glags- + arta EE the nature of the Secupation ane Place " , dealers or mailed will then go on to Vancouver. They Miss Mamie Sutton, daughter of sare, Stationary, toys, 00 Stok ati LEAVES KINGSTON -- i e P ' rood price The Milbumm Co. ¥ , i 1 i Gs . on ~ Kingston amoun hy 49, and | N. & 80 a.m. 2.004 § . of reideute Gt EW YE : Ape of by T will come back to Kingston, m Aug Mrs. George Sutton, Georgetown, to : f will. be sold by auction on the thine | SURE. 8 an G03 a0 4 St does Smust include the towing of the | limited, Toronto, Ont. Just, stopping off at several places on} yy Robert H. Gault, of Manitowan- MORNING |in Kingston on' Tuesday, the 20th day |wED. 8.30--11.30 am. 2.00--4.30 p. plant to and from the works. Only i their return, After a brief stay here|io Ont. The marriage will take ' {of May, at 11 a.m. _ | Thurs 8.830--12.80 p.m. 3.00 pm. 7 p. dredges can be employed which are reg- they, with Mrs. Meyer, will sail for | place in June. Mr. Gault was former- MOTOR BOAT RACKS--Start .and| The Guelph stock amounts to $7. Breakey's Bay and Halliday's 3 d in Canada at the time of the H ® finish in front of City Buildings, com- | 770.36, and, will he sold by auction on | Walker's, 3 p.m. Ming. of tenders. Contractors must be Purebred Imported Hackney Stallion. England. ly of Deseronto. ay on 9.30 - y neg om ihe premises in Syaipl on Jinursday, the | PRI. TT 50 a.m. 2.00--4.30 p. ready to begin work within twayty days ' - -> o> - Mis > rene. sec . ; 3 ie | =! Ol ay, a o'clock noon. AMAT. 8.80--11.80 a.m. 2.004.830 p. after the date they have been nbtified of KING'S COUNSEL (907) (8683) Miss Helen Irene, second daughter of| MILITARY PARADE--American and |" 10,56 of the premises can be had in| SUN. 9.80 a.m. 1.15--38.30 p.m. Start at 2 o'clock sharp. the acceptance of their tender. King's Counsel is a dark chestnut with Mrs. W. B. Carey has joined the|Dr. and Mrs. Merrick Merrickville, 10 local Troops, at 19.80, ii i {each case. Sat +-Special trip to Simcoe Island Each tender must be accompanied by four white feet and white strip in _his | archdeacon here. Mr. T. Harry Bernéy, elddst son of LACROSSE MATCH---Cricket Field | Terms.-- Ode uzth down, the bai-j and Spoor's dock, at 2.00 p.m. made payable to the order of the Tion- hands high, weight when in show condi- won ob ond 3 ---- 1d : a ROAD RACE--10 miles, start and endorsed paper, with interest at seven { notice. Tarable the Minister of Public Works, for | ton 1,800 lbs, is as sound as a bell, [ON Thursday, after a flying, but very | Ont. Wedding will take place in June. finish at Market Square. Start at 11, |per cent. vec annum. Stock: list can bo | Boat calls at Garden Island going to five thousand dollars ($5,000.00) which | has the best of feet and legs, is a sen-| pleasant little, visit here, hér old Margaret Isabel, daughter of Mr. Yoep by calling-on H. G. Wood, Windsor land from Kingston. will be forfeited if He person tender o I'sational actor with the speed of the |jiands heing more than pleased to see |and M David McCann, Toronto, to AFTERNOON AT FAIR GROUNDS | 1c el, Kingston, or -by applying to the | . jec) ea to enter into a contract whe x : b hin ' Cas wei . fs . i ry de on to do so, or if he fails to]be one of the best Stallions in J erica. | her. A ae - Mr. Ww. Ne Ison Wilkinson, of the Map BASEBALL MATCH---Victorias | ticulars also apply. Complete the work contracted for. If the The Sire of King's Counsel i sagton | Mrs. Charles Gildersleeve, King | and Empire staff, son of Mr. and Mrs. | Young Irishmen, at 2 o'clock sharp. 3 . tender be not accepted the cheque, will Duke of Connaught, No. 8,009, who is |ctreet, has returned from Toronto. W. J. Wilkinson, Toronto. The mar- MOUNTED MILITARY Sports and | o1BBONS, HARPER & GIBBONS, . Ihe Department does not bind itself to Hackney Stallion of Europe. There is no : - 3 < 2 3 ¥ i accept the lowest. or any tender reason why farmers in this section can-| Miss May Bell, Wellington street, has | 2nd, © in Bathurst Street Methodist HORSE RACES--FOUR EVENTS - from By order, not raise as good stock as can berafsed | oo... f Montreal, after lea- | church, Toronto y | . in any other part of the Dominion if returned from Montreal, aiter a plea : . Rock rt fo Kingston 1 ' po Spere King's Counsel 'No. 907-8683, who is ma Mr. and Mrs. Charles G Griffin, of | Mrs. F. H. Lackey, of St. Paul street, | MAYOR COUPER, W. W. SANDS, | Calling at intermediate points Leaves s rnd wre foal gette p- ro . MT. oi . apd . . id wv ? ER , eis iat Tru 3 3 i x oints. Deplirtnient of Public Works sure foal getter, they will get products|p, yyijle, are visiting .their niece, Buffalo, N.Y., to Mr. Frank Keller, | Chairman. Treasurer. | fd | Kingston, (Crawford's Wharf, foot of : ts in the market. King's Counsel bas { Mrs. William T. Minnes, "Hillcrest." |also of Buffalo. The wedding will W. C. MARTIN, Secretar New sers will mot be paid for this prices in the nar g " . : be ard wg oy . C. MJ N, § y. - | s ar : OTH al et il they insert it without heen brought here aL p jarge cost and Miss Macpherson and Miss Edith | take place place in June. Mr. Keller | } Village of Portsmouth. {3nd._Rodkpart, Servite bagins Muy 20th. authority from the Department Lt and will- stand at the following | zr, herson, Brock street, have gone |is a son ol Mrs. John Forester, Bath.! THE ANNUAL MBETING OF THE x. 4 the. ' - Montreal for the holiday. Miss . . | Shuretiolers of the Kingston, Smith's THE COURT OF REVISIO r We | CAPT. JOHN A. CARNEGIE. Anyway, the chap who thitks he! Monday night, at Sydenham: Edith Macphenson, of Ottawa, will Invitations are out for the marriage|jq held at the Office of the Grand Trunk | Town Hall, Portsmouth, on TUESDAY, i Tae ih . knows it all doesn't know a lot that Tu ay Dn at Harrowsmith sail, shortly, for England. of Mr. James William Preston, son of | Railway Company's Ticket Agent, King-| June 1st, at 7.80 o'clock p.m. | To be perfectly happy a man wants y i im behing his back ov hinht ivr Ti Mr. D. H. Preston, K.C., Napanee, to ston, on TUESDAY, JUNE 1st, 1909, at| TAKE NOFPICE. "All persons intending | all the comforts of home in his club is said of him behing his back. Tuesday night, at Odessa. : - a ry ar 5 the hour of 10 a.m., for the election of |to appeal against anv assessment, must |. 4° 5 the comforts of a club in his i ) seball season the sda 9 a merry little, party, on Wednesday, blo, Colorado. The miarriage will take | transaction of such other business as 24th inst. : | home. : and during the base yall seas the Thursday noon; at Westbrook. 3 e, pari oe mnt lace in Puebl Tune 5t) {ran be brought before the meeting. = By {Order of the Council, If is very ammoving: to have people man frequently seeks' the office boy in Friday and Saturday at his own to celebrate the fth birthday of her | place in Pueblo' on :iuine 5th. | FRANK SCOTT TW HENSTRIDGE ! ; : hack all ben Speechless amazement ia one of the |gtable, Kingston eldest daughter, litte Miss Rhona. | The 'marringe of Miss Jda Mercy | 2 T Segretary. | iy Clerk, | talk behind your back, especially when s e, gs . : s 1909. ' you are at the theatre. an accepted cheque on a chartered bank "face. He is six years old, stands 15.24 | 9fys F. H, Duvernct left town again, | Mr, and Mrs. Thomas Berney, Athens, Brockville vs. Kingston, at:10.80. {ance in 2, 4, 6 and™§ months, approved | Time Table subject to change without { rotting horse and is acknowledged to undersigned to whom. for further par-| | | 2 I > acknowledged to be the champion " x * Games, between heats of horse races. > « bi i he returned. X P - - - jape will take place quietly on June Vendor's Solicitors, London, Ont. | Will run every Tuesday and Thursday, | NAPOLEON TESSIER, they only use good sires, and by using [sant visit of about a month. Elizabeth Dora, daughter of Mr. and i that il bring the the highest . fancy Ottawa, May 19, 1909 hat: will: bring them the 8 CY "Princess St.) at 3 p.m., for Gananoque -- Monday noon, at Inverary. to salls and Ottawa Railway Company will {above Municipality will be beld at the] oe. " The office seldom seeks the man, Wednesday night, at Bath. Mre. Felix Shaw, Bagot street, had | Miss Edith Lucetta Foibush, of Pue-| Directors of the Company, and the notify the undersigned on or before the | things that go without saying. JOHN CARSON, Owner. Some of the wee friends of Miss Mir- (Continued on Page 5.) Kingston, April 30th, $909; May---8th 2% A ~ \