YEAR 76-N0O. 120. KINGSTON, ONTARIO, SATU URDAY, MAY 22, 1909. LAST EDITION - ---- TT S------------ | DRIVING IT TO CANADA. . ANNA TO RETIRE. PROBABILITIES. VE A 7 | Pactares Tariff is Killing Tanning | Actress Has Accumulated $1,000,- Jus T A T ] UF { } S ] AGE an Te. OL May 33_Ouawa Xalley A few scattered showers to-day. but Industry. 000 She Says. 5 - i Jontiy fair. Sunday, fue d derate- Washington, May 22 Offering an New York, May 22 --Before sailing -- | puosiy tai unday, fins, and modepnts amendment to further reduce the duty for Europe, Thursday, Anna Held, N h f Chi Meat Pa k r q on quebracho, which is - a chestnut aboard the Kromprinzessin Cecilie, sti : bark extract used in tanning, to a e out a statement saying that she y y ils L ep ew 0 icago C e a quarter of a cent a pound, Senator | would probably rétire from the stage. 00 an 0 S ar eave > | Lafollette declared that the tanning | She had been successful in her career . Beautiful Heiress Elope. Li was being driven to Canada, | and investments, the actress said, and School | where quebracho is admitted free of | had $1,000,000. Migs Held said that y duty. He declared that the oak and |she would settle down to home life a hemlock have been killed off so that |and that most of her time wonld be Glances Led to a Midnight Wedding---Off on iii" Wily tap ee President Elvidge Has Some Strong Opinions | make an extract to mix with the im-| Honeymoon---Swift is Son of ported quebracho ) on the Uselessness of the Entrance By a vote of 20 to 38 the Lafollette Famous Packer. ameuiiveut was rejected BY 0 SiS Examinations. {voce vote, the duty recommended by I the committee of hall a cent a pound E wry AND town, was married in Hoboken, Thurs: | had to wait, and it was midnight be- | barrister, of Brandon, returning officer Feachers' Association, in his annual | to sauly and find out things The was agreed to, day Hight, to Miss Mary Emma Mil- | fore the knot was tied between Mr. | there in tho last election, who was wldress before the convention being | restoration of the old public hool | . Guelph, May 22.1 think if 1 were he gol on well last vear, and will be ler, a beautiful young heiress of La- | Swift and Miss Miller, | one of the victims selected by Attor ¢ ! g fayette, N.Y., whom he met only three Mr. and Mrs. Swift are off on their | yoy-Gencral Camphbe II's department for held in this eity. | leaving cxamination wonld be a bene 4 weeks ago. | honeymoon. It is said they will go section, and against whom a ij 4 "I'he height of many a child's ambi- | fit here and keep many a pupil in The couple eloped from the Hotel | first to Wareham, Mass, where M: Hie ay of proc edings was made to pre tion is to pass the entrance, and, sad | school from one to two years.' to sav, it is too often the height of Mi. Elvidee also stood out for an OPPs Knickerbocker, unknown to the bride's | Swift has a large country estate vent him from proving his innoconce, father, and hurried to Hoboken short Mr. Swift is a breeder of fine horses | has undertaken to force the courts to he parents' ambition also Why some | increase in the rural school trustes would rather leave their boy | boards from three members to at least ly before eleven o'clock, in a large | and is an enthusiastic motorist. He | procecd with the charge. He refuses parcnis . ' i ' touring ear. Only a few of their most {has apartments at the Knickerbocker | {on he sacrificed, and iv determined to 81.000 than fo spend it upon his edu- fice. When there were but three, us |i Ladies & Misses = 1 per cation is a mystery to me. His educa- ually oné was prog pressive, ote indif New York, May 22.--Julian W bride-to-be could locate a minister. | | INSISTS ON TRIAL. an educational autoerat in Ontario Ha great help around home, and there Swift; nephew of the multi millionaire | They went So a pofies Station and . pis were referred to Rev. Dr. Janie S---- * would wipe the entrance examination | is nothing | more he can learn at school ment mncker € ( cage an nil . ' : - ment | ack o of hi go, and a v | pastor of a Lutheran church. : When Returning Officer, Refuses to Rest out of existence. It is one of thel now. lionaire in his own right, who is well | they got there they found a double Under Charge. : greatest evils we have to contend with | "Boys and girls at that ago are like ! in the rural schools," spoke President | puppies just getting their eves open; known in New York as a man about wedding ceremony going on, so they Winnipeg, May 22H. J Ingram, vidge, of the Sduth Wellington | they are just becinning to learn how intimate friends went with them when in New York, but spends most Following the ceremony, Mr. and! of his time plying between here, Chi ecuiion. which have become the cus tion would not make him a poorer | ferent, and the other penurious. with Mrs, Swift returned to the Knicker { cago and his home at Wareham : som here farmer Ihe hoy, bs some offort, the result that the indifferént trustee bocker, where an elabofate wedding | Just how Migs, Miller wind Mr, Swift | vains his entrance cortificate at the wen! with the one 'opposed to prov breakfast was served, on Friday met | not been disclo ed, but their | HELD AS SMUGGLERS WILLIAM € MART age of cloven or twelve; proud pa | gress, and little was done. The ad- morning. Papa Miller did not learn of { friend wv it was a case of love 1 : - : reutie BedPEEREY of ti iia Fonte, happy boy, pleased teacher, and | vantages of lareer hoards wort the marriage until later, as he 8 in | ght Miss Miller is twenty-six ycars | Charged That Thev Tried to Jump Day Celebration Oh ! Jim has got his enfrance now, | seen in villages and towns, Lafayette, where he has a magnificent | old, about ten years Mr. Swift's jun Duty mt . country home. ior. She is a blonde and is said t . - ---- p-- -- - I mem ) ar ; 1 yew York, May 22---The onergetic ttle Progress In England i ; ' ' None of the wedding party was fa-|be worth several hundred thousand | N° LOPE BY. Sh sted against AL I CL PITH OF THE NEWS. dated for the presidency of Dartmouth miliar with Hoboken, hence there was [dollars in her own right. She came | J ' } i gu ue against a gton, May 22.--The slow ad ye College. in New Hampshire : twif Alege smuggler OI rut all mn { o fmth he 1 sh Isle 3? > . . . \ ' 1 va the faith in the British Isle Ogdensburg, N.Y., claiins 16.000 po- a gre r before S at 81 tc scent] a vi a great time before Mr. Swift and his | to w York recently on a i when Thomas Murphy, until a short | ww, , subject of a report read at The Very Latest Culled From All lati nl 3% 8 alter the BR. & en r------ - time ago a bag gag ent on the Ame the conference oi the venth Day Ad Over The World. bu ation Lo a By Yo oh 1 ite rical line pier, and Thomas F. Han- ventists. It was stated by Elder W Over $900 was realized in Galt for a ON tha rp as non and his wife, Teresa F. Hannon Bartlett that in thirty vem the | the hospital fund by a tag day. » 'a a oar city of $000 popula Jail Prisoner Escapes--Dramatic! Hous on Wodnesday evening, entitled wi ra aitaiguied beface United , States | records showed : 1.700 converts hh Gypsy Smith will be invited to ltjon, opposite Prescott.' . . Club Entertainment "Our Boys." The Napance boys en-|° HH ough on a charge ol having Ireland. he said. there had béen less] hold meetings in London the lesk. Sui Ibury will have a direct connec ) Beautiful Suits I i } i y lance | conspired to secure the fraudulent cn- than 100 converts He attributed this| I . Ges { on f » , 99 m tertained the visitors to a dance in A : , t lhe French naval authorities have h ( la 1 ans of a Napanee, May --On Thursday al- | he Oddfell * hall aft i try of a trunk containing 35,000 worth | to tl at strength of the churche : l ae | tion with Gowganda by mean a ~ ) Allow ¢ { . rior 1 i 2 0, o the gv ng ) e churches | Joi le ( ' - " | , ternoon a prisoner named Finley, do 4 the Oddiellows hall alter the perlorm- | F gowns and other female finery, Bail. of ale ud nd Rome in the Britis Jecirpect YY lown two 21,000-ton | wagon road, which is to be built im Well made of the newest [ud ing a six months' term for vag Ny anc. | ane . : : . 8 Nas 1d x £ % hue . Baal ar and y in th british battle hij sin 1910 mediately from the end of the CN.R Cloths. in the vier | cacaped from the jail. He was sent tc Miss Hattie Kennedy and F. W. Cha- [11 each case was fixed at 32,000 The C.N.R. will not build to the |steel at Sellwood iuto the new camp All the new colovs n lad v 2 tpi ' y Sit 3 Ty a " . A - ) on iar La my w colors, in a this woll' for a pail of water, and not {pin, teller of the Sti line Bank, Tam - . ram sts Atlantic seaboard as there are already Sir Wilirid Laurier has not made colors, also the movelty too many roads down there. any definite arrangements as to the stripe and check effects. | show up the methods of politic | THE NEWS OF NAPANEE. | Napanee Canoe Club, gave a succe { ful entertainment in the Brisco Opera worth, were maeried on May 19th, at returning, search revealed the fact that nS : | po Ting ie aout reid Christ church, Tamworth, Rev. J. W John Beighton, a Porte Hope carpen- | summer, but will probably take ad- Every garment bought rp Jones, perforincd the ecremony. The ter, fell forty feet and his injuries | vantage. « f a long recess to have a y ia Pte « 3 vears of ag#® and blind in one eye. > Lo ? | Binge. O = : this spring's selling Hh {in one. er | Sy probably will result in his death. {real holiday for at least a month. this-apring BS. at ride t x ¢ nav John Pratt, who has conducted the { dainty bride was a fares In a vy y : ss is Ei The Dominion Steel company is paid | Charles E. Burke, B.A., science mag We invite vou to this sale. | > e886 e to match Paisley House for the past four years, | blue ilk dress with hat ------------ ! hort to be planning extensions to the Syd- | ter at Woodstocl: college, has received has sold out to M. E. Mitchell, i \ " ' ol] ney works to cost five million dollars. | an 'appointment to a fellowsh tw - { hone oon, will settle in Toronto Brampton, and yesterday handed over ih + "i gi i he Ta I~ ns tho | Money Taken From Il Illinois Home Restored i mn Rev. Joseph Philp, Aylmer, has been chemistry at the University of li- Just Think 0f it, The bride and groom, after a the keys to the now proprietor. i. Campbell house, att aded the funcral | cal'ed to tho pastoraie of the new (nois, and will 'assume his duties in Mrs. (Rev.) 'W. H. Montgomery left i hte ath the late Joseph Taylor I | tf aco Methodist churdh at Essex, Ont. | October O 1 ather, w late Joseph aylo ' © Md list © wr 8 LENE A wo ots. at which Mr.| Theodore Roosevelt smd his | son, Tuesday for her new home in Sombra, iT { 1 1 | A political meeting, 0 N z « oronto, on ucsday li ) # dit, Ns. Motagofucsy hs ing beers in B. Deming, "of Bristol, ) d S---- Asquith was speaking, at Sheffield, Koymit arc having good hunting luck bytevian church at that place. guest of hee daughier, 8. 1. | : was stormed by suffragettes on Friday | on the Ju Ja ranch of George Me. "M Mi on wi I {illic Bick 1. Travers. Miss Gladys Grange, | Mount Vernon, lil, May 22.--David Myers sa fucergliving about ten {uialit. : Millan, i British East Africa. Their 25 Per Cent s. rve ' ie C . i @ " 2 > @ Eph -- Te YR ¥ " He Nn ol Chico rg - of i Yoston, arrived home this week Myers, who recently lost £53,000 from miley from this i band alte is o Hon. Jacques Bureau, Ticitorgene- baa "hel "a wa lerhicles a impalla, - 3 ¥ . . ap DALE | : oe in money loaning. was when | yal, will make a tour of inspec 100 of | and other. varicties of antelope. . a a spend the summer Ww ith her parents. | yn won safe he kept at his home, has Rg « pection Su Suits these. randuarcuti, - Me. and Mrs. John ; Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Grange. : > : ef / he went to his sale to deposit a pay- | the penitentiaries throughout the do- At Oswego, N.Y., the «ale of the sh Suits as rng. Ye a es Campi y z had the entire amount restored to) ment that had been made on a mort: f minion tug Vigilant has been postponed for 813.50 SUITS, for $10.12. Toronto, is the guest oO wer aunt : him I'he money came back in tw save that he discovered his lo The " ; 1 ont ; 3 ' oh . ) t x vo | gag H 5. Ook. : I'hreo brothers, named Grenier, of one month. There are lieny agg $20 SUITE, | 81: Mrs W. A. Daly, for a few days Mi AN EARL'S JOKE. finds. The first was discovered in a money was taken while a family re Ascension Que and another ting about $8,000 against the tug i 2 SUITS or Son x Rimer, Pryson, Que., and Mrs (br. 1 = cellar at the home of his son. Cl union was in progress at the Myers' |,,me unknown, "were drowned while [unless a- settlement is arrived at she $30 SUITS, for $22.50. Mann, Renfrew; are guests ol their | Constituency Failed to See It and | gic. whomade the find. The first | home at full, md in: spitecol the] oe ue, river tall tus cover the amount wywr, ale hail ib. Bundns, po Hq Apologizes | timation hat: the money might be | efiorts to keep it secret the story Francis J. Nugeut, iréasurer of th oS ER NOTE I'he St. Thomas rama tac ub, of London, May 22 v recent politi | buried in the cellar came to. the son leaked out about as soon as the | john C. Nugent company, Rochester SOCIAL REFORM. ' " This store will close at 1 relloville, under the auspices of . the 1 enasdl , xis 2 " > o e eart atarbe ; : WAS 4 Y Relleville, under pices o | cal speed h, the of Ronaldshay. Ww fen he noticed the earth disturbeel | m Ine y was found. oo monufactarers, is under arrest or = Ng ge ol ot [who represents the Hornsey division | in the cellar, and in digevng about the vers kept his money at home, be a. charge. of forgery. State Insurance For Sick and In o"cloc ay DAILY MEMORANDA: of Middlesex. in the House of Com- || lace he unearthed a package con ause. he did not believe in banks, but Rev. W. B. Norton, Chicago, robbed firm Workers The mons, gibed the radicals of his con- | te ining 318,000, | he has changed his plans, and the | © 10a) a alli rai atehel beliov i" : 5% oy Men and Ladies tituency. in connection with a bazaar It was announced that the search ¢ now take care of his surplus 1 a bi o£ 3 Na NS 1 sot : London, May 32~1In a speech al Of Kingston Sav inaugurated by the Countess of .Gra- | for the rest of the money would be | thousands, He was thought to pos Wie tuol 8 con ie nee ih get to work | Sheffield, Prime Minister Asquith fore Wear Camphetl's Hats on the holiday fo referred to her 'a dump- | given up, but it develops that the |scss ony an* ordinary' amount of and result in its return. 3 hadowed state insurahee for sick No Whig on Monday od Ainorieasn heiress ow he had been | search .was continue d quietly and | money, and the disc losures brought 1 ond ( harles Jevesford advises tho infirm workers. He aid: "Wa i SSpetal Sales at Waldron's to-night a atighi "to secure a title persistently, and result d in uncover out over the losing and finding of galot des 20 build weiss of the oh not have rounded off our schome of vaudeville, Grand Opera House, 2.30 it ecems that he has since realized | 1Ng the m ssing $35,000, but where | the 3.000 caused much surprise : | at : ye oh 1 ng A % he} cocial reform until we have added t and 8 p.m., Monday | that he said something impolite 1 building of Dreadnoughits old age pensions and uncmploy ment Inn it was located has riot been mad family and among the residents © ' 3 | 14th Regt. Pariles to Sydenham | nanch, last night, he apologized, say public, and an effort will be made tothe district in gene ral Detective At Cincnnati, Ohio, William Chris-|insurance some prov iston fo thos street Methodist Church, 11 a.m. Sun : = : 1 v « 'he had made the remark jocular-+ keep the particulars cf the find heen working on the case since. | tic Herron, aged sixty-six, the noted |w ho fall by ihe way before they react i MARRIED. a. ' y ) st lall, world peace advocate, philanthropist, | old age, ihrough no fault of their own | RODDICK --RHODES In Rijou Theatre--' "The Girl And I'he =ithol » t He ld not meant it seriously or|sceret. 1 i ire " : an RE i all fo h Devil © pdupted from Faust and | M a ght to the lads Neverthele n and millionaire, died on Friday. and whose cases equally ca I for t phistopheles i ore yr it extremely. The . April bank statoment . Jiows intervention of parliament I'hat i For Hats of comfort', : 1 = = Ee : FOUND.-ON- A RAFT. T AWAKEN HER. commercial loans in Canada are in- | our alternative to .the poor law And superior make > = - - u creasing andi that bank deposits arc LORS Mila is opany sev Years Tor Horse Thiet A Relic of the Missing Steame: Strang JE Steep ng Girl Re £105.61%.037 more than last vear. WILL BE TAXED. Jmonton, A By 2« 1 tam | Adelia Shores. 1 From Wabash * The aree against ox-President Ca -------- : arrested a year ago lor PSE : : hea Victoria Day. Kin AFrester. tal a y k } i 8 )2 1 1 1 [ay 22. --Godla, the , Venezuela, for his complicity | Bachelors, Widows and Childle ic y alit subcequently thus vseapin Detroit, Mich, ay | : u.15--Automobile Parade prt ine > belonging to ihe steamer £ 3 plot to assassinate "Gomee, th Married Couples. 0. 30--Motor Beat Races from the mounted police, Was sO} oo yt April 20th, has = been | Nrider, \ : u ions cine | present president, has been dismiseex v Ml of _1n. t | Bu----Lacronse Mute senpes A peven years after pleading hE iii hd t of Mun n be nine o'cloc ' HC PVE Hon 1. P. Grahan. intends to cros enna a fine 7 di r se) east oO sing 1 ar wtorday . Heer, effort the Atlantic this summer. . He will | Yesterday, the finan "mn ? speech dealing with the budget 00--Marathon Ratt wilty to' ten count He seeming \ | - 2 arade, 1 ; t arquette fis tug t consis i t A en | 80--Military ade | became penitent after his arrest a Marquette fishing ug n t : : investigate. the question of govern p.m.--~Horse Races - 1 : od of the deck, tharly no aval ' ov--Baseball Match voar ago and offered to show the po- | od of 'a- part of Le 8 ! - : ole | { 1 ment railwavs in Germany and else ; ar which were coat and 1 Mi Krider £ 0, . . Artillery Sports, lior where a pumber of mu lereds mien Squares on re a i : : Won Sa \ where on the continent aperts . : yar, the ie % z e nme hd > e so. = huto: BY ¢ oncert, Market | wore buried. He made his escape in | € ar, Lhe al ter " Ain t . J 8 prepamng Ju 1 Arey Hanson, an csaped lunatic stable window. A \delia + hores n the coal was . ' ' . vom Elgin, 1l., is sought for, as he | fo ook vo fool-hardily ven- | seaman's union card made ont to : : R ' : i setting 'ni op PRL May 22nd, In Canadian History. |'"" : : t Toi Ry 8 ig ny ig Y Poter-Olcon. A hole had been bro} ' who were not at = Lis suspected of = ting mincteen incrs =| tured back into the city, and was ¢ : fh " ; N43 y » rv fires in Chicago. So far one lile | 1814--Alexander Henry IL. fur trades »ocl through the deck, and ihe oar st Lime In the letter A Y ] in : . ri realized and explorer, drowned at the inouth of | cOgnIACL. i} 4 It thought at 'Olson | V8 about to fall asleep { it jo | has been los the Columbia riyer ris through at. IOUT vit oh a vould | i unke . I Pugsle : ke. | : 185 d==Jacoh Qould Schurman, Presi F The Holida used the oar to steer his raft. but had ep would be of yknown : Hon. Dr agsley expec He to mak "Look over vour lawn for bald p 2 . 3 ® QO \ « { « ' dent of ; Sorell, u niver sity, berm ir ox he 0 W : tnably been washed off into the sea t > ; ' . ext m ely, a depat imme nia out "1 spots," sprinkle Kentucky lawn gras . sland I kint i hats om ; i e dnts foun : \ nepoctis i ks: now | : 3 r rinse Iie A pnd. signed. the pro A 1 kin ke, Oi oaune ats, i -------- oh pas t Teun 1m hon the p yic baad Ta seer] and rake it ll in Sold 1 ROBERT J. REID, / " > 25¢. up, at Campbe ros, : n 1 £ rne inte n oa under Way in the various paris o he nest : et FOE 3 ciamuation uniting the provinces of Can | I Borden Six Years For Bank President X J nw He will go Ea to the) Ringsion only at Gibson's Red T The Leading Undertaker. " ta nto one dominio ¢ ems -- . oO . 2 x ul nen BY » = A rug store y " : 4 A k72--Earl of Dufferin appointed Goy Fhe" tennis and croquet grounds « New 'Orleans, May 22.--William Ad St-------- Pacific coast : a : romani the sawn about Phone, 577. AR7 Privcess strect p one! (anada 1 ' \ , ete f is priating + 1 ; : b > tr erpgr-General of Ca A pper panquetted | the Y W.C.A. will open May 24th Sea- | .er, i conv ted of - nih Cl Eu : Furs HUSBAND FROM WILL Ir. George A. Gates, former head of | locking the stable door after: thet eee ------ + 1 » HAs > a ° a 3 3 at Amherst, Nova Scotia : son tickets, Ble. to members. Apply | Bu x t \ RN seine a iw --er-- Pomona, Cal. Coliege, who resigned | horse 1s stolen How about vou P| 0 PH tO F } 3 Ss wo ¥ Fie = wi f J f i : thiFarl of Absrdeon appointed Gov-| a¢ the rooms, 196 Johnson street tiona Jan Bs ew Orleans; of which | Taft Fortune to Waiter ' Son-- | soon after Christmas on account of | jusurance ? See McCann. J nd HM lade p (lene )! . 3 > SOAs y y « ras "0 y as se ed to Si . : . x ernopr-treneral = Now comes the season of the dan w was president, was sentenced 1 x Sceentrice i failing health and i« now on a xX All our summer millinery ready. Mi ams an larma ceentric Will ing 1897--Hon. E. J. Flynh, Premier. © » . . . Last A gerous back yard bonfire, Are you ears in the federal prison at Atlanta ya tr inenlas : 5 a Quebec, resigned gero ack { Milwa eo. Mav 22.--A husband cut months' trip to the Antipodes, is Sutherland, 'The London Millinery We have a full stock of the 1PoS--Hen. C. S. Hyman sworn in as] well insured ? Sce McCann. Georgia. ¥ Minister of Public Works : ' fourid ten miles nounced a plan for new {taxes ing a suppléméntary mcome 1 pt | bachelors. widows and childies a Bon | ried couples, and also on matches ai u ral | 11 iicrement - land - values Under the new S12.000 000 would b the dusk through a LX he said with : a son who has w wndered ollowing ma rae m-------------- away and is now a waiter in a restau ant, wit a bequest of $10,000 await- 9 IK | ON THIEVES ing him another sop. a physician, CROSSE & BLACKWELL. . now under sentence of imprisonment KEILLER. ' NE for malpractice, cor ting the will JOB DIN a | these are some of we strange features LIPTON. of. the court hg ng wage re : BATCER SETS Jeckyll and Hyde Party Who Worked in Day 2," "© woe aged vee | 40 Eetraordiaary Case Presented to Vienna 07°50 and Robbed at Night. i Boiiba, oE meh Doctors. fa.1 56. Slate 85 each, beaueathing S10.000 to her ---------- After stock-taking we find about a dozen dinner sets, short a few 5 favorite son. Otte; who, through th 5 small pieces, and for, your own . : Ya} , .. | efforts of the loeal Y.M.C.A., has bem ondon, May. 22.--An « xiraordinar, | fist named # wo alt the | ig Hi use, as goods as a complete set, London, May 22. --A young man, entitled Fallen Among ( ie, 1 \ hl : o <q {knew nothing wo calendar a > i : 0 , : D ¢ « "harolary ; located in the humble position of alcasn of memory in a ten vear-oid idiot i : : we offer them all at 30 to 40 per William Parker, sentenced at the Lon- [1 escribing a burglary prison er dl NaTtor «restaurant 1 A ¢ 3 THe boy is the 4 ra : ' » 4 aite i 4 ste an in 08 r A - 3 ast sot di yo : cent. reduction, every sct.a snap. don sessions lew being in possession of We entered at the back, ¢ g 1 ww was presented at the last mee ting Feer. now. ear 4 Import ted® Of Fine % Le housebreaking implements, was said | sional cracksmen always I y oi the Vienna Psvechological and Neu | give so promptly t of the wos y y PO eee ave been engaged in | the back. | saidto my 1 "Th : . is. eb 5 em ee From $4 90to 11 50 ; y hi > hil i bg oped : le t 1 indow wil Noted Boston Man Dies ical Society Without a mo-jolany date m a thous ars, bo} burglary whilst passing quite re plate giass 1nd Vii lave 0 = \ : . 1 ' > exit . . : Ee lastion 9%. .One ¢ 2 : esitation he could te the | replisd by giving one ol ' MME spectable, He was first sentenced in| My friend s > Ww ve de Boston, M: y_ = f Boston's i the weel ; date mention- | form - wach matters ic} . su R NEEDS : 3 nhilant htopist baz si the k vw de mtio t sau a } 1904 to fifteen months' hard labor | that, but 1 said 'I only put that one | leading philant wopists, Benjamin ( £9 : | the dat : vod . " : a W o y and (ras 3 ) i % { v 1 ot 2 also t name, « , and the « ol appear ave rocd out i € b for housebres king. At the time Par-|in a short time ago; the putty is still VOT ince retirement | oir H P Not too. thi ft wi want ' ¢:'% 3 { 3 1 < any . | ker lived in small workshop which | soit, \¢ a matter of lact, 1 the ir y We ludia trade, has 0 . ty ' B : tivector ol 8 fim : nav : # a a tel t direct ¢ we asviim wi officer, prisoner had worked at many | ani prisoner. died 'Thursday, y and accurately | But the di » i : 4 day the bov'is an inmate sad it Robertson Bros. |i." er | pt Ss . wid b cans of a secre assage at | of the rouse hich he aftecwards | the age Jd seventy-six vears. - | such guestic \ S . ) : is at As | em = . he see Of § SOCIEL pussage Nt (io od hot x Bn : (1 3 he { il June 4th, 18087 "When 4 'easily ascertained thal Ie mache 1 19 | Received From Brockville the rear was able to to the backs { robbed. srk was the dee f consular 1 th, I ery x : ad ed. 3 be 8 ; % vil : - fl in th neighborhood an ( [ ei ( months' 1 ice im this ty, | ng served . 1917 fow long he lat all of «uch formulas. ese fot I'hree entrie § Were receive rom 1 = con burglary with impunity A | labor was pa ular of Havti for forty-three year Arniva in 1924 2? When is Easter, | las would net aid him in awmg « oe + for the Victoria Day roa d Campbell Bros'. To-Night. meson doctor has described him a i -------------------- { et ------ 400.7" His answers were given with dates of the mos able fo sha MOTE ace a include a lard ite, " I 3 il" e : hostile s € to y years y a cdo Pra Rar For nobby green soft hats, double cunning. I' Why not become a modern city! Buy your oil cloth and linoleum, | out hestation, and were invariably over, thew apply equa > the vear Roy. 1% rd anc aordon : raser. nese Prisoner, said Inspector Neil, as {farmer ®' Run a farm and stiV Alive las we lay it free of charee, at James | correct. . : . bifore and after 2000 A.l : -White won the race here on Victoria Owdensburg, N.Y. wants ats te writing - the story of his life and in town. See our list of desirable Reid's, : Cutonsly enough, his range of me- It would appeak that > \ Day last. graph offices to he kepti:optn all Jofficer read some extraordinary »x- | "close in' farms and garden tracts. Amateur outfits, supplies dnd work | mory was bounded sharply by the { knowledge must be based in some Way night . tracts from the MMS, The book was | Me ann, done promptly, at Weese veais 1000 and 2000 AD. Before the lupon memorized material, ght, ¥ ) ; almana a 2 a { = Phone, ------------------------ Qee Bibby's elegant $1 shirts, a ENR 555518 y ws < TES